Article history
The research reported in this issue of the journal was commissioned and funded by the HTA Programme on behalf of NICE as project number 06/12/01. The protocol was agreed in May 2007. The assessment report began editorial review in December 2007 and was accepted for publication in June 2008. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the referees for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report.
Declared competing interests of authors
Professor Tom Walley is Director of the HTA Programme. His employer is reimbursed for time allocated to duties as Director. Dr Ade Olujohungbe has declared receiving honoraria from Novartis (manufacturer of deferoxamine and deferasirox) for consultancy, speaking and attending a symposium.
Copyright statement
© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. This monograph may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NCCHTA, Alpha House, Enterprise Road, Southampton Science Park, Chilworth, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO
Chapter 1 Assessment aims
The review evaluated the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of deferasirox in the treatment of iron overload due to red blood cell transfusions (transfusional haemosiderosis) in patients suffering with chronic anaemia, such as sickle cell anaemia, beta-thalassaemia major (beta-TM) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).
Comparisons have been made between deferasirox and deferoxamine (DFO), deferiprone or placebo.
To ensure that the wider picture of iron-chelating therapy is considered, comparisons were also made between deferiprone (alone and in combination with DFO) and DFO (alone and in combination with DFO).
Chapter 2 Background
Description of health problem
For many patients with chronic anaemias, regular red blood cell transfusions are life saving. However, with each unit of transfused blood, 200–250 mg of iron is transferred to the patient. There are no natural means of removing excess iron from the body and so iron gradually accumulates (over 5–10 years) to toxic levels that affect major organs such as the heart and liver. 1 This condition, commonly known as iron overload or transfusional haemosiderosis, can cause organ damage and death. 2 Currently the only way to prevent this is by long-term chelation therapy.
Aetiology, pathology and prognosis
The aetiology, pathology and prognosis of iron overload in transfusion-dependent anaemia is somewhat dependent on the underlying anaemic condition. The most common chronic anaemic conditions that require frequent blood transfusions are beta-TM, sickle cell disease (SCD) and MDS.
Beta-thalassaemia and SCD are recessively inherited anaemias caused by variants of the haemoglobin genes. People who inherit one affected beta-globin gene are healthy carriers (e.g. of beta-thalassaemia, or haemoglobin E, S or C).
People who inherit two beta-thalassaemia genes (or one beta-thalassaemia gene and one haemoglobin E gene) have a serious, usually transfusion-dependent anaemia. Those who need to start regular transfusions before 2 years of age are said to have beta-TM. A minority have a milder disorder not requiring regular transfusions in early life but may become transfusion dependent later: these are said to have beta-thalassaemia intermedia (beta-TI).
Individuals who inherit two genes for haemoglobin S, SS, or one gene for haemoglobin S and one gene for beta-thalassaemia or haemoglobin C, D Punjab or O Arab have a sickle cell disorder.
Beta-thalassaemia major
Newborns with beta-TM have a near total inability to produce beta-globin chains, leading to a deficiency in the production of haemoglobin. By the age of 6 months the child will begin to develop severe anaemia, which, if left untreated, will lead to increased erythropoietin production and expansion of the ineffective bone marrow, bone deformities, growth retardation, hypersplenism and eventually death.
Treatment by regular blood transfusion reverses these pathological mechanisms so that growth and development are normal until around 11 years of age. 3,4 However, with each transfusion, iron is deposited in the body, particularly in the heart, liver and endocrine system. 5 The resulting iron overload causes failure of growth and development at puberty and early death (between 12 and 24 years of age), usually from cardiac complications. 6
Patients who are given iron chelation therapy have the potential to live into their 40s and beyond. 6 Unfortunately, adherence to treatment is suboptimal, particularly in adolescents and young adults, with as many as one-third of patients non-compliant with treatment. 7 This non-adherence to therapy is thought to be the major contributing factor to deaths in younger patients. 6
Other beta-thalassaemias
Beta-TI encompasses a broad spectrum of severity ranging from transfusion-independent mild anaemia to a condition that resembles beta-TM. 8 Most patients do not receive frequent blood transfusions in their early years although a majority become transfusion dependent as a result of complications later in life. Even without regular transfusions patients can develop iron overload because of ineffective erythropoiesis and intestinal iron absorption, although this generally occurs later in life. 8
Haemoglobin E/beta-thalassaemia also has a wide spectrum of severity: about 25% of patients have mild thalassaemia intermedia and rarely develop significant problems or require treatment. 8 Up to 50% have typical thalassaemia intermedia and may develop iron overload as a result of transfusions or increased gastrointestinal (GI) iron absorption. 8 The remainder have thalassaemia major8 and are at risk of transfusional iron overload from an early age.
Sickle cell disease
SCD is a highly heterogeneous group of disorders in which the red blood cells contain haemoglobin S with little or no normal haemoglobin A and can sickle when they are short of oxygen. The common, severe form is sickle cell anaemia (SS or homozygous haemoglobin S).
By the age of 6–9 months most children with homozygous SCD rapidly develop haemolytic anaemia because of a substantial decrease in the survival of red blood cells (17 days compared with 120 days in healthy people). 9 To partly compensate for the reduced oxygen-carrying capacity, patients often have an increased plasma volume and enlarged heart.
Patients with SCD also develop vaso-occlusion in which the sickled red blood cells block blood vessels in the body leading to ‘painful crisis’, acute chest syndrome and stroke. 10–12 Painful crisis itself is not life threatening but a recent study indicates that almost 60% of SCD patients who die suddenly of natural causes or within 24 hours of seeking emergency care initially presented with painful crisis. 13 The majority of deaths in homozygous SCD patients are due to infections (48%) or stroke (10%). 13
In SCD patients, chronic blood transfusions are primarily given to prevent secondary stroke and, more recently, primary stroke. 14 The ideal duration of transfusion therapy is yet to be determined, although at least 3 years has been proposed and possibly lifelong. 15 Chronic transfusion therapies have also been initiated to prevent acute chest syndrome, to reduce the incidence of painful crises, and in chronic heart failure or renal failure in SCD. 14 The ideal transfusion intensity and duration are uncertain.
As with the thalassaemic patients, repeated blood transfusions for SCD can quickly cause iron overload. The pathology of iron overload in SCD patients has not been as widely studied as that in thalassaemia patients but the limited evidence suggests that the pattern of iron-induced organ damage differs in SCD patients compared with thalassaemia patients. 16 SCD patients appear to have less liver disease and endocrine dysfunction than beta-thalassaemia patients. 16 It is also possible that SCD patients may be protected from iron-induced cardiac damage. 16,17 Further research is needed to confirm these findings as the studies thus far have been of small size and have been unable to adequately match participants for age and transfusion burden. As thalassaemia patients typically receive transfusions more frequently and from an earlier age than SCD patients, this may be a confounding factor.
The survival of iron-overloaded SCD patients receiving chelation therapy has not been determined. In view of the evidence that the pattern of iron-induced organ damage may not be the same in SCD as in thalassaemia, it seems conceivable that the survival advantage offered by chelators may also differ depending on the underlying anaemic condition.
Myelodysplastic syndrome
MDS is a heterogeneous group of diseases typified by bone marrow failure and an increased risk of developing myeloid leukaemia. The primary form of MDS generally occurs in patients over 50 years of age; the secondary form can occur at any age and is acquired from bone marrow damage following chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
There are two classification systems for MDS: the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) classification system. These are used to indicate a patient’s risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia. According to the IPSS, patients are classified as being at low, intermediate-1, intermediate-2 or high risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia, with median survivals of 5.7, 3.5, 1.2 and 0.4 years respectively. 18
The WHO classification for MDS patients is split into eight categories: RA, RARS, RCMD, RCMD-RS, RAEB-1, RAEB-2, MDS del (5q) and MDS-U. 19 There is no simple relationship between the IPSS and the WHO systems, although patients at low and intermediate-1 risk (IPSS) fall into the following WHO subgroups: RA, RARS, RCMD, RCMD-RS and MDS del (5q). 20 Nonetheless, a number of patients at low and intermediate-1 risk can be found in the remaining WHO subgroups. 20 See Appendix 1 for the WHO classification system.
Patients with MDS frequently have transfusion-dependent anaemia and after receiving more than 20 units of red blood cells risk developing iron overload. 20 There are few data on the pattern of iron-induced organ damage in MDS patients or on the benefits of chelation therapy although a recent small study indicated that there may be potential survival benefits to treating this patient population. 21
Other rare anaemias
There are a number of rare anaemic conditions that may require frequent blood transfusions, such as Diamond Blackfan anaemia (DBA) and aplastic anaemia.
DBA is a rare heterogeneous congenital bone marrow failure disorder characterised by low red blood cells and the development of anaemia, typically within the first 2 years of life. 22 The majority of patients can be managed by steroids but some patients require frequent blood transfusions either in combination with steroids or alone, which can lead to iron overload. 22
Aplastic anaemia is a rare disorder caused by bone marrow failure; aplastic anaemia usually refers to the acquired form of the condition although there are a number of inherited forms such as Fanconi anaemia. The acquired form generally occurs as the result of an autoimmune reaction, typically idiopathically (no known cause). 23 The majority of patients will require frequent blood transfusions at some time in their life (potentially lifelong) and are hence at risk of iron overload.
Evidence on the incidence and prevalence of iron overload in the UK is not currently available. Indirect estimates can be produced by calculating the size of the population undergoing frequent blood transfusions and hence at risk of iron overload. The population size will vary depending on the underlying anaemic condition. As discussed earlier, the most common conditions requiring frequent blood transfusions are beta-TM, SCD and MDS.
Beta-thalassaemia major
The most reliable and up-to-date estimates of the number of beta-TM patients in the UK are thought to be held in the UK Thalassaemia Register. The register contains data such as date of birth, ethnicity, UK region of origin, deaths and cause of death. The database was thought to be 97% complete but unfortunately became inactive at the end of 2003. For the purpose of this HTA report the authors were granted access to an anonymised copy of the register. The database has information on 850 patients diagnosed with beta-TM, of whom 696 were alive in 2003. In general, the majority of beta-TM patients in the UK are of Indian, Pakistani or Mediterranean origin (see Figure 1). There is wide geographic variance in the distribution of beta-TM in the UK, with the majority of patients residing in the south of England (see Figure 2). However, clinical experts indicate that most affected births now occur in the Midlands and the north.
Of the 696 beta-TM patients alive in 2003, 72 had undergone bone marrow transplantation and thus were not considered to be undergoing chronic blood transfusions. The remaining 624 patients were assumed to be receiving chronic transfusions and hence to be at risk of suffering from iron overload. The Office for National Statistics estimated the UK population to be 59,533,800 in mid 2003. 24 Using these figures we estimate the prevalence of iron overload in beta-TM patients to be approximately 1 per 100,000 population in the UK. However, as shown by Figures 1 and 2, the prevalence of iron-overloaded beta-TM patients in the UK will vary significantly depending on the geographic location and the presence of certain ethnic groups.
The incidence of iron-overloaded beta-TM patients is a factor of both the number of affected individuals migrating to the UK and the number of affected births, which in turn is dependent on the uptake of screening programmes. There may be a lag between the date of birth and the diagnosis of beta-TM, and similarly between the diagnosis of beta-TM and the development of iron overload. However, for our purposes we will assume that the annual number of births reported to the UK Thalassaemia Register approximately equates to the incidence of beta-TM.
The UK Thalassaemia Register did not have any patients listed as being born in 2003. This is to be expected as patients are rarely diagnosed at birth. To calculate the incidence of iron-overloaded beta-TM patients in 2003, the number of patients born in each year between 1990 and 2003 (see Figure 3) was estimated. Taking the mean gives an incidence of 15 iron-overloaded beta-TM patients per year. Using 2003 UK population figures (59,533,800) this gives an incidence rate of 0.03 iron-overloaded beta-TM patients per 100,000 population in the UK.
Other beta-thalassaemias
Analysis of the UK Thalassaemia Register indicates that in 2003 there were 99 beta-TI patients and 63 haemoglobin E/beta-thalassaemia patients who had not had a bone marrow transplant. Only a small proportion of these are likely to be at risk of iron overload.
Sickle cell disease
Approximately 12,500 individuals are estimated to be living with SCD in the UK, and in the region of 318 infants are born with SCD annually in England (Allison Streetly, Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme, October 2007, personal communication). Approximately 5% of SCD patients receive chronic transfusions. 14 Applying this figure to the population of SCD patients in the UK (12,500) gives a prevalence of approximately 625 chronically transfused patients potentially suffering from iron overload. The incidence of iron-overloaded SCD patients in the UK can be calculated in a similar way (i.e. applying 5% to 318 infants born each year) and is estimated to be approximately 16 infants annually.
Using 2003 UK population figures (59,533,800) gives a prevalence rate of 1.04 and an incidence rate of 0.02 iron-overloaded SCD patients per 100,000 population in the UK. However, given recent evidence that transfusions can help prevent primary stroke in high-risk children25 it is likely that the prevalence and incidence rates may increase.
SCD is primarily found in black ethnicities (predominantly from sub-Saharan Africa). As such there is a very unequal geographic distribution of SCD in the UK, with the highest density being located in inner city areas with a high proportion of ethnic minority populations. 26
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Epidemiological data on MDS are sparse. There are no estimates of the prevalence of MDS. Several studies, both in the UK and elsewhere, have attempted to estimate the incidence of MDS and report rates ranging from 1 to 12.6 per 100,000 population. 27–38 The estimates were generally higher for the UK ranging from 3.6 (England and Wales only) to 12.6 per 100,000. 28,31,33,35 Using UK 2003 population estimates (59,533,800) this equates to an annual incidence of MDS in the UK of approximately 2143–7501. However, not all MDS patients require chronic transfusions and not all transfusion-dependent MDS patients are at risk of iron overload.
One study20 based on the WHO classification scheme ascertained that only RA/RARS patients receiving chronic blood transfusions are at risk of iron-induced morbidity and mortality, because of their prolonged survival. RA/RARs patients accounted for approximately 23% (110/467) of all MDS patients in the study. Approximately 10% of the total (48/467) were also transfusion dependent and therefore at risk of iron overload. Hence, the incidence of MDS patients requiring transfusions and at risk of iron overload can be estimated as approximately 0.36–1.26 per 100,000 population. Using 2003 UK population figures (59,533,800) this gives an incidence of approximately 214–750 iron-overloaded MDS patients per year in the UK.
As there was no estimate of the prevalence of iron overload in MDS patients, we attempted to calculate a rough estimate using the incidence rate and the median survival. Ideally mean survival would be used because survival distributions tend to be skewed, but when mean data are not available the median can provide a rough estimate. Malcovati et al. 20 calculated the median survival in RA/RARS as approximately 9 years (108 months). Given an incidence of 214–750 cases per year and a survival of 9 years this gives a prevalence of 1924–6750 patients in the UK (prevalence rate of 3.2–11.3 per 100,000 population).
Other rare anaemias
The prevalence and incidence of iron overload in other anaemic conditions is difficult to estimate because of the rarity of the conditions and/or the spectrum of transfusional requirements; however, numbers are likely to be extremely small. For example, estimates of DBA indicate that there are in the region of 125 patients in the UK,22 not all of whom will be suffering from iron overload.
Impact of health problem
Iron overload caused by frequent blood transfusions is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The majority of evidence is derived from studies of beta-TM patients, in which the link between iron overload and reduced survival has been most clearly documented. 6 Patients with beta-TM and iron overload have increased cardiac complications, which have a major bearing upon mortality. 5 The effects of iron overload in SCD and MDS patients have been less widely studied. As with beta-TM patients, SCD patients are often young when transfusions are initiated. However, SCD is a very different condition and transfusions are not often continued lifelong, so the potential for iron overload may be less than in beta-TM patients. Similarly, the potential for MDS patients to accumulate iron may be limited as these patients are generally older and may not survive long enough to accumulate iron to toxic levels. Nevertheless, regardless of the underlying anaemic condition, the burden of iron overload in those patients who receive frequent blood transfusions for a prolonged period of time is likely to be considerable. However, because of the rarity of the condition, the financial impact upon the NHS is unlikely to be great. It is worth noting that the financial impact is likely to vary across primary care trusts (PCTs) because of the unequal geographic distribution of disorders, particularly with regards to beta-TM and SCD.
Measurement of iron overload
Liver iron concentration (LIC) is generally considered the reference standard for estimating iron burden. 8 This is typically measured from liver biopsy samples but may also be measured using superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), both of which are non-invasive but which may not be available in all centres. All of these measures are subject to variability because of a lack of standardisation of methodology; furthermore, estimates of LIC via biopsy may not equate with SQUID or MRI measures (personal communication with clinicians).
The target for liver iron levels is below 7 mg/g dry weight (dw). 8 Levels above 15 mg/g have been associated with a high risk of cardiac death in thalassaemia patients. 3,4 However, levels below 1 mg/g are evidence of overchelation, which is also undesirable.
In clinical practice, serum ferritin monitoring is more commonly used to assess the total body iron burden and monitor the patient’s response to treatment, as liver biopsies carry a morbidity and mortality risk. 39 Serum ferritin testing is well established and easy to perform, although single measurements may not be as reliable as LIC. 8,40 However, a long-term profile should be indicative of the overall trend in body iron stores. Maintaining a ferritin level of approximately 1000 µg/l or less has been recommended in thalassaemia and SCD patients. 8,40
A recent extension of the use of MRI is in the assessment of cardiac iron burden, a technique known as T2* cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR). This method is of particular value in thalassaemia patients, for whom iron-induced cardiac dysfunction is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. 6 This method has not been directly calibrated against myocardial iron content but is widely acknowledged as useful for detecting cardiac iron overload. 41 A recent study estimated that severe iron overload in the heart was present when T2* was < 10 ms. 42 Considering that iron-induced cardiac damage is reversible with intensive chelation therapy if treatment is initiated early enough, timely detection is crucial. 43 The general consensus is that myocardial iron cannot be predicted from LIC or serum ferritin and that conventional measurements of cardiac function only detect those with advanced disease. 41 It is therefore likely that this method will increasingly be used, particularly in thalassaemia patients and/or patients at risk of cardiac complications.
Current service provision
Current treatments for iron overload
The conventional treatment for transfusional haemosiderosis is chelation therapy aimed at reducing iron stores or maintaining an iron balance. Treatment with iron chelators is primarily governed by the degree of iron overload and the transfusional requirements of patients. The risk of iron overload increases once patients have received approximately 20 transfusions.
Currently in the UK, patients presenting with transfusional haemosiderosis are treated with DFO. Thalassaemia patients (over the age of 6 years) who cannot tolerate DFO have the option to try deferiprone. 44 There is also growing off-licence usage of DFO in combination with deferiprone in thalassaemia patients following recent reports of their synergistic effects, particularly with regard to cardiac iron levels. 45,46
According to the licensed indications thalassaemia patients younger than 6 years and other transfusion-dependent anaemic patients (such as those with SCD and MDS) do not have the option to switch to deferiprone. 44 Discussions with clinicians indicate that deferiprone has been used off licence in younger thalassaemia patients and in thalassaemia intermedia, SCD and MDS patients. There is, however, little evidence in the literature on the efficacy and safety of deferiprone in these patient populations.
DFO (Desferal®; Novartis) is a large molecule that binds iron in a 1:1 ratio and is subsequently excreted in the urine and faeces. It is available for treating iron overload in patients suffering from beta-TM, SCD and MDS, as well as other transfusion-dependent anaemias and iron-loading conditions. The major drawback of DFO is that its short half-life and the fact that it cannot be absorbed from the intestine necessitates that treatment is given as a subcutaneous infusion over 8–12 hours, five to seven times per week. The dose varies depending on the degree of iron overload and the age of the patient. For established overload the dose is usually between 20 and 50 mg/kg daily. 47
DFO can be administered in a number of ways but the two most common methods are via the traditional pump or via disposable balloon infusers. The traditional pump is relatively inexpensive but is noisy and cumbersome and also necessitates that patients mix their doses of DFO. The balloon infuser is much more expensive but is smaller and quieter and comes with premixed doses of DFO. As such it is thought to assist with patient compliance as it reduces the patient burden and facilitates normal daily activities.
The most commonly reported side effects are injection site reactions (≥ 1/10), arthralgia/myalgia (≥ 1/10), headache (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), urticaria (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), nausea (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10) and pyrexia (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10). 48
Ocular and auditory disturbances have been reported following prolonged therapy. It is therefore recommended that auditory and ocular tests be carried out before long-term therapy and at 3-monthly intervals thereafter. 48 Growth retardation has also been linked with excessive doses of DFO, hence 3-monthly checks of weight and height are recommended in children. 48
Deferiprone (Ferriprox®; Swedish Orphan) is an oral iron chelator that binds iron in a 3:1 ratio and is subsequently excreted primarily in the urine. Its European licence limits its use to thalassaemia patients over the age of 6 years in whom DFO is contraindicated or is not tolerated. 44 For adults and children over 6 years of age it is given at a dose of 25 mg/kg three times daily (maximum dose 100 mg/kg daily). 47
The most commonly reported side effects are nausea (≥ 1/10), abdominal pain (≥ 1/10), vomiting (≥ 1/10), arthralgia (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), neutropenia (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), increased appetite (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10) and agranulocytosis (1/100). 49
Because of the risk of neutropenia and agranulocytosis, deferiprone is contraindicated in patients with a history of recurrent episodes of neutropenia or a single episode of agranulocytosis. 49 Weekly neutrophil counts are recommended for all patients receiving deferiprone; in the case of neutropenia, rechallenge is not recommended; in the case of agranulocytosis, rechallenge is contraindicated. 49
There have been no studies in patients with hepatic or renal impairment; in these patients hepatic or renal function should be monitored regularly. 49 Special care must also be taken in patients with hepatitis C; careful monitoring of liver histology is recommended. 49
Because of the relative rarity of iron overload there are no national service frameworks nor any national (UK) guidelines on how to treat patients with this condition. There are, however, a number of disease-specific guidelines, which are not necessarily restricted to the UK.
As an adjunct to the Thalassaemia International Federation Guidelines for the clinical management of thalassaemia,8 the UK Thalassaemia Society produced the Standards for the clinical care of children and adults with thalassaemia in the UK. 50 These guidelines state that subcutaneous DFO therapy should be initiated after transfusion-dependent children receive 10–12 transfusions or when the serum ferritin level is consistently greater than 1000 µg/l. Deferiprone therapy, in combination with DFO or alone, should be restricted to patients with high iron levels after first attempting to improve adherence with DFO. 50 It is worth noting that both of these guidelines were issued before deferasirox was generally available. Individual centres typically have their own guidelines that are more up to date.
Sickle cell disease
The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute guidelines40 recommend initiation of chelation therapy once liver iron stores reach 7 mg/g dw or when cumulative transfusions reach approximately 120 cc of packed red blood cells per kilogram of body weight. They also state that serum ferritin levels above 1000 µg/l may be used as an indicator but stress that there is a risk of under- or overtreatment because of the unreliability of this measure in SCD patients.
Myelodysplastic syndrome
The British Society for Haematology51 recommends iron chelation therapy for patients who have received approximately 25 units of red cells and for whom long-term transfusion therapy is likely, such as patients with MDS del (5q). Target serum ferritin levels of < 1000 µg/l are recommended. At the time of issuing guidance (2003 ) only DFO was advocated; because of a lack of data deferiprone was not recommended. No guidance on deferasirox was issued as the agent was not yet available.
Current service costs
The cost of treating iron overload depends on the perspective taken; from an NHS perspective only the direct health-care costs are considered. These costs comprise the cost of the iron chelator together with any administration (delivery and equipment) and monitoring costs.
Using prices from the British National Formulary (BNF) 5347 for an average 70-kg adult the drug costs of DFO can be estimated to range from £3323 per year (10 mg/kg dose) to £7756 per year (50 mg/kg dose), assuming treatment is required 5 days per week (see). However, in addition to this are the costs of delivery and equipment together with monitoring costs.
The drug costs of deferiprone for an average 70-kg adult receiving 25 mg/kg are approximately £5848 per year (see Table 2). There are no administration costs although a number of monitoring tests are required, including regular neutrophil counts; these should be included in the costing of deferiprone.
Dose | 20 mg/kg | 30 mg/kg | 40 mg/kg | 50 mg/kg |
Required daily dose | 1400 mg | 2100 mg | 2800 mg | 3500 mg |
Number 500 mg vials | 3 | 0 | 2 | 3 |
Number of 2 g vials | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Cost per day | £12.78 | £17.05 | £25.57 | £29.83 |
Cost per year | £3323 | £4433 | £6648 | £7756 |
Required daily dose | 5250 mg |
Number of tablets per day | 10.5 |
Cost per day | £16.02 |
Cost per year | £5848 |
Deferasirox (Exjade®; Novartis) is an orally active iron-chelating agent that binds iron in a 2:1 ratio and is primarily excreted in faeces. It is given once daily as an oral suspension (usually in water or fruit juice) at a dose of 10–30 mg/kg. 47
Deferasirox may be of particular value in treating patients with iron overload who cannot tolerate DFO and who are not suitable for, or who are intolerant of, deferiprone. The ease of administration of deferasirox (oral) compared with DFO (infusional) might improve patient adherence to therapy7 and, if effective, may also improve quality and quantity of life.
Licensed indication
The approved licensed indication in Europe52 is:
the treatment of chronic iron overload due to frequent blood transfusions (≥ 7 ml/kg/month of packed red blood cells) in patients with beta-TM aged 6 years and older
the treatment of chronic iron overload due to blood transfusions when DFO therapy is contraindicated or inadequate in the following patient groups: patients with other anaemias, patients aged 2–5 years, patients with beta-TM with iron overload due to infrequent blood transfusions (< 7 ml/kg/month of packed red blood cells).
Adverse effects and contraindications
The most common side effects reported are increased serum creatinine (≥ 1/10), headache (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), GI disorders including diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), increased ALT (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), proteinuria (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10) and rash (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10). 53
Deferasirox is not recommended in patients with severe hepatic impairment as safety tests have not been performed in this population. 53 Liver function test elevations have been observed in studies, hence monthly liver function tests are recommended. 53
Deferasirox is contraindicated in patients with an estimated creatinine clearance of less than 60 ml/minute. 53 Because of the risk of renal dysfunction, regular creatinine monitoring is recommended as follows: in duplicate before treatment; weekly for the first month of treatment; and then monthly thereafter. 53 Proteinuria tests should also be performed monthly, and additional markers of renal tubular function measured as needed. 53
Auditory and ocular disturbances have been reported. Hence, hearing and eye tests are recommended before treatment and every 12 months thereafter. 53 As a precautionary measure, growth and sexual development should also be monitored annually in children. 53 Cardiac dysfunction should also be measured regularly in individuals with severe iron overload. 53
Cost of deferasirox
The drug costs of deferasirox comprise the cost of the drug itself together with the costs of monitoring. The annual costs of deferasirox in an average 70-kg adult can be estimated to range from £9198 (10 mg/kg dose) to £26,061 (30 mg/kg dose). The costs of monitoring will be similar to those for other iron chelators with the addition of regular creatinine monitoring tests (see Table 3).
Dose | 10 mg/kg | 20 mg/kg | 30 mg/kg |
Required daily dose | 700 mg | 1400 mg | 2100 mg |
Number of tablets | 1 × 500 mg; 1 × 250 mg | 2 × 500 mg; 1 × 250 mg; 1 × 125 mg | 4 × 500 mg; 1 × 125 mg |
Cost per day | £25.20 | £46.20 | £71.40 |
Cost per year | £9198 | £16,863 | £26,061 |
Differentiation between adult and paediatric patients appears to be clinically important as children tend to metabolise deferasirox more rapidly than adults. 54 Patients with different anaemic conditions may also not respond in the same way, as the pattern of iron-induced damage may differ between anaemic conditions.
Guidelines for the usage of deferasirox
There are currently no national guidelines for the use of deferasirox. Comprehensive local guidelines have been developed by Paul Telfer for the use of deferasirox for iron chelation therapy in transfusion-dependent patients managed in the East London and Essex Clinical Haemoglobinopathy Network. A copy of these guidelines is presented in Appendix 2.
Current usage of deferasirox in the NHS
The current usage of deferasirox in the NHS is unknown. Analysis of the 2004 UK Thalassaemia Society patient questionnaire indicates that usage is very low and mainly limited to clinical trials. Contact with clinical experts confirms that deferasirox usage is currently low (estimated to be used in less than 5% of transfusion-dependent patients in the UK), with considerable geographic variability depending on the PCT policy and availability of funding.
We contacted Novartis to obtain more recent and accurate estimates of deferasirox usage in the UK but Novartis felt unable to release this information as it was deemed proprietary (Novartis, July 2007, personal communication).
Previous reviews of effectiveness
Seven published systematic reviews were identified by our search strategy. All of the reviews attempted to address the role of iron chelation therapy for iron overload, of which four also included a meta-analysis (see Appendix 3).
The review by Addis et al. 55 was limited to deferiprone only, with no consideration of comparators. This review was carried out when the use of deferiprone was still relatively rare and consequently the number of patients included in the studies is small and limited to cohort studies. Based on findings from fewer than 100 patients it reported that half of all patients given a dose of deferiprone of 75 mg/kg or more achieved negative iron balance and three-quarters of patients reduced their levels of serum ferritin, on average by almost one-quarter. This review concluded that deferiprone has clinical efficacy in achieving negative iron balance and reducing body iron burden in highly iron-overloaded patients.
The Addis et al. 55 review was subsequently included in the far broader review undertaken by the Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Unit,56 which, in addition to chelation therapy, considered other aspects of thalassaemia management such as screening, transplantation and bone marrow treatment. In terms of chelation therapy it presented evidence from studies showing beneficial impacts of DFO in terms of a wide range of factors including endocrine function and growth, cardiac disease, liver disease, survival, quality of life and cost effectiveness; and of deferiprone in terms of safety, increasing urinary iron excretion, decreasing serum ferritin levels and reducing liver iron. However, in all instances, the number of studies cited to support the evidence was small (and many of the studies that were listed as included in the review in the appendix were not referred to in the text, including the review by Addis et al. 55). Nevertheless, it was concluded that there was sufficient evidence to conclude that both DFO and deferiprone are effective in preventing or improving serious complications of the disease.
The review by Caro et al. 57 was the first to include studies that directly compared one iron chelator with another. Most of the studies included were case series and clinical trials, with only one randomised controlled trial (RCT). The findings from this review suggested that DFO was more effective than deferiprone in reducing LIC. It should however be noted that, in general, baseline LIC values were greater in patients receiving DFO, which could arguably bias in favour of DFO in terms of the chances of being able to achieve a greater reduction in LIC. Thus, to account for these differences, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted controlling for LIC at baseline, but this did not affect the results. Other potential sources of bias were also noted in the review. First, deferiprone patients had often failed DFO in the past (including for non-adherence) and so may also have been more prone to fail on deferiprone (for similar reasons). Second, deferiprone doses were generally low compared with DFO doses. Finally, LIC was only one of a number of outcomes included and often only in a small subset of study patients (generally a subset of those who continued treatment for a prolonged period of time and for whom long-term information on changes in iron load was available). Therefore, as the authors concede, the ‘methodological caveats and the heterogeneity of study characteristics’ raise questions about the appropriateness of pooling the data.
A larger and more up-to-date review was carried out in 2004 by Franchini and Veneri,58 which primarily focused on deferiprone and combination therapy but also considered subcutaneous bolus DFO injections and two initial phase I RCTs of deferasirox. 59,60 The meta-analysis of non-comparative studies indicated that deferiprone was effective in reducing levels of serum ferritin (overall mean reduction of around 25%), which in some studies was maintained for 3–4 years. A number of adverse events were commonly reported (GI symptoms, arthropathy, neutropenia, agranulocytosis and hepatoxicity) although only in a few cases (8.7%) did these necessitate permanent discontinuation of the drug. It was therefore concluded that deferiprone was a safe and effective oral chelator but that further studies were required to evaluate the impact on cardiac and liver disease. The authors also recommended long-term follow-up studies of bolus DFO injections because of safety concerns. With regards to deferasirox the authors concluded that the results of the phase I trials were promising in terms of safety and efficacy but that more studies were required.
The 2005 Cochrane review by Roberts et al. 61 included a comparison of different iron chelators. This was the only identified review that exclusively included RCTs. However, it was found that very few trials measured the same outcomes, which limited the ability of the review to conduct meta-analysis. Based on the outcomes that were available, the study findings did not suggest that any one chelator was better than the other and so it was concluded by the authors that there was no evidence to change current practice.
The 2006 review by VanOrden and Hagemann7 focused on deferasirox. Despite stating that this review was confined to evidence in phase III trials, the review includes evidence from phase I and phase II trials as well as pharmacokinetic studies in both humans and non-humans. Three-quarters of the patients in the efficacy analysis are from a single phase III RCT. 62 No attempt was made to pool the data from the trials and so the findings are presented narratively. The authors conclude that the results presented in the review suggest that deferasirox is as safe and effective as DFO. However, most of the patients included in this review had thalassaemia (and all of the patients in the single phase III trial had this disease) and so further studies are needed to assess the use of deferasirox in patients with other diseases such as SCD and MDS.
Finally, Abetz et al. 63 considered the impact of iron overload and its treatment on patients’ quality of life. This was concerned entirely with DFO, although it is noted that all of the included studies focused on the impacts of disease on quality of life rather than the impacts of iron chelation in particular. Nevertheless, it was reported that the degree of discomfort associated with DFO treatment was a strong predictor of a negative perception of quality of life. The authors of this review concluded that an oral iron chelator that is at least as efficacious and well tolerated as DFO is needed to improve quality of life, increase adherence and ultimately reduce morbidity and mortality due to iron overload.
During the conduct of this HTA review another review64 was published in July 2007 comparing the effects of deferiprone versus DFO and combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) versus DFO or deferiprone. As in the 2005 Cochrane review61 this second review for the Cochrane Collaboration only included RCTs. Because of the different outcomes used as well as difficulties in assessing baseline characteristics of the included trials the reviewers only pooled data for mean changes in serum ferritin for deferiprone versus DFO. As before, no evidence was found to suggest that any one chelator was better than the other and thus the same conclusion was reached that there was no evidence to suggest change to current clinical practice, i.e. deferiprone is indicated for treating iron overload in people with thalassaemia when DFO is contraindicated or inadequate.
Chapter 3 Methods
A systematic review and economic evaluation were conducted to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of deferasirox for the treatment of iron overload associated with transfusion-dependent anaemia. The systematic review was guided by the general principles recommended in the QUOROM statement. 65
To ensure that adequate clinical input was obtained an advisory panel comprising clinicians and experts in the field was established. The role of this panel was to comment on the draft report and answer specific clinical questions as the review progressed.
Identification of evidence: clinical effectiveness
Search strategy
The search incorporated a number of strategies, combining index terms (for the disease) and free text words for the technologies involved (generic and trade names of the drugs). The search strategies had no language restrictions and did not include methodological filters that would limit results to a specific study design. Details of the search strategies and the number of records retrieved for each search are provided in Appendix 4. All references were exported to an EndNote bibliographic database.
The following electronic databases were searched (YD) for relevant published literature for the period 1950 to March 2007:
CDSR (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews)
CENTRAL (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials)
DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness)
Health Technology Assessment database
ISI Web of Science – Proceedings (Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings)
ISI Web of Science – Science Citation Index Expanded
NHS EED (NHS Economic Evaluation Database).
Hand searching of haematology conference abstracts was conducted for:
American Society of Hematology 2003–2006
Aplastic Anaemia and MDS International Federation 2005
British Society of Haematology 2003–2004
European Haematology Association 2001–2006.
In addition, publicly available licensing information from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) was obtained for all three agents and used to supplement the published trial literature as appropriate.
In cases in which publications of the trials identified by the search did not include all of the information important to this review, attempts were made to contact authors.
Selection of evidence
The records identified in the electronic searches were assessed for inclusion in two stages.
Two reviewers (CM with either JG or NF) independently scanned all titles and abstracts identified in the search to identify reports that might be relevant to the clinical review. Full text versions of all records selected during the initial screening process were obtained to permit more detailed assessment. These were assessed independently by at least two reviewers (CM, JG, NF) using the inclusion and exclusion criteria shown in Table 4. The inclusion/exclusion assessment of each reviewer was recorded on a pretested standardised form. Disagreements were resolved by discussion, and if necessary another reviewer was consulted. Kappa values were calculated for each pairing of reviewers and ranged from 0.7 to 0.9 indicating a high degree of concordance between reviewers. A flow diagram summarising the selection and inclusion of studies is provided in Appendix 5.
Study design | Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) |
Economic evaluation | |
Patient population | Patients with chronic anaemia requiring regular blood transfusions |
Interventions/comparators | Deferasirox (Exjade, ICL670) vs placebo |
Deferasirox vs deferoxamine (Desferal®, DFO, desferioxamine) | |
Deferasirox vs deferiprone (Ferripox®) | |
Combination therapy (DFO + deferiprone) vs DFO or deferiprone | |
Outcomes | Absolute and relative change in serum ferritin |
Absolute and relative change in liver iron concentration (LIC) | |
Success rate (trial specific based on LIC reduction) | |
Cardiac iron (cardiac T2*) | |
Quality of life | |
Adverse effects of treatment (gastrointestinal disorders, cardiac disorders, etc.) | |
Quality-adjusted life-year gained (QALY) | |
Exclusion criteria | Patients with chronic anaemia not requiring regular transfusion |
Non-English language papers | |
Narrative reviews, editorials, opinions |
Data abstraction
Data extraction for the review of clinical effectiveness was carried out by three reviewers (JG, JK, NF). Data were abstracted by one reviewer and then checked for accuracy by a second reviewer.
Data presented from multiple reports of single trials were extracted as a single record.
Quality assessment
Three reviewers (JG, NF, YD) independently evaluated the included studies for methodological quality using criteria based on the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Report No. 4. 66 Any discrepancies in quality grading were resolved through discussion.
Data synthesis
Individual study data and quality assessment are summarised in structured tables and as a narrative description.
The primary treatment outcomes relevant to this study were LIC and serum ferritin presented on a continuous scale (means and standard deviations).
The continuous data were summarised in terms of difference in means, providing skewness was not too great. For end-of-study results, continuous data were classed as being skewed if the standard deviation was over half the size of the mean (this is only true if the data can take positive values only; it does not apply to change data for example). Skewed data were not pooled and the results were presented in additional tables, with no statistical analyses performed on these data. When this was the case we contacted the study authors to obtain the change from baseline data that could be included in the analyses. Change in baseline data were reported as end result minus baseline result.
We aimed to conduct meta-analyses for deferasirox versus placebo, deferasirox versus DFO, deferiprone versus DFO and combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) versus DFO or deferiprone.
RCTs that were deemed suitable for meta-analysis were analysed using Review Manager 4.2. Once the results of each study were summarised using an effect measure, an average value of the effect was computed across studies using either a fixed-effects model if there was little statistical heterogeneity or a DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model67 when there was unexplained heterogeneity between trial results. Statistical heterogeneity was tested using a standard chi-squared test, with a threshold value of p < 0.1, and with the I2 statistic. 68 If heterogeneity was indicated then further attempts were made to investigate potentially influential study characteristics via suitable subgroup analyses (a priori planned for age and disease). It was acknowledged that certain subgroup analyses might not be possible because of the limited number of studies or insufficient data being available.
If clinical heterogeneity was too great or methodological quality too poor, studies would not be pooled in the meta-analysis. For example, because of suspected clinical heterogeneity, the three methods for measuring LIC (liver biopsy, SQUID and the combination method) were kept separate in the analyses.
Identification of evidence: cost-effectiveness
Search strategy
A comprehensive review of the literature was undertaken to identify all published economic evaluations of chelation therapy for iron overload in chronically transfused patients using the main search strategy outlined in the section on identification of clinical effectiveness evidence.
Selection of evidence
During the clinical effectiveness screening, all papers that appeared to include economic data were selected. Full text copies of these papers were subsequently obtained and two reviewers (CM, ABol) independently assessed them for inclusion, using the economic inclusion and exclusion criteria described in Table 4. Any disagreements for inclusion of economic studies were resolved by discussion.
Data abstraction
Data from the included economics studies were abstracted into structured tables by one reviewer (CM) and then checked for accuracy by a second reviewer (ABol).
Quality assessment
Two reviewers (CM, ABol) independently evaluated the included economics studies for methodological quality using criteria based on the critical appraisal checklist for economic evaluations proposed by Drummond and Jefferson. 69 Any discrepancies in quality grading were resolved through discussion.
Data synthesis
Data are presented in structured tables and described within the economics review section of this report.
Identification of evidence: longer-term adverse event data
Search strategy
A separate search was undertaken to identify non-RCT adverse event information; details of the search strategy can be found in Appendix 6. This search was not intended to be comprehensive but to provide an overview of the adverse event information available from longer-term non-RCT sources.
Selection of evidence
A non-systematic approach was undertaken to identify the relevant articles, with one reviewer (NF) assessing the identified reports for inclusion. A summary table of relevant studies can be found in Appendix 6.
Data abstraction
Adverse event data from the included studies were abstracted into structured tables by one reviewer (NF) and then checked for accuracy by a second reviewer (JG).
Quality assessment
No quality assessment was undertaken.
Data synthesis
Data are tabulated and narratively discussed within the clinical section of this report.
Chapter 4 Clinical effectiveness
Selection of included trials
A total of 884 non-duplicate records was identified by our search strategy (see Chapter 3 and Appendix 5) and subsequently screened for inclusion in the review. Of these, 213 were identified to which the inclusion criteria were applied. These included 14 trials (reported in 31 publications) making comparisons between deferasirox, DFO, deferiprone and combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) (see Table 5). Data for all of these trials were published in peer-reviewed journals (although two were only presented as abstracts70,71) with additional information derived from contacting authors. In the case of deferasirox versus DFO, additional data were retrieved from the US FDA clinical review. 72
Study | |
Deferasirox vs DFO | Cappellini 200662,73–76 |
Piga 200677–80 | |
Vichinsky 200781,82 | |
Deferiprone vs DFO | Olivieri 199283–85 |
Olivieri 199771,86–90 | |
Maggio 200291,92 | |
Ha 2006(well-chelated patients)93 | |
Pennell 200694 | |
Gomber 200495a | |
Aydinok 200670a | |
Combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) vs DFO or deferiprone | Mourad 200396 |
Gomber 200495 | |
Aydinok 200670 | |
Galanello 200697 | |
Ha 2006 (poorly chelated patients)93 | |
Tanner 200746,98,99 |
Quality assessment of included trials
The methodological quality of the included trials is presented in Table 6 using the criteria based on the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Report No. 4,66 which include key aspects of RCT design and quality. It should be noted that Ha et al. 93 reported on two trials (of well-chelated and poorly-chelated patients) in one paper and so for the purposes of quality assessment there were only 13 trials (although the information was still derived from 31 publications).
