Article history
The research reported in this issue of the journal was commissioned by the HTA programme as project number 05/06/01. The contractual start date was in February 2006. The draft report began editorial review in October 2007 and was accepted for publication in January 2009. As the funder, by devising a commissioning brief, the HTA programme specified the research question and study design. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the referees for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report.
Declared competing interests of authors
David Mant has received BNP assay kits and technical support from Bayer HealthCare in conducting primary research on the use of BNP for diagnosis and guided treatment of ventricular dysfunction in primary care. He also received funding to present the results of this research at the 2006 World Cardiology Conference. Martin Cowie has provided consultancy advice to Roche Diagnostics, Biosite and Stirling Medical, companies interested in BNP testing. He has no shares in any device or assay company. Richard Hobbs has received research funding and research assays from Roche Diagnostics and occasional speaker fees and symposia expenses from Roche and Bayer Diagnostics.
Copyright statement
© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. This monograph may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NETSCC, Health Technology Assessment, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO
Chapter 1 Background
Heart failure is a syndrome resulting from a structural or functional cardiac disorder. For a diagnosis of heart failure to be made there should be symptoms or signs such as breathlessness, effort intolerance or fluid retention together with objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction.
Heart failure is an increasingly important chronic syndrome, associated with poor prognosis and poor quality of life for patients, and responsible for high health-care costs. 1,2 Annual mortality in severe heart failure has been reported to be as high as 60%. 3 In the general population, in which all grades of heart failure are represented, 5-year mortality is around 42%,4 but when the diagnosis is established during a hospital admission 5-year mortality is between 50% and 75%. 5,6
Prevalence and incidence of heart failure
Early studies of heart failure prevalence used clinical diagnostic criteria known to be inaccurate,7 particularly early in the disease process. 8,9 More recent studies have included an objective assessment of left ventricular (LV) function, usually echocardiography,10,11 and indicate a prevalence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) of 2.9% in patients under 75 years10 and up to 7.5% in 75- to 84-year-olds. 11 However, limitations of these studies include not screening all adult age groups,10 with data particularly lacking in the elderly in whom heart failure is more common, not examining representative populations, or only examining heart failure due to LV systolic dysfunction. 11
In the largest recent prospective evaluation of heart failure in the community (ECHOES),12 LVSD [left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 40%] was found in 1.8% (95% CI 1.4–2.3) of the population aged over 45 years; borderline LV dysfunction (LVEF 40–50%) was found in a further 3.5%; definite heart failure was found in 2.3% (95% CI 1.9–2.8) of the population (with LVEF < 40% in 41% of cases); and using an LVEF cut-off of < 50% rather than 40%, 3.1% (95% CI 2.6–3.7%) of people aged 45 years or over had heart failure.
Estimates on heart failure incidence are less available and vary from 0.913 to 2.26 cases per 1000 population per annum in women aged 45–74 years and from 1.613 to 4.66 cases per 1000 population per annum in men aged 45–74 years. Incidence rises rapidly in the elderly, with 1% of men per year developing heart failure after 75 years and almost 2% per year after 85 years.
Burden of heart failure on patients
Mortality rates in heart failure are high. Annual mortality in the placebo arms of recent trials, with many patients on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, has ranged from 7%14 in mild heart failure [New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II], to 11%15 to 13%12 in moderate cases (NYHA III), to 20%,5 23%16 or 28%17 in severe heart failure. By comparison, the Framingham cohort showed an overall 1-year heart failure mortality rate of 17%, a 2-year mortality rate of 30% and a 10-year mortality rate of 78%. 18 The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study, conducted from 1971–86 in the USA, revealed 10-year mortality rates of 43% in patients who self-reported heart failure and 38% in patients who had heart failure defined by a clinical score. 19
Mortality data from more recent epidemiological studies provide more reliable case definitions but mainly report on LVSD heart failure only, younger patients only20 or patients presenting to hospital, usually with incident symptomatic heart failure. 21,22 In these last studies mortality is particularly high with 50% 2-year mortality rates, probably representing late presentations; these rates equate to the prognosis of newly diagnosed colorectal cancer in men or ovarian cancer in women. A more accurate estimate of prognosis of prevalent heart failure, across all ages and stages, is available from follow-up of the ECHOES cohort. 4 The 5-year survival rate of the general population was 93%, compared with 58% in those with a prevalent diagnosis of LVSD and 58% in those with prevalent definite heart failure. The median survival time of definite heart failure was 7 years 7 months. Those with a diagnosis of heart failure had the lowest survival compared with the general population and survival improved significantly with increasing ejection fraction. However, amongst patients with ‘borderline’ ejection fraction levels of between 40% and 50%, mortality rates were still over 1.5 times higher than in those with ‘normal’ ejection fractions over 50%. Those with multiple causes of heart failure had the poorest survival. The ECHOES mortality data provide recent confirmation of the poor prognosis of patients suffering from heart failure across the community, providing a mortality risk estimate of 8–9% per year. 4 Importantly, outcomes in heart failure are improving, which is presumed to be because of better initiation and maintenance of evidence-based therapies. 23
Morbidity in heart failure is considerable, whether measured by symptom severity, quality of life24 or need for consultation, treatment or hospital admission. Studies with comparative normative data are few and suggest that heart failure worsens quality of life more than other chronic diseases25 (although heart failure diagnosis in this study was not determined on the basis of objective tests) and that women may suffer worse impairment. 26 Other studies have shown that heart failure is associated with depressive illness27 and, further, that this is then linked to a worse prognosis. 28 Those with heart failure had significant impairment of all of the measured aspects of physical and mental health, not only physical functioning. Significantly worse impairment was found in those with more severe heart failure by NYHA class. 24 Patients with asymptomatic LV dysfunction and patients rendered asymptomatic by treatment had similar scores to those of the random population sample. Those with heart failure reported more severe impairment of quality of life than those giving a history of chronic lung disease or arthritis, and a similar level to patients with depression.
Burden of heart failure on health-care systems
Chronic heart failure remains one of the most costly conditions to manage in many health systems. This is principally because the syndrome is common, it frequently results in hospital admission (which is the disproportionate driver of health-care expenditure), admissions are prolonged (averaging 11 days in Europe) and readmission is frequent (nearly 25% of patients are readmitted within 12 weeks of discharge). 29 In the UK, 4.9% of admissions to one hospital were for heart failure, extrapolating to up to 120,000 admissions per year nationally,30 and these continue to rise. 31,32
As a consequence, heart failure accounts for at least 2% of total health-care expenditure, namely €26 million per million population in the UK, €37 million per million in Germany, €39 million per million in France and €70 million per million in the USA. 33 The average cost per hospital admission in Europe is €10,000. 33 The burden of heart failure is expected to rise as prevalence rises, which is presumed to be the result of improved survival of patients post myocardial infarction, better treatment of heart failure and an ageing population. 34
Management of heart failure
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors improve both morbidity and mortality in all grades of symptomatic heart failure due to LVSD,35 and they can delay or prevent progression to symptomatic heart failure in patients with asymptomatic LVSD. 36,37 Beta-blocker therapy in heart failure due to LVSD has also been demonstrated to improve prognosis and reduce admission rates,38 although these agents have to be introduced slowly and may be associated with slight worsening of symptoms initially in a proportion of patients. ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers35,39 have been shown to improve exercise tolerance and symptoms (as assessed by NYHA functional class) in patients with heart failure due to LVSD, as well as significantly prolonging survival and reducing hospitalisation rates. These drugs have also been shown to improve global quality of life in sufferers,40,41 as have other interventions producing symptom gains, such as exercise training42 and intensive nurse-led discharge and outreach programmes. 43 Aldosterone blockers reduce hospitalisation and mortality in severely symptomatic (NYHA grade II and IV) patients16 or in post-myocardial infarction heart failure or LVSD. 44 Care is needed with these agents in the elderly community as they may be associatedwith increased mortality if not used carefully in routine practice. 45 Recent data have demonstrated the general utility of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) in patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors or in addition to ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers in those with impaired LV function. 46
Despite this extensive evidence base for treatments that improve heart failure prognosis and symptoms, heart failure remains suboptimally diagnosed and treatedin many countries,47–49 due at least in part to many patients with suspected heart failure not receiving a formal assessment of LV function. 48,49
Diagnostic issues in heart failure
Heart failure is a complex syndrome that can result from any structural or functional cardiac disorder which impairs the ability of the heart to function as a pump to support a physiological circulation. 50 The evaluation of a patient with suspected heart failure therefore entails more than determining whether or not the syndrome is present – it also requires an identification of the underlying abnormality of the heart.
The commonest cause of heart failure is LVSD, present in around half of cases, but other causes include valve disease, atrial fibrillation and isolated diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. In many patients, particularly the elderly, several cardiac abnormalities may be found concurrently, such as systolic impairment with atrial fibrillation and mild valve disease. The bulk of the evidence base for treating heart failure, summarised above, is derived from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on people with underlying LVSD.
An essential element for treatment success is the reliable and precise diagnosis of heart failure. The major issue in the diagnosis of the disease relates to the criteria definitions. Guidelines for the evaluation and management of heart failure are established in both the USA [American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) and consensus recommendations51] and Europe [European Society of Cardiology (ESC)23]. These state that the diagnosis of heart failure is justified when there are typical signs and symptoms of heart failure and myocardial dysfunction, confirmed by the objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction at rest. In case of diagnostic uncertainty, a clinical response to treatment directed at heart failure is helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Simple and reliable diagnostic procedures are very important for primary care physicians, who are responsible for the early diagnosis of heart failure and the implementation of adequate therapy.
However, current diagnosis of heart failure in primary care is often inaccurate. In one recent UK study,52 only 34% of patients with an existing clinical label of heart failure in routine general practice records had this diagnosis confirmed following echocardiography and blinded review by a panel of three specialist clinicians. A recent review by the Healthcare Commission53 on progress towards implementation of the National Service Framework (NSF) for Coronary Heart Disease found that only one in five patients with a diagnosis of heart failure had had an echocardiogram, and that the average wait for this investigation was 67 days.
This picture of general practice diagnosing heart failure on mainly clinical grounds, with only a minority of patients receiving confirmatory tests before the diagnosis is confirmed, is replicated across much of Europe. 48,54 Primary care physicians often have variable or delayed access to tests such as echocardiography. As a consequence, doctors rely on alternatives such as the electrocardiograph (ECG) or chest X-ray (CXR), with both tests perceived as useful and actually used in most cases of heart failure in the IMPROVEMENT study. 54 A normal ECG recording will, in most cases, exclude LVSD;55,56 however, changes may be subtle and the lack of ECG interpretation skills may still require referral for specialist opinion. Chest X-rays are often cited as useful in diagnosis, but a normal result does not exclude heart failure. 57,58 Furthermore, symptoms and signs may indicate the possibility of heart failure but are not reliable for establishing the diagnosis. 59 It is therefore unsurprising that studies exploring the validity of a clinical diagnosis of heart failure in primary care report high rates of misdiagnosis when patients are assessed against objective criteria (rates of 25–50% accuracy reported in different series). 60–62 Furthermore, underdiagnosis of heart failure is not confined to the primary care physician,63 with only 31% of patients being offered echocardiography by hospital physicians following referral with possible heart failure in one study. 64
In this context, the potential role of natriuretic peptides in diagnosing heart failure on the basis of a simple and inexpensive blood test has emerged. Numerous studies have confirmed the stability and feasibility of natriuretic peptide testing, although there are relatively few data testing the peptides in the clinical setting where they would be most used, i.e. in adults presenting with persisting breathlessness in the community. However, current evidence suggests that selecting natriuretic peptide cut-off values to ensure a high negative predictive value, which is important in a primary care setting, reduces the specificity of the test. For example, both NT-proBNP and BNP assays set at cut-offs to achieve a sensitivity of 100% showed a specificity of 70%, a positive predictive value of 7%, a negative predictive value of 100% and an area under the receiver operatingcharacteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) of 0.92 (95% CI 0.82–1.0) for diagnosing heart failure in the general population. 52 The performance of the assays was similar whatever the cause of heart failure and similar negative predictive values were also shown for diagnosing LVSD. 23
These data indicate that a normal level of natriuretic peptides virtually guarantees that heart failure is not present, but that confirmatory echocardiography is needed in patients with elevated peptides to confirm the diagnosis. The cost-effectiveness of natriuretic peptides versus standard diagnostic triage is not established. However, they may also have an important role in guiding therapy, at least in specialist and emergency room settings. 65–67
Current UK guidance
The current National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline50 recommends that patients with suspected heart failure should have an ECG and/or natriuretic peptide test performed, the latter ‘where available’. If both are normal then heart failure is unlikely and an alternative diagnosis to explain the symptoms should be considered. If either one is abnormal then the patient should have a Doppler echocardiogram. This guidance was based on the high sensitivity of BNP and ECG, and the result of a health economic analysis that demonstrated that the cost per life-year gained through echocardiography is dependent upon the proportion of patients referred for echocardiography in whom the diagnosis of heart failure is confirmed.
Clinical experience in the UK suggests that the pretest probability of heart failure being present in patients referred for echocardiography varies markedly, with some centres performing many echocardiograms but with few showing any abnormality. Such inefficient use of the limited resource of echocardiography is problematic, and the NICE committee therefore wished to produce simple guidelines as to which patients should be referred by their GP for further investigation. However, the amount of data available to the committee was limited, and therefore the Health Technology Assessment call that funded this work was timely.
This study will therefore help address important unanswered questions and thus refine the national guideline in a number of areas. What is the optimal decision cut-off point for plasma BNP (or its co-secreted NT-proBNP) in terms of referral for echocardiography? Is performing an ECG and carrying out a BNP test better than carrying out only one of these investigations? What is the diagnostic value added to clinical examination by adding either a BNP test and/or ECG interpretation to the diagnostic process, when there is guidance to the general practitioner as to which clinical features are most important in distinguishing heart failure from other causes of symptoms such as breathlessness?
Current evidence
There have been five recent systematic reviews relevant to the diagnosis of heart failure, four of which have involved the applicants. 50,68–70 Two50,69 of these reviews covered all symptoms, signs and diagnostic tests, and two68,70 were specifically concerned with BNP.The fifth is a review of the accuracy of 12-lead ECG. 71 The following points emerge from this evidence base.
Individual symptoms (such as breathlessness, fatigue, exercise intolerance and fluid retention) and signs (such as resting tachycardia, raised jugular venous pressure (JVP), displaced apex beat, third heart sound) are generally weak predictors of heart failure and have poor reliability, with little agreement between clinicians on their presence. A number of clinical scoring systems have been developed to diagnose heart failure, but these are not highly specific. 67,72 However, recent as yet unpublished work led by Hoes in Utrecht suggests that use of a clinical scoring system based on a combination of symptoms and signs may be a reasonable predictor of heart failure (AUC: 0.82) (A Hoes, Utrecht, 2005, personal communication).
Both ECG and BNP have high sensitivity for heart failure and so are good tests for ruling out the diagnosis. UK-based studies restricted to the use of ECG in primary care, however, give a more mixed picture on the value of ECG, with sensitivity in one study69 as low as 73%. This may relate to both differences in population characteristics and the skill of the practitioner interpreting the ECG. Although the CXR may show evidence of heart failure (e.g. cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular congestion), it is not a good independent predictor of the syndrome and is of most value in identifying alternative causes of symptoms.
Echocardiography is the ‘gold standard’ investigation for LVSD and valve disease. Indirect measures of diastolic dysfunction can be made on echocardiography, but the interpretation of the findings may be difficult, particularly in the elderly and in patients with atrial fibrillation (up to 30% of new cases of heart failure in most series). Most often, ‘diastolic’ (or ‘non-systolic’) heart failure is a diagnosis of exclusion, i.e. symptoms and signs for which other causes have been exhaustively excluded and for which there is a response to therapy for heart failure.
Although these reviews are reasonably contemporary, only one has addressed the specific population of patients presenting with suspected heart failure in primary care, and this review was restricted to only UK studies (of which there were four). 69
Complexities of the evidence base
The complexities of the evidence base that this study therefore seeks to address are discussed in the following sections.
Choice of reference standard
There is no single ideal reference standard for heart failure, as there is no single cardiac disorder that accounts for the syndrome. The underlying cardiac disorders can be classified in different ways. An approach that has utility in the context of this review is to divide heart failure into low ejection fraction and normal ejection fraction heart failure. Echocardiography is a suitable reference standard for low ejection fraction heart failure but not for normal ejection fraction heart failure. The definitive tests to diagnose normal ejection fraction heart failure (cardiac catheterisation with calculation of pressure–volume loops) are often not carried out and so the diagnosis often relies upon clinical judgement and supportive evidence, such as may be obtained from BNP or NT-proBNP, reflecting a potential value of these tests over and above their use as a tool to determine who should undergo echocardiography. In diagnostic test studies, evaluation of such supporting evidence is often carried out formally through the use of an expert panel.
Definition of what is an abnormal ECG
Studies that have tested the value of the ECG in the diagnosis of heart failure have used different criteria with which to define abnormality, and there has been variation in the experience and expertise of those reading the ECGs. Many general practitioners are unable to interpret ECGs accurately. 73 Therefore, it is important to consider both the criteria that are used and who is required to read the ECG. This will have important implications when the costs of different diagnostic strategies are being considered.
Equivalence (or not) of different BNP assays
Combining results from studies evaluating the role of BNP is fraught with difficulty. The accuracy of the assay may depend upon issues such as the length of time after the blood was collected that the assay was performed; storage of the sample; and the assay that was used. These issues may preclude meaningful meta-analysis.
Lack of data in the correct populations
Most of the existing research has been carried out in secondary care populations or in the context of screening studies that identify prevalent cases of heart failure or include patients with existing diagnoses of heart failure. Inclusion of these studies would introduce significant spectrum bias for the question being addressed by this review. Secondary care populations are likely to represent more advanced cases of heart failure, in which the sensitivity of tests is likely to be overestimated and specificity underestimated. Prevalent cases of heart failure will on average reflect milder cases than incident cases, and so studies on these will underestimate sensitivity. Treatment of heart failure influences test performance and so inclusion of patients with existing diagnoses will underestimate the sensitivity of some tests (such as BNP). It is important that this work focuses on patients drawn from primary care populations being investigated for suspected heart failure to avoid these biases.
Impact of pharmacological treatments on test performance
It is recognised that treatments for heart failure such as diuretics and ACE inhibitors may lower serum natriuretic peptide levels. 74 These treatments are not unique to heart failure. People presenting with symptoms suggestive of heart failure may already be receiving them for other indications (e.g. existing coronary disease, diabetes or hypertension), and thus the diagnostic test may perform differently in such patients.
Impact of co-morbidity on test performance
Co-morbidity may influence the performance of the diagnostic tests not only through treatments used (see above) but also through direct influence on the symptoms, signs and test results. This is especially relevant for evaluation of symptoms suggestive of heart failure in conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and existing ischaemic heart disease (IHD).
Heart failure is a common disorder, especially in the elderly, with major and increasing significance for patients and health-care systems. There is a need for better identification of patients and more intensive attempts to introduce and maintain the large evidence base for therapies. The most clinically effective and cost-effective diagnostic algorithms are currently not determined.
Chapter 2 Hypotheses tested in the review (research questions)
There were three components to this work: a systematic review, an individual patient data (IPD) analysis and a decision analysis.
The objectives of the systematic review were to assess the accuracy in diagnosing heart failure of:
the clinical features – both singly and, if possible, in combination
the potential primary care investigations – plasma natriuretic peptides, ECG and CXR (singly and, if possible, in combination).
These reviews aimed to include all studies assessing the diagnostic accuracy of the symptoms, signs and investigations of patients with heart failure, but with a prespecified focus on the accuracy and reliability of clinical features in patients with suspected heart failure presenting in primary care.
The objectives of the IPD analysis were to address the following questions:
Can a clinical scoring system based on symptoms and signs usefully predict the presence of heart failure?
To rule out heart failure in primary care, what is the optimum decision cut-off point for plasma natriuretic peptides (BNP)?
Does the diagnostic performance of plasma natriuretic peptides vary according to patient characteristics (including age, gender, presence of IHD, COPD, diabetes mellitus, obesity and atrial fibrillation, and existing pharmacological therapy at the time of the diagnostic test)?
How accurate is the combination of plasma natriuretic peptides with ECG at diagnosing heart failure?
The objective of the decision analysis was to model costs and diagnostic yield for different plausible diagnostic strategies for the diagnosis of heart failure in primary care.
Chapter 3 Systematic review methods
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Studies were included if they estimated the diagnostic accuracy or reliability of symptoms, signs or investigations for detecting heart failure. Although the main focus of the review was on the diagnostic accuracy for suspected cases of heart failure in primary care, we also included studies from all patient settings, including emergency department, hospital and outpatient settings, as well as population cohort or screening studies and we grouped data by setting. Studies varied in whether they included patients with previously diagnosed heart failure or not; both groups of studies were included in the review. No language restriction was applied.
Studies were eligible if they compared a symptom, sign, ECG, CXR or BNP with an adequate reference standard comprising either a clinical or an echocardiographic diagnosis of heart failure. More specifically, adequate reference standards were considered to be prospective planned evaluation of: (1) a clinical diagnosis, including all information, for example using ESC criteria; (2) echocardiographic criteria for LVSD (such as assessment of LVEF or global assessment of ventricular function); or (3) echocardiographic criteria for heart failure with preserved systolic function. We excluded studies that (1) included children; (2) used an inappropriate index test, for example urinary natriuretic peptides; (3) used a reference standard that was inappropriate for the purposes of this review, such as measures of diastolic function alone or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; (4) used a retrospective study design (e.g. a reference standard using a hospital discharge diagnosis of heart failure); (5) used a case–control design; or (6) that provided results such that 2 × 2 data could not be extracted. Although studies that used echocardiographic criteria for LVSD were included in our principle results tables (see Appendix 4), the meta-analysis was restricted to studies that used a diagnosis of heart failure as the reference standard.
Search strategy
MEDLINE and CINAHL were searched from inception to 7 July 2006, including citations in progress. Given that our previous searches on this topic did not find any additional studies in EMBASE, we did not search EMBASE during this review. 75 The search combined terms for the condition of interest (e.g. heart failure; systolic dysfunction) with terms for the index tests of interest. No language restriction or methodological filters were applied as our previous study found that such filters reduced the sensitivity of the search strategy. 75 Details of the search strategy are shown in Appendix 1.
To identify studies missed by the search we checked the reference lists of all primary studies that met the inclusion criteria and any review articles we found in this area. In addition, ‘grey literature’ databases and conference proceedings of relevant societies (ACC; AHA; ESC; British Cardiac Society; Heart Failure Society of America; Royal College of Physicians; International Academy of Cardiology; International Heart Failure Society; and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand) were searched. Finally, authors of relevant studies were contacted to clarify any questions regarding overlapping studies or to provide 2 × 2 data where possible.
Data extraction
For the ECG, CXR and BNP studies, two reviewers screened the titles and abstracts for relevant studies. However, given the size of the search results only one reviewer carried out the initial screening for relevant studies on symptoms and signs. Potentially relevant studies were obtained in hard copy and assessed by two reviewers against the inclusion criteria for the review. When there was disagreement over a study it was discussed with a third reviewer.
Data were extracted by both reviewers on potential sources of bias, demographic details of included subjects, operator and test characteristics (e.g. who assessed the symptoms and signs; who read the ECG; type of BNP assay), reference standard characteristics and test performance results (2 × 2 tables comparing test with reference standard; test reproducibility data when provided). Quality was assessed using the QUADAS criteria. 76
Data analysis
The data synthesis was performed using methods recommended by the working group of the Cochrane Collaboration on systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy. We grouped the studies by the index test, including the type of assay (BNP and NT-proBNP), and by the type of reference standard (clinical diagnosis of heart failure, echocardiographic criteria of LVSD, echocardiographic criteria of LVSD plus heart failure with preserved systolic function). The studies were then further sorted by the clinical setting (primary care, screening studies, emergency departments, outpatient secondary care settings and inpatients). From the 2 × 2 tables we calculated sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values, and likelihood ratios.
The sensitivity and specificity of each of the index tests were plotted in ROC space. The data were then pooled using a bivariate random-effects meta-analysis to calculate summary estimates of the sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) and positive and negative likelihood ratios for each of the index tests with software codes kindly provided by Roger Harbord. 77 The statistical software package stata9 (StataCorp) was used for these analyses. Tests of heterogeneity were not used as such tests may be misleading for systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy and are not recommended by the Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy group (Jon Deeks, University of Birmingham, 2007, personal communication).
To understand any influence of setting and prevalence we plotted the predictive values (post-test probabilities) against the prevalence of heart failure (pretest probability).
For studies that contained a direct within-study comparison we pooled the data to compare the diagnostic accuracy of BNP versus NT-proBNP, and BNP (or NT-proBNP) versus ECG. The two tests were compared in a hierarchical summary ROC analysis using software codes kindly provided by Petra Macaskill. 78 This analysis was also used to determine a relative DOR in those studies that directly compared two tests for heart failure.
Chapter 4 Studies included in and excluded from the systematic review
The searches of the electronic databases resulted in the retrieval of 87,389 titles and abstracts. These were screened for inclusion in this review. Based on these searches and checking the reference lists of identified studies and systematic reviews, 335 papers were identified as being potentially eligible for the review and the full text of the articles was retrieved. A total of 95 studies were identified as having 2 × 2 data comparing symptoms, signs, ECG, CXR or BNP with an appropriate reference standard for the diagnosis of heart failure. In addition, we identified 15 systematic reviews and 11 multivariate analyses. The results of the four search strategies are shown in Figures 1–4.
Descriptions of the individual studies included in the review, the quality assessment of the included studies, the data extracted from the primary studies and the details of studies excluded from the review are provided in Appendices 2–5, respectively, of this report.
Chapter 5 Results of the systematic review
Symptoms and signs for the diagnosis of clinical heart failure
Fifteen studies – five in general practice, five in patients referred from primary to secondary care, and five in acute care – examined the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs of heart failure compared with an adequate reference standard of a clinically defined diagnosis of heart failure.
Of the general practice studies, the largest single study79 recruited 5260 patients who attended a practice in Portugal; if patients scored 3 or more on the ‘Boston’ score they were further assessed by echocardiography. The diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs was assessed in these 1058 patients; 200 patients could not be assessed by echocardiography or had uninterpretable echocardiograms (and therefore were classified as not having heart failure). The other four studies were conducted in a random selection of patients from general practice registers: three80–82 in a random selection of general practice patients and one83 in patients with COPD not previously known to have heart failure. The ECHOES study by Hobbs et al. 82 was divided into substudies of (1) patients with symptoms and signs of heart failure; (2) patients who were over the age of 45 years; (3) patients who were considered at risk of heart failure; (4) patients who had previously been diagnosed with heart failure; and (5) patients who were currently taking diuretics. Unless otherwise stated the data used in the analyses below are from the ECHOES substudy conducted in patients who had symptoms or signs of heart failure as this is the patient group most relevant to this assessment.
Five studies were conducted in general practice patients with suspected heart failure who were referred for further assessment at an open access heart failure clinic or as part of the study design. 84–88 The other five studies were conducted in patients presenting with dyspnoea in accident and emergency departments. 89–93 The studies conducted by Dao et al. 94 and Morrison et al. 92 involved overlapping cohorts of patients: we have used the Morrison study as it had more participants.
Some of the data in this section were obtained from the study authors as part of this assessment and have not been published previously. 80–88
Figure 5 shows the numbers of patients with and without heart failure in each of the included studies. The outlier study, with the highest number of patients with heart failure and the highest proportion of patients with heart failure, was the Fonseca study,79 set in Portugal.
The quality of the included studies is shown in Tables 37–46 in Appendix 3. The studies were of variable quality, although most of the quality criteria either were met or were unclear from the study report.
Table 1 gives a summary of the overall results for the symptoms and signs assessed in this review. There was considerable variation across the studies, which is illustrated in the figures in the following sections. These differences may be due to differing definitions or elicitation of the symptoms or signs, or to differences in the patient groups studied. In particular, it is likely that those presenting to accident and emergency will be at the more severe end of the heart failure spectrum.
Number of patients (studies) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Youden indexa | |
History of MI | 1769 (10) | 26 | 89 | 15 |
Dyspnoea | 2187 (5) | 87 | 51 | 38 |
Orthopnoea | 2901 (6) | 44 | 89 | 33 |
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea | 1786 (3) | No summary results | ||
Oedema | 3736 (12) | 53 | 72 | 25 |
Tachycardia | 1582 (3) | No summary results | ||
Elevated JVP | 3353 (7) | 52 | 70 | 22 |
Cardiomegaly | 405 (1) | 27 | 85 | 12 |
Added heart sounds | 2948 (6) | 11 | 99 | 10 |
Lung crepitation | 4619 (11) | 51 | 81 | 32 |
Hepatomegaly | 1058 (1) | 17 | 97 | 14 |
History of myocardial infarction
Ten studies81–85,87–91 estimated the accuracy of a previous history of myocardial infarction for the clinical diagnosis of heart failure (Figure 6). The summary estimates of diagnostic accuracy are:
sensitivity: 0.26 (95% CI 0.19–0.37)
specificity: 0.89 (95% CI 0.85–0.91)
DOR: 2.87 (95% CI 1.71–4.82)
positive likelihood ratio: 2.37 (95% CI 1.58–3.54)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.82 (95% CI 0.73–0.93).
Note that these studies used the patient’s self-report of the history of myocardial infarction and the diagnosis was not verified. Also, most of these studies were conducted before 2003 and were therefore likely to be using a definition of myocardial infarction that did not include new criteria which include serum troponin elevation.
Dyspnoea for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Dyspnoea is an important presenting symptom of heart failure. Several of the studies used dyspnoea as an inclusion criterion for the study and therefore it was not possible to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of this symptom from these studies. Five studies79,80,82,84,92 estimated the diagnostic accuracy of this symptom, with the results showing considerable heterogeneity (Figure 7):
sensitivity: 0.83 (95% CI 0.62–0.94)
specificity: 0.54 (95% CI 0.40–0.67)
DOR: 5.71 (95% CI 1.78–18.31)
positive likelihood ratio: 1.79 (95% CI 1.30–2.47)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.31 (95% CI 0.12–0.79).
Because this symptom is one of the few symptoms or signs with a relatively high sensitivity, this feature may be a potential method for identifying patients who have heart failure. For this reason, in Table 2 and Figure 8 we have included the data from the original studies, including more specific methods for eliciting this symptom as defined in the individual studies. As might be anticipated, the more restrictive definitions of breathlessness (e.g. dyspnoea on exertion) led to higher specificity but lower sensitivity.
Study | n | Setting | Prevalence of clinically defined heart failure (%) | Symptom | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Positive predictive value (%) | Negative predictive value (%) |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Patients attending general practice | 10 | Dyspnoea | 91 | 72 | 13 | 99 |
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Patients with symptoms and signs of heart failure | 6 | Dyspnoea | 100 | 45 | 11 | 100 |
304 | Patients aged over 45 years | 2 | Dyspnoea | 100 | 77 | 8 | 100 | |
124 | Patients at high risk of heart failure | 4 | Dyspnoea | 100 | 61 | 10 | 100 | |
71 | Patients taking diuretics | 11 | Dyspnoea | 100 | 59 | 24 | 100 | |
103 | Patients previously diagnosed with heart failure | 34 | Dyspnoea | 97 | 63 | 4 | 56 | |
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 458 | Patients presenting with dyspnoea, fatigue or peripheral oedema | 15 | Dyspnoea | 66 | 64 | 24 | 92 |
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred from general practice to an open access heart failure clinic, not previously diagnosed with heart failure | 29 | Dyspnoea | 86 | 30 | 33 | 84 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients presenting to an emergency department with acute dyspnoea | 49 | Dyspnoea | 52 | 54 | 45 | 61 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Patients attending general practice | 10 | Dyspnoea at rest | 11 | 99 | 48 | 96 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Patients attending general practice | 10 | Dyspnoea on exertion | 79 | 84 | 18 | 99 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients presenting to an emergency department with acute dyspnoea | 49 | Dyspnoea on exertion | 85 | 32 | 47 | 75 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Patients attending general practice | 10 | Dyspnoea when walking on the flat | 36 | 99 | 54 | 97 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Patients attending general practice | 10 | Dyspnoea when walking fast or slightly uphill | 77 | 82 | 16 | 99 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Patients attending general practice | 10 | Dyspnoea when walking uphill | 88 | 77 | 15 | 99 |
The symbols in the ROC plot in Figure 8 illustrate the considerable heterogeneity in the estimated sensitivity and specificity of dyspnoea for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure. The lines between points in the ROC space illustrate where different measures of dyspnoea have been used in the same study. Dyspnoea on exertion has a higher sensitivity but lower specificity than dyspnoea at rest or generally defined dyspnoea. However, there is considerable variation between studies in the estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of dyspnoea.
Orthopnoea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Six studies79,83,89–92 estimated the diagnostic accuracy of orthopnoea for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure (Figure 9). These showed low sensitivity and varying specificity:
sensitivity: 0.44 (95% CI 0.33–0.56)
specificity: 0.89 (95% CI 0.69–0.96)
DOR: 6.23 (95% CI 2.30–16.92)
positive likelihood ratio: 3.91 (95% CI 1.51–10.11)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.63 (95% CI 0.53–0.74).
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea was evaluated in three studies and showed similar sensitivity and specificity to that of orthopnoea (Fonseca et al. 79: sensitivity 29%, specificity 98%; Morrison et al. 92: sensitivity 34%, specificity 86%; Mueller et al. 93: sensitivity 47%, specificity 73%).
Oedema (as a symptom or sign) for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Twelve studies79,82–86,88–93 estimated the accuracy of oedema (as either a symptom or a sign) for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure. Again, this clinical feature shows low sensitivity and varying specificity (Figure 10). In the study by Wright et al. ,87 which enrolled patients with either dyspnoea or oedema of recent onset, only 5% of patients who were diagnosed as having heart failure had oedema with no symptoms of dyspnoea:
sensitivity: 0.53 (95% CI 0.44–0.62)
specificity: 0.72 (95% CI 0.62–0.80)
DOR: 2.91 (95% CI 1.89–4.49)
positive likelihood ratio: 1.89 (95% CI 1.42–2.51)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.65 (95% CI 0.54–0.78).
Tachycardia for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Three studies79,83,89 estimated the accuracy of tachycardia for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure. The studies showed poor sensitivity (23%, 24% and 36%) and varying specificity (92%, 82% and 40%).
Elevated jugular venous pressure for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Seven studies79,83,89–93 estimated the accuracy of elevated JVP for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure. One study90 defined elevated JVP as JVP > 6 cm; in the other studies, elevated JVP was not further defined. This symptom also showed poor sensitivity with relatively poor specificity (Figure 11):
sensitivity: 0.52 (95% CI 0.41–0.63)
specificity: 0.70 (95% CI 0.56–0.80)
DOR: 2.52 (95% CI 1.51–4.22)
positive likelihood ratio: 1.73 (95% CI 1.23–2.43)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.68 (95% CI 0.56–0.84).
Cardiomegaly for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Only one study83 examined the accuracy of a displaced apex beat for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure. This showed a sensitivity of 27% and a specificity of 85%, with a positive predictive value of 31% and a negative predictive value of 82%.
Added heart sounds for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Six studies79,89–93 estimated the accuracy of added heart sounds (third heart sound – S3 or gallop rhythm) for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure (Figure 12). This sign has very low sensitivity but high specificity:
sensitivity: 0.11 (95% CI 0.04–0.24)
specificity: 0.99 (95% CI 0.97–1.00)
DOR: 13.4 (95% CI 6.58–27.3)
positive likelihood ratio: 12.1 (95% CI 5.74–25.4)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.90 (95% CI 0.82–0.99).
This means that if the sign is present it helps to rule the disease in but if absent it does not rule the disease out.
Lung crepitations for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Eleven studies79,82–85,87,88,90–93 estimated the accuracy of the presence of lung crepitations for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure (Figure 13). Lung crepitations have poor sensitivity and moderate specificity:
sensitivity: 0.51 (95% CI 0.44–0.58)
specificity: 0.81 (95% CI 0.71–0.88)
DOR: 4.34 (95% CI 2.91–6.47)
positive likelihood ratio: 2.64 (95% CI 1.86–3.74)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.61 (95% CI 0.55–0.68).
One study79 evaluated the sign of hepatomegaly for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure and estimated a sensitivity of 17% and a specificity of 97%.
Summary of accuracy of symptoms and signs for the diagnosis of clinical heart failure
The data from these studies show that each of the symptoms and signs of heart failure have varying specificity but their poor sensitivity limits the usefulness of these features in ruling out disease in a general practice setting.
Investigations for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Electrocardiogram for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Eleven studies79–88,90 estimated the accuracy of an abnormal ECG for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure.
Figure 14 shows the numbers of patients with and without heart failure in each of the studies that assessed the diagnostic accuracy of ECG for the clinical diagnosis of heart failure. The largest study, which also had a much higher proportion of patients with heart failure than the other studies (the outlier), was the Fonseca study. 79
In most of the studies the ECG criteria for defining an abnormality used to determine the presence of heart failure were quite broad. For example, in the study by Rutten et al. ,83 the criteria used were abnormal Q waves, complete or incomplete left bundle branch block, LV hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, ST and/or T wave abnormalities and sinus tachycardia. Using broad criteria for ECG abnormality achieves a relatively high sensitivity but only moderate specificity (Figure 15):
sensitivity: 0.89 (95% CI 0.77–0.95)
specificity: 0.56 (95% CI 0.46–0.66)
DOR: 4.80 (95% CI 4.36–25.7)
positive likelihood ratio: 2.03 (95% CI 1.62–2.53)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.19 (95% CI 0.09–0.42).
A completely normal ECG can help to rule out the diagnosis of heart failure, but the presence of any abnormality does not help to rule the diagnosis in.
It should also be remembered that in these studies the diagnostic accuracy of the ECG was obtained either from an ECG read by a cardiologist or from the automatic reading of an ECG. In a study comparing the diagnostic accuracy of general practitioners and hospital physicians in detecting heart failure on an ECG the sensitivity and specificity of an ECG read by a general practitioner were 53% and 63%, respectively, and those read by a hospital physician were 95% and 47% respectively. 95 However, the mean sensitivity of 123 Scottish GPs reviewing 180 ECGs was higher at 94%. 96
The studies of diagnostic accuracy indicate how well a diagnostic test converts the pretest probability of a disease into the probability that a patient has the disease after the test. Figure 16 shows this graphically for the studies estimating the diagnostic accuracy of ECG for heart failure. The prevalence of heart failure in the patients who were enrolled in the study is shown on the x-axis as the pretest probability of disease. The probability that a patient has heart failure after an abnormal ECG is shown by the closed symbols, and the probability that a patient has heart failure after a normal ECG is shown by the open symbols. The summary estimates of how well the test is able to rule in or rule out the disease (as calculated by the positive and negative likelihood ratios) are shown by the curved lines. The further that these lines are from the line at 45° to the x-axis, the better the test is able to discriminate between those who have the disease and those who do not have the disease.
Chest X-ray for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Nine studies79,80,84,85,87,89–92 measured the accuracy of either any abnormality seen on CXR or an increase in the cardiothoracic ratio.
Five studies79,80,84,85,87 estimated the accuracy of any sign of heart failure on CXR to detect the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure (Figures 17, 18 and 19). The estimates for the diagnostic accuracy of this test varied greatly:
sensitivity: 0.68 (95% CI 0.40–0.88)
specificity: 0.83 (95% CI 0.66–0.93)
DOR: 10.7 (95% CI 4.45–25.5)
positive likelihood ratio: 4.07 (95% CI 2.25–7.39)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.38 (95% CI 0.18–0.78).
An abnormal CXR is moderately helpful for ruling the diagnosis in, but a normal CXR is not able to rule out the diagnosis.
Six studies79,87,89–92 estimated the diagnostic accuracy of increased cardiothoracic ratio on CXR:
sensitivity: 0.67 (95% CI 0.53–0.78)
specificity: 0.76 (95% CI 0.65–0.84)
DOR: 6.25 (95% CI 3.60–10.8)
positive likelihood ratio: 2.73 (95% CI 1.94–3.86)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.44 (95% CI 0.31–0.61).
B-type natriuretic peptides for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Twenty studies82,84,88,91–93,97–110 examined the accuracy of BNP for a diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure (Figure 20).The largest single study was the Breathing Not Properly Study104 (the outlier in Figure 20), which recruited 1586 patients in 11 emergency departments in the USA and Europe.
The results of the studies show a consistently high sensitivity but varying specificity for the diagnosis of heart failure (Figures 21 and 22). An elevated BNP does not confirm the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure but a normal level rules the diagnosis out:
sensitivity: 0.93 (95% CI 0.91–0.95)
specificity: 0.74 (95% CI 0.63–0.83)
DOR: 39.5 (95% CI 21.44–72.6)
positive likelihood ratio: 3.57 (95% CI 2.44–5.21)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.09 (95% CI 0.06–0.13).
Four studies82,84,88,97 estimated the diagnostic accuracy of BNP for the diagnosis of clinical heart failure in patients in general practice or patients referred from general practice (Figure 23). The studies in general practice showed slightly lower sensitivity than, but similar specificity to, the studies overall:
sensitivity: 0.84 (95% CI 0.72–0.92)
specificity: 0.73 (95% CI 0.65–0.80)
DOR: 14.3 (95% CI 5.45–37.8)
positive likelihood ratio: 3.12 (95% CI 2.22–4.39)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.22 (95% CI 0.11–0.42).
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptides for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Sixteen studies80–83,86–89,93,109,102,104,111–114 examined the accuracy of NT-proBNP for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure (Figure 24).
