Support for Researchers
Support for Health and Social Care Researchers and Professionals
NIHR’s mission is to improve the health and wealth of the Nation through research. To help us deliver this, NIHR strives to attract, train and support researchers to tackle complex health and social care challenges. This support is multifaceted and includes the work of the Journals Library.
The Journals Library supports researchers primarily through the editorial and peer review process by:
- Helping authors craft rigorous and informative manuscripts
- Conducting and promoting good research and publishing practices that influence and inform policy and key stakeholders
- Providing visibility and equitable recognition of individual contributions in research and its publication
- Providing mentorship and a series of training, guidance, and toolkits
- Communicating and promoting the latest news from the Journals Library and helpful blogs to promote good practices, learning and information sharing within publishing.
All of these help NIHR to work towards a more diverse and inclusive research culture.
Peer Reviewers
All our publications are peer reviewed.
NIHR is a signatory of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity. (.PDF) The Journals Library strives to ensure all our funded and published work is underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity, so authors and readers can have confidence in it. Our independent peer reviewers are critical to achieving this.
We typically use a minimum of two reviewers with relevant experience per manuscript. We ask reviewers to answer a standard set of questions about different aspects of the manuscript and feed their responses back to our editors for guidance and confidentially back to the researchers for their comments and actions.
To aid the personal development of our peer reviewers, we share an anonymised table of all the comments for the designated manuscript to those who reviewed it.
Our pool of peer reviewers is diverse – both by subject specialism and experience and includes patients and service users, experts-by-experience, academics, practitioners, managers and commissioners, public health and related professionals, social-care sector workers and others whose work has a potential impact on health and social care.
If you are an early career researcher and want to be a peer reviewer with us, we will buddy you with a more experienced reviewer to help you build your expertise and confidence in this aspect of research and development.
We are always extending and replenishing our reviewer pool to better meet the needs of the diverse communities NIHR’s local, national and global research represents and impacts. Find out more about the Journals Library’s peer review process and how to become a reviewer.
Peer Review recognition
Peer reviewers help authors and the Journals Library to produce the best possible research manuscripts. This process contributes to the trustworthiness of the research we publish and is recognised in various ways.
Completing a review for the Journals Library may be creditable for CPD, depending on your CPD awarding organisation. If you require any supporting information to include NIHR reviewing work in your CPD portfolio, please contact us at
For Consultant-grade medical practitioners, reviewing for the NIHR is a recognised contribution to research and innovation and can be referred to in Domain 4 of any submission for a Clinical Excellence Award.
Peer Review supporting materials and training.
Useful training material is available at:
- EASE Infographic - Being a good peer reviewer: Dos and Don’ts
- EASE Infographic – Completing your review in 10 steps (.PDF)
- The Web of Science Academy (previously Publons Academy) provides a practical module based, interactive, research and publishing skills course for early career researchers, with several elements addressing peer review. It has been developed together with expert academics and editors to teach the core competencies and skills needed of a peer reviewer.
Additionally, the NIHR Reviewer Development Scheme is for early career researchers who are new to reviewing or want to develop their skills further. The scheme offers members the opportunity to gain experience of peer review for NIHR funding programmes and in turn influence research commissioning.
Peer Review engagement
The Journals Library offers engagement sessions with our peer reviewers, covering key themes including peer review experience, how we can provide better recognition and credit to their contribution in scholarly publishing and support and development materials in completing peer review.
Please look out for sessions, as well as register your interest or put forward webinar topics directly with the Journals Library at
Editorial Board and Editors
The Journals Library Editors consist of active clinicians, clinical and professional academics (or the equivalent in public health) and health policy experts. They are supported by Senior Journal Editors and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journals Library.
Our editors work across all of the NIHR journal titles. They review manuscripts alongside our diverse pool of peer reviewers and ensure that authors meet the required standards for publication in the Journals Library.
The Editors meet as an Editorial Board throughout the year to discuss publishing issues, the development of the journals and to revise and review publishing policies and guidance.
To support our Editors, we are committed to providing a supportive, diverse and inclusive environment, where we encourage editors to develop new editorial skills and build on their expertise or areas of interest.
Find out more about our Editorial Board and Editors or if you are interested in becoming an editor please view the latest editorial opportunities in the NIHR Journals Library on the NIHR jobs page: Our innovative Threaded Publication Model means that more opportunities are available to work as part of our editorial process. Informal enquiries are welcomed if you are interested in future and current editorial opportunities. Please contact in the first instance to find out more.
For more information or suggestions on how the Journals Library can support and develop the Health and Social Care Research and Professional community please contact
Other NIHR initiatives and useful links
Be Part of Research
Be Part of Research is an online service that provides an opportunity to help members of the public understand what research is and what it might mean to take part in research, as well as showing the variety of research currently happening across the UK.
The NIHR website - Researchers
There is a dedicated NIHR page for researchers, where you will find content around applying for, designing and delivering research, as well as supporting your career as a researcher.
NIHR Commissioning calls
The NIHR is keen to support capacity building within the health and social care community and is open to the joint lead applicant status being used as an opportunity to gain research leadership expertise. Please contact the funding programme for more information.
NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR)
SPCR has a dynamic research capacity and development programme to train future research leaders in primary care research.
The NIHR provides an annual doctoral training event which provides guidance and practical experience to learn how to put together a successful application for funding.
NIHR Academy mentoring
NIHR Academy provides postdoctoral Academy Members with career development support through its mentoring programme. The programme supports NIHR Academy Members across the health and social care community to mentor others and to seek a mentor from the NIHR senior leadership community.
NIHR Academy webinars
NIHR regularly host webinars designed to support leadership and management development. All of the modular resources have webinars associated with them, such as ‘Compassionate and inclusive leadership’ along with additional webinars covering a wide variety of topics such as ‘Coaching for success’ and ‘Optimising your energy for peak performance’.
To learn about forthcoming webinars, visit the NIHR website. Previous webinars can be found on the Development and Support playlist on the NIHR YouTube channel.
NIHR Evidence
The NIHR Evidence and dissemination team recently published a blog about how to make research easy to find and understand. Based on recent research, the blog highlights the need to understand how to communicate with key audiences, make content culturally relevant, and make use of creative formats (e.g., infographics, videos, or theatre!).
This blog is based on their Health Service Research UK session ‘Making health research accessible, transparent, and valuable for patients, service users and the public’, and you can view the whole session recording here.