Study name | Randomisation | Baseline comparability | Eligibility criteria specified | Co-interventions identified | Blinding | Withdrawals | Intention to treat | |||||||
Truly random | Allocation concealment | Number stated | Presented | Achieved | Assessors | Administration | Participants | Procedure assessed | > 80% in final analysis | Reasons stated | ||||
Deferasirox vs DFO | ||||||||||||||
Cappellini 200662,73–76 | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | N/S | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
Piga 200677–80 | ✓ | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓/✗ | ✓ | N/S | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
Vichinsky 200781,82 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | N/S | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓a |
Deferiprone vs DFO | ||||||||||||||
Olivieri 199283–85 | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | N/Ab | N/A | ✓/✗ | ✓ | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | ✓ | N/A | ✓ |
Olivieri 199771,86–90c | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓/✗d | ✓/✗ | ✓/✗ | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | ✓ | N/S |
Maggio 200291,92 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | N/S | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Pennell 200694 | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓/✗e | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✗f |
Ha 200693c | Because information pertaining to quality assessment was reported for both trials of well-chelated and poorly-chelated patients, all data are presented below under combination therapy vs DFO or deferiprone | |||||||||||||
Combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) vs DFO or deferiprone | ||||||||||||||
Mourad 200396 | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓/✗ | ✓/✗ | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | ✓ | N/A | ✓ |
Gomber 200495 | N/S | N/S | ✓ | N/Sg | N/S | ✓ | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | ✓ | N/S | ✗ |
Aydinok 200670h | N/S | N/S | ✓ | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | N/S |
Galanello 200697 | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
Ha 2006 (well-chelated and poorly-chelated patients)93c | ✓ | N/S | ✓ | N/S | ✓d | ✓ | N/S | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✗c |
Tanner 200746,98,99 | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | N/S | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | N/S | ✓ | ✓ | N/Si |
Overall, the methodological quality of the included trials was poor. The published papers all stated that patients were randomly allocated to treatment groups; however, only four77,81,91,93 described the method of randomisation used and only two of these81,91 noted whether or how allocation was concealed. One other83 gave details of allocation concealment but did not adequately document the randomisation process. Blinding of administrators or participants was acknowledged to be difficult or unethical given the administration route of the main comparator DFO, but the blinding of assessors was generally addressed inadequately, with only two trials91,94 providing information in this respect. Intention to treat (ITT) analyses were carried out in four trials;81,83,91,96 one trial62 was a non-inferiority trial in which ITT analysis may increase the risk of falsely concluding non-inferiority and thus per protocol analysis (as presented) may be preferable. 100 Baseline characteristics including age and gender, along with outcome variables such as serum ferritin, LIC and other potentially significant factors (number of transfusions or patients who had splenectomies), were provided in eight trials. 46,62,77,81,91,94,96,97 Comparability between groups was achieved in six trials46,62,81,91,93,97 and partially achieved in four. 71,77,94,96 All trials specified the number of patients originally randomised and provided full or partial details of eligibility criteria. All trials reported outcomes for 80% or more of the patients originally randomised; one95 failed to adequately account for withdrawals.
Trial characteristics
The included trials involved a total study population of 1480, ranging in size from 1393 to 586. 62 Two trials81,91 reported on study populations of up to 200 patients but the majority were populated by less than 100 patients. All but three83,95,96 were designed as multicentred trials.
Most trials were designed as parallel and open-label studies. Of these, two were three-arm trials. 70,95 There was one double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel trial46 and one randomised crossover design. 83
The duration of each trial varied between 5 days83 and 2 years71 with the majority46,62,77,81,91,94,96,97,101 continuing for approximately 12 months. Three trials were halted prematurely, the two Ha et al. RCTs93 because of the unexpected death of a patient in one of these trials and the third trial71 because of withdrawal of support from the pharmaceutical company funding the trial.
Outcome measures varied across trials and were surrogate measures of iron overload: serum ferritin; LIC determined by biopsy, SQUID or liver T2*; heart iron content assessed by myocardial T2*.
Serum ferritin was the most commonly utilised measure, set as the primary outcome in six trials91,93,95–97 and the secondary outcome in seven others. 46,62,70,71,77,81,94
One trial used LIC determined by biopsy to measure the primary outcome;70 another trial62 employed LIC determined by biopsy and SQUID as the primary outcome. Of the two trials in which LIC by biopsy was a secondary outcome, one trial set out to measure all patients93 and one a subset of patients. 91 Two trials employed LIC by SQUID to measure the primary outcome71,97 and three others used it as a secondary outcome. 77,81,94
Success in terms of change in LIC was an outcome in two trials. 62,77 In Cappellini et al. 62 success was defined in patients with a baseline LIC of < 10 mg Fe/g dw as an end-of-study LIC value of 1–7 mg Fe/g dw and in patients with a baseline LIC of ≥ 10 mg Fe/g dw as a decrease in LIC of ≥ 3 mg Fe/g dw. In Piga et al. 77 success was defined as a fall in baseline LIC of > 10%.
Myocardial T2* was the primary outcome in two trials. 46,94 Other outcomes included liver T2*,46 a range of safety measures,60,77,81,94,96,97 urinary or faecal iron excretion83,91,95,96,101 and adherence. 46,70,91,93,94,96,97
Trials differed in respect of the lower age limits of participants. One trial did not specifically state ages but described patients as ‘children’. 95
At least half (7/14) of the trials received pharmaceutical support. 46,62,71,77,81,94,97
Trial characteristics are presented in Table 7.
Study name | n, intervention and dose | Study design | Outcomes | Location | Inclusion criteria | Exclusion criteria | Follow-up | Trial support |
Deferasirox vs DFO | ||||||||
Cappellini 200662 |
n = 586 Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day, n = 296: 5 mg/kg/day, n = 15; 10 mg/kg/day, n = 78; 20 mg/kg/day, n = 84; 30 mg/kg/day, n = 119 DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day, n = 290: 20–30 mg/kg/day, n = 14; 25–35 mg/kg/day, n = 79; 35–50 mg/kg/day, n = 91; ≥ 50 mg/kg/day, n = 106 |
Parallel, open-label, non-inferiority trial |
Primary: success/failure in maintaining/reducing LIC (biopsy or SQUID) Secondary: change in serum ferritin; net body iron balance; safety and tolerability |
Argentina; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; France; Germany; Greece; Italy; Tunisia; Turkey; UK; US |
Beta-TM and chronic iron overload from blood transfusions (LIC ≥ 2 mg Fe/g dw) ≥ 2 years old Receiving ≥ eight blood transfusions per year Enrolment irrespective of previous chelation therapy |
ALT > 250 U/l during the year before enrolment; chronic hepatitis B; active hepatitis C; previous positive HIV test; elevated serum creatinine; urinary protein–creatinine ratio > 0.5 mg/mg; nephrotic syndrome; uncontrolled hypertension; prolonged corrected QT interval; systemic infection within 10 days; gastrointestinal conditions preventing absorption of an oral medication; concomitant conditions preventing therapy with deferasirox or DFO; history of ocular toxicity related to iron chelation therapy; poor response to DFO or non-adherence with prescribed therapy | 1 year | Trial partly funded by Novartis; two authors with financial interest in Novartis; four authors employed by Novartis |
Piga 200677 |
n = 71 Deferasirox 10 mg/kg/day, n = 24 Deferasirox 20 mg/kg/day, n = 24 DFO 40mg/kg/day, n = 23 |
Parallel, dose-ranging, open-label trial |
Primary: safety and tolerability Secondary: effects of deferasirox on LIC (SQUID), serum ferritin, serum iron, transferrin and transferrin saturation |
Italy | Beta-TM with transfusional haemosiderosis; ≥ 18 years old; received a mean daily dose of DFO of 30 mg/kg 5 days/week for 4 weeks before screening; regularly transfused; ≥ two evaluations of serum ferritin of 2.00–8.00 mg/l or SQUID LIC measurement of 5–15 mg Fe/g dw in previous 12 months; for admission to washout (discontinuation of DFO) LIC should be 5–15 mg Fe/g dw; average post-transfusion haemoglobin levels 10.5–13.5 g/dl in previous 12 months before enrolment, including one measurement during washout | AST or ALT > 250 U/l or a creatinine clearance < 80 ml/minute; hypertension; any A–V block, clinically relevant QT interval prolongation, or requiring treatment with digoxin or any drug that could induce prolongation of A–V; diagnosis of cataract or a previous history of clinically relevant ocular toxicity related to iron chelation | 48 weeks | Trial supported by Novartis; five authors employed by Novartis; four authors received research support and lecture fees from Novartis |
Vichinsky 200781 |
n = 203 but data only reported on n = 195 Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day, n = 132 DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day, n = 63 |
Parallel, open-label trial |
Primary: safety and tolerability Secondary: change in LIC (SQUID) from baseline; change in serum ferritin |
Canada; France; Italy; UK; US | SCD; > 2 years old; iron overload from repeated blood transfusions or sporadically transfused and received ≥ 20 units of packed red blood cells or equivalent; previous chelation not mandatory; serum ferritin ≥ 1.00 mg/l | Elevated serum creatinine > ULN; significant proteinuria; active hepatitis B or C; second and third A–V heart block; QT interval prolongation; therapy with digoxin or similar medications; chelation therapy-associated ocular toxicity | 1 year | Four investigators from Novartis; design and execution co-ordinated by Novartis; contributions to analysis and data interpretation by Novartis; assistance in publication of manuscript by Novartis |
Deferiprone vs DFO | ||||||||
Olivieri 199283 |
n = 20 Deferiprone 50 mg/kg/day, n = 20 DFO 50 mg/kg/day, n = 20 |
Crossover trial | Primary: UIE; faecal iron excretion | Canada | Transfusion-dependent anaemia with iron overload | N/R | 5 days | Independent |
Olivieri 199771,86,88,90a |
n = 71 but data only reported on n = 64 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day, n = N/R DFO 50 mg/kg/day, n = N/R |
Parallel trial |
Primary: change in LIC (biopsy or SQUID) Secondary: change in serum ferritin; adherence |
Canada | N/R | N/R | 2 yearsb | Trial sponsored by Apotex |
Maggio 200291 |
n = 144 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day, n = 71 DFO 50 mg/kg/day 5 days, n = 73 |
Parallel, single blind trial |
Primary: reduction of serum ferritin from baseline Secondary: variation of LIC in patients willing to undergo liver biopsy; variation of liver and heart iron content estimated by NMR; heart function as assessed by heart ultrasonography: LVEF, LVSF, ratio of the right ventricle telediastolic to the telesystolic area (mm3); variation in 24-hour UIE; adherence |
Italy | Beta-TM patients with serum ferritin 1.50–3.00 mg/l | Known intolerance to one of the trial treatments and rheumatoid factor; serum antinuclear autoantibody; platelet count < 100,000/mm3 or leukocyte count < 3000/mm3; severe liver damage indicated by ascites; clinical evidence of heart failure; sepsis; α-interferon treatment | 1 year | Independent |
Ha 2006 (well-chelated patients)93a |
n = 13, well chelated Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day, n = 6 DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day, n = 7 |
Parallel, open label trial |
Primary: change in serum ferritin Secondary: change in LIC (biopsy); adherence |
Hong Kong | Beta-TM on regular blood transfusion and chelation therapies; well chelated defined as LIC ≤ 7 mg Fe/g dw | Refusing to undergo liver biopsy; < 8 years of age; hepatitis C carrier on interferon treatment; active heart failure or an arrhythmia; non-thalassaemic patients; HIV carrier; severe liver failure; unwilling to receive DFO subcutaneously | 18 months (median) | Independent |
Pennell 200694 |
n = 61 Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day, n = 29 DFO 50 mg/kg/day, n = 32 |
Parallel, open label trial |
Primary: change in myocardial T2* Secondary: cardiac volumes and function; change in LIC (SQUID); change in serum ferritin; safety |
Greece; Italy | Homozygous beta-TM; > 18 years; regularly transfused; chelated with subcutaneous DFO; no symptoms of heart failure; abnormal (< 20 ms) but not severe (< 8 ms) myocardial T2*; LVEF > 56% | Symptomatic heart failure; myocardial T2* outside required range; LVEF < 56%; liver enzymes > 3× ULN; unsuitable psychological condition; > 36 years ; claustrophobia; pretransfusion haemoglobin level < 90 g/l; refused or unable to participate | 1 year | Trial supported by Apotex; five authors with financial interest in Apotex; three authors with financial interest in Novartis |
Combination therapy vs DFO or deferiprone | ||||||||
Mourad 200396 |
n = 25 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day, n = 11 DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day 5–7 days, n = 14 |
Parallel, open label trial | Change in serum ferritin; UIE; safety; adherence | Lebanon | Transfusion-dependent beta-TM; haemoglobin > 9 g/dl; non-compliant or unable to afford DFO; receiving DFO subcutaneously < 4 days/week; serum ferritin > 3.00 mg/l | N/R | 1 year | N/R |
Gomber 200495 |
n = 30 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day, n = 10 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/day, n = 10 DFO 40 mg/kg/day, n = 10 |
Parallel, open label, three-arm trial | Change in serum ferritin; UIE; adherence | India | Children with thalassaemia having received > 20 blood transfusions, serum ferritin > 1.50 mg/l | N/R | 6 months | N/R |
Aydinok 200670c |
n = 95 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day, n = 33 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day, n = 32 DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day, n = 30 |
Parallel, three-arm trial |
Primary: change in LIC Secondary: change in serum ferritin; UIE; total body iron excretion/iron balance; change in cardiac function; safety including liver toxicity; adherence |
Egypt; Turkey | Iron-overloaded patients; ≥ 4 years | Children < 4 years; non-compliant to DFO or deferiprone; known DFO or deferiprone toxicity/intolerance; neutropenia; thrombocytopenia; renal, hepatic or decompensated heart failure; active viral illness treated with interferon-alpha/ribavirin; repeated Yersinia infection; HIV positive; pregnancy and nursing; not taking adequate contraceptive precautions if of childbearing age | 1 year | N/R |
Galanello 200697 |
n = 60 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO ‘prestudy dose’, n = 30 DFO ‘prestudy dose’, n = 30 |
Parallel, open label trial | Change in serum ferritin; change in LIC; adherence; safety | Greece; Italy | Beta-TM; > 10 years old; serum ferritin 1.00–400 mg/l over previous year; undergoing chelation with subcutaneous DFO | N/R | 1 year | Trial sponsored by Apotex |
Ha 2006 (poorly chelated patients)93a |
n = 36 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day, n = 20 DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day, n = 16 |
Parallel, open label trial |
Primary: change serum ferritin Secondary: variation of LIC (biopsy); adherence |
Hong Kong | Beta-TM on regular blood transfusion and chelation therapies; poorly chelated defined as LIC > 7 mg Fe/g dw | Refusing to undergo liver biopsy; < 8 years of age; hepatitis C carrier on interferon treatment; active heart failure or an arrhythmia; non-thalassemic patients; HIV carrier; severe liver failure; unwilling to receive DFO subcutaneously | 18 months (median) | Independent |
Tanner 200746 |
n = 65 Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day, n = 32 DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo, n = 33 |
Double-blind, parallel, placebo controlled trial |
Primary: change in myocardial T2* Secondary: change in liver T2*; change in serum ferritin; change in LV volumes and function; change in brachial artery reactivity (endothelium dependent and independent); change in BNP (Biosite Diagnostics, San Diego, CA) as a marker of heart failure; adherence; adverse events |
Italy | Diagnosis of beta-TM; > 18 years; currently maintained on DFO; maintenance of pretransfusion haemoglobin > 9 g/dl; myocardial T2* between 8 and 20 ms; confirmation of effective contraception throughout trial | Received deferiprone for > 6 months in previous 5 years; previous reaction to deferiprone; neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 1.5 × 109/l); thrombocytopenia (< 50 × 109/l); liver enzymes > 3x ULN; implant incompatible with MR; claustrophobia; other condition making CMR impossible or inadvisable | 1 year | Trial funded by Apotex; five authors received research support from, speaker’s honoraria from or acted as a consultant to Apotex/Novartis |
Participant characteristics
The majority of trials included patients with beta-TM or thalassaemia (Table 8). Two patients with beta-TI were included in one trial77 and there were two patients with DBA in another. 83 One trial included only patients with SCD. 81 The youngest patient was aged 2 years62 and the oldest was aged 54 years. 81 Trials were evenly balanced in terms of male and female participants but there were differences across trials in terms of baseline LIC and serum ferritin.
Study name | Type of anaemia | Gender male | Mean age (SD), years | Mean LIC (SD), mg Fe/g dw | Mean serum ferritin (SD), mg/l | GM cardiac T2* (CV), ms | Co-morbidity |
Deferasirox vs DFO | |||||||
Cappellini 200662 | Beta-TM | Deferasirox (n = 296), 47.3% | Deferasirox (n = 296): 17 (9.47), median (range) 15 (2–49) | Deferasirox: all patients, biopsy or SQUID (n = 296): 14.1 (10.0), median (range) 11.3 (2.1–48.1); baseline ≤ 3 mg Fe/g (n = 15): 6.2 (1.6), median (range) 5.0 (4.3–8.7); baseline > 3–7 mg Fe/g dw (n = 78): 10.2 (1.2), median (range) 10.0 (5.6–16.3); baseline > 7–14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 84): 19.4 (1.7), median (range) 20.0 (9.9–21.4); baseline > 14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 119): 28.2 (3.5), median (range) 30.0 (11.0–30.0) | Deferasirox: all patients (n = 296): 2.77 (1.90), median (range) 2.21 (0.32–12.65) | N/M | N/R |
DFO (n = 290), 49% | DFO (n = 290): 17.3 (9.96), median (range) 15.5 (2–53) | DFO: all patients, biopsy or SQUID (n = 290): 13.2 (9.4), median (range) 11.0 (2.1–55.1); baseline ≤ 3 mg Fe/g dw (n = 14): 33.9 (9.9), median (range) 30.0 (23.0–52.6); baseline > 3–7 mg Fe/g dw (n = 79): 36.7, median (range) 35.0 (22.0–75.6); baseline > 7–14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 91): 42.2 (6.6), median (range) 40.8 (21.0–70.0); baseline > 14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 106): 51.6 (5.8), median (range) 51.0 (30.0–66.1) | DFO: all patients (n = 290): 2.60 (1.84), median (range) 2.09 (0.45–15.28) | ||||
Piga 200677 | Beta-TM; beta-TI | Deferasirox 10 mg/kg/day (n = 24): 33.3% | Deferasirox 10 mg/kg/day (n = 24): 23.7 (range 17–33) | Data presented in graph only | Data presented in graph only | N/M | Splenectomy; hypogonadism; hypothyroidism; hepatitis B; hepatitis C; cardiac disorder |
Deferasirox 20 mg/kg/day (n = 24): 41.7% | Deferasirox 20 mg/kg/day (n = 24): 25.6 (range 19–50) | ||||||
DFO (n = 23): 43.5% | DFO (n = 23): 22. 7 (range 18–29) | ||||||
Vichinsky 200781 | SCD | Deferasirox (n = 132): 39.4% | Deferasirox (n = 132): median (range) 15 (3–54) | Deferasirox: baseline ≤ 3 mg Fe/g dw (n = 4): 2.5 (0.4) SQUID; baseline > 3–7 mg Fe/g dw (n = 64): 7.9 (5.5) SQUID; baseline > 7–14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 46): 9.8 (1.9) SQUID; baseline > 14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 18): 17.5 (3.0) SQUID | Deferasirox (n = 132): median (min–max) 3.46 (1.08–12.90) | N/M | Hepatitis B; hepatitis C |
DFO (n = 63): 44.4% | DFO (n = 63): median (range) 16 (3–51) | DFO: baseline ≤ 3mg Fe/g dw (n = 6): 3.9 (3.5) SQUID; baseline > 3–7 mg Fe/g dw (n = 21): 5.2 (2.1) SQUID; baseline > 7–14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 20): 8.6 (3.0) SQUID; baseline > 14 mg Fe/g dw (n = 16): 14.3 (5.4) SQUID | DFO (n = 63): median (min–max) 2.83 (1.02–15.58) | ||||
Deferiprone vs DFO | |||||||
Olivieri 199283 | Beta-TM | N/R | N/R | N/R | N/R | N/M | N/R |
Olivieri 199771,86,88,83 | Thalassaemia | N/R | N/R | Deferiprone (n = 19): 8.9 (1.2) biopsy or SQUID | Deferiprone (n = N/R): 1.95 (1.23) | N/M | N/R |
DFO (n = 18): 6.9 (0.9) biopsy or SQUID | DFO (n = N/R): 2.18 (1.32) | ||||||
Maggio 200291 | Beta-TM | Deferiprone (n = 71): 52.1% | Deferiprone (n = 71): 20 (5.3) | Deferiprone (n = 20): 3.4 (5.5) biopsy | Deferiprone (n = 71): 2.16 (0.67) | N/M | Splenectomy; anti-HCV positive; cirrhosis; diabetes; hypogonadism; hypothyroidism; hypoparathyroidism |
DFO (n = 73): 46.6% | DFO (n = 73): 21 (4.2) | DFO (n = 15): 3.5 (3.0) biopsy | DFO (n = 73): 2.07 (0.61) | ||||
Ha 200693 (well-chelated patients) | Because baseline data presented for patients who were both well chelated and poorly chelated, all data are presented below under combination therapy vs DFO or deferiprone | ||||||
Pennell 200694 | Beta-TM | Deferiprone (n = 29): 52% | Deferiprone (n = 29): 25.1 (3.8) | Deferiprone (n = 29): 6.16 (6.0) SQUID | Deferiprone (n = 29): 1.79 (1.03) | Deferiprone (n = 29): 13.0 (32) | Hepatitis C; splenectomy |
DFO (n = 32): 50% | DFO (n = 32): 26.2 (4.7) | DFO (n = 32): 6.32 (5.8) SQUID | DFO (n = 32): 2.80 (2.44) | DFO (n = 32): 13.3 (30) | |||
Combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) vs DFO or deferiprone | |||||||
Mourad 200396 | Beta-TM | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 11): 62.6% | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 11): 17 (8),a median (range) 14 (12–40)a | N/M | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 11): 4.15 (1.72)a | N/M | N/R |
DFO (n = 14): 42.9% | DFO (n = 14): 16 (2),a median (range) 16 (12–21)a | DFO (n = 14): 5.51 (2.38)a | |||||
Gomber 200495 | Thalassaemia | N/R | N/R | N/M | Deferiprone (n = 11): 2.67 (0.89) | N/M | N/R |
Deferiprone + DFO (n = 10): 3.35 (1.53) | |||||||
DFO (n = 7): 5.08 (1.72) | |||||||
Aydinok 200670b | Beta-TM | All patients (n = 95): 53.7% | Deferiprone (n = 33): 12.6 (4.5) (range 5–21) | Deferiprone (n = 33): 16.2 (5.4) | Deferiprone (n = 33): 3.84 (1.89) | N/M | N/R |
Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): 13.1 (4.7) (range 5–26) | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): 16.7 (6.3) | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): 3.88 (1.61) | |||||
DFO (n = 30): 12.6 (5.0) (range 5–23) | DFO (n = 30): 18.7 ( 9.8) | DFO (n = 30): 3.34 (1.34) | |||||
Galanello 200697 | Beta-TM | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 29): 55% | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 29): 18.7 (4.8) | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 29): wet weight 1.6 (0.7) SQUID | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 29): 2.05 (0.69) | N/M | Splenectomy |
DFO (n = 30): 40% | DFO (n = 30): 19.8 (6.1) | DFO (n = 30): wet weight 1.6 (0.6) SQUID | DFO (n = 30): 2.26 (0.75) | ||||
Ha 200693 (well-chelated and poorly chelated patients) | Thalassaemia | All patients: 51% | All patients: median (range) 20 (8–40) | All patients: N/R | All patients: N/R | N/M | Hepatitis C; splenectomy |
Well-chelated: N/R | Well-chelated: deferiprone, N/R; DFO, N/R | Well-chelated: deferiprone, N/R; DFO, N/R | Well-chelated: deferiprone, N/R; DFO, N/R | ||||
Poorly-chelated: N/R | Poorly chelated: deferiprone + DFO, N/R; DFO, N/R | Poorly-chelated: deferiprone + DFO, N/R; DFO, N/R | Poorly chelated: deferiprone + DFO, N/R; DFO, N/R | ||||
Tanner 200746 | Beta-TM | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): 44% | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): 28.8 (4.2) | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): liver T2* (ms) 6.8 (5.9);c liver T2* (ms) GM (CV) 4.9 (0.52) | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): 2.12 (1.74)c | Deferiprone + DFO (n = 32): GM (CV) 11.7 (0.08) | Hepatitis C |
DFO (n = 33): 39% | DFO (n = 33): 28.7 (5.3) | DFO (n = 33): liver T2* (ms) 6.1 (5.4);c liver T2* (ms) GM (CV) 4.2 (0.62) | DFO (n = 33): 1.79 (1.50)c | DFO (n = 33): GM (CV) 12.4 (0.11) |
Data analysis
Results have been grouped by treatment(s) and comparators as follows: deferasirox versus DFO; deferiprone versus DFO; combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) versus DFO and/or versus deferiprone. The following sections provide an overview of the data available from the trials, the comparability across trials and, when possible and appropriate, the results of any meta-analysis conducted. When meta-analyses were not carried out a narrative summary of the study results is provided. Study outcome data are presented in Table 9.
Trial name | Mean change in LIC (SD), mg Fe/g dw at 12 months unless otherwise stated | Mean change in serum ferritin (SD), mg/l at 12 months unless otherwise stated | GM for myocardial T2* (CV; % change; p-value), ms at 12 monthsa |
Deferasirox vs DFO | |||
Cappellini 200662 |
Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day, all patients: –2.4 (8.2) biopsy or SQUID (n = 268); –3.0 (8.8) biopsy (n = 224); +0.5 (2.9) SQUID (n = 44) Deferasirox 5–10 mg/kg/day, baseline < 7 mg Fe/g dw: +4.0 (3.8) biopsy or SQUID (n = 83); +5.6 (3.8) biopsy (n = 52); +1.4 (2.1) SQUID (n = 31) Deferasirox 20–30 mg/kg/day, baseline ≥ 7 mg Fe/g dw: –5.3 (8.0) biopsy or SQUID (n = 185); –5.6 (8.2) biopsy (n = 172); –1.5 (3.7) SQUID (n = 13) |
Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day, all patients: –0.12 (1.31) (n = 267)b Deferasirox 5 mg/kg/day, baseline ≤ 3 mg Fe/g dw: +1.19 (0.70) (n = 15) Deferasirox 10mg/kg/day. baseline > 3–7 mg Fe/g dw: +0.83 (0.82) (n = 73) Deferasirox 20mg/kg/day, baseline > 7–14 mg Fe/g dw: –0.04 (0.72) (n = 80) Deferasirox 30mg/kg/day, baseline > 14 mg Fe/g dw: –0.93 (1.42) (n = 115) |
Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: N/M |
DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day, all patients: –2.9 (5.4) biopsy or SQUID (n = 273); –3.2 (5.7) biopsy (n = 230); –1.1 (1.9) SQUID (n = 43) DFO 20–35 mg/kg/day, baseline < 7 mg Fe/g dw: +0.13 (2.2) biopsy or SQUID (n = 87); +0.5 (2.5) biopsy (n = 55); –0.5 (1.3) SQUID (n = 32) DFO 35–≥ 50 mg/kg/day, baseline ≥ 7 mg Fe/g dw: –4.3 (5.8) biopsy or SQUID (n = 186); –4.4 (6.0) biopsy (n = 175); –2.9 (2.3) SQUID (n = 11) |
DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day, all patients: –0.45 (1.08) (n = 272)b DFO 20–30 mg/kg/day, baseline ≤ 3 mg Fe/g dw: +0.21 (0.46) (n = 13) DFO 25–35 mg/kg/day, baseline > 3–7 mg Fe/g dw: +0.03 (0.59) (n = 77) DFO 35–50 mg/kg/day, baseline > 7–14 mg Fe/g dw: –0.36 (0.61) (n = 89) DFO ≥ 50 mg/kg/day, baseline > 14 mg Fe/g dw: –1.00 (1.43) (n = 101) |
DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: N/M | |
Piga 200677 |
Deferasirox 10 mg/kg/day: –0.4 (2.2) SQUID at 12 months (n = 24);c –0.4 (1.7) SQUID at 6 months (n = 24)c Deferasirox 20 mg/kg/day: –2.1 (2.6) SQUID at 12 months (n = 22);c –1.5 (2.2) SQUID at 6 months (n = 22)c DFO 40 mg/kg/day: –2.0 (2.0) SQUID at 12 months (n = 21);c –1.3 (1.8) SQUID at 6 months (n = 21)c |
Deferasirox 10 mg/kg/day: data only presented in graph but this shows that concentration levels remain relatively stable Deferasirox 20 mg/kg/day: data only presented in graph but this shows a steady increase in concentration levels DFO 40 mg/kg/day: data only presented in graph but this shows that concentration levels remain relatively stable |
Deferasirox 10 mg/kg/day: N/M Deferasirox 20 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 40 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Vichinsky 200781,82 |
Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: adjusted for transfusion category –3.0 (6.2) SQUID (n = 113); unadjusted –1.3 (3.1) SQUID (n = 113) DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: adjusted for transfusion category –2.8 (10.4) SQUID (n = 54); unadjusted –0.7 (2.6) SQUID (n = 54) |
Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: –0.18 (1.65) (n = 83) DFO ≥ 20mg/kg/day: –0.56 (0.95) (n = 33) |
Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Deferiprone vs DFO | |||
Olivieri 199283 |
Deferiprone 50 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Deferiprone 50 mg/kg/day: N/R DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R |
Deferiprone 50 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 50mg/kg/day: N/M |
Olivieri 199771,86 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: +4.8 biopsy or SQUID at mean ≥ 30 months (n = 19)d DFO 50 mg/kg/day: +1.0 biopsy or SQUID at mean ≥ 30 months (n = 18)d |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: –0.27 at mean 22 months (range 18–23 months) (n = 19)d DFO 50 mg/kg/day: +0.01 at mean 22 months (range 18–23 months) (n = 18)d |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Maggio 200291 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: –1.02 (3.51) biopsy at mean ≥ 30 months (n = 20) DFO 50 mg/kg/day: –0.35 (0.52) biopsy at mean ≥ 30 months (n = 15) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: –0.22 (0.78) (n = 71) DFO 50 mg/kg/day: –0.23 (0.62) (n = 73) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Ha 2006 (well-chelated patients)93 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: +5.63 (4.24) biopsy at median 18 months (n = 4) DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: +2.90 (1.27) biopsy at median 18 months (n = 2) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: +0.40 (1.07) at median 18 months (n = 7) DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: –0.07 (1.63) at median 18 months (n = 6) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Pennell 200694 |
Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day: –0.93 (2.9) SQUID (n = 27) DFO 50 mg/kg/day: –1.54 (2.5) SQUID (n = 30) |
Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day: –0.18 (0.83) at 12 months (n = 29); +0.15 (0.71) at 6 months (n = 29) DFO 50 mg/kg/day: –0.47 (0.74) at 12 months (n = 32); –0.31 (0.92) at 6 months (n = 32) |
Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day: 16.5 (38%; +27%; p < 0.001) at 12 months (n = 29) DFO 50 mg/kg/day: 15.0 (39%; +13%; p < 0.001) at 12 months (n = 31) |
Combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) vs DFO or deferiprone | |||
Mourad 200396 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: N/M DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: –1.44 (2.09) at 12 months (n = 11);e –1.15 (2.26) at 6 months (n = 11)e DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: –1.51 (1.67) at 12 months (n = );e –0.65 (1.55) at 6 months (n = )e |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: N/M DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Gomber 200495 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/M Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 40 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: +0.75 (1.16) at 6 months (n = 11) Deferiprone 75mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/day: +0.03 (0.92) at 6 months (n = 10) DFO 40 mg/kg/day: –1.36 (1.37) at 6 months (n = 7) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/M Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 40 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Aydinok 200670b |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: –5.7 (8.6) biopsy (n = 29)b Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: –9.9 (8.9) biopsy (n = 24)b DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: –9.6 (8.7) biopsy (n = 19)b |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: –1.43 (1.69) (n = 30)b Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: –1.72 (1.32) (n = 26)b DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: –0.54 (0.95) (n = 25)b |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/M Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Galanello 200697 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO ‘prestudy dose’: wet weight –65 (615) SQUID (n = 29) DFO ‘prestudy dose’: wet weight –239 (474) SQUID (n = 30) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO ‘prestudy dose’: –0.25 (0.79) (n = 29) DFO ‘prestudy dose’: +0.35 (0.57) (n = 30) |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO ‘prestudy dose’: N/M DFO ‘prestudy dose’: N/M |
Ha 2006(poorly-chelated patients)93 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: +0.95 (15.49) biopsy at median 18 months (n = 8) DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: +0.82 (8.25) biopsy at median 18 months (n = 5) |
Deferiprone 75mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: –0.99 (2.98) at median 18 months (n = 17) DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: +1.06 (2.29) at median 18 months (n = 14) |
Deferiprone 75mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: N/M DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: N/M |
Tanner 200746 |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day, liver T2* (ms) GM (CV; ratio of GM; p-value) at 12 months: 10.7 (37%; 2.07; p < 0.001) (n = 28)b DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo, liver T2* (ms) GM (CV; ratio of GM; p-value) at 12 months: 5.0 (13%; 1.50; p = 0.01) (n = 30)b |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: –0.95 (n = 28)b,d |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: 17.7 (37%; +51%; p < 0.001) (n = 29) DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo: 15.7 (50%; +27%; p = 0.001) (n = 31) |
Deferasirox versus DFO
Three trials compared deferasirox with DFO. 62,77,81
There were notable differences between the patient populations and the inclusion/exclusion criteria for the trials. Cappellini et al. 62 and Piga et al. 77 included patients with thalassaemia (all but two patients diagnosed with beta-TM), whereas Vichinsky et al. 81 assessed patients with SCD. Piga et al. 77 included patients aged 18 years or over, whereas both Cappellini et al. 62 and Vichinsky et al. 81 included patients aged 2 years and over. Comparison of patient data in relation to LIC levels is problematic as levels were measured and reported using a mixture of methods (biopsy and SQUID). Mean baseline serum ferritin concentrations were similar across the trials. By far the largest study was that of Cappellini et al. ,62 which included more than twice as many subjects than the other two RCTs combined.
In the study of Piga et al. 77 patients were assigned to one of two fixed target doses of deferasirox (10 mg/kg/day or 20 mg/kg/day) or to DFO 40 mg/kg/day, regardless of their baseline LIC. However, no patients in this study received the target DFO dose of 40 mg/kg/day although the reasons why were not stated.
In both Cappellini et al. 62 and Vichinsky et al. 81 deferasirox doses were dependent on baseline LIC and varied between 5 and 30 mg/kg/day. 62,81 DFO target doses were also intended to be based on baseline LIC in Cappellini et al. ,62 although the study paper stated that there were four different target doses between 20 and ≥ 50 mg/kg/day. It was noticeable that patients with a baseline LIC of 7 mg Fe/g dw or less received higher mean DFO doses than those defined in the study methods. This is because the study methods allowed for patients who had been taking DFO to remain on their previous doses, which were generally higher than those that were intended to be prescribed for these patients. Thus, DFO doses actually administered ranged from 20 mg/kg/day to 75.6 mg/kg/day in Cappellini et al. 62 and from 26.6 mg/kg/day to 31.6 mg/kg/day in Piga et al. . 77
To determine drug doses Cappellini et al. 62 measured baseline LIC predominantly using invasive liver biopsy techniques, with some limited use of SQUID, mainly in children. In contrast, Vichinsky et al. 81 measured LIC by SQUID only. SQUID is not a readily available method for measuring LIC in clinical practice and its validity has also been questioned by the FDA. 72 It was reported in Cappellini et al. 62 that, at the three centres used for assessing SQUID, values reported at the Turin site were approximately 20% lower than those obtained at either the Hamburg or Oakland site and, overall, LIC measured by SQUID underestimated LIC measured by biopsy by around 50%.
Thus, given both the opportunity for DFO patients to receive doses higher than stipulated in the trial methods and the opportunity for SQUID to underestimate true LIC, patients in the deferasirox groups with a baseline LIC of 7 mg Fe/g dw or less may have received a suboptimal dose of deferasirox in comparison to patients receiving DFO. During the Vichinsky et al. 81 trial, in the light of this information from Cappellini et al. ,62 the trial was amended after the first 24 patients had been enrolled so that the minimum deferasirox dose was changed from 5 mg/kg/day to 10 mg/kg/day.
Overall, the mean changes in LIC were similar for patients receiving deferasirox and DFO in Cappellini et al. ,62 favouring DFO at lower doses and deferasirox at higher doses. Mean changes in LIC were comparable in Piga et al. 77 between the 20 mg/kg/day deferasirox dose and DFO but favoured DFO at the 10 mg/kg/day deferasirox dose. For patients with SCD, Vichinsky et al. 81 reported a similar reduction in LIC in both groups. 81,82 Clinical advisors to our review suggested that it would be inappropriate to pool data from thalassaemia and SCD patients. Similarly, the clinical advisors agreed with the FDA report and advised against combining LIC data measured by different methods (biopsy and SQUID). In both Piga et al. 77 and Vichinsky et al. ,81 LIC was assessed in each patient using only SQUID, whereas in Cappellini et al. ,62 LIC was assessed in each patient using the same method as at baseline, i.e. by biopsy in the majority (84%) of patients but by SQUID (16%) in some. Thus, pooling data derived only from SQUID was considered initially but subsequently rejected because the only site used to assess SQUID in Piga et al. 77 was the one site that produced LIC readings approximately 20% lower than values obtained at the other two sites in Cappellini et al. 62 In addition, a tenth of the patients in Cappellini et al. 62 were aged under 6 years; in young children the aim of chelation is to maintain stable low levels as large reductions in LIC may result in chelator toxicity (from either of the chelators).
Cappellini et al. 62 and Piga et al. 77 also defined changes in LIC as a success based on trial-specific criteria as described earlier. In Cappellini et al. 62 the authors concluded that non-inferiority was achieved only in patients who had a baseline LIC of 7 mg Fe/g dw or higher and who had received the higher doses of deferasirox. Subgroup analysis contained within the FDA clinical report72 showed that this was the case when success was assessed using either biopsy or SQUID or biopsy alone, but not SQUID alone. In Piga et al. 77 the success rate was lower in the 10 mg/kg deferasirox group than in the DFO group (45.8% compared with 76.2% respectively) but a comparable proportion of patients at the higher deferasirox dose (20 mg/kg) met the success criteria compared with the DFO group (72.7% and 76.2% respectively).
In Cappellini et al. 62 the reduction in serum ferritin was greater for patients receiving DFO than for those receiving deferasirox although differences between the groups were negligible at a deferasirox dose of 30 mg/kg/day. In Piga et al. 77 the mean serum ferritin levels remained relatively constant in the DFO and 20 mg/kg/day deferasirox groups but rose slightly in the 10 mg/kg/day deferasirox group.
Of patients with SCD, those receiving DFO demonstrated marginally greater mean reductions in serum ferritin concentrations than those receiving deferasirox. 81
None of the trials measured myocardial iron by T2*.
Summary: deferasirox versus DFO
Difficulties exist in comparing findings in patients receiving deferasirox with those in patients receiving DFO because of:
different types of study populations in terms of age and underlying disease
deferasirox and DFO doses being dependent on baseline LIC in two trials62,81 but not in the other77
different methods of measuring baseline and end-of-study LIC
different ways of reporting changes in serum ferritin across the trials. 77
Nevertheless, data from two trials62,77 of thalassaemia patients suggest that 20 mg/kg/day deferasirox performs as well as DFO in terms of reduction in LIC. This finding is also supported by trial-specific measures of ‘success’ of changes in LIC. Amongst patients with SCD, deferasirox is no more efficacious than DFO in terms of reducing LIC. 81
With the possible exception of the 30 mg/kg/day deferasirox dose in Cappellini et al. ,62 changes in serum ferritin appear to be more favourable for both thalassaemia and SCD patients receiving DFO than for those receiving deferasirox. 62,77,81
No trials measured changes in myocardial iron by T2*.
Deferiprone versus DFO
Five trials compared deferiprone with DFO,71,83,91,93,94 one of which was a crossover trial. 83 In addition, two three-arm trials70,95 compared both deferiprone and DFO with combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) and therefore are included in this section as well as in the section on combination therapy versus DFO or deferiprone.
All trials included patients with thalassaemia with the majority explicitly stating that patients had beta-TM. 70,71,83,91,94 Olivieri and Brittenham71 intended to include patients with SCD according to an early report by Basran et al. ;87 however, subsequent reports refer to patients with beta-TM,86,88,89 thalassaemia90 or make no explicit reference to any disease. 71
Five trials included both children and adults, whereas Gomber et al. 95 recruited only children and Pennell et al. 94 included only patients aged 18 years and over.
Comparison of baseline LIC is problematic because of differences in how this was measured. Three trials70,91,93 measured LIC by biopsy, Olivieri and Brittenham71 measured it by biopsy or SQUID, and Pennell et al. 94 measured it by SQUID; the remaining two trials83,95 did not measure LIC at all. In the three trials that measured LIC by biopsy it was notable that the baseline LIC was higher in Aydinok et al. 70 (at least 16 mg Fe/g dw) than in Maggio et al. 91 (around 3.5 mg Fe/g dw or less) or Ha et al. 93 (7 mg Fe/g dw or less). In Ha et al. 93 the baseline LIC was not actually presented but to be included in this trial it was stated that patients had to be well-chelated, which was defined as having a baseline LIC of 7 mg Fe/g dw or less.
Baseline mean serum ferritin concentrations were measured and reported in all but one study (Ha et al. 93) and were varied. In Aydinok et al. 70 baseline levels were higher in both groups (deferiprone, 3.84 mg/l; DFO, 3.34 mg/l) and in Gomber et al. 95 they differed between the two groups (deferiprone, 2.67 mg/l; DFO, 5.08 mg/l). In Maggio et al. 91 inclusion criteria stated that patients must have a baseline serum ferritin of between 1.50 mg/l and 3.00 mg/l, although 11 patients in the deferiprone group and seven patients in the DFO group had baseline levels of 3.00 mg/l or above.
Deferiprone target doses were the same (75 mg/kg/day) in five of the seven trials but in Pennell et al. 94 a higher dose (75 mg/kg/day rising to a target dose of 100 mg/kg/day) was given and in Olivieri et al. 83 a lower dose was given (50 mg/kg/day). DFO target doses were relatively similar in all of the trials (40 mg/kg/day,95 50 mg/kg/day71,83,91,94 or a range between 40 and 50 mg/kg/day70 or 30 and 60 mg/kg/day93).