The results for NT-proBNP again show generally high sensitivity but varying specificity, with a somewhat lower specificity than for BNP (Figures 25 and 26):
sensitivity: 0.93 (95% CI 0.88–0.96)
specificity: 0.65 (95% CI 0.56–0.74)
DOR: 24.6 (95% CI 14.4–42.2)
positive likelihood ratio: 2.70 (95% CI 2.12–3.43)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.11 (95% CI 0.07–0.18).
Eight of the studies80–83,86–88,111 that examined the accuracy of NT-proBNP for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure were conducted in general practice patients or patients referred from general practice. Results for the studies conducted in general practice patients were similar to the overall results for NT-proBNP, with slightly lower specificity than for the overall results (Figure 27):
sensitivity: 0.90 (95% CI 0.81–0.96)
specificity: 0.60 (95% CI 0.50–0.70)
DOR: 14.3 (95% CI 7.73–26.5)
positive likelihood ratio: 2.28 (95% CI 1.82–2.86)
negative likelihood ratio: 0.16 (95% CI 0.09–0.30).
Comparison of BNP versus NTpro-BNP for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Six studies82,88,93,100,102,104 (n = 1623) compared the diagnostic accuracy of BNP with that of NT-proBNP for the clinical diagnosis of heart failure. There was no statistical difference in the diagnostic accuracy between the two tests, with a relative DOR of NT-proBNP/BNP of 1.20 (95% CI 0.30–4.80) (p = 0.77).
The performance of the individual assays is shown in Figure 28. There is no clear evidence of the superiority of one assay over another. In some studies an individual assay performs better than the overall group (i.e. the point representing the study falls outside the curves); however, the same assay performs worse than the overall group in other studies.
Comparison of natriuretic peptides versus electrocardiogram for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
Four studies82,84,88,90 (n = 1889) examined the diagnostic accuracy of BNP and ECG for the diagnosis of heart failure in the same patient populations. BNP was shown to have a greater diagnostic accuracy than ECG, with a relative DOR of ECG/BNP of 0.32 (95% CI 0.12–0.87) (p = 0.03).
Seven studies80–83,86–88 (n = 2574) examined the diagnostic accuracy of NT-proBNP versus ECG for the diagnosis of heart failure in the same patient populations. There was no difference in the diagnostic accuracy between NT-proBNP and ECG in these studies, with a relative DOR of ECG/NT-proBNP of 0.43 (95% CI 0.59–3.15) (p = 0.38).
Summary of accuracy of investigations for the diagnosis of clinically defined heart failure
A summary of the test accuracy of the investigations used for heart failure is shown in Table 3. BNP and ECG have relatively high sensitivity and so are useful for ruling out heart failure. CXR has the highest specificity and so is of some value in making a positive diagnosis of heart failure.
Number of patients (studies) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Youden indexa | |
ECG | 4702 (11) | 89 | 56 | 45 |
CXR: any abnormality | 2323 (5) | 68 | 83 | 51 |
CXR: increased cardiothoracic ratio | 2797 (6) | 67 | 76 | 43 |
BNP | 4744 (20) | 93 | 74 | 67 |
NT-proBNP | 4229 (16) | 93 | 65 | 58 |
Chapter 6 Introduction to the individual patient data analysis
The systematic review identified the diagnostic value of individual symptoms and signs and investigations for the diagnosis of heart failure. However, in clinical practice these are not interpreted in isolation of each other but rather as a whole.
There are many well-developed heart failure prognostic tools in the literature that combine the results of different symptoms/signs and tests. 72 Mosterd et al. 72 applied criteria from six established heart failure scores including Framingham, Walma and Boston to a sample of 54 participants in the Rotterdam study. Most showed high sensitivity to detect definite heart failure with AUC ranging between 0.89 and 0.96. One of these, the Walma study, was designed to assess heart failure in elderly patients on diuretic therapy in general practice, whereas all other scores were developed for use in large epidemiological studies. However, use of these would be impractical in primary care because of the substantial number of variables in several of the scores, and also because many of the clinical signs have considerable interobserver variation even amongst specialists (raised JVP, third heart sound, hepatojugular reflux). 115,116 Furthermore, four of the scores include specific CXR parameters, which would be difficult to apply in general practice.
Two unpublished studies have attempted to address these difficulties. The first study by Barksfield117 developed several simple models from the UKNP88 study data (n = 297). The models included clinical features (age, gender, previous myocardial infarction, ankle oedema, breathlessness, crepitations) and BNP. External validation of the models was demonstrated on the Hillingdon data set84 using AUC and Hosmer–Lemeshow tests. A second study by Cost97 developed and compared several heart failure models as part of a PhD thesis. The research compared prognostic models developed from participants of the Rotterdam study (n = 149) and suggested that natriuretic peptides, in addition to clinical signs/symptoms (age, gender, orthopnoea, history of myocardial infarction, history of COPD, crepitations), could replace the use of ECG to detect the presence of heart failure in patients suspected of heart failure in primary care.
Given therefore that clinical scoring systems relevant to general practice were already available, we decided that the most efficient strategy for determining whether a clinical scoring system based on symptoms and signs could usefully predict the presence of heart failure would be to develop and test one of these. We decided to develop the Barksfield models as opposed to the Cost models as the former were based on a larger sample size and had been successfully validated on an external data set.
Chapter 7 Methods of the individual patient data analysis
For a clinical decision rule to be acceptable for use in practice, it requires validation across at least one, and preferably several, populations beyond the original population in which it was developed. 118 IPD analysis involves the collection and reanalysis of ‘raw’ data from all studies worldwide that have addressed a given research question, with data obtained from those responsible for the original studies. 119 Hence, obtaining raw data from other studies of patients with symptoms of heart failure allows us to test out our clinical prediction rule on data sets with varying characteristics and therefore assess its transferability and generalisability.
Studies included in the individual patient data analysis
Studies from the systematic review were deemed suitable for inclusion in the IPD analysis if they (1) were based in primary care and (2) had a minimum of 100 recently symptomatic patients. This limit on sample size was made to both reduce publication bias and limit the inclusion of smaller studies of lower methodological quality.
Description of collaborating studies
Eleven studies were identified from the systematic review as meeting the criteria for inclusion in the IPD analysis. Authors of the following nine studies gave us permission to use their data; data from two studies111,120 were not available.
Zaphiriou et al. 88 – UKNP, 2005
Cowie et al. 84 – Hillingdon, 1997
Hobbs et al. 82 – ECHOES, 2004
Cost97 – Rotterdam, 2000
Fox et al. 85 – Bromley, 2000
Wright et al. 87 – New Zealand, 2003
Alehagen et al. 80 – Sweden, 2003
Lim and Senior86 – Northwick Park, 2006
Galasko et al. 81 – Northwick Park, 2005.
Six80,84–88 of these studies were of patients referred to a cardiologist for assessment following presentation in primary care with symptoms of heart failure. The symptoms of heart failure were not described by four84–86,88 of these published studies. Wright et al. 87 identified the symptoms of heart failure as dyspnoea and/or oedema and Alehagen et al. 80 as shortness of breath and/or bilateral peripheral oedema and/or tiredness. The remaining three data sets were from population screening studies81,82,97 in which subsamples of patients with heart failure symptoms were extracted. The Hobbs et al. 82 symptoms included shortness of breath, tiredness, ankle swelling or prescribed diuretics; the Galasko et al. 81 symptoms included shortness of breath on level or worse, shortness of breath on hill, shortness of breath plus ankle swelling or prescribed loop diuretics;81 and Cost97 included a subset of the Rotterdam study participants who were referred by a GP if they scored 3 or more points on the Rotterdam heart failure score or if heart failure was suspected for other reasons.
Validating databases
Rigorous checking of each data set was performed by comparison of key fields with published data. The data providers were contacted when discrepancies or coding problems were identified. Several variables of interest were manipulated in an attempt to ensure consistency across data sets. Blood natriuretic peptides that were measured in pmol/l were converted to pg/ml. Definite heart failure was defined by ESC criteria – namely, appropriate symptoms (NYHA II or worse) plus objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction. For data in which this was not explicitly recorded, heart failure was identified as symptomatic patients (NYHA > 1) with an ejection fraction < 40%, atrial fibrillation or valve disease. 80,81,86 Current medications in the Galasko data set were available as text fields; these were categorised and coded as ACE inhibitor, beta-blocker, diuretic or ARB. 81
Model development
Model derivation using Zaphiriou (UKNP) data
Logistic regression models were constructed using backward elimination: the full model was fitted and variables were then removed one at a time until all those remaining contributed significantly (pthinsp;< 0.05) to the model. Variables entered into the original model are listed in Table 4. Prespecified two-way interactions were also included: age by gender; BNP (or NT-proBNP) by age, gender, diabetes, IHD, COPD and current medication.
Demographics | Age, gender |
Social history | Smoking status, alcohol consumption |
Symptoms | Breathlessness, fatigue, ankle oedema |
Past medical history | Angina, myocardial infarction, CABG, PTCA, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, dyslipidaemia, COPD |
Physical examination | Obesity (> 30 kg/m2), systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, crepitations |
Current medication | Diuretic, ACE inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blocker, beta-blocker |
Investigations | Abnormal ECG, BNP, NT-proBNP |
Sample size
To allow a direct comparison of models, 299 (98%) patients with complete data were included in the model building for BNP, and 300 patients were included in the development of a clinical rule for NT-proBNP.
Model assumptions
As 95% of the Zaphiriou derivation sample was found to have shortness of breath, it was recognised that this symptom would have little discriminatory power. Therefore, it was dropped from all analyses.
The linearity assumption for age was tested by creating a categorical variable with four levels using three cut-points based on the quartiles of the age distribution. 121 The model was then refitted with the categorical variable for age replacing the continuous variable. A plot of the estimated coefficients versus the mid-points of the groups indicated a non-linear relationship. Various parametric forms including quadratic and cubic splines were then chosen and compared with the linear model using likelihood ratio tests. No significant improvement was found between the models and the simplest model with the linear term for age, which was therefore adopted. The distribution of BNP was positively skewed and transformed using natural logs to improve the fit of the model.
Adjusting for pretest probabilities using Albert’s method
The post-test probabilities estimated by conventional logistic analysis do not allow for different pretest probabilities. By including the log of the pretest odds of heart failure as an ‘offset’ term,122 the resulting logistic model estimates likelihood ratios, which can then be applied to different pretest probabilities using Bayes’ theorem. 123
Model validation
Seven nested models with Albert’s adjustment were identified as potential clinical prediction rules. These were then externally validated on the three data sets82,84,98 that contained all of the required variables. Models with more limited variable requirements were further validated with additional datasets. 85,87 Validation included the calculation of the AUC and calibration plots. The AUC is a measure of the model’s ability to discriminate between those persons with heart failure and those without; values range between 0 and 1, with a value of 0.5 or less representing a useless test.
To measure each model’s goodness of fit, calibration plots were used. Data were divided into five groups according to the predicted probability of heart failure (0 to < 0.2, 0.2 to < 0.4, 0.4 to < 0.6, 0.6 to < 0.8, 0.8–1). Within each group the observed prevalence of heart failure was calculated with its corresponding 95% confidence interval. These were then plotted against the average predicted probability. A well-calibrated model will have all points lying on the diagonal.
Parsimonious model
The seven models were then compared with each other using likelihood ratio tests. Here, reductions in deviance (–2 log likelihood value) were used to assess whether extra variables resulted in a significant improvement in model fit.
Simple clinical prediction rule
The model identified as the most parsimonious was then simplified into a nomogram designed for use in general practice. Validation of the nomogram was then performed using the AUC across all data sets for which sufficient data were available.
Effect modifiers
The development of the clinical rules was based on models derived from the Zaphiriou data set. To provide further evidence that the performance of BNP and NT-proBNP does not vary with co-morbidity or pharmacological treatment, the data from all studies were initially pooled and tests of heterogeneity were performed. Pooling the data would give more power to detect any significant interactions. However, there was evidence of significant heterogeneity between the data sets in terms of patient selection and the relationship between heart failure and BNP [χ2(3) = 14.9, p = 0.002]. Therefore, pooling was inappropriate and no pooled results are presented. Data-dependent logistic regression models were therefore evaluated. All potential effect modifiers (age, gender, obesity, IHD, atrial fibrillation, COPD, diabetes, use of diuretics, use of beta-blockers) were examined by their inclusion as interactions with BNP (and NT-proBNP) adjusted for clinical score. Statistical analyses were performed using sas (version 9.1) and spss (version 14.0).
Chapter 8 Results of the individual patient data analysis
The characteristics of the data sets utilised in the model derivation and validation are shown in Table 5. The mean age of subjects ranged from 66 years84 to 76 years. 97 The majority of patients studied were female (53–65%). The derivation data set had the highest prevalence of heart failure (34%) and that of Hobbs et al. 82 the lowest (13%). The proportion of participants with breathlessness ranged from 24% to 95%. The distribution of patients in NYHA class III or IV ranged from 24%82 to 49%;84 NYHA class was unavailable for Cost97 and Wright et al. 87
Variable | Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | Cowie et al., 199784 | Hobbs et al., 200482 | Cost, 200097 | Fox et al., 200085 | Wright et al., 200387 |
UKNP, n = 299 | Hillingdon, n = 105 | ECHOES, n = 392 | Rotterdam, n = 143 | Bromley, n = 380 | New Zealand, n = 297 | |
Demographics | ||||||
Heart failure | 103 (34) | 29 (28) | 52 (13) | 42 (29) | 101 (27) | 75 (25) |
Age (years), mean (SD) | 71.5 (11.5) | 66.4 (12.0) | 68.0 (10.9) | 76.5 (7.2) | 73.9 (9.6) | 72.0 (11.8) |
Gender male | 123 (41) | 49 (47) | 177 (45) | 58 (41) | 165 (43) | 103 (35) |
Symptoms and signs | ||||||
Shortness of breath | 283 (95) | 80 (76) | 235 (60) | 35 (24) | 279 (73) | 136 (46) |
Ankle oedema | 192 (64) | 55 (52) | 183 (47) | 73 (51) | 208 (55) | 196 (66)a |
Previous MI | 42 (14) | 7 (7) | 70 (18) | 16 (11) | 43 (11) | 43 (14) |
Crepitations | 84 (28) | 16 (15) | 49 (13) | 58 (41) | 109 (29) | 68 (23) |
Investigations | ||||||
Abnormal ECG | 159 (53) | 63 (60) | 247 (63) | 52 (37) | 260 (68) | 189 (64) |
BNP (pg/ml), median (IQR) | 86.8 (31.0–224.0) | 59.2 (37.8–143.4) | 74.2 (13.7–134.5) | 52.0 (36.0–86.0) | ||
NT-proBNP (pg/ml), median (IQR) | 381.5 (135.5–1200.5) | 412.6 (160.1–1037.8) | 442.0 (195.5–1071.0) |
Table 6 presents the results of logistic models predicting heart failure from BNP alone, clinical features alone, ECG alone, and combinations of all three. No significant interactions were found between age and gender, or between BNP and the prespecified list of patient characteristics. Age and ankle oedema were not significant in all models but have remained to allow comparison between nested models. The results show that the odds of heart failure increase threefold for every unit on the log of BNP, the odds are double for men compared with women, and the odds for past medical history of myocardial infarction, ankle oedema and crepitations are 5.2, 2.5 and 4.8 times, respectively, those of patients without these conditions. The odds of a person with an abnormal ECG are six times greater than the odds of someone with a normal ECG. These prognostic clinical and ECG effects are greatly reduced when used in combination with BNP.
Model | Beta coefficient | SE of beta | p-value | OR (95% CI) |
1. BNP model | ||||
Log(BNP + 1) | 1.19 | 0.14 | < 0.0001 | 3.29 (2.47–4.37) |
Constant | –5.66 | 0.73 | < 0.0001 | |
2. Clinical model | ||||
Age | 0.004 | 0.01 | 0.74 | 1.00 (0.98–1.03) |
Gender | 0.66 | 0.29 | 0.02 | 1.94 (1.11–3.40) |
Past medical history MI | 1.67 | 0.39 | < 0.0001 | 5.30 (2.49–11.26) |
Ankle oedema | 0.93 | 0.31 | 0.003 | 2.55 (1.38–4.70) |
Crepitations | 1.58 | 0.30 | < 0.0001 | 4.84 (2.67–8.79) |
Constant | –1.99 | 0.97 | 0.04 | |
3. ECG model | ||||
ECG | 1.80 | 0.29 | < 0.0001 | 6.03 (3.45–10.55) |
Constant | –1.07 | 0.24 | < 0.0001 | |
4. BNP + clinical model | ||||
Log(BNP + 1) | 1.24 | 0.17 | < 0.0001 | 3.46 (2.46–4.87) |
Age | –0.05 | 0.02 | 0.008 | 0.95 (0.92–0.99) |
Gender | 0.90 | 0.35 | 0.01 | 2.47 (1.25–4.89) |
Past medical history MI | 1.25 | 0.46 | 0.006 | 3.50 (1.42–8.61) |
Ankle oedema | 0.62 | 0.37 | 0.10 | 1.85 (0.89–3.85) |
Crepitations | 1.35 | 0.36 | 0.0002 | 3.86 (1.92–7.79) |
Constant | –3.81 | 1.23 | 0.002 | |
5. BNP + ECG model | ||||
Log(BNP + 1) | 1.07 | 0.15 | < 0.0001 | 2.91 (2.16–3.92) |
ECG | 0.75 | 0.34 | 0.03 | 2.11 (1.09–4.10) |
Constant | –5.54 | 0.73 | < 0.0001 | |
6. Clinical + ECG model | ||||
Age | –0.01 | 0.01 | 0.52 | 0.99 (0.96–1.02) |
Gender | 0.66 | 0.30 | 0.04 | 1.85 (1.02–3.35) |
Past medical history MI | 1.56 | 0.41 | 0.0002 | 4.74 (2.10–10.68) |
Ankle oedema | 0.96 | 0.33 | 0.004 | 2.61 (1.36–5.01) |
Crepitations | 1.57 | 0.33 | < 0.0001 | 4.83 (2.55–9.16) |
ECG | 1.69 | 0.32 | < 0.0001 | 5.42 (2.90–10.11) |
Constant | –2.01 | 1.04 | 0.05 | |
7. BNP + clinical + ECG model | ||||
Log(BNP + 1) | 1.12 | 0.19 | < 0.0001 | 3.08 (2.14–4.43) |
Age | –0.05 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.95 (0.92–0.99) |
Gender | 0.81 | 0.35 | 0.02 | 2.26 (1.13–4.50) |
Past medical history MI | 1.21 | 0.46 | 0.009 | 3.34 (1.35–8.28) |
Ankle oedema | 0.60 | 0.38 | 0.11 | 1.83 (0.88–3.82) |
Crepitations | 1.35 | 0.36 | 0.0002 | 3.86 (1.90–7.86) |
ECG | 0.60 | 0.38 | 0.11 | 1.83 (0.87–3.83) |
Constant | –3.59 | 1.22 | 0.004 |
Validation: area under the curve
Tables 7 and 8 present the results of the internal and external validation. BNP – both alone and in combination – showed excellent discrimination in the derivation and external data sets with the AUC ranging between 0.83 and 0.96. The clinical model and ECG models provided ‘acceptable’ discrimination with AUCs from 0.66–0.83 (Table 7). Similar results were found for models that included NT-proBNP, in which AUC ranged from 0.82 to 0.91 (Table 8).
Model | Derivation | Validation | ||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 HF prevalence = 103/299 (34.4%) AUC (95% CI) |
Cowie et al., 199784 HF prevalence = 29/105 (27.6%) AUC (95% CI) |
Hobbs et al., 200482 HF prevalence = 52/392 (13.3%) AUC (95% CI) |
Cost, 200097 HF prevalence = 42/143 (29.4%) AUC (95% CI) |
Fox et al., 200085 HF prevalence = 101/380 (26.6%) AUC (95% CI) |
Wright et al., 200387 HF prevalence = 75/297 (25.3%) AUC (95% CI) |
1. BNP only | 0.84 (0.79–0.89) | 0.96 (0.92–0.99) | 0.84 (0.79–0.89) | 0.84 (0.77–0.91) | ||
2. Clinical only | 0.77 (0.72–0.83) | 0.70 (0.57–0.82) | 0.73 (0.66–0.80) | 0.73 (0.64–0.83) | 0.66 (0.60–0.72) | 0.79 (0.73–0.86) |
3. ECG only | 0.70 (0.64–0.76) | 0.78 (0.69–0.86) | 0.69 (0.63–0.75) | 0.68 (0.58–0.78) | 0.72 (0.67–0.77) | 0.69 (0.63–0.75) |
4. BNP + clinical | 0.88 (0.84–0.92) | 0.93 (0.87–0.98) | 0.86 (0.82–0.91) | 0.83 (0.76–0.90) | ||
5. BNP + ECG | 0.85 (0.80–0.89) | 0.96 (0.93–0.99) | 0.86 (0.82–0.91) | 0.86 (0.79–0.93) | ||
6. Clinical + ECG | 0.83 (0.78–0.88) | 0.83 (0.76–0.91) | 0.78 (0.72–0.84) | 0.76 (0.67–0.85) | 0.78 (0.73–0.83) | 0.83 (0.77–0.88) |
7. BNP + clinical + ECG | 0.89 (0.85–0.93) | 0.94 (0.90–0.98) | 0.87 (0.83–0.92) | 0.85 (0.78–0.91) |
Model | Derivation | Validation | ||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 HF prevalence = 103/300 (34.3%) AUC (95% CI) |
Hobbs et al., 200482 HF prevalence = 52/391 (13.3%) AUC (95% CI) |
Wright et al., 200387 HF prevalence = 75/297 (25.3%) AUC (95% CI) |
Alehagen et al., 200380 HF prevalence = 67/458 (14.6%) AUC (95% CI) |
Lim and Senior, 200686 HF prevalence = 31/137 (22.6%) AUC (95% CI) |
Galasko et al., 200581 HF prevalence = 64/366 (17.5%) AUC (95% CI) |
1. NT-proBNP only | 0.85 (0.81–0.90) | 0.89 (0.84–0.93) | 0.87 (0.82–0.92) | 0.82 (0.76–0.87) | 0.87 (0.78–0.96) | 0.86 (0.81–0.91) |
4. NT-proBNP + clinical | 0.90 (0.86–0.93) | 0.91 (0.87–0.94) | 0.90 (0.86–0.95) | |||
5. NT-proBNP + ECG | 0.86 (0.81–0.90) | 0.89 (0.85–0.94) | 0.88 (0.84–0.93) | 0.85 (0.80–0.90) | 0.88 (0.79–0.97) | 0.87 (0.82–0.92) |
7. NT-proBNP + clinical + ECG | 0.90 (0.86–0.93) | 0.91 (0.87–0.94) | 0.91 (0.86–0.95) |
Validation: calibration
Figure 29 shows the calibration plots for the derivation data set. The post-test probabilities fall reasonably close to the diagonal line for all models indicating that the models are well calibrated. Figures 30 and 31 show calibration plots for the Cowie et al. 84 and Hobbs et al. 82 data sets respectively. The Hobbs data were closer to the line than the Cowie data with wide confidence intervals reflecting the low prevalence. All models are well calibrated at the low end of the probability scale. The BNP and BNP + clinical models underestimate the top end, whereas the other models overestimate the top end. Figure 32 shows calibration plots for the Cost97 data. The ECG and clinical + ECG models are well-calibrated models. The clinical alone model overestimates the top end whereas all other models underestimate across the range of probabilities. The clinical + ECG model is the best calibrated model of the Fox et al. 85 data (Figure 33) whereas the clinical model is the best calibrated model from the Wright et al. 87 data (Figure 34). Calibration plots of the corresponding NT-proBNP models show similar goodness of fit and are provided in Figures 35 and 36.
Parsimonious model
Table 9 shows the deviances calculated for each logistic model developed from the derivation data set. The BNP model improved by adding either clinical features (model 1 versus model 4: χ2(5) = 27.9, p < 0.0001) or ECG (model 1 versus model 5: χ2(1) = 4.9, p = 0.03). However, there was no gain by the addition of ECG to BNP + clinical (model 4 versus model 7: χ2(1) = 2.5, p = 0.11), whereas BNP + ECG did improve when clinical features were added (model 5 versus model 7: χ2(5) = 35.5, p < 0.0001). Hence, BNP + clinical was identified as the parsimonious model.
Model | Deviance |
Null model (intercept only) | 385.1 |
1. BNP only | 274.5 |
2. Clinical only | 317.1 |
3. ECG only | 338.6 |
4. BNP + clinical | 236.6 |
5. BNP + ECG | 269.6 |
6. Clinical + ECG | 285.4 |
7. BNP + clinical + ECG | 234.1 |
These model comparisons were also undertaken with NT-proBNP substituted for BNP. Similar results were found, with NT-proBNP + clinical shown to be the most parsimonious model (Table 10).
Model | Deviance |
Null model (intercept only) | 385.9 |
1. NT-proBNP only | 264.7 |
2. Clinical only | 317.8 |
3. ECG only | 337.8 |
4. NT-proBNP + clinical | 227.6 |
5. NT-proBNP + ECG | 262.8 |
6. Clinical + ECG | 283.6 |
7. NT-proBNP + clinical + ECG | 226.8 |
Simplifying the heart failure prediction model
For the BNP + clinical model to be used in practice it was advantageous to simplify it further by splitting the model into a two-stage process:
nomogram of clinical score with BNP.
Those with a high probability of heart failure from the clinical score alone could then be referred directly for echocardiography; the remainder would undergo a BNP test and then use a nomogram that would give a probability estimate of heart failure dependent on BNP result and clinical score.
As the age term in the clinical model alone (see Table 6) was not significant, this was removed from further analyses. The model was then rerun for the clinical part only, with the resultant model being:
where p = probability of heart failure.
The coefficients for this model are different from those shown in Table 6 because of the omission of age. This model was then simplified further into a scoring system by creating new weights that were related to the parameter estimates in the model. The following weights were assigned (the four features can be remembered as MICE: male infarction crepitations oedema):
male: 2 points
history of myocardial infarction: 6 points
crepitations: 5 points
ankle oedema: 3 points
Thus, any individual presenting with symptoms of heart failure could be given a clinical score between 0 (female with no history of myocardial infarction, no ankle oedema, no basal crepitations) and 16 (all features present).
Impact of adding breathlessness to the model
Given that breathlessness had been identified in the systematic review as a useful symptom in discriminating between heart failure and no heart failure, the impact of adding breathlessness was explored.
Table 11 shows the odds ratios for heart failure if shortness of breath is present once adjustment has already been made for presence of other clinical features (the MICE score) and BNP or NT-proBNP score. In two data sets82,88 the additional effect of breathlessness appeared to be significant, but the estimates of the post-test odds for both of these studies were unreliable as they depended on only one case of heart failure who did not have shortness of breath. The post-test odds for the data sets in which there were sufficient numbers of cases of heart failure without breathlessness varied between 0.75 and 1.6, but none was significantly > 1. Thus, addition of breathlessness was not found to add diagnostic value in these data sets.
Odds ratio (95% CI) | |||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | Cowie et al., 199784 | Hobbs et al., 200482 | Cost, 200097 | Wright et al., 200387 | |
Post-test odds (MICE and BNP rules) | 21.831a (2.24–212.6) | 1.6 (0.30–8.62) | 155.41a (15.9 to > 999.9) | 1.39 (0.38–5.08) | 0.75 (0.33–1.67) |
Post-test odds (MICE and NT-proBNP rules) | 15.871a (1.67–150.6) | 130.6 (13.8 to > 999.9) | 0.75 (0.33–1.67) |
Performance characteristics of the simple clinical rule
Table 12 gives the performance characteristics of the simple clinical rule, likelihood ratios of a positive test and post-test probability of heart failure associated with a pretest probability of 30%. A plot of the ROC curve demonstrated that the optimal cut-point on performance characteristics would be 5 (Figure 37).
Cut-point ≥ | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | LR + | Pretest probability | Post-test probability |
0 | 100 | 0 | 1 | 30 | 30 |
2 | 96.2 | 19.8 | 1.20 | 30 | 34 |
3 | 92.3 | 32.7 | 1.37 | 30 | 37 |
5 | 79.8 | 62.9 | 2.15 | 30 | 48 |
6 | 60.6 | 76.7 | 2.60 | 30 | 53 |
7 | 59.6 | 76.7 | 2.56 | 30 | 52 |
8 | 53.8 | 80.7 | 2.79 | 30 | 54 |
9 | 35.6 | 91.1 | 4.00 | 30 | 63 |
10 | 30.8 | 94.1 | 5.22 | 30 | 69 |
11 | 19.2 | 98.5 | 12.8 | 30 | 85 |
13 | 8.7 | 100 | > 20 | 30 | > 90 |
14 | 6.7 | 100 | > 20 | 30 | > 90 |
16 | 2.9 | 100 | > 20 | 30 | > 90 |
This suggested the simple clinical rule shown in Box 1.
In a patient presenting with symptoms in whom heart failure is suspected, refer straight for echocardiography if the patient has any one of:
history of myocardial infarction
basal crepitations
is a male with ankle oedema
then refer straight for echocardiography
Otherwise, carry out a BNP (or NT-proBNP) test and refer to echocardiography depending on the results of the BNP or NT-proBNP test
The interpretation of the BNP result would depend upon the clinical score, as shown in the nomogram (Figure 38). For example, to obtain the post-test probability estimate of heart failure for a female with no clinical features (score of zero) with a BNP of 100 pg/ml, the clinician would draw a perpendicular line from the BNP value on the x-axis up to the appropriate curve and read the corresponding probability off the y-axis (10%). The nomogram for NT-proBNP and clinical features is presented in Figure 39.
Validation of nomograms
AUCs were calculated for both nomograms for data sets in which items were available (Table 13). The AUCs for both nomograms were very similar to the AUCs for previous unsimplified models: BNP + simple clinical, 0.84–0.94; NT-proBNP + simple clinical, 0.88–0.90. This indicates that the nomograms show excellent discrimination between those persons with and those without heart failure.
Data set | Nomogram clinical score + BNP | Nomogram clinical score + NT-proBNP |
AUC (95% CI) | AUC (95% CI) | |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 0.87 (0.83–0.91) | 0.88 (0.85–0.92) |
Cowie et al., 199784 | 0.94 (0.89–0.98) | |
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 0.86 (0.81–0.91) | 0.89 (0.85–0.93) |
Cost, 200097 | 0.84 (0.77–0.91) | |
Wright et al., 200387 | 0.90 (0.85–0.94) |
Effect modifiers
Further evaluation of interactions between the plasma concentration of natriuretic peptides and patient characteristics in the prediction of heart failure was performed on all available data. A breakdown of patient characteristics by data set is presented in Table 14. Results of the logistic models, adjusting for clinical score, are given in Table 15.
Characteristic | Zaphiriou et al., 200588 n = 305 |
Cowie et al., 199784 n = 105 |
Hobbs et al., 200482 n = 392 |
Cost, 200097 n = 143 |
Wright et al., 200387 n = 297 |
Obese | 123 (42) | 27 (26) | 97 (25) | 36 (25) | 117 (39) |
IHD | 91 (30) | 13 (12) | 136 (35) | 43 (14) | |
COPD | 58 (19) | 10 (10) | 22 (6) | 46 (32) | 42 (14) |
Diabetes | 58 (19) | 4 (4) | 51 (13) | 17 (12) | 42 (14) |
Diuretic | 192 (63) | 53 (51) | 182 (46) | 70 (24)a | |
ACE inhibitor | 71 (23) | 3 (11)b | 93 (24) | 78 (26) | |
Beta-blocker | 70 (23) | 58 (15) | 72 (24) | ||
ARB | 10 (3) |
Interaction | p-value | ||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | Cowie et al., 199784 | Hobbs et al., 200482 | Cost, 200097 | Wright et al., 200387 | |
Age and BNP | 0.16 | 0.39 | 0.58 | 0.69 | |
Age and NT-proBNP | 0.06 | 0.32 | 0.29 | ||
Gender and BNP | 0.64 | 0.30 | 0.50 | 0.03 | |
Gender and NT-proBNP | 0.35 | 0.14 | 0.53 | ||
Obesity and BNP | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.81 | 0.20 | |
Obesity and NT-proBNP | 0.05 | 0.77 | 0.28 | ||
IHD and BNP | 0.49 | 0.51 | 0.09 | ||
IHD and NT-proBNP | 0.86 | 0.04 | 0.21 | ||
AF and BNP | 0.71 | 0.88 | 0.24 | ||
AF and NT-proBNP | 0.80 | 0.44 | 0.27 | ||
Diabetes and BNP | 0.36 | 0.79 | 0.32 | ||
Diabetes and NT-proBNP | 0.09 | 0.77 | 0.36 | ||
COPD and BNP | 0.15 | 0.20 | 0.93 | 0.25 | |
COPD and NT-proBNP | 0.64 | 0.70 | 0.76 | ||
Diuretic and BNP | 0.55 | 0.69 | 0.51 | ||
Diuretic and NT-proBNP | 0.56 | 0.45 | 0.05 | ||
ACE inhibitor and BNP | 0.73 | 0.004 | |||
ACE inhibitor and NT-proBNP | 0.56 | 0.003 | 0.24 | ||
Beta-blocker and BNP | 0.35 | 0.09 | |||
Beta-blocker and NT-proBNP | 0.64 | 0.03 | 0.85 |
There was no evidence that age, atrial fibrillation, diabetes or COPD had an effect on the performance of BNP or NT-proBNP. A marginal effect of obesity on BNP88 and diuretics on NT-proBNP87 was found, although this effect was not seen in the remaining data sets. The relationship between BNP and the risk of heart failure varied with gender of the individual for the Cost97 data only (p = 0.03). Several significant interactions were found for the Hobbs et al. 82 data; the relationship between NT-proBNP and risk of heart failure varied according to whether patients had IHD (p = 0.04) or were on beta-blockers (p = 0.03) or ACE inhibitors (p = 0.003). Similarly there was evidence from these data that ACE inhibitors had a modifying effect on BNP (p = 0.004); however, these effects were not replicated in the other data sets.
Summary of results of individual patient data analysis in terms of the objectives
Can a clinical scoring system based on symptoms and signs usefully predict the presence of heart failure? We found that a simple clinical scoring system based on previous myocardial infarction, basal crepitations and ankle oedema did usefully predict the presence of heart failure in terms of determining whether or not an individual should be referred immediately for echocardiography or should have a BNP test, with the decision to proceed to echocardiography depending upon the results of that test.
To rule out heart failure in primary care, what is the optimum decision cut-off point for plasma natriuretic peptides (BNP)? Figures 38 and 39 show the post-test probability of heart failure for a given BNP result and a given clinical score. The determination of the optimum decision cut-point depends upon the value placed upon making a correct diagnosis of heart failure. This is explored further in the decision modelling.
Does the diagnostic performance of plasma natriuretic peptides vary according to patient characteristics (including age, gender, presence of IHD, presence of COPD, diabetes mellitus, obesity, atrial fibrillation, existing pharmacological therapy at time of diagnostic test)? We found no consistent evidence of any significant interactions between the performance of plasma natriuretic peptides and patient characteristics.
How accurate is the combination of plasma natriuretic peptides and ECG at diagnosing heart failure? We found that adding ECG to clinical features + BNP did not result in improved accuracy of diagnosis.
Chapter 9 Modelling the impact of different plausible strategies for diagnosis of heart failure in primary care
The IPD analysis developed and validated a simple clinical rule to determine whether to refer a patient in whom heart failure is suspected in primary care directly for echocardiography or whether to perform a BNP test first. The cut-point at which to refer straight to echocardiography was determined purely on the basis of the performance of the clinical rule and not on any estimation of the costs of unnecessary investigations or of missed diagnoses of heart failure. Furthermore, on clinical grounds alone, it is difficult to determine the optimum threshold of BNP score at which to refer for echocardiography, as, again, this requires some estimation of how important it is to avoid missing a diagnosis.
The purpose of the decision analysis model is therefore to take account of the potential costs of missed diagnoses (patients not referred who have heart failure) and the costs of echocardiography when the result is normal so that decision cut-points can be recommended on the grounds of cost-effectiveness.
Approach taken for the decision analysis
The approach we took needed to take into account the fact that BNP is a continuous variable, with no predefined positive or negative value. Therefore we needed to compare a large number of possible strategies, corresponding to the many possible BNP cut-points. To do this we first needed to define how much it would be worth spending to diagnose a case of heart failure – we refer to this as ‘willingness to pay’ (WTP). Once we had established a WTP, we could calculate what would be an appropriate cut-point for BNP. This cut-point will vary according to the pretest probability (which is given by the MICE score) and the test performance of BNP (which we have reported in the IPD analysis). Having done this we could reduce the decision analysis to a manageable number of alternatives: do nothing; perform BNP and echocardiography depending upon the result of the BNP test; or proceed straight to echocardiography. Therefore a key first step was to calculate plausible extremes for the WTP. This is described in the following section.
Estimating the value of diagnosing heart failure
To inform our estimation of the cost of a missed diagnosis we updated the systematic reviews carried out by NICE for the 2003 guideline on diagnosis and management of heart failure. 50 This updated review is shown in Appendix 6.
There is good evidence that treatment of heart failure with beta-blockers124 and ACE inhibitors125 can reduce mortality and the risk of hospital admission from heart failure. Therefore, once a diagnosis has been made, it can be assumed that the diagnosis will precipitate treatment that will reduce the risk of death and the risk of hospital admission. Conversely, it can be assumed that if a diagnosis is not made then the condition will worsen and result in an acute admission to hospital (when a diagnosis will be made), sudden death or worsening symptoms such that the diagnosis is reviewed and the correct diagnosis made. For the purposes of the calculations below we have assumed that the diagnosis will be delayed by 6 months (unless there is a hospital admission or the patient dies) in patients with genuine heart failure if they are not referred for echocardiography. The potential costs of missed diagnoses are avoidable hospital admissions and reduced life expectancy and quality of life. The size of these costs will depend upon the proportion of people who would be treated with beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors once a diagnosis has been made, as these are the two treatments for heart failure that have been shown to improve outcome and are considered indicated for the vast majority of patients with heart failure.
How many patients with a new diagnosis of heart failure will be treated with beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors?
In a follow-up of new cases of heart failure identified in Hillingdon during 1995–6,126 65% of patients were prescribed ACE inhibitors. An ongoing analysis of a large GP database (the THIN database, 315 practices, total population 2.97 million; Ronan Ryan, University of Birmingham, 2008, personal communication) identified 16,000 incident cases of heart failure between 1995 and 2005 and found that 69% of people with a definite diagnosis of heart failure were on ACE inhibitors within 2 years of diagnosis. A proportion of people who were not on ACE inhibitors will have been on ARBs instead. These drugs appear to have similar effects on mortality as ACE inhibitors. 127 In the THIN database this represented an additional 16% of cases. The same database found that 34% of patients with definite heart failure were on beta-blockers. These data are consistent with the findings of a survey carried out for the Healthcare Commission,128 which found that 85% of patients registered on GP systems with a diagnosis of LV dysfunction and coronary heart disease are being treated with an ACE inhibitor or an ARB and that 33% of people discharged from hospital with a diagnosis of heart failure are on beta-blockers.
Therefore, for the purposes of our model we will assume that 85% of new cases of heart failure are started on an ACE inhibitor/ARB and 34% on beta-blockers, and that the 34% of people on beta-blockers are also taking an ACE inhibitor/ARB.
What is the likely survival and QALY gain from early detection of heart failure?
The 1-year survival rate from diagnosis of heart failure in patients in the Framingham Heart Study18 was 57% for men and 64% for women. The mean age of these patients was 70 years and there was no temporal change in survival over the 40 years that patients with heart failure were identified (1948–88). As ACE inhibitors were not available for most of that period, and beta-blockers were not used to treat heart failure, the Framingham survival data can be taken to be the prognosis in the minimally treated population, i.e. symptomatic treatment with diuretics alone, without use of drugs known to improve the prognosis.
Systematic reviews of the beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor trials124,125 suggest that the relative risk of death is reduced by 33% and 20%, respectively, by these agents. From the data available from these systematic reviews and the Framingham study18 it is possible to generate survival curves (untreated) for men and women separately and odds ratios for mortality for those taking ACE inhibitors alone (0.8) and ACE inhibitors combined with beta-blockers (0.5). If we assume that these odds ratios are stable over time and applicable separately to men and women, it is possible to calculate survival probabilities as shown in Table 16.
Time (year) | Men | Women | ||||
Untreated | ACEI only | ACEI + BB | Untreated | ACEI only | ACEI + BB | |
0.25 | 0.73 | 0.77 | 0.84 | 0.72 | 0.76 | 0.84 |
1 | 0.57 | 0.62 | 0.73 | 0.64 | 0.69 | 0.78 |
2 | 0.46 | 0.52 | 0.63 | 0.56 | 0.61 | 0.72 |
5 | 0.25 | 0.29 | 0.40 | 0.38 | 0.43 | 0.55 |
10 | 0.11 | 0.13 | 0.20 | 0.21 | 0.25 | 0.35 |
We then used these data to generate survival curves by linear interpolation. A patient with a 6-month delay to diagnosis is assumed to have the same probability of survival as someone who is untreated for that 6-month period. After 6 months it is assumed that their probability of survival is the same as someone who is on treatment. For example, the estimated survival curves for men diagnosed early (and therefore treated early), diagnosed late (and therefore treated late) and untreated are shown in Figure 40. In this illustrative example the treatment entails ACE inhibitors. Similar curves could be drawn for the effect of the combination of ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers, and for women.
The survival benefit due to early treatment is the area between the upper and middle curves. The longer the time horizon used to estimate the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gain from early diagnosis, the greater the benefit. Table 17, derived from Figure 40 (and similar graphs not shown), reports the estimated survival gain up to a time horizon of 3, 5 or 10 years for men and women separately treated either with an ACE inhibitor alone or with an ACE inhibitor plus beta-blocker. Assuming equal numbers of men and women, the average increase in life expectancy for a person diagnosed early is the mean of the increases in life expectancy given in Table 17 weighted for the proportions of people in each treatment category (51% treatment with ACE inhibitors alone; 34% ACE inhibitors plus beta-blockers; 15% no treatment). This gives an overall estimated survival gain of 0.163–0.390 years depending upon the time horizon (Table 17).
