Journals Library

The report should provide a comprehensive account of the research, including the data, context, background literature, aims, methods, results and conclusions together with management information and any other information relating to the project up to the completion date.  See the relevant Report Types section for the content headings expected for different types of report.

  • Results
    • Figures / tables of results
    • Boxes of results / quotes
  • Prisma /Consort / STROBE / EMERALD flowcharts
  • Recruitment information / profiles
  • Details of interventions
  • Framework (or equivalent) analysis
  • Discussion
    • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Section (mandatory from 1st April 2022)
    • Patient and Public Involvement Section (mandatory from 1st April 2022)
  • Algorithms and Models
  • Data sources
  • Statistical tests, trends etc.
  • Primary qualitative data