In Olivieri et al. 83 patients acted as their own controls. Thus, they were admitted to hospital and given either deferiprone or DFO on days two, three and four. On day six patients were discharged and readmitted 3–4 weeks later following their next blood transfusion and given the alternative drug in the same manner. In all of the other trials deferiprone was taken orally three times a day, 7 days a week and DFO was infused, often overnight, between five and seven times a week.
Five trials measured mean changes in LIC70,71,91,93,94 but different measures of LIC were used across the trials. Changes were also assessed over different time periods, varying from 12 months70,94 to a median of 18 months93 to a mean of around 30 months or more. 71,91 These variations made it impossible to pool these data.
Findings were not consistent across the trials. Olivieri and Brittenham71 and Ha et al. 93 reported increases in LIC for both the deferiprone and DFO groups over a period of 18 months or more, with smaller increments in the DFO group, whereas Maggio et al. 91 and Pennell et al. 94 reported decreases in LIC that were reasonably similar for both groups. Aydinok et al. 70 also reported decreases in both groups but the decrease was larger in the DFO group.
Six trials measured mean changes in serum ferritin70,86,91,94–96 although again over different time periods varying from 6 months95 to 12 months,70,91,94 a median of 18 months93 and a mean of 22 months. 86 Again, findings were not consistent across the trials. At 12 months or more most trials reported a decrease amongst patients in both groups whereas, at 6 months, both Gomber et al. 95 and Pennell et al. 94 reported decreases in the DFO group as opposed to increases in the deferiprone group.
Data could be pooled for two trials at 6 months (Figure 4)94,95 and three trials at 12 months (Figure 5). 70,91,94 The pooled estimate was not significant but does appear to favour DFO at 6 months [random effects, weighted mean difference (WMD) 1.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) –0.42 to 2.78]; there was no significant difference in serum ferritin between the deferiprone and DFO groups at 12 months (random effects, WMD –0.10, 95% CI –0.57 to 0.38). However, the trials showed statistical heterogeneity at both time points (6 months: χ2 = 6.27, df = 1, p = 0.01, I2 = 84.0%; 12 months: χ2 = 8.09, df = 2, p = 0.02, I2 = 75.3%).
Only Pennell et al. 94 measured myocardial iron using T2*. This study reported both deferiprone and DFO to be efficacious in removing myocardial iron and the authors also reported that the difference between drugs was significant in favour of deferiprone at both 6 months (ratio of geometric mean, 1.09; p = 0.040) and 12 months (ratio of geometric mean, 1.12; p = 0.023).
All of the trials were concerned with measuring the control of iron overload except for the Olivieri et al. crossover trial. 83 Thus, this trial did not report on any relevant outcomes, although it did measure serum ferritin concentrations. However, given the short-term nature of this trial (5 days), any reported outcomes of this measure would have been of limited clinical value.
Summary: deferiprone versus DFO
Comparing patients receiving deferiprone with those receiving DFO is problematic because:
although five trials included patient populations consisting of a mixture of children and adults,70,71,83,91,93 one study focused only on children95 and another only on adults94
not all trials measured LIC and, in those that did, different methods and time points were used.
Based on mixed populations of children and adults the findings suggest that there was no significant difference between deferiprone and DFO in terms of changes in serum ferritin at 6 months94,95 or 12 months70,91,94 although statistical heterogeneity was evident.
Myocardial iron was assessed by T2* in one study94 (of adults) and reported deferiprone to be significantly superior to DFO, suggesting a superior outcome in terms of removing iron from the heart.
Combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) versus DFO or deferiprone
Six trials evaluated combination therapy versus DFO,46,70,93,95–97 of which two also considered combination therapy versus deferiprone. 70,95
All trials included patients with thalassaemia with most explicitly stating that patients had beta-TM. 46,70,96,97 The majority included a mix of children and adults although Gomber et al. 95 included only children and Tanner et al. 46 included only patients aged 18 years and over. Thus, mean ages at baseline ranged from around 13 years in Aydinok et al. 70 to nearly 29 years in Tanner et al. 46 Average ages in the other trials (except Gomber et al. 95 in which the average age of patients was not stated) were between 16 and 20 years depending on treatment group.
Comparison of baseline LIC remains difficult because of differences in measurement. Two trials measured LIC by biopsy,70,93 Galanello et al. 97 measured LIC by SQUID and Tanner et al. 46 used liver T2*. The remaining two trials95,96 did not measure LIC.
Of the two trials using biopsy, baseline LIC was 16 mg Fe/g dw or higher in Aydinok et al. ,70 whereas Ha et al. 93 simply reported that patients had to be poorly chelated, which was defined as having a baseline LIC of greater than 7 mg Fe/g dw.
Baseline serum ferritin varied across the trials, reflecting varied inclusion/exclusion criteria. Thus, the baseline serum ferritin ranged between 2.67 mg/l (deferiprone) and 5.08mg/l (DFO) in Gomber et al. 95 and between 4.15mg/l (combination therapy) and 5.51mg/l (DFO) in Mourad et al. 96 and was around 2.00 mg/l (in both groups) in Galanello et al. 97 Baseline levels were close to 2.00 mg/l (in both groups) in Tanner et al. 46 and 3.50 mg/l in Aydinok et al. 70 Ha et al. 93 did not report baseline levels.
In all trials deferiprone target doses were the same (75 mg/kg/day) for combination therapy46,70,93,95–97 and, when applicable, for deferiprone monotherapy. 70,95 DFO doses were also comparable across the trials (40–50 mg/kg/day), either as monotherapy or in combination with deferiprone. Tanner et al. 46 was the only study in which a placebo pill was given with DFO as a comparator to combination therapy.
All of the trials that measured LIC46,70,93,97 reported similar changes in LIC between the groups irrespective of how LIC was measured. In Aydinok et al. 70 the mean fall in LIC was greater in the combination therapy group than in the deferiprone monotherapy group. Change in LIC data could not be pooled because of the different methods and time points of measurement.
All six trials46,70,93,95–97 measured mean change in serum ferritin. Over 6 months Gomber et al. 95 and Mourad et al. 96 reported findings supporting DFO and combination therapy, respectively, but overall the pooled estimate from the two trials suggested no significant difference (random effects, WMD 0.52, 95% CI –1.33 to 2.37; Figure 6). Over 12 months three trials reported combination therapy to be marginally superior to DFO in terms of the mean reduction in serum ferritin concentrations,46,70,97 whereas another trial reported DFO to be superior. 96 Data could only be pooled for three of these trials70,96,97 (Figure 7) because change in standard deviation data were not available and could not easily be calculated for Tanner et al. 46 The meta-analysis found a significantly larger decrease in mean serum ferritin in the combination therapy group than in the DFO group (fixed effects, WMD –0.71, 95% CI –1.01 to –0.41).
Two trials compared combination therapy with deferiprone monotherapy. 70,95 Both reported combination therapy to be superior in terms of change in serum ferritin; over 6 months in Gomber et al. 95 and 12 months in Aydinok et al. 70
Only one study46 measured myocardial iron using T2*. Tanner et al. 46 reported significant improvements in myocardial T2* over 6 and 12 months in both the combination therapy group and the DFO group with the combination therapy group performing significantly better than the DFO group (increase of 10%, 95% CI 2–19%; p = 0.02).
Summary: combination therapy versus DFO or deferiprone
Comparing patients and measuring changes in LIC in those receiving combination therapy with those receiving DFO monotherapy or deferiprone monotherapy is problematic because:
although four trials included patient populations consisting of a mixture of children and adults,70,93,96,97 one study focused only on children95 and another only on adults46
only Aydinok et al. 70 and Gomber et al. 95 made direct comparisons between combination therapy and DFO but in populations of children and adults and children only respectively
in trials that measured LIC, different methods and time points were reported
only two trials compared combination therapy with deferiprone and at different follow-up periods.
Data that could be pooled for change in serum ferritin at 6 months95,96 and 12 months70,96,97 suggested there were no significant differences between combination therapy and DFO at 6 months but that combination therapy was significantly superior at 12 months.
Myocardial iron by T2* was assessed in one study (of adults) and reported combination therapy to be significantly superior to DFO. 46
Adverse events from RCTs
Inconsistent reporting of adverse events (AEs) in the included trials made it difficult to compare these events across the trials (Table 10).
Trial name | Any AEs and some of the most common | Any SAEs and some of the most common | AEs resulting in temporary or permanent discontinuation | Other notable events |
Deferasirox versus DFO | ||||
Cappellini 200662a | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: any 254/296 (85.8%); GI 126/296 (42.6%); abdominal pain 41/296 (13.9%); nausea 31/296 (10.5%); vomiting 30/296 (10.1%); diarrhea 35/296 (11.8%); skin rash 25/296 (8.4%); respiratory 80/296 (27.0%); cough 41/296 (13.9%); nasopharyngitis 39/296 (13.2%); viral infection 3/296 (1.0%); arthralgia 22/296 (7.4%); back pain 17/296 (5.7%) | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: any 27/296 (9.1%);b infections and infestations 7/296 (2.4%); GI disorders 4/296 (1.4%); general disorders 5/296 (1.7%); injury, etc. 5/296 (1.7%); cardiac disorders 2/296 (0.7%); neutropenia 1/296 (0.3%); renal and urinary disorders 0/296; skin disorders 2/296 (0.7%); death 1/296 (0.3%); other 14/296 (4.7%) | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: 8/296 (2.4%) | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: mild creatinine rise 113/296 (38.2%); serious creatinine rise 29/296 (9.8%); creatinine > 33% at ≥ two consecutive post-baseline visits 106/296 (35.8%); creatinine > 33% and > ULN at ≥ two consecutive post-baseline visits 7/296 (2.4%) |
DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: any 246/290 (84.8%); GI 91/290 (31.4%); abdominal pain 28/290 (9.7%); nausea 14/290 (4.8%); vomiting 28/290 (9.7%); diarrhea 21/290 (7.2%); skin rash 9/290 (3.1%); respiratory 102/290 (35.2%); cough 41/290 (13.9%); nasopharyngitis 42/290 (14.5%); viral infection 2/290 (1.9%); arthralgia 14/290 (4.8%); back pain 32/290 (11.0%) | DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: any 25/290 (8.6%);b infections and infestations 9/290 (3.1%); GI disorders 5/290 (1.7%); general disorders 2/290 (0.7%); injury, etc. 3/290 (1.0%); cardiac disorders 3/290 (1.0%); neutropenia 0/290; renal and urinary disorders 2/290 (0.7%); skin disorders 0/290; death 3/290 (1.0%); other 14/290 (4.8%) | DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: 4/290 (1.4%) | DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: mild creatinine rise 41/290 (14.1%); serious creatinine rise 0/290; creatinine > 33% at ≥ two consecutive post-baseline visits 40/290 (13.8%); creatinine > 33% and > ULN at ≥ two consecutive post-baseline visits 1/290 (0.3%) | |
Piga 200677a | Deferasirox 10–20 mg/kg/day: any 47/48 (97.9%), most common experienced by ≥ four patients in any arm; GI 36/48 (75.0%); abdominal pain 17/48 (35.4%);c nausea 10/48 (20.8%); vomiting 8/48 (16.7%); diarrhoea 13/48 (27.1%); skin rash 7/48 (14.6%); respiratory 31/48 (64.6%); cough 15/48 (31.3%); nasopharyngitis 17/48 (35.5%); arthralgia 6/48 (12.5%); back pain 18/48 (37.5%) | Deferasirox 10–20 mg/kg/day: any 7/48 (14.6%); GI 1/48 (2.1%); infections and infestations 2/48 (4.2%); general disorders 1/48 (2.1%); renal and urinary disorders 1/48 (2.1%); hepatobiliary disorders 1/48 (2.1%); injury, etc. 1/48 (2.1%); investigations 0/48; vascular disorders 1/48 (2.1%) | Deferasirox 10–20 mg/kg/day: 1/48 (2.1%) | Deferasirox 10–20 mg/kg/day: creatinine rise > ULN 4/48 (8.3%); consecutive measurements > ULN 0/48 |
DFO 40 mg/kg/day: any 21/23 (91.3%), most common experienced by ≥ four patients in any arm; GI 13/23 (56.5%); abdominal pain 4/23 (17.4%);c nausea 2/23 (8.7%); vomiting 2/23 (8.7%); diarrhoea 6/23 (26.1%); skin rash 1/23 (4.3%); respiratory 11/23 (47.8%); cough 4/23 (17.4%); nasopharyngitis 8/23 (34.8%); arthralgia 3/23 (13.0%); back pain 8/23 (34.8%) | DFO 40 mg/kg/day: any 5/23 (21.7%); infections and infestations 2/23 (8.7%); GI disorders 2/23 (8.7%); infections and infestations 1/23 (4.3%); general disorders 1/23 (4.3%); renal and urinary disorders 0/23; hepatobiliary disorders 0/23; injury, etc. 0/23; investigations 1/23 (4.3%); vascular disorders 0/23 | DFO 40 mg/kg/day: 2/23 (8.7%) | DFO 40 mg/kg/day: creatinine rise > ULN 2/23 (8.7%); consecutive measurements > ULN 0/23 | |
Vichinsky 200781 | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: any N/R, most common in > 10% patients in any arm; sickle cell anaemia with crisis 44/132 (33.3%); abdominal pain 37/132 (28.0%); nausea 30/132 (22.7%); vomiting 28/132 (21.2%); diarrhoea 26/132 (19.7%); skin rash 18/132 (13.6%); cough 18/132 (13.6%); nasopharyngitis 18/132 (13.6%); viral infection 6/132 (4.5%); arthralgia 20/132 (15.2%); back pain 24/132 (18.2%) | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: any 61/132 (46.2%); sickle cell anaemia with crisis 44/132 (33.3%); other 17/132 (12.9%) | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: 7/132 (5.3%) | Deferasirox 5–30 mg/kg/day: mild stable creatinine rise 48/132 (36.4%); creatinine rise > ULN 3/132 (2.3%) |
DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: any N/R, most common in > 10% patients in any arm; sickle cell anaemia with crisis 20/63 (31.7%); abdominal pain 9/63 (14.3%); nausea 7/63 (11.1%); vomiting 10/63 (15.9%); diarrhoea 3/63 (4.8%); skin rash 3/63 (4.8%); cough 13/63 (20.6%); nasopharyngitis 13/63 (20.6%); viral infection 7/63 (11.1%); arthralgia 9/63 (14.3%); back pain 4/63 (5.9%) | DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: any 27/63 (42.9%); sickle cell anaemia with crisis 20/63 (31.7%); other 7/63 (11.1%) | DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: 2/63 (3.2%) | DFO ≥ 20 mg/kg/day: mild stable creatinine rise 14/63 (22.2%); creatinine rise > ULN 2/63 (3.2%) | |
Deferiprone vs DFO | ||||
Olivieri 199283 | Deferiprone 50 mg/kg/day: any N/R; neutropenia 1/20 (5.0%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/R | Deferiprone 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/R |
DFO 5 0mg/kg/day: any N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | |
Olivieri 199771 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day, resulting in trial withdrawal: neutropenia 3/15 (20.0); agranulocytosis 2/15 (13.3%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: 5/15 (33.3%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: N/R |
DFO 50 mg/kg/day, resulting in trial withdrawal: neutropenia 0/29; agranulocytosis 0/29 | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: 3/11 (27.3%) | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | |
Maggio 200291 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: any 24/71 (33.8%); hypertransaminasaemia 16/71(22.5%); nausea 3/71 (4.2%); leukocytopenia 2/71 (2.8%); other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: any N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: 5/73 (6.8%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: ALT change, mean (SD) (U/l) 58 (61) to 80 (125) |
DFO 50 mg/kg/day: any 11/73 (15/1%); pain/erythema at injection site 6/73 (8.2%); other N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: 0/73 | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: ALT change, mean (SD) (U/l) 50 (47) to 48 (46) | |
Ha 2006 (well-chelated patients)93 | Because poorly-chelated and well-chelated patients and thus combination therapy and deferiprone monotherapy are combined with regard to discussion of adverse events in the published paper, all data are presented below under Combination therapy vs DFO or deferiprone | |||
Pennell 200694 | Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day: any N/R; GI 19/29 (65.5%); neutropenia 1/29 (3.4%); other N/R | Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day: N/R | Deferiprone 75–100 mg/kg/day: N/R | No significant difference between groups at 12 months and no significant difference in trend of ALT level over time between groups and difference in percentage of patients with ALT > 2× ULN was not significant between groups |
DFO 50 mg/kg/day: any N/R; reactions at the infusion site 12/32 (37.5%); neutropenia 0/32; other N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 50 mg/kg/day: N/R | ||
Combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) vs DFO or deferiprone | ||||
Mourad 200396 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: any N/R; nausea 5/11 (45.5%); joint problems 3/11 (27.3%); neutropenia 0/11; other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: 0/11 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 2 g/day: N/R |
DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: any N/R; itching, erythema, swelling and induration at the site of infusion 12/14 (85.7%); other N/R | DFO 40–50mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 40–50mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 40–50mg/kg/day: N/R | |
Gomber 200495 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/dayd: any 2/21 (9.5%); arthropathy 2/21 (9.5%); agranulocytosis 0; thrombocytopenia 0 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/dayd: any N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/dayd: 2/21 (9.5%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40 mg/kg/dayd: N/R |
DFO 40 mg/kg/day: 0/7 | DFO 40 mg/kg/day: any 0/7 | DFO 40 mg/kg/day: 0/7 | DFO 40 mg/kg/day: N/R | |
Aydinok 200670e | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: any N/R; nausea/vomiting 11/30 (36.6%); skin reactions/allergy 0/30; other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: any N/R; neutropenia 1/32 (3.3%); agranulocytosis 1/32 (3.3%); death 0/32; other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: 2/30 (6.7%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day: mean ALT levels fluctuated during the trial but were lower at the end of the trial than at baseline |
Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day; any N/R; nausea/vomiting 5/29; skin reactions/allergy 3/29; other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: any N/R; neutropenia 1/29 (3.4%); agranulocytosis 1/29 (3.4%); death 1/29 (3.4%); other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: 2/29 (6.9%) | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: mean ALT levels fluctuated during the trial but were lower at the end of the trial than at baseline | |
DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: any N/R; nausea/vomiting 0/25; skin reactions/allergy 5/25; other N/R | DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: any N/R; neutropenia 2/28; agranulocytosis 0/28; death 0/28; other N/R | DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day: 3/25 | DFO 40–50mg/kg/day: mean ALT levels remained relatively stable | |
Galanello 200697 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: any 7/29 (24.1%); vomiting 5/29 (17.2%); abdominal pain 3/29 (10.3%); diarrhoea 1/29 (3.4%); neutropenia 0/29; agranulocytosis 0/29 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: any N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: 1/29 (3.4%) | Compared with DFO, no significant change in ALT from baseline to end of the trial for either the combination therapy or DFO groups and no significant difference in trend between the two therapy groups in monthly ALT values |
DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: any 2/30 (7%); abscess at the site of infusion 1/30 (3.3%); allergic reactions 1/30 (3.3%); neutropenia 1/30 (3.3%); agranulocytosis 0/30 | DFO 30–60mg/kg/day: any N/R | DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: 0/30 | ||
Ha 2006 (well-chelated and poorly-chelated patients)93 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day:d any N/R; GI 8/26 (30.8%); ALT increase 6/26 (23.1%); arthropathy 4/28 (15.4%); neutropenia 0/26; agranulocytosis 0/26; other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day:d any N/R; death 1/26 (3.8%); other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day:d temporary drug cessation because of ALT increase 4/26 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day or deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day:d ALT levels showed marked fluctuation in some patients |
DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 30–60 mg/kg/day: N/R | DFO 30–60mg/kg/day: N/R | |
Tanner 200746 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–0 mg/kg/day: any N/R; GI 12/32 (37.5%); joint problems 3/32 (9.4%); reactions at the drug infusion site 1/32 (3.1%); neutropenia 2/32 (6.3%); agranulocytosis 1/32 (3.1%); other N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–0 mg/kg/day: any N/R | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–0 mg/kg/day: 3/32 | Deferiprone 75 mg/kg/day + DFO 40–0 mg/kg/day: any N/R |
DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo: any N/R; GI 8/33 (24.2%); joint problems 6/33 (5.9%); reactions at the drug infusion site 2/33 (6.1%); neutropenia 0/33; agranulocytosis 0/33; other N/R | DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo: any N/R | DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo: 1/33 | DFO 40–50 mg/kg/day + placebo: any N/R |
Deferasirox versus DFO
The majority of thalassaemia patients in both the deferasirox and DFO groups experienced an AE, most commonly GI events, which were more prevalent in the deferasirox groups than in the DFO groups. 62,72,77 Neutropenia was experienced only by one patient receiving deferasirox in any of the trials whereas skin rash was experienced by around one in ten patients receiving deferasirox. Very few AEs resulted in discontinuation from the study drug in any of the trials.
Severe adverse events (SAEs) were relatively uncommon, infections and infestations and GI events being the most common SAEs in both groups. There were four deaths in the Cappellini et al. 62 trial (three in the DFO group), none of which were considered to be drug related by the Program Safety Board.
Other notable events experienced across both beta-TM trials included an increase in creatinine levels, usually mild and stable; very rarely was this noted at consecutive visits.
All of the above results seemed to be mirrored in SCD patients,81 although a notable SAE here was sickle cell anaemia with crisis experienced by around one-third of all patients in either treatment group (44/132 in deferasirox group; 20/63 in DFO group).
Deferiprone versus DFO
Because some trials did not consider groups of patients receiving deferiprone separately from groups receiving combination therapy, all safety and adverse events are discussed below under combination therapy versus DFO or deferiprone.
Combination therapy versus DFO or deferiprone
Although all ten trials that examined deferiprone or combination therapy commented on at least one AE, the consistency or manner in which these were reported was variable. 95,103,104
Only three trials reported on all AEs,95,103,104 which in all instances were more common in patients receiving deferiprone or combination therapy, the most common being GI events. 46,70,91,93,94,97 Neutropenia was mentioned as occurring in a minority of patients receiving deferiprone or combination therapy in five trials46,70,71,94,104 and in patients receiving DFO in two trials. 70,104
Not all trials provided a comprehensive summary of all SAEs (i.e. they would often only mention the ‘most common’ SAE rather than report on all events). Deaths were reported in two trials. 70,93
The number of AEs resulting in discontinuation was generally low, with the exception of the Olivieri and Brittenham trial,71 in which around one-third (5/15) of deferiprone patients and one-quarter (3/11) of DFO patients withdrew from the study because of AEs.
Some trials reported that ALT levels tended to fluctuate, particularly in patients receiving deferiprone or combination therapy.
Adverse events from longer-term follow-up studies of deferasirox
Longer-term follow-up data of patients receiving deferasirox, found by the additional literature search, were limited to three studies with a median period of up to two and a half years of follow-up, all of which were published as conference abstracts (Table 11). 105–107 All of these patients were previously participants in clinical trials, including RCTs described in the review above. Most patients had beta-TM, although one-fifth were suffering from SCD. In a cohort of just over 1000 patients (including over 400 paediatric patients) SAEs were rare in both adults and children. 106,107 In total there were 15 deaths, of which only one (child) was felt to be possibly drug related by an investigator but not by the Program Safety Board. GI disorders and skin rashes were the most common drug-related AEs. Discontinuation of deferasirox because of AEs was relatively uncommon. No notable effects on liver or renal function were noted. In a cohort of 480 patients,105 progressive creatinine rises were identified, but these were reported as being generally reversible with dose modification/interruption.
Study name | Study population and intervention | Any AEs and some of the most common | Any SAEs and some of the most common | AEs resulting in temporary or permanent discontinuation | Other notable events |
Bennett 2006105 |
480 patients who originally had been included in deferasirox trials 387 (80.6%) entered the extension phases and 334 (69.6%) were on treatment at the time of analysis Median follow-up 2.5 years |
N/R | N/R | N/R | Creatinine rises > ULN 58/480 (12.1%). Of these: returned to < ULN 42/58 (72.4%); fluctuated around ULN 3/58 (5%); stabilised at slightly > ULN 9/58 (15.5%); missing data 4/58 (7.1%) |
Cappellini 2006106 |
1033 patients who had originally been included in deferasirox trials and who had originally received deferasirox (deferasirox group) or DFO (mean dose of 42.2 mg/kg/day) (crossover group): deferasirox group (mean dose 20.5 mg/kg/day) 703; crossover group (mean deferasirox dose 21.0 mg/kg/day) 330 Beta-TM 749 (72.5%); SCD 185 (17.9%); MDS 47 (4.5%); DBA 30 (2.9%); other 22 (2.1%) Children 433 (41.9%); adults 600 (58.1%) Median follow-up1.5–2.5 years |
All N/R Drug-related: nausea 99/1033 (9.6%); diarrhoea 91/1033 (8.8%); abdominal pain 52/1033 (5.0%); upper abdominal pain 44/1033 (4.3%); vomiting 49/1033 (4.7%); skin rash 49/1033 (4.7%); other N/R |
All N/R Death 15/1033 (1.5%); other N/R; all deaths considered unrelated to study drug by the Program Safety Board (one was reported as possibly related by an investigator) Drug-related: nausea 2/1033 (0.2%); diarrhoea 2/1033 (0.2%); abdominal pain 4/1033 (0.4%); upper abdominal pain 1/1033 (0.1%); vomiting 1/1033 (0.1%); skin rash 4/1033 (0.4%); other N/R |
72/1033 (7.0%) | No progressive creatinine rises; no changes in markers of liver or renal function that were consistently or significantly different from the core study; physical and sexual development proceeded normally in all patients |
Piga 2006107 |
433 children who had originally been included in deferasirox trials and who had originally received deferasirox (deferasirox group) or DFO who had switched to it (crossover group): deferasirox group 289 (66.7%); crossover group 144 (33.3%) Age: 2 to < 6 years 70 (16.2%); 6 to < 12 years 192 (44.3%); 12 to < 16 years 171 (39.5%) 392 (90.4%) still on treatment at time of analysis Median follow-up 1.6–2.6 years |
All N/R Drug-related: nausea 17/433 (3.9%); diarrhoea 19/433 (4.4%); abdominal pain 17/433 (3.9%); vomiting 19/433 (4.4%); skin rash 24/1033 (5.5%); other N/R |
All N/R Death 2/433 (0.5%); other N/R; both deaths were in the deferasirox cohort and considered unrelated to study drug by the Program Safety Board (one was reported as possibly related by an investigator) Drug-related: nausea 0/433; diarrhoea 0/433; abdominal pain 0/433; vomiting 0/433; skin rash 0/433; other N/R |
21/433 (4.8%) | No progressive increases in markers of liver or renal function; physical and sexual development proceeded normally in all patients |
More recently we became aware that a further three abstracts were presented to the 49th American Society of Haematology Annual Meeting in December 2007. 108–110 Two of these108,109 contained data on the same cohort of just over 1000 patients after a further 12 months; no notable differences in adverse events were reported. The other study110 is an extension of the Vichinsky et al. 81 RCT of patients with SCD. 81 The most common AEs were GI and skin rash; there were no significant changes in markers of liver or renal function; no cases of progressive increases in serum creatinine were reported.
However, post-marketing AE data identified cases of fatal, acute, irreversible renal failure and cytopenias (including agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia). 111 In September 2007 the FDA112 published more detailed information on these AEs; the most common involved the GI (including hepatic), renal and haematological systems (Table 12). Of 115 suspected AEs, 108 reported a serious outcome including death. Some of these records were duplicates, for example the number of deaths was reported to be 19, of which 17 were unduplicated. There were 24 unduplicated reports of hepatic AEs including increased ALT, increased bilirubin, jaundice, ascites, subclinical and clinical hepatitis, liver failure, hepatic encephalopathy and cholecystitis. Reports of renal AEs in 16 patients included renal failure (of which two AEs were fatal), acute renal failure, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis and renal tubulopathy. There were 15 unduplicated reports of haematological AEs included agranulocytosis, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. It was reported that ‘some’ of these patients died. In many of these cases the extent to which AEs may be caused by deferasirox is not known. Three patients with hepatic failure had a significant history of hepatic disease and/or use of concomitant medication with known hepatic AEs, four patients with renal AEs had a history of renal disease and ‘most’ of the patients with haematological AEs had pre-existing haematological disorders that are frequently associated with bone marrow failure. As a result, product labelling has been updated. In addition, the FDA requested health-care professionals to report any SAEs in association with deferasirox therapy (e.g. renal failure and cytopenias).
MedDRA preferred term | Total case/event count |
Gastrointestinal | |
Increase in ALT | 17 |
Blood bilirubin increased | 16 |
Diarrhea | 17 |
Nausea | 16 |
Renal | |
Blood urea increased | 14 |
Blood creatinine increased | 17 |
Renal failure acute | 7 |
Haematological | |
Haemoglobin decreased | 18 |
Platelet count decreased | 11 |
Haematocrit decreased | 9 |
Sickle cell anaemia with crisis | 7 |
Other | |
Pyrexia | 27 |
Dyspnea | 10 |
Fatigue | 10 |
Rash | 9 |
Dehydration | 9 |
Malaise | 8 |
Asthenia | 7 |
Other considerations
At the time of the literature search none of the RCTs included in this review presented quality of life (QoL) outcomes. One trial explicitly stated that it attempted to measure QoL but then failed to present any findings. 87 One of the authors involved in this trial was contacted for further information regarding the various published abstracts but failed to respond to our emails.
Eight trials reported on adherence with deferiprone versus DFO or combination therapy versus DFO and/or versus deferiprone. 46,70,71,91,93,94,96,97 It should, however, be noted that RCTs are not ideal for measuring adherence and tend to overestimate this in clinical practice.
In Olivieri and Brittenham71 adherence in the deferiprone group was measured with computerised bottles and was reported to be significantly better than adherence in the DFO group measured using ambulatory pumps [deferiprone, mean (SD) = 94.9% (1.1%); DFO, mean (SD) = 71.6% (22.5%); p < 0.005).
Adherence with the trial treatment was assessed in Maggio et al. 91 by counting the pills in each returned bag of deferiprone, by assessing the total dose of DFO consumed each week and by interviewing the patients’ relatives. A total of 55 patients in each trial group (deferiprone = 77.5%; DFO = 75.3%) took the prescribed dose of the trial treatment during the trial period and four patients (5.6%) in the deferiprone group and seven (9.6%) in the DFO group took a reduced dose because of low adherence.
In Pennell et al. ,94 Tanner et al. 46 and Galanello et al. ,97 deferiprone adherence was measured using the Medication Event Monitoring System device (Aardex, Zug, Switzerland) and DFO adherence was measured using Crono pumps (supplemented by the use of diary cards and weekly physical examination of infusion sites in Galanello et al. ). Adherence in Pennell et al. 94 was similar between groups (p = 0.81) being 94% (SD 5.3%) in the deferiprone group and 93% (SD 9.7%) in the DFO group. Tanner et al. 46 also reported similar rates of DFO adherence in the combination therapy and DFO groups (91.4% compared with 92.6%, p = 0.7). This trial also compared adherence with deferiprone tablets in the combination therapy group with placebo tablets in the DFO group and reported adherence with placebo to be significantly better than adherence with deferiprone (89.8% compared with 82.4%, p = 0.04); no reason is given for this result. In Galanello et al. 97 only adherence with DFO is reported and this was reported to be similar in both the combination therapy (96.1%) and DFO monotherapy groups (95.7%).
Mourad et al. 96 defined adherence as either ‘excellent’ (taking over 90% of the recommended doses) or ‘good’ (75–90% of recommended doses) and reported adherence to be better with combination therapy [excellent = 10/11 (90.1%)] than with DFO [excellent = 11/14 (78.6%)].
In Ha et al. 93 adherence was determined by diary entry and the use of tablets provided between visits and was reported to be ‘excellent’ in the combination therapy group with 75% of patients being compliant in taking both deferiprone and DFO. Adherence with DFO alone was considered to be ‘good’ for 60% of patients and ‘poor’ for 40% of patients; the criteria as to how these terms were defined are not reported.
In Aydinok et al. 70 adherence was assessed by adherence to treatment at weeks 12, 26, 38 and 54; adherence was reported to be better with both combination therapy [30/30 (100%)] and with deferiprone monotherapy [26/26 (100%)] than with DFO [22/25 (88.0%)].
Because of the small sample sizes in the above trials all results should be interpreted with extreme caution.
Following the completion of the literature searches a subsequent paper was published by Cappellini et al. 113 relating, albeit indirectly, to QoL and adherence. This paper presents findings on patients’ experiences of treatment (reported satisfaction, convenience, preferences and willingness to continue trial treatment) from the Cappellini et al. 62 trial. In this trial, which excluded patients with previously poor adherence of DFO, at baseline, one-third of patients in both the deferasirox and DFO groups reported that they were dissatisfied with DFO treatment [94/289 (32.5%) and 93/282 (33.0%) respectively] whereas, at the end of the trial, 38.3% (108/282) of patients in the DFO group and 5.9% (17/289) of patients in the deferasirox group were dissatisfied with their respective trial treatment. 113 Similarly, two-thirds of patients in both groups reported that DFO treatment was inconvenient at baseline [198/289 (68.5%) and 193/282 (68.4%) respectively] but, at the end of the trial, 72.7% (205/282) of patients in the DFO group were inconvenienced by DFO compared with 1.0% (3/289) of patients in the deferasirox group. Amongst patients who had experience of using both deferasirox and DFO, at the end of the trial 0.7% (2/289) of patients stated they preferred DFO to deferasirox compared with 96.9% (280/289) of patients who reported that they preferred deferasirox to DFO. Finally, 85.8% (248/289) of patients receiving deferasirox reported that they would be willing to continue trial treatment compared with 13.8% (39/282) of patients receiving DFO (p < 0.001), whereas 3.5% (10/289) and 64.5% (182/282) of patients indicated that they would be unwilling to continue their trial treatment with deferasirox and DFO respectively.
Clinical discussion
The aim of this clinical review was to evaluate the effectiveness of a relatively new oral chelator, deferasirox, in the treatment of iron overload due to transfusional haemosiderosis in patients suffering with chronic anaemia. To achieve this comparisons with other iron chelators were necessary, i.e. DFO, deferiprone and combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO).
The range of outcome markers described in the review may be confusing and the different techniques used to measure LIC made meaningful comparisons problematic. Moreover, there was a diversity of inclusion and exclusion criteria, there were different follow-up periods and both the quality of reporting and the methodological quality of the trials were generally poor. Limited availability of information in two trials presented only as conference abstracts made it difficult to assess the methodological quality and extract data. 114,115 Most trials included in the review were small in size with only three62,81,91 including more than 100 participants; around half of the patients in the review were in the three trials that compared deferasirox with DFO. 62,77,81 As a result it was possible to undertake meta-analyses with data from only a small subset of the papers included in the review and, in most cases, there was evidence of statistical heterogeneity. It is therefore difficult to interpret the results of the review with any certainty.
The largest trial, which was designed to test for non-inferiority of deferasirox compared with DFO (utilising trial-specific measures of ‘success’ in terms of changes in LIC), included 586 patients and found that, at licensed doses of 20 mg/kg/day or above, deferasirox was not inferior to DFO. 62 However, some patients in the trial (those with baseline LIC < 7 mg Fe/g dw) appeared to be underdosed, particularly in comparison with patients receiving DFO. Thus, the main claim to non-inferiority is based on post hoc subgroup analysis, which raises concern although it is supported by prespecified secondary subgroup analysis which found that, in terms of mean changes in LIC, deferasirox was not inferior to DFO in patients with a baseline LIC ≥ 7 mg Fe/g dw (i.e. those patients who received deferasirox at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day or above). 72 In the smaller trials of deferiprone versus DFO, deferiprone was less efficacious in reducing LIC levels than DFO; however, a combination of deferiprone and DFO generally produced comparable results between the two chelators. Only two trials compared combination therapy with deferiprone.
Based on individual trial data, including the large Cappellini et al. trial,62 deferasirox and DFO appear to be generally similar in reducing serum ferritin concentrations. Based on both individual trial data and pooled data there are no significant differences between deferiprone monotherapy and DFO, and combination therapy is superior to DFO. Meta-analyses found no significant differences between deferiprone and DFO or combination therapy and DFO at 6 months. However, there was statistical heterogeneity in the deferiprone trials at both follow-up periods and in the combination therapy trials at 12 months; reasons for the heterogeneity are unknown but this could be accounted for by differences in the study populations. In addition, it should be noted that the number of patients included in each of the pooled analyses was still relatively small. Only two trials compared combination therapy with deferiprone and this was over different follow-up periods.
Only two trials46,94 included in this review measured changes in cardiac T2* (an indirect measure of myocardial iron overload), neither of which considered deferasirox. These show a statistically significant difference in cardiac T2* levels between the treatment arms favouring deferiprone and combination therapy over DFO.
The outcomes measured in these trials are relatively short term and only measure surrogate end points of the real outcomes of clinical importance (e.g. the effects of iron chelation on morbidity including end-organ damage or other toxicity such as cardiac dysfunction and liver fibrosis). Long-term retrospective studies on morbidity and mortality have reported cardiac events and mortality risk to be lower in thalassaemia patients with good adherence to iron chelation therapy and in those treated with deferiprone as opposed to DFO. 116–118 Similar studies have yet to be conducted, or at least published, in patients receiving deferasirox.
The RCTs suggest that generally deferasirox is safe, but post-marketing follow-up data involving patients receiving deferasirox have identified AEs of considerable concern (e.g. fatal, acute, irreversible renal failure and cytopenias). 111,112 It is currently unclear if these AEs are drug related. Thus, further longer-term observational studies are needed. In the meantime the updating of the product labelling for deferasirox to reflect the current information regarding the cases of acute renal failure and cytopenias has been recommended by the FDA.
Only the Cappellini et al. trial62 reported data on QoL; this appeared in a paper identified following the completion of the review. 113 This study reported that patients prefer deferasirox to DFO in terms of reported satisfaction, convenience, preferences and willingness to continue study treatment. QoL as measured by patient perceptions of their treatment is clearly important with regard to adherence.
Adherence with DFO was measured only in the RCTs that considered this as a comparator to deferiprone and/or combination therapy. Although DFO adherence was not as poor in these trials as would be expected from clinical practice,119 it should be noted that different methods were used for measuring adherence across the trials and that RCTs by their very nature are not the most adequately designed studies for measuring adherence in the real world. Adherence is an important issue because, although trials may suggest that all chelators are reasonably similar in terms of efficacy, in practice lack of adherence to treatment protocols will clearly limit the likelihood of the treatment being effective. 120 Adherence is more likely to be high in children for whom this is the responsibility of the parent. However, during adolescence, when chelation is becoming the patient’s (rather then the parent’s) responsibility, anecdotal evidence suggests that there can often be disruption of DFO treatment leading to long-term avoidance (UK Thalassaemia Society, 2007, personal communication).
With the exception of one trial of SCD patients,81 all of the RCTs included patients with thalassaemia (nearly always beta-TM), with no subgroup analyses by underlying disease. Patients with SCD may start blood transfusions later in life and with less frequency than those with beta-TM. Patients with MDS are typically older than those with thalassaemia or SCD, being in their 50s and 60s; in the current review the average age of each trial population was much lower than this. Furthermore, it has been shown in MDS patients that serum ferritin levels in excess of 1.0 mg/l are related to reduced survival20 as opposed to 2.5 mg/l in thalassaemia patients. 5
Recent data from non-RCTs are only partially illuminating. An open-label study121 reported that deferasirox reduced mean serum ferritin by around 0.8 mg/l at 12 months, with levels still on average 2.6 mg/l; around one-third of patients developed thrombocytopenia but new cytopenias were considered by the authors to be consistent with haematological progression of MDS. A separate prospective trial122 of patients with MDS (n = 47), DBA (n = 30) and other rare anaemias (n = 22), as well as thalassaemia (n = 85), reported mean reductions in LIC in all disease groups from deferasirox (dose depended on baseline LIC as in the large Cappellini et al. RCT,62 with most patients receiving 20–30 mg/kg); mean changes in LIC correlated to changes in serum ferritin, were dose respondent and greatest in the MDS and smallest in the DBA groups. However LIC was measured by a combination of biopsy or SQUID, with around half of all MDS and DBA patients being assessed by SQUID compared with fewer than one-quarter of patients with thalassaemia or other rare anaemias. There were no differences in the most common AEs (GIs, skin rash and non-progressive creatinine increases) across the disease groups although all deaths [5/184 (2.7%)] were reported in MDS and DBA patients; these were not considered to be drug related. There were 9/184 (4.9%) cases of neutropenia, all felt by the investigators to be related to the disease and not the drug; these were more prevalent in non-thalassaemia patients.
All but three RCTs included a mix of children and adults in their patient populations, with no subgroup analyses by age group. There are pharmacokinetics data which demonstrate that children appear to metabolise deferasirox more rapidly than adults. 77,123 This in turn may have implications with regard to both safety and efficacy although the long-term data to date have shown no apparent differences between children and adults with regard to AEs.
A final factor to be considered which may decrease the value of the studies included is publication bias and the fact that most studies in this area were conducted with pharmaceutical company involvement; such studies in the past in other therapeutic areas have been shown to contain a bias towards the drugs of the sponsor. 124,125
In summary, there is some evidence in the clinical review to support the use of all three iron chelators in people with iron overload but, for reasons discussed above, these must be interpreted with caution. There is a need to strengthen the evidence base with further research of clinical outcomes, particularly cardiac T2* in patients receiving deferasirox.
Chapter 5 Economic review
This chapter explores the published literature on the costs and benefits of iron chelation therapy for the treatment of iron overload in chronically transfused patients. The aim of this review was to identify published cost-effectiveness studies of deferasirox versus DFO, deferiprone or placebo; or deferiprone versus DFO (alone or in combination with deferiprone). Because of limitations in the availability of published information (many abstract-only studies) this review is more a descriptive presentation than a critical appraisal.
Identification of studies
Details of the search strategy and the methods for selecting evidence are presented in Chapter 3. A total of 884 records was identified by the search strategy; five were subsequently singled out as pertaining to the economics of chelation therapy and obtained in full text format to facilitate the application of inclusion/exclusion criteria. Of these, four records were selected for inclusion in the review. A further five abstracts were identified from searching conference proceedings [American Hematology Association (AHA) and European Haemotology Association (EHA)] and one full text article was identified from hand-searching activities, equating to a total of 10 articles. 126–135 From this, eight distinct cost-effectiveness studies were identified: one full paper131 and seven studies in abstract-only form. 126,127,130,132–135
Quality assessment
Quality assessment of the abstract-only studies would be meaningless because of word limit constraints. Hence, the decision was taken to apply detailed quality assessment criteria to the single full text article only. 131 In general the quality of this study was high (Table 13).