Time horizon (years) | Life-years gained (years) | QALY gain | ||||
Men | Women | Overall | ||||
ACEI | ACEI + BB | ACEI | ACEI + BB | Overall | ||
3 | 0.104 | 0.307 | 0.113 | 0.326 | 0.163 | 0.106 |
5 | 0.150 | 0.459 | 0.174 | 0.511 | 0.247 | 0.161 |
10 | 0.218 | 0.697 | 0.278 | 0.854 | 0.390 | 0.254 |
In terms of QALY gain, a patient with significant heart failure (NYHA class III or IV) has a mean EuroQol 5 dimensions (EQ-5D) score of 0.6. 129 Patients with all categories of heart failure are likely to have a higher overall mean EQ-5D score, for example 0.65. Using this estimate of 0.65, the overall life-years gained shown in Table 17 can be converted to estimates of overall QALY gain: 0.106, 0.161 and 0.254 for the 3-, 5- and 10-year time horizons respectively.
What is the likely reduction in hospitalisation as a result of early detection of heart failure?
From a heart failure incidence study in Bromley,130 59% of people with a new diagnosis of heart failure (mean age 75 years) had a subsequent hospital admission over the following 19 months. This is a population who will have received treatment and so the admission rate in the untreated population will be higher. Both beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors reduce admissions by 33%. 124,125
If we assume that the ‘hospital-free survival’ curve follows the same pattern (constant odds ratio) as the survival curve for untreated men (Figure 40), the chance of going to 19 months without admission to hospital is 0.506 (odds 1.02 in favour of no admission) and to 6 months is 0.677 (odds 2.09). Given that the Bromley data hospital-free survival at 19 months is 0.41 (odds 0.695), this gives an estimated odds at 6 months of 0.695 × 2.09/1.02 = 1.42, which gives a probability of 0.587, hence a probability of admission if treated of 0.413. Treatment is estimated to give a relative risk of admission of 0.64125 and so the estimated rate of admission within 6 months if untreated is 0.413/0.64 = 0.645.
What are the drug costs from early diagnosis?
Offset against the additional hospitalisation costs from late diagnosis must be the additional drug costs for early diagnosis. These are as follows (source British National Formulary (BNF);, accessed 18 September 2007):
beta-blocker (carvedilol): £12.30 per month for 34% of patients = £25 per patient
ACE inhibitor (lisinopril): £2.41 per month for 69% of patients = £10 per patient
ARB (losartan): £18.09 per month for 16% of patients = £17 per patient.
These combine to give an approximate cost of £50 per patient for early diagnosis if we assume that it results in an additional 6 months of treatment.
How much is it worth paying to detect a case of heart failure?
The WTP per case detected is made up of three consequences of early diagnosis:
reduced service costs because of reduced risk of hospital admission
extra drug costs incurred as a result of treatment
value of ‘QALY gain’ for early detection.
Reduced service costs because of hospitalisation are estimated on the basis that 23% extra cases (64%–41%) will be admitted within 6 months if untreated (see section above, What is the likely reduction in hospitalisation as a result of early detection of heart failure?). The reference cost for heart failure is £1400 (source NHS reference costs:, accessed 18 September 2007). This gives a ‘per patient’ cost of 0.23 × £1400 = £320.
Offset against this is the £50 drug cost per patient not incurred.
For the purposes of the model we have used two WTP figures. The first takes into account the cost to the NHS in terms of hospital admissions and drug costs. This gives a WTP of £320–£50 = £270. In other words, each diagnosis of heart failure made will generate £270 of cost savings through reduced admissions taking into account the increased drug costs. Therefore, it is cost neutral to the NHS to spend £270 on diagnosing each new case of heart failure.
We have estimated that the average QALY gain per patient is between 0.106 and 0.254 depending upon the time horizon used (see Table 17). Using the lower NICE threshold that a QALY is worth £20,000, this would be valued at between £2100 and £5100 per patient (Table 18). Taking into account the cost savings from reduced admissions this gives revised WTP values as shown in Table 18.
Time horizon (years) | QALY gain | Value of QALY gain | WTP to detect a casea |
3 | 0.106 | £2100 | £2370 |
5 | 0.161 | £3200 | £3470 |
10 | 0.254 | £5100 | £5370 |
Methods for heart failure modelling
The cost-effectiveness modelling is based on the decision tree shown in Figure 41. Three strategies are compared: ‘do nothing’, in which no further investigation is made; ‘BNP’, in which patients are given a BNP test and those whose BNP score exceeds a given threshold are then sent on for echocardiography; and ‘echo all’, in which all patients are referred immediately for echocardiography. The model is run for a patient group defined by a clinical score (the MICE score – see Chapter 8, Simplifying the heart failure prediction model), to produce a preferred option for that score. Running the model for a range of clinical scores then gives a policy of a minimum score for immediate referral for echocardiography, and possibly a minimum score below which BNP testing is not cost-effective.
The outputs of the model are in terms of investigation costs and cases detected. For convenience these are calculated per 1000 patients with any particular clinical score. This produces an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) between any two strategies, which is the additional cost per additional case detected in comparing the more effective strategy with the less effective. The ICER is then compared against a threshold that represents the WTP for each additional case found. The WTP is estimated from two viewpoints. In the principal analysis only the NHS costs averted by early detection are considered (including hospital admissions), whereas a sensitivity analysis also includes valuation of the estimated QALYs gained from early detection.
Definition of thresholds for BNP and NT-proBNP
As BNP is a continuous variable, it is necessary to define a BNP threshold above which a particular patient should be referred for echocardiography. By definition, the cost-effective BNP threshold will be the one at which the cost of the echocardiography matches the WTP. If we take the WTP to diagnose a case of heart failure to be £270 (see How much is it worth paying to detect a case of heart failure?), it follows that we would be willing to perform echocardiography up to a cost of £270 to diagnose a case of heart failure. If the cost of an echocardiogram is £100 then we would be willing to accept a probability of heart failure of 100/270 for each case referred, i.e. a post-BNP probability of 0.37. Thus, the BNP cut-off will vary according to the pretest probability (i.e. the MICE score) and will be that which will give a post-test probability of 0.37 for a given MICE score. This is the equivalent of post-test odds of 0.588 [0.37/(1–0.37)]. The appropriate cut-off for BNP can be derived from the following formula (which is the equation for the graph shown in Figure 38):
Similarly, the appropriate cut-off for NT-proBNP can be derived from the following formula, which is the equation for the graph shown in Figure 39:
This gives the cut-offs for BNP and NT-proBNP by MICE score shown in Table 19. These cut-offs are based upon a WTP of £270 per case of heart failure detected. For a different WTP there will be a different optimal post-test probability and therefore different cut-off points (see sensitivity analysis).
MICE score | |||||
0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | |
BNP | 490 | 305 | 240 | 149 | 117 |
NT-proBNP | 1439 | 900 | 712 | 445 | 352 |
Costs of testing for heart failure
For the baseline analysis we took the cost of echocardiography to be £100 per investigation, and the cost of BNP (or NT-proBNP) testing to be £15 per test.
Base-case analysis and sensitivity analyses
For the base-case analysis we used the following inputs:
cost of echocardiography: £100
cost of BNP testing: £15
WTP: £270 per case of heart failure detected
blood test used: BNP.
Methods of sensitivity analysis
The parameters that go into the model are as follows:
cost of investigation (namely echocardiography and BNP testing)
test performance of the BNP test
pretest probability of heart failure.
A probabilistic sensitivity analysis cannot be performed here as the analysis is dependent upon a quantitative variable, BNP, whose cut-off in turn depends upon model parameters. In effect, the true decision problem has a very large number of options, and methods of probabilistic sensitivity analysis are not readily applicable to such problems. Therefore, we have used the approach below to explore the effect of varying all of the model parameters.
The pretest probability of heart failure is already varied in the base-case analysis through the use of the MICE score.
For cost of investigation sensitivity analysis we used an ‘extreme case’ approach, looking at the extremes in cost that would be most favourable to echocardiography (namely low-cost echocardiography and expensive BNP) and least favourable to echocardiography (high-cost echocardiography and cheap BNP).
With regard to WTP, the base-case analysis used a low value in that it ignored potential benefits in terms of increased life expectancy and quality of life and only took into account potential benefits in terms of reduced hospitalisation. Therefore, the sensitivity analysis explored the impact of increasing this WTP, taking into account increased life expectancy due to earlier treatment. We did not take into account improved quality of life as a result of symptom improvement as we felt that this effect would be relatively minor over the short time scale (maximum of 6 months) that we anticipated that treatment could be delayed relative to the effects of emergency admissions avoided and improved survival.
We varied test performance by repeating the analysis using the test performance characteristics for NT-proBNP, which is the principal alternative to BNP that is available.
The actual parameters that we changed were as follows:
cost of echocardiography: £50–150
cost of BNP testing: £10–20
WTP to detect a case of heart failure: up to £5370 per case detected
blood test used: NT-proBNP.
Results of heart failure modelling
Base-case results ignoring impact on QALYs
As described earlier (see Methods for heart failure modelling), the aim is to compare two possible strategies (performing a BNP test and then performing echocardiography depending upon the result of the BNP test, and performing echocardiography without carrying out a BNP test) with doing nothing. Table 20 shows the results of the base-case analysis, comparing these different strategies for 1000 patients stratified by MICE score. The sensitivity and specificity data show the test performance for BNP for the given cut-off, and the pre-BNP probability data the pretest probability that corresponds to the MICE score. The next four rows give the additional investigation costs and cases found for the two strategies compared with doing nothing. The next two rows give the incremental costs and benefits (in terms of additional cases found) of moving from a strategy of performing BNP first in all patients to a strategy of performing an echocardiogram on everyone without carrying out a BNP test. The bottom section of the table provides the incremental cost-effectiveness analysis. Thus, for a MICE score of 0, performing a BNP test and then echocardiography only if the BNP score is greater than 490 will result in 32 cases of heart failure detected at a cost of £21,470, i.e. a cost of £669 per case detected. This is more cost-effective than proceeding straight to echocardiography, which costs £1111 per case detected, and the ICER for moving from the strategy of doing BNP first to performing an echocardiograph on everyone is £1356. However, the cost of any of these strategies exceeds the conservative WTP threshold of £270. Therefore, in this case the optimal decision for a MICE score of 0 would be not to investigate the patient (hence decision = no test in bottom row). A similar conclusion is drawn for a MICE score of 2 or 3. However, for a MICE score of 5–8, the ICER for moving from a strategy of doing nothing to a strategy of performing a BNP test first (with echocardiography if the BNP test is ‘positive’) is below the WTP threshold (hence decision = BNP). For MICE scores above 8, the ICER for moving from a strategy of performing a BNP test first to performing an echocardiogram straight away is below the WTP threshold and so the optimal decision is to proceed straight to echocardiography.
MICE score | ||||||||||
0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 490 | 305 | 240 | 149 | 117 | 92 | 72 | 57 | 45 | 35 |
Sensitivity | 0.356 | 0.503 | 0.583 | 0.715 | 0.772 | 0.821 | 0.861 | 0.894 | 0.919 | 0.939 |
Specificity | 0.964 | 0.929 | 0.897 | 0.819 | 0.759 | 0.689 | 0.607 | 0.520 | 0.431 | 0.346 |
Pre-BNP probability | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.20 | 0.31 | 0.37 | 0.45 | 0.52 | 0.59 | 0.66 | 0.72 |
Strategy 1: BNP test and then echocardiography if BNP + ve | ||||||||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £21,470 | £28,552 | £34,937 | £49,663 | £58,730 | £69,075 | £78,635 | £87,418 | £95,007 | £100,902 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 32 | 76 | 117 | 222 | 286 | 369 | 448 | 527 | 607 | 676 |
Strategy 2: Perform echocardiography on all | ||||||||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 90 | 150 | 200 | 310 | 370 | 450 | 520 | 590 | 660 | 720 |
Consequences of moving from strategy 1 to strategy 2 | ||||||||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £78,530 | £71,448 | £65,063 | £50,337 | £41,270 | £30,925 | £21,365 | £12,582 | £4993 | –£902 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 58 | 74 | 83 | 88 | 84 | 81 | 72 | 63 | 53 | 44 |
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | ||||||||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £1356 | £959 | £780 | £570 | £490 | £384 | £296 | £200 | £94 | Echoa |
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £1111 | £667 | £500 | £323 | £270 | £222 | £192 | £169 | £152 | £139 |
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £669 | £378 | £300 | £224 | £206 | £187 | £176 | £166 | £157 | £149 |
Decision | No test | No test | No test | BNP | BNP | BNP | BNP | Echo | Echo | Echo |
This conservative baseline analysis, which ignores the impact of the early diagnosis of heart failure on improved survival, suggests that use of the MICE score would enable triage of patients with suspected heart failure into three groups:
MICE score 0–3 (i.e. men without ankle oedema, basal crepitations or history of myocardial infarction; women without basal crepitations or history of myocardial infarction) – optimal strategy is no investigation unless clinical picture changes.
MICE score 5–8 – optimal strategy is to perform a BNP test and refer for echocardiography if the BNP (rounded to two figures) exceeds the following thresholds:
MICE score 5 – refer if BNP > 150 pg/ml
MICE score 6 – refer if BNP > 120 pg/ml
MICE score 7 – refer if BNP > 90 pg/ml
MICE score 8 – refer if BNP > 70 pg/ml.
MICE score 9–11 – optimal strategy is to refer straight for echocardiography.
This first analysis used a conservative estimate of WTP that took into account the cost to the NHS (in terms of costs saved through admissions averted and costs spent on investigations) but did not take into account benefits to patients in terms of QALY gain. However, a strategy that is cost neutral is not synonymous with the most cost-effective strategy, as this does need to take into account likely benefits in terms of improvements in survival. Therefore, our next step was to incorporate these benefits into the modelling.
Impact of incorporating estimate of QALY gain on results of model
For our base-case WTP calculation incorporating QALY gain we used a 3-year time horizon (i.e. the length of time following diagnosis that we took into account the estimated QALY gain). With this conservative time horizon of 3 years, the strategy of performing an echocardiography on all patients came out as the preferred option for all MICE scores greater than 0 (Table 21).
MICE score | |||||
0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | |
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 38 | 23 | 18 | 11 | 8 |
Sensitivity | 0.934 | 0.963 | 0.972 | 0.985 | 0.988 |
Specificity | 0.370 | 0.223 | 0.168 | 0.090 | 0.067 |
Pre-BNP probability | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.2 | 0.31 | 0.37 |
Strategy 1: BNP test and then echocardiography if BNP + ve | |||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £80,742 | £95,458 | £101,029 | £108,311 | £110,316 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 84 | 144 | 194 | 305 | 366 |
Strategy 2: Perform echocardiography on all | |||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 | £100,000 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 90 | 150 | 200 | 310 | 370 |
Consequences of moving from strategy 1 to strategy 2 | |||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £19,258 | £4542 | –£1029 | –£8311 | –£10,316 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 |
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | |||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £3227 | £810 | Echoa | Echoa | Echoa |
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £1111 | £667 | £500 | £323 | £270 |
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £961 | £661 | £520 | £355 | £302 |
Decision | BNP | Echo | Echo | Echo | Echo |
It can be seen that, even with this conservative estimate of QALY gain, the BNP cut-off values are low and so in the ‘BNP first’ strategy the majority of patients would be referred for echocardiography. Indeed, for MICE scores of 3 or more, echocardiography dominates the ‘BNP first’ strategy, being both less expensive and more effective. For a MICE score of 0, the ICER of £3227 is above the threshold for WTP of £2950 and so this low pretest probability of heart failure is the only circumstance in which BNP before echocardiography is the preferred option.
Chapter 10 Analysis of the robustness of the model results (sensitivity analyses)
Impact of changing the costs of investigation
In the baseline analysis the cost of echocardiography was set at £100 and BNP testing at £15. We conducted sensitivity analyses looking at the impact of changing these costs. Two cases are considered: one most favourable to echocardiography, in which the echocardiography cost is lowered and the BNP cost raised; and the other least favourable to echocardiography, in which the echocardiography cost is raised and the BNP cost lowered.
Most favourable to echocardiography ignoring impact on QALYs
In this case the cost of echocardiography is set at £50 and the cost of BNP at £20. The results are shown in Table 22. The optimal BNP cut-offs are lower because of the lower costs of echocardiography. As a result, many more patients are referred for echocardiography. In the case of MICE scores of 5 or more it is now both less expensive and more effective to refer everyone straight to echocardiography because the cost of all the BNP tests exceeds the cost of the small number of echocardiograms avoided. For a MICE score of 3, the ICER for proceeding straight to echocardiography falls below the WTP threshold. For a MICE score of 0 and 2, no investigation remains the preferred option.
MICE score | |||||
0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | |
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 192 | 119 | 94 | 58 | 45 |
Sensitivity | 0.645 | 0.769 | 0.818 | 0.892 | 0.918 |
Specificity | 0.869 | 0.764 | 0.694 | 0.526 | 0.437 |
Pre-BNP probability | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.20 | 0.31 | 0.37 |
Strategy 1: BNP test and then echocardiography if BNP + ve | |||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £28,869 | £35,783 | £40,418 | £50,175 | £54,703 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 58 | 115 | 164 | 276 | 339 |
Strategy 2: Perform echocardiography on all | |||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £50,000 | £50,000 | £50,000 | £50,000 | £50,000 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 90 | 150 | 200 | 310 | 370 |
Consequences of moving from strategy 1 to strategy 2 | |||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £21,131 | £14,217 | £9582 | –£175 | –£4703 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 32 | 35 | 36 | 34 | 31 |
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | |||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £661 | £410 | £263 | Echoa | Echoa |
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £556 | £333 | £250 | £161 | £135 |
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £498 | £310 | £247 | £182 | £161 |
Decision | No test | No test | Echo | Echo | Echo |
Least favourable to echocardiography ignoring impact on QALYs
Here the cost of echocardiography is set at £150 and the cost of BNP at £10. The results are shown in Table 23. The BNP cut-offs are now higher because of the increased cost of echocardiography. In this case the results up to a MICE score of 8 are the same as in the base case (apart from the higher BNP cut-offs), i.e. no investigation for a MICE score of 3 or less; BNP and then echocardiogram if BNP positive at higher MICE values. However, BNP first is now favoured up to and including a MICE score of 11, with echocardiography first favoured only for MICE scores of 13, 14 or 16. Therefore, the table has been extended to show higher MICE scores.
MICE score | 0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 13 | 14 | 16 |
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 1029 | 639 | 504 | 313 | 247 | 194 | 153 | 120 | 95 | 75 | 46 | 36 | 22 |
Sensitivity | 0.178 | 0.283 | 0.348 | 0.495 | 0.575 | 0.642 | 0.708 | 0.766 | 0.816 | 0.857 | 0.917 | 0.937 | 0.964 |
Specificity | 0.988 | 0.976 | 0.966 | 0.932 | 0.900 | 0.871 | 0.825 | 0.767 | 0.697 | 0.617 | 0.441 | 0.356 | 0.213 |
Pre-BNP probability | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.20 | 0.31 | 0.37 | 0.45 | 0.52 | 0.59 | 0.66 | 0.72 | 0.83 | 0.86 | 0.92 |
Strategy 1: BNP test and then echocardiography if BNP + ve | |||||||||||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £14,048 | £19,476 | £24,577 | £40,089 | £51,341 | £63,986 | £77,828 | £92,125 | £106,205 | £118,641 | £138,361 | £144,394 | £152,546 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 16 | 42 | 70 | 154 | 213 | 289 | 368 | 452 | 539 | 617 | 761 | 806 | 887 |
Strategy 2: Perform echocardiography on all | |||||||||||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 | £150,000 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 90 | 150 | 200 | 310 | 370 | 450 | 520 | 590 | 660 | 720 | 830 | 860 | 920 |
Consequences of moving from strategy 1 to strategy 2 | |||||||||||||
Additional cost per 1000 patients | £135,952 | £130,524 | £125,423 | £109,911 | £98,659 | £86,014 | £72,172 | £57,875 | £43,795 | £31,359 | £11,639 | £5606 | –£2546 |
Additional cases found per 1000 patients | 74 | 108 | 130 | 156 | 157 | 161 | 152 | 138 | 121 | 103 | 69 | 54 | 33 |
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | |||||||||||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £1837 | £1214 | £962 | £702 | £627 | £533 | £475 | £420 | £361 | £305 | £168 | £103 | Echoa |
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £1667 | £1000 | £750 | £484 | £405 | £333 | £288 | £254 | £227 | £208 | £181 | £174 | £163 |
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £878 | £458 | £353 | £261 | £241 | £222 | £211 | £204 | £197 | £192 | £182 | £179 | £172 |
Decision | No test | No test | No test | BNP | BNP | BNP | BNP | BNP | BNP | BNP | Echo | Echo | Echo |
Impact of changing time horizon (i.e. changing QALY gain)
For the base-case analysis that incorporated QALY gain, referral for echocardiography was the preferred strategy for all patients except those with a MICE score of 0. As the time horizon extends, these benefits of echocardiography become greater.
We tested the robustness of this conclusion by repeating the sensitivity analysis on costs but this time using the WTP derived from incorporating QALYs. Because echocardiography came out as the preferred option for all MICE scores other than 0 in the base-case analysis incorporating QALYs, we have not reported the impact of lowering the cost of echocardiography as this would inevitably reach the same conclusion. When raising the cost of echocardiography and lowering the cost of BNP has led to a change in the conclusion, we have also looked at the longer time horizons. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 24.
MICE score | |||||
0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | |
Time horizon 3 years, WTP £2370 | |||||
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 58 | 36 | 28 | 17 | 13 |
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | |||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £6488 | £3882 | £2605 | £915 | £273 |
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £1667 | £1000 | £750 | £484 | £405 |
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £1083 | £809 | £659 | £472 | £408 |
Decision | BNP | BNP | BNP | Echoa | Echoa |
Time horizon 5 years, WTP £3470 | |||||
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 39 | 24 | 18 | ||
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | |||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £6934 | £3491 | £2017 | ||
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £1667 | £1000 | £750 | ||
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £1281 | £900 | £712 | ||
Decision | BNP | BNP | Echoa | ||
Time horizon 10 years, WTP £5370 | |||||
BNP cut-off (pg/ml) | 24 | 15 | |||
Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis | |||||
ICER (echo vs BNP) | £6409 | £2231 | |||
ICER (echo vs nothing) | £1667 | £1000 | |||
ICER (BNP vs nothing) | £1469 | £972 | |||
Decision | BNP | Echoa |
The conclusion that echocardiography is the preferred initial investigation if the impact of early diagnosis on QALYs is taken into account is robust to increasing the cost of echocardiography (and lowering the cost of BNP) at all MICE scores except 0, 2 and 3. At a score of 0, BNP first is the preferred strategy regardless of the time horizon used, whereas the optimal decision changes back to echocardiography at a score of 3 if a 5-year or longer time horizon is used, and at a score of 2 if a 10-year time horizon is used.
Impact of using NT-proBNP
Finally, we repeated all of the analyses using test performance data for NT-proBNP rather than for BNP. The results were the same as for BNP.
Chapter 11 Discussion
Symptoms and signs of heart failure
The systematic review identified a number of symptoms and signs that were potentially helpful in the diagnosis of heart failure. Only one of these (dyspnoea) had a sensitivity over 80%. A number were reasonably specific, including history of myocardial infarction (89%), orthopnoea (89%), cardiomegaly (85%), added heart sounds (99%), lung crepitations (81%) and hepatomegaly (97%). In primary care the most potentially useful symptoms/signs in this context would be those with high sensitivity, as this might enable the clinician to rule out heart failure, if the symptom/sign was absent, without the need to refer for further investigation. Dyspnoea is the only clinical feature that comes close to this category with a sensitivity of 87%. As observed in the IPD analysis, in practice this symptom is present in the majority of patients in whom heart failure is suspected, with a frequency as high as 95% in one of the data sets. 88 Nevertheless, a sensitivity of 87% is not high enough to rule out heart failure if dyspnoea is absent.
Symptoms and signs with high specificity are useful for making a positive diagnosis, but their absence does not mean that the diagnosis can be excluded. Therefore, in the primary care context, clinical features of high specificity are of less value. A second factor is that the highly specific signs – added heart sounds and hepatomegaly – are not picked up reliably, even by specialists. For example, in a study of three clinicians examining 80 patients after myocardial infarction,115 the agreement as measured by the kappa co-efficient was low, ranging from 0–0.16 for hepatomegaly to 0.14–0.37 for a gallop rhythm.
In practice, clinicians do not interpret symptoms and signs in isolation, but rather in the context of the overall clinical picture. The IPD analysis validated a model for diagnosing heart failure based on clinical features that had been derived from the UK BNP study. 88 A clinical model based upon the combination of gender, age, past history of myocardial infarction, presence of ankle oedema and presence of basal crepitations was found to have reasonable predictive validity, with the AUC ranging from 0.66 to 0.79 in the five data sets in which it could be validated. Although breathlessness had been identified from the systematic review as the symptom with the highest sensitivity, it was not included in the clinical model. This was because its prevalence was very high (95%) in the derivation data set, reflecting how often breathlessness is the presenting symptom of heart failure. Nevertheless, the model worked equally well in populations with a lower prevalence of breathlessness. The Cost97 and Wright et al. 87 data sets had the lowest proportions of people with breathlessness (24% and 46% respectively; see Table 5) and had AUCs of 0.73 and 0.79, which are similar to the AUC of 0.76 achieved in the Zaphiriou et al. 88 derivation data set (Table 7). We explored whether adding breathlessness back into the full model (i.e. including BNP or NT-proBNP) would improve its overall accuracy, but we found that this was not the case, with the odds ratio for heart failure in the presence of breathlessness not being significantly greater than 1 once adjusted for the other clinical features and BNP score in the three data sets for which we could provide robust estimates (see Table 11). This may reflect the close correlation between factors already in the model, such as basal crepitations, and this symptom, so that, although in univariate analysis (as demonstrated in the systematic review) it was an important predictive symptom, it was less so when its diagnostic value was adjusted for these other factors.
Investigations for heart failure
The systematic review confirmed that ECG and BNP (or NT-proBNP) have high sensitivity for heart failure, and that CXR abnormalities are reasonably specific for heart failure. A problem with ECG reading in primary care is that the high sensitivity obtained when an ECG is read by a cardiologist or by automated reading may be lost if it is read by a GP. 95 However, it is clear that many GPs can detect relevant abnormalities accurately96 and so the key issue may be one of quality assurance of the ECG reading. 74
There are a number of different BNP assays available but we found no evidence of superiority of any one assay (BNP or NT-proBNP) over another.
The IPD analysis explored the value of ECG and BNP in addition to clinical features in the diagnosis of heart failure. We found that the best results were obtained when BNP testing was combined with clinical features. BNP plus clinical features performed better than ECG plus clinical features. Therefore, if BNP is available then ECG is not necessary as a screening investigation for heart failure.
Strengths and weaknesses of the systematic review
The report has synthesised all available published data on the diagnosis and investigation of heart failure, including data on symptoms, signs, ECG, CXR and the natriuretic peptides. The main focus of the report has been on the diagnostic accuracy of these tests for the diagnosis of heart failure, using clinical criteria such as the ESC criteria, rather than for the diagnosis of LVSD. The results of studies that investigated the diagnostic accuracy of these tests for the diagnosis of LVSD are shown in Appendix 4. This approach was taken as many patients who present with heart failure requiring further investigation and management in the primary care setting will have preserved systolic function. However, the lack of an objective and universally agreed definition for the reference standard and variability in the way that the reference standard is applied introduce uncertainty into the estimate of the diagnostic accuracy of the tests and increase the heterogeneity of the results.
As the main purpose of the report was to provide assistance for the diagnosis of heart failure in the primary care setting, we have included a prespecified subgroup analysis of those studies that examined the diagnostic accuracy of ECG, CXR and natriuretic peptides for the diagnosis of heart failure in general practice, those referred from general practice, and in accident and emergency and hospital and outpatient settings. There were no differences in the diagnostic accuracy of each of the investigations observed between the clinical settings.
There was considerable heterogeneity in the estimates of sensitivity and specificity for many of the individual clinical features. This is likely to reflect the poor reliability of some of the signs and the varying definitions of the symptoms/signs used in the studies. For example, with the symptom of breathlessness, the more restrictive definitions led to higher specificity and lower sensitivity. Statistical tests of heterogeneity were not used as they may be misleading in the context of systematic reviews of the accuracy of diagnostic tests and they are not supported by the Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy working group.
Development of a simple clinical tool
For a tool to be useful in clinical practice it needs to be straightforward to apply. A potential use of the clinical tool would be to discriminate between patients who had a sufficiently high probability of heart failure that they should be referred for echocardiography and those who should have further investigation before proceeding (or not) to echocardiography. A simplification of the model developed by the IPD analysis led to a simple rule:
in a patient presenting with symptoms in whom heart failure is suspected, refer straight for echocardiography if the patient has any one of:
– history of myocardial infarction
– basal crepitations
– ankle oedema in a male patient
otherwise carry out a BNP test and refer to echocardiography depending on the results of the test.
Cost-effectiveness of this clinical rule
We tested the cost-effectiveness of this clinical rule by determining the optimum decision points at which to perform a BNP test and/or refer for echocardiography by using a decision analysis based upon willingness to pay (WTP). We used two approaches to WTP. One was highly conservative and assumed that the diagnostic strategy should be cost neutral, with costs of diagnosis offset by savings in terms of admissions avoided as a result of diagnosis. The second approach also took into account the impact that earlier diagnosis would have on survival, using an assumed WTP of £20,000 per QALY gained. This is the threshold that is likely to be considered cost-effective within the NHS, as this is the threshold adopted by NICE. A summary of the results is shown in Table 25. For comparison, the simple clinical tool that was developed purely on the basis of its performance characteristics (i.e. not taking cost-effectiveness into account) is shown at the foot of the table.
MICE score | |||||||||||||
0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 13 | 14 | 16 | |
WTP cost neutral to NHS | |||||||||||||
Base case | |||||||||||||
Most favourable to echo | |||||||||||||
Least favourable to echo | |||||||||||||
WTP based upon £20,000 per QALY, 3-year time horizon | |||||||||||||
Base case | |||||||||||||
Most favourable to echo | |||||||||||||
Least favourable to echo | |||||||||||||
WTP based upon £20,000 per QALY, 5-year time horizon | |||||||||||||
Base case | |||||||||||||
Most favourable to echo | |||||||||||||
Least favourable to echo | |||||||||||||
Performance characteristics of simple clinical rule alone (i.e. not taking cost-effectiveness into account) | |||||||||||||
Base case |
Key points to make are:
The conclusions of the modelling are sensitive to the assumptions made. If the aim was a cost-neutral strategy for the NHS there were some scenarios in which it was appropriate at low MICE scores (i.e. scores of 3 or less, which correspond to a pretest probability of up to 20%) not to investigate further.
However, for a cost-effectiveness analysis it is important to take into account the likely impact of early diagnosis on survival. If this is taken into account then the analysis suggests that virtually all patients with suspected heart failure should be referred straight for echocardiography.
When BNP (or NT-proBNP) testing is used it is important to take into account the clinical features (i.e. the MICE score) in interpreting the result, as the appropriate cut-off points vary by MICE score.
The simple decision rule that was derived in Chapter 8 sits fairly centrally within the bounds of the modelling in that it falls between the highly conservative analysis based upon a WTP that is cost neutral to the NHS and a WTP that is based upon £20,000 per QALY.
Strengths and weaknesses of the individual patient data analysis
The quality of an IPD analysis is determined both by the willingness of authors to make data sets available and by the definitions of key fields used in the analysis. Our group had authorship of a number of the original data sets and the majority of our colleagues made their data available. We have attempted to eliminate any bias in characterisation of fields by applying, when data were available, a common definition of heart failure, ensuring that peptides were converted to standard units (pg/ml) when necessary and using a consistent classification of an abnormal ECG across data sets when possible.
The clinical rule was developed on a breathless population and therefore designed for use on patients presenting with shortness of breath, which is the most common presentation of heart failure. However the external validation provides evidence of its discriminatory ability across populations of varying prevalence of breathlessness and therefore it could be used in patients presenting with any symptom of heart failure. Included clinical variables, although elicited by cardiologists in the original studies, are either ‘yes/no’ clinical history items (gender and previous medical history of myocardial infarction) or straightforwardly ascertained examination points (oedema and crepitations) and so should be transferable to a primary care setting. Nomograms, although novel for BNP interpretation, are commonly used in primary care, for example in the cardiovascular risk charts printed in the back of the BNF. The nomogram could be used by the clinician to estimate the post-test probability of heart failure for a given BNP result. Alternatively, simply the ‘cut-off’ values for BNP for referral for echocardiography as derived from the decision analysis could be used (for instance by incorporation into standard laboratory results), without need of the nomogram.
There is no ‘gold standard’ test for all cases of heart failure, particularly in cases of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. We used the ESC criteria for heart failure, namely appropriate symptoms plus objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction. It is reassuring that the validation and calibration results for the clinical rule across different data sets was reasonably good, despite the subjective nature of the ESC criteria. We could have restricted ourselves to cases with a low ejection fraction, for which echocardiography is an agreed reference standard. However, from the perspective of diagnosis in primary care this would have limited the utility of the approach, as the general practitioner needs to ensure that a diagnosis is made in all patients with suspected heart failure and thus needs to know who should be referred for further investigation (regardless of whether the underlying diagnosis is low ejection fraction heart failure).
The calibration plots indicate that, with the exception of the Cost97 data, the clinical rule gives reasonably accurate estimates of the probability of heart failure at the lower end of the probability scale. It is in this area of the scale, where primary care patients typically present, that GPs would benefit the most with help in determining whether a patient might have heart failure and should undergo further tests. The variability across the BNP calibration plots could be due to differences between the tests, in particular laboratory versus near patient tests and differing coefficients of variation. The use of the lower prevalence studies to validate the clinical rule also increases the face validity of the results as studies relying on GP referral to secondary care are inevitably adding a ‘filter’ as opposed to the undifferentiated person with breathlessness who might be considered the typical diagnostic issue for heart failure in primary care.
We were unable to pool individual-level data sets because of evidence of heterogeneity between them. The characteristics that were found to alter the performance of the measurement of plasma concentration of natriuretic peptides were from studies of non-incident participants and may therefore reflect the case selection. The few significant effect modifiers that we identified are likely to reflect spurious effects given the multiple statistical tests that we performed. Indeed, interactions were no longer significant when the Bonferroni adjustment was applied to the probabilities. Therefore, we found no evidence that the test performance of BNP or NT-proBNP is significantly influenced by factors such as age, gender or co-existent disease.
There is a lack of methodology published in the area of IPD meta-analysis in diagnostic testing and further research is therefore warranted in this area.
Strengths and weaknesses of the decision analysis
Not surprisingly there have been no clinical trials to determine the clinical impact of early diagnosis of heart failure and so our estimate of the likely benefit of diagnosis has to be to some extent speculative. In particular, it is difficult to estimate for how long the diagnosis of heart failure will be delayed if it is not made at presentation. In the decision analysis we assumed that if a patient was not referred for echocardiography then the diagnosis would be made after an average delay of 6 months if the patient did not die or was not admitted to hospital before that time interval. There are no data on which to base such an assumption. If the time delay is shorter, the WTP to diagnose a case of heart failure would be reduced. However, in our cost-effectiveness analysis we adopted a conservative time horizon of 3 years. In other words, we did not take into account survival benefits that would be anticipated more than 3 years after diagnosis, although we estimated (see Figure 40) that there would be some residual benefit beyond this time. Therefore, despite the inherent limitations of the modelling, it is unlikely that the general conclusion that echocardiography would be the preferred option for investigation would be overturned. The likelihood is that benefits from early diagnosis are greater than we assumed.
We did not take into account waiting lists for echocardiography, and the model assumed that there was sufficient capacity. In reality in the NHS this is not the case. Recent data from the Healthcare Commission128 show that 72% of patients referred for echocardiography receive the investigation within 13 weeks. If we built in a 13-week delay to echocardiography this would nullify much of the benefit of early diagnosis.
Costs of BNP tests vary by manufacturer. Nevertheless, we found that the conclusions of our decision analysis were robust to significant changes in the costs of BNP tests and echocardiography. Even in the circumstance most adverse to echocardiography, the cost-effectiveness analyses incorporating quality of life showed that the threshold for referral straight to echocardiography only increased to a clinical score of 5, but the BNP cut-point for referral in these circumstances was low, with a cut-point varying from 17 to 58 pg/ml.
The decision analysis was based upon the assumption that all patients with a diagnosis of heart failure should proceed to echocardiography to inform the diagnosis and provide information on the underlying cause of the heart failure. It is recognised that alternative ‘reference standard’ investigations might become available/be used, but at the current time our use of echocardiography reflects standard practice, as reflected in the NICE guideline. 50 Furthermore, it is recognised that BNP analysis is increasingly being used as a test with diagnostic value in its own right, independent of the results of echocardiography. For example, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction may have normal echocardiography findings but abnormal BNP. However, this does not remove the need for echocardiography in a patient with abnormal BNP and so does not affect the overall conclusions of this review.
Other recent systematic reviews
Our systematic review findings are broadly consistent with those of other systematic reviews in this area that have been recently published. Khunti and colleagues71 reviewed four studies that had evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of ECG in the specific context of referral from primary care to echocardiography. They found that sensitivity in these studies varied from 73% to 91% and concluded therefore that the ECG was an inadequate screening tool. Davenport and colleagues131 reviewed the diagnostic accuracy of natriuretic peptides and ECG in the diagnosis of LVSD and found similar diagnostic accuracy between ECG, BNP and NT-proBNP and no value from combining BNP with ECG. Although we found no value from combining BNP with ECG, we did find evidence that BNP was superior to ECG in both the systematic review and the IPD analysis. Davenport identified two studies132,133 that provided data evaluating the combination of BNP and ECG. One of these132 was excluded from our review because the index test was deemed inappropriate (the ECG abnormality was simply prolonged QRS duration) and the other133 because the reference standard was assessment of LVSD and not heart failure. We found four studies that had data on both ECG and BNP, but only one of these had published the data. 90 The remaining three82,84,88 provided us with the relevant data so that we could perform the calculations. It is likely that BNP is a more accurate test for heart failure than it is for LVSD. Indeed, a recent systematic review134 of BNP studies concluded that, although BNP is useful for excluding heart failure, it is more limited for ruling out systolic dysfunction, with an AUC of 0.93 for heart failure but only 0.75 for systolic dysfunction. Clerico and colleagues,135 like our review, found no evidence of any significant differences in test performance between BNP and NT-proBNP. Other recent reviews of BNP have confirmed its value as a ‘rule out’ test for heart failure. 136–138
Interpretation of the research findings in the context of the NHS
The current NICE guideline for heart failure recommends that, in patients with suspected heart failure, a 12-lead ECG and/or a BNP or NT-proBNP test should be performed to exclude heart failure, and only those patients with a positive ECG or BNP should proceed to echocardiography. The systematic review and the IPD analysis have demonstrated that, when taken in combination with clinical features, BNP (or NT-proBNP) is superior to ECG, and performing ECG adds nothing if a BNP test has been performed. The IPD analysis has further demonstrated that a simple clinical score (the MICE score – male 2 points, infarction 6 points, crepitations 5 points, oedema 3 points) can usefully predict the presence of heart failure. On the basis of the test performance of BNP it was possible to provide a rational strategy by which patients should proceed straight to echocardiography, namely if their MICE score was 5 or more, they should be referred straight for echocardiography, otherwise they should have a BNP test first with referral for echocardiography dependent upon the results of the BNP test. Thus, the analysis we have performed points to the need for important changes to the NICE recommendations. First, BNP (or NT-proBNP) should be recommended over ECG and, second, some patients should be referred straight for echocardiography without undergoing any preliminary investigation. Therefore, BNP (or NT-proBNP) testing should be available in primary care.
The third part of our research, the decision analysis, sought to refine these conclusions by considering cost-effectiveness. Our base-case analysis took into account the cost to the NHS. We estimated that missing a case of heart failure would on average cost the NHS £270 in terms of avoidable hospital admissions, and therefore assumed that the NHS would be willing to pay at least this amount of money to diagnose a new case of heart failure. We then estimated how much the NHS would be willing to pay if we also took into account the impact of improved survival from earlier diagnosis, valuing an additional QALY at £20,000. From these analyses the simple decision rule that we developed is likely to be considered cost-effective as it sits fairly centrally within the bounds of these two analyses. However, the analysis also suggested that the preferred option may be to refer virtually all patients with suspected heart failure straight for echocardiography without undergoing preliminary BNP testing, given that this strategy falls within a WTP threshold that takes into account likely improved survival resulting from earlier diagnosis.
The reality of availability of echocardiography services in the NHS means that referral of all patients straight to echocardiography may not be an immediately viable option. Furthermore, it is not likely to be an option in the near future because of the implications for both training and service provision. In this context the strategy of using the MICE score to determine who should be referred straight to echocardiography and who should be referred after a BNP test has been performed is an attractive option in that it is more cost-effective than current recommended practice and will make less demand on already overstretched echocardiography services than referring all patients straight for echocardiography. If this strategy is adopted, then the question remains of what should be the appropriate cut-points for BNP (or NT-proBNP). It is clear from our analysis that the cut-points should take into account the underlying risk of heart failure (i.e. the MICE score). Given that the rationale for using the MICE score in this instance would be to make optimal use of a scarce resource, it follows that a rational cut-point could be determined by the proportion of patients referred for echocardiography who turn out to have heart failure (i.e. the post-BNP probability). Table 26 shows what these cut-points would be for different post-test probabilities for BNP and NT-proBNP using the methodology described in Chapter 9 (see Methods for heart failure modelling) and adjusting the WTP to obtain the desired post-test probability. Thus, applying the clinical decision rule, for a MICE score of 0, the appropriate cut-point for BNP might lie between 210 pg/ml (in which case one in five people referred to echocardiography would have heart failure) and 360 pg/ml (in which case three in ten people referred would have heart failure).
