Journals Library


It is expected that you will submit a complete manuscript, taking care to ensure that content and presentation are to the highest possible standard on submission.

Before you submit your manuscript, please ensure that you have completed the necessary forms:

  • ICMJE Disclosure of Interest form completed by each author. Please ensure each Author adds any NIHR committee/board memberships to the form.
  • A completed copy of the Editorial Criteria Checklist.
  • An Order of authors form, agreed and signed by each author. Please ensure all authors are listed on the form in the order they appear on the title page. We can accept multiple forms as long as all author are listed on each copy. Please also ensure each author adds their ORCiDs.
  • Completed reporting guidelines as appropriate for the study type.
  • A completed permissions checklist. If no permissions are required please tick n/a and submit the form.
  • A CHEERS checklist for all manuscripts that contain a substantial economic evaluation or cost-effectiveness component.
  • For HTA manuscripts only – a completed CONSORT extension for abstracts.

Please also check that you have done the following before submitting your manuscript:

  • Ensured that the main body of your manuscript adheres to the word limit for your publication type. Please note if your manuscript is over this limit, it will be rejected and sent back for you to reduce.
  • Ensured that all references are in Vancouver format.
  • Provided tables and figures in an editable format (not as embedded images) within the main body of the text and ensured they are numbered consecutively.
  • Received and paid for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, web shots and so on.
  • Included original files for forms, questionnaires and trial documentation to be included in the appendices or as standalone docs/ supplementary material.
  • If you have an updated version of your protocol that has not been sent and approved, please inform your publications manager upon submission of your manuscript.

Once you have completed all of the necessary forms, these should be submitted with your manuscript online.

To submit your final manuscript, please send this by email to You should also send by email all necessary forms and any supplementary material to be included on your project page on the Funding and Awards website.

If the final protocol differs substantially from the original, please provide a list of the important or significant changes that were made, with a brief description of each, via email to This will assist the Editors when undertaking their review.

For PGfAR reports only - please note you should submit your final report in the manner prescribed by the Programme. If in doubt please contact your Programme Manager.