Checklist item | Delea 2007131 |
1. The research question is stated | ✓ |
2. The economic importance of the research question is stated | ✓ |
3. The viewpoint(s) of the analysis are clearly stated and justified | ✓ |
4. The rationale for choosing the alternative programmes or interventions compared is stated | ✓ |
5. The alternatives being compared are clearly described | ✓ |
6. The form of economic evaluation used is stated | ✓ |
7. The choice of form of economic evaluation is justified | ✓ |
8. The source(s) of effectiveness estimates used are stated | ✓ |
9. Details of the design and results of effectiveness study are given | ✓/✗ |
10. Details of the method of synthesis or meta-analysis of estimates are given | N/A |
11. The primary outcome measure(s) for the economic evaluation are clearly stated | ✓ |
12. Methods to value health states and other benefits are stated | ✓/✗ |
13. Details of the subjects from whom valuations were obtained are given | ✓ |
14. Productivity changes (if included) are reported separately | N/A |
15. The relevance of productivity changes to the study question is discussed if included | N/A |
16. Quantities of resources are reported separately from their unit costs | ✗ |
17. Methods for the estimation of quantities and unit costs are described | ✓ |
18. Currency and price data are recorded | ✓ |
19. Details of currency price adjustments for inflation or currency conversion are given | ? |
20. Details of any model used are given | ✓ |
21. The choice of model used and the key parameters on which it is based are justified | ✓ |
22. Time horizon of costs and benefits is stated | ✓ |
23. The discount rate(s) are stated | ✓ |
24. The choice of rate(s) is justified | ✓ |
25. An explanation is given if costs or benefits are not discounted | N/A |
26. Details of statistical tests and confidence intervals are given for stochastic data | N/A |
27. The approach to sensitivity analysis is given | ✓ |
28. The choice of variables for sensitivity analysis is justified | ✓ |
29. The ranges over which the variables are varied are stated | ✓ |
30. Relevant alternatives are compared | ✓ |
31. Incremental analysis is reported | ✓ |
32. Major outcomes are presented in a disaggregated as well as an aggregated form | ✓ |
33. The answer to the study question is given | ✓ |
34. Conclusions follow from the data reported | ✓ |
35. Conclusions are accompanied by the appropriate caveats | ✓ |
Study characteristics
All eight studies undertook a cost–utility analysis, presenting results as cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY), and all compared deferasirox with DFO (Table 14). Four studies considered only beta-TM patients,130–133 one study considered SCD patients,126 one study included only MDS patients127 and two studies considered beta-TM, SCD and MDS patients as a group. 134,135 Only two studies had a UK perspective, three studies had a US perspective and the remaining studies were Canadian, Brazilian and European. The four studies in beta-TM patients adopted a long-term time frame (lifetime/50 years);130–133 the remaining studies appeared to be of 1 year in duration. All of the studies had industry author affiliations, and there was a large degree of overlap, in terms of both data sources and authors, between many of the studies.
Study | Type of evaluation and synthesis | Interventions | Study population | Country | Time period of study | Industry–author affiliation | Publication type |
Delea 2007131 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
Transfusion-dependent beta-TM patients suffering from iron overload | US | 50-year time-frame | Funding provided by Novartis; two authors are employees of Novartis and own stocks/shares in the company, remaining authors have received consulting fees/honoraria from Novartis | Full paper |
Delea 2006130 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
Transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients suffering from iron overload | Canada | Lifetime | None declared but Sofrygin and Delea have received consulting fees from Novartis as declared in the full paper131 | Abstract |
Delea 2006132 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox No chelation |
Transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients suffering from iron overload | Europe | Unclear; lifetime? | None declared but Sofrygin and Delea have received consulting fees from Novartis as declared in the full paper131 | Abstract |
Calebro 2006133 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
Transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients suffering from iron overload | Brazil | Lifetime | Lead author works for Novartis and Sofrygin and Delea have received consulting fees from Novartis as declared in the full paper131 | Abstract |
Delea 2005127 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
Transfusion-dependent MDS patients | US | 1 year | Two authors employed by Novartis | Abstract |
Delea 2005126 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
SCD patients receiving frequent transfusions | US | 1 year | Two authors employed by Novartis | Abstract |
Karnon 2006134 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
Transfusion-dependent patients suffering from iron overload (beta-TM, SCD and MDS patients) | UK | 1 year | Co-author employed by Novartis | Abstract |
Karnon 2007135 | Cost–utility analysis; results expressed as cost per QALY |
DFO Deferasirox |
Transfusion-dependent patients suffering from iron overload (beta-TM, SCD and MDS patients) | UK | 1 year | Co-author employed by Novartis | Abstract |
Economic models
In the studies two distinct modelling approaches were adopted: long-term modelling (lifetime) and short-term (1 year) modelling. See Table 15 for full details of each of the models.
Study | Type of model | Perspective | Base-case model parameters | Model assumptions |
Delea 2007131 | Markov model with annual transitions between health states. Three health states defined: alive without cardiac disease; alive with cardiac disease; dead (absorbing state). Model was constructed in Microsoft Excel | US health-care system |
Prescribed dose: DFO 47.4 mg/kg/day for 5 days per week; deferasirox 24.6 mg/kg/day every day Adherence: DFO 64%; deferasirox 74% Annual mortality with cardiac disease 16% Utility difference DFO (0.61) vs deferasirox (0.85) –24 Utility difference cardiac disease vs no cardiac disease –15% Costs: DFO US$35.77 per gram; deferasirox US$89.49 per gram; DFO administration US$56 per infusion; treatment of iron overload-related cardiac disease US$14,770 |
No adverse events. Once patients develop cardiac disease they cannot go back to cardiac disease-free state. Costs of DFO based on branded version, not generic |
Delea 2006130 | Markov model – limited detail | Ontario provincial health-care system | Costs of yearly DFO therapy: C$6000; cost of drugs not stated | Complications of iron overload and adherence factored into analysis – no details provided |
Delea 2006132 | Markov model – limited detail. Model was same as that used in main US study131 but adapted to European perspective | European health-care systems |
Prescribed dose: DFO 47.2 mg/kg; deferasirox 24.6 mg/kg Costs: DFO €15–40 per 2-g vial; deferasirox €40–50 per 1-g vial; DFO administration €10–40 per infusion |
Model inputs the same as main US study131 apart from costs. Patients assumed to be aged 3 years at model entry. Costs of complications not included |
Calebro 2006133 | Decision-analytic model – limited detail | Brazilian health-care system | DFO administration US$195 per month; cost of drugs not stated | No cost of complications of iron overload apart from cardiac disease |
Delea 2005127 | Unclear | US health-care system | Mean patient weight: 70 kg | No difference in adherence – both fully compliant. Adverse effects of chelation therapy not included |
Delea 2005126 | Unclear | US health-care system | Mean patient weight: 52 kg | No difference in adherence – both fully compliant. Adverse effects of chelation therapy not included |
Karnon 2006134 | Unclear | UK NHS |
Mean patient weight: 54kg Prescribed dose: DFO 37 mg/kg 236 days per year; deferasirox 20 mg/kg per day Adherence: DFO 83.7%; deferasirox 83.7% Utility difference DFO (0.61) vs deferasirox (0.85) –0.24 Cost: DFO £8.88 per gram; deferasirox £34 per gram |
No costs of adverse events or monitoring. No difference in adherence, although both groups assumed to not be fully compliant with therapy |
Karnon 2007135 | Unclear | UK NHS |
Mean patient weight: 42 kg Prescribed dose: DFO 35 mg/kg 5–7 times per week; deferasirox 20 mg/kg per day Utility difference DFO (0.66) vs deferasirox (0.84) –0.18 |
Assumed equivalent, only QoL difference between deferasirox and DFO. Costs and disutility associated with adverse events were incorporated (no details given.) No mention of adherence |
Short term
Four publications presented data from short-term models,126,127,134,135 although as none of the publications were full text versions the model details were sparse. The abstract presented on MDS patients in the US127 provided limited specific information about the model. The model focused on QoL and cost issues in the short term (1 year). Issues of adherence, mortality and adverse events were not considered.
Likewise, the abstract presented on SCD patients in the US126 provided very few details of the economic model utilised. Only costs and QoL were considered in the short term (1 year); adherence, mortality and adverse events were not included.
The two UK abstracts134,135 were also unable to provide sufficient detail on the modelling methodology; however, it seems likely that they are derived from the same model. This model looked at iron-overloaded beta-TM, SCD and MDS patients as a group. Once again a relatively simple model was developed that considered only the costs and QoL associated with chelation therapy in the short term (1 year). There were no costs or disutility estimates associated with adverse events nor monitoring costs in the first abstract,134 although these were included in the subsequent abstract. 135 A number of other parameters also changed between the first and second abstract, most notably the assumption of suboptimal adherence in the first abstract, with no mention of this in its successor.
Long term
The model developed by Delea et al. 131 for beta-TM patients in the US is by far the most comprehensively described, no doubt because of the fact that the remaining reports were available in abstract-only form. The model was a three-state Markov model with annual transitions between health states. The three health states were defined as alive with no cardiac disease, alive with cardiac disease, and dead (absorbing state). The model works on the assumption that, in the long term, chelation therapy prevents the development of cardiac disease and hence prevents cardiac-related death. Patients are assumed to have improved adherence with deferasirox regimens compared with DFO regimens (74% versus 64%), which in turn leads to a greater protection against cardiac morbidity and mortality. There is also an assumed benefit in terms of QoL from being cardiac disease free, as well as the benefit of an oral over a subcutaneous regime. However, the model does not include the costs and disutilities associated with adverse events.
There are no details of the models provided in the Canadian,130 European132 and Brazilian133 publications (abstract only), although it seems likely that the model developed in the US for beta-TM patients131 was subsequently adapted to European, Canadian and Brazilian locations. Hence, presumably the parameters are the same as in the US study apart from differences in resource use and costs.
The majority of studies expressed costs in US dollars; the remaining studies utilised UK pounds, Canadian dollars and Euros. Only half of the studies provided a price year, which ranged from 2004 to 2006. In the long-term studies, discounting of costs was undertaken using rates appropriate to the country of origin. The price of chelators was presented in only three studies,131,132,134 all of which were in different currencies making comparison difficult, although the price of deferasirox was consistently greater than that of DFO. None of the studies presented resource use separately from costs, making it impossible to validate the estimated costs (see Table 16).
Study | Currency and year | Discount rate | Price of chelator(s) | Costs | Resource use |
Delea 2007131 | US$ 2006 | 3% | DFO: US$35.77 per gram; deferasirox: US$89.49 per gram | Costs based on wholesale acquisition costs from the Red book.138 Costs of DFO administration were based on the mean per patient administration cost (US$9286) divided by the number of infusions per year (166, taking into account adherence). Administration costs include all infusion or intravenous services and tests, and were taken from the US health insurance claims database. Costs of cardiac disease based on analysis of 35 frequently transfused thalassaemia patients, of whom 16 had claims for cardiac disease; costs for cardiac disease based on mean cost of these 16 patients. Costs and resources not provided separately | Prescribed doses based on main phase III trial (Cappellini et al.62); however, there were dosage problems with this trial that led to underdosing in deferasirox arm, which may mean that too low a dose of deferasirox is estimated here. Average weight by age based on a quadratic function fitted to data on thalassaemia patients in clinical trials (unpublished data) |
Delea 2006130 | C$ 2004 | 5% | Cost of drugs not stated | Costs of deferasirox, DFO and drugs used to treat iron overload complications were based on publicly available sources. Costs of DFO were estimated from five Canadian treatment centres and were comprised of the costs of materials and time spent by pharmacists preparing DFO infusions. No actual costs provided | DFO resource use from five Canadian centres. Unsure about other estimates |
Delea 2006132 | € (year not stated) | 3% | DFO: €15–40 per 2-g vial; deferasirox: €40–50 per 1-g vial | Costs of DFO administration €10–40 per infusion. Costs of complications not included | Unclear, presumably same as US study131 |
Calebro 2006133 | US$ 2006 | 3% | Cost of drugs not stated | Costs of deferasirox based on anticipated costs; costs of DFO based on current cost to public payers excluding taxes; neither costs stated. Costs of DFO administration calculated from the patient perspective using the Brasindice table for syringes, needles, scalp and other materials (US$195 per month). Costs and resources not provided separately | Unclear, presumably same as US study131 |
Delea 2005127 | US$ (year not stated) | NA | Cost of drugs not stated | Costs of generic DFO and anticipated costs of deferasirox based on wholesale acquisition costs – not given. Costs of DFO administration based on analyses of insurance claims data for patients with transfusion-dependent anaemia. Costs and resources not provided separately | Dose of DFO and deferasirox based on phase II study in MDS patients – reference not given. Weight of patients based on data from deferasirox trials in MDS patients |
Delea 2005126 | US$ (year not stated) | NA | Cost of drugs not stated | Costs of generic DFO and anticipated costs of deferasirox based on wholesale acquisition costs – not given. Costs of DFO administration based on analyses of insurance claims data for patients with transfusion-dependent anaemia. Costs and resources not provided separately | Assumed patients would receive same doses of deferasirox and DFO as had been reported to be similarly effective in patients with SCD – no reference given. Average weight of patients based on data from deferasirox clinical trials |
Karnon 2006134 | UK£ (year not stated) | NA | DFO: £8.88 per gram; deferasirox: £34 per gram | Costs of drugs based on unit costs 2004/5. Costs of DFO administration based on study in 29 patients from four UK centres. Costs and resources not provided separately | Prescribed dose of DFO based on study in 29 patients. Unsure of source for deferasirox dose – possibly assumption. Mean patient weight of 54 kg based on study in 29 patients in UK |
Karnon 2007135 | UK£ 2004/2005 | NA | Cost of drugs not stated | Drug costs estimated from main phase III trial (Cappellini et al.62) Costs of DFO administration based on study in 29 patients from four UK centres. Costs and resources not provided separately | Prescribed dose of DFO and deferasirox based on Cappellini et al.62 Mean patient weight of 42 kg based on Cappellini et al.62 |
Health outcomes
The incorporation of health outcomes was highly dependent upon the time period chosen for the analysis (see Table 17).
Study | Outcomes | Quality of life | Adherence | Discount rate |
Delea 2007131 | Main outcome was cardiac-related death. Cardiac mortality is assumed to be dependent on age and lifetime adherence with chelation therapy. Overall rate of cardiac mortality assumed to be the same for DFO and deferasirox (16%), which comes from a small study in 52 patients (but adherence varies and hence affects lifetime risk of cardiac mortality). Patients without cardiac disease were assumed to have a risk of non-cardiac death equivalent to age-matched general population. It was assumed that the risk function for cardiac disease would be a shifted Weibull function, using survival data from Gabutti and Piga.1 The result was that the risk of cardiac disease increases by 7.3% for every percentage point decrease in adherence | QoL estimated for DFO and deferasirox and also for cardiac and non-cardiac disease. QoL for DFO vs deferasirox based on a study in 110 patients using TTO technique to determine people’s preferences for oral vs subcutaneous iron chelation therapy in a community study in Australia. QoL for cardiac disease based on TTO values for heart failure reported in the Beaver Dam health outcomes study139 | Used lower estimate of adherence with DFO – 64% from Gabutti and Piga1 rather than 77% from Arboretti,139 the largest study. Used a small study of 54 patients taking either deferiprone or DFO to estimate a 16% improved adherence with deferasirox compared with DFO. leading to the estimate of 74% adherence with deferasirox | 3% |
Delea 2006130 | Probabilities of complications of iron overload and death by adherence with chelation were estimated from public studies | Utilities based on patient preferences for oral vs infusional chelation therapy, as well as published literature and assumption | Adherence with DFO based on health insurance database claims. Adherence with deferasirox based on study of deferiprone | 5% |
Delea 2006132 | Probabilities of complications of iron overload and death by adherence with chelation were estimated from public studies | Utilities based on patient preferences for oral vs infusional chelation therapy | Adherence with DFO based on health insurance database claims. Adherence with deferasirox based on study of deferiprone | 3% |
Calebro 2006133 | Probabilities of complications of iron overload and death by adherence with chelation were estimated from public studies | Utilities based on patient preferences for oral (deferiprone) vs infusional chelation therapy (DFO) | Adherence based on US health insurance database claims | 3% |
Delea 2005127 | Utility only | Utility for MDS patients receiving transfusions based on published data from patients with anaemia due to metastatic cancer. Utility for differences in DFO vs deferasirox based on a TTO study –presumably Australian TTO study | Full adherence with both drugs assumed | NA |
Delea 2005126 | Utility only | Utilities based on TTO study of patient preferences for oral vs infusional chelation therapy (0.57 DFO and 0.82 deferasirox) – presumably Australian TTO study | Full adherence with both drugs assumed | NA |
Karnon 2006134 | Utility only | Utilities based on De%%Abreu Lourenco et al.136 (0.61 for DFO and 0.85 for oral chelation) | Adherence with DFO based on a study in 29 patients from four UK centres | Not stated |
Karnon 2007135 | Utility only | QoL for DFO vs deferasirox based on a UK study in 110 patients using TTO technique to determine the preference for oral vs infusional iron chelation therapy | No mention of adherence | NA |
Short term
The four short-term studies126,127,134,135 expressed health outcomes in terms of the QoL benefit of oral chelation with deferasirox compared with infusional DFO. Three of the abstracts appear to be based on the same time trade-off (TTO) study of Australian origin, which was presented as an abstract in 2005136 and published in full in 2007. 137 It is worth noting that the reported utility values vary slightly and do not necessarily match either of the TTO publications. The TTO study was derived from a community-based sample of 110 healthy participants and appears to be of sound methodology.
The later of the two UK short-term studies135 utilised data from a UK QoL study (personal communication with authors, July 2007), which is not yet published and hence cannot be verified.
Adherence was factored into the first UK publication,134 although as the rates were equivalent (for both intervention and comparator) this only has the effect of reducing drug costs and should not impact upon the outcomes.
Long term
The four longer-term studies130–133 expressed outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality combined with QoL benefits. Adherence was factored into all of the studies although it is not clear exactly how this was achieved in the three abstracts; presumably they utilised the same methods as in the US study. 131 All of the long-term studies applied discounting, using rates appropriate to the country of origin.
The US Delea et al. study131 calculated adherence rates from published sources and assumption, estimating a superior adherence rate with deferasirox than with DFO. The published adherence studies did not directly compare adherence on deferasirox with that on DFO. Furthermore, the authors chose to use adherence data on DFO from one study only,1 which was the lower of the two available estimates. The authors justified this choice by stating that physicians generally overestimate adherence, hence the lower estimate reflects clinical practice. It is unclear if the adherence with DFO was based on patients receiving DFO via a traditional pump or a balloon infuser. Information on adherence with deferasirox was not available, hence the results of a small study of adherence with deferiprone were used. This led to an overall difference in adherence of 10% (74% deferasirox, 64% DFO).
Adherence was subsequently linked to risk of cardiovascular disease and ultimately cardiac-related mortality. For each percentage point decrease in adherence, the risk of iron overload-related cardiovascular disease was assumed to increase by 7.3%. Given that there is an adherence differential of 10%, this equates to DFO patients having a 73% increased risk of cardiac disease compared with deferasirox patients. After developing cardiovascular disease the risk of death was estimated to be 16% annually, which is based on a small study140 in Greek thalassaemia patients.
Patients with cardiac disease were also assumed to have a disutility of 0.15 compared with cardiac disease-free thalassaemia patients based on the Beaver Dam study141 (0.865 healthy volunteers, n = 1290; 0.71 congestive heart failure patients, n = 28). Issues of QoL were also factored in to estimate patient preference for oral chelation compared with DFO, using the Australian TTO study. 137
Results and sensitivity analyses
The results and sensitivity analyses (SA) of the published economic evaluations are presented in Tables 18 and 19.
Study | Incremental costs (per patient per year) | Incremental outcomes (per patient per year) | Cost effectiveness ratios (per patient per year) | Authors’ conclusions |
Delea 2007131 | Deferasirox vs DFO: costs of chelation therapy US$313,823; costs of administration –US$179,331; iron-related cardiac disease –US$8474; total costs US$126,018 | Deferasirox vs DFO: iron overload-related cardiac disease –4.1% patients; cardiac disease-free LYG 5.4; 1.8 LYG (discounted), 4.5 QALYs (discounted) | Deferasirox vs DFO: US$28,255 cost per QALY | Deferasirox is a cost-effective iron chelator from the US health-care perspective |
Delea 2006130 | Deferasirox vs DFO: total costs C$130,058 | Deferasirox vs DFO: 2.9 QALYs (discounted) | Deferasirox vs DFO: C$45,054 cost per QALY | In patients with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassaemia the cost-effectiveness of deferasirox vs DFO is within the range considered acceptable in Canada |
Delea 2006132 | Deferasirox vs no chelation: total costs €186,000–266,000; DFO vs no chelation: total costs €70,000–226,000 | Deferasirox vs no chelation: 8.1 QALYs; DFO vs no chelation: 4.1 QALYs | Deferasirox vs no chelation: €28,000–35,000 cost per QALY; DFO vs no chelation: €20,000–63,000 cost per QALY; deferasirox vs DFO: less than €50,000 in all scenarios | Although analyses based on actual prices of deferasirox are necessary, this analysis suggests that deferasirox vs DFO or no chelation is cost-effective in a European setting |
Calebro 2006133 | Deferasirox vs DFO: total costs US$90,515 in DFO-naïve patients | Deferasirox vs DFO: 3.8 QALYs in DFO-naïve patients | Deferasirox vs DFO: US$23,425 cost per QALY in DFO-naïve patients | Deferasirox is a cost-effective strategy in Brazil assuming a threshold of three times the GDP per capita |
Delea 2005127 | Deferasirox vs DFO: total costs US$7679 | Deferasirox vs DFO: utility 0.23 | Deferasirox vs DFO: US$33,387 cost per QALY | The cost-effectiveness of deferasirox vs DFO in patients with transfusion-dependent MDS is favourable. Results may be conservative as did not take into account adherence or side effects |
Delea 2005126 | Deferasirox vs DFO: total costs US$1486 | Deferasirox vs DFO: utility 0.25 | Deferasirox vs DFO: US$5944 cost per QALY | In SCD patients receiving frequent transfusions deferasirox vs DFO is highly cost-effective. Results may be conservative as did not take into account adherence or side effects |
Karnon 2006134 | Deferasirox vs DFO: drug costs £7739; administration costs –£7551; total costs £187 | Deferasirox vs DFO: utility 0.24 | Deferasirox vs DFO: £779 cost per QALY | Deferasirox is extremely cost-effective compared with DFO |
Karnon 2007135 | Deferasirox vs DFO: drug costs £6117; administration costs –£7552; monitoring/AE £19; total costs –£1416 | Deferasirox vs DFO: utility 0.164 | Deferasirox vs DFO: dominant | Deferasirox dominates DFO |
Study | One-way sensitivity analysis | One-way sensitivity analysis key results | Model drivers | Multiway sensitivity analysis | Probabilistic sensitivity analysis |
Delea 2007131 | One-way SA was performed on adherence with DFO, adherence with deferasirox, annual probability of cardiac disease, increase in risk of cardiac disease per 1% increase in adherence, annual mortality with cardiac disease, daily dose of deferasirox, cost of DFO, cost of deferasirox, cost of DFO administration, annual cost of cardiac disease, disutility for thalassaemia and no chelation, disutility for DFO vs deferasirox, and disutility with cardiac disease |
Deferasirox was dominant under the assumption of daily dose of deferasirox set to 12.3 mg/kg/day or when cost of deferasirox was $35.77 per gram Deferasirox exceeded the WTP of US$50,000 under the assumption of adherence with deferasirox 100% or daily dose of deferasirox 36.9 mg/kg/day or cost of DFO US$0 or cost of DFO administration US$0 or disutility for DFO vs deferasirox 0% |
One-way SA identified adherence with deferasirox; daily dose of deferasirox; cost of DFO; cost of deferasirox; cost of DFO administration; disutility of DFO vs deferasirox | NA | Deferasirox is preferred to DFO in 62% of simulations when the WTP is US$50,000 |
Delea 2006130 | None presented | None presented | Cost-effectiveness was sensitive to cost of DFO and infusional therapy, as well as the QoL of oral vs infusional therapy, and is more favourable in younger patients | None presented | None presented |
Delea 2006132 | Entire paper was a SA | ||||
Calebro 2006133 | None presented | None presented | Not discussed | None presented | None presented |
Delea 2005127 | None presented | None presented | The ICER was sensitive to assumed dosages of DFO and deferasirox, the cost of infusional therapy and the decrement in QoL associated with transfusional therapy | None presented | None presented |
Delea 2005126 | None presented | None presented | The ICER was sensitive to assumed dosages of DFO and deferasirox and the cost of infusional therapy | None presented | None presented |
Karnon 2006134 | One-way SA performed on mean weight, dose of deferasirox, and utility gain | Weight increased to 70 kg: £10,333 cost per QALY; deferasirox dose 10 mg/kg: deferasirox dominates; deferasirox dose 30 mg/kg: £24,217; utility gain decreased by 50% (0.12): £1559 | Not discussed | None presented | None presented |
Karnon 2007135 | One-way SA performed on mean weight and DFO pump/balloon usage | Mean weight increased to 62 kg: £12,566; 50% balloon and 50% pump with DFO: £8017 | Not discussed | Multiway SA performed on mean weight and DFO pump usage; DFO pump usage, mean weight and utility gain | Mean weight 62 kg, 50% pump and utility reduced by 25%: £36,311; mean weight 62 kg and 50% pump: £26,348 |
Short term
The short-term studies126,127,134,135 estimated the incremental costs to be greater with deferasirox than with DFO with the exception of Karnon et al. 135 The incremental outcomes ranged from 0.16 to 0.25 QALYs, leading to incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) that ranged from US$33,387 to deferasirox dominating DFO. All authors concluded that in the short term deferasirox is cost-effective compared with DFO.
Limited details were provided on the sensitivity analyses undertaken in the short-term studies. The UK studies134,135 explored assumptions on patient weight, dose of deferasirox, DFO pump/balloon usage and utility. In one-way SA, none of the identified parameters was capable of producing an ICER greater than £30,000 per QALY gained; however, in the multiway SA by Karnon et al. ,135 assumptions of patient weight, utility and DFO pump usage in combination increased the ICER to above £30,000 per QALY.
The studies in MDS and SCD patients126,127 did not present any SA but did discuss the fact that the models were sensitive to assumptions of DFO and deferasirox doses and infusional therapy costs and, in the case of MDS, utility.
Long term
The four long-term studies in beta-TM patients130–133 estimated total incremental costs of US$126,018, Canadian (C)$130,058, €186,000 and US$90,515, with health benefits ranging from 2.9 to 8.1 QALYs. The resulting ICERs were all within acceptable limits, leading the authors to conclude that deferasirox appears cost-effective compared with DFO in their respective locations.
The US study131 undertook extensive SA. The willingness to pay (WTP) threshold of $50,000 was exceeded under several assumptions, most notably 100% adherence with deferasirox and no disutility associated with DFO compared with deferasirox. Probabilistic SA indicated that deferasirox was cost-effective compared with DFO in 62% of scenarios at a WTP of $50,000.
The European study132 did not present specific SA as the entire study was considered a SA. The Canadian study130 did not present SA results but stated that the model was sensitive to assumptions of DFO costs, infusional costs and utility. The Brazilian study133 did not provide any details on SA.
The results of this literature review appear to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of deferasirox compared with DFO for the treatment of iron overload in a number of different patient populations and study locations. However, it must be noted that, because of the large proportion of information that was only available in abstract form, the validity of these studies in terms of data sources, methods and assumptions could not be verified, hence conclusions based on their results must be viewed with caution.
That being said, it was still possible to establish two distinct trends in modelling approaches: long-term and short-term modelling, and identify some of the shortcomings of each of the approaches.
The short-term modelling studies (1 year) in SCD patients, MDS patients and beta-TM, SCD and MDS patients as a composite rely on QoL differences solely. Given the chronic nature of iron overload, a 1-year time frame seems short, especially for SCD and beta-TM patients who can survive for many decades if treated appropriately. However, the authors of the short-term studies defend their choice of time frame by acknowledging the lack of long-term data to inform modelling (particularly in SCD and MDS).
The long-term modelling studies (lifetime) in beta-TM patients rely on a number of assumptions concerning adherence and survival to extrapolate to the long term. Although it is justifiable to attempt to determine the long-term effects of chelation therapy, heavy reliance on inference and assumptions is dubious. Without suitable data to validate these assumptions it is difficult to ascertain the reliability of the cost-effectiveness results.
This literature review highlights the difficulties of matching up the needs of a long-term model that will capture all of the important factors and issues associated with a chronic condition such as iron overload (this is especially complex given the different patient populations) with the constraints of limited data, which is no doubt due to the rarity of iron overload.
Chapter 6 Economic evaluation
The review of the published economic evaluations demonstrates that developing a model for iron-overloaded patients receiving deferasirox is highly complex because of the differing patient populations and the paucity of long-term data. This chapter attempts to build on this knowledge, together with findings from the clinical review. We begin by defining the patient population, health outcomes and costs from an economic perspective. We then describe the development of a limited short-term economic model and present the results obtained.
Health outcomes
Our systematic review of RCT clinical data was unable to discern a statistically and clinically important difference in terms of reductions in LIC and serum ferritin between deferasirox and DFO. Little could be gleaned on the comparative effectiveness of deferasirox and deferiprone because of the lack of data for this comparison; however, it must be acknowledged that the analysis was severely limited by a high degree of heterogeneity between trials and reported outcomes. Nevertheless, although absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,142 it seems plausible for the purposes of our economic analysis to assume that the three chelators are equivalent in terms of LIC and serum ferritin in the short term (1 year).
It is impossible to use this short-term RCT data to make inferences on long-term health outcomes such as myocardial iron loading, cardiac disease (which is especially important for beta-TM patients) and survival. As deferasirox is a relatively new compound, long-term data from non-RCT sources are not yet available to assess the safety and survival profiles in any patient population. There are some limited survival data from beta-TM patients treated with DFO but how reliable these data are as a proxy for the survival of any patient population treated with deferasirox is questionable. Considering that the adverse event and adherence profiles are known to be different for the two agents, and that the effects of deferasirox on myocardial iron loading and cardiac death in the long term are unknown, making assumptions regarding the long-term benefits of deferasirox seems at best highly speculative and at worst potentially misleading.
Given that it is not possible to determine the long-term health outcomes for patients treated with deferasirox the analysis reduces to a short-term (1 year) assessment. As there is no discernable difference between the three agents in terms of LIC or serum ferritin, the health benefits appear to be restricted to differences in quality of life.
All but one of the published economic evaluations appear to have used the same Australian TTO study137 to estimate the quality of life gain of oral deferasirox compared with infusional DFO (utility scores of 0.85 and 0.61 respectively). As discussed in Chapter 5, Health outcomes, this study may have a number of problems but in general the methodology was sound and hence the results appear credible. A recent UK study (unpublished), which was used in the recent UK economic evaluation (Karnon et al. 135), verified these results (0.84 deferasirox; 0.66 DFO). Personal communication with Novartis, the manufacturer of deferasirox and DFO (Karen Jewitt, July 2007), confirmed that this study employed the same methodology as the Australian study ‘but the vignettes describing the different modes of administration were reviewed by UK clinicians and patients and amended to make sure that they were more relevant to the UK setting. Health states were then elicited using the TTO technique in a cross-section of the UK general population.’ Hence, for our analysis we chose to use the UK figures to estimate the utility of deferasirox (0.84) and DFO (0.66).
No data were identified regarding the utility of deferiprone therapy. Assumptions regarding the utility conferred by deferiprone are required; in view of the high degree of uncertainty, the spectrum of utility values (ranging from 0.66 to 0.84) needs to be explored.
Numerous adverse events are associated with chelation therapy. Of the published economic evaluations, the majority did not include the costs and consequences of adverse events. This is no doubt because of the added complexity of costing and valuing a large number of adverse events, together with the fact that they do not appear to add significantly to the costs or incur large disutilities as demonstrated by those economic evaluations that did include adverse events. However, it is worth noting that none of the economic evaluations considered deferiprone, which has been linked with neutropenia and agranulocytosis, which can incur substantial health costs and disutilities.
For the purposes of our analysis we have not included the costs and health outcomes associated with adverse events. This is primarily because of the inconsistent reporting of adverse events in the trials (see Chapter 4, Combination therapy versus DFO or deferiprone), which makes it almost impossible to estimate the rates of adverse events. Furthermore, it would be difficult to assign disutilities to these adverse events. The end result of including such arbitrary adverse event data would be at best meaningless and at worst misleading. Our decision not to include speculative adverse event data in the model should not greatly alter the results for the comparison of DFO and deferasirox as they do not appear to have major side effects. However, it may affect the results when considering the comparison of deferasirox with deferiprone (because of its link with agranulocytosis), potentially in favour of deferiprone.
Patient populations
Our previous description of the various anaemic conditions that may be at risk of iron overload (see Chapter 2) clearly demonstrates that the different anaemic conditions represent distinct patient populations with regards to aetiology, morbidity and mortality. The strongest evidence of the benefits of chelation therapy comes from patients suffering from beta-TM, followed by SCD patients. There is almost no evidence from MDS patients and very little with regards to other rare anaemias.
Considering that only beta-TM, and to a lesser degree SCD, patients have sufficient evidence of the harms of iron overload and the benefits of chelation therapy, our economic analysis will only consider these two patient populations. Beta-TM and SCD represent distinct populations and may not have the same pattern of organ damage and long-term health benefits (see Chapter 2). However, our short-term model only includes the QoL benefits of oral versus infusional therapy (rather than long-term morbidity and mortality), which should not be dependent on the patient’s underlying disease. Therefore, for the purposes of this economic evaluation we will group SCD and beta-TM patients together.
There are numerous costs associated with iron overload but for the purposes of this review we have only considered those costs borne by the NHS. Hence, only the costs of chelation therapy, monitoring and administration are discussed. As mentioned earlier, adverse events were not included in our analysis.
Monitoring costs
There are a number of monitoring tests that are required when patients receive chelation therapy; however, for the purposes of our economic analysis we have only included the costs of tests that are required in addition to the normal amalgam associated with DFO. During the initial period of treatment tests are required more frequently than during the maintenance period. For the purposes of our analysis the costs of tests have been included for maintenance therapy rather than for the induction phase.
A common consequence of deferasirox treatment is raised creatinine; hence, monthly creatinine tests are required. The price of a serum creatinine test (£12) was obtained from an online laboratory. 143
Deferiprone has been linked with neutropenia and agranulocytosis; hence, a neutrophil count is required weekly. We were unable to find the price for a neutrophil count hence the price of a complete blood profile (£26) was obtained from an online laboratory. 142 This overestimates the neutrophil monitoring costs associated with deferiprone but is unlikely to bias the results significantly.
Administration costs
Deferiprone and deferasirox are both oral agents and hence will not incur any administration costs. However, DFO is given as an infusion over several hours and will therefore have substantial administration costs. A recent UK study144 assessing the costs of DFO was undertaken on behalf of Novartis. This study is currently only available in abstract form and hence does not present individual resource items and unit costs. We contacted Novartis directly (Karen Jewitt, July 2007) and were provided with a table of DFO administration costs broken down into unit costs and resource use. A modified form of this is presented in Appendix 7, split into pump and balloon infuser usage. As can be seen the costs associated with DFO administration are highly dependent on the assumed usage of balloon infusers in place of the traditional pump. In patients who receive DFO via the pump the annual administration costs are in the region £1392, whereas in patients who receive DFO via the balloon infuser the costs are approximately £9179.
It is difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of the proportion of patients receiving DFO via the balloon infuser in clinical practice; furthermore, this information was not available in the UK Thalassaemia Society database that we had access to. Data from Novartis estimate the proportion to be 79%; however, discussions with clinicians indicate that this figure seems high and that the usage of balloon infusers is highly variable and depends on a number of factors, not least of which is the PCT policy. Hence, for our analysis it was not possible to present a single figure and instead we present two scenarios: one in which patients receive DFO via the traditional pump and one in which patients receive it via the balloon infuser; see Appendix 7 for a breakdown of the costs and see the section later in this chapter on Overview of our economic model, Deferasirox versus DFO, for further details of the modelling scenarios.
Costs of chelation therapy
The average per patient cost of chelation therapy is a function of the patient’s weight, the average dose and dosing frequency, together with the cost of the chelator itself. To estimate the costs of chelation therapy a number of assumptions regarding half tablets and vial usage had to be made.
First, accepted clinical practice includes the use of half tablets for deferiprone; however, this still leads to difficulties in achieving the correct dosage. We therefore had to make a further assumption that patients would accept a degree of under- and overdosing. For example, patients requiring 375–600 mg would be assumed to take 1 × 500-mg tablet, whereas patients requiring 625–850 mg would take 1½ × 500-mg tablets. This amount of under- and overdosing appears quite large; however, discussions with clinicians indicate that this sort of trade-off is common in practice because of the availability of deferiprone in only a 500-mg tablet preparation.
With regards to deferasirox we assumed that the smallest preparation (125 mg) could also be halved. Given the availability of three different tablet formulations this leads to less under- and overdosing than with deferiprone but inevitably some will still occur. For example, patients requiring 480–510 mg will receive 1 × 500-mg tablet.
DFO is not an oral agent and hence a different set of assumptions need to be made. We did not assume any vial sharing but we did assume that a patient would round their dose to the nearest available formulation and would not open a new vial unless they required more than 100 mg from it. For example, a patient requiring 650–1100 mg would use 2 × 500-mg vials. Patients will not be overdosed in this instance but may be underdosed by up to 100 mg/kg. This analysis does account for drug wastage as it assumed that once a vial is opened the contents will not be saved for the next dose. This could have the effect of slightly overestimating the drug costs associated with DFO, which could bias results against DFO; however, the effects should be minimal.
Drug costs
Unit costs for each of the chelators were estimated from the March 2007 edition of the BNF. 47 DFO is available in two vial sizes, 500 mg and 2 g, costing £4.26 and £17.05 respectively. Deferasirox is available in three different 28-tablet packs: 125 mg (£117.60), 250 mg (£235.20) and 500 mg (£470.40). Deferiprone is available only in 500 mg/100-tablet packs costing £152.39.
Average dose and dosing frequency
Deferiprone was assumed to be given at a dose of 25 mg/kg three times daily, equating to 1095.75 doses per year (three times daily for 365.25 days).
It is difficult to estimate the average dose of DFO and deferasirox as, unlike deferiprone, a range of doses are available. In the economic evaluation undertaken by Delea et al131 average doses of DFO (47.4 mg/kg) and deferasirox (24.6 mg/kg) were based on the mean prescribed dosages in the Capellini et al. trial;62 however, the study acknowledged that patients in the deferasirox arm were underdosed, hence doses are not equivalent between treatment arms or reflective of clinical practice. For our analysis we therefore assumed maximum doses (DFO, 50 mg/kg; deferasirox, 30 mg/kg) as these dosages seem roughly in line with the Capellini et al. trial62 and should not bias in favour of any treatment. The dosing frequency for DFO was estimated to be five times weekly, equating to 260.89 doses per year. Deferasirox is a once-daily treatment, hence patients are assumed to receive 365.25 doses per year.
Patient adherence to therapy is not considered in this analysis. The decision to exclude adherence was primarily due to the fact that, in a short-term model in which only quality of life benefits are considered, the inclusion of adherence would bias the results in favour of the drug with poor adherence (because of the costs being decreased for this agent).
Patient weight
All drug doses are dependent on body weight, hence the choice of weight is crucial when calculating the drug costs. The published economic evaluations described in Chapter 5 estimated body weight to range from 42 kg to 70 kg, which is no doubt a factor of the different patient populations being studied. All of the studies used point estimates for weight, which is not reflective of reality. We wanted to provide a more accurate basis for calculating drug costs and hence decided to calculate weight distributions for both males and females separately, at ages ranging from 2 to 18 years plus.
Weight data were readily available for SCD patients145 for both males and females ranging from 0 to 18 years of age. The data were only available graphically and had to be digitised to produce the raw weight data, split into males and females. A log-normal distribution was fitted to the male and female data sets for each age. This was used in the model to estimate the average dose required for each sex and age.
Unfortunately weight data were not readily available for beta-TM patients. We therefore assumed that the weight of thalassaemia patients would be equivalent to that of SCD patients at the same age. This may overestimate the weight of beta-TM patients as historically they are generally thought to be smaller and thus lighter than SCD patients because of delayed puberty and growth. However, the majority of this growth dysfunction is thought to be related to poor chelation rather than a factor of beta-TM itself, thus with advancements in chelation therapy there is no reason why these patients should be any shorter/lighter than SCD patients.
Overview of our economic model
We developed a simple 1-year analysis that estimates the costs and benefits of chelation therapy for SCD and beta-TM patients, split into males and females and stratified by age, ranging from 2 to 18 years plus in yearly intervals. The model makes comparisons between deferasirox and DFO and between deferasirox and deferiprone.
The only benefits that could be attributed to the different agents were the utility benefits associated with an oral therapy over infusional chelation therapy. As the analysis was of 1 year in duration only, no discounting was undertaken. The three agents are assumed to be equally effective with regards to removing iron from the body and the analysis does not consider issues of adherence or adverse events.
Only the costs outlined in the previous sections were included in the model. This represents an NHS perspective and, once again, considering the short time frame, it was not appropriate to undertake discounting. All costs are based on 2007 prices apart from DFO administration costs, which are based on 2004/5 prices (Karen Jewitt, Novartis, August 2007, personal communication).
Because of uncertainties regarding the utility associated with deferiprone and the usage of balloon infusers to administer DFO, a range of sensitivity analyses or ‘scenarios’ are presented rather than a single base case. These scenarios are outlined below, split into two comparisons: deferasirox versus DFO and deferasirox versus deferiprone.
This analysis is highly speculative and, given the dearth of data, must be interpreted with caution. As the results of our model are effectively a range of sensitivity analyses, no separate sensitivity analyses were undertaken.
Deferasirox versus DFO
Because of uncertainty regarding the usage of balloon infusers to administer DFO and any health benefits associated with them, three separate scenarios are presented. All other parameters within the model remain constant and the utility associated with deferasirox is fixed at 0.84. See Table 20 for a summary of the costs and health outcomes included in the analysis for beta-TM and SCD male patients.