Post-test probability | Testa | MICE score | ||
0 | 2 | 3 | ||
30% | BNP | 360 | 220 | 180 |
NT-proBNP | 1060 | 660 | 520 | |
25% | BNP | 280 | 170 | 140 |
NT-proBNP | 820 | 510 | 410 | |
20% | BNP | 210 | 130 | 100 |
NT-proBNP | 620 | 390 | 190 |
Chapter 12 Conclusions
A number of symptoms and signs are of some diagnostic value in the clinical assessment of a patient with suspected heart failure. Dyspnoea is the symptom with the highest sensitivity, but it is not sufficiently high that heart failure can be ruled out in its absence.
ECG, BNP and NT-proBNP all have high sensitivity for heart failure.
Head-to-head studies identified for the systematic review suggest that BNP is a more accurate investigation than ECG. This was confirmed by the IPD analysis.
There was no evidence from either the systematic review or the IPD analysis that performing both BNP and ECG led to improved diagnosis of heart failure.
There was no evidence of any significant differences in accuracy between different BNP assays.
There was no evidence of any significant differences in accuracy between BNP and NT-proBNP assays from the systematic review.
There was no evidence from the IPD analysis of any effect modification of patient characteristics on the performance of BNP or NT-proBNP testing.
A simple clinical score based upon gender, history of myocardial infarction, presence of oedema and presence of basal lung crepitations can usefully discriminate between people with suspected heart failure who should be referred straight for echocardiography and people for whom referral should depend upon the result of a BNP test.
This score can be simplified to a simple decision rule proposed by the authors (Box 2).
On the basis of the analysis carried out, such a decision rule is likely to be considered cost-effective to the NHS
The cost-effectiveness analysis further suggested that, if patient benefit in terms of improved life expectancy was taken into account, the optimum strategy would be to refer all patients with symptoms suggestive of heart failure for echocardiography.
In a patient presenting with symptoms in whom heart failure is suspected, refer straight to echocardiography if the patient has any one of:
history of myocardial infarction
basal crepitations
male patient with ankle oedema
Otherwise, carry out a BNP test and refer for echocardiography depending on the result of the test:
female patient without ankle oedema – refer for echocardiography if BNP > 210–360 pg/ml depending on local availability of echocardiography (or NT-proBNP > 620–1060 pg/ml)
male patient without ankle oedema – refer for echocardiography if BNP > 130–220 pg/ml (or NT-proBNP > 390–660pg/ml)
female patient with ankle oedema – refer for echocardiography if BNP > 100–180 pg/ml (or NT-proBNP > 190–520 pg/ml)
Implications for health care
The analysis that we have performed points to the need for important changes to the NICE recommendations. First, BNP (or NT-proBNP) should be recommended over ECG and, second, some patients should be referred straight for echocardiography without undergoing any preliminary investigation.
Therefore, natriuretic peptide testing should be available in primary care.
If there is sufficient local capacity, the evidence synthesised here suggests that many patients with symptoms indicating possible heart failure should be referred straight for echocardiography.
In the presence of a limited supply of echocardiography, the authors suggest the following:
– patients with symptoms suggestive of heart failure such as breathlessness should be referred straight for echocardiography only if they have a history of myocardial infarction or if they have basal crepitations on examination or if they are male with ankle oedema
– otherwise, they should have a BNP test performed and the decision to refer for echocardiography should depend upon the BNP result interpreted in the light of their gender and the presence/absence of ankle oedema.
There is no need to perform an ECG as part of the assessment of whether or not heart failure is present (although it is recognised that there may be other indications for performing an ECG).
Recommendations for research
Evaluation of the diagnostic value of repeated BNP measurements for the diagnosis of heart failure.
Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of automated ECG readings in the diagnosis of heart failure.
Evaluation of the usability of the clinical rule described above in clinical practice.
Development of methods to conduct IPD meta-analysis for diagnostic tests.
We would like to acknowledge the help of U Alehagen, B Cost, R Doughty, G Galasko, A Hoes, T Lim, R Senior and A Zaphiriou for sharing their data sets with us and assisting us with numerous data queries.
We would like to acknowledge the work of R Barksfield, whose medical student project on the UK BNP data formed the basis of the derivation model.
We would like to thank S Hardman and T McDonagh for their thoughtful comments on the development of the clinical prediction rule.
Contribution of authors
Jonathan Mant (Professor of Primary Care Stroke Research) was the lead investigator for the study, supported the conduct of the IPD analysis and the economic analysis, and was responsible for editing the final draft. Jenny Doust (Associate Professor of General Practice) led the systematic review. Andrea Roalfe (Senior Lecturer in Statistics) conducted the IPD analysis. Pelham Barton (Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Modelling) conducted the economic modelling. Martin Cowie (Professor of Cardiology) provided expert cardiological input to the systematic review, the IPD analysis and the economic analysis. Paul Glasziou (Professor of General Practice) supported the conduct of the systematic review and provided expert methodological and primary care input to the IPD analysis. David Mant (Professor of General Practice) provided expert primary care cardiological input to the systematic review and the IPD analysis. Richard McManus (Clinical Senior Lecturer in General Practice) provided expert primary care input to the systematic review, the IPD analysis and the economic analysis. Roger Holder (Head of Statistics) provided statistical expertise for the IPD analysis. Jon Deeks (Professor of Statistics) provided statistical expertise for the IPD analysis. Kate Fletcher (Programme Manager) project managed the research and prepared the final document for publication. Michelle Qume (Data Manager) cleaned the data for the IPD analysis and carried out the validation checks. Sundip Sohanpal (Research Associate) carried out the update of the NICE systematic reviews to inform the economic model. Sharon Sanders (Research Associate) carried out the data extraction for the systematic review. Richard Hobbs (Professor of General Practice) provided expert primary care cardiological input to the systematic review and the IPD analysis.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the HTA programme or the Department of Health.
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Appendix 1 Search strategy
The searches for this review were based on search terms for:
heart failure AND
symptoms and signs of heart failure
chest X-ray OR
B-type natriuretic peptides.
The search terms used in MEDLINE to identify studies of heart failure were:
exp Heart Failure, Congestive/
exp Ventricular Function/
heart failure.ab,ti.
cardiac failure.ab,ti.
ventricular dysfunction.ab,ti.
ventricular systolic dysfunction.ab,ti.
cardiac dysfunction.ab,ti.
cardiac overload.ab,ti.
systolic dysfunction.ab,ti.
cardiac insufficiency.ab,ti.
heart insufficiency.ab,ti.
diastolic dysfunction.ab,ti.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18
We then combined this search (using AND) with four separate searches using terms for symptoms and signs of heart failure, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and B-type natriuretic peptides respectively.
Search terms for symptoms and signs of heart failure were:
jugular venous pressure.ab,ti.
jugular venous pulse.ab,ti.
jugular pressure$.ab,ti.
jugular pulse.ab,ti.
jugular vein pressure.ab,ti.
venous distention.ab,ti.
vein distention.ab,ti.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8
exp Heart Sounds/
heart sound$.ab,ti.
10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18
exp Cardiomegaly/
displaced apex.ab,ti.
apical impulse.ab,ti.
20 or 21 or 22 or 23
exp Hepatomegaly/
enlarged liver.ab,ti.
25 or 26 or 27
exp Edema/
venous insufficiency.ab,ti.
(swelling adj3 limb$).ab,ti.
(swelling adj3 leg$).ab,ti.
(swelling adj3 extremit$).ab,ti.
29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35
Physical Examination/
physical examination.ab,ti.
clinical examination.ab,ti.
(sign$adj5 symptom$).ab,ti.
37 or 38 or 39 or40 or41
exp Fatigue/
43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47
exp Dyspnea/
49 or 50 or 51 or 52 or 53
55 or 56
9 or 19 or 24 or 28 or 36 or 42 or 48 or 54 or 57
Search terms for electrocardiogram were:
exp Electrocardiography/
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
Search terms for chest X-ray were:
exp Radiography/
thoracic radiogra$.ab,ti.
chest x-ray$.ab,ti.
thoracic x-ray$.ab,ti.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
Search terms for B-type natriuretic peptides were:
Natriuretic Peptide, Brain/
natriuretic peptide$.ab,ti.
natruretic peptide$.ab,ti.
natiuretic peptide$.ab,ti.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
Appendix 2 Description of studies included in the systematic review
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Kinda, Sweden | General practice (primary health-care centre) | 72 ± 6 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | Dyspnoea, peripheral oedema, elevated JVP, lung crepitations | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Portugal | General practice (500 practices) | 68 ± 15 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea, orthopnoea, PND, oedema (as a symptom), oedema (as a sign), weight gain, hypertension (SBP > 149 mmHg), tachycardia (HR > 90), elevated JVP, added heart sounds (S3/gallop), lung crepitations, hepatomegaly, abdominojugular reflex | ESC criteria (one clinician) |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Middlesex and London, UK | General practice (seven practices) | 67 ± 11 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on loop diuretics | History of MI | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | History of MI, dyspnoea, oedema, crepitations | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | Netherlands | General practice (51 practices) | 73 ± 5 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | History of MI, orthopnoea, oedema (as a sign), tachycardia, elevated JVP, displaced apex beat, crepitations | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | London, UK | General practice (31 practices) | 67 ± 12 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | History of MI, dyspnoea, oedema | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinic | 74 ± 10 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | History of MI, peripheral oedema, hypertension, crepitations | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | UK | Specialist echocardiography unit | 71 ± 13 | Patients referred to a specialist unit for echocardiography | Oedema | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand | General practice (92 GPs) | 72 ± 12 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | Crepitations | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Aberdeen, Glasgow and London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinics in five hospitals | 72 ± 11 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | History of MI, oedema (as a sign), crepitations | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Emergency department setting | |||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Vellore, India | Emergency department | 54 ± 12 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Orthopnoea, oedema (as a sign), tachycardia at rest, elevated JVP, added heart sounds, crepitations | Framingham criteria including echocardiogram results |
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | USA and Europe (Breathing Not Properly Study) | Emergency department | 64 ± 16 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | History of MI, orthopnoea, oedema (as a sign), hypertension, elevated JVP (> 6 cm), added heart sounds, crepitations | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 65 ± 15 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | History of MI, orthopnoea, pedal oedema, elevated JVP, added heart sounds, crepitations | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists and one pneumotologist) |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | San Diego, USA | Emergency department | NR | Patients with dyspnoea | Dyspnoea, orthopnoea, PND, oedema (as a symptom), elevated JVP, added heart sounds, crepitations | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists using Framingham criteria) |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 452 | Linz, Austria, | Emergency department | 71 ± 15 | Patients with dyspnoea | PND, oedema (as a sign), elevated JVP, added heart sounds, crepitations | Framingham criteria and echocardiographic criteria or systolic or diastolic dysfunction (one cardiologist) |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Kinda, Sweden | General practice (primary health-care centre) | 72 ± 6 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | ECG not in sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation or sign of past ischaemic myocardial damage | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Portugal | General practice (500 practices) | 68 ± 15 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Abnormal rhythm, atrial abnormalities, conduction disturbances, presence of abnormal Q waves, poor R-wave progression in precordial leads, LVH, abnormal ST-segment T-wave changes (read by cardiologist) | ESC criteria (one clinician) |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Middlesex and London, UK | General practice (seven practices) | 67 ± 11 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on loop diuretics | Abnormal ECG | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 |
Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) Subgroups: patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure; patients at risk of heart failure; patients > 45 years; patients taking diuretics; patients with a previous diagnosis of heart failure |
Any abnormality (read by cardiologist) | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | Netherlands | General practice (51 practices) | 73 ± 5 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Evidence of previous MI, complete or incomplete left BBB, LVH, atrial fibrillation, ST and/or T-wave abnormalities and sinus tachycardia (read by cardiologist) | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | London, UK | General practice (31 practices) | 67 ± 12 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinic | 74 ± 10 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | UK | Specialist echocardiography unit | 71 ± 13 | Patients referred to a specialist unit for echocardiography | Any abnormality | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand | General practice (92 GPs) | 72 ± 12 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | Not in sinus rhythm, presence of Q waves, ST abnormalities, T-wave abnormalities, LVH, BBB, QRS duration > 120 ms | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Aberdeen, Glasgow and London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinics in five hospitals | 72 ± 11 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Emergency department setting | |||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | USA and Europe (Breathing Not Properly Study) | Emergency department [California, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Connecticut and two European (France, Norway)] | 64 ± 16 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Evidence of previous MI, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, right or left BBB, ST-segment deviation (read by attending physician) | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years ( SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Kinda, Sweden | General practice (primary health-care centre) | 72 ± 6 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | Pulmonary congestion or cardiomegaly | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Portugal | General practice (500 practices) | 68 ± 15 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Any abnormality, increased CTR | ESC criteria (one clinician) |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | London, UK | General practice (31 practices) | 67 ± 12 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinic | 74 ± 10 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand | General practice (92 GPs) | 72 ± 12 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | Increased CTR or pulmonary oedema or pulmonary venous hypertension or interstitial pulmonary oedema | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) |
Emergency department setting | |||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Vellore, India | Emergency department | 54 ± 12 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Increased CTR | Framingham criteria including echocardiogram results |
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | USA and Europe (Breathing Not Properly Study) | Emergency department | 64 ± 16 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Increased CTR | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 65 ± 15 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Increased CTR | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists and one pneumotologist) |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | San Diego, USA | Emergency department | NR | Patients with dyspnoea | Increased CTR | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists using Framingham criteria) |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 |
Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) Subgroups: patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure; patients at risk of heart failure; patients > 45 years; patients taking diuretics; patients with a previous diagnosis of heart failure |
Shionogi | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) |
Cost, 200097 | 405 | Netherlands | General practice (51 practices) | 73 ± 5 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) | |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | London, UK | General practice (31 practices) | 67 ± 12 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Peninsula | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) |
Misuraca et al., 200298 | 83 | Italy | Hospital outpatient clinic | 73 ± 10 | Patients referred with diagnosis of heart failure | Shionogi | Clinical symptoms and signs and echocardiographic criteria of systolic and diastolic dysfunction |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Aberdeen, Glasgow and London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinics in five hospitals | 72 ± 11 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Triage | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Emergency department setting | |||||||
Ababsa et al., 200599 | 192 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 83 ± 6 | Patients > 75 years with dyspnoea and suspected heart failure | Triage | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Alibay et al., 2005100 | 160 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 80 ± 14 | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Barcarse et al., 2004101 | 98 | San Diego, USA | Emergency department | 64 ± 0.2 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical diagnosis (one cardiologist) |
El Mahmoud et al., 2006102 | 103 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 89 ± 6 | Patients > 75 years with dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical diagnosis (two independent cardiologists) |
Jourdain et al., 2002106 | 125 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 72 ± NR | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical diagnosis |
Lainchbury et al., 2003103 | 205 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Emergency department | 70 ± 14 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Triage | ESC criteria (two independent cardiologists) |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 65 ± 15 | Patients with severe dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists and one pneumotologist) |
Maisel et al., 2002104 | 1586 | USA and Europe (Breathing Not Properly Study) | Emergency department | 64 ± 17 | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 321 | San Diego, USA | Emergency department | NR | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists using Framingham criteria) |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 251 | Basel, Switzerland | Emergency department | 71 ± 15 | Patients with acute dyspnoea as the primary complaint. | Abbott | Framingham criteria and echocardiographic criteria or systolic or diastolic dysfunction (one cardiologist) |
Ray et al., 2004107 | 313 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 80 ± 8 | Patients > 65 years with acute dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical consensus (two independent physicians) |
Villacorta et al., 2002105 | 70 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Emergency department | 72 ± 15 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Triage | Clinical diagnosis (one cardiologist) |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Davis et al., 1994108 | 52 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Inpatients | Mean (range) 74 (49–89) | Patients admitted for acute dyspnoea | NR | Clinical consensus (panel of physicians and radiologist) |
Dokainish et al., 2004109 | 122 | Houston, USA | Inpatients | 56 ± 13 | Patients referred to consultancy service for suspected heart failure | Triage | Framingham criteria (clinical examination by one cardiologist) |
McLean et al., 2003110 | 84 | Sydney, Australia | ICU | 60.9 (17–86) | Patients admitted to ICU | Triage | Clinical diagnosis by senior intensivists |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Kinda, Sweden | General practice (primary health-care centre) | 72 ± 6 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | In-house assay | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Middlesex and London, UK | General practice (seven practices) | 67 ± 11 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on loop diuretics | Roche | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 |
Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) Subgroups: patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure; patients at risk of heart failure; patients > 45 years; patients taking diuretics; patients with a previous diagnosis of heart failure |
Roche | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | Netherlands | General practice (51 practices) | 73 ± 5 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Roche | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | UK | Specialist echocardiography unit | 71 ± 13 | Patients referred to a specialist unit for echocardiography | Roche | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure |
Nielsen et al., 2004111 | 287 | Haderslev, Denmark | Heart failure clinic | Mean (range) 65 (18–89) | Patients referred with dyspnoea < 2 weeks duration | Roche | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand | General practice (92 GPs) | 72 ± 12 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | In-house | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Aberdeen, Glasgow and London, UK | Rapid access heart failure clinics in five hospitals | 72 11 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Roche | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) |
Emergency department setting | |||||||
Alibay et al., 2005100 | 160 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 80 ± 14 | Patients with dyspnoea | Roche | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Bayes-Genis et al., 2004112 | 89 | Barcelona, Spain | Emergency department | Range: 40–88 | Patients with dyspnoea | Roche | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
El Mahmoud et al., 2006102 | 103 | Paris, France | Emergency department | 89 ± 6 | Patients > 75 years with dyspnoea | Roche | Clinical diagnosis (two independent cardiologists) |
Januzzi et al., 2005113 | 599 | Boston, USA | Emergency department | 57 ± 16 | Patients > 21 years with dyspnoea | Roche | Clinical consensus (emergency department physician and three cardiologists) |
Lainchbury et al., 2003103 | 205 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Emergency department | 70 ± 14 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Roche | ESC criteria (two independent cardiologists) |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 251 | Basel, Switzerland | Emergency department | 71 ± 15 | Patients with acute dyspnoea as the primary complaint | Abbott | Framingham criteria and echocardiographic criteria or systolic or diastolic dysfunction (one cardiologist) |
Outpatient setting | |||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Vellore, India | Emergency department | 54 ± 12 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Biomedica | Framingham criteria including echocardiogram results |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Berdague et al., 2006114 | 254 | Béziers, France | Hospital | 81 ± 7 | Patients > 70 years admitted from emergency department with dyspnoea | Roche | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Dyspnoea, oedema, crepitations | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) |
McDonagh et al., 199710 | 1252 | Glasgow, UK | General practice (30 practices) | 50 ± 14 | Random selection of patients 25–74 years, participants in Glasgow MONICA study | Hypertension | LVEF < 30% |
Morgan et al., 199911 | 817 | Dorset, UK | General practice (four practices) | 76 ± 4 | Random sample of patients in primary health-care centre | Dyspnoea on walking, elevated JVP, lung crepitations, sign of oedema | LVSD |
Nielsen et al., 2000139 | 126 | Copenhagen, Denmark | General practice (three practices) | Median: 71 | Patients with symptoms or signs of heart disease from medical record | Heart rate > diastolic blood pressure | LVEF < 45% |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Nottingham UK | General practice (seven practices) | 75 ± NR | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Dyspnoea on exertion, orthopnoea, PND, elevated JVP, displaced apex beat, added heart sounds, lung crepitations, sign of oedema | LVEF < 40% |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Glasgow, UK | Open access echocardiography clinic | NR | Patients referred with suspected heart failure | Orthopnoea, PND, oedema as a symptom, tachycardia (HR > 100), elevated JVP, displaced apex beat, added heart sounds, lung crepitations, oedema as a sign | FS < 25% |
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 297 | Darlington/Dales, UK | One-stop diagnostic clinic | 74 ± NR | Patients referred to heart failure clinic | Hypertension | LVSD |
Gustafsson et al., 2005143 | 367 | Copenhagen Denmark | Echocardiography clinic | Median (range) 69 (39–84) | Patients referred by GP for echocardiographic evaluation for suspected heart failure | Hypertension | LVEF < 30%, 40% |
Outpatient setting | |||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Philadelphia, USA | Ventriculography clinic | Mean (range) 57 (32–82) | Patients referred for ventriculography | Dyspnoea on exertion, displaced apex beat, added heart sounds, lung crepitations | LVEF < 50% |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Seattle, USA | Patients in Coronary Artery Surgery Study Registry | 53 ± 9 | Patients with chest pain referred for angiography and who had had estimation of EF | Added heart sounds, lung crepitations | LVEF < 50% |
Wattanabe et al., 2005146 | 141 | Tokyo, Japan | Outpatient clinic | 64 ± 9 | Patients with a history of MI but no symptoms of HF | Hypertension | LVEF < 55% |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989115 | 98 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Coronary care unit | 61, range 38–81 | Patients post MI | Dyspnoea, elevated JVP, displaced apex beat, added heart sounds, lung crepitations, hepatomegaly, sign of oedema | LVEF < 40% |
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Rural India | Patients admitted with MI | Range 48–80 | Patients post MI | Hypertension, elevated JVP, added heart sounds, lung crepitations | LVEF < 40% |
Mueller et al., 200467 | 180 | Linz, Austria | Cardiology ward | 51, range 40–63 | Patients admitted for cardiac evaluation plus 27 patients with stable heart failure | Hypertension | LVEF < 35%, < 60% |
Narain et al., 2005148 | 110 | Lucknow, India | Patients admitted with ACS | NR | Patients with ACS | Added heart sounds | LVEF < 45% |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Virginia, USA | Inpatients referred to echocardiographic laboratory | 64 ± 16 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Hypertension, dyspnoea, elevated JVP, added heart sounds, lung crepitations, sign of oedema | LVEF < 45% |
Zema et al., 1984150 | 37 | New York, USA | General hospital | 61 ± 8 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | Dyspnoea, orthopnoea, PND, oedema as a sign, elevated JVP, lung crepitations | LVEF < 50% |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years ( SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Kinda, Sweden | General practice (primary health-care centre) | 72 ± 6 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | ECG not in sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation or sign of past ischaemic myocardial damage | LVEF < 40% |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 761 | London, UK | General practice (seven practices) | Population: 60 ± 10; high risk: 66 ± 11 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on diuretics | Abnormal ECG | LVEF < 40%, < 50% |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 |
Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) Subgroups: patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure |
Any abnormality (read by cardiologist) | ESC criteria (panel of 3 clinicians in equivocal cases) |
McDonagh et al., 199710 | 1394 | Glasgow, UK | General practice (30 practices) | 50 ± 14 | Random selection of patients 25–74 years, participants in Glasgow MONICA study | Presence of Q wave, left BBB, ST/T segment abnormality, voltage criteria for LVH, atrial fibrillation or flutter (read by two coders) | LVEF < 30% |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Leicester, UK | General practice (21 practices) | 63, range 45–80 | Randomly selected patients without heart failure | Presence of Q wave, left and right BBB, LVH, atrial fibrillation or flutter, LAD, R-wave progression, atrial hypertrophy, ST-segment change, sinus bradycardia or tachycardia assessed | LVEF < 45%, 35% |
Nielsen et al., 2000139 | 126 | Copenhagen, Denmark | General practice | Median: 71 | Patients with any past or present symptoms or signs of heart disease | QRS or ST/T changes, or both | LVEF < 45% |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Nottingham UK | General practice (seven practices) | 75 ± NR | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | QRS or ST/T wave changes | LVEF < 40% |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Glasgow, UK | Open access echocardiography clinic | NR | Patients with suspected heart failure | Evidence of atrial fibrillation, previous MI, LVH, BBB, LAD | FS < 25% |
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 297 | Darlington/Dales, UK | One-stop diagnostic clinic | 74 ± NR | Patients referred to heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | LVSD |
Landray et al., 2000152 | 126 | UK | Open access heart failure clinic | 75 ± 9 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Presence of Q waves, BBB, T-wave inversion, LVH | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | London, UK | Community echocardiography service | 71 ± 13 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Evidence of atrial fibrillation or flutter, ventricular arrhythmia, intraventricular conduction, ST/T wave, Q wave, LVH | LVSD |
Lindsay et al., 2000153 | 416 | Glasgow, UK | Open access echocardiography clinic | NR | Patients with suspected heart failure | Evidence of Q waves, previous MI, ST/T changes, LAD, left atrial enlargement, BBB, atrial fibrillation, heart block and R-wave progression assessed | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Sandler et al., 2000154 | 240 | Chesterfield, UK | Open access echocardiography clinic | 68, range 13–94 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Any abnormality | LVSD |
Population cohort or screening studies | |||||||
Hedberg et al., 2004155 | 407 | Vasteras, Sweden | Population | 75 | Random sample of 75-year-olds in general population | Major or minor changes: AV block, LAD, incomplete BBB, borderline Q-wave or high R-wave amplitude | LVSD |
Mosterd et al., 1997156 | 865 | Rotterdam, Netherlands | Population | 66 ± 8 | Invitation to inhabitants of Rotterdam aged ≥ 55 years | Evidence of MI, atrial fibrillation, LVH. Analysed using the means software program | FS < 25% |
Outpatient setting | |||||||
Baker et al., 2003157 | 481 | Ohio, USA | General medicine and geriatric clinics | 69 ± NR | Patients with risk factors and no documented heart failure | Conduction and axis abnormalities, LVH, previous MI | LVEF < 45% |
Christian et al., 1997158 | 2267 | Rochester, USA | Nuclear medicine clinic | NR | Patients referred for nuclear imaging perfusion studies | Any abnormality | LVEF < 50% |
Houghton et al., 1997159 | 200 | Nottingham, UK | Heart failure clinic | 63 ± NR | Patients who had undergone echocardiography and ECG | Any abnormality | LVEF < 40% |
Hutcheon et al., 2002133 | 304 | Dundee, UK | Day hospital | Median (range) 79 (61–98) | Patients who were referred to the day hospital | Evidence of Q waves, BBB, conduction defect, ST/T segment abnormalities, LVH, atrial fibrillation/flutter | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Seattle, USA | Patients in Coronary Artery Surgery Study Registry | 53 ± 9 | Patients with chest pain referred for angiography and who had had estimation of EF | Any abnormality | LVEF < 50% |
Talwar et al., 1999160 | 222 | Leicester, UK | Echocardiography clinic | Median (range) 73 (20–94) | Patients referred for echocardiography and at risk of heart failure | Sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, prolonged PR interval, IV conduction defects, RA deviation, broadening of the QRS complex, non-specific ST/T wave changes | LWMI > 1.2 |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Gillespie et al., 1997161 | 71 | Dundee, UK | General medical unit | 73 (33–95) | Patients with acute dyspnoea or dyspnoea as a major component of their overall symptoms | Any abnormality | LVSD |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 330 | Virginia, USA | Inpatients | 64 ± 16 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Evidence of Q waves, R-wave progression, LVH, ST/T wave changes, left BBB, arrhythmia | LVEF < 45% |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age, years ( SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Landray et al., 2000152 | 126 | UK | Open access heart failure clinic | 74 ± 9 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Pulmonary oedema or increased CTR | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Philadelphia, USA | Ventriculography clinic | Mean (range) 57 (32–82) | Patients referred for ventriculography | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% |
Sandler et al., 2000154 | 240 | Chesterfield, UK | Open access echocardiography clinic | 68, range 13–94 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Any abnormality | LVSD |
Hendry et al., 1999162 | 61 | Glasgow, UK | Hospital wards | 82, range 71–96 | Patients admitted with heart failure | Pulmonary congestion | LVSD |
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Rural India | Hospital wards | NR, range 48–80 | Patients post MI | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 40% |
Outpatient setting | |||||||
Madsen et al., 1984163 | 229 | San Diego, USA and British Columbia, Canada | Cardiology clinic | Mean (range) 63 (30–95) | Patients discharged post MI | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Seattle, USA | Patients in Coronary Artery Surgery Study Registry | 53 ± 9 | Patients with chest pain referred for angiography and who had had estimation of EF | Increased CTR | LVEF < 50% |
Zema et al., 1983150 | 37 | New York, USA | Hospital wards | 61 8 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Coronary care unit | 61, range 38–81 | Patients with MI admitted less than 24 hours after onset of symptoms | Pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% |
Gillespie et al., 1997161 | 71 | Dundee, UK | General medical unit | 73, range 33–95 | Patients with acute dyspnoea or had dyspnoea as a major component of their overall symptoms | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVSD |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Virginia, USA | Hospital wards | 64 ± 16 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 45% |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | England | General practice (four practices) | 66 ± 11 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Shionogi | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) |
McDonagh et al., 1998165 | 1252 | Glasgow, UK | General practice (patients recruited for MONICA study) | 51 ± 14 | Randomly selected patients 25–74 years | Peninsula | LVEF < 30% |
McGeoch et al., 2002166 | 100 | Christchurch, New Zealand | General practice (two practices) | 76 (54–90) | Patients being treated for heart failure | In-house RIA | LVEF < 45% |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Leicester, UK | General practice (21 practices) | Mean (range) 63 (45–80) | Randomly selected patients without heart failure | Peninsula | LVEF < 35%, < 45% |
Nielsen et al., 2003139 | 1252 | Glasgow, UK | General practice (patients in MONICA study) | 51 (14.0) | Randomly selected patients aged 25–74 years | Peninsula | LVEF < 32%, < 40% |
Smith et al., 2000167 | 155 | Dorset, UK | General practice (four practices) | 76 ± 4 | Randomly selected patients aged 70–80 years | Peninsula | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Nottingham UK | General practice (seven practices) | 75 ± NR | Patients taking loop diuretics | Peninsula | LVEF < 40% |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 263 | Auckland and South Durham, New Zealand | One-stop diagnostic clinics | 74 ± NR | Patients referred from general practice | Triage | LVSD |
Landray et al., 2000152 | 126 | Banbury, UK | Heart failure clinics (one clinic) | 74 ± 9 | Patients referred from general practice with suspected heart failure | Shionogi | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Sim et al., 2003168 | 83 | Gwent, UK | Open access echoradiography | Median (range) 72 (37–87) | Patients with dyspnoea | Bachem RIA | LVEF < 35% |
Population cohort or screening studies | |||||||
Costello-Boerrigter et al., 2006169 | 1869 | Olmsted County, USA | Population | 62 ± 10 | Random sample of population > 45 years | Triage | LVEF < 40%, < 50% |
Hedberg et al., 2004155 | 407 | Vasteras, Sweden | Population | 75 | Random sample of population > 75 years | Shionogi | LVSD |
Luchner et al., 2000170 | 479 | Augsburg, Germany | Population | Range 50–67 | Participants in Augsburg, MONICA study | Shionogi | FS < 28% |
Lukowic et al., 2005171 | 1678 | Augsburg, Germany | Population | 49 ± 14 | Participants in Augsburg, MONICA study | Shionogi | LVEF < 40% |
Vasan et al., 2002172 | 3177 | Framingham, USA | Population | 58 ± 10 | Participants in the Framingham Offspring Study | Shionogi | LVEF < 40% and/or FS < 22% |
Outpatient setting | |||||||
Atisha et al., 2004173 | 202 | San Diego, USA | Echocardiography clinic | 65 ± 14 | Patients referred for echocardiography with no previous history of heart failure but with fatigue, dyspnoea or oedema | Triage | LVEF < 50% or any wall motion abnormality |
Bibbins-Domingo et al., 2004174 | 298 | San Francisco and Palo Alto, USA | Cardiology clinic | 67 ± 11 | Patients with coronary disease | Triage | LVEF < 45%, 55% |
Falkensammer et al., 2005175 | 51 | Innsbruck, Austria | Nuclear medicine clinic | Median (range) 68 (24–91) | Patients referred for radionuclide ventriculography | Shionogi | LVEF < 50% |
Hutcheon et al., 2002133 | 299 | Dundee, UK | Day hospital | Median (range) 79 (61–98) | Patients attending day hospital | Peninsula | Qualitative assessment of LVSD |
Krishaswamy et al., 2001176 | 400 | San Diego, USA | Echocardiography clinic | 60 ± 12 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Triage | LVEF < 50% |
Kruger et al., 2004132 | 124 | Aachen, Germany | Cardiology clinic | 61 ± 11 | Patients with suspected cardiac disease or known heart failure | Triage | LVEF < 50% |
Mallamaci et al., 2001177 | 246 | Calabria, Italy | Patients with end-stage renal disease on regular dialysis for at least 6 months | 60 ± 15 | Patients on renal dialysis with no overt sign of heart failure | Peninsula | LVEF < 45% |
Richards et al., 2006178 | 1049 | Sydney, Australia; Christchurch and Auckland, New Zealand | Patients discharged from cardiology units | 63 ± 10 | Patients with stable heart failure or IHD in trial | NR | LVEF < 30%, < 40%, < 50% |
Valli et al., 2001179 | 153 | Pessac, France | Nuclear medicine clinic | 55 (21–83) | Patients referred for radionuclide ventriculography | CIS Bio | LVEF < 40% |
Vanderheyden et al., 2006180 | 72 | Belgium | Cardiac catheterisation clinic | 65 (28–90) | Patients referred for elective catheterisation | Triage | LVEF < 45% |
Wattanabe et al., 2005146 | 141 | Tokyo, Japan | Outpatient clinic | 65 ± 9 | Patients post MI but with no symptoms of heart failure | Tosoh II | LVEF < 55% |
Yamamoto et al., 1996181 | 94 | Rochester MN, USA | Cardiac catheterisation clinic | 62 ± 12 | Patients referred for elective catheterisation | Shionogi | LVEF < 45% |
Yamamoto et al., 2000182 | 466 | Rochester MN, USA | Echocardiography clinic | 65 ± NR | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or at high risk of LVSD | Shionogi | LVEF < 45% |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Bal et al., 2006183 | 41 | Evry, France | ICU | 53 ± 20 | Patients admitted to ICU for acute respiratory distress and/or shock | Triage | LVEF < 50% |
Bettencourt et al., 2000184 | 101 | Porto, Portugal | Heart failure clinic | 60 | Consecutive patients referred by internists or cardiologists | Shionogi | LVEF < 40% |
Byrne et al., 1996185 | 94 | Glasgow, UK | Coronary care unit | NR | Patients post MI | NR | LVEF < 30% |
Choy et al., 1994186 | 57 | Dundee, UK | Coronary care unit | Mean (range) 64 (46–88) | Patients post MI | Peninsula | LVEF < 35%, < 40%,< 45% |
Mueller et al., 200467 | 180 | Linz, Austria | Internal medicine ward | Mean (range) 51 (40–63) | Patients admitted for cardiac evaluation | Bayer | LVEF < 35%, < 60% |
Osca et al., 2002187 | 101 | Valencia, Spain | Hospital wards | 66 ± NR | Patients with symptomatic heart failure | Shionogi | LVEF < 45% |
Pfister et al., 2002188 | 150 | Koln, Germany | Hospitalised cardiac patients | 64 ± NR | Inpatients referred for cardiac catheterisation | Shionogi | LVEF < 40%, < 60% |
Richards et al., 1998189 | 297 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Coronary care unit | 64 ± 10 | Patients post MI | NR | LVEF < 40% |
Reference | n | Location | Setting | Mean age (± SD) | Patients | Index test | Reference test |
General practice setting | |||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | 761 | London, UK | General practice (seven practices) | Population: 60 ± 10; high risk: 66 ± 11 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on diuretics | Roche | LVEF < 40%, < 50% |
Groenning et al., 2004190 | 672 | Copenhagen, Denmark | General practice (four practices) | Median (range) 68.1 (51–91) | Patients 50–90 years | In-house | LVEF < 40%, < 45%, < 50% |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | West Midlands, UK | General practice (16 practices) | 66 ± 11 | Patients ≥ 45 years | Roche | LVEF < 40% |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Leicester, UK | General practice (21 practices) | 63 (45–80) | Randomly selected patients without heart failure | In-house | LVEF 35%, < 45% |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | |||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 263 | Auckland and South Durham, New Zealand | One-stop diagnostic clinics | 74 ± NR | Patients referred from general practice | Roche | LVSD |
Gustafsson et al., 2005143 | 367 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Echocardiography clinic | Median (range) 68 (39–84) | Patients with suspected heart failure | Roche | LVEF < 30%, < 40% |
Lim et al., 200686 | 116 | Middlesex, UK | Echocardiography clinic | 69 ± 14 | Patients referred from general practice | Roche | LVEF < 50% |
Sivakumar et al., 2006191 | 100 | Stevenage, UK | Echocardiography clinic | 82, range 72–94 | Patients > 75 years referred for echocardiography | Roche | LVEF < 50% |
Population cohort or screening studies | |||||||
Costello-Boerrigter et al., 2006169 | 1869 | Olmsted County, USA | Population (selected from medical records) | 62 ± 10 | Random sample of population > 45 years | Roche | LVEF < 40%, < 50% |
Outpatient setting | |||||||
Falkensammer et al., 2005175 | 51 | Innsbruck, Austria | Nuclear medicine clinic | Median (range) 68 (24–91) | Patients referred for radionuclide ventriculography | Roche | LVEF < 50% |
Richards et al., 2006178 | 1049 | Australia, New Zealand | Patients discharged from cardiology units | 63 ± 10 | Patients with stable heart failure or IHD in trial | In house | LVEF < 30%, < 40%, < 50% |
Thackray et al., 2006192 | 261 | East Yorkshire, UK | Pacemaker clinics (four clinics) | 72 ± 12 | Patients attending clinic | Biomedica | LVEF < 40% |
Vanderheyden et al., 2006180 | 72 | Belgium | Cardiac catheterisation clinic | 65 (28–90) | Patients referred for elective catheterisation | Roche | LVEF < 45% |
Inpatient setting | |||||||
Bal et al., 2006183 | 41 | Evry, France | ICU | 53 ± 20 | Patients admitted to ICU for acute respiratory distress and/or shock | Roche | LVEF < 50% |
Bay et al., 2003193 | 2193 | Copenhagen, Denmark | General hospital | Median (range) 73 (40–104) | All admitted patients > 40 years | In-house ELISA | LVEF < 40% |
Mueller et al., 2004194 | 180 | Linz, Austria | Internal medicine ward | Mean (range) 51 (40–63) | Patients admitted for cardiac evaluation | Roche | LVEF < 35%, < 60% |
Pfister et al., 2002188 | 150 | Koln, Germany | Hospitalised cardiac patients | 64 ± NR | Inpatients referred for cardiac catheterisation | Roche | LVEF < 40%, < 60% |
Richards et al., 1998178 | 297 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Coronary care unit | 64 ± 10 | Patients post MI | NR | LVEF < 40% |
Appendix 3 Quality assessment of studies included in the review
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | U | U | U | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | U | ||||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | |||||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | U | U | |||||||||||
Rutten et al., 200583 | |||||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | U | U | |||||||||||
Fox et al., 200085 | U | U | |||||||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | U | U | |||||||||||
Wright et al., 200387 | U | U | |||||||||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | U | U | |||||||||||
Emergency department settings | |||||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | |||||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | |||||||||||||
Logeart et al., 200291 | |||||||||||||
Morrison et al., 200292 | |||||||||||||
Mueller et al., 200593 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | U | U | U | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | |||||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | U | U | |||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | U | ||||||||||||
Rutten et al., 200583 | U | ||||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | U | U | |||||||||||
Fox et al., 200085 | U | U | |||||||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | U | U | |||||||||||
Wright et al., 200387 | U | U | |||||||||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | |||||||||||||
Emergency department settings | |||||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | U | ||||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | |||||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | U | U | |||||||||||
Fox et al., 200085 | U | U | |||||||||||
Wright et al., 200387 | U | U | |||||||||||
Emergency department settings | |||||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | |||||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | |||||||||||||
Logeart et al., 200291 | |||||||||||||
Morrison et al., 200292 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | |||||||||||
Cost 200097 | U | U | |||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | |||||||||||
Misuraca et al., 200298 | |||||||||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | |||||||||||
Emergency department setting | |||||||||||
Ababsa et al., 200599 | |||||||||||
Alibay et al., 2005100 | |||||||||||
Barcarse et al., 2004101 | |||||||||||
El Mahmoud et al., 2006102 | |||||||||||
Jourdain et al., 2002106 | |||||||||||
Lainchbury et al., 2003103 | |||||||||||
Logeart et al., 200291 | |||||||||||
Maisel et al., 2002104 | |||||||||||
Morrison et al., 200292 | |||||||||||
Mueller et al., 200593 | |||||||||||
Ray et al., 2004107 | |||||||||||
Villacorta et al., 2002105 | |||||||||||
Inpatient setting | |||||||||||
Davis et al., 1994108 | |||||||||||
Dokainish et al., 2004109 | |||||||||||
McLean et al., 2003110 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | U | ||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | U | ||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | |||||||||||
Rutten et al., 200583 | |||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | U | ||||||||||
Nielsen et al., 2004111 | U | ||||||||||
Wright et al., 200387 | U | ||||||||||
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | |||||||||||
Emergency department setting | |||||||||||
Alibay et al., 2005100 | |||||||||||
Bayes-Genis et al., 2004112 | |||||||||||
El Mahmoud et al., 2006102 | |||||||||||
Januzzi et al., 2005113 | |||||||||||
Lainchbury et al., 2003103 | |||||||||||
Mueller et al., 200593 | |||||||||||
Outpatient setting | |||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | |||||||||||
Inpatient setting | |||||||||||
Berdague et al., 2006114 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | U | U | |||||||||||
McDonagh et al., 199710 | |||||||||||||
Morgan et al., 199911 | |||||||||||||
Nielsen et al., 2000139 | |||||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | |||||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | |||||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | |||||||||||||
Gustafsson et al., 2005143 | |||||||||||||
Outpatient setting | |||||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | |||||||||||||
Rihal et al., 1995145 | |||||||||||||
Wattanabe et al., 2005146 | |||||||||||||
Inpatient setting | |||||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989167 | |||||||||||||
Jain et al., 1993147 | |||||||||||||
Mueller et al., 2004194 | |||||||||||||
Narain et al., 2005148 | |||||||||||||
Talreja et al., 2000149 | |||||||||||||
Zema et al., 1984150 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | U | U | |||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | U | U | |||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | U | U | |||||||||||
McDonagh et al., 199710 | |||||||||||||
Ng et al., 2003151 | |||||||||||||
Nielsen et al., 2000139 | |||||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | |||||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | |||||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | |||||||||||||
Landray et al., 2000152 | |||||||||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | |||||||||||||
Lindsay et al., 2000153 | |||||||||||||
Sandler et al., 2000154 | |||||||||||||
Population cohort or screening studies | |||||||||||||
Hedberg et al., 2004155 | |||||||||||||
Mosterd et al., 1997156 | |||||||||||||
Outpatient setting | |||||||||||||
Baker et al., 2003157 | |||||||||||||
Christian et al., 1997158 | |||||||||||||
Houghton et al., 1997159 | |||||||||||||
Hutcheon et al., 2002133 | |||||||||||||
Rihal et al., 1995145 | |||||||||||||
Talwar et al., 1999160 | |||||||||||||
Inpatient setting | |||||||||||||
Gillespie et al., 1997161 | |||||||||||||
Talreja et al., 2000149 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||||
Landray et al., 2000152 | |||||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | |||||||||||||
Rihal et al., 1995145 | |||||||||||||
Sandler et al., 2000154 | |||||||||||||
Outpatient settings | |||||||||||||
Madsen et al., 1984163 | |||||||||||||
Talreja et al., 2000149 | |||||||||||||
Zema et al., 1983150 | |||||||||||||
Inpatient settings | |||||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | |||||||||||||
Gillespie et al., 1997161 | |||||||||||||
Hendry et al., 1999162 | |||||||||||||
Jain et al., 1993147 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200482 | |||||||||||
McDonagh et al., 1998165 | |||||||||||
McGeoch et al., 2002166 | |||||||||||
Ng et al., 2003151 | |||||||||||
Nielsen et al., 2003139 | |||||||||||
Smith et al., 2000167 | |||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | |||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | |||||||||||
Landray et al., 2000152 | |||||||||||
Sim et al., 2003168 | |||||||||||
Population cohort or screening studies | |||||||||||
Costello-Boerrigter et al., 2006169 | |||||||||||
Hedberg et al., 2004155 | |||||||||||
Luchner et al., 2000170 | |||||||||||
Lukowic et al., 2005171 | |||||||||||
Vasan et al., 2002172 | |||||||||||
Outpatient setting | |||||||||||
Atisha et al., 2004173 | |||||||||||
Bibbins-Domingo et al., 2004174 | |||||||||||
Falkensammer et al., 2005175 | |||||||||||
Krishnaswamy et al., 2001176 | |||||||||||
Kruger et al., 2004132 | |||||||||||
Mallamaci et al., 2001177 | |||||||||||
Richards et al., 2006178 | |||||||||||
Valli et al., 2001179 | |||||||||||
Vanderheyden et al., 2006180 | |||||||||||
Wattanabe et al., 2005146 | |||||||||||
Yamamoto et al., 2000182 | |||||||||||
Yamamoto et al., 1996181 | |||||||||||
Inpatient setting | |||||||||||
Bal et al., 2006183 | |||||||||||
Bettencourt et al., 2000184 | |||||||||||
Byrne et al., 1996185 | |||||||||||
Choy et al., 1994186 | |||||||||||
Mueller et al., 2004194 | |||||||||||
Osca et al., 2002187 | |||||||||||
Pfister et al., 2002188 | |||||||||||
Richards et al., 1998189 |
Reference | Consecutive series or random sample of consecutive series of patients | Selection criteria clearly described | Reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition | Time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests | Whole or random selection of sample received verification using the reference standard of diagnosis | Patients received same reference standard regardless of the index test result | Reference standard independent of the index test | Execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Execution of the reference test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test | Reference test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test | Withdrawals from the studies explained |
GP setting | |||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | |||||||||||
Groenning et al., 2004190 | |||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | |||||||||||
Ng et al., 2003151 | |||||||||||
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | |||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | |||||||||||
Gustafsson et al., 2005143 | |||||||||||
Lim et al., 200687 | |||||||||||
Sivakumar et al., 2006191 | |||||||||||
Population cohort or screening studies | |||||||||||
Costello-Boerrigter et al., 2006169 | |||||||||||
Outpatient setting | |||||||||||
Falkensammer et al., 2005175 | |||||||||||
Richards et al., 2006178 | |||||||||||
Thackray et al., 2006192 | |||||||||||
Vanderheyden et al., 2006180 | |||||||||||
Inpatient setting | |||||||||||
Bal et al., 2006183 | |||||||||||
Bay et al., 2003193 | |||||||||||
Mueller et al., 2004194 | |||||||||||
Pfister et al., 2002188 | |||||||||||
Richards et al., 1998189 |
The quality of the included studies was assessed using items from QUADAS, a validated tool for assessing the quality of diagnostic studies. 76 QUADAS contains 14 items relating to patient spectrum, reference standard, disease progression bias, verification bias, review bias, incorporation bias, test execution, study withdrawals and intermediate results.
The items that were included in the assessment of quality and how they were assessed are as follows:
We included an item on the method of recruitment (random or consecutive sample of patients). This was included to demonstrate the representativeness of the patient sample to those of interest to this review, that is, patients presenting in whom the diagnosis of heart failure is suspected. The usual first question from the QUADAS list on the representativeness of the patient spectrum was dropped, and studies were grouped by the clinical setting, including subgroup analyses of studies conducted in primary care settings.
Was a clear description given of selection criteria?
Is the reference standard likely to classify the target condition? This was assessed as satisfactory in studies using a diagnosis of heart failure if the study used a recognised clinical definition of heart failure (such as ESC criteria) and more than one clinician was involved in the assessment of the diagnosis. In studies that used a reference standard of LVSD, this was considered satisfactory if the method for establishing the left ventricular ejection fraction was described and was satisfactory.
Time between the index and reference tests.
Was partial verification prevented?
Was differential verification prevented?
The independence of the index test and the reference test.
Was the execution of the index test reported in sufficient detail to allow replication?
Was the execution of the reference test reported in sufficient detail to allow replication?
Was the index test interpreted blind to the reference test? This item was omitted for the BNP and NT-proBNP studies as the results are objective and do not require interpretation.
Was the reference test interpreted blind to the index test?
Was the same information provided to the researchers as would be available in clinical practice? This question was omitted as it was unclear from study reports what clinical information was provided within the research studies and if this was similar to the information that would be available in clinical practice.
Were uninterpretable or intermediate results reported? This item was omitted from the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies involving BNP and NT-proBNP as the tests are automated and uninterpretable or intermediate results are unlikely to occur.
Were withdrawals from the studies explained?
Appendix 4 Summary of results from included studies
Reference | n | Patients | Index test | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR + | LR– |
History of MI | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on loop diuretics | History of MI | ESC criteria | 30 | 51 | 260 | 35 | 2.81 | 0.64 |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | History of MI | ESC criteria | 6 | 36 | 220 | 11 | 2.51 | 0.75 |
Cost 200097 | 149 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure referred for assessment | History of MI | Clinical consensus | 8 | 9 | 96 | 36 | 2.12 | 0.89 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | History of MI | ESC criteria | 5 | 3 | 84 | 30 | 4.14 | 0.89 |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | History of MI | ESC criteria | 13 | 30 | 249 | 88 | 1.20 | 0.98 |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | History of MI | Clinical consensus | 26 | 18 | 210 | 51 | 4.28 | 0.72 |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | History of MI | ESC criteria | 28 | 14 | 188 | 76 | 3.88 | 0.79 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | History of MI | Framingham criteria including echocardiography results | 28 | 6 | 40 | 45 | 2.94 | 0.71 |
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | History of MI | Clinical consensus | 248 | 328 | 265 | 39 | 1.56 | 0.30 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | History of MI | Clinical consensus | 49 | 4 | 44 | 66 | 5.11 | 0.63 |
Dyspnoea | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | Dyspnoea | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure | 44 | 142 | 249 | 23 | 1.81 | 0.54 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea | ESC criteria | 501 | 46 | 461 | 50 | 10.03 | 0.10 |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Dyspnoea | ESC criteria | 17 | 141 | 115 | 0 | 1.82 | 0.00 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Dyspnoea | ESC criteria | 30 | 61 | 26 | 5 | 1.22 | 0.48 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Dyspnoea | Clinical consensus | 70 | 86 | 101 | 64 | 1.14 | 0.88 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea at rest | ESC criteria | 61 | 5 | 502 | 490 | 11.00 | 0.90 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea on exertion | ESC criteria | 435 | 81 | 426 | 116 | 4.94 | 0.25 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Dyspnoea on exertion | Clinical consensus | 114 | 127 | 60 | 20 | 1.25 | 0.47 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea when walking on the flat | ESC criteria | 198 | 5 | 502 | 353 | 36.00 | 0.65 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea when walking fast or slightly uphill | ESC criteria | 424 | 91 | 416 | 127 | 4.28 | 0.28 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Dyspnoea when walking uphill | ESC criteria | 485 | 117 | 390 | 66 | 3.83 | 0.16 |
Orthopnoea | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Orthopnoea | ESC criteria | 138 | 31 | 504 | 413 | 4.31 | 0.80 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Orthopnoea | Clinical consensus | 25 | 83 | 239 | 58 | 1.17 | 0.94 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Orthopnoea | Framingham criteria | 42 | 3 | 43 | 31 | 8.82 | 0.45 |
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Orthopnoea | Clinical consensus | 295 | 186 | 247 | 152 | 1.53 | 0.60 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Orthopnoea | Clinical consensus | 49 | 7 | 41 | 66 | 2.92 | 0.67 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Orthopnoea | Clinical consensus | 62 | 32 | 155 | 72 | 2.70 | 0.65 |
PND | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | PND | ESC criteria | 160 | 98 | 497 | 391 | 1.76 | 0.85 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | PND | Clinical consensus | 46 | 26 | 161 | 88 | 2.47 | 0.76 |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 452 | Patients with dyspnoea | PND | Framingham criteria | 102 | 64 | 171 | 115 | 1.73 | 0.73 |
Oedema | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Oedema | ESC criteria | 309 | 56 | 451 | 242 | 5.07 | 0.49 |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Oedema | ESC criteria | 9 | 118 | 138 | 8 | 1.15 | 0.87 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Oedema | Clinical consensus | 22 | 54 | 268 | 61 | 1.58 | 0.88 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Oedema | ESC criteria | 20 | 42 | 45 | 15 | 1.18 | 0.83 |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | Oedema | ESC criteria | 53 | 100 | 178 | 48 | 1.46 | 0.74 |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | Patients referred to a specialist unit for echocardiography | Oedema | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure | 14 | 39 | 67 | 17 | 1.23 | 0.87 |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Oedema | ESC criteria | 79 | 118 | 84 | 25 | 1.30 | 0.58 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Oedema | Framingham criteria | 52 | 5 | 41 | 21 | 6.55 | 0.32 |
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Oedema | Clinical consensus | 286 | 113 | 320 | 161 | 2.46 | 0.49 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Oedema | Clinical consensus | 37 | 7 | 41 | 98 | 1.88 | 0.85 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Oedema | Clinical consensus | 101 | 55 | 180 | 116 | 1.99 | 0.70 |
Elevated JVP | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Elevated JVP | ESC criteria | 182 | 15 | 492 | 369 | 11.00 | 0.69 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Elevated JVP | Clinical consensus | 26 | 75 | 247 | 57 | 1.34 | 0.90 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Elevated JVP | Clinical consensus | 170 | 43 | 390 | 277 | 3.80 | 0.69 |
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Elevated JVP | Framingham criteria | 50 | 11 | 35 | 23 | 2.86 | 0.41 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Elevated JVP | Clinical consensus | 68 | 10 | 38 | 47 | 2.84 | 0.52 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Elevated JVP | Clinical consensus | 50 | 13 | 174 | 84 | 5.37 | 0.67 |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 452 | Patients with dyspnoea | Elevated JVP | Framingham criteria | 49 | 15 | 220 | 168 | 3.54 | 0.83 |
Cardiomegaly | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Cardiomegaly | Clinical consensus | 22 | 48 | 274 | 61 | 1.78 | 0.86 |
Added heart sounds | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Added heart sounds | ESC criteria | 18 | 1 | 506 | 533 | 30.00 | 0.97 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Added heart sounds | Clinical consensus | 58 | 9 | 424 | 389 | 6.50 | 0.89 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Added heart sounds | Clinical consensus | 17 | 2 | 185 | 117 | 11.86 | 0.88 |
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Added heart sounds | Framingham criteria | 36 | 2 | 44 | 37 | 11.34 | 0.53 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Added heart sounds | Clinical consensus | 19 | 3 | 45 | 96 | 2.64 | 0.89 |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 452 | Patients with dyspnoea | Added heart sounds | Framingham criteria | 6 | 0 | 211 | 235 | Cannot calculate | 0.98 |
Lung crepitations | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Lung crepitations | ESC criteria | 204 | 152 | 355 | 347 | 11.86 | 0.65 |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Lung crepitations | ESC criteria | 4 | 17 | 239 | 13 | 3.54 | 0.82 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Lung crepitations | Clinical consensus | 31 | 97 | 225 | 52 | 1.24 | 0.90 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | Lung crepitations | ESC criteria | 54 | 76 | 206 | 47 | 1.98 | 0.64 |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | Lung crepitations | Clinical consensus | 37 | 32 | 195 | 40 | 3.41 | 0.60 |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Lung crepitations | ESC criteria | 50 | 38 | 164 | 54 | 2.56 | 0.64 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Lung crepitations | Clinical consensus | 264 | 100 | 333 | 183 | 2.57 | 0.53 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Lung crepitations | Clinical consensus | 87 | 18 | 30 | 28 | 2.02 | 0.39 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Lung crepitations | Clinical consensus | 66 | 36 | 151 | 68 | 2.56 | 0.63 |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 452 | Patients with dyspnoea | Lung crepitations | Framingham criteria | 130 | 77 | 158 | 87 | 1.83 | 0.60 |
Hepatomegaly | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Hepatomegaly | ESC criteria | 94 | 141 | 366 | 457 | 5.67 | 0.86 |
Reference | n | Patients | Index test | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR + | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | ECG not in sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation or sign of past ischaemic myocardial damage | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure | 44 | 59 | 332 | 23 | 4.35 | 0.40 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Abnormal rhythm, atrial abnormalities, conduction disturbances, presence of abnormal Q waves, poor R-wave progression in precordial leads, LVH, abnormal ST-segment T-wave changes (read by cardiologist) | ESC criteria (one clinician) | 446 | 248 | 259 | 105 | 1.65 | 0.37 |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on loop diuretics | Any abnormality | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure | 59 | 124 | 187 | 6 | 2.28 | 0.15 |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) | 16 | 136 | 120 | 1 | 1.77 | 0.13 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Evidence of previous MI, complete or incomplete left BBB, LVH, atrial fibrillation, ST and/or T-wave abnormalities and sinus tachycardia (read by cardiologist) | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) | 52 | 231 | 91 | 31 | 0.87 | 1.32 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) | 35 | 36 | 51 | 0 | 2.42 | 0.00 |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality (read by specialist registrar in cardiology) | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) | 101 | 162 | 120 | 0 | 1.74 | 0.00 |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | Patients referred to a specialist unit for echocardiography | Any abnormality | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure | 29 | 52 | 54 | 2 | 1.91 | 0.13 |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | Not in sinus rhythm, presence of Q waves, ST abnormalities, T-wave abnormalities, LVH, BBB, QRS duration > 120 ms | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) | 71 | 125 | 103 | 6 | 1.68 | 0.17 |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) | 84 | 81 | 121 | 20 | 2.01 | 0.32 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Evidence of previous MI, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, right or left BBB, ST-segment deviation (read by attending physician) | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 334 | 67 | 237 | 242 | 2.63 | 0.54 |
Reference | n | Patients | Index test | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 415 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure | 49 | 148 | 243 | 18 | 1.93 | 0.43 |
Fonseca et al., 200479 | 1058 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age) | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | ESC criteria (one clinician) | 314 | 112 | 395 | 237 | 2.59 | 0.55 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) | 35 | 30 | 57 | 0 | 2.90 | 0.00 |
Fox et al., 200085 | 383 | Patients referred to an open access heart failure clinic | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) | 40 | 11 | 268 | 61 | 10.05 | 0.63 |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | Increased CTR or pulmonary congestion | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) | 36 | 16 | 210 | 40 | 6.69 | 0.57 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Increased CTR | Framingham criteria including echocardiogram results | 44 | 9 | 37 | 29 | 3.08 | 0.49 |
Knudsen et al., 200490 | 880 | Patients with dyspnoea as predominant symptom | Increased CTR | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 353 | 87 | 346 | 94 | 3.95 | 0.26 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with acute severe dyspnoea | Increased CTR | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists and one pneumotologist) | 81 | 16 | 32 | 34 | 8.80 | 0.32 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 276 | Patients with dyspnoea | Increased CTR | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists using Framingham criteria) | 71 | 19 | 168 | 63 | 5.21 | 0.52 |
Reference | n | Patients | Index test; cut-off closest to 70 pg/ml | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Shionogi; 83 | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) | 15 | 84 | 172 | 2 | 2.69 | 0.18 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Roche; 56 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) | 52 | 231 | 91 | 31 | 0.87 | 1.32 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Cowie et al., 199784 | 122 | Patients referred to a rapid access heart failure clinic | Peninsula; 79 | ESC criteria (three cardiologists) | 28 | 12 | 65 | 1 | 6.20 | 0.04 |
Misuraca et al., 200298 | 83 | Patients referred with diagnosis of heart failure | Shionogi; 20 | Clinical symptoms and signs and echocardiographic criteria of systolic and diastolic dysfunction | 42 | 25 | 13 | 3 | 1.41 | 0.21 |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Triage; 100 | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) | 82 | 55 | 142 | 22 | 2.82 | 0.29 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Ababsa et al., 200499 | 192 | Patients > 75 years with dyspnoea and suspected heart failure | Triage; 50 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 176 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 2.93 | 0.03 |
Alibay et al., 2005100 | 160 | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage; 150 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 56 | 39 | 61 | 4 | 2.39 | 0.11 |
Barcarse et al., 2004101 | 98 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Triage; 110 | Clinical diagnosis (one cardiologist) | 55 | 4 | 37 | 2 | 9.89 | 0.04 |
El Mahmoud et al., 2006102 | 103 | Patients > 75 years with dyspnoea | Triage; 100 | Clinical diagnosis (two independent cardiologists) | 44 | 36 | 18 | 5 | 1.35 | 0.31 |
Jourdain et al., 2002106 | 125 | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage; 300 | Clinical diagnosis | 85 | 5 | 30 | 5 | 6.71 | 0.07 |
Lainchbury et al., 2003103 | 205 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Triage; 208 | ESC criteria (two independent cardiologists) | 66 | 41 | 95 | 4 | 3.13 | 0.08 |
Logeart et al., 200291 | 163 | Patients with severe dyspnoea | Triage; 80 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists and one pneumotologist) | 112 | 35 | 13 | 3 | 1.34 | 0.10 |
Maisel et al., 2002104 | 1586 | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage; 50 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 722 | 320 | 522 | 22 | 2.55 | 0.05 |
Morrison et al., 200292 | 321 | Patients with dyspnoea | Triage; 94 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists using Framingham criteria) | 113 | 4 | 182 | 19 | 39.81 | 0.15 |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 251 | Patients with acute dyspnoea as the primary complaint. | Abbott; 118 | Framingham criteria and echocardiographic criteria or systolic or diastolic dysfunction (one cardiologist) | 130 | 41 | 73 | 7 | 2.64 | 0.08 |
Ray et al., 2004107 | 313 | Patients > 65 years with acute dyspnoea | Triage; 250 | Clinical consensus (two independent physicians) | 128 | 68 | 98 | 14 | 2.20 | 0.17 |
Villacorta et al., 2002105 | 70 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Triage; 200 | Clinical diagnosis (one cardiologist) | 36 | 1 | 33 | 0 | 34.00 | 0.00 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Davis et al., 1994108 | 52 | Patients admitted for acute dyspnoea | NR; 76 | Clinical consensus (panel of physicians and radiologist) | 30 | 2 | 18 | 2 | 9.38 | 0.07 |
Dokainish et al., 2004109 | 122 | Patients referred to consultancy service for suspected heart failure | Boisite; 250 | Framingham criteria (clinical examination by one cardiologist) | 60 | 12 | 40 | 10 | 3.71 | 0.19 |
McLean et al., 2003110 | 84 | Patients admitted to ICU | Triage; 144 | Clinical diagnosis by senior intensivists | 24 | 8 | 50 | 2 | 6.69 | 0.09 |
Reference | n | Patients | Index test; cut-off closest to 300 pg/ml | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 458 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | In-house; 664 | LVEF < 40% or atrial fibrillation and symptoms of heart failure | 52 | 119 | 272 | 15 | 2.55 | 0.32 |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 566 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on loop diuretics | Roche; 176 | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure | 59 | 153 | 149 | 5 | 1.82 | 0.16 |
Hobbs et al., 200282 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Roche; 304 | ESC criteria (panel of three clinicians in equivocal cases) | 16 | 122 | 133 | 1 | 1.97 | 0.11 |
Rutten et al., 200583 | 405 | COPD patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure | Roche; 125 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists, one GP and one pulmonologist) | 65 | 140 | 182 | 18 | 1.80 | 0.38 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | Patients referred to a specialist unit for echocardiography | Roche; 846 | EF < 40% or atrial fibrillation or valve disease and symptoms of heart failure | 27 | 27 | 79 | 4 | 3.42 | 0.17 |
Nielsen et al., 2004111 | 287 | Patients referred with dyspnoea of < 2 weeks duration | Roche; 93 | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) | 46 | 40 | 60 | 0 | 2.50 | 0.00 |
Wright et al., 200387 | 305 | Patients with dyspnoea and/or oedema referred for assessment in study | In-house; 846 | Clinical consensus (three cardiologists and one GP) | 57 | 40 | 188 | 20 | 4.22 | 0.32 |
Zaphiriou et al., 200588 | 302 | Patients referred to rapid access heart failure clinic | Roche; 125 | ESC criteria (one cardiologist) | 102 | 129 | 69 | 2 | 1.51 | 0.06 |
Emergency department setting | ||||||||||
Alibay et al., 2005100 | 160 | Patients with dyspnoea | Roche; 1000 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 58 | 37 | 63 | 2 | 2.61 | 0.05 |
Bayes-Genis et al., 2004112 | 89 | Patients with dyspnoea | Roche; 253 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 73 | 8 | 7 | 1 | 1.85 | 0.03 |
El Mahmoud et al., 2006102 | 103 | Patients > 75 years with dyspnoea | Roche; 500 | Clinical diagnosis (two independent cardiologists) | 45 | 33 | 21 | 4 | 1.50 | 0.21 |
Januzzi et al., 2005113 | 599 | Patients > 21 years with dyspnoea | Roche; 900 | Clinical consensus (emergency department physician and three cardiologists) | 188 | 58 | 332 | 21 | 6.05 | 0.12 |
Jose et al., 200389 | 119 | Patients with acute or chronic dyspnoea (excluded patients with ACS, includes patients in outpatient settings) | Biomedica; 1691 | Framingham criteria including echocardiogram results | 71 | 5 | 46 | 2 | 9.92 | 0.03 |
Lainchbury et al., 2003103 | 205 | Patients with acute dyspnoea | Roche; 2875 | ESC criteria (two independent cardiologists) | 56 | 18 | 117 | 14 | 6.00 | 0.23 |
Mueller et al., 200593 | 251 | Patients with acute dyspnoea as the primary complaint | Abbott; 476 | Framingham criteria and echocardiographic criteria or systolic or diastolic dysfunction (one cardiologist) | 123 | 40 | 74 | 14 | 2.56 | 0.16 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Berdague et al., 2006114 | 254 | Patients > 70 years admitted from emergency department with dyspnoea | Roche; 1691 | Clinical consensus (two cardiologists) | 138 | 57 | 108 | 4 | 2.81 | 0.04 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
Dyspnoea | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Dyspnoea | LVEF < 40% | 8 | 150 | 113 | 2 | 1.40 | 0.47 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Dyspnoea | LVEF < 45% | 86 | 93 | 83 | 38 | 1.31 | 0.65 |
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | Dyspnoea | LVEF < 40% | 18 | 7 | 49 | 24 | 3.43 | 0.65 |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Morgan et al., 199911 | 817 | Random sample of patients aged 70–81 years | Dyspnoea on walking | LVSD | 9 | 23 | 733 | 52 | 4.85 | 0.88 |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Dyspnoea on exertion | LVEF < 40% | 228 | 191 | 116 | 86 | 1.17 | 0.72 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Dyspnoea on exertion | FS < 25% | 41 | 181 | 37 | 0 | 1.20 | 0.00 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Patients referred for ventriculography | Dyspnoea on exertion | LVEF < 50% | 15 | 5 | 39 | 40 | 2.40 | 0.82 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Zema et al., 1983150 | 37 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | Dyspnoea on exertion | LVEF < 50% | 17 | 16 | 4 | 0 | 1.25 | 0.00 |
Orthopnoea | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Orthopnoea | LVEF < 40% | 116 | 87 | 220 | 198 | 1.30 | 0.88 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Orthopnoea | FS < 25% | 9 | 57 | 161 | 32 | 0.84 | 1.06 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Zema et al., 1983150 | 37 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | Orthopnoea | LVEF < 50% | 12 | 7 | 13 | 5 | 2.02 | 0.45 |
PND | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | PND | LVEF < 40% | 32 | 28 | 279 | 282 | 1.12 | 0.99 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | PND | FS < 25% | 16 | 44 | 174 | 25 | 1.93 | 0.76 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Zema et al., 1983150 | 37 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | PND | LVEF < 50% | 8 | 5 | 15 | 9 | 1.88 | 0.71 |
Oedema | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Swelling of ankles | LVEF < 40% | 5 | 122 | 141 | 5 | 1.08 | 0.93 |
Morgan et al., 199911 | 817 | General practice patients | Bilateral peripheral oedema | LVSD | 11 | 68 | 688 | 50 | 2.00 | 0.90 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Oedema as a symptom | FS < 25% | 20 | 161 | 102 | 21 | 0.80 | 1.32 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | Dependent oedema | LVEF < 40% | 5 | 0 | 56 | 37 | Cannot calculate | 0.88 |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Pretibial oedema | LVEF < 45% | 43 | 60 | 116 | 81 | 1.02 | 0.99 |
Zema et al., 1983150 | 37 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | Oedema | LVEF < 50% | 7 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 1.65 | 0.78 |
Heart rate | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Nielsen et al., 2000139 | 126 | Patients in general practice with symptoms or signs of heart disease | Resting supine heart rate (bpm) > diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) | LVEF < 45% | 8 | 15 | 95 | 7 | 3.91 | 0.54 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Heart rate > 100 bpm | FS < 25% | 9 | 17 | 201 | 32 | 2.81 | 0.85 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Patients post MI | Heart rate > 100 bpm | LVEF < 40% | 14 | 6 | 13 | 10 | 1.85 | 0.61 |
McNamara et al., 1988195 | 812 | Patients post MI | Heart rate > 100 bpm | LVEF < 40% | 116 | 229 | 292 | 175 | 0.91 | 1.07 |
Hypertension | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Wattanabe et al., 2005146 | 141 | Patients with a history of MI but no symptoms of heart failure | Hypertension | LVEF < 55% | 27 | 35 | 36 | 43 | 0.78 | 1.21 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 297 | Patients referred to a direct access heart failure clinic | Hypertension | LVSD | 31 | 71 | 112 | 83 | 0.70 | 1.19 |
Gustafsson et al., 2005143 | 367 | Echocardiography clinic | Hypertension | LVEF < 40% | 4 | 64 | 270 | 29 | 0.63 | 1.09 |
McDonagh et al., 199710 | 1394 | Patients recruited from MONICA Glasgow study | Systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg | LVEF < 35% | 41 | 1378 | 46 | 2 | 0.99 | 1.44 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Patients post MI | Systolic blood pressure > 150 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg | LVEF < 40% | 6 | 7 | 12 | 18 | 0.68 | 1.19 |
Mueller et al., 2004194 | 180 | Patients admitted for cardiac evaluation plus 27 patients with stable heart failure | Hypertension | LVEF < 35% | 21 | 87 | 61 | 20 | 0.87 | 1.18 |
Jugular venous pressure | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Morgan et al., 199911 | 817 | Random sample of patients aged 70–81 years in a four-centre general practice | JVP > 5 cm | LVSD | 7 | 23 | 733 | 54 | 3.77 | 0.91 |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Elevated JVP | LVEF < 40% | 49 | 18 | 289 | 265 | 2.66 | 0.90 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Elevated JVP | FS < 25% | 7 | 4 | 214 | 34 | 9.30 | 0.84 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | Elevated JVP | LVEF < 40% | 4 | 0 | 56 | 38 | Cannot calculate | 0.90 |
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Patients post MI | Elevated JVP | LVEF < 40% | 3 | 1 | 18 | 21 | 2.38 | 0.92 |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Elevated JVP | LVEF < 45% | 42 | 18 | 158 | 8 | 8.21 | 0.18 |
Apex beat | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Apex beat displaced | LVEF < 40% | 51 | 80 | 227 | 263 | 0.62 | 1.13 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Apex beat displaced | FS < 25% | 27 | 9 | 209 | 14 | 15.95 | 0.36 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Patients referred for ventriculography | Displaced apical impulse | LVEF < 50% | 17 | 1 | 43 | 38 | 13.60 | 0.71 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | Apex beat on or outside midclavicular line | LVEF < 40% | 15 | 3 | 53 | 27 | 6.67 | 0.68 |
Heart sounds | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Added heart sound | LVEF < 40% | 43 | 27 | 280 | 271 | 1.56 | 0.95 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Gallop | FS < 25% | 10 | 2 | 216 | 31 | 26.59 | 0.76 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Patients referred for ventriculography | S3 | LVEF < 50% | 24 | 5 | 39 | 31 | 3.84 | 0.64 |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Patients with chest pain | S3 | LVEF < 50% | 299 | 255 | 10,883 | 3070 | 3.88 | 0.93 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | S3 | LVEF < 40% | 19 | 21 | 61 | 9 | 2.65 | 0.43 |
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Patients post MI | S3 | LVEF < 40% | 6 | 1 | 55 | 36 | 8.00 | 0.87 |
Narain et al., 2005148 | 110 | Patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome | S3 | LVEF < 45% | 23 | 4 | 15 | 1 | 4.55 | 0.05 |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | S3 | LVEF < 45% | 26 | 11 | 165 | 98 | 3.35 | 0.84 |
Crepitations | ||||||||||
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Crepitations | LVEF < 40% | 2 | 19 | 244 | 8 | 2.77 | 0.86 |
Morgan et al., 199911 | 817 | General practice patients | Crepitations | LVSD | 27 | 136 | 620 | 34 | 2.46 | 0.68 |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Crepitations | LVEF < 40% | 70 | 55 | 252 | 244 | 1.24 | 0.95 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1997141 | 259 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Crepitations | FS < 25% | 12 | 50 | 168 | 29 | 1.28 | 0.92 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Patients referred for ventriculography | Crepitations | LVEF < 50% | 13 | 1 | 43 | 42 | 10.40 | 0.78 |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Patients enrolled in chest pain registry who had echocardiography | Crepitations | LVEF < 50% | 157 | 184 | 11,049 | 3117 | 2.93 | 0.97 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | Crepitations 5 cm above lung bases | LVEF < 40% | 6 | 4 | 52 | 36 | 2.00 | 0.92 |
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Patients post MI | Crepitations | LVEF < 40% | 21 | 5 | 14 | 3 | 3.33 | 0.17 |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Crepitations | LVEF < 45% | 83 | 100 | 76 | 41 | 1.18 | 0.77 |
Liver span | ||||||||||
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post-MI | Liver span > 9 cm | LVEF < 40% | 1 | 2 | 54 | 41 | 0.67 | 1.01 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Alehagen et al., 200380 | 458 | Patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure with no previous diagnosis | ECG not in sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation or sign of past ischaemic myocardial damage | LVEF < 40% | 27 | 76 | 327 | 28 | 2.60 | 0.63 |
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on diuretics | Any abnormality | LVSD | 59 | 124 | 187 | 6 | 2.28 | 0.15 |
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Any abnormality | LVEF < 40% | 10 | 142 | 121 | 0 | 1.85 | 0.00 |
McDonagh et al., 199710 | 1394 | Patients recruited from MONICA Glasgow study | Q waves, left BBB, ST-segment depression, T-wave abnormalities, LVH, atrial fibrillation | LVEF < 30% | 42 | 1352 | 72 | 1 | 1.03 | 0.46 |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Patients randomly selected from 21 general practices | Q waves, BBB, LVH, atrial fibrillation, LAD, poor R-wave progression, atrial hypertrophy, ST change, sinus bradycardia or tachycardia | LWMI > 2 | 15 | 516 | 798 | 2 | 2.25 | 0.19 |
Nielsen et al., 2000139 | 126 | General practice patients with symptoms or signs of heart failure | QRS prolongation and/or ST changes | LVEF < 45% | 13 | 49 | 62 | 2 | 1.96 | 0.24 |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 621 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Any abnormality | LVEF < 40% | 215 | 162 | 145 | 99 | 1.30 | 0.67 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Davie et al., 1996141 | 534 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Atrial fibrillation, previous MI, LVH, BBB, LAD | LVSD | 90 | 169 | 269 | 6 | 2.43 | 0.10 |
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 297 | Patients referred to a direct access heart failure clinic | Any abnormality | LVSD | 93 | 77 | 106 | 21 | 1.94 | 0.32 |
Khandekar et al., 1996196 | 137 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Major abnormality: atrial fibrillation, LVH, BBB or Q wave | LVSD or valve lesion | 36 | 50 | 37 | 14 | 1.25 | 0.66 |
Khandekar et al., 1996196 | 137 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Major or minor abnormality: above + non-specific ST/T wave changes and atrial hypertrophy | LVSD or valve lesion | 39 | 70 | 17 | 11 | 0.97 | 1.13 |
Landray et al., 2000152 | 126 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Q waves, poor R-wave progression, LVH, left BBB | LVSD | 16 | 11 | 75 | 24 | 3.13 | 0.69 |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Atrial fibrillation or flutter, ventricular arrhythmia, intraventricular conduction, ST/T wave, Q wave, LVH (read by GP) | 10 | 44 | 74 | 9 | 1.41 | 0.76 | |
Lim et al., 200686 | 137 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Atrial fibrillation or flutter, ventricular arrhythmia, intraventricular conduction, ST/T wave, Q wave, LVH (read by hospital physician) | 18 | 63 | 55 | 1 | 1.77 | 0.11 | |
Lindsay et al., 2000153 | 416 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Q waves, ST/T changes, LAD, left atrial enlargement, BBB, atrial fibrillation, heart block or poor R-wave progression | LVSD | 86 | 112 | 209 | 9 | 2.59 | 0.15 |
Sandler et al., 2000154 | 240 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Any abnormality | LVSD | 52 | 80 | 89 | 19 | 1.55 | 0.51 |
Population cohort or screening studies | ||||||||||
Hedberg et al., 2004155 | 407 | Random sample of population aged 75 years | Major or minor changes: atrial fibrillation, BBB, Q wave, ST change, T-wave inversion or LVH, atrioventricular block, LAD, incomplete BBB, borderline Q wave or high R-wave amplitude | LVSD | 27 | 117 | 262 | 1 | 3.12 | 0.05 |
Mosterd et al., 1997156 | 1980 | Prospective cohort (Rotterdam study) | Atrial fibrillation, LVH, BBB | FS < 25% | 32 | 409 | 1512 | 27 | 2.55 | 0.58 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Baker et al., 2003157 | 481 | Patients with risk factors and no documented heart failure | Conduction and axis abnormalities, LVH, previous MI | LVEF < 50% | 23 | 237 | 206 | 15 | 1.13 | 0.85 |
Christian et al., 1997158 | 2267 | Patients referred for ventriculography | ST or T-wave abnormalities, Q waves, BBB, LVH, ventricular rhythm, digitalis effect, any other abnormality | LVEF < 50% | 379 | 1136 | 722 | 30 | 1.52 | 0.19 |