Age (years) | Mean weight (SD), kg | Deferasirox | DFO | ||||||
Annual drug costs (£) | Annual monitoring costs (£)b | Total costs (£) | Average utility | Annual drug costs (£) | Annual administration costs (£)c | Total costs (£)c | Average utilityd | ||
2 | 11.1 (1.17) | 4250.85 | 144 | 4386 | 0.84 | 1340.88 | 1392–9179 | 2733–10,520 | 0.66–0.76 |
3 | 13.0 (1.35) | 4998.43 | 144 | 5144 | 0.84 | 1963.12 | 1392–9179 | 3355–11,142 | 0.66–0.76 |
4 | 14.7 (1.53) | 5641.98 | 144 | 5766 | 0.84 | 2184.32 | 1392–9179 | 3577–11,364 | 0.66–0.76 |
5 | 16.2 (1.78) | 6208.58 | 144 | 6313 | 0.84 | 2213.49 | 1392–9179 | 3606–11,393 | 0.66–0.76 |
6 | 17.7 (2.03) | 6771.21 | 144 | 6915 | 0.84 | 2241.56 | 1392–9179 | 3634–11,421 | 0.66–0.76 |
7 | 19.3 (2.24) | 7388.76 | 144 | 7533 | 0.84 | 2343.64 | 1392–9179 | 3736–11,523 | 0.66–0.76 |
8 | 21.2 (2.58) | 8087.15 | 144 | 8231 | 0.84 | 2608.94 | 1392–9179 | 4001–11,788 | 0.66–0.76 |
9 | 23.2 (2.91) | 8767.77 | 144 | 8912 | 0.84 | 2924.62 | 1392–9179 | 4317–12,104 | 0.66–0.76 |
10 | 25.1 (3.30) | 9437.85 | 144 | 9603 | 0.84 | 3142.51 | 1392–9179 | 4535–12,322 | 0.66–0.76 |
11 | 27.2 (3.76) | 10,135.74 | 144 | 10,280 | 0.84 | 3361.40 | 1392–9179 | 4754–12,541 | 0.66–0.76 |
12 | 29.4 (4.32) | 10,925.85 | 144 | 11,070 | 0.84 | 3580.51 | 1392–9179 | 4973–12,760 | 0.66–0.76 |
13 | 31.8 (5.08) | 11,846.42 | 144 | 11,990 | 0.84 | 3853.29 | 1392–9179 | 5246–13,033 | 0.66–0.76 |
14 | 35.2 (6.24) | 13,108.87 | 144 | 13,253 | 0.84 | 4228.82 | 1392–9179 | 5621–13,408 | 0.66–0.76 |
15 | 39.2 (7.73) | 14,598.77 | 144 | 14,743 | 0.84 | 4670.84 | 1392–9179 | 6063–13,850 | 0.66–0.76 |
16 | 43.3 (8.92) | 16,128.18 | 144 | 16,272 | 0.84 | 5127.24 | 1392–9179 | 6519–14,307 | 0.66–0.76 |
17 | 46.8 (9.38) | 17,418.84 | 144 | 17,563 | 0.84 | 5512.97 | 1392–9179 | 6905–14,692 | 0.66–0.76 |
18+ | 49.6 (9.10) | 18,450.25 | 144 | 18,594 | 0.84 | 5826.92 | 1392–9179 | 7219–15,006 | 0.66–0.76 |
It is worth noting that this simple analysis takes no account of adherence with DFO via the traditional pump, which is alleged to be poor. However, in a 1-year analysis it is difficult to show the effects of adherence as in the short term its only effects are to reduce the costs associated with the agent prescribed to non-compliant patients, which would bias the results in favour of that agent. A long-term time frame would be required to show the impact on morbidity and mortality caused by non-adherence to therapy.
Scenario 1
This comparison considers the cost-effectiveness of deferasirox versus DFO assuming no use of balloon infusers.
Scenario 2
This comparison considers the cost-effectiveness of deferasirox versus DFO assuming 100% use of balloon infusers. No utility benefit is assumed with the balloon infuser compared with the traditional pump; both are assumed to provide a utility score of 0.66. Given that the balloon infuser is associated with improved adherence and acceptance by the patient, this is unlikely to be reflective of reality; however, it was felt important to present such a case and explore differences in utility in scenario 3.
Scenario 3
This comparison once again considers the cost-effectiveness of deferasirox versus DFO assuming 100% use of balloon infusers; however, this time a utility benefit is assumed with the balloon infuser compared with the traditional pump. It is difficult to estimate the utility benefit associated with the infuser compared with the pump; for the purposes of this analysis we assumed a small 0.04 utility benefit resulting in DFO administered via a balloon infuser offering a utility score of 0.7. This is still considerably less than the 0.84 utility associated with deferasirox and may represent a conservative scenario.
Deferasirox versus deferiprone
Because of uncertainty regarding the utility associated with deferiprone, three separate scenarios are presented. All other parameters within the model remain constant and the utility associated with deferasirox is fixed at 0.84. See Table 21 for a summary of the costs and health outcomes included in the analysis for beta-TM and SCD male patients.
Age (years) | Mean weight (SD) (kg) | Deferasirox | Deferiprone | ||||||
Annual drug costs (£) | Annual monitoring costs (£)b | Total costs (£) | Average utility | Annual drug costs (£) | Annual monitoring costs (£)c | Total costs (£) | Average utilityd | ||
2 | 11.1 (1.17) | 4250.85 | 144 | 4386 | 0.84 | 841.65 | 1352 | 2194 | 0.66–0.84 |
3 | 13.0 (1.35) | 4998.43 | 144 | 5144 | 0.84 | 1023.86 | 1352 | 2376 | 0.66–0.84 |
4 | 14.7 (1.53) | 5641.98 | 144 | 5766 | 0.84 | 1376.57 | 1352 | 2729 | 0.66–0.84 |
5 | 16.2 (1.78) | 6208.58 | 144 | 6313 | 0.84 | 1574.89 | 1352 | 2927 | 0.66–0.84 |
6 | 17.7 (2.03) | 6771.21 | 144 | £6915 | 0.84 | 1647.55 | 1352 | 3000 | 0.66–0.84 |
7 | 19.3 (2.24) | 7388.76 | 144 | 7533 | 0.84 | 1684.19 | 1352 | 3036 | 0.66–0.84 |
8 | 21.2 (2.58) | 8087.15 | 144 | 8231 | 0.84 | 1780.13 | 1352 | 3132 | 0.66–0.84 |
9 | 23.2 (2.91) | 8767.77 | 144 | 8912 | 0.84 | 1970.01 | 1352 | 3322 | 0.66–0.84 |
10 | 25.1 (3.30) | 9437.85 | 144 | 9603 | 0.84 | 2175.97 | 1352 | 3528 | 0.66–0.84 |
11 | 27.2 (3.76) | 10,135.74 | 144 | 10,280 | 0.84 | 2368.21 | 1352 | 3720 | 0.66–0.84 |
12 | 29.4 (4.32) | 10,925.85 | 144 | 11,070 | 0.84 | 2538.38 | 1352 | 3890 | 0.66–0.84 |
13 | 31.8 (5.08) | 11,846.42 | 144 | 11,990 | 0.84 | 2734.44 | 1352 | 4086 | 0.66–0.84 |
14 | 35.2 (6.24) | 13,108.87 | 144 | 13,253 | 0.84 | 3011.76 | 1352 | 4364 | 0.66–0.84 |
15 | 39.2 (7.73) | 14,598.77 | 144 | 14,743 | 0.84 | 3343.49 | 1352 | 4695 | 0.66–0.84 |
16 | 43.3 (8.92) | 16,128.18 | 144 | 16,272 | 0.84 | 3687.12 | 1352 | 5039 | 0.66–0.84 |
17 | 46.8 (9.38) | 17,418.84 | 144 | 17,563 | 0.84 | 3978.66 | 1352 | 5331 | 0.66–0.84 |
18+ | 49.6 (9.10) | 18,450.25 | 144 | 18,594 | 0.84 | 4212.68 | 1352 | 5565 | 0.66–0.84 |
Scenario 1
The utility associated with deferiprone is equivalent to that offered by DFO, i.e. 0.66. This is a worst-case scenario as it is unlikely that an oral agent will confer the same utility as an infusional agent.
Scenario 2
The utility associated with deferiprone is 0.76. This is still a conservative scenario as the utility of deferasirox is 0.84.
Scenario 3
The utility associated with deferiprone is equivalent to that offered by deferasirox, i.e. 0.84. In this scenario it is assumed that even though deferiprone is given thrice daily it confers the same utility as once-daily deferasirox. This in effect represents a best-case scenario.
The results of our economic model are presented below, split into the various scenarios. Note that, because of space constraints and the fact that there was virtually no difference in terms of cost-effectiveness between male and female patients, only the results for male patients are shown. Please also be aware that all results are incremental, which is in line with NICE guidance on performing cost-effectiveness analysis. This means that interventions are compared with the most appropriate ‘current treatment’ rather than no therapy.
Deferasirox versus DFO
Scenario 1
Table 22 shows the cost-effectiveness results for deferasirox versus DFO assuming that all patients are using the traditional pump to administer DFO, i.e. no balloon infuser usage.
In beta-TM and SCD male patients deferasirox is cost-effective until approximately 6 years of age (ICER below £20,000 cost per QALY); it may possibly be considered cost-effective between the ages of 7 and 10 (ICER £20,000–30,000 cost per QALY); however, after age 10 it is unlikely that deferasirox is cost-effective compared with DFO delivered via the traditional pump (ICER > £30,000 cost per QALY).
Age (years) | Beta-TM/SCD males | ||
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental utility | ICER (£) | |
2 | 1662 | 0.18 | 9232 |
3 | 1787 | 0.18 | 9928 |
4 | 2209 | 0.18 | 12,275 |
5 | 2747 | 0.18 | 15,260 |
6 | 3281 | 0.18 | 18,230 |
7 | 3797 | 0.18 | 21,094 |
8 | 4230 | 0.18 | 23,500 |
9 | 4595 | 0.18 | 25,527 |
10 | 5047 | 0.18 | 28,039 |
11 | 5526 | 0.18 | 30,701 |
12 | 6097 | 0.18 | 33,873 |
13 | 6745 | 0.18 | 37,472 |
14 | 7632 | 0.18 | 42,399 |
15 | 8680 | 0.18 | 48,221 |
16 | 9753 | 0.18 | 54,182 |
17 | 10,658 | 0.18 | 59,209 |
18+ | 11,375 | 0.18 | 63,195 |
Scenario 2
Table 23 shows the cost-effectiveness results for deferasirox versus DFO assuming that all patients are using the balloon infuser to administer DFO, i.e. no pump usage.
In beta-TM and SCD male patients, deferasirox dominates DFO until approximately 14 years of age, after which it is cost-effective, maintaining an ICER of below £30,000 for all ages.
Age (years) | Beta-TM/SCD males | ||
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental utility | ICER (£) | |
2 | –6125 | 0.18 | DOM |
3 | –6000 | 0.18 | DOM |
4 | –5578 | 0.18 | DOM |
5 | –5040 | 0.18 | DOM |
6 | –4506 | 0.18 | DOM |
7 | –3990 | 0.18 | DOM |
8 | –3557 | 0.18 | DOM |
9 | –3192 | 0.18 | DOM |
10 | –2740 | 0.18 | DOM |
11 | –2261 | 0.18 | DOM |
12 | –1690 | 0.18 | DOM |
13 | –1042 | 0.18 | DOM |
14 | –155 | 0.18 | DOM |
15 | 893 | 0.18 | 4959 |
16 | 1966 | 0.18 | 10,920 |
17 | 2871 | 0.18 | 15,948 |
18+ | 3588 | 0.18 | 19,934 |
Scenario 3
Table 24 shows the cost-effectiveness results for deferasirox versus DFO assuming that all patients are using the balloon infuser to administer DFO, i.e. no pump usage. But in this scenario the balloon infuser is assumed to confer a small utility benefit (+0.04) compared with the traditional pump (utility now 0.7 for balloon infuser).
In beta-TM and SCD male patients, deferasirox dominates DFO until approximately 14 years of age, and after this it is likely to be cost-effective (ICER below £30,000).
Age (years) | Beta-TM/SCD males | ||
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental utility | ICER (£) | |
2 | –6125 | 0.14 | DOM |
3 | –6000 | 0.14 | DOM |
4 | –5578 | 0.14 | DOM |
5 | –5040 | 0.14 | DOM |
6 | –4506 | 0.14 | DOM |
7 | –3990 | 0.14 | DOM |
8 | –3557 | 0.14 | DOM |
9 | –3192 | 0.14 | DOM |
10 | –2740 | 0.14 | DOM |
11 | –2261 | 0.14 | DOM |
12 | –1690 | 0.14 | DOM |
13 | –1042 | 0.14 | DOM |
14 | –155 | 0.14 | DOM |
15 | 893 | 0.14 | 6376 |
16 | 1966 | 0.14 | 14,040 |
17 | 2871 | 0.14 | 20,504 |
18+ | 3588 | 0.14 | 25,629 |
Deferasirox versus deferiprone
Scenario 1
Table 25 shows the cost-effectiveness results for deferasirox versus deferiprone assuming that deferiprone only offers the same utility as infusional DFO (0.66).
In beta-TM/SCD male patients, deferasirox is cost-effective until approximately 5 years of age and may possibly be considered cost-effective between the ages of 6 and 8 years. However, after the age of 8 it is unlikely that deferasirox is cost-effective compared with deferiprone.
Age (years) | Beta-TM/SCD males | ||
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental utility | ICER (£) | |
2 | 2200 | 0.18 | 12,224 |
3 | 2767 | 0.18 | 15,374 |
4 | 3047 | 0.18 | 16,930 |
5 | 3420 | 0.18 | 18,998 |
6 | 3916 | 0.18 | 21,754 |
7 | 4497 | 0.18 | 24,981 |
8 | 5099 | 0.18 | 28,328 |
9 | 5590 | 0.18 | 31,054 |
10 | 6056 | 0.18 | 33,643 |
11 | 6560 | 0.18 | 36,442 |
12 | 7179 | 0.18 | 39,886 |
13 | 7904 | 0.18 | 43,911 |
14 | 8889 | 0.18 | 49,384 |
15 | 10,047 | 0.18 | 55,818 |
16 | 11,233 | 0.18 | 62,406 |
17 | 12,232 | 0.18 | 67,957 |
18+ | 13,030 | 0.18 | 72,386 |
Scenario 2
Table 26 shows the cost-effectiveness results for deferasirox versus deferiprone assuming that deferiprone gives a utility of 0.76.
Age (years) | Beta-TM/SCD males | ||
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental utility | ICER (£) | |
2 | 2200 | 0.08 | 27,504 |
3 | 2767 | 0.08 | 34,591 |
4 | 3047 | 0.08 | 38,093 |
5 | 3420 | 0.08 | 42,746 |
6 | 3916 | 0.08 | 48,946 |
7 | 4497 | 0.08 | 56,207 |
8 | 5099 | 0.08 | 63,737 |
9 | 5590 | 0.08 | 69,872 |
10 | 6056 | 0.08 | 75,697 |
11 | 6560 | 0.08 | 81,994 |
12 | 7179 | 0.08 | 89,743 |
13 | 7904 | 0.08 | 98,800 |
14 | 8889 | 0.08 | 111,114 |
15 | 10,047 | 0.08 | 125,591 |
16 | 11,233 | 0.08 | 140,413 |
17 | 12,232 | 0.08 | 152,902 |
18+ | 13,030 | 0.08 | 162,870 |
In beta-TM and SCD male patients, deferasirox is unlikely to be cost-effective compared with deferiprone.
Scenario 3
Table 27 shows the cost-effectiveness results for deferasirox versus deferiprone assuming that deferiprone offers the same utility as deferasirox.
Age (years) | Beta-TM/SCD males | ||
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental utility | ICER (£) | |
2 | 2200 | 0.00 | Not CE |
3 | 2767 | 0.00 | Not CE |
4 | 3047 | 0.00 | Not CE |
5 | 3420 | 0.00 | Not CE |
6 | 3916 | 0.00 | Not CE |
7 | 4497 | 0.00 | Not CE |
8 | 5099 | 0.00 | Not CE |
9 | 5590 | 0.00 | Not CE |
10 | 6056 | 0.00 | Not CE |
11 | 6560 | 0.00 | Not CE |
12 | 7179 | 0.00 | Not CE |
13 | 7904 | 0.00 | Not CE |
14 | 8889 | 0.00 | Not CE |
15 | 10,047 | 0.00 | Not CE |
16 | 11,233 | 0.00 | Not CE |
17 | 12,232 | 0.00 | Not CE |
18+ | 13,030 | 0.00 | Not CE |
Under this assumption, deferasirox is not cost-effective compared with deferiprone in any patient group or at any age as it is more expensive and offers no additional health benefits.
Economic discussion
We developed a simple short-term (1 year) model to assess the cost-effectiveness of deferasirox versus DFO and deferasirox versus deferiprone. Because of data constraints a range of cost-effectiveness scenarios are presented rather than a single base case. These scenarios are split into the comparisons of deferasirox versus DFO and deferasirox versus deferiprone.
The model suggests that in the short term deferasirox may be a cost-effective strategy compared with DFO administered via the balloon infuser; however, this is dependent on the benefit conferred by the balloon infuser. If it assumed to offer the same utility as the traditional pump then deferasirox is cost-effective for all ages and both SCD and beta-TM. If the balloon infuser offers more utility than the standard pump then deferasirox may not be cost-effective for adults suffering from SCD.
If DFO is administered via the traditional pump, which is cheaper than the balloon infuser, deferasirox may not be cost-effective once patients reach adolescence. This is simply attributed to the fact that as the patients mature they require more of the drug (as it is dosed according to weight), which increases the costs of deferasirox to a point at which the costs exceed the benefits.
When deferasirox is compared with deferiprone it is a less clear-cut picture and depends upon the utility benefit attributed to deferiprone in relation to deferasirox. However, given the large price differential between deferasirox and deferiprone it is unlikely that deferasirox will be generally cost-effective for the majority of patients (short term). In all scenarios deferasirox appears to be cost-effective only in the youngest patients (as the lower doses required incur less extra cost); for older children and adults in all scenarios deferiprone appears to be economically more attractive.
Taken as a whole the results could be interpreted as indicating that in the short term deferiprone is more cost-effective than deferasirox and deferasirox is more cost-effective than DFO. However, there are a number of issues that must be considered.
We have not attempted to assess the costs and consequences of adverse events in our model. Of the eight published economic analyses, only one study included adverse events. The adverse events associated with DFO and deferasirox appear to incur minimal costs (less than £25 for deferasirox and £6 for DFO including monitoring) and have very little impact on utility. However, no studies have attempted to estimate the costs and consequences of adverse events associated with deferiprone. Given that deferiprone has been linked with neutropenia and agranulocytosis, the costs and disutilities associated with deferiprone complications could be expected to be greater than those associated with DFO and deferasirox. This would impact upon the cost-effectiveness of deferiprone and may mean that it is less economically attractive when compared with deferasirox. However, there have been recent warnings that deferasirox may also be associated with neutropenia and agranulocytosis, although this has yet to be confirmed.
A number of other costs were not included in the model or are subject to significant uncertainty. In our costing analysis we chose to take an incremental approach and thus only included the costs that differed between treatment arms. Hence, the total costs borne by the health-care system are likely to have been underestimated for all three agents, although the incremental costs are thought to be accurate within the scope of the analysis.
Furthermore, in our model we chose to take a NHS perspective and therefore only included the costs borne by the health-care system. If a societal perspective were taken, other costs such as patient time and lost earnings would be included. Given the seriousness of the condition these costs are likely to be considerable.
In terms of health benefits our model assumed that, in the short term, benefits would be restricted to quality of life gains. This assumption is based on the findings of our clinical analysis, which was unable to determine a definitive difference between the three iron chelators. However, this does not mean that such a difference does not exist. There is increasing evidence that deferiprone may offer an advantage over DFO in terms of cardiac iron loading. This is especially important for thalassaemia patients as cardiac disease is the leading cause of death in this patient group. However, the crucial factor is to what degree these surrogate outcomes such as liver, serum and cardiac iron translate into long-term outcomes such as morbidity and mortality. Until this is clarified, any small differences between iron chelators in terms of LIC, serum ferritin or cardiac iron cannot be guaranteed to translate into survival benefits. Considering the chronicity of the condition this must be the primary focus for future research.
In conclusion, deferasirox appears to be cost-effective in the short term compared with infusional DFO. However, the model indicates that deferiprone may be more cost-effective than deferasirox, largely because of the high costs of deferasirox in comparison with deferiprone.
However, it cannot be stressed enough that this analysis is exploratory in nature. The appropriateness of deferiprone as a comparator is still controversial because of its side-effect profile, something that was not explored in this analysis. Furthermore, there was a dearth of data, which necessitated a short-term analysis and a number of assumptions. To be able to form more robust conclusions, further research is required regarding:
the long-term benefits of the three chelators in each patient population
the costs of the three chelators in the long term
the adverse event and adherence profiles of the three chelators in the long term.
Chapter 7 Budget impact
This chapter deals with the potential cost implications to the NHS of introducing deferasirox for the treatment of iron overload in beta-TM and SCD patients.
Eligible patient populations
As described in Chapter 2 there are approximately 624 iron-overloaded patients living with beta-TM and 625 iron-overloaded patients suffering from SCD in the UK. Each year there will be an additional 15 cases of iron overload diagnosed in beta-TM patients and 16 cases of iron overload diagnosed in SCD patients. To turn these estimates into useable figures for assessing the budget impact of deferasirox, a number of assumptions must be made.
First, with regards to prevalence estimates, an age distribution needs to be applied to determine the proportion of patients at each age and their associated costs. To determine the age distribution for each disease, data were taken from clinical trials; for beta-TM the Capellini et al. trial73 was used, whereas for SCD the Vichinsky et al. trial81 was employed. A log-normal distribution was fitted to each data set to determine the number of patients at each age group (see Appendix 8). As our model categorises adults as aged 18 years plus, we needed to estimate the proportion of patients in this group. To do this it was simply a case of summing the proportions from 18 to 64 years. For both diseases adults account for approximately half of the total patient population in the RCTs (beta-TM = 49.5%; SCD = 49.6%). Here we have to make the assumption that the RCTs are reflective of clinical practice, which may not be true.
For incidence estimates the age at which patients are diagnosed and treated for iron overload had to be estimated. For the 15 cases of iron-overloaded beta-TM patients it was assumed that they would present at age 2 years. For the 16 cases of iron-overloaded SCD patients it was assumed that they would present at age 4 years. These estimates are taken from analysis of the trial data and also concur with expert opinion.
The costs used in our model were also used for estimating the budget impact. These costs include the costs of chelation therapy, monitoring and administration. As there is very little difference between male and female patients in terms of costs, the costs for male patients are used. See Table 20 for an example of the cost estimates for beta-TM and SCD male patients.
Budget impact results
For each condition we present below a range of budget impact assessments. These analyses are exploratory and aim to give an indication of the likely budget impacts rather than precise estimates.
Beta-TM patients
Four different budget impact estimates are presented for the UK prevalent population of beta-TM patients (see Table 28). For details of the budget impact for new cases (incidence) see Appendix 9.
Age (years) | Number of patients | Log-normal distribution (%) | Total costs deferasirox (£) | Total costs DFO pump (£) | Total costs DFO infuser (£) | Total costs deferiprone (£) | Budget impact deferasirox (£) | Budget impact DFO pump (£) | Budget impact DFO infuser (£) | Budget impact deferiprone (£) | Budget impact current practice (£) |
2 | 12 | 1.99 | 4386 | 2725 | 10,512 | 2194 | 54,572 | 33,907 | 130,788 | 27,292 | 33,907 |
3 | 14 | 2.25 | 5144 | 3357 | 11,144 | 2376 | 72,256 | 47,149 | 156,529 | 33,372 | 47,149 |
4 | 18 | 2.90 | 5766 | 3575 | 11,362 | 2729 | 104,187 | 64,595 | 205,307 | 49,306 | 64,595 |
5 | 21 | 3.33 | 6313 | 3605 | 11,392 | 2927 | 131,337 | 74,996 | 236,999 | 60,892 | 74,996 |
6 | 22 | 3.60 | 6915 | 3634 | 11,421 | 3000 | 155,272 | 81,592 | 256,440 | 67,351 | 81,592 |
7 | 23 | 3.73 | 7533 | 3736 | 11,523 | 3036 | 175,287 | 86,933 | 268,137 | 70,652 | 86,933 |
8 | 23 | 3.76 | 8231 | 4001 | 11,788 | 3132 | 193,230 | 93,929 | 276,733 | 73,528 | 93,929 |
9 | 23 | 3.73 | 8912 | 4317 | 12,104 | 3322 | 207,176 | 100,355 | 281,384 | 77,229 | 100,355 |
10 | 23 | 3.64 | 9603 | 4531 | 12,318 | 3528 | 218,188 | 102,947 | 279,879 | 80,160 | 120,640 |
11 | 22 | 3.53 | 10,280 | 4754 | 12,541 | 3720 | 226,118 | 104,563 | 275,851 | 81,831 | 138,821 |
12 | 21 | 3.39 | 11,070 | 4973 | 12,760 | 3890 | 234,087 | 105,155 | 269,823 | 82,267 | 154,555 |
13 | 20 | 3.24 | 11,990 | 5246 | 13,033 | 4086 | 242,490 | 106,084 | 263,566 | 82,643 | 169,076 |
14 | 19 | 3.09 | 13,253 | 5621 | 13,408 | 4364 | 255,333 | 108,296 | 258,323 | 84,073 | 168,307 |
15 | 18 | 2.93 | 14,743 | 6063 | 13,850 | 4695 | 269,804 | 110,959 | 253,468 | 85,931 | 167,963 |
16 | 17 | 2.78 | 16,272 | 6519 | 14,307 | 5039 | 282,258 | 113,087 | 248,162 | 87,409 | 167,117 |
17 | 16 | 2.63 | 17,563 | 6905 | 14,692 | 5331 | 288,289 | 113,347 | 241,170 | 87,501 | 164,476 |
18+ | 309 | 49.48 | 18,594 | 7219 | 15,006 | 5565 | 5,741,459 | 2,229,103 | 4,633,555 | 1,718,241 | 3,088,712 |
Total budget impact (£) | 8,851,342 | 3,676,999 | 8,536,114 | 2,849,678 | 4,923,124 | ||||||
Deferasirox vs DFO pump | 5,174,343 | ||||||||||
Deferasirox vs DFO infuser | 315,227 | ||||||||||
Deferasirox vs deferiprone | 6,001,664 | ||||||||||
Deferasirox vs current practice | 3,928,218 |
Deferasirox versus DFO via pump
In this instance it is assumed that all patients are receiving DFO via the pump and, with the introduction of deferasirox, all patients will switch over to deferasirox. In this case the budget impact is in the region of £5 million per year for beta-TM patients.
In terms of the 15 new cases per year the budget impact is in the region of £33,000 annually.
Deferasirox versus DFO via balloon infuser
In this instance it is assumed that all patients are receiving DFO by the balloon infuser and, with the introduction of deferasirox, all patients will switch over to deferasirox. In this scenario the budget impact is cost saving in the region of £0.3 million per year for beta-TM patients. This indicates that it is cost saving to give patients deferasirox in place of DFO administered via the balloon infuser.
In terms of the 15 new cases per year the budget impact is a cost saving in the region of £92,000 annually when treating new cases with deferasirox rather than with DFO administered via the balloon infuser.
Deferasirox versus deferiprone
In this scenario it is assumed that all patients are receiving deferiprone and, with the introduction of deferasirox, all patients will switch over to deferasirox. In this case the budget impact is in the region of £6 million per year for beta-TM patients.
In terms of the 15 new cases per year the budget impact is in the region of £25,000 annually.
Deferasirox versus ‘current practice’
In this instance we use a more realistic assumption that some patients receive DFO via the pump, some receive DFO via the infuser and some receive deferiprone. The proportions of patients using each chelator at each age were estimated using a data set presented to the WHO in 1999 (Bernadette Modell, June 2007, personal communication) (see Appendix 10 for further details). As this data is almost 10 years old it is likely to underestimate the use of balloon infusers in clinical practice, hence results should be viewed with caution.
In this scenario the budget impact of using deferasirox for all patients in place of current practice is in the region of £4 million per year for beta-TM patients.
It is not possible to present budget impact figures for new cases for this scenario as the data indicate that all patients initially start with DFO administered via a pump (see Appendix 10).
SCD patients
Four different budget impact estimates are presented below for the population of SCD patients (see Table 29). For details of the budget impact for new cases (incidence) see Appendix 9.
Age (years) | Number of patients | Log-normal distribution (%) | Total costs deferasirox (£) | Total costs DFO pump (£) | Total costs DFO infuser (£) | Total costs deferiprone (£) | Budget impact deferasirox (£) | Budget impact DFO pump (£) | Budget impact DFO infuser (£) | Budget impact deferiprone (£) | Budget impact current practice (£) |
2 | 4 | 0.58 | 4395 | 2733 | 10,520 | 2195 | 15,953 | 9921 | 38,188 | 7966 | 9921 |
3 | 7 | 1.13 | 5142 | 3355 | 11,142 | 2375 | 36,437 | 23,775 | 78,951 | 16,830 | 23,775 |
4 | 12 | 1.87 | 5786 | 3577 | 11,364 | 2739 | 67,645 | 41,814 | 132,855 | 32,017 | 41,814 |
5 | 16 | 2.55 | 6353 | 3606 | 11,393 | 2933 | 101,442 | 57,579 | 181,927 | 46,834 | 57,579 |
6 | 19 | 3.12 | 6915 | 3634 | 11,421 | 3000 | 134,718 | 70,792 | 222,495 | 58,436 | 70,792 |
7 | 22 | 3.54 | 7533 | 3736 | 11,523 | 3036 | 166,477 | 82,564 | 254,661 | 67,101 | 82,564 |
8 | 24 | 3.82 | 8231 | 4001 | 11,788 | 3132 | 196,429 | 95,485 | 281,316 | 74,746 | 95,485 |
9 | 25 | 3.98 | 8912 | 4317 | 12,104 | 3322 | 221,778 | 107,429 | 301,217 | 82,671 | 107,429 |
10 | 25 | 4.05 | 9582 | 4535 | 12,322 | 3526 | 242,433 | 114,735 | 311,757 | 89,216 | 134,437 |
11 | 25 | 4.04 | 10,280 | 4754 | 12,541 | 3720 | 259,477 | 119,989 | 316,546 | 93,904 | 159,301 |
12 | 25 | 3.97 | 11,070 | 4973 | 12,760 | 3890 | 274,786 | 123,438 | 316,735 | 96,570 | 181,427 |
13 | 24 | 3.86 | 11,990 | 5246 | 13,033 | 4086 | 289,477 | 126,639 | 314,637 | 98,656 | 201,838 |
14 | 23 | 3.72 | 13,253 | 5621 | 13,408 | 4364 | 308,509 | 130,850 | 312,122 | 101,582 | 203,359 |
15 | 22 | 3.57 | 14,743 | 6063 | 13,850 | 4695 | 328,672 | 135,169 | 308,771 | 104,680 | 204,610 |
16 | 21 | 3.40 | 16,272 | 6519 | 14,307 | 5039 | 345,554 | 138,447 | 303,811 | 107,010 | 204,593 |
17 | 20 | 3.22 | 17,563 | 6905 | 14,692 | 5331 | 353,744 | 139,082 | 295,926 | 107,368 | 201,820 |
18+ | 310 | 49.5 | 18,594 | 7219 | 15,006 | 5565 | 5,761,143 | 2,236,745 | 4,649,441 | 1,724,132 | 3,095,728 |
Total budget impact £ | 9,104,674 | 3,754,453 | 8,621,356 | 2,909,719 | 5,076,470 | ||||||
Deferasirox vs DFO pump | 5,350,220 | ||||||||||
Deferasirox vs DFO infuser | 483,318 | ||||||||||
Deferasirox vs deferiprone | 6,194,955 | ||||||||||
Deferasirox vs current practice | 4,024,630 |
Deferasirox versus DFO via pump
In this scenario it is assumed that all patients are receiving DFO via the pump and, with the introduction of deferasirox, all patients will switch over to deferasirox. In this case the budget impact is in the region of £5 million per year for SCD patients.
In terms of the 16 new cases per year the budget impact is in the region of £26,000 annually.
Deferasirox versus DFO via balloon infuser
In this instance it is assumed that all patients are receiving DFO via the balloon infuser and, with the introduction of deferasirox, all patients will switch over to deferasirox. In this case the budget impact is in the region of £0.5 million per year for SCD patients.
In terms of the 16 new cases per year the budget impact is a cost saving in the region of £65,000 annually when treating new cases with deferasirox rather than with DFO administered via the balloon infuser.
Deferasirox versus deferiprone
In this scenario it is assumed that all patients are receiving deferiprone and, with the introduction of deferasirox, all patients will switch over to deferasirox. In this instance the budget impact is in the region of £6 million per year for SCD patients.
In terms of the 16 new cases per year the budget impact is in the region of £36,000 annually.
Deferasirox versus ‘current practice’
In this instance the more realistic assumption that some patients receive DFO via the pump, some receive DFO via the infuser and patients receive deferiprone is used. The proportions of patients using each chelator at each age were not available for SCD patients. We therefore used the same estimates as for beta-TM patients (see Appendix 10).
In this case the budget impact of using deferasirox for all patients in place of current practice is in the region of £4 million per year for SCD patients.
It is not possible to present budget impact figures for new cases for this scenario as the data indicate that all patients initially start with DFO administered via a pump (see Appendix 10).
Our exploratory budget impact assessment indicates that deferasirox is likely to cost the NHS in the region of £4 million per year to treat beta-TM patients and £4 million per year to treat SCD patients, assuming that all patients switch to deferasirox (total budget impact = £8 million for both patient groups using current practice scenario). Deferasirox appears particularly attractive compared with DFO administered via a balloon infuser, leading to cost reductions in treating new cases of iron overload (beta-TM and SCD) with deferasirox rather than with DFO via a balloon infuser. Deferasirox is least economically attractive when compared with deferiprone.
Chapter 8 Discussion
This review has examined the comparative efficacy and cost-effectiveness of deferasirox versus DFO and deferiprone for the treatment of iron overload in patients suffering from transfusion-dependent anaemia. The report focuses on beta-TM and SCD patients as these are the most frequently studied. The review only considered short-term outcomes because of the relatively recent introduction of deferasirox into US and European markets and the lack of long-term data in any patient population. Given the chronicity of iron overload this limits the value of this review to inform policy decisions regarding the use of iron chelators in clinical practice. However, the review serves as an aid to focus future research in the area.
Our review of the evidence from RCTs indicates that, in the short term, all of the chelators appear to be efficacious in reducing iron in the liver and blood as measured by mean changes in LIC and serum ferritin. Meta-analysis found combination therapy to be statistically superior to DFO monotherapy in reducing mean serum ferritin concentrations over 12 months; however, there are caveats that must be considered when interpreting this clinical evidence.
With the exception of one trial of patients with SCD, all of the RCT evidence is derived from trials of thalassaemia patients. There is currently no RCT evidence of the benefits of chelation therapy in MDS patients and little data on patients with other rare anaemias. This limits the review to patients with beta-TM and SCD.
The methodological quality of the trials was generally poor. The majority of trials were small in size and there were inconsistencies across trials in terms of the inclusion/exclusion criteria and measurement of outcomes (e.g. biopsy and SQUID for LIC) and the length of follow-up. Furthermore, given the chronic nature of iron overload, trials presenting data at 12 months are only able to provide evidence on surrogate, intermediary outcomes and therefore these studies are unable to fully consider important issues around long-term efficacy, safety and adherence.
Considerable difficulties were encountered when interpreting trial data because trials stipulated different inclusion/exclusion criteria with regard to age, LIC and serum ferritin. The review was further hampered by the fact that trial reporting was inconsistent or incomplete (e.g. trials not reporting details of baseline age, LIC or serum ferritin). Differences in the baseline levels that were reported also raised doubts about the validity of pooling data (e.g. when studies included only children or only adults).
With regard to outcome measurement, changes in LIC, serum ferritin and T2* are intermediate, surrogate measurements of long-term morbidity and mortality outcomes, none of which is precise or without bias. Comparing LIC has been particularly problematic as different studies have used different measurement techniques, i.e. invasive biopsy or non-invasive techniques such as SQUID and liver T2*. The validity of non-invasive techniques is yet to be universally accepted. Furthermore, LIC and serum ferritin may not be the best predictors of long-term consequences such as cardiac disease and death. Thus, the development of methods to assess cardiac iron (e.g. T2*) is of paramount importance, particularly for thalassaemia patients; however, the analytical validity of such tests needs further research. Even more crucially, the link between cardiac iron and cardiac morbidity and mortality still needs to be substantiated.
There is evidence that children and adults metabolise deferasirox differently and so efficacy may also differ by age. Unfortunately, none of the RCTs conducted subgroup analysis to address this issue. Further studies that are adequately powered to enable subgroup analysis by paediatric and adult populations would be informative.
Our economic modelling suggests that, compared with DFO, deferasirox may be a cost-effective strategy for beta-TM and SCD patients; however, this is highly dependent upon the age of the patient and the use of balloon infusers to administer DFO. If deferasirox is compared with deferiprone it is likely that deferasirox will be cost-effective only for young children. Furthermore, if deferiprone is proven to offer the same health benefits as deferasirox, deferasirox will not be cost-effective for any patient compared with deferiprone.
In terms of the financial impact placed upon the NHS by the introduction of deferasirox, our analysis indicates that for both beta-TM and SCD patients the total budget impact is likely to be in the region of £8 million per year. However, this figure is dependent upon the assumed usage of DFO and deferiprone in current practice. Deferasirox is most economically attractive when compared with DFO administered by a balloon infuser and least attractive when compared with deferiprone.
The key issue for any economic evaluation of chelation therapy is the long-term benefit of therapy. Currently, the consequences of iron overload are only understood in thalassaemia patients, and this understanding is imperfect in the long term. Inferences on the effects of iron overload in SCD patients are currently based on the effects of iron in thalassaemia patients, but the two populations are quite dissimilar and hence the effects of iron overload may not be the same.
The effects of iron overload and the benefits of chelation therapy in MDS and other rare anaemias are currently not known. MDS patients are potentially the largest patient group at risk of iron overload, although, considering that MDS patients are older than SCD and beta-TM patients, the benefits of chelation therapy, in terms of morbidity and mortality, are likely to be different. Until these benefits are elucidated it is impossible to determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of chelation therapy in MDS patients. Likewise, there are many other rare anaemias, such as Diamond Blackfan, for which the benefits of chelation therapy require further elucidation.
Two further issues, which are intrinsically linked to the long-term health benefits of chelation therapy, are adherence to therapy and adverse events. The problem of non-adherence to chelation therapy has been well documented in the literature, most notably with the infusional agent DFO. Indeed, the major driving force behind the development of deferasirox was to promote adherence by developing an oral formulation. The health benefits offered by a treatment will not be conferred to patients if they do not actually take it. This is an important issue for these patients as there is growing evidence that non-adherence to therapy leads to reduced life expectancy in thalassaemia patients. 6 It is difficult to accurately estimate the impact of non-adherence on the health benefits conferred by chelation therapy, as the long-term benefits of chelation therapy are difficult to quantify. Moreover, adherence to therapy is not a simple binary variable but represents a spectrum of drug-taking behaviours. Hence, formally valuing the effects of non-adherence to therapy and incorporating it into an economic evaluation is complex.
Long-term adverse events of chelation therapy impact upon the health outcomes and may also impact upon adherence. As deferasirox is relatively new the long-term adverse events are not known and will be identified only by postmarketing surveillance studies in clinical practice.
All of the above issues relate to long-term outcomes, which will take many years to unfold. However, considering the limited patient numbers involved it seems feasible to set up long-term databases which will ensure the collection of accurate data that can be used in the future to assess the long-term clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of chelation therapy. Until quite recently (2003) a large database of virtually all UK thalassaemia patients existed (UK Thalassaemia Society database). If practical, a similar database for all patients receiving chelation therapy (or different databases by underlying disease) would enable long-term health outcomes to be captured.
The costs of chelation therapy must also be considered and include the costs of the chelators, the costs of administration (DFO only), the costs of monitoring and the costs of treating adverse events. Doses for all three chelator agents are based on body weight; hence, it is important to accurately estimate a patient’s weight, which will be dependent on the underlying disease, age and sex. Weight curves for each population could be produced according to age and sex. The collection of actual patient weight data directly from clinical practice would be desirable and would increase the accuracy of any economic evaluation undertaken in this area.
The costs of DFO administration are composed of a number of resources. By far the largest cost is attributed to the use of balloon infusers over traditional pumps. Currently the only data available comes from a small, company-sponsored study, which estimates that 79% of patients receive DFO via the balloon infuser. Our clinical panel indicated that this figure appeared high, although it may be appropriate for certain patients in particular geographic locations. Considering that this is a major component of the costs of DFO it is crucial to estimate the true usage of balloon infusers. It would also be useful to know the benefits of balloon infusers over the traditional pump. If patients prefer balloon infusers to pumps it seems reasonable to assume that there must be some benefit in terms of quality of life and/or adherence to therapy, both of which will impact upon long-term outcomes.
The costs of monitoring also require clarification. The summary of product characteristics (SPC) for the three agents recommend a host of monitoring tests, some generic to iron chelation therapy, others specific to the individual agents. Discussions with clinicians indicate that these tests can often be performed at the same time, which may not be in accordance with the SPC; furthermore, different treatment centres may have different practices. It would be expedient to have these costs more clearly defined and any differences between treatment centres identified.
Finally, the costs associated with adverse events need to be determined. Discussions with clinicians indicate that different treatment centres have different policies with regards to treating patients suffering from an adverse event. For adverse events to be incorporated into an economic evaluation some consensus on their treatment would be required.
Chapter 9 Conclusions and research recommendations
This review indicates that, in the short term, the currently available chelators are effective at removing iron from the body. In addition, deferasirox is potentially cost-effective compared with DFO in SCD and beta-TM patients but it is unlikely to be cost-effective compared with deferiprone in these groups. This review was unable to assess the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of deferasirox for patients with MDS and other rare anaemias.
Our clinical and economic analyses were restricted by the available evidence and thus should be considered exploratory. Our review raises a number of issues that can be used to direct future research in this area, ranked in order of importance (note that this is of importance from the perspective of the researcher and not from that of the NHS or clinician):
Accurate data must be captured from longer-term use of chelating agents, such as adverse events, adherence, morbidity and mortality. One means to achieve this could be by the establishment of a database for all patients receiving chelation therapy.
Further research is required to validate new diagnostic tools, such as T2* against cardiac iron, and to establish the link between cardiac iron and longer-term outcomes, such as cardiac morbidity and mortality.
To ensure comparability across trials in this area, the conduct and reporting of trials need to be consistent. This requires the utilisation of appropriate inclusion and exclusion criteria and adequate reporting of baseline characteristics and deviations from drug-dosing algorithms.
When trials include a mix of age groups and diseases, they should be adequately powered to allow for subgroup analyses by age and underlying disease. Alternatively, trials will be needed for specific age and disease groups. In particular, clinical studies (including RCTs) are required to establish the clinical effectiveness of deferasirox in patients with MDS and other rare anaemias.