Houghton et al., 1997159 | 200 | Retrospective study of patients in heart failure clinic with ECG and echocardiography | Brady- or tachycardia, LAD, atrial fibrillation, abnormal PR interval, abnormal QRS shape or duration, ST changes, abnormal QT interval, abnormal T-wave morphology, abnormal U waves | LVSD | 147 | 19 | 16 | 18 | 1.64 | 0.24 |
Hutcheon et al., 2002133 | 304 | Patients who were referred to the day hospital | Q waves, BBB, conduction defect, ST/T segment abnormalities, LVH, atrial fibrillation or flutter | LVSD | 30 | 135 | 133 | 1 | 1.92 | 0.07 |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Patients enrolled in chest pain registry who had echocardiography | Any abnormality | LVEF < 50% | 2957 | 7307 | 3702 | 332 | 1.35 | 0.30 |
Talwar et al., 1999160 | 222 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Major or minor changes: atrial fibrillation, previous MI, LVH, LAD, left BBB, bradycardia, tachycardia, poor R-wave progression, RAD, ST/T changes, first-degree heart block, atrial enlargement | LWMI > 1.2 | 84 | 102 | 24 | 112 | 0.53 | 3.00 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gillespie et al., 1997161 | 71 | Patients admitted to an acute medical ward | Major abnormalities on ECG | LVSD | 44 | 8 | 18 | 1 | 3.18 | 0.03 |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Q waves, poor R-wave progression, LVH, left BBB, ST abnormalities | LVEF < 45% | 118 | 64 | 116 | 2 | 2.77 | 0.03 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test | Reference test | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Landray et al., 2000152 | 126 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVSD | 26 | 47 | 39 | 14 | 1.19 | 0.77 |
Sandler et al., 2000154 | 267 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Any abnormality | LVSD | 53 | 90 | 95 | 29 | 1.33 | 0.69 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Patients referred for ventriculography | Increased CTR | LVEF < 50% | 39 | 3 | 41 | 16 | 10.40 | 0.31 |
Mattleman et al., 1983144 | 99 | Patients referred for ventriculography | Pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% | 21 | 3 | 41 | 34 | 5.60 | 0.66 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gadsboll et al., 1989164 | 98 | Patients post MI | Increased CTR | LVEF < 40% | 38 | 33 | 22 | 4 | 1.51 | 0.24 |
Gillespie et al., 1997161 | 71 | Patients admitted to an acute medical ward | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVSD | 32 | 2 | 24 | 13 | 9.24 | 0.31 |
Hendry et al., 1999162 | 61 | Patients admitted with heart failure | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVSD | 32 | 11 | 8 | 10 | 1.32 | 0.57 |
Jain et al., 1993147 | 43 | Patients post MI | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 40% | 14 | 2 | 17 | 10 | 5.54 | 0.47 |
Madsen et al., 1984163 | 229 | Post MI | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% | 68 | 33 | 57 | 61 | 1.44 | 0.75 |
Talreja et al., 2000149 | 300 | Inpatients referred for echocardiography | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 45% | 67 | 49 | 127 | 57 | 1.94 | 0.64 |
Zema et al., 1983150 | 37 | Inpatients with symptoms and signs of COPD | Increased CTR and/or pulmonary congestion | LVEF < 50% | 10 | 1 | 17 | 7 | 10.59 | 0.44 |
Rihal et al., 1995145 | 14,507 | Patients enrolled in chest pain registry who had echocardiography | Increased CTR | LVEF < 50% | 475 | 922 | 7377 | 1961 | 1.76 | 0.91 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test; cut-off closest to 50 pg/ml | Reference test criteria | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Shionogi; 114 | LVEF < 40% | 6 | 67 | 196 | 4 | 2.36 | 0.54 |
Nielsen et al., 2003139 | 1252 | Randomly selected patients aged 25–74 years | Peninsula; 8 | LVEF < 40% | 44 | 568 | 641 | 4 | 1.95 | 0.16 |
Smith et al., 2000167 | 155 | General practice patients aged 70–84 years, England | Peninsula; 64 | Qualitative assessment of LVSD | 11 | 1 | 93 | 50 | 2.62 | 0.13 |
Sparrow et al., 2003140 | 571 | Patients prescribed loop diuretics | Peninsula; 53 | LVEF < 40% | 173 | 141 | 173 | 134 | 1.26 | 0.80 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 263 | Patients referred from GP | Triage; 40 | LVSD | 105 | 113 | 70 | 9 | 1.49 | 0.21 |
Landray et al., 2000152 | 126 | Patients referred to hospital clinic with suspected heart failure | Shionogi; 18 | Qualitative assessment of LVSD | 26 | 14 | 75 | 11 | 5.08 | 0.40 |
Population cohort or screening studies | ||||||||||
Costello-Boerrigter et al., 2006169 | 1869 | Random sample of population > 45 years | Triage; 66 | LVEF < 40% | 30 | 346 | 1486 | 7 | 4.29 | 0.23 |
Hedberg et al., 2004155 | 407 | Random sample of population > 75 years | Shionogi; 73 | LVSD | 22 | 42 | 337 | 6 | 7.09 | 0.24 |
Lukowicz et al., 2005171 | 1678 | Participants in Augsburg, MONICA study | Shionogi; 27 | LVEF < 40% | 4 | 116 | 1002 | 1 | 7.70 | 0.22 |
Vasan et al., 2002172 | 1707 | Female Framingham study participants | Shionogi; 51 | LVEF < 40% and/or FS < 22% | 4 | 6 | 1612 | 85 | 7.99 | 0.63 |
Vasan et al., 2002172 | 1470 | Male Framingham study participants | Shionogi; 50 | LVEF < 40% and/or FS < 22% | 20 | 40 | 1340 | 71 | 6.62 | 0.70 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Hutcheon et al., 2002133 | 299 | Patients referred to day hospital with suspected cardiovascular disease | Peninsula; 49 | Qualitative assessment of LVSD | 29 | 2 | 102 | 166 | 1.51 | 0.17 |
Richards et al., 2006178 | 1049 | Patients with stable heart failure or IHD in a trial | In-house; 54 | LVEF < 40% | 257 | 252 | 467 | 73 | 2.22 | 0.34 |
Valli et al., 2001179 | 153 | Patients referred for radionuclide ventriculography | CIS Bio; 52 | LVEF < 40% | 49 | 9 | 78 | 17 | 4.72 | 0.19 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Bettencourt et al., 2000184 | 101 | Patients days 4 and 5 post MI | Shionogi; 142 | LVEF < 40% | 29 | 7 | 46 | 19 | 2.76 | 0.27 |
Choy et al., 1994186 | 75 | Patients day 3+ post MI | Peninsula; 52 | LVEF < 40% | 34 | 6 | 22 | 13 | 2.29 | 0.24 |
Pfister et al., 2002188 | 150 | Patients referred for cardiac catheterisation in hospital | CIS Bio; 27 | LVEF < 40% | 9 | 0 | 63 | 78 | 1.81 | 0.11 |
Richards et al., 1998189 | 297 | Patients post MI | In-house; 111 | LVEF < 40% | 28 | 24 | 64 | 5 | 3.11 | 0.21 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test; cut-off closest to 15 pmol/l | Reference test criteria | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Galasko et al., 200581 | 376 | Patients with symptoms of heart failure or on diuretics | Roche; 40 | LVSD | 27 | 185 | 152 | 2 | 1.70 | 0.15 |
Groenning et al., 2004190 | 672 | Patients recruited from general practice, Copenhagen | NR; 902 | LVEF < 40% | 29 | 9 | 425 | 209 | 2.31 | 0.35 |
Hobbs et al., 200482 | 273 | Randomly selected patients (stratified by age): subgroup of patients presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure | Roche; 338 | LVEF < 40% | 8 | 126 | 136 | 2 | 1.66 | 0.39 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Fuat et al., 2006142 | 263 | Patients referred from GP | Roche; 150 | LVSD | 107 | 110 | 73 | 0 | 1.66 | 0.00 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Gustaffson et al., 2005143 | 367 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Roche; 125 | LVEF < 40% | 32 | 180 | 154 | 1 | 1.80 | 0.07 |
Thackray et al., 2006192 | 261 | Patients attending pacemaker clinic | Biomedica; 2258 | LVEF < 40% | 54 | 62 | 127 | 18 | 2.29 | 0.37 |
Bay et al., 2003193 | 2193 | All patients admitted to a general city hospital, Copenhagen | NR; 3019 | LVEF < 40% | 115 | 42 | 1669 | 367 | 4.06 | 0.33 |
Richards et al., 2006178 | 1049 | Patients with stable heart failure or IHD in a trial | In-house; 588 | LVEF < 40% | 234 | 244 | 457 | 96 | 2.04 | 0.45 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Richards et al., 1998189 | 297 | Patients post MI | In-house; 1226 | LVEF < 40% | 27 | 27 | 61 | 6 | 2.67 | 0.26 |
Pfister et al., 2002188 | 150 | Patients referred for cardiac catheterisation in hospital, Cologne, Germany | Roche; 360 | LVEF < 40% | 9 | 0 | 90 | 41 | 3.03 | 0.08 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test; cut-off closest to 50 pg/ml | Reference test criteria | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
McGeoch et al., 2002166 | 91 | Patients being treated for heart failure, Christchurch | In-house; 1212 | LVEF < 45% | 38 | 17 | 24 | 12 | 2.07 | 0.46 |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Patients without a previous diagnosis of heart failure randomly selected from 21 general practices, Leicestershire | Peninsula; 66 | LVEF < 45% or LWMI > 1.6 | 30 | 0 | 386 | 914 | 1.42 | 0.00 |
Population cohort or screening studies | ||||||||||
Luchner et al., 2000170 | 479 | MONICA study participants, Augsburg | Shionogi; 34 | FS < 28% | 11 | 28 | 378 | 62 | 2.00 | 0.84 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Falkensammer et al., 2005175 | 51 | Patients referred for radionuclide ventriculography | Shionogi; 60 | LVEF < 50% | 17 | 12 | 16 | 6 | 1.72 | 0.46 |
Krishnaswamy et al., 2001176 | 400 | Patients referred for echocardiography, San Diego | Triage; 54 | LVEF < 50% or global hypokinesis or wall motion abnormality | 204 | 20 | 99 | 77 | 2.08 | 0.16 |
Kruger et al., 2004132 | 128 | Patients referred to clinic with suspected cardiac disease or known heart failure, Aachen, Germany | Triage; 80 | LVEF < 50% | 59 | 7 | 34 | 28 | 1.98 | 0.19 |
Mallamaci et al., 2001177 | 246 | Patients on renal dialysis with no overt sign of heart failure | Peninsula; 135 | LVEF < 45% | 23 | 52 | 163 | 8 | 3.07 | 0.34 |
Vanderheyden et al., 2006180 | 72 | Patients referred for elective catheterisation | Triage; 54 | LVEF < 45% | 31 | 24 | 16 | 1 | 1.61 | 0.08 |
Wattanabe et al., 2005146 | 141 | Patients post MI but with no symptoms of heart failure | Tosoh II; 89 | LVEF < 55% | 64 | 31 | 40 | 6 | 2.09 | 0.15 |
Yamamoto et al., 1996181 | 94 | Patients referred for cardiac catheterisation, Mayo Clinic | Shionogi; 51 | LVEF < 45% | 18 | 6 | 58 | 12 | 4.38 | 0.30 |
Yamamoto et al., 2000182 | 466 | Patients referred for echocardiography to assess ventricular function, Mayo Clinic | Shionogi; 37 | LVEF < 45% | 40 | 11 | 266 | 149 | 2.18 | 0.34 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Bal et al., 2006183 | 41 | Patients admitted to ICU for acute respiratory distress and/or shock | Triage; 221 | LVEF < 50% | 17 | 2 | 14 | 8 | 5.44 | 0.37 |
Osca et al., 2002187 | 101 | Patients admitted for heart failure | Shionogi; 64 | LVEF < 55% | 43 | 19 | 25 | 14 | 1.93 | 0.48 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test; cut-off closest to 300 pg/ml | Reference test criteria | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Groenning et al., 2004190 | 672 | Patients recruited from general practice | NR; 902 | LVEF < 40% | 54 | 23 | 375 | 220 | 1.9 | 0.47 |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Patients without a previous diagnosis of heart failure randomly selected from 21 general practices | NR; 48 | LVEF < 45% or LWMI > 1.6 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 1301 | 1.00 | Cannot be calculated |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Lim et al., 200686 | 116 | Patients referred from general practice | Roche; 338 | LVEF < 50% | 13 | 41 | 82 | 1 | 2.79 | 0.11 |
Population cohort or screening studies | ||||||||||
Costello-Boerrigter et al., 2006169 | 1869 | Random sample of population > 45 years | Roche; 228 | LVEF < 50% | 32 | 256 | 1576 | 5 | 6.19 | 0.16 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Falkensammer et al., 2005175 | 51 | Patients referred for radionuclide ventriculography | Roche; 230 | LVEF < 50% | 28 | 5 | 15 | 3 | 3.61 | 0.13 |
Richards et al., 2006178 | 1049 | Patients with stable heart failure or IHD in a trial | In-house; 562 | LVEF < 50% | 32 | 32 | 8 | 0 | 1.25 | 0.00 |
Sivakumar et al., 2006191 | 100 | Patients referred for echocardiography | Roche; 424 | LVEF < 50% | 24 | 41 | 34 | 1 | 1.76 | 0.09 |
Vanderheyden et al., 2006180 | 72 | Patients referred for elective catheterisation | Roche; 358 | LVEF < 45% | 40 | 26 | 6 | 0 | 1.23 | 0 |
Inpatient setting | ||||||||||
Bal et al., 2006183 | 41 | Patients admitted to ICU for acute respiratory distress and/or shock | Roche; separate cut-offs for men and women | LVEF < 50% | 13 | 41 | 82 | 1 | 2.79 | 0.11 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test; cut-off closest to 50 pg/ml | Reference test criteria | TP | FP | TN | FN | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
McDonagh et al., 1998165 | 1252 | MONICA study participants | Peninsula; 18 | LVEF < 30% | 28 | 9 | 1057 | 158 | 5.82 | 0.28 |
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure randomly selected from 21 general practices | Peninsula; 66 | LVEF < 35% or LWMI > 2 | 17 | 0 | 582 | 732 | 1.80 | 0.06 |
GP patients referred to open access heart failure or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Sim et al., 2003168 | 83 | Patients referred to an open access echocardiography service | Bachem; 19 | LVEF < 35% | 26 | 0 | 28 | 29 | 1.96 | 0.04 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Byrne et al., 1996185 | 94 | Patients post MI | NR | LVEF < 30% | 35 | 11 | 36 | 12 | 3.18 | 0.33 |
Mueller et al., 2004194 | 157 | Patients attending a cardiology clinic | Bayer; 137 | LVEF < 35% | 27 | 5 | 139 | 9 | 13.9 | 0.17 |
Study | n | Setting | Index test; cut-off closest to 300 pg/ml | Reference test criteria | TP | FN | TN | FP | LR+ | LR– |
General practice setting | ||||||||||
Ng et al., 2003151 | 1331 | Patients with no previous diagnosis of heart failure randomly selected from 21 general practices | NR; 318 | LVEF < 35% or LWMI > 2 | 17 | 0 | 611 | 703 | 1.87 | 0.06 |
GP patients referred to open access HF or echocardiography clinics | ||||||||||
Gustaffson et al., 2005143 | 367 | Patients with suspected heart failure | Roche; 125 | LVEF < 40% | 14 | 155 | 198 | 0 | 2.28 | 0.00 |
Outpatient setting | ||||||||||
Mueller et al., 2004194 | 157 | Patients attending a cardiology clinic | Roche; 211 | LVEF < 35% | 30 | 2 | 112 | 36 | 3.9 | 0.08 |
Appendix 5 Studies excluded from the systematic review
Reference | Reason for exclusion |
Ahmed et al., 2003 | All patients had heart failure; study assessed the sensitivity and specificity of symptoms and signs to differentiate between systolic and diastolic heart failure |
Ahmed et al., 2004 | All patients had heart failure; study assessed the sensitivity and specificity of dyspnoea at rest versus the Framingham criteria |
Butman et al., 1993 | All patients had heart failure |
Cease et al., 1986 | Logistic regression of heart rate, blood pressure and chest X-ray measurements |
Chakko et al., 1991 | All patients had heart failure |
Clark et al., 2000 | All patients had heart failure; correlation between cardiothoracic ratio on chest X-ray and LVEF |
Collin-Chavagnac et al., 2006 | Case–control study |
Costanzo et al., 1988 | Inappropriate reference test (pulmonary arteriolar resistance) |
Dans et al., 1995 | Inappropriate reference test ( LVEDP) |
Ducas et al., 1983 | Case–control study |
Eagle et al., 1988 | Study assessed the correlation between symptoms, signs, ECG, chest X-ray findings and gated blood pool scan results |
Echeverria et al., 1983 | All patients had heart failure |
Eilen et al., 1983 | Only included patients with a palpable apex beat |
Eriksson et al., 1987 | Study compared the symptoms and signs of heart failure versus a pulmonary and cardiac scoring system |
Ewy et al., 1988 | Inappropriate reference test (PCWP > 18 mmHg) |
Harlan et al., 1977 | Inappropriate reference test (LVEDP) |
Heckerling et al., 1993 | Inappropriate reference test (LVEDV) |
Heckerling et al., 1991 | Inappropriate reference test (enlarged cardiothoracic ratio on chest X-ray) |
Knudsen et al., 2005 | Subset of Maisel et al., 2002104 (patients with atrial fibrillation) |
Lien et al., 2002 | All patients had heart failure |
McNamara et al., 1988 | Used logistic regression, cannot extract data for 2 × 2 table |
Marantz et al., 1990 | Inappropriate reference test (Boston criteria for heart failure) |
Marcus et al., 2004 | Study assessing diagnostic accuracy of S3 against elevated BNP |
Marcus et al., 2005 | Inappropriate index test (computerised S3 and S4) |
Mittal et al., 1985 | Commentary on JVP |
O’Neill et al., 1989 | Assesses the diagnostic accuracy of a displaced apex beat versus cardiomegaly on chest X-ray |
Patel et al., 1993 | Inappropriate reference test (LVEDV) |
Remes et al., 1991 | Inappropriate reference test (Boston criteria) |
Rohde et al., 2004 | All patients had heart failure |
Rusconi et al., 1991 | Commentary on Remes et al., 1991 |
Shah et al., 2004 | Provides negative predictive value for ECG and chest X-ray, cannot extract data for a 2 × 2 table |
Singh et al., 1973 | Study size only n = 11 |
Sjoland et al., 1997 | Inappropriate reference test (LVEF < 60%) |
Spodick et al., 1994 | Commentary on Heckerling et al., 1991 |
Stapleton et al., 1987 | Commentary on Ismail et al., 1987 |
Stevenson and Perloff, 1989 | All patients had heart failure |
Wang et al., 2005 | Systematic review |
Wyer et al., 2006 | Commentary on Wang et al., 2005 |
Zema et al., 1980 | Signs were considered positive if at least one physician of three detected the sign |
Zhao et al., 2006 | Case–control study |
Reference | Reason for exclusion |
Al-Meslmani et al., 2005 | Correlation between BNP and echocardiography results in different types of cardiac disease |
Atisha et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (any ventricular dysfunction) |
Bettencourt et al., 2000 | Inappropriate reference test (any ventricular dysfunction) |
Bibbins-Domingo et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (any ventricular dysfunction) |
Epshteyn et al., 2003 | Inappropriate reference test |
Felker et al., 2006 | Review article |
Halling et al., 2003 | Study looking at how heart failure is diagnosed and managed in elderly with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
Hoilund-Carlsen et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (ischaemic heart disease) |
Hurst et al., 2005 | Review article |
Kelly et al., 2000 | Review article |
Krishnaswamy et al., 2001 | Inappropriate reference test (any ventricular dysfunction) |
Kruger et al., 2004 | Inappropriate index test (ECG abnormality: prolonged QRS duration) |
McClure et al., 1998 | Cannot extract 2 × 2 data |
Mattleman et al., 1983 | Inappropriate reference test (ECG abnormality: evidence of MI) |
Mikkelsen et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (any ventricular abnormality) |
Murkofsky et al., 1998 | Inappropriate index test (ECG abnormality: QRS prolongation and Q waves) |
Nakae et al., 2005 | Correlation of levels between echocardiography, SPECT and BNP |
Nakamura et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (any heart disease) |
Pfister et al., 2002 | Inappropriate reference test (right ventricular dysfunction) |
Pope et al., 2004 | Prognosis in ACS |
Porter et al., 2000 | Correlation between ECG and LWMI |
Segawa et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (patients at risk of heart failure) |
Shah et al., 2004 | Cannot extract 2 × 2 data |
Steg et al., 2005 | Subset of Maisel et al., 2002104 (only those patients who had an echocardiogram) |
Wang et al., 2005 | Systematic review |
Wyer et al., 2006 | Commentary on Wang et al., 2005 |
Reference | Reason for exclusion |
Badgett, et al., 1997 | Systematic review |
Butman et al., 1993 | Inappropriate reference test (PCWP) |
Chakko et al., 1991 | All patients had heart failure |
Collins et al., 2006 | Inappropriate reference test (discharge on diagnosis) |
Dao et al., 2001 | Subset of Morrison et al., 200292 |
Harlan et al., 1977 | Inappropriate reference test (LVEDP) |
Hendry et al., 1999 | Inappropriate population (patients admitted with heart failure) |
Henriksson et al., 2004 | Commentary on Knudsen et al., 200490 |
Kragelund et al., 2006 | Inappropriate reference test (coronary atherosclerosis) |
Kundel et al., 1982 | All patients had heart failure |
Quinones et al., 2005 | Review article |
Render et al., 1995 | Comparison of chest X-ray patients with systolic vs diastolic function |
Shah et al., 2004 | Cannot extract 2 × 2 data |
Wang et al., 2005 | Systematic review |
Wyer et al., 2006 | Commentary on Wang et al., 2005 |
Reference | Reason for exclusion |
Al-Meslmani et al., 2005 | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiography results in different types of cardiac disease) |
Apple et al., 2003 | Inappropriate reference test (hospital discharge diagnosis including BNP) |
Arad et al., 1996 | Case–control study |
Arques et al., 2005 | Case–control study |
Barclay et al., 2006 | Correlation study (BNP and left ventricular filling pressure) |
Bassan et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (acute myocardial infarction) |
Belovicova et al., 2005 | Correlation study (BNP and NYHA) |
Bettencourt et al., 1999 | Case–control study |
Bettencourt et al., 2000 | Provides ROC curves but not 2 × 2 data |
Bhalla et al., 2005 | Retrospective study of only patients with both BNP and echocardiography results |
Cabanes et al., 2001 | Case–control study |
Campbell et al., 2000 | Case–control study |
Campbell et al., 2001 | Inappropriate reference test (chest X-ray findings) |
Castro et al., 2001 | Inappropriate reference test (diastolic heart failure) |
Chen et al., 2006 | Substudy of PRIDE (comparison of BNP and echocardiography for prognosis) |
Chung et al., 2006 | Review article (references checked) |
Clerico et al., 1998 | Case–control study |
Collin-Chavagnac et al., 2006 | Case–control study |
Collins et al., 2006 | Inappropriate index test (electronically detected S3 or S3 + BNP) |
Conen et al., 2006 | Inappropriate reference test (LVH) |
Daggubati et al., 1997 | Case–control study |
Davidson et al., 1996 | Comparison of BNP and NT-proBNP for LVSD using AUC |
De%%Boer et al., 2001 | Case–control study |
Del Ry et al., 2000 | Case–control study |
Dokanish et al., 2006 | Comparison of BNP and echocardiogram for predicting outcome |
Falcao et al., 2004 | Case–control study |
Fleischer et al., 1997 | Inappropriate reference test (emergency room diagnosis) |
Folk et al., 2005 | Retrospective study of 17 obstetric patients and only two had cardiac dysfunction |
Fonseca et al., 200480 | Case–control study |
Francis et al., 1998 | Commentary on McDonagh et al., 1998 |
Friedl et al., 1996 | Case–control study |
Fruhwald et al., 1999 | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiogram) |
Furumoto et al., 2006 | Correlation study (BNP and hypertension + diastolic dysfunction) |
Galasko et al., 2006 | Cost-effectiveness study using data from Galasko et al., 200581 |
Gegenhuber et al., 2006 | Comparison of BNP and NT-proBNP in the same cohort as in Mueller et al., 200593 |
Groenning et al., 2001 | Case–control study |
Groenning et al., 2002 | Case–control study |
Hall et al., 2003 | Case–control study |
Hammerer-Lercher et al., 2001 | All patients had heart failure |
Heidenreich et al., 2004 | Cost-effectiveness study using data from Vasan et al., 2002172 |
Hetmanski et al., 2000 | Provides ROC curves but not 2 × 2 data |
Hirata et al., 2001 | Case–control study |
Hunt et al., 1997 | Case–control study |
Ingelsson et al., 2005 | Assessment of the validity of a hospital discharge diagnosis of heart failure |
Iwanaga et al., 2006 | Correlation study (BNP and LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic wall stress) |
Januzzi et al., 2006 | Prognostic study for heart failure outcomes |
Jefic et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (pulmonary arterial wedge pressure) |
Joung et al., 2003 | Case–control study |
Kanda et al., 2005 | Study to determine risk factors for high BNP levels |
Knudsen et al., 2003 | Subset of Maisel et al., 2002104 |
Knudsen et al., 2005 | Study to determine risk factors for high BNP levels |
Koulouri et al., 2004 | Inappropriate population (children) |
Kragelund et al., 2006 | Inappropriate reference test (coronary atherosclerosis) |
Kupari et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (PCWP > 14 mmHg) |
Kuster et al., 2002 | Correlation study (BNP with NYHA, LVEDP, LVEF and 6-minute walk test) |
Lang et al., 1994 | Case–control study |
Lee et al., 2006 | Correlation study (NT-proBNP and extracellular water) |
Leuchte et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (disease severity in primary pulmonary hypertension) |
Li et al., 2005 | Review article |
Lim et al., 2005 | Comparison of BNP and diastolic function |
Linden et al., 2006 | Letter |
Lubien et al., 2002 | Inappropriate reference test (diastolic heart failure) |
Luchner et al., 2005a | Same cohort as in Luchner et al., 2002197 (effect of renal dysfunction on BNP and NT-proBNP levels) |
Luchner et al., 2005b | Same cohort as in Luchner et al., 2002197 |
McClure et al., 1998 | Cannot extract 2 × 2 data |
McCullough et al., 2003 | Subset of Maisel et al., 2002104 (study of incremental increase in clinical diagnosis with BNP) |
McDonagh et al., 2004 | Pooled analysis of McDonagh et al., 1998,165 Luchner et al., 2002197 and Groenning et al., 2004190 |
Maisel et al., 2001 | Subset of Krishnaswamy et al., 2001176 |
Maisel et al., 2003 | Subset of Maisel et al., 2002104 |
Maisel et al., 2004 | A trial designed to illustrate relationship between BNP levels, clinical decision-making and outcomes |
Maisel et al., 2005 | Review article |
Mak et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (diastolic heart failure) |
Maron et al., 2004 | BNP levels in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
Mockel et al., 2005 | Study to determine distributions of BNP in groups, factors influencing BNP and prognosis |
Mottram et al., 2003 | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiogram) |
Mottram et al., 2003 | Inappropriate reference test (diastolic heart failure) |
Motwani et al., 1993 | Case–control study |
Muders et al., 1997 | Provides ROC curves but not 2 × 2 data |
Mueller et al., 2004 | Randomised trial of BNP versus standard assessment for time to discharge and cost of treatment |
Mueller et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (any structural cardiac disease) |
Mueller et al., 2006 | Cost-effectiveness study based on Mueller et al., 200467 |
Nakae et al., 2005 | Correlation study (BNP, echocardiogram and SPECT) |
Nakamura et al., 2002 | Inappropriate reference test (any cardiac abnormality) |
Nakamura et al., 2003 | Inappropriate reference test (LVH) |
Nakamura et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (any heart disease) |
Ng et al., 2002 | Case–control study |
Ng et al., 2004 | Inappropriate index test (urinary BNP) |
Nikolaou et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (myocardial ischaemia) |
Norozi et al., 2005 | Case–control study |
O’Donoghue et al. 2005 | Levels of BNP and NT-proBNP in systolic and preserved systolic heart failure from PRIDE data |
Omland et al., 1996 | Provides ROC curves but not 2 × 2 data |
Omland et al., 2005 | Review article (references checked) |
Orlowska et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (left ventricular mass) |
Pieralli et al., 2006 | Inappropriate reference test (right ventricular dysfunction) |
Post et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (cardiac cause for dyspnoea) |
Pfister et al., 2004 | Review article (references checked) |
Puschita et al., 2005 | Correlation study (NT-proBNP and heart failure) |
Ray et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (pulmonary oedema) |
Redfield et al., 2004 | Inappropriate reference test (preclinical ventricular dysfunction) |
Ribeiro et al., 2006 | Comparison of conventional diagnosis with BNP + ECG strategy |
Richards et al., 1999 | Prognostic study for development of heart failure |
Richards et al., 2004 | Narrative review |
Rutten et al., 2005 | Prevalence of unrecognised heart failure in patients with COPD |
Sakhuja et al., 2005 | Substudy of PRIDE study of the diagnostic accuracy of combination of BNP and QRS duration |
Seino et al., 2004 | Case–control study |
Shao et al., 2005a | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiogram) |
Shao et al., 2005b | In Chinese |
Sirithunyamont et al., 2003 | Case–control study |
Song et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (NYHA classes II–IV) |
Steg et al., 2005 | Subset of Maisel et al., 2002104 (only those patients who had an echocardiogram) |
Suzuki et al., 2000 | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiogram) |
Talwar et al., 2000a | Correlation study (BNP and LWMI) |
Talwar et al., 2000b | Case–control study |
Tang et al., 2003 | Inappropriate population (all patients had heart failure) |
Tang et al., 2005 | Case–control study |
Thackray et al., 2006 | Inappropriate reference standard (LVEF and NYHA classes II–IV) |
Tjeerdsma et al., 2002 | Case–control study |
Troughton et al., 2004 | Study of determinants of BNP levels in patients with systolic heart failure |
Tschope et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (diastolic heart failure) |
Vasan et al., 2002 | Retrospective study of only patients with BNP and adequate echocardiogram |
Waku et al., 2000 | Not clear which patients had the reference test |
Wei et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (diastolic heart failure) |
Wei et al., 2005 | Study of differences in BNP levels in heart failure patients with different aetiologies |
Wieczorek et al., 2002 | Case–control study |
Williams et al., 2004 | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiogram with peak VO2 and exercise duration) |
Wu et al., 2004 | Study comparing readmissions for heart failure or pulmonary disease before and after BNP testing introduction |
Wu et al., 2006 | Prognostic study |
Wyer et al., 2006 | Commentary on other research |
Yamada et al., 1997 | Correlation study (BNP and echocardiogram) |
Yu et al., 1996 | Correlation study (BNP and transmitral flow velocity) |
Zaninotto et al., 2005 | Inappropriate reference test (various cardiac diseases) |
Zhao et al., 2006 | Case–control study |
Appendix 6 Update of systematic review performed for the NICE heart failure clinical guideline
Pharmacological therapy
The question updated from the heart failure guideline50 was: What licensed drug therapy can be used to modify the outcome of heart failure in terms of quality of life, morbidity and mortality (including acute decompensation or chronic heart failure)?
Any studies from September 2002 to 10 November 2006 were considered. Only relevant systematic reviews, meta-analyses and RCTs with sample sizes ≥ 30 participants were included. Other inclusion criteria were:
relevant drugs – angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta-blockers and spironolactone
relevant outcomes – hospitalisation/rehospitalisation, mortality, quality of life and cost-effectiveness.
Data extraction was carried out for those studies that met the inclusion criteria. Any studies considering cost-effectiveness were not subjected to data extraction but kept aside for future reference. Furthermore, studies that could be indirectly related to the model construction were also kept aside. Table 65 shows the number and types of studies retrieved for each of the drug groups for which data is included in the evidence tables.
Drug group | ||||
ARBs | ACE inhibitors | Beta-blockers | Spironolactone | |
Systematic reviews/meta-analyses | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Randomised controlled trials | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 |
Relevant additional papers (i.e. post hoc analysis, etc.) | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Overall summary
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Although it was demonstrated that adding an ARB (namely candesartan) to an ACE inhibitor was effective in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in the CHARM-Added trial, pooled analysis of four similar trials (including CHARM-Added) showed that using an ARB alone or an ARB in conjunction with an ACE inhibitor had no effect on mortality. This is in line with a previously reported finding in the heart failure guideline. There were some benefits of ARB therapy in those taking an ACE inhibitor without a beta-blocker. The effects seen in CHARM-Added were present regardless of the background dose of ACE inhibitor therapy.
In CHARM-Alternative it was shown that, if an individual is intolerant to ACE inhibitor therapy, candesartan is not only tolerated well but is also beneficial in reducing heart failure hospitalisation.
In individuals with preserved LVEF (CHARM-Preserved), candesartan reduced hospitalisation but had no effect on mortality. On the other hand, subgroup analysis of patients with low LVEF demonstrated improvement in both mortality and hospitalisation rates for those taking candesartan compared with those taking placebo.
In terms of quality of life, improvement was more apparent in the candesartan group; however, the effects were not substantial (37.7% versus 33.5% improved in the candesartan and placebo groups respectively).
Overall, ARBs, especially candesartan (for which the dosage was titrated up to the maximally recommended dose of 32 mg/day in all of the studies), have been shown to have a more prominent benefit in reducing hospitalisation.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Only one study was identified, in which use of quinapril did not result in any improvement in quality of life; however, the assessment tool used to detect any changes in this outcome was questionable.
Nebivolol therapy was considered in two RCTs of which one reported no effects on quality of life. The same trial reported no effects on mortality either but marginal improvements in both mortality and hospitalisation rates were established in the second trial. This drug, however, is licensed for use in hypertension and not heart failure.
Of those drugs that are licensed for use in heart failure, one trial found that carvedilol therapy resulted in a reduction in combined mortality and cardiovascular hospitalisation, regardless of whether administered at a low or high dose. Another trial found that, in comparison with metoprolol, carvedilol therapy was associated with fewer deaths – a finding that was not available in the earlier systematic review in the heart failure guideline.
Only one study with a very small sample size of 30 participants was identified. This reported that spironolactone had no effect on quality of life. The earlier systematic review of aldosterone antagonists did not reveal any studies that considered quality of life as an outcome measure.
Although eplerenone was not one of the drugs being specifically considered for the purposes of this review and is not licensed for use in the UK, a large RCT was discovered that reported very favourable results for this drug over placebo. Both mortality and hospitalisation were significantly reduced in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. This trial was mentioned in the earlier systematic review but the findings were not available at that time.
Costing studies
Five potentially relevant studies were identified and have been referenced.
Evidence tables
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Paper | Dimopoulos K, Salukhe T, Coats A, Mayet J, Piepoli M, Francis D. Meta-analyses of mortality and morbidity effects of an angiotensin receptor blocker in patients with chronic heart failure already receiving an ACE inhibitor (alone or with a β-blocker). Int J Cardiol 2004;93:105–11 |
Description | Meta-analysis |
n |
Four RCTs included, in which information was available on combined ARB and ACE inhibitor therapy vs ACE inhibitor and placebo alone; 40.5% were also on beta-blockers Age: 63.2 years; male: 79.8%; NYHA class II: 49.3%, class III: 48.3%, class IV: 2.3%; LVEF: 25.6% |
Intervention | Interventions considered included three ARBs – losartan, valsartan and candesartan |
Outcomes | Outcome measures reported include mortality and combined end point of mortality and morbidity. All studies had a follow-up duration of at least 6 months |
Results |
Three separate meta-analyses were performed: (1) all patients (n = 7666), (2) all patients on concomitant beta-blockers, (3) patients not on concomitant beta-blockers (1) n = 3950 in the combined ARB and ACE inhibitor group, n = 3716 in the no ARB, only ACE inhibitor and placebo group. Addition of ARB had no significant effect on all-cause mortality. Only slight improvement with ARB treatment on combined end point was established [overall odds ratio (OR) 0.89; 95% CI 0.81–0.98] and no heterogeneity was found with either end point (2) Of the 3163 patients on beta-blocker therapy, 1569 received ARB and demonstrated a mortality rate of 23.3%. For the 1594 on no ARB the mortality rate was 24.1%. No significant effects were seen between the two groups for either all-cause mortality or combined end point (3) In total, 4029 patients were not receiving beta-blocker therapy. Mortality was similar in those on ARB and those on no ARB. However, combined end point of mortality–morbidity was significantly reduced in those in the ARB group (overall OR 0.83; 95% CI 0.73–0.94) |
Comments |
Details on the dosages and duration of ARB therapy have not been reported in this review Relevant data regarding those with/without concomitant beta-blocker therapy was available for only two RCTs Only a small number of studies merited inclusion in this review Briefly states that the fixed-effects model was used in terms of the methodology for pooled analysis. In instances in which heterogeneity was evident, further analyses using a random-effects model confirmed initial findings The authors state that the combined mortality and morbidity end points varied in the studies Although patients with a variable degree of functional impairment were considered in this review, one of the larger trials included only those in the more severe range (i.e. NYHA of classes III–IV) ARB therapy was beneficial in those taking ACE inhibitor without a beta-blocker |
Reference | 1 |
Studies included | Hamroff, 1999; McKelvie, 1999 – the RESOLVD pilot study investigators; Cohn, 2001 – Val-HeFT; McMurray, 2003 – CHARM-Added |
Experimental studies
Paper | Granger C, McMurray J, Yusuf S, Held P, Michelson E, Olofsson B, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function intolerant to angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-Alternative trial. Lancet 2003;362:772–6 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 2028 (treatment = 1013, control = 1015) Treatment group: age: 66.3 years; male: 68.2%; ischaemic origin: 69.7%; LVEF: 29.8%; NYHA class II: 48.1%, class III: 48.4%, class IV: 3.6% 618 centres in 26 countries |
Intervention | Use of candesartan in patients who were intolerant to ACE inhibitors [defined as previous discontinuation by a physician because of intolerance for a number of reasons primarily including cough (70%), hypotension (14%) and renal dysfunction (13%)] at doses of up to a target of 32 mg a day for a median duration of follow-up of 33.7 months vs placebo |
Outcomes | Primary end point was cardiovascular death or chronic heart failure-related hospitalisation. Also individual analysis of each of these two outcomes |
Results |
Three patients were lost to follow-up, two in the candesartan group and one in the placebo group In total, 334 (33%) on candesartan vs 406 (40%) on placebo encountered cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for chronic heart failure [adjusted hazard ratio 0.70 (95% CI 0.60–0.81, p < 0.0001)] In relation to the individual outcomes, 219 (21.6%) and 252 (24.8%) experienced cardiovascular death in the candesartan and placebo groups, respectively [adjusted hazard ratio 0.80 (95% CI 0.66–0.96, p = 0.02)], and 207 (20.4%) vs 286 (28.2%), respectively, experienced hospitalisation [adjusted hazard ratio 0.61 (95% CI 0.51–0.73, p < 0.0001)] Discontinuation of medication because of any adverse event/abnormal laboratory investigation occurred in 218 (21.5%) vs 196 (19.3%) in the candesartan and placebo groups respectively. Renal dysfunction, hyperkalaemia and hypotension were the main reasons for discontinuing, more so for candesartan than for placebo, and this was more apparent in those presenting with a medical history of such events A 23% relative risk reduction in cardiovascular mortality or chronic heart failure hospitalisation with candesartan is reported, and the need to treat 14 patients with candesartan to prevent one patient from experiencing any of the two outcomes |
Comments |
This study demonstrated that individuals who were intolerant to ACE inhibitors tolerated candesartan well The need to monitor serum creatinine and potassium levels during candesartan administration is highly encouraged, especially in those individuals with a history of renal insufficiency and hyperkalaemia |
Reference | 2 |
Paper | McMurray J, Ostergren J, Swedberg K, Granger C, Held P, Michelson E, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function taking angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-Added trial. Lancet 2003;362:767–71 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 2548 (treatment = 1276, control = 1272) Treatment group: age: 64.0 years; male: 78.8%; ischaemic origin: 62.2%; LVEF: 28.0%; NYHA class II: 24.5%, class III: 73.0%, class IV: 2.6% 618 centres in 26 countries |
Intervention | Use of candesartan in patients who were already being treated with ACE inhibitors. The dose of candesartan was up to a target 32 mg a day for a median duration of follow-up of 41 months vs placebo |
Outcomes | Primary end point was cardiovascular death or chronic heart failure-related hospitalisation. Also individual analysis of each of these two outcomes |
Results |
Four patients were lost to follow-up, three in the candesartan group and one in the placebo group In total, 483 (37.9%) on candesartan vs 538 (42.3%) on placebo encountered cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for chronic heart failure [adjusted hazard ratio 0.85 (95% CI 0.75–0.96, p < 0.01)] In relation to the individual outcomes, 302 (23.7%) and 347 (27.3%) experienced cardiovascular death in the candesartan and placebo groups, respectively [adjusted hazard ratio 0.83 (95% CI 0.71–0.97, p = 0.021)], and 309 (24.2%) vs 356 (28.0%), respectively, experienced hospitalisation [adjusted hazard ratio 0.83 (95% CI 0.71–0.97, p = 0.018)] Whether or not the patients were receiving beta-blockers in addition to ACE inhibitor made no difference to the degree of benefit achieved with candesartan. Furthermore, treatment had a similar effect in those taking higher or lower doses of ACE inhibitor Discontinuation of medication because of any adverse event/abnormal laboratory investigation occurred in 309 (24.2%) vs 233 (18.3%) of the candesartan and placebo groups respectively. A twofold increase in creatinine level from baseline in the candesartan group compared with the placebo group was responsible for treatment discontinuation. Hypotension and hyperkalaemia were other reasons for discontinuation in both groups with the latter adverse event being more evident in those administered candesartan The need to treat 23 patients to prevent one first occurrence of either cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for chronic heart failure is reported, as well as a 15% relative risk reduction in cardiovascular mortality |
Comments |
The addition of candesartan to ACE inhibitors was shown to be beneficial in the reduction of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity The majority of the patients were at the moderate stage of heart failure (NYHA class III) |
Reference | 3 |
Paper | McMurray J, Young J, Dunlap M, Granger C, Hainer J, Michelson E, et al. Relationship of dose of background angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor to the benefits of candesartan on the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM)-Added trial. Am Heart J 2006;151:985–91 |
Description | Post hoc subgroup analysis of patients in CHARM-Added trial |
n |
n = 529 on ‘maximum dose’ vs n = 2019 on ‘not maximum dose’ of background ACE inhibitor Maximum dose group: age: 64 years; male: 81%; ischaemic origin: 56%; LVEF: 30%; NYHA class II: 22%, class III: 76%, class IV: 2.5% Not maximum dose group: age: 64 years; male: 78%; ischaemic origin: 64%; LVEF: 30%; NYHA class II: 25%, class III: 72%, class IV: 3.2% |
Intervention | As in CHARM-Added |
Outcomes | As in CHARM-Added |
Results |
Candesartan effects on cardiovascular mortality and hospitalisation were not modified in relation to the background ACE inhibitor dose: maximum dose hazard ratio for mortality was 0.76 (95% CI 0.54–1.08) vs 0.86 (95% CI 0.73–1.03) for not maximum dose. Maximum dose hazard ratio for hospitalisation was 0.70 (95% CI 0.51–0.96) vs 0.87 (95% CI 0.73–1.03) for not maximum dose Rates of discontinuation of candesartan and placebo in those receiving maximum dose ACE inhibitor were 7.4% vs 8.1%, respectively, because of creatinine increase; 4.5% vs 3.1%, respectively, because of hypotension; and 4.1% vs 1.5%, respectively, because of hyperkalaemia |
Comments |
This post hoc analysis considered the effects of an ARB when added to either a maximum dose of ACE inhibitor or not a maximum dose of ACE inhibitor In total, 80% of the ACE inhibitors used were enalapril, lisinopril, captopril, ramipril and trandopril Beneficial effects with candesartan were achieved in patients taking both a high and a low dose of ACE inhibitor |
Reference | 4 |
Paper | Yusuf S, Pfeffer M, Swedberg K, Granger C, Held P, McMurray J, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left-ventricular ejection fraction: the CHARM-Preserved trial. Lancet 2003;362:777–81 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 3023 (treatment = 1514, control = 1509) Treatment group: age: 67.2 years, male: 60.8%, ischaemic origin: 56.4%, LVEF: 54.0%; NYHA class II: 61.5%, class III: 36.7%, class IV: 1.8% 618 centres in 26 countries |
Intervention | Use of candesartan in patients who had preserved LVEF. The dose of candesartan was up to a target 32 mg a day for a median duration of follow-up of 36.6 months vs placebo |
Outcomes | Primary end point was cardiovascular death or chronic heart failure-related hospitalisation. Also individual analysis of each of these two outcomes |
Results |
Three patients were lost to follow-up, two in the candesartan group and one in the placebo group In total, 333 (22.0%) on candesartan vs 366 (24.3%) on placebo encountered cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for chronic heart failure [adjusted hazard ratio 0.86 (95% CI 0.74–1.00, p = 0.051)] In relation to the individual outcomes, 170 (11.2%) and 170 (11.3%) experienced cardiovascular death in the candesartan and placebo groups, respectively [adjusted hazard ratio 0.95 (95% CI 0.76–1.18, p = 0.635)], and 241 (15.9%) vs 276 (18.3%), respectively, experienced hospitalisation [adjusted hazard ratio 0.84 (95% CI 0.70–1.00, p = 0.047)] Discontinuation of medication because of any adverse event/abnormal laboratory investigation occurred in 270 (17.8%) vs 204 (13.5%) in the candesartan and placebo groups respectively More patients in the candesartan than placebo group had raised creatinine (4.8% vs 2.4%, respectively) and potassium (1.5% vs 0.6%, respectively) levels. Hypotension was more apparent in the candesartan (2.4%) than placebo (1.1%) group A 14% relative risk reduction is reported |
Comments |
The main benefit of candesartan in this trial was on hospital admissions; mortality rates were similar in both groups All patients had an LVEF > 40% Although physicians were responsible for diagnosing heart failure at entry to the trial, it was noted that this study included more women, patients were older and two-thirds of patients had been previously hospitalised for heart failure and so probably had heart failure |
Reference | 5 |
Paper | Pfeffer M, Swedberg K, Granger C, Held P, McMurray J, Michelson E, et al. Effects of candesartan on mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure: the CHARM-Overall programme. Lancet 2003;362:759–66 |
Description | Combined overall analysis of the three CHARM trials |
n |
n = 7599 (treatment = 3803, control = 3796) Treatment group: age: 65.9 years; male: 68.8%; LVEF: 38.8%; NYHA class II: 45.5%, class III: 52.0%, class IV: 2.5% 618 centres in 26 countries |
Intervention | Candesartan was administered up to a target dose of 32 mg a day for a median duration of follow-up of 37.7 months vs placebo |
Outcomes | Primary end point was cardiovascular death or chronic heart failure-related hospitalisation. Also individual analysis of each of these two outcomes |
Results |
Altogether 10 patients were lost to follow-up, seven from the candesartan group and three from the placebo group In total, 1150 (30.2%) on candesartan vs 1310 (34.5%) on placebo encountered cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for chronic heart failure [adjusted hazard ratio 0.82 (95% CI 0.75–0.88, p < 0.0001)] In relation to the individual outcomes, 691 (18.2%) and 769 (20.3%) experienced cardiovascular death in the candesartan and placebo groups, respectively [adjusted hazard ratio 0.87 (95% CI 0.78–0.96, p = 0.006)], and 757 (19.9%) vs 918 (24.2%), respectively, experienced hospitalisation [adjusted hazard ratio 0.77 (95% CI 0.70–0.84, p < 0.0001)] Discontinuation because of any adverse event/abnormal laboratory investigation was more prominent in the candesartan group – 797 (21.0%) vs 633 (16.7%) for the candesartan and placebo groups respectively. The occurrence of hypotension, hyperkalaemia and increased creatinine values resulted in a greater discontinuation rate in the candesartan group Candesartan effectiveness was similar in patients with LVEF of > or < 40% |
Comments | |
Reference | 6 |
Paper | Young J, Dunlap M, Pfeffer M, Probstfield J, Cohen-Solal A, Dietz R, et al. Mortality and morbidity reduction with candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction: results of the CHARM low-left ventricular ejection fraction trials. Circulation 2004;110:2618–26 |
Description | Pooled analysis of two RCTs – CHARM-Added and CHARM-Alternative |
n |
n = 4576 (treatment = 2289, control = 2287) Treatment group: age: 65.1 years; male: 74.1%; LVEF: 29%; NYHA class II: 34.9%, class III: 62.1%, class IV: 3.0% 618 centres in 26 countries |
Intervention | Candesartan was administered up to a target dose of 32 mg a day for a median duration of follow-up of 40 months vs placebo |
Outcomes | Primary end point was cardiovascular death or chronic heart failure-related hospitalisation. Also individual analysis of each of these two outcomes |
Results |
Seven patients were lost to follow-up, five in the candesartan group and two in the placebo group In total, 817 (35.7%) on candesartan vs 944 (41.3%) on placebo encountered cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for chronic heart failure [adjusted hazard ratio 0.82 (95% CI 0.74–0.90, p < 0.001)] In relation to the individual outcomes, 521 (22.8%) and 599 (26.2%) experienced cardiovascular death in the candesartan and placebo groups, respectively [adjusted hazard ratio 0.84 (95% CI 0.75–0.95, p = 0.005)], and 516 (22.5%) vs 642 (28.1%), respectively, experienced hospitalisation [adjusted hazard ratio 0.76 (95% CI 0.68–0.85, p < 0.001)] An adverse event or laboratory abnormality resulted in medication discontinuation in 528 (23.1%) in the candesartan group and 429 (18.8%) on placebo. Creatinine increase in 7.1% vs 3.5%, hypotension in 4.2% vs 2.1% and hyperkalaemia in 2.8% vs 0.5% were other causes of study medication discontinuation in the candesartan vs placebo groups respectively |
Comments |
Candesartan therapy proved beneficial regardless of whether patients were on an ACE inhibitor or not All patients had a mean LVEF ≤ 40% In total, 44% of the patients were not taking an ACE inhibitor |
Reference | 7 |
Paper | O’Meara E, Lewis E, Granger C, Dunlap M, McKelvie R, Probstfield J, et al. Patient perception of the effect of treatment with candesartan in heart failure. Results of the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:650–6 |
Description | Secondary analysis of patients in the CHARM programme |
n |
n = 2498 Age: 65.4 years; male: 66.8%; LVEF: 0.40; NYHA class II: 37.1%, class III: 60.8%, class IV: 2.0% |
Intervention | Candesartan was administered up to a target dose of 32 mg vs placebo |
Outcomes | Quality of life: the McMaster Overall Treatment Evaluation (OTE) questionnaire was a secondary outcome measure in CHARM-Overall. On this, patients rated the perceived effect of treatment in terms of improvement in symptomatic well-being and functional capacity |
Results |
479 patients had died by the end of the study Scores on the OTE questionnaire for overall symptom improvement were more favourable for the patients in the candesartan group (37.7%) than for the patients in the placebo group (33.5%) Deterioration in OTE score was reported in 10.8% vs 12.0% on candesartan and placebo respectively The OTE score remained unchanged in 51.4% in the candesartan group and 54.4% in the placebo group |
Comments |
Only those patients in the trial from Canada and the USA (33% of the overall CHARM patients) completed the questionnaire A single subjective outcome measure is used |
Reference | 8 |
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Paper | Zi M, Carmichael N, Lye M. The effect of quinapril on functional status of elderly patients with diastolic heart failure. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2003;17:133–9 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 74 (treatment = 36, control = 38) Treatment group: age: 77 years; male: 38.9%; LVEF: ≥ 40%; NYHA class I: 5.5%, class II: 77.8%, class III: 16.7% |
Intervention | Quinapril was titrated up to a target dose of 40 mg a day vs placebo for a period of 6 months |
Outcomes | Quality of life was assessed by the McMaster quality of life (QoL) questionnaire |
Results |
There were no significant differences in the QoL scores for either group when compared with baseline scores The number of adverse events did not differ between groups, although there was a non-significant tendency for the quinapril group patients to have a lesser chance of worsened heart failure or being hospitalised |
Comments |
This study has a small sample size The authors report that the QoL questionnaire utilised in this study may not have been sensitive enough for detecting drug-related changes in QoL |
Reference | 9 |
Paper | Edes I, Gasior Z, Wita K. Effects of nebivolol on left ventricular function in elderly patients with chronic heart failure: results of the ENECA study. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:631–9 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 260 (treatment = 134, control = 126) Treatment group: age: 72 years; male: 70.2%; LVEF: 25.4%; NYHA class II: 52.2%, class III: 45.5%, class IV: 2.2% |
Intervention | Nebivolol was titrated up to a maximum possible dose of 10 mg a day vs placebo for a period of 8 months |
Outcomes |
The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire was used to assess quality of life Documented hospital visits determined the hospitalisation rate Mortality rate |
Results |
The total score on the quality of life questionnaire decreased by 9.13% vs 11.01% for the nebivolol and placebo groups respectively (p = 0.34) 1535 hospitalisations were recorded for those in the nebivolol group and 1411 for those in the placebo group The mortality rate was identical – seven patients died from each group Kaplan–Meier analysis revealed non-significant survival rates of 67.47% in the nebivolol group and 62.89% in the placebo group In total, 81 (60.45%) patients in the nebivolol group and 78 (61.9%) in the placebo group experienced at least one adverse event; there was no significant difference in safety parameters between the two groups |
Comments | Nebivolol was well tolerated and reported to have a similar effect to other beta-blockers (metoprolol and carvedilol) considered in previous trials |
Reference | 10 |
Paper | Flather M, Shibata M, Coats A, Van%%Veldhuisen D, Parkhomenko A, Borbola J et al. Randomised trial to determine the effect of nebivolol on mortality and cardiovascular hospital admission in elderly patients with heart failure (SENIORS). Eur Heart J 2005;26:215–25 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n =2128 (treatment = 1067, control = 1061) Treatment group: age: 76.1 years; male: 61.6%; LVEF: 36%; NYHA class I: 3.0%, class II: 56.5%, class III: 38.7%, class IV: 1.8% Patients were enrolled from 11 different countries |
Intervention | Nebivolol was titrated up to a target dose of 10 mg a day vs placebo for a maximum period of 16 weeks |
Outcomes | Combined all-cause mortality or cardiovascular hospitalisation was used as the primary measure to determine the effect of treatment on quality of life and risk of death. Mortality and hospitalisation were also considered separately as secondary outcomes |
Results |
In total, 31.1% in the nebivolol group vs 35.3% in the placebo group experienced the primary outcome [adjusted hazard ratio 0.86 (95% CI 0.74–0.99, p = 0.039)] An absolute risk reduction of 4.2% suggested the need to treat 24 patients for 21 months to avoid one event In relation to the secondary outcomes, all-cause mortality occurred in 15.8% vs 18.1%, cardiovascular mortality in 11.5% vs 13.7%, cardiovascular hospitalisation in 24% vs 26% and all-cause hospitalisation in 33.6% vs 34.3% in the nebivolol vs placebo groups respectively The only differences between the two groups with regards to adverse events were more reports of bradycardia and decreased occurrence of angina pectoris and unstable angina in the nebivolol group Treatment discontinuation rates were similar in both groups |
Comments |
This trial was performed in patients with heart failure aged ≥ 70 years, regardless of ejection fraction, and demonstrated that beta-blockers are of benefit in the elderly Beneficial effects of nebivolol were seen after 6 months of treatment with continual treatment resulting in increased risk reduction |
Reference | 11 |
Paper | Hori M, Sasayama S, Kitabatake A, Toyo-oka T, Handa S, Yokoyama M, et al. Low-dose carvedilol improves left ventricular function and reduces cardiovascular hospitalisation in Japanese patients with chronic heart failure: the Multicenter Carvedilol Heart Failure Dose Assessment (MUCHA) trial. Am Heart J 2004;147:324–30 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 173 (treatment low dose = 47, high dose = 77, control = 49) Low-dose treatment group: age: 59 years; male: 77%; LVEF: 30%; NYHA class II: 81%, class III: 19% High-dose treatment group: age: 60 years; male: 74%; LVEF: 30%; NYHA class II: 75%, class III: 25% |
Intervention | Low-dose carvedilol (5 mg) vs high-dose carvedilol (20 mg) for a maintenance therapy phase of 24–48 weeks vs placebo |
Outcomes | Combined all-cause mortality or cardiovascular-related hospitalisation, cardiovascular hospitalisation and hospitalisation for worsening of heart failure were all relevant secondary outcome measures |
Results |
The death or cardiovascular hospitalisation rate was significantly lower in both the low- and high-dose carvedilol groups than in the placebo group. A 71% risk reduction was reported in the low-dose group and an 80% risk reduction in the high-dose group Risk reduction rates for cardiovascular hospitalisation were 86% and 85% for the low- and high-dose groups, respectively, as compared with placebo including worsening of heart failure-related hospitalisation risk reduction rates of 91% for the low-dose and 88% for the high-dose groups There were no significant differences in adverse events between the three groups |
Comments |
Dose-related improvements with carvedilol were established Improvement with the low dose was almost at the level of that achieved with the high dose The results of this study may be specific to a Japanese population as a similar study in the USA identified a recommended carvedilol dose of 12.5–50 mg a day rather than 5–20 mg as suggested in the present study |
Reference | 12 |
Paper | Poole-Wilson P, Swedberg K, Cleland J, Di Lenarda A, Hanrath P, Komajda M, et al. Comparison of carvedilol and metoprolol on clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure in the Carvedilol or Metoprolol European Trial (COMET): randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2003;362:7–13 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 3029 (carvedilol = 1511, metoprolol = 1518) Carvedilol group: age: 61.6 years; male: 79%; ischaemic origin: 51%; LVEF: 0.26; NYHA class II: 48%, class III: 48%, class IV: 3% Metoprolol group: age: 62.3 years; male: 80%; ischaemic origin: 54%; LVEF: 0.26; NYHA class II: 49%; class III: 47%, class IV: 4% Patients were enrolled from 341 centres in 15 European countries |
Intervention | Carvedilol was administered up to a target dose of 25 mg twice a day vs metoprolol up to a target dose of 50 mg twice a day. The study duration was for an average of 58 (SD 6) months |
Outcomes | All-cause mortality was the primary outcome measure. Combined all-cause mortality or all-cause hospitalisation was the secondary outcome measure |
Results |
In total, five patients were lost to follow-up from both groups and 28 withdrew consent; however, analysis was conducted on an intention to treat basis In relation to all-cause mortality the results were in favour of carvedilol with 512 (34%) deaths in this group and 600 (40%) in the metoprolol group [hazard ratio 0.83 (95% CI 0.74–0.93, p = 0.002)]. In total, 438 (29%) and 534 (35%) deaths were cardiovascular related in the carvedilol and metoprolol groups respectively [hazard ratio 0.80 (95% CI 0.70–0.90, p = 0.0004)] The secondary end point was experienced at a similar rate in both groups – 1116 (74%) patients in the carvedilol group and 1160 (76%) in the metoprolol group. For this, the hazard ratio for hospitalisation was 0.97 (95% CI 0.89–1.05, p = 0.45) Treatment discontinuation rates were similar in both the carvedilol (32%) and metoprolol (32%) groups In total, 94% of patients experienced at least one adverse event in the carvedilol group and 96% in the metoprolol group. Beta-blocker-related adverse events of bradycardia and hypotension occurred at a similar rate in both groups The yearly mortality rates were 8.3% and 10.0% for the carvedilol and metoprolol groups respectively |
Comments | Carvedilol has been shown to be more beneficial than metoprolol |
Reference | 13 |
Paper | Agostoni P, Magini A, Andreini D, Contini M, Apostolo A, Bussotti M, et al. Spironolactone improves lung diffusion in chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 2005;26:159–64 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 30 (treatment = 15, control = 15) Treatment group: age: 60.3 years; male: 66.7%; LVEF: 40% |
Intervention | Spironolactone 25 mg a day was administered vs placebo and the total follow-up period was 6 months |
Outcomes | The Minnesota quality of life questionnaire was used to assess quality of life |
Results | Quality of life was not significantly affected by spironolactone intervention |
Comments |
Inclusion criteria specified that only those patients within NYHA classes II and III were eligible for this study, although the number falling into each range is not mentioned A very small sample size is used |
Reference | 14 |
Paper | Pitt B, Remme W, Zannad F, Neaton J, Martinez F, Roniker B, et al. Eplerenone, a selective aldosterone blocker, in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 2003;348:1309–21 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 6642 (treatment = 3319, control = 3313) Treatment group: age: 64 years; male: 72%; LVEF: 33% Patients were enrolled from 674 centres in 37 countries |
Intervention | Eplerenone increased up to a maximum dose of 50 mg a day was administered vs placebo and the mean duration of follow-up was 16 months (range 0–33 months) |
Outcomes |
All-cause mortality and cardiovascular-related mortality or hospitalisations were the primary outcomes All-cause mortality or any-cause hospitalisation was also analysed as a secondary outcome |
Results |
All-cause mortality occurred in 478 (14.4%) patients in the eplerenone group and 554 (16.7%) in the placebo group [0.85 relative risk reduction was reported (95% CI 0.75–0.96, p = 0.008)] Cardiovascular-related mortality or hospitalisation occurred in 885 (26.7%) in the eplerenone group and 993 (30.0%) in the placebo group [relative risk reduction 0.87 (95% CI 0.79–0.95, p = 0.002)] In total, 1730 and 1829 patients experienced the secondary outcome in the eplerenone and placebo groups respectively [relative risk reduction 0.92 (95% CI 0.86–0.98)] An estimated number of the need to treat of 50 patients to prevent one death per year and of 33 patients to prevent one cardiovascular related death or hospitalisation per year is reported |
Comments |
Left ventricular dysfunction determined by a LVEF of ≤ 40% and documented heart failure formed some of the inclusion criteria From each group, 90% showed symptoms of heart failure, and 14% in the treatment group and 15% in the placebo group had a medical history of heart failure The trial was designed to continue until 1012 deaths had occurred |
Reference | 15 |
Dimopoulos K, Salukhe T, Coats A, Mayet J, Piepoli M, Francis D. Meta-analyses of mortality and morbidity effects of an angiotensin receptor blocker in patients with chronic heart failure already receiving an ACE inhibitor (alone or with a β-blocker). Int J Cardiol 2004;93:105–11.
Granger C, McMurray J, Yusuf S, Held P, Michelson E, Olofsson B, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function intolerant to angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-Alternative trial. Lancet 2003;362:772–6.
McMurray J, Ostergren J, Swedberg K, Granger C, Held P, Michelson E, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function taking angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-Added trial. Lancet 2003;362:767–71.
McMurray J, Young J, Dunlap M, Granger C, Hainer J, Michelson E, et al. Relationship of dose of background angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor to the benefits of candesartan on the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM)-Added trial. Am Heart J 2006;151:985–91.
Yusuf S, Pfeffer M, Swedberg K, Granger C, Held P, McMurray J, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left-ventricular ejection fraction: the CHARM-Preserved trial. Lancet 2003;362:777–81.
Pfeffer M, Swedberg K, Granger C, Held P, McMurray J, Michelson E, et al. Effects of candesartan on mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure: the CHARM-Overall programme. Lancet 2003;362:759–66.
Young J, Dunlap M, Pfeffer M, Probstfield J, Cohen-Solal A, Dietz R, et al. Mortality and morbidity reduction with candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction: results of the CHARM low-left ventricular ejection fraction trials. Circulation 2004;110:2618–26.
O’Meara E, Lewis E, Granger C, Dunlap M, McKelvie R, Probstfield J, et al. Patient perception of the effect of treatment with candesartan in heart failure. Results of the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:650–6.
Zi M, Carmichael N, Lye M. The effect of quinapril on functional status of elderly patients with diastolic heart failure. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2003;17:133–9.
Edes I, Gasior Z, Wita K. Effects of nebivolol on left ventricular function in elderly patients with chronic heart failure: results of the ENECA study. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:631–9.
Flather M, Shibata M, Coats A, Van Veldhuisen D, Parkhomenko A, Borbola J et al. Randomised trial to determine the effect of nebivolol on mortality and cardiovascular hospital admission in elderly patients with heart failure (SENIORS). Eur Heart J 2005;26:215–25.
Hori M, Sasayama S, Kitabatake A, Toyo-oka T, Handa S, Yokoyama M, et al. Low-dose carvedilol improves left ventricular function and reduces cardiovascular hospitalisation in Japanese patients with chronic heart failure: the Multicenter Carvedilol Heart Failure Dose Assessment (MUCHA) trial. Am Heart J 2004;147:324–30.
Poole-Wilson P, Swedberg K, Cleland J, Di Lenarda A, Hanrath P, Komajda M, et al. Comparison of carvedilol and metoprolol on clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure in the Carvedilol or Metoprolol European Trial (COMET): randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2003;362:7–13.
Agostoni P, Magini A, Andreini D, Contini M, Apostolo A, Bussotti M, et al. Spironolactone improves lung diffusion in chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 2005;26:159–64.
Pitt B, Remme W, Zannad F, Neaton J, Martinez F, Roniker B, et al. Eplerenone, a selective aldosterone blocker, in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 2003;348:1309–21.
Costing studies
Relevant post hoc analysis of previously included randomised controlled trials in the guideline
Stewart S, McMurray JJV, Hebborn A, Coats AJS, Packer M; the COPERNICUS Study Group. Carvedilol reduces the costs of medical care in severe heart failure: an economic analysis of the COPERNICUS study applied to the United Kingdom. Int J Cardiol 2005;100:143–9.
Other relevant costing studies/economical evaluations
Cowper PA, DeLong ER, Whellan DJ, LaPointe NMA, Califf RM. Economic effects of beta-blocker therapy in patients with heart failure. Am J Med 2004;116:104–11.
Inomata T, Izumi T, Kobayashi M. Cost-effectiveness analysis of carvedilol for the treatment of chronic heart failure in Japan. Circulation J 2004;68:35–40.
Shibata MC, Nilsson C, Hervas-Malo M, Jacobs P, Tsuyuki RT. Economic implications of treatment guidelines for congestive heart failure. Can J Cardiol 2005;21:1301–6.
Tilson L, McGowan B, Ryan M, Barry M. Cost-effectiveness of spironolactone in patients with severe heart failure. Ir J Med Sci 2003;172:70–2.
Studies kept aside for future reference
Gattis WA, O’Connor CM, Gallup DS, Hasselblad V, Gheorghiade M; IMPACT-HF Investigators and Coordinators. Predischarge initiation of carvedilol in patients hospitalized for decompensated heart failure: results of the Initiation Management Predischarge: Process for Assessment of Carvedilol Therapy in Heart Failure (IMPACT-HF) trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;43:1534–41.
Granger BB, Swedberg K, Ekman I, Granger CB, McMurray JJ, et al. Adherence to candesartan and placebo and outcomes in chronic heart failure in the CHARM programme: double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical trial. Lancet; 2005;366: 2005–11.
McMurray J, Ostergren J, Pfeffer M, Swedberg K, Granger C, Yusuf S, et al. Clinical features and contemporary management of patients with low and preserved ejection fraction heart failure: baseline characteristics of patients in the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme. Eur J Heart Fail 2003;5:261–70.
Solomon SD, Wang D, Finn P, Skali H, Zornoff L, McMurray JJ, et al. Effect of candesartan on cause-specific mortality in heart failure patients: the Candesartan in Heart failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. Circulation 2004;110:2180–3.
Rehabilitation and exercise training
The question updated from the heart failure guideline50 was: What is the evidence for recommending rehabilitation and/or a period of exercise training for patients with chronic heart failure?
Any relevant studies from September 2002 to 19 November 2006 were searched. In total, nine RCTs met the inclusion criteria (same population and outcome measures as for the drugs therapy search) for this review; however, as the majority of them consisted of very small sample sizes (i.e. 30–46 participants in six studies) it was decided that an arbitrary cut-off of ≥ 50 participants would be the most appropriate way forward for practical reasons and for the purposes of obtaining meaningful data for model construction. Table 66 shows the number of relevant papers for which data extraction was completed.
Systematic reviews/meta-analysis | 3 |
RCTs | 3 |
Overall summary
Since the previous findings on exercise and rehabilitation effectiveness were reported in the heart failure guideline, newer systematic review and meta-analysis evidence has emerged that reports on mortality rates. This evidence indicates that there has been only one study reporting reduced mortality, over a long-term period of 3.3 years. In the two new papers identified there were discrepancies in some of the included studies, as was the case with the results – those included in the systematic review showed that exercise training had no effect on mortality, whereas those pooled in the meta-analysis demonstrated lower mortality with exercise training over the control. Only one recent study was identified that considered this outcome, which reported that exercise training had no effect on mortality.
On the whole, the evidence suggests that, in patients with heart failure, exercise training can be extremely beneficial for improving quality of life. This point is reinforced by the fact that, in nearly all of the studies reviewed, quality of life improved in those undergoing exercise training but remained the same in those not exposed to this intervention. All studies included within the reviews were conducted either during or before 2002 and so it is unsurprising that similar results were previously reported in the heart failure guideline. Furthermore, pooled analyses of several trials showed that exercise training can be useful in lowering the incidence of hospital admissions.
Evidence tables
Paper | Rees K, Taylor R, Singh S, Coats A, Ebrahim S. Exercise based rehabilitation for heart failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;3:CD003331 |
Description | Systematic review |
n |
29 RCTs included on exercise-based interventions n = 1126 altogether; all patients were within NYHA classes II and III and had a LVEF of < 40% Mean age range: 51–77 years; with the exception of two studies, all other studies mostly recruited men |
Intervention | Aerobic intervention was considered in 23 studies and resistance training of peripheral muscle groups in six studies |
Outcomes | Outcome measures included all-cause mortality, hospital admissions/rehospitalisation and validated measures of health-related quality of life. Mean follow-up duration was 20 (SD 14) weeks (range 4–60 weeks); only one study had 3.3 years of follow-up |
Results |
The one study (n = 99) with 3.3 years of follow-up demonstrated a significant reduction in cardiac mortality [odds ratio (OR) 0.32 (95% CI 0.13–0.8)] and rehospitalisations for heart failure [OR 0.28 (95% CI 0.09–0.85)] Mortality was reported as the reason for ‘dropouts’ in eight studies; these deaths were not related to the study intervention. Pooled analysis of the data from these studies showed that there was no significant difference between intervention and control groups in terms of all-cause mortality Quality of life was reported as an outcome in nine studies; seven reported improvement with intervention compared with control. Four out of five studies that utilised the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire found significant short-term improvements in the intervention group; of these five studies, one also showed that the beneficial effects of the intervention were maintained at 12 months of follow-up |
Comments |
‘Usual medical care’ or an ‘attention placebo’ formed the control group In total, 23 of the studies were of a parallel group design and six were crossover trials. With crossover designs only the data from the first arm of the study was used, unless combined data from the two arms was presented, in which case these were included as long as there were no reports of carryover effects or there was a washout period Authors have mentioned that included studies were largely of small sample size and poor methodology. Furthermore, the findings of this review can be applied only to those with stable chronic heart failure It appears that not many women were recruited into such exercise-based interventional programmes Only studies up to the year 2001 were searched |
Reference | 1 |
Studies included | Belardinelli, 1992; Belardinelli, 1995; Belardinelli, 1999; Cider, 1997; Coats, 1990; Coats, 1992; Dubach et al.; Gottlieb, 1999; Hambrecht, 1995; Hambrecht, 1998; Hambrecht, 2000; Jette, 1991; Keteyian, 1996; Kiilavuori, 1996; Maiorana, 2000; Meyer, 1996; Oka, 2000; Owen, 2000; Parnell, 2002; Ponikowski, 1997; Pu, 2001; Quittan, 1999; Teo, 1995, EXERT; Tyni-Lenne, 1997; Tyni-Lenne, 2001; Tyni-Lenne/Gordon, 1996; Wielenga, 1998; Wielenga, 1999, CHANGE; Willenheimer, 1998 |
Paper | Smart N, Marwick T. Exercise training for patients with heart failure: a systematic review of factors that improve mortality and morbidity. Am J Med 2004;116:693–706 |
Description | Systematic review |
Results/comments | This systematic review also reports on mortality rates following exercise training in heart failure patients. The studies included within this review are very similar to those already included in the Cochrane systematic review (Rees et al., 2004) for which data extraction has been completed. The main difference between the reviews is that this review considers all study designs whereas Rees et al. considers only RCTs. As with Rees et al., this review also reported that there were no deaths directly related to the intervention. In the RCTs (n = 30 trials) the mortality rates were 4.2% and 7.1% for the exercise and control groups respectively. Death during the activity or follow-up period was associated with an odds ratio of 0.71 (95% CI 0.37–1.02, p = 0.06) for exercise vs control patients |
Reference | 2 |
Paper | Piepoli M, Davos C, Francis D, Coats A, ExTraMATCH Collaborative. Exercise training meta-analysis of trials in patients with chronic heart failure (ExTraMATCH). BMJ 2004;328:189 |
Description | Meta-analysis |
n |
Nine RCTs were included in which patients had undergone at least 8 weeks of exercise training and for which individual patient follow-up data on survival for at least 3 months were available n = 801 (exercise training = 395, control = 406) Exercise group: age: 60.5 years; male: 88.4%; mean NYHA class: 2.6; LVEF: 27.9% |
Intervention | Exercise training programme |
Outcomes | All-cause mortality was the primary outcome. Mortality or first hospitalisation was the secondary end point |
Results |
88 (22%) deaths vs 105 (26%) deaths were reported in the exercise and control groups, respectively, and so there was a significantly lower mortality rate in the exercise group (log-rank χ2 = 5.9, p = 0.015); hazard ratio for mortality = 0.65 (95% CI 0.46–0.92). The need to treat 17 patients to prevent one death in 2 years is reported The incidence of hospital admissions was also significantly lower in the exercise group, with 127 experiencing the secondary end point in the exercise group and 173 in the control group (log-rank χ2 = 6.4, p = 0.011); hazard ratio for combined end point = 0.72 (95% CI 0.56–0.93) |
Comments | |
Reference | 3 |
Studies included | Belardinelli, 1999; Dubach, 1997; Giannuzzi, 1997; Hambrecht, 1995; Kiilavuori, 2000; McKelvie, 2002; Zanelli, 1997; Wielenga, 1999; Willenheimer, 1998 |
Experimental studies
Paper | Austin J, Williams R, Ross L, Moseley L, Hutchison S. Randomised controlled trial of cardiac rehabilitation in elderly patients with heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:411–17 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 200 (exercise = 100, control = 100) Exercise group: age: 71.9 years; male: 44%; 15% had LVEF of ≤ 40–35%, 49% LVEF < 35–30%, 36% LVEF < 30%; NYHA class II: 56%, class III: 44% |
Intervention | The exercise training group underwent an 8-week cardiac rehabilitation programme in which patients were required to attend two 2.5-hour classes weekly. Patients then went on to a 16-week community-based exercise regimen, which involved 1-hour weekly sessions. Aerobic, low resistance and high repetitive muscular strength training made up the exercise programme |
Outcomes |
Health-related quality of life was assessed by the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure and EuroQol questionnaires Hospital admissions and mortality, although not included as outcome measures, were also recorded |
Results |
Scores on both of the quality of life instruments were significantly better at 24 weeks than at baseline for the experimental group compared with the control group Total hospital admissions were significantly fewer in the experimental group (10.6%) than in the control group (20.2%) (p < 0.01) The mortality rate was similar in both groups |
Comments |
Beneficial effects of exercise training were seen as early as 8 weeks when the patients were undergoing the most intense phase of the programme The authors suggest that the increased contact of patients with the rehabilitation team may have been responsible for the improved quality of life and lower incidence of hospitalisation in the exercise group |
Reference | 4 |
Paper | Giannuzzi P, Temporelli P, Corra U, Tavazzi L. Antiremodeling effect of long-term exercise training in patients with stable chronic heart failure: results of the Exercise in Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Chronic Heart Failure (ELVD-CHF) trial. Circulation 2003;108:554–9 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 90 (exercise = 45, control = 45) Exercise group: age: 60 years; patients were ‘predominantly male’; LVEF: 25%; NYHA class II: 62%, class III: 38% Patients were enrolled from 15 unselected cardiac rehabilitation centres throughout Italy |
Intervention | Those in the exercise training group underwent 30 minutes of bicycle training 3–5 times a week for an overall period of 6 months. Additionally, patients were advised to take > 30 minutes of brisk walks daily and undertake intermittent 30 minutes of callisthenics as part of their home-based programme |
Outcomes | Modified 6-point Likert symptom questionnaires were used to assess quality of life. These considered symptoms relating to breathlessness, tiredness, chest pain, daily activity and emotional status |
Results |
The perceived symptoms score on the quality of life questionnaires significantly improved from a mean of 13.4 at baseline to 10.9 at 6 months’ follow-up in the exercise training group (p < 0.05). This score remained unchanged in the control group There was one sudden cardiac death in the control group but none in the exercise training group Two patients in the exercise training group were admitted to hospital because of temporarily worsening dyspnoea and congestion at 3 and 4 months into the study, compared with one patient in the control group |
Comments |
The exercise training programme in this study was considered as moderately intensive Not much detail has been provided about the quality of life outcome measures and so it is uncertain whether these were validated assessment tools |
Reference | 5 |
Paper | Passino C, Severino S, Poletti R, Piepoli M, Mammini C, Clerico A, et al. Aerobic training decreases B-type natriuretic peptide expression and adrenergic activation in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47:1835–9 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 85 (exercise = 44, control = 41) Exercise group: age: 60 years; male: 89%; LVEF: 35.3%; NYHA class I: 13.6%, class II: 63.6%, class III: 22.7% |
Intervention | The exercise group underwent a 9-month home-based physical training programme, which included cycling on a bike for at least three times a week for 30 minutes each time |
Outcomes | The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire was used to assess quality of life at baseline and on completion of the study |
Results | The quality of life score significantly improved in the exercise group from a mean of 54 at baseline to 32 at 9 months’ follow-up (p < 0.01), but patients in the control group showed no change |
Comments | Initially, 95 patients were recruited for this study, of whom 85 completed and were included in the analysis |
Reference | 6 |
Rees K, Taylor R, Singh S, Coats A, Ebrahim S. Exercise based rehabilitation for heart failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;3:CD003331.
Smart N, Marwick T. Exercise training for patients with heart failure: a systematic review of factors that improve mortality and morbidity. Am J Med 2004;116:693–706.
Piepoli M, Davos C, Francis D, Coats A, ExTraMATCH Collaborative. Exercise training meta-analysis of trials in patients with chronic heart failure (ExTraMATCH). BMJ 2004;328:189.
Austin J, Williams R, Ross L, Moseley L, Hutchison S. Randomised controlled trial of cardiac rehabilitation in elderly patients with heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:411–17.
Giannuzzi P, Temporelli P, Corra U, Tavazzi L. Antiremodeling effect of long-term exercise training in patients with stable chronic heart failure: results of the Exercise in Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Chronic Heart Failure (ELVD-CHF) trial. Circulation 2003;108:554–9.
Passino C, Severino S, Poletti R, Piepoli M, Mammini C, Clerico A, et al. Aerobic training decreases B-type natriuretic peptide expression and adrenergic activation in patients with heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47:1835–9.
Relevant studies with a sample size ≤ 50
Dall’Ago P, Chiappa GRS, Guths H, Stein R, Ribeiro JP. Inspiratory muscle training in patients with heart failure and inspiratory muscle weakness: a randomized trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47:757–63.
Gary RA, Sueta CA, Dougherty M, Rosenberg B, Cheek D, Preisser J, et al. Home-based exercise improves functional performance and quality of life in women with diastolic heart failure. Heart Lung 2004;33: 210–18.
Harris S, LeMaitre JP, Mackenzie G, Fox KA, Denvir MA.A randomised study of home-based electrical stimulation of the legs and conventional bicycle exercise training for patients with chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 2003;24:871–8.
Jónsdóttir S, Andersen KK, Sigurôsson AF, Sigurôsson SB. The effect of physical training in chronic heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2006;8: 97–101.
van den Berg-Emons R, Balk A, Balk A, Bussmann H, Stam H. Does aerobic training lead to a more active lifestyle and improved quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure? Eur J Heart Fail 2004;6:95–100.
Yeh GY, Wood MJ, Lovell BH, Stevenson LW, Eisenberg DM, Wayne PM, et al. Effects of tai chi mind-body movement therapy on functional status and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Med 2004;117:541–8.
Multidisciplinary working
The question updated from the heart failure guideline50 was: What evidence is there that a dedicated multidisciplinary team improves care of those diagnosed with heart failure above the standard approach?
Any relevant studies from September 2002 to 12 January 2007 were searched. The inclusion criterion in relation to the population and outcome measures was the same as for the drugs therapy search. Because of the large number of papers that appeared to be of relevance on abstract scrutiny, it was decided that certain limitations should be applied to study selection at this stage for practical reasons. Therefore, close inspection of the abstracts led to excluding studies that were based on the following:
a ‘post discharge’ population, as it was contemplated that such patients would not be of relevance to the model
studies relating to adherence to medication
interventions of a ‘telenursing’ nature as these are not common in the UK
studies with a sample size < 30.
Table 67 shows the number of relevant papers for which data extraction was completed. Any relevant costing studies were not subjected to data extraction but kept aside for future reference.
Intervention | ||
Nurse-led | Overall MC | |
Systematic review/meta-analysis | 1 | 6 |
RCTs | 3 | 1 |
Overall summary
All of the evidence gathered in this update revealed similar findings to those reported previously in the heart failure guideline.
Studies on both nurse-led and overall multidisciplinary care interventions suggested that there was no real benefit of either approach on mortality rates unless specialised follow-up or discharge planning was incorporated within the care programme.
Not many studies looked into quality of life as a primary outcome. In general, this outcome was improved, but more studies are needed to establish any definite effects.
There was a vast amount of evidence indicating that both nurse-led and overall multidisciplinary care approaches reduce the incidence of hospitalisation. It should, however, be noted that any improvements in this outcome were largely apparent during the intervention period and any effects were generally absent post intervention.
The evidence tended to indicate that these interventions were cost-effective.