Costing iron overload and chelation therapy is complex. There is a need for independent costing studies to be undertaken to collect data (including patient weight, proportion of balloon infusers, monitoring tests and adverse events costs) from a variety of patient populations and treatment centres.
The review team is pleased to acknowledge Dr Christos Sotirelis, Vice-President of the UK Thalassaemia Society, who provided comments on a draft version of our report; Ms Janet Atkinson who provided administrative support (including obtaining bibliographic sources); Karen Jewitt, Andy Jones and Nan Oliver from Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited, who answered queries and supplied costing data and information regarding recent trials; Dr Alan Haycox and Dr Ruben Mujica-Mota who provided comments on the economic modelling.
Three referees considered and commented on the final version of this report post submission. The policy of NCCHTA is not to name referees; however, individuals contributing peer review of HTA Programme products are listed within the NCCHTA website (
This report was commissioned by the NHS R&D HTA programme on behalf of the National Co-ordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment and was produced by the Liverpool Reviews and Implementation Group (LRiG). The LRiG was established at the University of Liverpool in April 2001. It is a multidisciplinary research group whose purpose, in the first instance, is to conduct Health Technology Assessments (HTA) commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research HTA Programme. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the clinical advisors, the HTA Programme or the Department of Health.
Contributions of authors (alphabetically)
Professor Adrian Bagust developed the economic model and had input into all aspects of the economic review. Angela Boland, Research Fellow, was responsible for the economic review and writing and editing of drafts of the report. Patrick Chu, Consultant Haematologist, had input into the clinical component of the review. Rumona Dickson, Director, LriG, had input into all aspects of the clinical component of the review. Yenal Dundar, Research Fellow, was responsible for development of search strategies a and study selection and had input into aspects of the clinical component of the review. Nigel Fleeman, Research Fellow, was responsible for data management and had input into all aspects of the clinical review. Janette Greenhalgh, Research Fellow, had into all aspects of the clinical review. Jamie Kirkham, Research Associate, was responsible for statistical advice and meta-analysis and had input into all aspects of the clinical review. Claire McLeod, Research Fellow, was responsible for co-ordination of the review and the background, economic review and development of the economic model. Bernadette Modell, Emeritus Professor of Community Genetics, Ade Olujohungbe, Consultant Haematologist, and Paul Telfer, Senior Lecturer in Haematology, all had input into the clinical component of the review, and Bernadette Modell and Paul Telfer wrote the background. Professor Tom Walley was responsible for data assessment and interpretation of clinical data. All contributors took part in the editing and production of the final report.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the HTA Programme or the Department of Health.
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- Calebro A, Delea TE, Sofrygin O, Coates TD, Phatak PD, . Cost-Effectiveness of Once-Daily Oral Chelation Therapy With Deferasirox (Exjade®) Versus Infusional Deferoxamine in Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemic Patients: A Brazilian Perspective n.d.
- Karnon J, Akehurst R, Papo N. Cost Utility Analysis of Deferasirox (Exjade®) Versus Deferoxamine (Desferal) for Patients Requiring Iron Chelation Therapy in the United Kingdom n.d.
- Karnon J, Akehurst R, Jewitt K, Ossa D. Cost Utility Analysis of Deferasirox (Exjade®) Versus Deferoxamine (Desferal) for Patients Requiring Iron Chelation Therapy in the United Kingdom n.d.
- De Abreu Lourenco R, Osborne R, Dalton A, Houltram J, Dowton D, Joshua D, et al. An Oral Iron Chelator and Quality of Life n.d.
- Osborne R, De Abreu Lourenco R, Dalton A, Houltram J, Dowton D, Joshua D, et al. Quality of life related to oral versus subcutaneous iron chelation: a time trade-off study. Value Health 2007;10:451-6.
- Red book update December 2006. Montvale, NJ: Thomson Healthcare; 2005.
- Arboretti R, Tognoni G, Alberti D. Pharmacosurveillance and quality of care of thalassaemic patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2001;56:915-22.
- Kremastinos D, Tsetsos G, Tsiapras D, Karavolias G, Ladis V, Kattamis C. Heart failure in beta-thalassaemia: a five-year follow-up study. Am J Med 2001;111:349-54.
- Fryback D, Dasbach E, Klein R, Klein B, Dorn N, Peterson K, et al. The Beaver Dam health outcomes study: initial catalog of health state quality factors. Med Decis Making 1993;13:89-102.
- Alderson P. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. BMJ 2004;328:476-7.
- Mullhaven . Price List n.d. (accessed June 2007).
- Desrosiers M-P, Payne KA, Baladi J-F. Estimating the Total Cost of Infused Iron Chelation Therapy n.d.
- Harlow Healthcare . Health for All Children n.d. (accessed October 2007).
- Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Unit . Management of Thalassaemia (structured Abstract) 2003.
Appendix 1 WHO myelodysplastic syndrome classification scheme
Disease | Blood findings | Bone marrow findings |
Refractory anaemia (RA) | Anaemia | Erythroid dysplasia only |
No or rare blasts | < 5% blasts | |
< 15% ringed sideroblasts | ||
Refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS) | Anaemia | Erythroid dysplasia only |
No blasts | ≥ 5% ringed sideroblasts | |
< 5% blasts | ||
Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (RCMD) | Cytopenias (bicytopenia or pancytopenia) | Dysplasia in ≥ 10% of cells in two or more myeloid cell lines |
No or rare blasts | < 5% blasts in marrow | |
No Auer rods | No Auer rods | |
< 1 × 109/l monocytes | < 15% ringed sideroblasts | |
Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia and ringed sideroblasts (RCMD-RS) | Cytopenias (bicytopenia or pancytopenia) | Dysplasia in ≥ 10% of cells in two or more myeloid cell lines |
No or rare blasts | ≥ 15% ringed sideroblasts | |
No Auer rods | < 5% blasts | |
< 1 × 109/l monocytes | No Auer rods | |
Refractory anaemia with excess blasts-1 (RAEB-1) | Cytopenias | Unilineage or multilineage dysplasia |
< 5% blasts | 5–9% blasts | |
No Auer rods | No Auer rods | |
< 1 × 109/l monocytes | ||
Refractory anaemia with excess blasts-2 (RAEB-2) | Cytopenias | Unilineage or multilineage dysplasia |
5–19% blasts | 10–19% blasts | |
Auer rods ± | Auer rods ± | |
< 1 × 109/l monocytes | ||
Myelodysplastic syndrome, unclassified (MDS-U) | Cytopenias | Unilineage dysplasia in granulocytes or megakaryocytes |
No or rare blasts | < 5% blasts | |
No Auer rods | No Auer rods | |
MDS associated with isolated del(5q) | Anaemia | Normal to increased megakaryocytes with hypolobated nuclei |
< 5% blasts | < 5% blasts | |
Platelets normal or increased | No Auer rods | |
Isolated del(5q) |
Appendix 2 Suggested criteria for the use of deferasirox
Effective iron chelation is vital to prevent morbidity and early mortality from the toxic effects of transfusion iron overload. The licensing of a new oral once-daily iron chelator drug deferasirox (Exjade) in the EU earlier this year represents a major advance in chelation therapy, as there were significant problems with adherence and toxic side effects with the previously available chelators desferrioxamine and deferiprone.
Clinical trials with deferasirox have been carried out in the following groups of transfusion-dependent patients and have included children as young as 2 years of age:
thalassaemia patients
sickle cell disease patients
patients with other inherited red cell disorders
patients with myelodysplastic syndromes.
Iron chelation therapy is required by an increasing number of adults and children treated in the paediatric and adult haematology departments within Barts and The London NHS Trust. The reasons for the increased demand include:
new indications for transfusion treatment in sickle cell anaemia (mostly for stroke prevention)
recommendations about chelation therapy in the national standards of care of thalassaemia and for sickle cell diseases, both documents recently published
increasing numbers of patients, partly as a result of referrals to the Royal London Hospital of patients from elsewhere in East London and Essex after the establishment of the East London and Essex Clinical Haemoglobinopathy Network.
The Barts and The London NHS Trust New Drugs Group has recently considered an application for the use of deferasirox within the trust (25 September 2006).
Based on the recommendations of the New Drugs Group, below are some suggested guidelines for the use of deferasirox. National guidelines are being considered by the UK Forum on Haemoglobin Disorders and local guidelines will then require revision. It seems unlikely that NICE will develop guidelines for iron chelation during the next year.
Suggested guidelines for use of deferasirox (Exjade) for iron chelation therapy in transfusion-dependent patients managed in the East London and Essex Clinical Haemoglobinopathy Network
General considerations
Decisions about chelation should be made by a consultant haematologist experienced in the use of all chelation regimes.
All patients require careful monitoring:
monthly biochemistry (creatinine, liver function tests)
3-monthly clinic visits and serum ferritin
annual audiometry and ophthalmology, T2* MRI (patients over 10 years)
additionally, patients on deferiprone require careful monitoring of neutrophil counts (preferably weekly), education about the risk of agranulocytosis and a letter to present in A&E if unwell with fever.
Guidelines for new (previously untreated) patients
Chelation therapy should be considered in children aged over 2 years and in adults who have had at least 1 year of regular transfusions (> 10 transfusions) and who have evidence of iron overload (serum ferritin > 1000 µmol/l on at least two readings separated by 1 month).
Age 2–5 years
Deferasirox is not currently licensed as first-line therapy in this age range. Initial therapy should be with desferrioxamine:
initiate with desferrioxamine 25 mg/kg subcutaneous infusion five times per week (usually started at two times per week and increased to five times per week over first year of therapy)
infusions given over 10 hours using either a syringe driver pump (preferably Crono) or a disposable daily infusor pump [advice about desferrioxamine infusions from Dr Telfer (Consultant Haematologist, Royal London Hospital) and Kim Newell (Paediatric Haematology Nurse Specialist, Royal London Hospital)]
review therapy 3 monthly
switch to deferasirox (Exjade) if intolerant of desferrioxamine or poor response (increasing serum ferritin); dosage of deferasirox is 20–30 mg/kg per day, initial dose determined by transfusion requirements over previous year and degree of iron overload.
Age 5–16 years
Deferasirox can be given as first-line therapy in this age range. Dosage of deferasirox is 20–30 mg/kg per day, initial dose determined by transfusion requirements over previous year and degree of iron overload.
First-line therapy is desferrioxamine 30–50 mg/kg, five to six infusions per week using disposable infusors. Deferasirox 20–30 mg/kg should be used as second-line therapy in patients unable to tolerate desferrioxamine as recommended or with severe adverse effects (ototoxiticy, retinal toxicity, Yersinia or Klebsiella infection).
Guidelines for patients already on chelation therapy
Children aged 5–16 years
Recommend change to deferasirox. Exceptions:
prefers to stay on desferrioxamine and control of iron load acceptable: stay on desferrioxamine
cardiac complications or significant cardiac iron loading on T2* MRI: recommend deferiprone alone or in combination with desferrioxamine.
If tolerating desferrioxamine well it is not necessary to change chelation.
If not tolerating desferrioxamine, and normal cardiac status, change to deferasirox.
If not tolerating desferrioxamine and/or abnormal cardiac function with cardiac iron loading, recommend deferiprone alone or in combination with desferrioxamine.
Age under 2 years.
Pre-existing renal disease.
Pre-existing liver disease (the use in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection is currently unclear).
Severe hearing loss.
Deferasirox (Exjade) therapy: pre-treatment assessment
Before starting treatment the following medical assessment should be carried out:
height, weight, sitting height
Tanner staging (age > 12 years)
general physical examination
blood transfusion volume over past 12 months (ml/kg)
serum creatinine
liver function tests, including ALT
serum ferritin
pure tone audiometry to exclude sensorineural hearing loss
ophthalmological examination to exclude retinal disease and cataract
T2* MRI of heart and liver (in patients > 6 years).
Deferasirox (Exjade) therapy: dosage
Initial dose (mg/kg) is based on transfusion requirements during previous 12 months and degree of pre-existing iron overload (Table 30).
Transfusion rate of packed red cells per month | Goal of therapy | |
Maintain iron balance | Reduce iron burden | |
< 7 ml/kg | 10 mg/kg | 20 mg/kg |
7–14 ml/kg | 20 mg/kg | 20 mg/kg |
> 14 ml/kg | 20 mg/kg | 30 mg/kg |
Deferasirox (Exjade) therapy: monitoring
Weekly for first month of therapy:
serum biochemistry to include creatinine and liver function tests.
serum biochemistry to include creatinine and liver function tests
serum ferritin
urinalysis for proteinuria.
height, weight, sitting height (age < 20 years)
Tanner staging (age > 12 years)
general physical examination
blood transfusion volume over past 12 months (ml/kg)
urinalysis for proteinuria
serum creatinine
liver function tests, including ALT
serum ferritin
pure tone audiometry to exclude sensorineural hearing loss
ophthalmological examination to exclude retinal disease and cataract
T2* MRI of heart and liver (in patients > 6 years)
additional routine annual investigations.
Deferasirox (Exjade) therapy: dose adjustment
Adverse effects
Adjustments can be made every 3 months in 5–10 mg/kg increments.
Increase in serum creatinine: if increased > 1.5 times baseline level or above upper limit of normal (Table 31), reduce dose of deferasirox by 10 mg/kg and repeat after 2 weeks. Discontinue deferasirox if elevation persists. Dose can be increased (in 5 mg/kg increments) if creatinine stable at < 1.5 times baseline for 1 month (Paediatric Laboratory Handbook, Barts and The London, Division of Blood Sciences; reviewed 1 August 2006).
Age range (years) | Normal range for creatinine (μmol/l) |
1–3 | 21–36 |
3–5 | 27–42 |
5–7 | 28–52 |
7–9 | 35–53 |
9–13 | 46–70 |
13–15 | 55–77 |
Adult | Male 62–106; female 44–80 |
Skin rash: this usually resolves without requiring dose reduction. If rash is severe or persisting, discontinue until rash settles and consider rechallenge.
Elevated liver aminotransferases (> 2.5 times upper limit of normal): discontinue deferasirox. Monitor weekly with clinical examination and liver function tests. Consider rechallenge at reduced dosage when aminotransferase levels return to normal.
Hearing loss on pure tone audiometry or symptoms of hearing loss/tinnitus: discontinue deferasirox. Monitor symptoms and audiometry every 1–2 months. Consider rechallenge at a dose 10 mg/kg lower if symptoms and/or audiology findings resolve.
Increasing iron stores
This is indicated by:
the trend of increasing serum ferritin levels (> 1500 µg/l)
increasing liver or cardiac loading on T2* MRI scan
the development of clinical complications of iron overload such as diabetes, cardiac complications.
Increase dose by 10 mg/kg every 3 months. Maximum dose is 30 mg/kg although there is some experience with use at 40 mg/kg. The higher dose should be used only under exceptional circumstances. In general, patients with a high and increasing iron burden should be transferred onto combination chelation therapy with desferrioxamine and deferiprone (see separate protocol)
Diminishing iron stores
In general, the dosage recommended for maintaining iron balance (Table 30) should be used. Interruption of treatment should be considered if serum ferritin falls consistently below 500 µg/l.
Appendix 3 Previous systematic reviews of iron chelators
Study | Objective and patient population | Outcomes measured | Studies included | Patients included | Findings and conclusions |
Addis 199955 | To summarise efficacy in iron-overloaded patients (including thalassaemia, MDS and other anaemias) treated with deferiprone | Proportion of patients whose UIE is ≥ 25 mg/24 hours or ≥ 0.5 mg/kg over the period of treatment; changes in serum ferritin | Nine cohort studies. All studies were published between 1992 and 1995 | 51 patients in 6/9 studies that reported UIE data and 45 patients from 4/9 studies for which there were data on serum ferritin before and after receiving deferiprone | 51.8% of all patients achieved negative iron balance when given a deferiprone dose ≥ 75 mg/kg (45.1% overall regardless of dose) and 75.5% of all patients had a reduction in serum ferritin (average 23.5% drop from baseline) |
Caro 200257 | Mata-analysis of the literature to assess the effectiveness of deferiprone and DFO in reducing HIC in thalassaemia patients | Change in LIC | 11 studies including RCTs (n = 1), clinical trials (n = 5) and case studies (n = 5). All studies were published between 1979 and 1999 | 98 patients were included in the meta-analysis from 8/11 studies for which there was IPD. All patients were treated with deferiprone (n = 68) or DFO (n = 30) | DFO was more effective than deferiprone in reducing LIC (OR = 19.0; 95% CI 2.4–151.4) |
Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Unit 2003146 | To determine the safety, effectiveness and cost implications as well as the ethical, legal and social implications of the management of thalassaemia | In relation to chelation therapy, outcomes considered narratively included: morbidity, mortality, safety, complications, changes in serum ferritin and cost-effectiveness | In relation to chelation therapy, 22 studies examining DFO and 13 studying deferiprone. Studies utilised a wide range of study designs including case reports, case studies, cohort studies, case–control studies, surveys, small clinical trials and one meta-analysis.55 All papers were published between 1983 and 2002 | All patients had thalassaemia. The number of patients included in the review is unknown and varied depending on the outcome being considered | DFO and deferiprone are safe and effective and should be used to prevent or improve serious complications of thalassaemia. Combination therapy should be considered in patients with inadequate doses of DFO because of its high cost or side effects |
Franchini 200458 | To present the main recent developments in iron-chelating therapy in terms of a new method of administering DFO (bolus injections) and two oral chelators (deferiprone and deferasirox) |
Narratively: efficacy and safety Meta-analysed: serum ferritin and the following common adverse events: gastrointestinal symptoms, arthropathy, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, hepatoxicity |
15 studies including two RCTs. All papers were published between 1990 and 2003 | Patients requiring multiple blood transfusions; 1138 patients were included in the meta-analysis | Further studies are needed into the safety of bolus injections and deferasirox; deferasirox results are nevertheless promising regarding future clinical practice. Deferiprone is efficacious and generally well tolerated and is the only oral chelator currently registered for clinical use |
Roberts 200561 | To determine the effectiveness of DFO in people with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia | Mortality (primary outcome) and morbidity (reduced end-organ damage), measures of iron overload including changes in serum ferritin and LIC, adverse events, adherence with DFO and cost of treatment | Overall, eight trials were included examining DFO vs placebo, DFO vs other iron chelators, and different DFO schedules – in terms of DFO vs another iron chelator there were five trials (including one crossover trial). All studies were published between 1974 and 2004 (or 1990 and 2004 for comparisons of DFO with other iron chelators) | All patients had transfusion-dependent thalassaemia and 334 people from eight trials were included in the full review. For DFO vs deferiprone, 144 patients (DFO = 73; deferiprone = 71), all from one RCT, were included in the quantitative analysis of serum ferritin and adverse events and 73 patients (DFO = 33; deferiprone = 40), from two trials, were included in the meta-analysis of changes in LIC. For DFO vs combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO), 43 patients (DFO = 21; combination therapy = 22) were included in the meta–analysis at 6 months and 25 patients (DFO = 14; combination therapy = 11), all from one trial, were included in the quantitative analysis at 12 months | Mortality and morbidity only measured in the one study comparing DFO with placebo. No significant differences reported between the different chelators in terms of reducing iron overload or adverse events [for DFO vs deferiprone, serum ferritin OR = 0.27 (–0.55 to 0.01), LIC ratio of geometric mean = 0.70 (0.53–0.93), adverse events OR = 0.45 (0.24–0.84); for DFO vs combination therapy, serum ferritin OR = 0.72 (–0.07 to 1.50) at 12 months and OR = 1.19 (–0.22 to 2.60) at 6 months]. Thus, no reason was found to change current treatment recommendations |
VanOrden 20067 | To review the available literature on the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, efficacy, toxicology, adverse effects, drug interactions and dosage guidelines for deferasirox, an oral iron chelator, in phase III trials | Mean iron excretion, toxicity in animals, absorption rate, distribution, metabolism, elimination, urinary iron excretion, LIC, serum ferritin and adverse events |
Data on efficacy, toxicology, adverse effects and pharmacokinetics for deferasirox were obtained from randomised, open-label, blinded clinical trials. Other information was obtained from the manufacturer, including unpublished studies in abstract form as well as available data on deferasirox In terms of efficacy there were two phase I RCTs, three phase II trials (only one of which was a RCT) and one phase III RCT. In terms of adverse events there appeared to be an additional phase II trial (non-RCT). All papers were published between 2003 and 2005 |
All patients had iron overload requiring chelation therapy. Most patients included in the efficacy studies had thalassaemia (n = 790) but a minority of patients also had MDS (n = 94) and other anaemias including SCD (n = 52) | Deferasirox is as safe and as effective as DFO at daily dosages of 20–30 mg/kg for most patients with thalassaemia (no data exists on subpopulations such as pregnant women and people with renal insufficiency). Adverse events are relatively mild and transient and are likely to include nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and skin rash. Further studies are needed to confirm its efficacy in other chronic transfusion-requiring diseases such as SCD and MDS |
Abetz 200663 | To assess the literature for the impact of iron overload and infusion iron chelation therapy (ICT) on patients’ quality of life (QoL), and the availability of QoL instruments for patients undergoing infusion ICT | QoL utilising QoL instruments that have been previously validated elsewhere | 15 studies used validated QoL instruments. All papers were published between 1986 and 2004 | Patients had thalassaemia (four studies), SCD (six studies) and MDS (four studies) | All of the evaluated studies focused on the impact of thalassaemia, SCD or MDS on patient QoL rather than the impact of ICT on patient QoL. A recurrent theme regarding what might improve patient QoL was the development of an oral drug. Further research is warranted to continue the qualitative and quantitative study of QoL using validated instruments in patients receiving ICT as currently no iron overload-specific QoL instruments exist |
Roberts 200764 | To determine the effectiveness and safety of deferiprone in people with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia | Mortality (primary outcome) and morbidity (reduced end-organ damage), measures of iron overload including changes in serum ferritin and LIC, adverse events, adherence with DFO and cost of treatment | Overall, ten trials (including two crossover trials) were included examining deferiprone vs DFO, combination therapy (deferiprone and DFO) vs DFO, combination therapy vs deferiprone, and different deferiprone schedules – excluding the last comparison there were nine trials (including one crossover trial). All studies were published between 1990 and 2006 | All patients had transfusion-dependent thalassaemia and 398 people from ten trials were included in the full review. For deferiprone vs DFO, 31 patients (deferiprone = 17; DFO = 14) were included in the meta-analysis at 6 months and 104 patients (deferiprone = 100; DFO = 104) at 12 months. No other quantitative analyses were carried out | Mortality and morbidity were not measured in any of the studies. No significant differences reported between the different chelators in terms of reducing iron overload and adverse events were reported in all groups. Thus, no reason was found to change current treatment recommendations |
Appendix 4 Search strategy – clinical and economic evidence
Search strategy and search results
Database | Years | Search strategy | References identified |
MEDLINE | 1950 to March Week 3 2007 | See below | 260 |
EMBASE | 1980 to 2007 Week 13 | See below | 523 |
ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of Science/Science Citation Index | 1945–2007 | ((deferasirox or exjade or ICL670) and (deferoxamine or DFO or desferal or desferrioxamine)) OR ((deferasirox or exjade or ICL670) and (deferiprone or ferriprox)) OR ((deferoxamine or DFO or desferal or desferrioxamine) and (deferiprone or ferriprox)) OR (deferasirox or exjade or ICL670) | 348 |
ISI Web of Knowledge/ISI Proceedings | 1990–2007 | As above | 76 |
PubMed (30 March 2007)a | 2007 | (deferasirox OR exjade OR ICL670 OR deferoxamine OR DFO OR desferal OR desferrioxamine OR deferiprone OR ferriprox) | 63 |
The Cochrane Library 2007 (1)b | 2007 (1) | As above | 183 (CENTRAL: 167, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: 8, DARE: 2, HTA: 3, NHS EED: 3) |
Total references identified | 1453 | ||
Duplicates | 569 | ||
Total | 884 |
Search strategy: Ovid MEDLINE 1950 to March Week 3 2007
(deferasirox or exjade or ICL670).af.
(deferoxamine or DFO or desferal or desferrioxamine).af
(deferiprone or ferriprox).af.
1 and 2
1 and 3
2 and 3
1 or 7
exp Iron Chelating Agents/ or exp Chelating Agents/
exp beta-Thalassemia/ or exp alpha-Thalassemia/ or exp Thalassemia/
exp Anemia/ or Anemia, Sickle Cell
exp Myelodysplastic Syndromes/
exp Iron Overload/
(iron chelat$ or thalassemia$ or anaemia or anemia or myelodysplastic syndrome$ or sickle cell or iron overload$).tw.
8 and 15
animal/ not (animal/ and human/)
16 and 17
Search strategy: Ovid EMBASE 1980 to 2007 Week 13
(deferasirox or exjade or ICL670).af.
(deferoxamine or DFO or desferal or desferrioxamine).af
(deferiprone or ferriprox).af.
1 and 2
1 and 3
2 and 3
1 or 7
exp Iron Chelating Agent/ or exp Chelating Agent/
exp Myelodysplastic Syndrome/
exp Iron Overload/
(iron chelat$ or thalassemia$ or anaemia or anemia or myelodysplastic syndrome$ or sickle cell or iron overload$).tw.
8 and 15
limit 16 to human
Appendix 5 Flow diagram of included studies
Appendix 6 Longer-term adverse event information
Search strategy
Ovid MEDLINE 1996 to 2007 Week 30
(deferasirox or exjade or ICL670).af.
(ae or si or to or co).fs.
(safe or safety).ti,ab.
side effect$.ti,ab.
((adverse or undesirable or harm$ or serious or toxic) adj3 (effect$ or reaction$ or event$ or outcome$)).ti,ab.
exp Drug Toxicity/
exp adverse drug reaction reporting systems/
1 and 8
Ovid EMBASE 1996 to 2007 Week 30
(deferasirox or exjade or ICL670).af.
(ae or si or to or co).fs.
(safe or safety).ti,ab.
side effect$.ti,ab.
((adverse or undesirable or harm$ or serious or toxic) adj3 (effect$ or reaction$ or event$ or outcome$)).ti,ab.
exp adverse drug reaction/
exp drug toxicity/
exp intoxication/
exp drug safety/
exp drug monitoring/
1 and 11
Selection of evidence
Number of records | |
Main search strategy | 188 |
Total references screened | 188 |
Total references included | 3 |
Appendix 7 DFO administration costs
Estimated administration costs associated with DFO assuming 100% balloon infuser usage and 0% balloon infuser usage. Unit costs and other cost items and resource use are based on the results of a costing study undertaken by Novartis (Karen Jewitt, Novartis, July 2007, personal communication).
100% balloon infuser usage
Unit cost (£) | Patients (%) | No. per patient receiving item | Annual costs per patient (£) | |
Pump | 766.59 | 0 | – | – |
Balloon infuser | 34.00 | 100 | 251.8 | 8561.20 |
Portacath | 257.94 | 5 | 0.5 | 6.45 |
Needles for portacath | 4.10 | 5 | 300 | 61.50 |
Portacath surgery | 1007.88 | 5 | 0.5 | 25.20 |
Syringes | 0.12 | 100 | 55.4 | 6.65 |
Needles | 0.05 | 100 | 300 | 15.00 |
Infusion sets | 1.16 | 100 | 171.2 | 198.59 |
Tape | 0.66 | 100 | 10 | 6.60 |
Alcohol pads | 0.04 | 100 | 310.9 | 12.44 |
Gauze | 0.03 | 100 | 300 | 9.00 |
Sharp bins | 1.33 | 100 | 2 | 2.66 |
Battery | 2.60 | 0 | – | – |
Home delivery costs | 274.00 | 100 | 1 | 274.00 |
DFO administration | 100% balloon infuser usage | 9179 |
0% balloon infuser usage
Unit cost (£) | Patients (%) | No. per patient receiving item | Annual costs per patient (£) | |
Pump | 766.59 | 100 | 1 | 766.59 |
Balloon infuser | 34.00 | 0 | – | – |
Portacath | 257.94 | 5 | 0.5 | 6.45 |
Needles for portacath | 4.10 | 5 | 300 | 61.50 |
Portacath surgery | 1007.88 | 5 | 0.5 | 25.20 |
Syringes | 0.12 | 100 | 55.4 | 6.65 |
Needles | 0.05 | 100 | 300 | 15.00 |
Infusion sets | 1.16 | 100 | 171.2 | 198.59 |
Tape | 0.66 | 100 | 10 | 6.60 |
Alcohol pads | 0.04 | 100 | 310.9 | 12.44 |
Gauze | 0.03 | 100 | 300 | 9.00 |
Sharp bins | 1.33 | 100 | 2 | 2.66 |
Battery | 2.60 | 100 | 2.91 | 7.57 |
Home delivery costs | 274.00 | 100 | 1 | 274.00 |
DFO administration | 0% balloon infuser usage | 1392 |
Appendix 8 Proportion of SCD and beta-TM patients using a log-normal model
Beta-TM; Cappellini 200662 | SCD; Vichinsky 200781 | ||||||
Age (years) | Proportions (%) | Years | Density (%) | Age (years) | Proportions (%) | Years | Density (%) |
2–5 | 9.9 | 4 | 2.48 | 2–5 | 3.6 | 4 | 0.90 |
6–11 | 23.0 | 6 | 3.83 | 6–11 | 23.1 | 6 | 3.85 |
12–15 | 18.1 | 4 | 4.53 | 12–15 | 23.6 | 4 | 5.90 |
16–49 | 48.8 | 34 | 1.44 | 16–49 | 48.2 | 34 | 1.42 |
50–64 | 0.2 | 15 | 0.01 | 50–64 | 1.5 | 15 | 0.10 |
Total | 100 | Total | 100 | ||||
Model totals | 93 | Model totals | 97 | ||||
Model parameters | Mu | 2.8791 | Model parameters | Mu | 2.8828 | ||
Sigma | 0.8666 | Sigma | 0.7071 | ||||
Sum of squares | 0.270% | Sum of squares | 0.500% |
Beta-TM; Cappellini 200662 | SCD; Vichinsky 200781 | ||||||||
Age (years) | Density (%) | Log-normal model cumulative (%) | Log-normal model density function (%) | SS difference (%) | Age (years) | Density (%) | Log-normal model cumulative (%) | Log-normal model density function (%) | SS difference (%) |
2 | 2.5 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 0.002 | 2 | 0.90 | 0.581 | 0.581 | 0.001 |
3 | 2.5 | 4.2 | 2.3 | 0.001 | 3 | 0.90 | 1.715 | 1.134 | 0.001 |
4 | 2.5 | 7.1 | 2.9 | 0.002 | 4 | 0.90 | 3.585 | 1.871 | 0.009 |
5 | 2.5 | 10.5 | 3.3 | 0.007 | 5 | 0.90 | 6.140 | 2.555 | 0.027 |
6 | 3.8 | 14.1 | 3.6 | 0.001 | 6 | 3.85 | 9.257 | 3.117 | 0.005 |
7 | 3.8 | 17.8 | 3.7 | 0.000 | 7 | 3.85 | 12.793 | 3.536 | 0.001 |
8 | 3.8 | 21.6 | 3.8 | 0.000 | 8 | 3.85 | 16.611 | 3.818 | 0.000 |
9 | 3.8 | 25.3 | 3.7 | 0.000 | 9 | 3.85 | 20.593 | 3.982 | 0.000 |
10 | 3.8 | 28.9 | 3.6 | 0.000 | 10 | 3.85 | 24.641 | 4.048 | 0.000 |
11 | 3.8 | 32.5 | 3.5 | 0.001 | 11 | 3.85 | 28.680 | 4.039 | 0.000 |
12 | 4.5 | 35.8 | 3.4 | 0.013 | 12 | 5.90 | 32.652 | 3.972 | 0.037 |
13 | 4.5 | 39.1 | 3.2 | 0.016 | 13 | 5.90 | 36.514 | 3.863 | 0.042 |
14 | 4.5 | 42.2 | 3.1 | 0.021 | 14 | 5.90 | 40.239 | 3.725 | 0.047 |
15 | 4.5 | 45.1 | 2.9 | 0.025 | 15 | 5.90 | 43.806 | 3.567 | 0.054 |
16 | 1.4 | 47.9 | 2.8 | 0.018 | 16 | 1.42 | 47.204 | 3.398 | 0.039 |
17 | 1.4 | 50.5 | 2.6 | 0.014 | 17 | 1.42 | 50.426 | 3.223 | 0.033 |
18 | 1.4 | 53.0 | 2.5 | 0.011 | 18 | 1.42 | 53.473 | 3.046 | 0.027 |
19 | 1.4 | 55.4 | 2.3 | 0.008 | 19 | 1.42 | 56.344 | 2.871 | 0.021 |
20 | 1.4 | 57.6 | 2.2 | 0.006 | 20 | 1.42 | 59.045 | 2.701 | 0.016 |
21 | 1.4 | 59.7 | 2.1 | 0.004 | 21 | 1.42 | 61.581 | 2.536 | 0.013 |
22 | 1.4 | 61.6 | 2.0 | 0.003 | 22 | 1.42 | 63.959 | 2.378 | 0.009 |
23 | 1.4 | 63.5 | 1.9 | 0.002 | 23 | 1.42 | 66.186 | 2.227 | 0.007 |
24 | 1.4 | 65.2 | 1.8 | 0.001 | 24 | 1.42 | 68.271 | 2.085 | 0.004 |
25 | 1.4 | 66.9 | 1.7 | 0.000 | 25 | 1.42 | 70.220 | 1.950 | 0.003 |
26 | 1.4 | 68.5 | 1.6 | 0.000 | 26 | 1.42 | 72.043 | 1.823 | 0.002 |
27 | 1.4 | 69.9 | 1.5 | 0.000 | 27 | 1.42 | 73.747 | 1.704 | 0.001 |
28 | 1.4 | 71.3 | 1.4 | 0.000 | 28 | 1.42 | 75.339 | 1.592 | 0.000 |
29 | 1.4 | 72.7 | 1.3 | 0.000 | 29 | 1.42 | 76.826 | 1.487 | 0.000 |
30 | 1.4 | 73.9 | 1.2 | 0.000 | 30 | 1.42 | 78.216 | 1.390 | 0.000 |
31 | 1.4 | 75.1 | 1.2 | 0.001 | 31 | 1.42 | 79.514 | 1.299 | 0.000 |
32 | 1.4 | 76.2 | 1.1 | 0.001 | 32 | 1.42 | 80.728 | 1.214 | 0.000 |
33 | 1.4 | 77.2 | 1.1 | 0.001 | 33 | 1.42 | 81.863 | 1.134 | 0.001 |
34 | 1.4 | 78.2 | 1.0 | 0.002 | 34 | 1.42 | 82.923 | 1.061 | 0.001 |
35 | 1.4 | 79.2 | 0.9 | 0.002 | 35 | 1.42 | 83.915 | 0.992 | 0.002 |
36 | 1.4 | 80.1 | 0.9 | 0.003 | 36 | 1.42 | 84.843 | 0.928 | 0.002 |
37 | 1.4 | 80.9 | 0.8 | 0.003 | 37 | 1.42 | 85.711 | 0.868 | 0.003 |
38 | 1.4 | 81.7 | 0.8 | 0.004 | 38 | 1.42 | 86.524 | 0.813 | 0.004 |
39 | 1.4 | 82.5 | 0.8 | 0.005 | 39 | 1.42 | 87.285 | 0.761 | 0.004 |
40 | 1.4 | 83.2 | 0.7 | 0.005 | 40 | 1.42 | 87.998 | 0.713 | 0.005 |
41 | 1.4 | 83.9 | 0.7 | 0.006 | 41 | 1.42 | 88.666 | 0.668 | 0.006 |
42 | 1.4 | 84.6 | 0.7 | 0.006 | 42 | 1.42 | 89.293 | 0.626 | 0.006 |
43 | 1.4 | 85.2 | 0.6 | 0.007 | 43 | 1.42 | 89.880 | 0.588 | 0.007 |
44 | 1.4 | 85.8 | 0.6 | 0.007 | 44 | 1.42 | 90.432 | 0.551 | 0.008 |
45 | 1.4 | 86.3 | 0.6 | 0.008 | 45 | 1.42 | 90.949 | 0.517 | 0.008 |
46 | 1.4 | 86.9 | 0.5 | 0.008 | 46 | 1.42 | 91.435 | 0.486 | 0.009 |
47 | 1.4 | 87.4 | 0.5 | 0.009 | 47 | 1.42 | 91.892 | 0.457 | 0.009 |
48 | 1.4 | 87.9 | 0.5 | 0.009 | 48 | 1.42 | 92.321 | 0.429 | 0.010 |
49 | 1.4 | 88.3 | 0.5 | 0.009 | 49 | 1.42 | 92.724 | 0.403 | 0.010 |
50 | 0.0 | 88.8 | 0.4 | 0.002 | 50 | 0.10 | 93.104 | 0.380 | 0.001 |
51 | 0.0 | 89.2 | 0.4 | 0.002 | 51 | 0.10 | 93.461 | 0.357 | 0.001 |
52 | 0.0 | 89.6 | 0.4 | 0.002 | 52 | 0.10 | 93.797 | 0.336 | 0.001 |
53 | 0.0 | 90.0 | 0.4 | 0.001 | 53 | 0.10 | 94.114 | 0.317 | 0.000 |
54 | 0.0 | 90.4 | 0.4 | 0.001 | 54 | 0.10 | 94.412 | 0.298 | 0.000 |
55 | 0.0 | 90.7 | 0.4 | 0.001 | 55 | 0.10 | 94.693 | 0.281 | 0.000 |
56 | 0.0 | 91.0 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 56 | 0.10 | 94.959 | 0.265 | 0.000 |
57 | 0.0 | 91.4 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 57 | 0.10 | 95.209 | 0.250 | 0.000 |
58 | 0.0 | 91.7 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 58 | 0.10 | 95.445 | 0.236 | 0.000 |
59 | 0.0 | 92.0 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 59 | 0.10 | 95.668 | 0.223 | 0.000 |
60 | 0.0 | 92.2 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 60 | 0.10 | 95.879 | 0.211 | 0.000 |
61 | 0.0 | 92.5 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 61 | 0.10 | 96.078 | 0.199 | 0.000 |
62 | 0.0 | 92.8 | 0.3 | 0.001 | 62 | 0.10 | 96.266 | 0.188 | 0.000 |
63 | 0.0 | 93.0 | 0.2 | 0.001 | 63 | 0.10 | 96.444 | 0.178 | 0.000 |
64 | 0.0 | 93.3 | 0.2 | 0.000 | 64 | 0.10 | 96.612 | 0.168 | 0.000 |
Appendix 9 Budget impact estimates for new cases of iron overload
The following tables show the budget impact assessments for new cases of iron overload in beta-TM and SCD patients. These estimates are based on the assumption that the 15 new cases of iron overload in beta-TM patients occur at the age of 2 years, whereas the 16 new cases of iron overload in SCD patients occur at the age of 4 years.
Budget impact for beta-TM patients
Age | Budget impact deferasirox | Budget impact DFO pump | Budget impact DFO infuser | Budget impact deferiprone | Deferasirox vs DFO pump | Deferasirox vs DFO infuser | Deferasirox vs deferiprone |
2 | £65,795 | £40,881 | £157,687 | £32,905 | £24,914 | –£91,891 | £32,890 |
Budget impact for SCD patients
Age | Budget impact deferasirox | Budget impact DFO pump | Budget impact DFO infuser | Budget impact deferiprone | Deferasirox vs DFO pump | Deferasirox vs DFO infuser | Deferasirox vs deferiprone |
4 | £67,645 | £41,814 | £132,855 | £32,017 | £25,831 | –£65,209 | £35,629 |
Appendix 10 Prescribing pattern of chelators
This table shows the proportion of patients receiving each chelator according to age (Bernadette Modell, 2007, personal communication). The data is from 1999, hence prescribing patterns may have changed since then, with more patients (and at an earlier age) receiving deferiprone and DFO via the balloon infuser.
Age (years) | DFO pump (%) | DFO infuser (%) | Deferiprone (%) |
2 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
5 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
6 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
7 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
8 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
9 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
10 | 90 | 10 | 0 |
11 | 80 | 20 | 0 |
12 | 70 | 30 | 0 |
13 | 60 | 40 | 0 |
14 | 60 | 40 | 0 |
15 | 60 | 40 | 0 |
16 | 60 | 40 | 0 |
17 | 60 | 40 | 0 |
18+ | 40 | 40 | 20 |
- Chelation
- This is the term used to refer to the binding of a compound to a metal ion. In the case of iron chelation, iron chelators (deferasirox, deferoxamine or deferiprone) are used to bind iron in the body. Once the iron is bound it can be more readily excreted from the body.
- Cost effective
- Cost-effectiveness has numerous meanings; however, for practical purposes it is usually given to mean that the cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained is below a notional willingness to pay threshold. Currently in the UK a threshold of £20,000–30,000 is commonly used. Hence, for the purposes of this review we interpret ICERs below £20,000 as cost-effective, ICERs between £20,000 and £30,000 as possibly cost-effective and ICERs above £30,000 as unlikely to be cost-effective.
- Erythropoiesis
- This is the process by which red blood cells (erythrocytes) are produced. In human adults this occurs in the bone marrow.
- Sickle
- This is used to refer to the peculiar crescent shape formed by red blood cells in sickle cell disease.
- SQUID (superconducting quantum interference devices)
- These are very sensitive magnetometers used to measure extremely small magnetic fields. They can be used to measure the amount of iron in the liver.
- T2*
- This is a measure of iron in the body. It is measured indirectly using magnetic resonance imaging and is of use for detecting both liver and cardiac iron. The severity of iron loading is defined as follows: liver: none > 6.3 ms, mild 2.7–6.3 ms, moderate 1.4–2.7 ms, severe < 1.4 ms; heart: none > 20 ms, mild 14–20 ms, moderate 10–14 ms, severe < 10 ms.
List of abbreviations
- AE
- adverse events
- alanine aminotransferase
- aspartate aminotransferase
- beta-TM
- beta-thalassaemia major
- beta-TI
- beta-thalassaemia intermediate
- British National Formulary
- cost-effectiveness analysis
- CI
- confidence interval
- cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
- cost–utility analysis
- Diamond Blackfan anaemia
- deferoxamine/desferrioxamine
- dw
- dry weight
- European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
- US Food and Drug Administration
- GI
- gastrointestinal
- incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
- iron chelation therapy
- intention to treat
- liver iron concentration
- life-years gained
- myelodysplastic syndrome
- MDS del(5q)
- myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated del(5q)
- myelodysplastic syndrome, unclassified
- MR
- magnetic resonance
- magnetic resonance imaging
- National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment
- OR
- odds ratio
- probabilistic sensitivity analysis
- quality-adjusted life-year
- QoL
- quality of life
- RA
- refractory anaemia
- RAEB-1
- refractory anaemia with excess blasts-1
- RAEB-2
- refractory anaemia with excess blasts-2
- refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts
- refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia
- refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia and ringed sideroblasts
- randomised controlled trial
- SA
- sensitivity analysis
- severe adverse event
- sickle cell disease
- SD
- standard deviation
- superconducting quantum interference device
- World Health Organization
- weighted mean difference
All abbreviations that have been used in this report are listed here unless the abbreviation is well known (e.g. NHS), or it has been used only once, or it is a non-standard abbreviation used only in figures/tables/appendices, in which case the abbreviation is defined in the figure legend or in the notes at the end of the table.
Health Technology Assessment reports published to date
Home parenteral nutrition: a systematic review.
By Richards DM, Deeks JJ, Sheldon TA, Shaffer JL.
Diagnosis, management and screening of early localised prostate cancer.
A review by Selley S, Donovan J, Faulkner A, Coast J, Gillatt D.
The diagnosis, management, treatment and costs of prostate cancer in England and Wales.
A review by Chamberlain J, Melia J, Moss S, Brown J.
Screening for fragile X syndrome.
A review by Murray J, Cuckle H, Taylor G, Hewison J.
A review of near patient testing in primary care.
By Hobbs FDR, Delaney BC, Fitzmaurice DA, Wilson S, Hyde CJ, Thorpe GH, et al.
Systematic review of outpatient services for chronic pain control.
By McQuay HJ, Moore RA, Eccleston C, Morley S, de C Williams AC.
Neonatal screening for inborn errors of metabolism: cost, yield and outcome.
A review by Pollitt RJ, Green A, McCabe CJ, Booth A, Cooper NJ, Leonard JV, et al.
Preschool vision screening.
A review by Snowdon SK, Stewart-Brown SL.
Implications of socio-cultural contexts for the ethics of clinical trials.
A review by Ashcroft RE, Chadwick DW, Clark SRL, Edwards RHT, Frith L, Hutton JL.
A critical review of the role of neonatal hearing screening in the detection of congenital hearing impairment.
By Davis A, Bamford J, Wilson I, Ramkalawan T, Forshaw M, Wright S.
Newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism: a systematic review.
By Seymour CA, Thomason MJ, Chalmers RA, Addison GM, Bain MD, Cockburn F, et al.
Routine preoperative testing: a systematic review of the evidence.
By Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J.
Systematic review of the effectiveness of laxatives in the elderly.
By Petticrew M, Watt I, Sheldon T.
When and how to assess fast-changing technologies: a comparative study of medical applications of four generic technologies.
A review by Mowatt G, Bower DJ, Brebner JA, Cairns JA, Grant AM, McKee L.
Antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome.
A review by Wald NJ, Kennard A, Hackshaw A, McGuire A.
Screening for ovarian cancer: a systematic review.
By Bell R, Petticrew M, Luengo S, Sheldon TA.
Consensus development methods, and their use in clinical guideline development.
A review by Murphy MK, Black NA, Lamping DL, McKee CM, Sanderson CFB, Askham J, et al.
A cost–utility analysis of interferon beta for multiple sclerosis.
By Parkin D, McNamee P, Jacoby A, Miller P, Thomas S, Bates D.
Effectiveness and efficiency of methods of dialysis therapy for end-stage renal disease: systematic reviews.
By MacLeod A, Grant A, Donaldson C, Khan I, Campbell M, Daly C, et al.
Effectiveness of hip prostheses in primary total hip replacement: a critical review of evidence and an economic model.
By Faulkner A, Kennedy LG, Baxter K, Donovan J, Wilkinson M, Bevan G.
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in colorectal surgery: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
By Song F, Glenny AM.
Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for malignancy.
A review by Johnson PWM, Simnett SJ, Sweetenham JW, Morgan GJ, Stewart LA.
Screening for speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature.
By Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, Harkness A, Nye C.
Resource allocation for chronic stable angina: a systematic review of effectiveness, costs and cost-effectiveness of alternative interventions.
By Sculpher MJ, Petticrew M, Kelland JL, Elliott RA, Holdright DR, Buxton MJ.
Detection, adherence and control of hypertension for the prevention of stroke: a systematic review.
By Ebrahim S.
Postoperative analgesia and vomiting, with special reference to day-case surgery: a systematic review.
By McQuay HJ, Moore RA.
Choosing between randomised and nonrandomised studies: a systematic review.
By Britton A, McKee M, Black N, McPherson K, Sanderson C, Bain C.
Evaluating patient-based outcome measures for use in clinical trials.
A review by Fitzpatrick R, Davey C, Buxton MJ, Jones DR.
Ethical issues in the design and conduct of randomised controlled trials.
A review by Edwards SJL, Lilford RJ, Braunholtz DA, Jackson JC, Hewison J, Thornton J.
Qualitative research methods in health technology assessment: a review of the literature.
By Murphy E, Dingwall R, Greatbatch D, Parker S, Watson P.
The costs and benefits of paramedic skills in pre-hospital trauma care.
By Nicholl J, Hughes S, Dixon S, Turner J, Yates D.
Systematic review of endoscopic ultrasound in gastro-oesophageal cancer.
By Harris KM, Kelly S, Berry E, Hutton J, Roderick P, Cullingworth J, et al.
Systematic reviews of trials and other studies.
By Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Jones DR, Sheldon TA, Song F.
Primary total hip replacement surgery: a systematic review of outcomes and modelling of cost-effectiveness associated with different prostheses.
A review by Fitzpatrick R, Shortall E, Sculpher M, Murray D, Morris R, Lodge M, et al.
Informed decision making: an annotated bibliography and systematic review.
By Bekker H, Thornton JG, Airey CM, Connelly JB, Hewison J, Robinson MB, et al.
Handling uncertainty when performing economic evaluation of healthcare interventions.
A review by Briggs AH, Gray AM.
The role of expectancies in the placebo effect and their use in the delivery of health care: a systematic review.
By Crow R, Gage H, Hampson S, Hart J, Kimber A, Thomas H.
A randomised controlled trial of different approaches to universal antenatal HIV testing: uptake and acceptability. Annex: Antenatal HIV testing – assessment of a routine voluntary approach.
By Simpson WM, Johnstone FD, Boyd FM, Goldberg DJ, Hart GJ, Gormley SM, et al.
Methods for evaluating area-wide and organisation-based interventions in health and health care: a systematic review.
By Ukoumunne OC, Gulliford MC, Chinn S, Sterne JAC, Burney PGJ.
Assessing the costs of healthcare technologies in clinical trials.
A review by Johnston K, Buxton MJ, Jones DR, Fitzpatrick R.
Cooperatives and their primary care emergency centres: organisation and impact.
By Hallam L, Henthorne K.
Screening for cystic fibrosis.
A review by Murray J, Cuckle H, Taylor G, Littlewood J, Hewison J.
A review of the use of health status measures in economic evaluation.
By Brazier J, Deverill M, Green C, Harper R, Booth A.
Methods for the analysis of quality-of-life and survival data in health technology assessment.
A review by Billingham LJ, Abrams KR, Jones DR.
Antenatal and neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening in the UK: review and economic analysis.
By Zeuner D, Ades AE, Karnon J, Brown J, Dezateux C, Anionwu EN.
Assessing the quality of reports of randomised trials: implications for the conduct of meta-analyses.
A review by Moher D, Cook DJ, Jadad AR, Tugwell P, Moher M, Jones A, et al.
‘Early warning systems’ for identifying new healthcare technologies.
By Robert G, Stevens A, Gabbay J.
A systematic review of the role of human papillomavirus testing within a cervical screening programme.
By Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Davies P, Adams J, Normand C, Frater A, et al.
Near patient testing in diabetes clinics: appraising the costs and outcomes.
By Grieve R, Beech R, Vincent J,
Mazurkiewicz J.
Positron emission tomography: establishing priorities for health technology assessment.
A review by Robert G, Milne R.
The debridement of chronic wounds: a systematic review.
By Bradley M, Cullum N, Sheldon T.
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (2) Dressings and topical agents used in the healing of chronic wounds.
By Bradley M, Cullum N, Nelson EA, Petticrew M, Sheldon T, Torgerson D.
A systematic literature review of spiral and electron beam computed tomography: with particular reference to clinical applications in hepatic lesions, pulmonary embolus and coronary artery disease.
By Berry E, Kelly S, Hutton J, Harris KM, Roderick P, Boyce JC, et al.
What role for statins? A review and economic model.
By Ebrahim S, Davey Smith G, McCabe C, Payne N, Pickin M, Sheldon TA, et al.
Factors that limit the quality, number and progress of randomised controlled trials.
A review by Prescott RJ, Counsell CE, Gillespie WJ, Grant AM, Russell IT, Kiauka S, et al.
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in total hip replacement: a systematic review.
By Glenny AM, Song F.
Health promoting schools and health promotion in schools: two systematic reviews.
By Lister-Sharp D, Chapman S, Stewart-Brown S, Sowden A.
Economic evaluation of a primary care-based education programme for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
A review by Lord J, Victor C, Littlejohns P, Ross FM, Axford JS.
The estimation of marginal time preference in a UK-wide sample (TEMPUS) project.
A review by Cairns JA, van der Pol MM.
Geriatric rehabilitation following fractures in older people: a systematic review.
By Cameron I, Crotty M, Currie C, Finnegan T, Gillespie L, Gillespie W, et al.
Screening for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia: a systematic review with supplementary research.
By Davies SC, Cronin E, Gill M, Greengross P, Hickman M, Normand C.
Community provision of hearing aids and related audiology services.
A review by Reeves DJ, Alborz A, Hickson FS, Bamford JM.
False-negative results in screening programmes: systematic review of impact and implications.
By Petticrew MP, Sowden AJ, Lister-Sharp D, Wright K.
Costs and benefits of community postnatal support workers: a randomised controlled trial.
By Morrell CJ, Spiby H, Stewart P, Walters S, Morgan A.
Implantable contraceptives (subdermal implants and hormonally impregnated intrauterine systems) versus other forms of reversible contraceptives: two systematic reviews to assess relative effectiveness, acceptability, tolerability and cost-effectiveness.
By French RS, Cowan FM, Mansour DJA, Morris S, Procter T, Hughes D, et al.
An introduction to statistical methods for health technology assessment.
A review by White SJ, Ashby D, Brown PJ.
Disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
By Clegg A, Bryant J, Milne R.
Publication and related biases.
A review by Song F, Eastwood AJ, Gilbody S, Duley L, Sutton AJ.
Cost and outcome implications of the organisation of vascular services.
By Michaels J, Brazier J, Palfreyman S, Shackley P, Slack R.
Monitoring blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review.
By Coster S, Gulliford MC, Seed PT, Powrie JK, Swaminathan R.
The effectiveness of domiciliary health visiting: a systematic review of international studies and a selective review of the British literature.
By Elkan R, Kendrick D, Hewitt M, Robinson JJA, Tolley K, Blair M, et al.
The determinants of screening uptake and interventions for increasing uptake: a systematic review.
By Jepson R, Clegg A, Forbes C, Lewis R, Sowden A, Kleijnen J.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prophylactic removal of wisdom teeth.
A rapid review by Song F, O’Meara S, Wilson P, Golder S, Kleijnen J.
Ultrasound screening in pregnancy: a systematic review of the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and women’s views.
By Bricker L, Garcia J, Henderson J, Mugford M, Neilson J, Roberts T, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the taxanes used in the treatment of advanced breast and ovarian cancer.
By Lister-Sharp D, McDonagh MS, Khan KS, Kleijnen J.
Liquid-based cytology in cervical screening: a rapid and systematic review.
By Payne N, Chilcott J, McGoogan E.
Randomised controlled trial of non-directive counselling, cognitive–behaviour therapy and usual general practitioner care in the management of depression as well as mixed anxiety and depression in primary care.
By King M, Sibbald B, Ward E, Bower P, Lloyd M, Gabbay M, et al.
Routine referral for radiography of patients presenting with low back pain: is patients’ outcome influenced by GPs’ referral for plain radiography?
By Kerry S, Hilton S, Patel S, Dundas D, Rink E, Lord J.
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (3) antimicrobial agents for chronic wounds; (4) diabetic foot ulceration.
By O’Meara S, Cullum N, Majid M, Sheldon T.
Using routine data to complement and enhance the results of randomised controlled trials.
By Lewsey JD, Leyland AH, Murray GD, Boddy FA.
Coronary artery stents in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease: a rapid and systematic review.
By Meads C, Cummins C, Jolly K, Stevens A, Burls A, Hyde C.
Outcome measures for adult critical care: a systematic review.
By Hayes JA, Black NA, Jenkinson C, Young JD, Rowan KM, Daly K, et al.
A systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to promote the initiation of breastfeeding.
By Fairbank L, O’Meara S, Renfrew MJ, Woolridge M, Sowden AJ, Lister-Sharp D.
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: arrhythmias. A rapid and systematic review.
By Parkes J, Bryant J, Milne R.
Treatments for fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
By Brañas P, Jordan R, Fry-Smith A, Burls A, Hyde C.
Early asthma prophylaxis, natural history, skeletal development and economy (EASE): a pilot randomised controlled trial.
By Baxter-Jones ADG, Helms PJ, Russell G, Grant A, Ross S, Cairns JA, et al.
Screening for hypercholesterolaemia versus case finding for familial hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis.
By Marks D, Wonderling D, Thorogood M, Lambert H, Humphries SE, Neil HAW.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in the medical management of unstable angina.
By McDonagh MS, Bachmann LM, Golder S, Kleijnen J, ter Riet G.
A randomised controlled trial of prehospital intravenous fluid replacement therapy in serious trauma.
By Turner J, Nicholl J, Webber L, Cox H, Dixon S, Yates D.
Intrathecal pumps for giving opioids in chronic pain: a systematic review.
By Williams JE, Louw G, Towlerton G.
Combination therapy (interferon alfa and ribavirin) in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: a rapid and systematic review.
By Shepherd J, Waugh N, Hewitson P.
A systematic review of comparisons of effect sizes derived from randomised and non-randomised studies.
By MacLehose RR, Reeves BC, Harvey IM, Sheldon TA, Russell IT, Black AMS.
Intravascular ultrasound-guided interventions in coronary artery disease: a systematic literature review, with decision-analytic modelling, of outcomes and cost-effectiveness.
By Berry E, Kelly S, Hutton J, Lindsay HSJ, Blaxill JM, Evans JA, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of counselling patients with chronic depression.
By Simpson S, Corney R, Fitzgerald P, Beecham J.
Systematic review of treatments for atopic eczema.
By Hoare C, Li Wan Po A, Williams H.
Bayesian methods in health technology assessment: a review.
By Spiegelhalter DJ, Myles JP, Jones DR, Abrams KR.
The management of dyspepsia: a systematic review.
By Delaney B, Moayyedi P, Deeks J, Innes M, Soo S, Barton P, et al.
A systematic review of treatments for severe psoriasis.
By Griffiths CEM, Clark CM, Chalmers RJG, Li Wan Po A, Williams HC.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine for Alzheimer’s disease: a rapid and systematic review.
By Clegg A, Bryant J, Nicholson T, McIntyre L, De Broe S, Gerard K, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of riluzole for motor neurone disease: a rapid and systematic review.
By Stewart A, Sandercock J, Bryan S, Hyde C, Barton PM, Fry-Smith A, et al.
Equity and the economic evaluation of healthcare.
By Sassi F, Archard L, Le Grand J.
Quality-of-life measures in chronic diseases of childhood.
By Eiser C, Morse R.
Eliciting public preferences for healthcare: a systematic review of
By Ryan M, Scott DA, Reeves C, Bate A, van Teijlingen ER, Russell EM, et al.
General health status measures for people with cognitive impairment: learning disability and acquired brain injury.
By Riemsma RP, Forbes CA, Glanville JM, Eastwood AJ, Kleijnen J.
An assessment of screening strategies for fragile X syndrome in the UK.
By Pembrey ME, Barnicoat AJ, Carmichael B, Bobrow M, Turner G.
Issues in methodological research: perspectives from researchers and commissioners.
By Lilford RJ, Richardson A, Stevens A, Fitzpatrick R, Edwards S, Rock F, et al.
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (5) beds; (6) compression; (7) laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy and electromagnetic therapy.
By Cullum N, Nelson EA, Flemming K, Sheldon T.
Effects of educational and psychosocial interventions for adolescents with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review.
By Hampson SE, Skinner TC, Hart J, Storey L, Gage H, Foxcroft D, et al.
Effectiveness of autologous chondrocyte transplantation for hyaline cartilage defects in knees: a rapid and systematic review.
By Jobanputra P, Parry D, Fry-Smith A, Burls A.
Statistical assessment of the learning curves of health technologies.
By Ramsay CR, Grant AM, Wallace SA, Garthwaite PH, Monk AF, Russell IT.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of temozolomide for the treatment of recurrent malignant glioma: a rapid and systematic review.
By Dinnes J, Cave C, Huang S, Major K, Milne R.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of debriding agents in treating surgical wounds healing by secondary intention.
By Lewis R, Whiting P, ter Riet G, O’Meara S, Glanville J.
Home treatment for mental health problems: a systematic review.
By Burns T, Knapp M, Catty J, Healey A, Henderson J, Watt H, et al.
How to develop cost-conscious guidelines.
By Eccles M, Mason J.
The role of specialist nurses in multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
By De Broe S, Christopher F, Waugh N.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of orlistat in the management of obesity.
By O’Meara S, Riemsma R, Shirran L, Mather L, ter Riet G.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pioglitazone for type 2 diabetes mellitus: a rapid and systematic review.
By Chilcott J, Wight J, Lloyd Jones M, Tappenden P.
Extended scope of nursing practice: a multicentre randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained nurses and preregistration house officers in preoperative assessment in elective general surgery.
By Kinley H, Czoski-Murray C, George S, McCabe C, Primrose J, Reilly C, et al.
Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of day care for people with severe mental disorders: (1) Acute day hospital versus admission; (2) Vocational rehabilitation; (3) Day hospital versus outpatient care.
By Marshall M, Crowther R, Almaraz-Serrano A, Creed F, Sledge W, Kluiter H, et al.
The measurement and monitoring of surgical adverse events.
By Bruce J, Russell EM, Mollison J, Krukowski ZH.
Action research: a systematic review and guidance for assessment.
By Waterman H, Tillen D, Dickson R, de Koning K.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
By Ward S, Morris E, Bansback N, Calvert N, Crellin A, Forman D, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the evidence for the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of irinotecan, oxaliplatin and raltitrexed for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.
By Lloyd Jones M, Hummel S, Bansback N, Orr B, Seymour M.
Comparison of the effectiveness of inhaler devices in asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease: a systematic review of the literature.
By Brocklebank D, Ram F, Wright J, Barry P, Cates C, Davies L, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging for investigation of the knee joint.
By Bryan S, Weatherburn G, Bungay H, Hatrick C, Salas C, Parry D, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of topotecan for ovarian cancer.
By Forbes C, Shirran L, Bagnall A-M, Duffy S, ter Riet G.
Superseded by a report published in a later volume.
The role of radiography in primary care patients with low back pain of at least 6 weeks duration: a randomised (unblinded) controlled trial.
By Kendrick D, Fielding K, Bentley E, Miller P, Kerslake R, Pringle M.
Design and use of questionnaires: a review of best practice applicable to surveys of health service staff and patients.
By McColl E, Jacoby A, Thomas L, Soutter J, Bamford C, Steen N, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of paclitaxel, docetaxel, gemcitabine and vinorelbine in non-small-cell lung cancer.
By Clegg A, Scott DA, Sidhu M, Hewitson P, Waugh N.
Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: quantifying the risks of false-positives and false-negatives.
By Brookes ST, Whitley E, Peters TJ, Mulheran PA, Egger M, Davey Smith G.
Depot antipsychotic medication in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia: (1) Meta-review; (2) Patient and nurse attitudes.
By David AS, Adams C.
A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression.
By Churchill R, Hunot V, Corney R, Knapp M, McGuire H, Tylee A, et al.
Cost analysis of child health surveillance.
By Sanderson D, Wright D, Acton C, Duree D.
A study of the methods used to select review criteria for clinical audit.
By Hearnshaw H, Harker R, Cheater F, Baker R, Grimshaw G.
Fludarabine as second-line therapy for B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a technology assessment.
By Hyde C, Wake B, Bryan S, Barton P, Fry-Smith A, Davenport C, et al.
Rituximab as third-line treatment for refractory or recurrent Stage III or IV follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wake B, Hyde C, Bryan S, Barton P, Song F, Fry-Smith A, et al.
A systematic review of discharge arrangements for older people.
By Parker SG, Peet SM, McPherson A, Cannaby AM, Baker R, Wilson A, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of inhaler devices used in the routine management of chronic asthma in older children: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Peters J, Stevenson M, Beverley C, Lim J, Smith S.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of sibutramine in the management of obesity: a technology assessment.
By O’Meara S, Riemsma R, Shirran L, Mather L, ter Riet G.
The cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance angiography for carotid artery stenosis and peripheral vascular disease: a systematic review.
By Berry E, Kelly S, Westwood ME, Davies LM, Gough MJ, Bamford JM, et al.
Promoting physical activity in South Asian Muslim women through ‘exercise on prescription’.
By Carroll B, Ali N, Azam N.
Zanamivir for the treatment of influenza in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Burls A, Clark W, Stewart T, Preston C, Bryan S, Jefferson T, et al.
A review of the natural history and epidemiology of multiple sclerosis: implications for resource allocation and health economic models.
By Richards RG, Sampson FC, Beard SM, Tappenden P.
Screening for gestational diabetes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Scott DA, Loveman E, McIntyre L, Waugh N.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of surgery for people with morbid obesity: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Clegg AJ, Colquitt J, Sidhu MK, Royle P, Loveman E, Walker A.
The clinical effectiveness of trastuzumab for breast cancer: a systematic review.
By Lewis R, Bagnall A-M, Forbes C, Shirran E, Duffy S, Kleijnen J, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of vinorelbine for breast cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Lewis R, Bagnall A-M, King S, Woolacott N, Forbes C, Shirran L, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty for treatment of hip disease.
By Vale L, Wyness L, McCormack K, McKenzie L, Brazzelli M, Stearns SC.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of bupropion and nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Woolacott NF, Jones L, Forbes CA, Mather LC, Sowden AJ, Song FJ, et al.
A systematic review of effectiveness and economic evaluation of new drug treatments for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: etanercept.
By Cummins C, Connock M, Fry-Smith A, Burls A.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of growth hormone in children: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Bryant J, Cave C, Mihaylova B, Chase D, McIntyre L, Gerard K, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of growth hormone in adults in relation to impact on quality of life: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Bryant J, Loveman E, Chase D, Mihaylova B, Cave C, Gerard K, et al.
Clinical medication review by a pharmacist of patients on repeat prescriptions in general practice: a randomised controlled trial.
By Zermansky AG, Petty DR, Raynor DK, Lowe CJ, Freementle N, Vail A.
The effectiveness of infliximab and etanercept for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Jobanputra P, Barton P, Bryan S, Burls A.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety.
By Kaltenthaler E, Shackley P, Stevens K, Beverley C, Parry G, Chilcott J.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydrochloride for ovarian cancer.
By Forbes C, Wilby J, Richardson G, Sculpher M, Mather L, Reimsma R.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions based on a stages-of-change approach to promote individual behaviour change.
By Riemsma RP, Pattenden J, Bridle C, Sowden AJ, Mather L, Watt IS, et al.
A systematic review update of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists.
By Robinson M, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, Jones L, Riemsma R, Palmer S, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and barriers to implementation of thrombolytic and neuroprotective therapy for acute ischaemic stroke in the NHS.
By Sandercock P, Berge E, Dennis M, Forbes J, Hand P, Kwan J, et al.
A randomised controlled crossover trial of nurse practitioner versus doctor-led outpatient care in a bronchiectasis clinic.
By Caine N, Sharples LD, Hollingworth W, French J, Keogan M, Exley A, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost – consequences of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of sex offenders.
By Adi Y, Ashcroft D, Browne K, Beech A, Fry-Smith A, Hyde C.
Treatment of established osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost–utility analysis.
By Kanis JA, Brazier JE, Stevenson M, Calvert NW, Lloyd Jones M.
Which anaesthetic agents are cost-effective in day surgery? Literature review, national survey of practice and randomised controlled trial.
By Elliott RA Payne K, Moore JK, Davies LM, Harper NJN, St Leger AS, et al.
Screening for hepatitis C among injecting drug users and in genitourinary medicine clinics: systematic reviews of effectiveness, modelling study and national survey of current practice.
By Stein K, Dalziel K, Walker A, McIntyre L, Jenkins B, Horne J, et al.
The measurement of satisfaction with healthcare: implications for practice from a systematic review of the literature.
By Crow R, Gage H, Hampson S, Hart J, Kimber A, Storey L, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of imatinib in chronic myeloid leukaemia: a systematic review.
By Garside R, Round A, Dalziel K, Stein K, Royle R.
A comparative study of hypertonic saline, daily and alternate-day rhDNase in children with cystic fibrosis.
By Suri R, Wallis C, Bush A, Thompson S, Normand C, Flather M, et al.
A systematic review of the costs and effectiveness of different models of paediatric home care.
By Parker G, Bhakta P, Lovett CA, Paisley S, Olsen R, Turner D, et al.
How important are comprehensive literature searches and the assessment of trial quality in systematic reviews? Empirical study.
By Egger M, Jüni P, Bartlett C, Holenstein F, Sterne J.
Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and economic evaluation, of home versus hospital or satellite unit haemodialysis for people with end-stage renal failure.
By Mowatt G, Vale L, Perez J, Wyness L, Fraser C, MacLeod A, et al.
Systematic review and economic evaluation of the effectiveness of infliximab for the treatment of Crohn’s disease.
By Clark W, Raftery J, Barton P, Song F, Fry-Smith A, Burls A.
A review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine anti-D prophylaxis for pregnant women who are rhesus negative.
By Chilcott J, Lloyd Jones M, Wight J, Forman K, Wray J, Beverley C, et al.
Systematic review and evaluation of the use of tumour markers in paediatric oncology: Ewing’s sarcoma and neuroblastoma.
By Riley RD, Burchill SA, Abrams KR, Heney D, Lambert PC, Jones DR, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of screening for Helicobacter pylori to reduce mortality and morbidity from gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease: a discrete-event simulation model.
By Roderick P, Davies R, Raftery J, Crabbe D, Pearce R, Bhandari P, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine dental checks: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Davenport C, Elley K, Salas C, Taylor-Weetman CL, Fry-Smith A, Bryan S, et al.
A multicentre randomised controlled trial assessing the costs and benefits of using structured information and analysis of women’s preferences in the management of menorrhagia.
By Kennedy ADM, Sculpher MJ, Coulter A, Dwyer N, Rees M, Horsley S, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost–utility of photodynamic therapy for wet age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Meads C, Salas C, Roberts T, Moore D, Fry-Smith A, Hyde C.
Evaluation of molecular tests for prenatal diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities.
By Grimshaw GM, Szczepura A, Hultén M, MacDonald F, Nevin NC, Sutton F, et al.
First and second trimester antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome: the results of the Serum, Urine and Ultrasound Screening Study (SURUSS).
By Wald NJ, Rodeck C, Hackshaw AK, Walters J, Chitty L, Mackinson AM.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ultrasound locating devices for central venous access: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Calvert N, Hind D, McWilliams RG, Thomas SM, Beverley C, Davidson A.
A systematic review of atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia.
By Bagnall A-M, Jones L, Lewis R, Ginnelly L, Glanville J, Torgerson D,
et al.
Prostate Testing for Cancer and Treatment (ProtecT) feasibility study.
By Donovan J, Hamdy F, Neal D, Peters T, Oliver S, Brindle L, et al.
Early thrombolysis for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Boland A, Dundar Y, Bagust A, Haycox A, Hill R, Mujica Mota R, et al.
Screening for fragile X syndrome: a literature review and modelling.
By Song FJ, Barton P, Sleightholme V, Yao GL, Fry-Smith A.
Systematic review of endoscopic sinus surgery for nasal polyps.
By Dalziel K, Stein K, Round A, Garside R, Royle P.
Towards efficient guidelines: how to monitor guideline use in primary care.
By Hutchinson A, McIntosh A, Cox S, Gilbert C.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acute hospital-based spinal cord injuries services: systematic review.
By Bagnall A-M, Jones L, Richardson G, Duffy S, Riemsma R.
Prioritisation of health technology assessment. The PATHS model: methods and case studies.
By Townsend J, Buxton M, Harper G.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tension-free vaginal tape for treatment of urinary stress incontinence.
By Cody J, Wyness L, Wallace S, Glazener C, Kilonzo M, Stearns S, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of patient education models for diabetes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Loveman E, Cave C, Green C, Royle P, Dunn N, Waugh N.
The role of modelling in prioritising and planning clinical trials.
By Chilcott J, Brennan A, Booth A, Karnon J, Tappenden P.
Cost–benefit evaluation of routine influenza immunisation in people 65–74 years of age.
By Allsup S, Gosney M, Haycox A, Regan M.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of pulsatile machine perfusion versus cold storage of kidneys for transplantation retrieved from heart-beating and non-heart-beating donors.
By Wight J, Chilcott J, Holmes M, Brewer N.
Can randomised trials rely on existing electronic data? A feasibility study to explore the value of routine data in health technology assessment.
By Williams JG, Cheung WY, Cohen DR, Hutchings HA, Longo MF, Russell IT.
Evaluating non-randomised intervention studies.
By Deeks JJ, Dinnes J, D’Amico R, Sowden AJ, Sakarovitch C, Song F, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to assess the impact of a package comprising a patient-orientated, evidence-based self- help guidebook and patient-centred consultations on disease management and satisfaction in inflammatory bowel disease.
By Kennedy A, Nelson E, Reeves D, Richardson G, Roberts C, Robinson A, et al.
The effectiveness of diagnostic tests for the assessment of shoulder pain due to soft tissue disorders: a systematic review.
By Dinnes J, Loveman E, McIntyre L, Waugh N.
The value of digital imaging in diabetic retinopathy.
By Sharp PF, Olson J, Strachan F, Hipwell J, Ludbrook A, O’Donnell M, et al.
Lowering blood pressure to prevent myocardial infarction and stroke: a new preventive strategy.
By Law M, Wald N, Morris J.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of capecitabine and tegafur with uracil for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Ward S, Kaltenthaler E, Cowan J, Brewer N.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of new and emerging technologies for early localised prostate cancer: a systematic review.
By Hummel S, Paisley S, Morgan A, Currie E, Brewer N.
Literature searching for clinical and cost-effectiveness studies used in health technology assessment reports carried out for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence appraisal system.
By Royle P, Waugh N.
Systematic review and economic decision modelling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B.
By Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K.
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Hickman line insertions in adult cancer patients by nurses.
By Boland A, Haycox A, Bagust A, Fitzsimmons L.
Redesigning postnatal care: a randomised controlled trial of protocol-based midwifery-led care focused on individual women’s physical and psychological health needs.
By MacArthur C, Winter HR, Bick DE, Lilford RJ, Lancashire RJ, Knowles H, et al.
Estimating implied rates of discount in healthcare decision-making.
By West RR, McNabb R, Thompson AGH, Sheldon TA, Grimley Evans J.
Systematic review of isolation policies in the hospital management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a review of the literature with epidemiological and economic modelling.
By Cooper BS, Stone SP, Kibbler CC, Cookson BD, Roberts JA, Medley GF, et al.
Treatments for spasticity and pain in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review.
By Beard S, Hunn A, Wight J.
The inclusion of reports of randomised trials published in languages other than English in systematic reviews.
By Moher D, Pham B, Lawson ML, Klassen TP.
The impact of screening on future health-promoting behaviours and health beliefs: a systematic review.
By Bankhead CR, Brett J, Bukach C, Webster P, Stewart-Brown S, Munafo M, et al.
What is the best imaging strategy for acute stroke?
By Wardlaw JM, Keir SL, Seymour J, Lewis S, Sandercock PAG, Dennis MS, et al.
Systematic review and modelling of the investigation of acute and chronic chest pain presenting in primary care.
By Mant J, McManus RJ, Oakes RAL, Delaney BC, Barton PM, Deeks JJ, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of microwave and thermal balloon endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding: a systematic review and economic modelling.
By Garside R, Stein K, Wyatt K, Round A, Price A.
A systematic review of the role of bisphosphonates in metastatic disease.
By Ross JR, Saunders Y, Edmonds PM, Patel S, Wonderling D, Normand C, et al.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of capecitabine (Xeloda®) for locally advanced and/or metastatic breast cancer.
By Jones L, Hawkins N, Westwood M, Wright K, Richardson G, Riemsma R.
Effectiveness and efficiency of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies.
By Grimshaw JM, Thomas RE, MacLennan G, Fraser C, Ramsay CR, Vale L, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and costs of the Sugarbaker procedure for the treatment of pseudomyxoma peritonei.
By Bryant J, Clegg AJ, Sidhu MK, Brodin H, Royle P, Davidson P.
Psychological treatment for insomnia in the regulation of long-term hypnotic drug use.
By Morgan K, Dixon S, Mathers N, Thompson J, Tomeny M.
Improving the evaluation of therapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis: development of a patient-based measure of outcome.
By Hobart JC, Riazi A, Lamping DL, Fitzpatrick R, Thompson AJ.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography compared with diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
By Kaltenthaler E, Bravo Vergel Y, Chilcott J, Thomas S, Blakeborough T, Walters SJ, et al.
The use of modelling to evaluate new drugs for patients with a chronic condition: the case of antibodies against tumour necrosis factor in rheumatoid arthritis.
By Barton P, Jobanputra P, Wilson J, Bryan S, Burls A.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of neonatal screening for inborn errors of metabolism using tandem mass spectrometry: a systematic review.
By Pandor A, Eastham J, Beverley C, Chilcott J, Paisley S.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pioglitazone and rosiglitazone in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Czoski-Murray C, Warren E, Chilcott J, Beverley C, Psyllaki MA, Cowan J.
Routine examination of the newborn: the EMREN study. Evaluation of an extension of the midwife role including a randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained midwives and paediatric senior house officers.
By Townsend J, Wolke D, Hayes J, Davé S, Rogers C, Bloomfield L, et al.
Involving consumers in research and development agenda setting for the NHS: developing an evidence-based approach.
By Oliver S, Clarke-Jones L, Rees R, Milne R, Buchanan P, Gabbay J, et al.
A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of minimally invasive direct coronary bypass grafting versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stenting for proximal stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery.
By Reeves BC, Angelini GD, Bryan AJ, Taylor FC, Cripps T, Spyt TJ, et al.
Does early magnetic resonance imaging influence management or improve outcome in patients referred to secondary care with low back pain? A pragmatic randomised controlled trial.
By Gilbert FJ, Grant AM, Gillan MGC, Vale L, Scott NW, Campbell MK, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of anakinra for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults: a systematic review and economic analysis.
By Clark W, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Burls A.
A rapid and systematic review and economic evaluation of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for treatment of mania associated with bipolar affective disorder.
By Bridle C, Palmer S, Bagnall A-M, Darba J, Duffy S, Sculpher M, et al.
Liquid-based cytology in cervical screening: an updated rapid and systematic review and economic analysis.
By Karnon J, Peters J, Platt J, Chilcott J, McGoogan E, Brewer N.
Systematic review of the long-term effects and economic consequences of treatments for obesity and implications for health improvement.
By Avenell A, Broom J, Brown TJ, Poobalan A, Aucott L, Stearns SC, et al.
Autoantibody testing in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus.
By Dretzke J, Cummins C, Sandercock J, Fry-Smith A, Barrett T, Burls A.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prehospital intravenous fluids in trauma patients.
By Dretzke J, Sandercock J, Bayliss S, Burls A.
Newer hypnotic drugs for the short-term management of insomnia: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Dündar Y, Boland A, Strobl J, Dodd S, Haycox A, Bagust A, et al.
Development and validation of methods for assessing the quality of diagnostic accuracy studies.
By Whiting P, Rutjes AWS, Dinnes J, Reitsma JB, Bossuyt PMM, Kleijnen J.
EVALUATE hysterectomy trial: a multicentre randomised trial comparing abdominal, vaginal and laparoscopic methods of hysterectomy.
By Garry R, Fountain J, Brown J, Manca A, Mason S, Sculpher M, et al.
Methods for expected value of information analysis in complex health economic models: developments on the health economics of interferon-β and glatiramer acetate for multiple sclerosis.
By Tappenden P, Chilcott JB, Eggington S, Oakley J, McCabe C.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of imatinib for first-line treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia in chronic phase: a systematic review and economic analysis.
By Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, Garside R, Price A.
VenUS I: a randomised controlled trial of two types of bandage for treating venous leg ulcers.
By Iglesias C, Nelson EA, Cullum NA, Torgerson DJ, on behalf of the VenUS Team.
Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and economic evaluation, of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for the diagnosis and management of angina and myocardial infarction.
By Mowatt G, Vale L, Brazzelli M, Hernandez R, Murray A, Scott N, et al.
A pilot study on the use of decision theory and value of information analysis as part of the NHS Health Technology Assessment programme.
By Claxton K, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, Philips Z, Palmer S.
The Social Support and Family Health Study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of two alternative forms of postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner-city areas.
By Wiggins M, Oakley A, Roberts I, Turner H, Rajan L, Austerberry H, et al.
Psychosocial aspects of genetic screening of pregnant women and newborns: a systematic review.
By Green JM, Hewison J, Bekker HL, Bryant, Cuckle HS.
Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding: comparison of three outpatient procedures within cohorts defined by age and menopausal status.
By Critchley HOD, Warner P, Lee AJ, Brechin S, Guise J, Graham B.
Coronary artery stents: a rapid systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hill R, Bagust A, Bakhai A, Dickson R, Dündar Y, Haycox A, et al.
Review of guidelines for good practice in decision-analytic modelling in health technology assessment.
By Philips Z, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, Claxton K, Golder S, Riemsma R, et al.
Rituximab (MabThera®) for aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Knight C, Hind D, Brewer N, Abbott V.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel and modified-release dipyridamole in the secondary prevention of occlusive vascular events: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Jones L, Griffin S, Palmer S, Main C, Orton V, Sculpher M, et al.
Pegylated interferon α-2a and -2b in combination with ribavirin in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Brodin H, Cave C, Waugh N, Price A, Gabbay J.
Clopidogrel used in combination with aspirin compared with aspirin alone in the treatment of non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndromes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Main C, Palmer S, Griffin S, Jones L, Orton V, Sculpher M, et al.
Provision, uptake and cost of cardiac rehabilitation programmes: improving services to under-represented groups.
By Beswick AD, Rees K, Griebsch I, Taylor FC, Burke M, West RR, et al.
Involving South Asian patients in clinical trials.
By Hussain-Gambles M, Leese B, Atkin K, Brown J, Mason S, Tovey P.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion for diabetes.
By Colquitt JL, Green C, Sidhu MK, Hartwell D, Waugh N.
Identification and assessment of ongoing trials in health technology assessment reviews.
By Song FJ, Fry-Smith A, Davenport C, Bayliss S, Adi Y, Wilson JS, et al.
Systematic review and economic evaluation of a long-acting insulin analogue, insulin glargine
By Warren E, Weatherley-Jones E, Chilcott J, Beverley C.
Supplementation of a home-based exercise programme with a class-based programme for people with osteoarthritis of the knees: a randomised controlled trial and health economic analysis.
By McCarthy CJ, Mills PM, Pullen R, Richardson G, Hawkins N, Roberts CR, et al.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of once-daily versus more frequent use of same potency topical corticosteroids for atopic eczema: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Green C, Colquitt JL, Kirby J, Davidson P, Payne E.
Acupuncture of chronic headache disorders in primary care: randomised controlled trial and economic analysis.
By Vickers AJ, Rees RW, Zollman CE, McCarney R, Smith CM, Ellis N, et al.
Generalisability in economic evaluation studies in healthcare: a review and case studies.
By Sculpher MJ, Pang FS, Manca A, Drummond MF, Golder S, Urdahl H, et al.
Virtual outreach: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint teleconferenced medical consultations.
By Wallace P, Barber J, Clayton W, Currell R, Fleming K, Garner P, et al.
Randomised controlled multiple treatment comparison to provide a cost-effectiveness rationale for the selection of antimicrobial therapy in acne.
By Ozolins M, Eady EA, Avery A, Cunliffe WJ, O’Neill C, Simpson NB, et al.
Do the findings of case series studies vary significantly according to methodological characteristics?
By Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, Garside R, Castelnuovo E, Payne L.
Improving the referral process for familial breast cancer genetic counselling: findings of three randomised controlled trials of two interventions.
By Wilson BJ, Torrance N, Mollison J, Wordsworth S, Gray JR, Haites NE, et al.
Randomised evaluation of alternative electrosurgical modalities to treat bladder outflow obstruction in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
By Fowler C, McAllister W, Plail R, Karim O, Yang Q.
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of palliative therapies for patients with inoperable oesophageal cancer.
By Shenfine J, McNamee P, Steen N, Bond J, Griffin SM.
Impact of computer-aided detection prompts on the sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography.
By Taylor P, Champness J, Given- Wilson R, Johnston K, Potts H.
Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials.
By Grant AM, Altman DG, Babiker AB, Campbell MK, Clemens FJ, Darbyshire JH, et al.
Lay public’s understanding of equipoise and randomisation in randomised controlled trials.
By Robinson EJ, Kerr CEP, Stevens AJ, Lilford RJ, Braunholtz DA, Edwards SJ, et al.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy for depressive illness, schizophrenia, catatonia and mania: systematic reviews and economic modelling studies.
By Greenhalgh J, Knight C, Hind D, Beverley C, Walters S.
Measurement of health-related quality of life for people with dementia: development of a new instrument (DEMQOL) and an evaluation of current methodology.
By Smith SC, Lamping DL, Banerjee S, Harwood R, Foley B, Smith P, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of drotrecogin alfa (activated) (Xigris®) for the treatment of severe sepsis in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Green C, Dinnes J, Takeda A, Shepherd J, Hartwell D, Cave C, et al.
A methodological review of how heterogeneity has been examined in systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy.
By Dinnes J, Deeks J, Kirby J, Roderick P.
Cervical screening programmes: can automation help? Evidence from systematic reviews, an economic analysis and a simulation modelling exercise applied to the UK.
By Willis BH, Barton P, Pearmain P, Bryan S, Hyde C.
Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia repair: systematic review of effectiveness and economic evaluation.
By McCormack K, Wake B, Perez J, Fraser C, Cook J, McIntosh E, et al.
Clinical effectiveness, tolerability and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for epilepsy in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wilby J, Kainth A, Hawkins N, Epstein D, McIntosh H, McDaid C, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to compare the cost-effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and lofepramine.
By Peveler R, Kendrick T, Buxton M, Longworth L, Baldwin D, Moore M, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of immediate angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hartwell D, Colquitt J, Loveman E, Clegg AJ, Brodin H, Waugh N, et al.
A randomised controlled comparison of alternative strategies in stroke care.
By Kalra L, Evans A, Perez I, Knapp M, Swift C, Donaldson N.
The investigation and analysis of critical incidents and adverse events in healthcare.
By Woloshynowych M, Rogers S, Taylor-Adams S, Vincent C.
Potential use of routine databases in health technology assessment.
By Raftery J, Roderick P, Stevens A.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of newer immunosuppressive regimens in renal transplantation: a systematic review and modelling study.
By Woodroffe R, Yao GL, Meads C, Bayliss S, Ready A, Raftery J, et al.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of alendronate, etidronate, risedronate, raloxifene and teriparatide for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
By Stevenson M, Lloyd Jones M, De Nigris E, Brewer N, Davis S, Oakley J.
A systematic review to examine the impact of psycho-educational interventions on health outcomes and costs in adults and children with difficult asthma.
By Smith JR, Mugford M, Holland R, Candy B, Noble MJ, Harrison BDW, et al.
An evaluation of the costs, effectiveness and quality of renal replacement therapy provision in renal satellite units in England and Wales.
By Roderick P, Nicholson T, Armitage A, Mehta R, Mullee M, Gerard K, et al.
Imatinib for the treatment of patients with unresectable and/or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumours: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wilson J, Connock M, Song F, Yao G, Fry-Smith A, Raftery J, et al.
Indirect comparisons of competing interventions.
By Glenny AM, Altman DG, Song F, Sakarovitch C, Deeks JJ, D’Amico R, et al.
Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for the initial medical management of non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and decision-analytical modelling.
By Robinson M, Palmer S, Sculpher M, Philips Z, Ginnelly L, Bowens A, et al.
Outcomes of electrically stimulated gracilis neosphincter surgery.
By Tillin T, Chambers M, Feldman R.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pimecrolimus and tacrolimus for atopic eczema: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Garside R, Stein K, Castelnuovo E, Pitt M, Ashcroft D, Dimmock P, et al.
Systematic review on urine albumin testing for early detection of diabetic complications.
By Newman DJ, Mattock MB, Dawnay ABS, Kerry S, McGuire A, Yaqoob M, et al.
Randomised controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of water-based therapy for lower limb osteoarthritis.
By Cochrane T, Davey RC, Matthes Edwards SM.
Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture care to patients with chronic low back pain.
By Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Ratcliffe J, Thorpe L, Brazier J, Campbell M, et al.
Cost-effectiveness and safety of epidural steroids in the management of sciatica.
By Price C, Arden N, Coglan L, Rogers P.
The British Rheumatoid Outcome Study Group (BROSG) randomised controlled trial to compare the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of aggressive versus symptomatic therapy in established rheumatoid arthritis.
By Symmons D, Tricker K, Roberts C, Davies L, Dawes P, Scott DL.
Conceptual framework and systematic review of the effects of participants’ and professionals’ preferences in randomised controlled trials.
By King M, Nazareth I, Lampe F, Bower P, Chandler M, Morou M, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of implantable cardioverter defibrillators: a systematic review.
By Bryant J, Brodin H, Loveman E, Payne E, Clegg A.
A trial of problem-solving by community mental health nurses for anxiety, depression and life difficulties among general practice patients. The CPN-GP study.
By Kendrick T, Simons L, Mynors-Wallis L, Gray A, Lathlean J, Pickering R, et al.
The causes and effects of socio-demographic exclusions from clinical trials.
By Bartlett C, Doyal L, Ebrahim S, Davey P, Bachmann M, Egger M, et al.
Is hydrotherapy cost-effective? A randomised controlled trial of combined hydrotherapy programmes compared with physiotherapy land techniques in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
By Epps H, Ginnelly L, Utley M, Southwood T, Gallivan S, Sculpher M, et al.
A randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness study of systematic screening (targeted and total population screening) versus routine practice for the detection of atrial fibrillation in people aged 65 and over. The SAFE study.
By Hobbs FDR, Fitzmaurice DA, Mant J, Murray E, Jowett S, Bryan S, et al.
Displaced intracapsular hip fractures in fit, older people: a randomised comparison of reduction and fixation, bipolar hemiarthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty.
By Keating JF, Grant A, Masson M, Scott NW, Forbes JF.
Long-term outcome of cognitive behaviour therapy clinical trials in central Scotland.
By Durham RC, Chambers JA, Power KG, Sharp DM, Macdonald RR, Major KA, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dual-chamber pacemakers compared with single-chamber pacemakers for bradycardia due to atrioventricular block or sick sinus syndrome: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Castelnuovo E, Stein K, Pitt M, Garside R, Payne E.
Newborn screening for congenital heart defects: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis.
By Knowles R, Griebsch I, Dezateux C, Brown J, Bull C, Wren C.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of left ventricular assist devices for end-stage heart failure: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Clegg AJ, Scott DA, Loveman E, Colquitt J, Hutchinson J, Royle P, et al.
The effectiveness of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph and laser diagnostic glaucoma scanning system (GDx) in detecting and monitoring glaucoma.
By Kwartz AJ, Henson DB, Harper RA, Spencer AF, McLeod D.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of autologous chondrocyte implantation for cartilage defects in knee joints: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Clar C, Cummins E, McIntyre L, Thomas S, Lamb J, Bain L, et al.
Systematic review of effectiveness of different treatments for childhood retinoblastoma.
By McDaid C, Hartley S, Bagnall A-M, Ritchie G, Light K, Riemsma R.
Towards evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of venous thromboembolism: systematic reviews of mechanical methods, oral anticoagulation, dextran and regional anaesthesia as thromboprophylaxis.
By Roderick P, Ferris G, Wilson K, Halls H, Jackson D, Collins R, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of parent training/education programmes for the treatment of conduct disorder, including oppositional defiant disorder, in children.
By Dretzke J, Frew E, Davenport C, Barlow J, Stewart-Brown S, Sandercock J, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine and memantine for Alzheimer’s disease.
By Loveman E, Green C, Kirby J, Takeda A, Picot J, Payne E, et al.
FOOD: a multicentre randomised trial evaluating feeding policies in patients admitted to hospital with a recent stroke.
By Dennis M, Lewis S, Cranswick G, Forbes J.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of computed tomography screening for lung cancer: systematic reviews.
By Black C, Bagust A, Boland A, Walker S, McLeod C, De Verteuil R, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of neuroimaging assessments used to visualise the seizure focus in people with refractory epilepsy being considered for surgery.
By Whiting P, Gupta R, Burch J, Mujica Mota RE, Wright K, Marson A, et al.
Comparison of conference abstracts and presentations with full-text articles in the health technology assessments of rapidly evolving technologies.
By Dundar Y, Dodd S, Dickson R, Walley T, Haycox A, Williamson PR.
Systematic review and evaluation of methods of assessing urinary incontinence.
By Martin JL, Williams KS, Abrams KR, Turner DA, Sutton AJ, Chapple C, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for children with epilepsy. A systematic review.
By Connock M, Frew E, Evans B-W, Bryan S, Cummins C, Fry-Smith A, et al.
Surveillance of Barrett’s oesophagus: exploring the uncertainty through systematic review, expert workshop and economic modelling.
By Garside R, Pitt M, Somerville M, Stein K, Price A, Gilbert N.
Topotecan, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydrochloride and paclitaxel for second-line or subsequent treatment of advanced ovarian cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Main C, Bojke L, Griffin S, Norman G, Barbieri M, Mather L, et al.
Evaluation of molecular techniques in prediction and diagnosis of cytomegalovirus disease in immunocompromised patients.
By Szczepura A, Westmoreland D, Vinogradova Y, Fox J, Clark M.
Screening for thrombophilia in high-risk situations: systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. The Thrombosis: Risk and Economic Assessment of Thrombophilia Screening (TREATS) study.
By Wu O, Robertson L, Twaddle S, Lowe GDO, Clark P, Greaves M, et al.
A series of systematic reviews to inform a decision analysis for sampling and treating infected diabetic foot ulcers.
By Nelson EA, O’Meara S, Craig D, Iglesias C, Golder S, Dalton J, et al.
Randomised clinical trial, observational study and assessment of cost-effectiveness of the treatment of varicose veins (REACTIV trial).
By Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Brazier JE, MacIntyre JB, Palfreyman SJ, Ratcliffe J, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of screening for oral cancer in primary care.
By Speight PM, Palmer S, Moles DR, Downer MC, Smith DH, Henriksson M, et al.
Measurement of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of non-invasive diagnostic testing strategies for deep vein thrombosis.
By Goodacre S, Sampson F, Stevenson M, Wailoo A, Sutton A, Thomas S, et al.
Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone® for the treatment of occlusal pit/fissure caries and root caries.
By Brazzelli M, McKenzie L, Fielding S, Fraser C, Clarkson J, Kilonzo M, et al.
Randomised controlled trials of conventional antipsychotic versus new atypical drugs, and new atypical drugs versus clozapine, in people with schizophrenia responding poorly to, or intolerant of, current drug treatment.
By Lewis SW, Davies L, Jones PB, Barnes TRE, Murray RM, Kerwin R, et al.
Diagnostic tests and algorithms used in the investigation of haematuria: systematic reviews and economic evaluation.
By Rodgers M, Nixon J, Hempel S, Aho T, Kelly J, Neal D, et al.
Cognitive behavioural therapy in addition to antispasmodic therapy for irritable bowel syndrome in primary care: randomised controlled trial.
By Kennedy TM, Chalder T, McCrone P, Darnley S, Knapp M, Jones RH, et al.
A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapies for Fabry’s disease and mucopolysaccharidosis type 1.
By Connock M, Juarez-Garcia A, Frew E, Mans A, Dretzke J, Fry-Smith A, et al.
Health benefits of antiviral therapy for mild chronic hepatitis C: randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation.
By Wright M, Grieve R, Roberts J, Main J, Thomas HC, on behalf of the UK Mild Hepatitis C Trial Investigators.
Pressure relieving support surfaces: a randomised evaluation.
By Nixon J, Nelson EA, Cranny G, Iglesias CP, Hawkins K, Cullum NA, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of methylphenidate, dexamfetamine and atomoxetine for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents.
By King S, Griffin S, Hodges Z, Weatherly H, Asseburg C, Richardson G, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy for Gaucher’s disease: a systematic review.
By Connock M, Burls A, Frew E, Fry-Smith A, Juarez-Garcia A, McCabe C, et al.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of salicylic acid and cryotherapy for cutaneous warts. An economic decision model.
By Thomas KS, Keogh-Brown MR, Chalmers JR, Fordham RJ, Holland RC, Armstrong SJ, et al.
A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia and evaluation of the ethical implications and acceptability of their use.
By Robinson L, Hutchings D, Corner L, Beyer F, Dickinson H, Vanoli A, et al.
A review of the evidence on the effects and costs of implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy in different patient groups, and modelling of cost-effectiveness and cost–utility for these groups in a UK context.
By Buxton M, Caine N, Chase D, Connelly D, Grace A, Jackson C, et al.
Adefovir dipivoxil and pegylated interferon alfa-2a for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Jones J, Takeda A, Davidson P, Price A.
An evaluation of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of pulmonary artery catheters in patient management in intensive care: a systematic review and a randomised controlled trial.
By Harvey S, Stevens K, Harrison D, Young D, Brampton W, McCabe C, et al.
Accurate, practical and cost-effective assessment of carotid stenosis in the UK.
By Wardlaw JM, Chappell FM, Stevenson M, De Nigris E, Thomas S, Gillard J, et al.
Etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Woolacott N, Bravo Vergel Y, Hawkins N, Kainth A, Khadjesari Z, Misso K, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of testing for hepatitis C in former injecting drug users.
By Castelnuovo E, Thompson-Coon J, Pitt M, Cramp M, Siebert U, Price A, et al.
Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety update: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Kaltenthaler E, Brazier J, De Nigris E, Tumur I, Ferriter M, Beverley C, et al.
Cost-effectiveness of using prognostic information to select women with breast cancer for adjuvant systemic therapy.
By Williams C, Brunskill S, Altman D, Briggs A, Campbell H, Clarke M, et al.
Psychological therapies including dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder: a systematic review and preliminary economic evaluation.
By Brazier J, Tumur I, Holmes M, Ferriter M, Parry G, Dent-Brown K, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tests for the diagnosis and investigation of urinary tract infection in children: a systematic review and economic model.
By Whiting P, Westwood M, Bojke L, Palmer S, Richardson G, Cooper J, et al.
Cognitive behavioural therapy in chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomised controlled trial of an outpatient group programme.
By O’Dowd H, Gladwell P, Rogers CA, Hollinghurst S, Gregory A.
A comparison of the cost-effectiveness of five strategies for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastrointestinal toxicity: a systematic review with economic modelling.
By Brown TJ, Hooper L, Elliott RA, Payne K, Webb R, Roberts C, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of computed tomography screening for coronary artery disease: systematic review.
By Waugh N, Black C, Walker S, McIntyre L, Cummins E, Hillis G.
What are the clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness of endoscopy undertaken by nurses when compared with doctors? A Multi-Institution Nurse Endoscopy Trial (MINuET).
By Williams J, Russell I, Durai D, Cheung W-Y, Farrin A, Bloor K, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of oxaliplatin and capecitabine for the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Pandor A, Eggington S, Paisley S, Tappenden P, Sutcliffe P.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults and an economic evaluation of their cost-effectiveness.
By Chen Y-F, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Jowett S, Bryan S, Clark W, et al.
Telemedicine in dermatology: a randomised controlled trial.
By Bowns IR, Collins K, Walters SJ, McDonagh AJG.
Cost-effectiveness of cell salvage and alternative methods of minimising perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion: a systematic review and economic model.
By Davies L, Brown TJ, Haynes S, Payne K, Elliott RA, McCollum C.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: systematic reviews and economic evaluation.
By Murray A, Lourenco T, de Verteuil R, Hernandez R, Fraser C, McKinley A, et al.
Etanercept and efalizumab for the treatment of psoriasis: a systematic review.
By Woolacott N, Hawkins N, Mason A, Kainth A, Khadjesari Z, Bravo Vergel Y, et al.
Systematic reviews of clinical decision tools for acute abdominal pain.
By Liu JLY, Wyatt JC, Deeks JJ, Clamp S, Keen J, Verde P, et al.
Evaluation of the ventricular assist device programme in the UK.
By Sharples L, Buxton M, Caine N, Cafferty F, Demiris N, Dyer M, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of immunosuppressive therapy for renal transplantation in children.
By Yao G, Albon E, Adi Y, Milford D, Bayliss S, Ready A, et al.
Amniocentesis results: investigation of anxiety. The ARIA trial.
By Hewison J, Nixon J, Fountain J, Cocks K, Jones C, Mason G, et al.
Pemetrexed disodium for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Dundar Y, Bagust A, Dickson R, Dodd S, Green J, Haycox A, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of docetaxel in combination with prednisone or prednisolone for the treatment of hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer.
By Collins R, Fenwick E, Trowman R, Perard R, Norman G, Light K, et al.
A systematic review of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of tuberculosis infection.
By Dinnes J, Deeks J, Kunst H, Gibson A, Cummins E, Waugh N, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of strontium ranelate for the prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures in postmenopausal women.
By Stevenson M, Davis S, Lloyd-Jones M, Beverley C.
A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative research on the role and effectiveness of written information available to patients about individual medicines.
By Raynor DK, Blenkinsopp A, Knapp P, Grime J, Nicolson DJ, Pollock K, et al.
Oral naltrexone as a treatment for relapse prevention in formerly opioid-dependent drug users: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Adi Y, Juarez-Garcia A, Wang D, Jowett S, Frew E, Day E, et al.
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost–utility analysis.
By Kanis JA, Stevenson M, McCloskey EV, Davis S, Lloyd-Jones M.
Epidemiological, social, diagnostic and economic evaluation of population screening for genital chlamydial infection.
By Low N, McCarthy A, Macleod J, Salisbury C, Campbell R, Roberts TE, et al.
Methadone and buprenorphine for the management of opioid dependence: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Connock M, Juarez-Garcia A, Jowett S, Frew E, Liu Z, Taylor RJ, et al.
Exercise Evaluation Randomised Trial (EXERT): a randomised trial comparing GP referral for leisure centre-based exercise, community-based walking and advice only.
By Isaacs AJ, Critchley JA, See Tai S, Buckingham K, Westley D, Harridge SDR, et al.
Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-pegylated) and ribavirin for the treatment of mild chronic hepatitis C: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Jones J, Hartwell D, Davidson P, Price A, Waugh N.
Systematic review and economic evaluation of bevacizumab and cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.
By Tappenden P, Jones R, Paisley S, Carroll C.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of epoetin alfa, epoetin beta and darbepoetin alfa in anaemia associated with cancer, especially that attributable to cancer treatment.
By Wilson J, Yao GL, Raftery J, Bohlius J, Brunskill S, Sandercock J, et al.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of statins for the prevention of coronary events.
By Ward S, Lloyd Jones M, Pandor A, Holmes M, Ara R, Ryan A, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models of community-based respite care for frail older people and their carers.
By Mason A, Weatherly H, Spilsbury K, Arksey H, Golder S, Adamson J, et al.
Additional therapy for young children with spastic cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial.
By Weindling AM, Cunningham CC, Glenn SM, Edwards RT, Reeves DJ.
Screening for type 2 diabetes: literature review and economic modelling.
By Waugh N, Scotland G, McNamee P, Gillett M, Brennan A, Goyder E, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cinacalcet for secondary hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Mealing S, Roome C, Snaith A, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine for metastatic breast cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Takeda AL, Jones J, Loveman E, Tan SC, Clegg AJ.
A systematic review of duplex ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography and computed tomography angiography for the diagnosis and assessment of symptomatic, lower limb peripheral arterial disease.
By Collins R, Cranny G, Burch J, Aguiar-Ibáñez R, Craig D, Wright K, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments for children with idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome: a systematic review.
By Colquitt JL, Kirby J, Green C, Cooper K, Trompeter RS.
A systematic review of the routine monitoring of growth in children of primary school age to identify growth-related conditions.
By Fayter D, Nixon J, Hartley S, Rithalia A, Butler G, Rudolf M, et al.
Systematic review of the effectiveness of preventing and treating Staphylococcus aureus carriage in reducing peritoneal catheter-related infections.
By McCormack K, Rabindranath K, Kilonzo M, Vale L, Fraser C, McIntyre L, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation versus electroconvulsive therapy in severe depression: a multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial and economic analysis.
By McLoughlin DM, Mogg A, Eranti S, Pluck G, Purvis R, Edwards D, et al.
A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of speech and language therapy for children with primary language impairment.
By Boyle J, McCartney E, Forbes J, O’Hare A.
Hormonal therapies for early breast cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hind D, Ward S, De Nigris E, Simpson E, Carroll C, Wyld L.
Cardioprotection against the toxic effects of anthracyclines given to children with cancer: a systematic review.
By Bryant J, Picot J, Levitt G, Sullivan I, Baxter L, Clegg A.
Adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By McLeod C, Bagust A, Boland A, Dagenais P, Dickson R, Dundar Y, et al.
Prenatal screening and treatment strategies to prevent group B streptococcal and other bacterial infections in early infancy: cost-effectiveness and expected value of information analyses.
By Colbourn T, Asseburg C, Bojke L, Philips Z, Claxton K, Ades AE, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of bone morphogenetic proteins in the non-healing of fractures and spinal fusion: a systematic review.
By Garrison KR, Donell S, Ryder J, Shemilt I, Mugford M, Harvey I, et al.
A randomised controlled trial of postoperative radiotherapy following breast-conserving surgery in a minimum-risk older population. The PRIME trial.
By Prescott RJ, Kunkler IH, Williams LJ, King CC, Jack W, van der Pol M, et al.
Current practice, accuracy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the school entry hearing screen.
By Bamford J, Fortnum H, Bristow K, Smith J, Vamvakas G, Davies L, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of inhaled insulin in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Black C, Cummins E, Royle P, Philip S, Waugh N.
Surveillance of cirrhosis for hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review and economic analysis.
By Thompson Coon J, Rogers G, Hewson P, Wright D, Anderson R, Cramp M, et al.
The Birmingham Rehabilitation Uptake Maximisation Study (BRUM). Homebased compared with hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation in a multi-ethnic population: cost-effectiveness and patient adherence.
By Jolly K, Taylor R, Lip GYH, Greenfield S, Raftery J, Mant J, et al.
A systematic review of the clinical, public health and cost-effectiveness of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection and identification of bacterial intestinal pathogens in faeces and food.
By Abubakar I, Irvine L, Aldus CF, Wyatt GM, Fordham R, Schelenz S, et al.
A randomised controlled trial examining the longer-term outcomes of standard versus new antiepileptic drugs. The SANAD trial.
By Marson AG, Appleton R, Baker GA, Chadwick DW, Doughty J, Eaton B, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models of managing long-term oral anti-coagulation therapy: a systematic review and economic modelling.
By Connock M, Stevens C, Fry-Smith A, Jowett S, Fitzmaurice D, Moore D, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions for preventing relapse in people with bipolar disorder.
By Soares-Weiser K, Bravo Vergel Y, Beynon S, Dunn G, Barbieri M, Duffy S, et al.
Taxanes for the adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Ward S, Simpson E, Davis S, Hind D, Rees A, Wilkinson A.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening for open angle glaucoma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Burr JM, Mowatt G, Hernández R, Siddiqui MAR, Cook J, Lourenco T, et al.
Acceptability, benefit and costs of early screening for hearing disability: a study of potential screening tests and models.
By Davis A, Smith P, Ferguson M, Stephens D, Gianopoulos I.
Contamination in trials of educational interventions.
By Keogh-Brown MR, Bachmann MO, Shepstone L, Hewitt C, Howe A, Ramsay CR, et al.
Overview of the clinical effectiveness of positron emission tomography imaging in selected cancers.
By Facey K, Bradbury I, Laking G, Payne E.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of carmustine implants and temozolomide for the treatment of newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Rogers G, Dyer M, Mealing S, et al.
Drug-eluting stents: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hill RA, Boland A, Dickson R, Dündar Y, Haycox A, McLeod C, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cardiac resynchronisation (biventricular pacing) for heart failure: systematic review and economic model.
By Fox M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Dean J, Stein K, Price A, et al.
Recruitment to randomised trials: strategies for trial enrolment and participation study. The STEPS study.
By Campbell MK, Snowdon C, Francis D, Elbourne D, McDonald AM, Knight R, et al.
Cost-effectiveness of functional cardiac testing in the diagnosis and management of coronary artery disease: a randomised controlled trial. The CECaT trial.
By Sharples L, Hughes V, Crean A, Dyer M, Buxton M, Goldsmith K, et al.
Evaluation of diagnostic tests when there is no gold standard. A review of methods.
By Rutjes AWS, Reitsma JB, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS, Bossuyt PMM.
Systematic reviews of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of proton pump inhibitors in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
By Leontiadis GI, Sreedharan A, Dorward S, Barton P, Delaney B, Howden CW, et al.
A review and critique of modelling in prioritising and designing screening programmes.
By Karnon J, Goyder E, Tappenden P, McPhie S, Towers I, Brazier J, et al.
An assessment of the impact of the NHS Health Technology Assessment Programme.
By Hanney S, Buxton M, Green C, Coulson D, Raftery J.
A systematic review and economic model of switching from nonglycopeptide to glycopeptide antibiotic prophylaxis for surgery.
By Cranny G, Elliott R, Weatherly H, Chambers D, Hawkins N, Myers L, et al.
‘Cut down to quit’ with nicotine replacement therapies in smoking cessation: a systematic review of effectiveness and economic analysis.
By Wang D, Connock M, Barton P, Fry-Smith A, Aveyard P, Moore D.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of strategies for reducing fracture risk in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis with additional data on long-term risk of fracture and cost of disease management.
By Thornton J, Ashcroft D, O’Neill T, Elliott R, Adams J, Roberts C, et al.
Does befriending by trained lay workers improve psychological well-being and quality of life for carers of people with dementia, and at what cost? A randomised controlled trial.
By Charlesworth G, Shepstone L, Wilson E, Thalanany M, Mugford M, Poland F.
A multi-centre retrospective cohort study comparing the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of hysterectomy and uterine artery embolisation for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. The HOPEFUL study.
By Hirst A, Dutton S, Wu O, Briggs A, Edwards C, Waldenmaier L, et al.
Methods of prediction and prevention of pre-eclampsia: systematic reviews of accuracy and effectiveness literature with economic modelling.
By Meads CA, Cnossen JS, Meher S, Juarez-Garcia A, ter Riet G, Duley L, et al.
The use of economic evaluations in NHS decision-making: a review and empirical investigation.
By Williams I, McIver S, Moore D, Bryan S.
Stapled haemorrhoidectomy (haemorrhoidopexy) for the treatment of haemorrhoids: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Burch J, Epstein D, Baba-Akbari A, Weatherly H, Fox D, Golder S, et al.
The clinical effectiveness of diabetes education models for Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review.
By Loveman E, Frampton GK, Clegg AJ.
Payment to healthcare professionals for patient recruitment to trials: systematic review and qualitative study.
By Raftery J, Bryant J, Powell J, Kerr C, Hawker S.
Cyclooxygenase-2 selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (etodolac, meloxicam, celecoxib, rofecoxib, etoricoxib, valdecoxib and lumiracoxib) for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Chen Y-F, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Bryan S, Fry-Smith A, Harris G, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of central venous catheters treated with anti-infective agents in preventing bloodstream infections: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hockenhull JC, Dwan K, Boland A, Smith G, Bagust A, Dundar Y, et al.
Stepped treatment of older adults on laxatives. The STOOL trial.
By Mihaylov S, Stark C, McColl E, Steen N, Vanoli A, Rubin G, et al.
A randomised controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy in adolescents with major depression treated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The ADAPT trial.
By Goodyer IM, Dubicka B, Wilkinson P, Kelvin R, Roberts C, Byford S, et al.
The use of irinotecan, oxaliplatin and raltitrexed for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hind D, Tappenden P, Tumur I, Eggington E, Sutcliffe P, Ryan A.
Ranibizumab and pegaptanib for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Colquitt JL, Jones J, Tan SC, Takeda A, Clegg AJ, Price A.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of 64-slice or higher computed tomography angiography as an alternative to invasive coronary angiography in the investigation of coronary artery disease.
By Mowatt G, Cummins E, Waugh N, Walker S, Cook J, Jia X, et al.
Structural neuroimaging in psychosis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Albon E, Tsourapas A, Frew E, Davenport C, Oyebode F, Bayliss S, et al.
Systematic review and economic analysis of the comparative effectiveness of different inhaled corticosteroids and their usage with long-acting beta2 agonists for the treatment of chronic asthma in adults and children aged 12 years and over.
By Shepherd J, Rogers G, Anderson R, Main C, Thompson-Coon J, Hartwell D, et al.
Systematic review and economic analysis of the comparative effectiveness of different inhaled corticosteroids and their usage with long-acting beta2 agonists for the treatment of chronic asthma in children under the age of 12 years.
By Main C, Shepherd J, Anderson R, Rogers G, Thompson-Coon J, Liu Z, et al.
Ezetimibe for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Ara R, Tumur I, Pandor A, Duenas A, Williams R, Wilkinson A, et al.
Topical or oral ibuprofen for chronic knee pain in older people. The TOIB study.
By Underwood M, Ashby D, Carnes D, Castelnuovo E, Cross P, Harding G, et al.
A prospective randomised comparison of minor surgery in primary and secondary care. The MiSTIC trial.
By George S, Pockney P, Primrose J, Smith H, Little P, Kinley H, et al.
A review and critical appraisal of measures of therapist–patient interactions in mental health settings.
By Cahill J, Barkham M, Hardy G, Gilbody S, Richards D, Bower P, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening programmes for amblyopia and strabismus in children up to the age of 4–5 years: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Carlton J, Karnon J, Czoski-Murray C, Smith KJ, Marr J.
A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and economic modelling of minimal incision total hip replacement approaches in the management of arthritic disease of the hip.
By de Verteuil R, Imamura M, Zhu S, Glazener C, Fraser C, Munro N, et al.
A preliminary model-based assessment of the cost–utility of a screening programme for early age-related macular degeneration.
By Karnon J, Czoski-Murray C, Smith K, Brand C, Chakravarthy U, Davis S, et al.
Intravenous magnesium sulphate and sotalol for prevention of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass surgery: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Jones J, Frampton GK, Tanajewski L, Turner D, Price A.
Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product categories.
By Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O’Neill S, Jamieson K, et al.
A systematic review of repetitive functional task practice with modelling of resource use, costs and effectiveness.
By French B, Leathley M, Sutton C, McAdam J, Thomas L, Forster A, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectivness of minimal access surgery amongst people with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease – a UK collaborative study. The reflux trial.
By Grant A, Wileman S, Ramsay C, Bojke L, Epstein D, Sculpher M, et al.
Time to full publication of studies of anti-cancer medicines for breast cancer and the potential for publication bias: a short systematic review.
By Takeda A, Loveman E, Harris P, Hartwell D, Welch K.
Performance of screening tests for child physical abuse in accident and emergency departments.
By Woodman J, Pitt M, Wentz R, Taylor B, Hodes D, Gilbert RE.
Curative catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation and typical atrial flutter: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Rodgers M, McKenna C, Palmer S, Chambers D, Van Hout S, Golder S, et al.
Systematic review and economic modelling of effectiveness and cost utility of surgical treatments for men with benign prostatic enlargement.
By Lourenco T, Armstrong N, N’Dow J, Nabi G, Deverill M, Pickard R, et al.
Immunoprophylaxis against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) with palivizumab in children: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wang D, Cummins C, Bayliss S, Sandercock J, Burls A.
Health Technology Assessment Programme
Director, NIHR HTA Programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Director, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield
Prioritisation Strategy Group
Director, NIHR HTA Programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Director, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield
Dr Bob Coates, Consultant Advisor, NCCHTA
Dr Andrew Cook, Consultant Advisor, NCCHTA
Dr Peter Davidson, Director of Science Support, NCCHTA
Professor Robin E Ferner, Consultant Physician and Director, West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions, City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham
Professor Paul Glasziou, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
Dr Nick Hicks, Director of NHS Support, NCCHTA
Dr Edmund Jessop, Medical Adviser, National Specialist, National Commissioning Group (NCG), Department of Health, London
Ms Lynn Kerridge, Chief Executive Officer, NETSCC and NCCHTA
Dr Ruairidh Milne, Director of Strategy and Development, NETSCC
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Ms Pamela Young, Specialist Programme Manager, NCCHTA
HTA Commissioning Board
Director, NIHR HTA Programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Director, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield
Senior Lecturer in General Practice, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford
Professor Ann Ashburn, Professor of Rehabilitation and Head of Research, Southampton General Hospital
Professor Deborah Ashby, Professor of Medical Statistics, Queen Mary, University of London
Professor John Cairns, Professor of Health Economics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Professor Peter Croft, Director of Primary Care Sciences Research Centre, Keele University
Professor Nicky Cullum, Director of Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing, University of York
Professor Jenny Donovan, Professor of Social Medicine, University of Bristol
Professor Steve Halligan, Professor of Gastrointestinal Radiology, University College Hospital, London
Professor Freddie Hamdy, Professor of Urology, University of Sheffield
Professor Allan House, Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, University of Leeds
Dr Martin J Landray, Reader in Epidemiology, Honorary Consultant Physician, Clinical Trial Service Unit, University of Oxford
Professor Stuart Logan, Director of Health & Social Care Research, The Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth
Dr Rafael Perera, Lecturer in Medical Statisitics, Department of Primary Health Care, Univeristy of Oxford
Professor Ian Roberts, Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Professor Mark Sculpher, Professor of Health Economics, University of York
Professor Helen Smith, Professor of Primary Care, University of Brighton
Professor Kate Thomas, Professor of Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research, University of Leeds
Professor David John Torgerson, Director of York Trials Unit, University of York
Professor Hywel Williams, Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology, University of Nottingham
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programmes, Research and Development Directorate, Department of Health
Dr Morven Roberts, Clinical Trials Manager, Medical Research Council
Diagnostic Technologies & Screening Panel
Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Professor Judith E Adams, Consultant Radiologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Central Manchester & Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust, and Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, Cancer & Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester
Ms Jane Bates, Consultant Ultrasound Practitioner, Ultrasound Department, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Dr Stephanie Dancer, Consultant Microbiologist, Hairmyres Hospital, East Kilbride
Professor Glyn Elwyn, Primary Medical Care Research Group, Swansea Clinical School, University of Wales
Dr Ron Gray, Consultant Clinical Epidemiologist, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford
Professor Paul D Griffiths, Professor of Radiology, University of Sheffield
Dr Jennifer J Kurinczuk, Consultant Clinical Epidemiologist, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Dr Susanne M Ludgate, Medical Director, Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, London
Dr Anne Mackie, Director of Programmes, UK National Screening Committee
Dr Michael Millar, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Microbiology, Barts and The London NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital
Mr Stephen Pilling, Director, Centre for Outcomes, Research & Effectiveness, Joint Director, National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, University College London
Mrs Una Rennard, Service User Representative
Dr Phil Shackley, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, School of Population and Health Sciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr W Stuart A Smellie, Consultant in Chemical Pathology, Bishop Auckland General Hospital
Dr Nicholas Summerton, Consultant Clinical and Public Health Advisor, NICE
Ms Dawn Talbot, Service User Representative
Dr Graham Taylor, Scientific Advisor, Regional DNA Laboratory, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds
Professor Lindsay Wilson Turnbull, Scientific Director of the Centre for Magnetic Resonance Investigations and YCR Professor of Radiology, Hull Royal Infirmary
Dr Tim Elliott, Team Leader, Cancer Screening, Department of Health
Dr Catherine Moody, Programme Manager, Neuroscience and Mental Health Board
Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Research Officer, Department of Health
Pharmaceuticals Panel
Consultant Physician and Director, West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions, City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham
Professor in Child Health, University of Nottingham
Mrs Nicola Carey, Senior Research Fellow, School of Health and Social Care, The University of Reading
Mr John Chapman, Service User Representative
Dr Peter Elton, Director of Public Health, Bury Primary Care Trust
Dr Ben Goldacre, Research Fellow, Division of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatry, King’s College London
Mrs Barbara Greggains, Service User Representative
Dr Bill Gutteridge, Medical Adviser, London Strategic Health Authority
Dr Dyfrig Hughes, Reader in Pharmacoeconomics and Deputy Director, Centre for Economics and Policy in Health, IMSCaR, Bangor University
Professor Jonathan Ledermann, Professor of Medical Oncology and Director of the Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre
Dr Yoon K Loke, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology, University of East Anglia
Professor Femi Oyebode, Consultant Psychiatrist and Head of Department, University of Birmingham
Dr Andrew Prentice, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Rosie Hospital, University of Cambridge
Dr Martin Shelly, General Practitioner, Leeds, and Associate Director, NHS Clinical Governance Support Team, Leicester
Dr Gillian Shepherd, Director, Health and Clinical Excellence, Merck Serono Ltd
Mrs Katrina Simister, Assistant Director New Medicines, National Prescribing Centre, Liverpool
Mr David Symes, Service User Representative
Dr Lesley Wise, Unit Manager, Pharmacoepidemiology Research Unit, VRMM, Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Mr Simon Reeve, Head of Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness, Medicines, Pharmacy and Industry Group, Department of Health
Dr Heike Weber, Programme Manager, Medical Research Council
Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Research Officer, Department of Health
Therapeutic Procedures Panel
Consultant Physician, North Bristol NHS Trust
Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Health in the Community, University of Warwick, Coventry
Professor Jane Barlow, Professor of Public Health in the Early Years, Health Sciences Research Institute, Warwick Medical School, Coventry
Ms Maree Barnett, Acting Branch Head of Vascular Programme, Department of Health
Mrs Val Carlill, Service User Representative
Mrs Anthea De Barton-Watson, Service User Representative
Mr Mark Emberton, Senior Lecturer in Oncological Urology, Institute of Urology, University College Hospital, London
Professor Steve Goodacre, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Sheffield
Professor Christopher Griffiths, Professor of Primary Care, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Mr Paul Hilton, Consultant Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Nicholas James, Professor of Clinical Oncology, University of Birmingham, and Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Dr Peter Martin, Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
Dr Kate Radford, Senior Lecturer (Research), Clinical Practice Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire, Preston
Mr Jim Reece Service User Representative
Dr Karen Roberts, Nurse Consultant, Dunston Hill Hospital Cottages
Dr Phillip Leech, Principal Medical Officer for Primary Care, Department of Health
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Dr Morven Roberts, Clinical Trials Manager, Medical Research Council
Professor Tom Walley, Director, NIHR HTA Programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Research Officer, Department of Health
Disease Prevention Panel
Medical Adviser, National Specialist, National Commissioning Group (NCG), London
Director, NHS Sustainable Development Unit, Cambridge
Dr Elizabeth Fellow-Smith, Medical Director, West London Mental Health Trust, Middlesex
Dr John Jackson, General Practitioner, Parkway Medical Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Mike Kelly, Director, Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE, London
Dr Chris McCall, General Practitioner, The Hadleigh Practice, Corfe Mullen, Dorset
Ms Jeanett Martin, Director of Nursing, BarnDoc Limited, Lewisham Primary Care Trust
Dr Julie Mytton, Locum Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Bristol Primary Care Trust
Miss Nicky Mullany, Service User Representative
Professor Ian Roberts, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Professor Ken Stein, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Public Health, University of Exeter
Dr Kieran Sweeney, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth
Professor Carol Tannahill, Glasgow Centre for Population Health
Professor Margaret Thorogood,
Professor of Epidemiology, University of Warwick Medical School, Coventry
Ms Christine McGuire, Research & Development, Department of Health
Dr Caroline Stone, Programme Manager, Medical Research Council
Expert Advisory Network
Professor Douglas Altman, Professor of Statistics in Medicine, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford
Professor John Bond, Professor of Social Gerontology & Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Andrew Bradbury, Professor of Vascular Surgery, Solihull Hospital, Birmingham
Mr Shaun Brogan, Chief Executive, Ridgeway Primary Care Group, Aylesbury
Mrs Stella Burnside OBE, Chief Executive, Regulation and Improvement Authority, Belfast
Ms Tracy Bury, Project Manager, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, London
Professor Iain T Cameron, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Head of the School of Medicine, University of Southampton
Dr Christine Clark, Medical Writer and Consultant Pharmacist, Rossendale
Professor Collette Clifford,
Professor of Nursing and Head of Research, The Medical School, University of Birmingham
Professor Barry Cookson, Director, Laboratory of Hospital Infection, Public Health Laboratory Service, London
Dr Carl Counsell, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Neurology, University of Aberdeen
Professor Howard Cuckle, Professor of Reproductive Epidemiology, Department of Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Leeds
Dr Katherine Darton, Information Unit, MIND – The Mental Health Charity, London
Professor Carol Dezateux, Professor of Paediatric Epidemiology, Institute of Child Health, London
Mr John Dunning, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Papworth Hospital NHS Trust, Cambridge
Mr Jonothan Earnshaw, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester
Professor Martin Eccles, Professor of Clinical Effectiveness, Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Pam Enderby, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Institute of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Sheffield
Professor Gene Feder, Professor of Primary Care Research & Development, Centre for Health Sciences, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Mr Leonard R Fenwick, Chief Executive, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
Mrs Gillian Fletcher,
Antenatal Teacher and Tutor and President, National Childbirth Trust, Henfield
Professor Jayne Franklyn, Professor of Medicine, University of Birmingham
Mr Tam Fry, Honorary Chairman, Child Growth Foundation, London
Professor Fiona Gilbert, Consultant Radiologist and NCRN Member, University of Aberdeen
Professor Paul Gregg, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgical Science, South Tees Hospital NHS Trust
Bec Hanley, Co-director, TwoCan Associates, West Sussex
Dr Maryann L Hardy, Senior Lecturer, University of Bradford
Mrs Sharon Hart, Healthcare Management Consultant, Reading
Professor Robert E Hawkins, CRC Professor and Director of Medical Oncology, Christie CRC Research Centre, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Manchester
Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Department of Primary Care & General Practice, University of Birmingham
Professor Alan Horwich, Dean and Section Chairman, The Institute of Cancer Research, London
Professor Allen Hutchinson, Director of Public Health and Deputy Dean of ScHARR, University of Sheffield
Professor Peter Jones, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Professor Stan Kaye, Cancer Research UK Professor of Medical Oncology, Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey
Dr Duncan Keeley, General Practitioner (Dr Burch & Ptnrs), The Health Centre, Thame
Dr Donna Lamping, Research Degrees Programme Director and Reader in Psychology, Health Services Research Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
Mr George Levvy, Chief Executive, Motor Neurone Disease Association, Northampton
Professor James Lindesay, Professor of Psychiatry for the Elderly, University of Leicester
Professor Julian Little, Professor of Human Genome Epidemiology, University of Ottawa
Professor Alistaire McGuire, Professor of Health Economics, London School of Economics
Professor Rajan Madhok, Medical Director and Director of Public Health, Directorate of Clinical Strategy & Public Health, North & East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire Health Authority, York
Professor Alexander Markham, Director, Molecular Medicine Unit, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds
Dr Peter Moore, Freelance Science Writer, Ashtead
Dr Andrew Mortimore, Public Health Director, Southampton City Primary Care Trust
Dr Sue Moss, Associate Director, Cancer Screening Evaluation Unit, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton
Professor Miranda Mugford, Professor of Health Economics and Group Co-ordinator, University of East Anglia
Professor Jim Neilson, Head of School of Reproductive & Developmental Medicine and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Liverpool
Mrs Julietta Patnick, National Co-ordinator, NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Sheffield
Professor Robert Peveler, Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton
Professor Chris Price, Director of Clinical Research, Bayer Diagnostics Europe, Stoke Poges
Professor William Rosenberg, Professor of Hepatology and Consultant Physician, University of Southampton
Professor Peter Sandercock, Professor of Medical Neurology, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Edinburgh
Dr Susan Schonfield, Consultant in Public Health, Hillingdon Primary Care Trust, Middlesex
Dr Eamonn Sheridan, Consultant in Clinical Genetics, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds
Dr Margaret Somerville, Director of Public Health Learning, Peninsula Medical School, University of Plymouth
Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown, Professor of Public Health, Division of Health in the Community, University of Warwick, Coventry
Professor Ala Szczepura, Professor of Health Service Research, Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry
Mrs Joan Webster, Consumer Member, Southern Derbyshire Community Health Council
Professor Martin Whittle, Clinical Co-director, National Co-ordinating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health, Lymington