Evidence tables
Nurse-led interventions
Paper | Phillips C, Singa R, Rubin H, Jaarsma T. Complexity of programme and clinical outcomes of heart failure disease management incorporating specialist nurse-led heart failure clinics. A meta-regression analysis. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:333–41 |
Description | Meta-analysis |
n |
Six RCTs were included n = 949 [intervention = 464, usual care (control) = 485] Pooled data: age:73 years; male:58%; LVEF: 34%; NYHA class II: < 5%, class III: 70%, class IV: 25% |
Intervention |
Specialist nurse-led heart failure clinics; the programmes largely consisted of the following across trials – chronic heart failure education for patients and carers to enhance self-care, medication review, counselling, telephone contact, a home visit, follow-up at nurse-led heart failure clinic and discharge planning The average follow-up period was 8.5 months |
Outcomes | Relevant outcomes included rehospitalisation, mortality, combined end point of mortality and hospitalisation, heart failure hospitalisation, number of hospital days utilised per patient during follow-up, quality of life and medical costs |
Results |
Overall relative risk for rehospitalisation was 0.91 (95% CI 0.72–1.16) for intervention vs usual care. The point estimate for rehospitalisation was 1.00 (0.86–1.17) for programmes with fewer components (i.e. without any hospital discharge planning) vs 0.30 (0.04–2.60) for programmes with more components (i.e. containing discharge planning). These values were 0.65 (0.43–1.00) vs 0.09 (0.10–0.65) for heart failure hospitalisation and 0.09 (–1.17 to 1.34) vs –0.26 (–0.49 to –0.02) for the number of hospital days utilised, for fewer vs more component programmes respectively The overall relative risk for mortality was 0.80 (0.57–1.13). The estimates were 0.75 (0.55–1.03) for fewer component programmes vs 0.96 (0.63–1.47) for more component programmes Results for the combined mortality and hospitalisation end point were 0.91 (0.80–1.03) for fewer component programmes vs 0.61 (0.18–2.02) for more component programmes Quality of life scores were available for five out of six studies, which demonstrated a greater percentage improvement in the intervention group (30 ± 20.7%) than in the control group (19.3 ± 12.6%; p = 0.13) The savings for medical costs per patient per month were not significantly different between groups (n = 3 trials), although it appeared that utilising the intervention approach could save more than usual care |
Comments |
More complex programmes were defined as comprising more components Random allocation of at least 100 patients was one of the criteria for inclusion of studies into this review; hence, only six studies were reviewed The authors mention that the very few studies included in this review were not powered to detect changes in the range of outcomes evaluated Although discharge planning appears to have played a significant role in improvements seen in those with this aspect of care within their management programme, it is not clear how much the other aspects of the programmes (i.e. patient education, specific nurse-led clinic visits) may have contributed to any benefits None of the included trials was conducted in the UK |
Reference | 1 |
Studies included | Cline, 1998; Ekman, 1998; McDonald, 2002/Ledwidge, 2003; Doughty, 2002; Kasper, 2002; Stromberg, 2003 |
Experimental studies
Paper | Kimmelstiel C, Levine D, Perry K, Patel A, Sadaniantz A, Gorham M, et al. Randomized controlled evaluation of short- and long-term benefits of heart failure disease management within a diverse provider network: the SPAN-CHF trial. Circulation 2004;110:1450–5 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 200 (intervention = 97, control = 103) Intervention group: age: 70.3 years; male: 57.7%; LVEF: 0.30; NYHA class II: 50.5%, class III: 49.5% Patients were enrolled from six diverse sites including academic/medical centres, community hospitals/cardiology practices |
Intervention |
A 3-month nurse-driven heart failure disease management programme – specialised and networked care in heart failure (SPAN-HF) The nurses held an initial meeting with the patients and their families in which issues such as diet, weight and self-monitoring were discussed. Patients were also provided with a teaching handbook that informed them of further details such as clinical signs and symptoms that would prompt a call to the nurse or their GP. The meetings lasted 45–90 minutes and were followed up by weekly/biweekly telephone calls from the nurse managers; the total study period lasted for 90 days |
Outcomes | Data on hospitalisations was extracted from patient medical records. Data collection was carried out at 3 (90-day short-term follow-up) and 12 months (long term) |
Results |
Four deaths in the intervention group and five in the control group occurred during the 90-day study period. Also during the 90 days of intervention, significantly fewer heart failure hospitalisations were recorded for the intervention group than for the control group [relative risk (RR) 0.48, p = 0.027]. The mortality or hospitalisation rates for heart failure were 16% and 23% for the intervention and control groups respectively [RR 0.66, p = 0.16]. The number of days in hospital for heart failure was significantly reduced in the intervention group compared with the control group [RR 0.54, p < 0.001]. Hospitalised days for cardiovascular causes were also reduced for the intervention group Over the long-term follow-up period the mortality rates were 11.3% and 13.6% for the intervention and control groups respectively. Only the significant reduction in days in hospital for cardiac causes was apparent in the long term; all other benefits seen in the short-term follow-up were no longer evident |
Comments |
This was a multicentre study The benefits of the intervention were only short-lived; discontinuation of the intervention had a substantial impact on hospitalisation. The authors therefore suggest that more active chronic intervention is required for sustained benefit in the present population |
Reference | 2 |
Paper | Mårtensson J, Stromberg A, Dahlstrom U, Karlsson J, Fridlund B. Patients with heart failure in primary health care: effects of a nurse-led intervention on health-related quality of life and depression. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:393–403 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 153 [intervention = 78, usual care (control) = 75] Intervention group: age:79 years; male: 54%; NYHA class II: 38%, class III: 51%, class IV: 10% Patients were enrolled from eight primary health-care centres in Sweden |
Intervention | Following a short heart failure education course for primary health-care nurses and physicians during which the study intervention was discussed, the nurse-led intervention was initiated. This consisted of a single 2-hour home-based session in which the patient and their family were educated and counselled in relation to heart failure management in an attempt to improve health-related quality of life. Nurses followed this visit up 12 months later by telephone interview |
Outcomes | Both generic (SF-36 health survey) and disease-specific (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire) instruments were used to evaluate health-related quality of life. These questionnaires were completed at the start of the study and then at 3 and 12 months’ follow-up |
Results |
At the 12-month telephone follow-up there were 10 (13%) deaths in the intervention group and three (4%) in the control group Neither group showed any significant improvement in any of the dimensions of the SF-36 health survey. Quality of life remained the same in the intervention group, whereas significant deterioration in ‘role functioning’, ‘vitality’ and the ‘mental component summary’ dimensions was seen in the control group. There was a tendency towards significant improvement in role functioning due to physical limitations, vitality and social functioning at 3 months in the intervention group; however, no such development was apparent at 12 months There was no significant improvement for either group on the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire |
Comments |
Study was conducted in a primary health-care setting, therefore very relevant population The main benefit of the nurse-led intervention was that it appeared to prevent patients’ quality of life from getting any worse The nurse-led intervention itself appears brief with minimal follow-up contact. Perhaps nurse contact in person would have been a more appropriate means of follow-up at 12 months than telephone-based interviewing It has been suggested that the higher mortality rate in the intervention group may have been because these patients had more severe heart failure (6 of 10 patients were within NYHA class IV) than those in the control group |
Reference | 3 |
Paper | Sisk J, Hebert P, Horowitz C, McLaughlin M, Wang J, Chassin M. Effects of nurse management on the quality of heart failure care in minority communities: a randomised trial. Ann Intern Med 2006;145:273–83 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 406 [intervention = 203, usual care (control) = 203] Intervention group: age: 59.6 years; male: 55.2%; LVEF < 40% in all patients; NYHA class I: 17.7%, class II: 24.6%, class III: 16.3%, class IV: 41.4% Patients were enrolled from four hospitals in Harlem, New York |
Intervention | The nurse-led intervention involved an initial appointment with the patient in which heart failure education and counselling were provided. The nurses then followed-up the patients by telephone contact in which heart failure management progress was monitored. Subsequent to each visit the nurses liaised with the patients’ clinicians to discuss any examinations and prescription changes. The overall trial period was 12 months. A subset of patients (127 patients from each group) was also followed-up for a further 6-month period after the trial |
Outcomes |
Data regarding any hospital admissions during the trial period were obtained from the participating hospitals The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire was administered at quarterly interviews Mortality was determined through deaths recorded in the National Death Index and reports from patients’ families |
Results |
Hospital admissions were fewer in the intervention group (n = 143 total hospitalisations) than in the control group (n = 180) by the end of the trial [adjusted difference –0.13 hospitalisations/person-year* (95% CI –0.25 to –0.001)]. There were 55 fewer cumulative hospitalisations in the intervention group than in the control group at 18 months’ follow-up [adjusted difference –0.23 hospitalisations/person-year (95% CI –0.39 to –0.07)]. The probability of being hospitalised at least once during the 12-month period was similar in both groups ‘Better functioning’ at 12 months’ follow-up was apparent for the intervention group compared with the control group, as assessed on the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire; scores for each group were 38.6 vs 47.3 respectively [difference –8.8 (95% CI –15.3 to –2.2)] In total, 22 deaths occurred in each group during the 12-month trial period, with three fewer deaths in the intervention group at 18 months (risk ratio 0.88, 95% CI 0.48–1.61) |
Comments |
All patients had to be community dwelling on entry to the study *The number of cumulative hospitalisations per person-year was calculated whereby ‘a person-year’ was equivalent to the number of days that each person survived during the trial/post-trial period divided by 365 days This trial supports the use of nurse-led interventions in minority communities; however, the authors were unable to establish the exact aspects of the intervention programme that were accountable for the improvements |
Reference | 4 |
Multidisciplinary care in general
Paper | Gonseth J, Guallar-Castillon P, Banegas J, Rodriguez-Artalejo F. The effectiveness of disease management programmes in reducing hospital re-admission in older patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published reports. Eur Heart J 2004;25:1570–95 |
Description | Systematic review and meta-analysis |
n |
27 RCTs on disease management (DM) programmes, 13 of which were carried out in the USA Sample size in the studies ranges from 34 to 1966 Mean age: 70 years in most studies; LVEF < 40% in 13 studies |
Intervention |
The definition used to select studies with relevant DM programmes was ‘an intervention designed to manage heart failure and reduce hospital readmissions using a systematic approach to care and potentially employing multiple treatment modalities’ Typically, interventions included the following components: patient education, counselling, telephone calls and nurse involvement. Intervention duration varied from a single home visit to 12 months |
Outcomes | Heart failure/other cardiovascular disease hospital readmission, all-cause readmission, and combined readmission or death |
Results |
Six of the 11 studies eligible for meta-analysis showed a homogeneous and significant reduction in readmission for heart failure or cardiovascular disease. Relative risk (RR) reduction based on a total of 3160 patients across the 11 studies was 0.70 (95% CI 0.62–0.79, p < 0.0001), suggesting a 30% reduction in frequency of readmission Of 16 studies, only three reported a significant reduction in all-cause readmission. On the basis of 4440 patients included in a random-effects model, a 12% reduction in all-cause admission is reported (pooled RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.79–0.97, p = 0.01). Four out of 10 studies reported a statistically significant reduction in combined readmission or death. With the inclusion of a total of 2985 patients, an 18% reduction in this combined end point is reported (pooled RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.72–0.94, p = 0.004). Only one study looked into long-term mortality effects over a period of 4.2 years; this showed a marginally significant reduction (p = 0.06) for the DM programme group (56%) vs usual care (65%) In total, 13 of the 27 studies explored the cost of the DM intervention vs the cost of usual care, of which 10 estimated reduced costs with the former strategy and one reported similar costs in both groups |
Comments |
Included RCTs spanned the years from 1993 to August 2003 Only 11 of the included studies scored 3/5 on JADAD quality assessment |
Reference | 5 |
Studies included | DIAL, 2003; Laramee, 2003; Stromberg, 2003; Doughty, 2002; Harrison, 2002; Kasper, 2002; Krumholz, 2002; McDonald, 2002; Riegel, 2002; Stewart, 2002; Blue, 2001; Jerant, 2001; McDonald, 2001; Hughes, 2000; Philbin, 2000; Jaarsma, 1999; Naylor, 1999; Rainville, 1999; Stewart, 1999a; Stewart, 1999b; Cline, 1998; Ekman, 1998; Serxner, 1998; Stewart, 1998; Weinberger, 1996; Rich, 1995; Rich, 1993 |
Other systematic reviews/meta-analyses
Paper | Reference no. | No. of RCTs included | Outcomes/comments |
Gwadry-Sridhar et al., 2004 | 6 | 8 RCTsa | Outcomes included readmission and mortality rates. As this review is very similar to that of Gonseth et al. the results are not reported here. Furthermore, fewer studies are included in this review than in that by Gonseth et al. because in this review searches were carried out only up to the year 2000 whereas in Gonseth et al. the search was extended to 2003 |
McAlister et al., 2004 | 7 | 29 identified but not pooled because of significant heterogeneity; any additional trials included in this review that were not in the review of Gonseth et al. are of post-discharge patients and so not relevant population |
All-cause mortality: Two trials found a significant difference between the intervention and control groups. Summary risk ratio (RR) for all 22 trials reporting mortality end point (3781 patients) is 0.83 (95% CI 0.70–0.99); however, heterogeneity testing was not significant (p = 0.15). Significant mortality reduction was primarily apparent for multidisciplinary teams providing specialised follow-up (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.59–0.96) – number needed to treat (NNT) = 17. Telephone follow-up or self-care approaches were not as effective All-cause hospitalisation: Of 23 trials reporting this outcome, only three reported a reduction in hospitalisation. Summary RR for 23 trials (4313 patients) is 0.84 (95% CI 0.75–0.93); there was, however, significant heterogeneity in the results (p < 0.01) Heart failure hospitalisation: Six out of 19 trials reported significant reductions in the need for at least one hospitalisation with the intervention; pooled effect estimate of 19 trials: RR 0.73 (95% CI 0.66–0.82, p = 0.36 for heterogeneity), NNT = 11 to prevent one heart failure hospitalisation Total number of hospitalisations: Of 21 trials, 11 reported that the intervention arm of the trial was associated with fewer hospitalisations. Pooled effect estimate of 21 trials: RR 0.70 (95% CI 0.62–0.80) Total heart failure hospitalisations: This outcome was markedly reduced as established in 20 trials: RR 0.57 (95% CI 0.49–0.67) Quality of life: Nine out of 18 trials reported significantly better quality of life with the intervention Cost-effectiveness: 15 out of 18 trials reported that the intervention was more cost-effective than usual care |
Taylor et al., 2005 | 8 | 16 RCTsa |
The searches were conducted up to July 2003 Similar outcomes to those of previous reviews of readmission and mortality rates were reported. Secondary outcomes not fully considered in previous reviews were health-related quality of life and cost analyses Eight studies reported on quality of life of which four reported significant improvement with the intervention and four reported no change Of all seven studies that reported some sort of cost analysis, none reported significant differences between the intervention and control |
Whellan et al., 2005 | 9 | 19 RCTsa |
The search was conducted up to June 2003 A significant decrease in all-cause hospitalisation with the intervention is reported |
Windham et al., 2003 | 10 | 15 RCTsa |
The search was conducted up to March 2002 No new outcomes are reported, although results are analysed for RCTs and non-randomised studies overall |
Experimental studies
Paper | Smith B, Forkner E, Zaslow B, Krasuski R, Stajduhar K, Kwan M, et al. Disease management produces limited quality-of-life improvements in patients with congestive heart failure: evidence from a randomised trial in community-dwelling patients. Am J Manag Care 2005;11:701–13 |
Description | RCT |
n |
n = 1069 [disease management (DM) = 356, augmented disease management (ADM) = 354, control = 359] DM group: age: 70.6 years; male: 71.6%; LVEF: 61.9% (diastolic heart failure), 35.8% (systolic heart failure); NYHA class I: 20.8%, class II: 57.9%, class III: 20.2%, class IV: 1.1% ADM group: age: 71.4 years; male: 69.8%; LVEF: 62.4% (diastolic heart failure), 34.6% (systolic heart failure); NYHA class I: 15.5%, class II: 58.8%, class III: 21.5%, class IV: 4.2% Patients were enrolled from six diverse sites including academic/medical centres, community hospitals/cardiology practices |
Intervention |
Patients were randomised to one of three groups: usual care (control), DM and ADM Those in the DM group were assigned a disease manager and specialist cardiac nurse who provided patient education and medication management via telephone contact. This was carried out in conjunction with the patient’s primary care provider Those in the ADM group experienced a similar intervention but were also given a blood pressure cuff, a finger pulse oximeter and an activity monitor for additional data exploration purposes |
Outcomes | Health-related quality of life was measured with the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36); this was completed at baseline and then at 6-month intervals over the 18-month trial period (hence four data collection points) |
Results |
In total, 349 (32.6%) patients did not complete the study for various reasons There was no statistical difference in quality of life at baseline as expected At 6 months, 34.6% in the DM group and 25.6% in the control group reported improvement (p = 0.04). At 12 months, 36.9% in the ADM group and 26.8% in the control group reported improvement (p = 0.004). At 18 months, 36.9% in the ADM group, 29.9% in the DM group and 30.2% in the control group reported at least some improvement |
Comments |
This was a single-centre study Patients and staff were not blinded to the identity of the group to which patients were randomised and this could have potentially confounded the results, e.g. any short-term benefits claimed by the patients in the experimental group may have been because they were aware of being in the experimental group and so probably expected to improve Both interventions in this study failed to show any long-term major benefits in health-related quality of life. It should, however, be noted that, even though the SF-36 is deemed to be a valid and reliable instrument, a single self-administered tool was used for the purposes of assessing this outcome |
Reference | 11 |
Phillips C, Singa R, Rubin H, Jaarsma T. Complexity of program and clinical outcomes of heart failure disease management incorporating specialist nurse-led heart failure clinics. A meta-regression analysis. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:333–41
Kimmelstiel C, Levine D, Perry K, Patel A, Sadaniantz A, Gorham M, et al. Randomized controlled evaluation of short- and long-term benefits of heart failure disease management within a diverse provider network: the SPAN-CHF trial. Circulation 2004;110:1450–5.
Mårtensson J, Stromberg A, Dahlstrom U, Karlsson J, Fridlund B. Patients with heart failure in primary health care: effects of a nurse-led intervention on health-related quality of life and depression. Eur J Heart Fail 2005;7:393–403.
Sisk J, Hebert P, Horowitz C, McLaughlin M, Wang J, Chassin M. Effects of nurse management on the quality of heart failure care in minority communities: a randomised trial. Ann Intern Med 2006;145:273–83.
Gonseth J, Guallar-Castillon P, Banegas J, Rodriguez-Artalejo F. The effectiveness of disease management programmes in reducing hospital re-admission in older patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published reports. Eur Heart J 2004;25:1570–95.
Gwadry-Sridhar, Flintoft V, Lee DS, Lee H, Guyatt GH. A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing readmission rates and mortality rates in patients with heart failure. Arch Intern Med 2004;164:2315–20.
McAlister FA, Stewart S, Ferrua S, McMurray JJ.Multidisciplinary strategies for the management of heart failure patients at high risk for admission: a systematic review of randomized trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;44:810–19.
Taylor S, Bestall J,Cotter S, Falshaw M, Hood SG, Parsons S, et al. Clinical service organisation for heart failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;2:CD002752.
Whellan DJ, Hasselblad V, Peterson E, O’Connor CM, Schulman KA. Metaanalysis and review of heart failure disease management randomized controlled clinical trials. Am Heart J 2005;149:722–9.
Windham BG, Bennett RG, Gottlieb S. Care management interventions for older patients with congestive heart failure. Am J Manag Care 2003;9:447–59.
Smith B, Forkner E, Zaslow B, Krasuski R, Stajduhar K, Kwan M, et al. Disease management produces limited quality-of-life improvements in patients with congestive heart failure: evidence from a randomised trial in community-dwelling patients. Am J Manag Care 2005;11:701–13.
Costing studies
Balinsky W, Muennig P. The costs and outcomes of multifaceted interventions designed to improve the care of congestive heart failure in the inpatient setting: a review of the literature. Med Care Res Rev 2003;60:275–93.
Stewart S, Blue L, Walker A, Morrison C, McMurray JJ. An economic analysis of specialist heart failure nurse management in the UK; can we afford not to implement it? Eur Heart J 2002;23:1369–78.
List of abbreviations
- American College of Cardiology
- angiotensin-converting enzyme
- American Heart Association
- angiotensin receptor blocker
- area under the curve (summary measure of diagnostic test performance)
- British National Formulary
- B-type natriuretic peptides
- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- chest X-ray
- diagnostic odds ratio
- electrocardiogram
- Echocardiographic Heart of England Screening (study)
- Excerpta Medica database, a biomedical and pharmacological literature database
- European Society of Cardiology
- incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
- ischaemic heart disease
- individual patient data (analysis)
- jugular venous pressure
- LV
- left ventricle/left ventricular
- left ventricular ejection fraction
- left ventricular systolic dysfunction
- medical literature analysis and retrieval system
- MI
- myocardial infarction
- clinical scoring system to determine risk of heart failure (male, infarction, crepitations, oedema)
- National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
- NT-proBNP
- N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide
- New York Heart Association (functional classification)
- quality-adjusted life-year
- Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies
- randomised controlled trial
- receiver operating characteristic (curve)
- sas®
- statistical analysis software
- shortness of breath
- Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
- willingness to pay
All abbreviations that have been used in this report are listed here unless the abbreviation is well known (e.g. NHS), or it has been used only once, or it is a non-standard abbreviation used only in figures/tables/appendices, in which case the abbreviation is defined in the figure legend or in the notes at the end of the table.
Health Technology Assessment reports published to date
Home parenteral nutrition: a systematic review.
By Richards DM, Deeks JJ, Sheldon TA, Shaffer JL.
Diagnosis, management and screening of early localised prostate cancer.
A review by Selley S, Donovan J, Faulkner A, Coast J, Gillatt D.
The diagnosis, management, treatment and costs of prostate cancer in England and Wales.
A review by Chamberlain J, Melia J, Moss S, Brown J.
Screening for fragile X syndrome.
A review by Murray J, Cuckle H, Taylor G, Hewison J.
A review of near patient testing in primary care.
By Hobbs FDR, Delaney BC, Fitzmaurice DA, Wilson S, Hyde CJ, Thorpe GH, et al.
Systematic review of outpatient services for chronic pain control.
By McQuay HJ, Moore RA, Eccleston C, Morley S, de C Williams AC.
Neonatal screening for inborn errors of metabolism: cost, yield and outcome.
A review by Pollitt RJ, Green A, McCabe CJ, Booth A, Cooper NJ, Leonard JV, et al.
Preschool vision screening.
A review by Snowdon SK, Stewart-Brown SL.
Implications of socio-cultural contexts for the ethics of clinical trials.
A review by Ashcroft RE, Chadwick DW, Clark SRL, Edwards RHT, Frith L, Hutton JL.
A critical review of the role of neonatal hearing screening in the detection of congenital hearing impairment.
By Davis A, Bamford J, Wilson I, Ramkalawan T, Forshaw M, Wright S.
Newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism: a systematic review.
By Seymour CA, Thomason MJ, Chalmers RA, Addison GM, Bain MD, Cockburn F, et al.
Routine preoperative testing: a systematic review of the evidence.
By Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J.
Systematic review of the effectiveness of laxatives in the elderly.
By Petticrew M, Watt I, Sheldon T.
When and how to assess fast-changing technologies: a comparative study of medical applications of four generic technologies.
A review by Mowatt G, Bower DJ, Brebner JA, Cairns JA, Grant AM, McKee L.
Antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome.
A review by Wald NJ, Kennard A, Hackshaw A, McGuire A.
Screening for ovarian cancer: a systematic review.
By Bell R, Petticrew M, Luengo S, Sheldon TA.
Consensus development methods, and their use in clinical guideline development.
A review by Murphy MK, Black NA, Lamping DL, McKee CM, Sanderson CFB, Askham J, et al.
A cost–utility analysis of interferon beta for multiple sclerosis.
By Parkin D, McNamee P, Jacoby A, Miller P, Thomas S, Bates D.
Effectiveness and efficiency of methods of dialysis therapy for end-stage renal disease: systematic reviews.
By MacLeod A, Grant A, Donaldson C, Khan I, Campbell M, Daly C, et al.
Effectiveness of hip prostheses in primary total hip replacement: a critical review of evidence and an economic model.
By Faulkner A, Kennedy LG, Baxter K, Donovan J, Wilkinson M, Bevan G.
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in colorectal surgery: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
By Song F, Glenny AM.
Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for malignancy.
A review by Johnson PWM, Simnett SJ, Sweetenham JW, Morgan GJ, Stewart LA.
Screening for speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature.
By Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, Harkness A, Nye C.
Resource allocation for chronic stable angina: a systematic review of effectiveness, costs and cost-effectiveness of alternative interventions.
By Sculpher MJ, Petticrew M, Kelland JL, Elliott RA, Holdright DR, Buxton MJ.
Detection, adherence and control of hypertension for the prevention of stroke: a systematic review.
By Ebrahim S.
Postoperative analgesia and vomiting, with special reference to day-case surgery: a systematic review.
By McQuay HJ, Moore RA.
Choosing between randomised and nonrandomised studies: a systematic review.
By Britton A, McKee M, Black N, McPherson K, Sanderson C, Bain C.
Evaluating patient-based outcome measures for use in clinical trials.
A review by Fitzpatrick R, Davey C, Buxton MJ, Jones DR.
Ethical issues in the design and conduct of randomised controlled trials.
A review by Edwards SJL, Lilford RJ, Braunholtz DA, Jackson JC, Hewison J, Thornton J.
Qualitative research methods in health technology assessment: a review of the literature.
By Murphy E, Dingwall R, Greatbatch D, Parker S, Watson P.
The costs and benefits of paramedic skills in pre-hospital trauma care.
By Nicholl J, Hughes S, Dixon S, Turner J, Yates D.
Systematic review of endoscopic ultrasound in gastro-oesophageal cancer.
By Harris KM, Kelly S, Berry E, Hutton J, Roderick P, Cullingworth J, et al.
Systematic reviews of trials and other studies.
By Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Jones DR, Sheldon TA, Song F.
Primary total hip replacement surgery: a systematic review of outcomes and modelling of cost-effectiveness associated with different prostheses.
A review by Fitzpatrick R, Shortall E, Sculpher M, Murray D, Morris R, Lodge M, et al.
Informed decision making: an annotated bibliography and systematic review.
By Bekker H, Thornton JG, Airey CM, Connelly JB, Hewison J, Robinson MB, et al.
Handling uncertainty when performing economic evaluation of healthcare interventions.
A review by Briggs AH, Gray AM.
The role of expectancies in the placebo effect and their use in the delivery of health care: a systematic review.
By Crow R, Gage H, Hampson S, Hart J, Kimber A, Thomas H.
A randomised controlled trial of different approaches to universal antenatal HIV testing: uptake and acceptability. Annex: Antenatal HIV testing – assessment of a routine voluntary approach.
By Simpson WM, Johnstone FD, Boyd FM, Goldberg DJ, Hart GJ, Gormley SM, et al.
Methods for evaluating area-wide and organisation-based interventions in health and health care: a systematic review.
By Ukoumunne OC, Gulliford MC, Chinn S, Sterne JAC, Burney PGJ.
Assessing the costs of healthcare technologies in clinical trials.
A review by Johnston K, Buxton MJ, Jones DR, Fitzpatrick R.
Cooperatives and their primary care emergency centres: organisation and impact.
By Hallam L, Henthorne K.
Screening for cystic fibrosis.
A review by Murray J, Cuckle H, Taylor G, Littlewood J, Hewison J.
A review of the use of health status measures in economic evaluation.
By Brazier J, Deverill M, Green C, Harper R, Booth A.
Methods for the analysis of quality-of-life and survival data in health technology assessment.
A review by Billingham LJ, Abrams KR, Jones DR.
Antenatal and neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening in the UK: review and economic analysis.
By Zeuner D, Ades AE, Karnon J, Brown J, Dezateux C, Anionwu EN.
Assessing the quality of reports of randomised trials: implications for the conduct of meta-analyses.
A review by Moher D, Cook DJ, Jadad AR, Tugwell P, Moher M, Jones A, et al.
‘Early warning systems’ for identifying new healthcare technologies.
By Robert G, Stevens A, Gabbay J.
A systematic review of the role of human papillomavirus testing within a cervical screening programme.
By Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Davies P, Adams J, Normand C, Frater A, et al.
Near patient testing in diabetes clinics: appraising the costs and outcomes.
By Grieve R, Beech R, Vincent J, Mazurkiewicz J.
Positron emission tomography: establishing priorities for health technology assessment.
A review by Robert G, Milne R.
The debridement of chronic wounds: a systematic review.
By Bradley M, Cullum N, Sheldon T.
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (2) Dressings and topical agents used in the healing of chronic wounds.
By Bradley M, Cullum N, Nelson EA, Petticrew M, Sheldon T, Torgerson D.
A systematic literature review of spiral and electron beam computed tomography: with particular reference to clinical applications in hepatic lesions, pulmonary embolus and coronary artery disease.
By Berry E, Kelly S, Hutton J, Harris KM, Roderick P, Boyce JC, et al.
What role for statins? A review and economic model.
By Ebrahim S, Davey Smith G, McCabe C, Payne N, Pickin M, Sheldon TA, et al.
Factors that limit the quality, number and progress of randomised controlled trials.
A review by Prescott RJ, Counsell CE, Gillespie WJ, Grant AM, Russell IT, Kiauka S, et al.
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in total hip replacement: a systematic review.
By Glenny AM, Song F.
Health promoting schools and health promotion in schools: two systematic reviews.
By Lister-Sharp D, Chapman S, Stewart-Brown S, Sowden A.
Economic evaluation of a primary care-based education programme for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
A review by Lord J, Victor C, Littlejohns P, Ross FM, Axford JS.
The estimation of marginal time preference in a UK-wide sample (TEMPUS) project.
A review by Cairns JA, van der Pol MM.
Geriatric rehabilitation following fractures in older people: a systematic review.
By Cameron I, Crotty M, Currie C, Finnegan T, Gillespie L, Gillespie W, et al.
Screening for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia: a systematic review with supplementary research.
By Davies SC, Cronin E, Gill M, Greengross P, Hickman M, Normand C.
Community provision of hearing aids and related audiology services.
A review by Reeves DJ, Alborz A, Hickson FS, Bamford JM.
False-negative results in screening programmes: systematic review of impact and implications.
By Petticrew MP, Sowden AJ, Lister-Sharp D, Wright K.
Costs and benefits of community postnatal support workers: a randomised controlled trial.
By Morrell CJ, Spiby H, Stewart P, Walters S, Morgan A.
Implantable contraceptives (subdermal implants and hormonally impregnated intrauterine systems) versus other forms of reversible contraceptives: two systematic reviews to assess relative effectiveness, acceptability, tolerability and cost-effectiveness.
By French RS, Cowan FM, Mansour DJA, Morris S, Procter T, Hughes D, et al.
An introduction to statistical methods for health technology assessment.
A review by White SJ, Ashby D, Brown PJ.
Disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
By Clegg A, Bryant J, Milne R.
Publication and related biases.
A review by Song F, Eastwood AJ, Gilbody S, Duley L, Sutton AJ.
Cost and outcome implications of the organisation of vascular services.
By Michaels J, Brazier J, Palfreyman S, Shackley P, Slack R.
Monitoring blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review.
By Coster S, Gulliford MC, Seed PT, Powrie JK, Swaminathan R.
The effectiveness of domiciliary health visiting: a systematic review of international studies and a selective review of the British literature.
By Elkan R, Kendrick D, Hewitt M, Robinson JJA, Tolley K, Blair M, et al.
The determinants of screening uptake and interventions for increasing uptake: a systematic review.
By Jepson R, Clegg A, Forbes C, Lewis R, Sowden A, Kleijnen J.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prophylactic removal of wisdom teeth.
A rapid review by Song F, O’Meara S, Wilson P, Golder S, Kleijnen J.
Ultrasound screening in pregnancy: a systematic review of the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and women’s views.
By Bricker L, Garcia J, Henderson J, Mugford M, Neilson J, Roberts T, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the taxanes used in the treatment of advanced breast and ovarian cancer.
By Lister-Sharp D, McDonagh MS, Khan KS, Kleijnen J.
Liquid-based cytology in cervical screening: a rapid and systematic review.
By Payne N, Chilcott J, McGoogan E.
Randomised controlled trial of non-directive counselling, cognitive–behaviour therapy and usual general practitioner care in the management of depression as well as mixed anxiety and depression in primary care.
By King M, Sibbald B, Ward E, Bower P, Lloyd M, Gabbay M, et al.
Routine referral for radiography of patients presenting with low back pain: is patients’ outcome influenced by GPs’ referral for plain radiography?
By Kerry S, Hilton S, Patel S, Dundas D, Rink E, Lord J.
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (3) antimicrobial agents for chronic wounds; (4) diabetic foot ulceration.
By O’Meara S, Cullum N, Majid M, Sheldon T.
Using routine data to complement and enhance the results of randomised controlled trials.
By Lewsey JD, Leyland AH, Murray GD, Boddy FA.
Coronary artery stents in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease: a rapid and systematic review.
By Meads C, Cummins C, Jolly K, Stevens A, Burls A, Hyde C.
Outcome measures for adult critical care: a systematic review.
By Hayes JA, Black NA, Jenkinson C, Young JD, Rowan KM, Daly K, et al.
A systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to promote the initiation of breastfeeding.
By Fairbank L, O’Meara S, Renfrew MJ, Woolridge M, Sowden AJ, Lister-Sharp D.
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: arrhythmias. A rapid and systematic review.
By Parkes J, Bryant J, Milne R.
Treatments for fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
By Brañas P, Jordan R, Fry-Smith A, Burls A, Hyde C.
Early asthma prophylaxis, natural history, skeletal development and economy (EASE): a pilot randomised controlled trial.
By Baxter-Jones ADG, Helms PJ, Russell G, Grant A, Ross S, Cairns JA, et al.
Screening for hypercholesterolaemia versus case finding for familial hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis.
By Marks D, Wonderling D, Thorogood M, Lambert H, Humphries SE, Neil HAW.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in the medical management of unstable angina.
By McDonagh MS, Bachmann LM, Golder S, Kleijnen J, ter Riet G.
A randomised controlled trial of prehospital intravenous fluid replacement therapy in serious trauma.
By Turner J, Nicholl J, Webber L, Cox H, Dixon S, Yates D.
Intrathecal pumps for giving opioids in chronic pain: a systematic review.
By Williams JE, Louw G, Towlerton G.
Combination therapy (interferon alfa and ribavirin) in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: a rapid and systematic review.
By Shepherd J, Waugh N, Hewitson P.
A systematic review of comparisons of effect sizes derived from randomised and non-randomised studies.
By MacLehose RR, Reeves BC, Harvey IM, Sheldon TA, Russell IT, Black AMS.
Intravascular ultrasound-guided interventions in coronary artery disease: a systematic literature review, with decision-analytic modelling, of outcomes and cost-effectiveness.
By Berry E, Kelly S, Hutton J, Lindsay HSJ, Blaxill JM, Evans JA, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of counselling patients with chronic depression.
By Simpson S, Corney R, Fitzgerald P, Beecham J.
Systematic review of treatments for atopic eczema.
By Hoare C, Li Wan Po A, Williams H.
Bayesian methods in health technology assessment: a review.
By Spiegelhalter DJ, Myles JP, Jones DR, Abrams KR.
The management of dyspepsia: a systematic review.
By Delaney B, Moayyedi P, Deeks J, Innes M, Soo S, Barton P, et al.
A systematic review of treatments for severe psoriasis.
By Griffiths CEM, Clark CM, Chalmers RJG, Li Wan Po A, Williams HC.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine for Alzheimer’s disease: a rapid and systematic review.
By Clegg A, Bryant J, Nicholson T, McIntyre L, De Broe S, Gerard K, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of riluzole for motor neurone disease: a rapid and systematic review.
By Stewart A, Sandercock J, Bryan S, Hyde C, Barton PM, Fry-Smith A, et al.
Equity and the economic evaluation of healthcare.
By Sassi F, Archard L, Le Grand J.
Quality-of-life measures in chronic diseases of childhood.
By Eiser C, Morse R.
Eliciting public preferences for healthcare: a systematic review of techniques.
By Ryan M, Scott DA, Reeves C, Bate A, van Teijlingen ER, Russell EM, et al.
General health status measures for people with cognitive impairment: learning disability and acquired brain injury.
By Riemsma RP, Forbes CA, Glanville JM, Eastwood AJ, Kleijnen J.
An assessment of screening strategies for fragile X syndrome in the UK.
By Pembrey ME, Barnicoat AJ, Carmichael B, Bobrow M, Turner G.
Issues in methodological research: perspectives from researchers and commissioners.
By Lilford RJ, Richardson A, Stevens A, Fitzpatrick R, Edwards S, Rock F, et al.
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (5) beds; (6) compression; (7) laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy and electromagnetic therapy.
By Cullum N, Nelson EA, Flemming K, Sheldon T.
Effects of educational and psychosocial interventions for adolescents with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review.
By Hampson SE, Skinner TC, Hart J, Storey L, Gage H, Foxcroft D, et al.
Effectiveness of autologous chondrocyte transplantation for hyaline cartilage defects in knees: a rapid and systematic review.
By Jobanputra P, Parry D, Fry-Smith A, Burls A.
Statistical assessment of the learning curves of health technologies.
By Ramsay CR, Grant AM, Wallace SA, Garthwaite PH, Monk AF, Russell IT.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of temozolomide for the treatment of recurrent malignant glioma: a rapid and systematic review.
By Dinnes J, Cave C, Huang S, Major K, Milne R.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of debriding agents in treating surgical wounds healing by secondary intention.
By Lewis R, Whiting P, ter Riet G, O’Meara S, Glanville J.
Home treatment for mental health problems: a systematic review.
By Burns T, Knapp M, Catty J, Healey A, Henderson J, Watt H, et al.
How to develop cost-conscious guidelines.
By Eccles M, Mason J.
The role of specialist nurses in multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review.
By De Broe S, Christopher F, Waugh N.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of orlistat in the management of obesity.
By O’Meara S, Riemsma R, Shirran L, Mather L, ter Riet G.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pioglitazone for type 2 diabetes mellitus: a rapid and systematic review.
By Chilcott J, Wight J, Lloyd Jones M, Tappenden P.
Extended scope of nursing practice: a multicentre randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained nurses and preregistration house officers in preoperative assessment in elective general surgery.
By Kinley H, Czoski-Murray C, George S, McCabe C, Primrose J, Reilly C, et al.
Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of day care for people with severe mental disorders: (1) Acute day hospital versus admission; (2) Vocational rehabilitation; (3) Day hospital versus outpatient care.
By Marshall M, Crowther R, Almaraz- Serrano A, Creed F, Sledge W, Kluiter H, et al.
The measurement and monitoring of surgical adverse events.
By Bruce J, Russell EM, Mollison J, Krukowski ZH.
Action research: a systematic review and guidance for assessment.
By Waterman H, Tillen D, Dickson R, de Koning K.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
By Ward S, Morris E, Bansback N, Calvert N, Crellin A, Forman D, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the evidence for the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of irinotecan, oxaliplatin and raltitrexed for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.
By Lloyd Jones M, Hummel S, Bansback N, Orr B, Seymour M.
Comparison of the effectiveness of inhaler devices in asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease: a systematic review of the literature.
By Brocklebank D, Ram F, Wright J, Barry P, Cates C, Davies L, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging for investigation of the knee joint.
By Bryan S, Weatherburn G, Bungay H, Hatrick C, Salas C, Parry D, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of topotecan for ovarian cancer.
By Forbes C, Shirran L, Bagnall A-M, Duffy S, ter Riet G.
Superseded by a report published in a later volume.
The role of radiography in primary care patients with low back pain of at least 6 weeks duration: a randomised (unblinded) controlled trial.
By Kendrick D, Fielding K, Bentley E, Miller P, Kerslake R, Pringle M.
Design and use of questionnaires: a review of best practice applicable to surveys of health service staff and patients.
By McColl E, Jacoby A, Thomas L, Soutter J, Bamford C, Steen N, et al.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of paclitaxel, docetaxel, gemcitabine and vinorelbine in non-small-cell lung cancer.
By Clegg A, Scott DA, Sidhu M, Hewitson P, Waugh N.
Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: quantifying the risks of false-positives and false-negatives.
By Brookes ST, Whitley E, Peters TJ, Mulheran PA, Egger M, Davey Smith G.
Depot antipsychotic medication in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia: (1) Meta-review; (2) Patient and nurse attitudes.
By David AS, Adams C.
A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression.
By Churchill R, Hunot V, Corney R, Knapp M, McGuire H, Tylee A, et al.
Cost analysis of child health surveillance.
By Sanderson D, Wright D, Acton C, Duree D.
A study of the methods used to select review criteria for clinical audit.
By Hearnshaw H, Harker R, Cheater F, Baker R, Grimshaw G.
Fludarabine as second-line therapy for B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a technology assessment.
By Hyde C, Wake B, Bryan S, Barton P, Fry-Smith A, Davenport C, et al.
Rituximab as third-line treatment for refractory or recurrent Stage III or IV follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wake B, Hyde C, Bryan S, Barton P, Song F, Fry-Smith A, et al.
A systematic review of discharge arrangements for older people.
By Parker SG, Peet SM, McPherson A, Cannaby AM, Baker R, Wilson A, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of inhaler devices used in the routine management of chronic asthma in older children: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Peters J, Stevenson M, Beverley C, Lim J, Smith S.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of sibutramine in the management of obesity: a technology assessment.
By O’Meara S, Riemsma R, Shirran L, Mather L, ter Riet G.
The cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance angiography for carotid artery stenosis and peripheral vascular disease: a systematic review.
By Berry E, Kelly S, Westwood ME, Davies LM, Gough MJ, Bamford JM, et al.
Promoting physical activity in South Asian Muslim women through ‘exercise on prescription’.
By Carroll B, Ali N, Azam N.
Zanamivir for the treatment of influenza in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Burls A, Clark W, Stewart T, Preston C, Bryan S, Jefferson T, et al.
A review of the natural history and epidemiology of multiple sclerosis: implications for resource allocation and health economic models.
By Richards RG, Sampson FC, Beard SM, Tappenden P.
Screening for gestational diabetes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Scott DA, Loveman E, McIntyre L, Waugh N.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of surgery for people with morbid obesity: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Clegg AJ, Colquitt J, Sidhu MK, Royle P, Loveman E, Walker A.
The clinical effectiveness of trastuzumab for breast cancer: a systematic review.
By Lewis R, Bagnall A-M, Forbes C, Shirran E, Duffy S, Kleijnen J, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of vinorelbine for breast cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Lewis R, Bagnall A-M, King S, Woolacott N, Forbes C, Shirran L, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty for treatment of hip disease.
By Vale L, Wyness L, McCormack K, McKenzie L, Brazzelli M, Stearns SC.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of bupropion and nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Woolacott NF, Jones L, Forbes CA, Mather LC, Sowden AJ, Song FJ, et al.
A systematic review of effectiveness and economic evaluation of new drug treatments for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: etanercept.
By Cummins C, Connock M, Fry-Smith A, Burls A.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of growth hormone in children: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Bryant J, Cave C, Mihaylova B, Chase D, McIntyre L, Gerard K, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of growth hormone in adults in relation to impact on quality of life: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Bryant J, Loveman E, Chase D, Mihaylova B, Cave C, Gerard K, et al.
Clinical medication review by a pharmacist of patients on repeat prescriptions in general practice: a randomised controlled trial.
By Zermansky AG, Petty DR, Raynor DK, Lowe CJ, Freementle N, Vail A.
The effectiveness of infliximab and etanercept for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Jobanputra P, Barton P, Bryan S, Burls A.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety.
By Kaltenthaler E, Shackley P, Stevens K, Beverley C, Parry G, Chilcott J.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydrochloride for ovarian cancer.
By Forbes C, Wilby J, Richardson G, Sculpher M, Mather L, Reimsma R.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions based on a stages-of-change approach to promote individual behaviour change.
By Riemsma RP, Pattenden J, Bridle C, Sowden AJ, Mather L, Watt IS, et al.
A systematic review update of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists.
By Robinson M, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, Jones L, Riemsma R, Palmer S, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and barriers to implementation of thrombolytic and neuroprotective therapy for acute ischaemic stroke in the NHS.
By Sandercock P, Berge E, Dennis M, Forbes J, Hand P, Kwan J, et al.
A randomised controlled crossover trial of nurse practitioner versus doctor-led outpatient care in a bronchiectasis clinic.
By Caine N, Sharples LD, Hollingworth W, French J, Keogan M, Exley A, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost – consequences of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of sex offenders.
By Adi Y, Ashcroft D, Browne K, Beech A, Fry-Smith A, Hyde C.
Treatment of established osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost–utility analysis.
By Kanis JA, Brazier JE, Stevenson M, Calvert NW, Lloyd Jones M.
Which anaesthetic agents are cost-effective in day surgery? Literature review, national survey of practice and randomised controlled trial.
By Elliott RA Payne K, Moore JK, Davies LM, Harper NJN, St Leger AS, et al.
Screening for hepatitis C among injecting drug users and in genitourinary medicine clinics: systematic reviews of effectiveness, modelling study and national survey of current practice.
By Stein K, Dalziel K, Walker A, McIntyre L, Jenkins B, Horne J, et al.
The measurement of satisfaction with healthcare: implications for practice from a systematic review of the literature.
By Crow R, Gage H, Hampson S, Hart J, Kimber A, Storey L, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of imatinib in chronic myeloid leukaemia: a systematic review.
By Garside R, Round A, Dalziel K, Stein K, Royle R.
A comparative study of hypertonic saline, daily and alternate-day rhDNase in children with cystic fibrosis.
By Suri R, Wallis C, Bush A, Thompson S, Normand C, Flather M, et al.
A systematic review of the costs and effectiveness of different models of paediatric home care.
By Parker G, Bhakta P, Lovett CA, Paisley S, Olsen R, Turner D, et al.
How important are comprehensive literature searches and the assessment of trial quality in systematic reviews? Empirical study.
By Egger M, Jüni P, Bartlett C, Holenstein F, Sterne J.
Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and economic evaluation, of home versus hospital or satellite unit haemodialysis for people with end-stage renal failure.
By Mowatt G, Vale L, Perez J, Wyness L, Fraser C, MacLeod A, et al.
Systematic review and economic evaluation of the effectiveness of infliximab for the treatment of Crohn’s disease.
By Clark W, Raftery J, Barton P, Song F, Fry-Smith A, Burls A.
A review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine anti-D prophylaxis for pregnant women who are rhesus negative.
By Chilcott J, Lloyd Jones M, Wight J, Forman K, Wray J, Beverley C, et al.
Systematic review and evaluation of the use of tumour markers in paediatric oncology: Ewing’s sarcoma and neuroblastoma.
By Riley RD, Burchill SA, Abrams KR, Heney D, Lambert PC, Jones DR, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of screening for Helicobacter pylori to reduce mortality and morbidity from gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease: a discrete-event simulation model.
By Roderick P, Davies R, Raftery J, Crabbe D, Pearce R, Bhandari P, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine dental checks: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Davenport C, Elley K, Salas C, Taylor-Weetman CL, Fry-Smith A, Bryan S, et al.
A multicentre randomised controlled trial assessing the costs and benefits of using structured information and analysis of women’s preferences in the management of menorrhagia.
By Kennedy ADM, Sculpher MJ, Coulter A, Dwyer N, Rees M, Horsley S, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost–utility of photodynamic therapy for wet age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Meads C, Salas C, Roberts T, Moore D, Fry-Smith A, Hyde C.
Evaluation of molecular tests for prenatal diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities.
By Grimshaw GM, Szczepura A, Hultén M, MacDonald F, Nevin NC, Sutton F, et al.
First and second trimester antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome: the results of the Serum, Urine and Ultrasound Screening Study (SURUSS).
By Wald NJ, Rodeck C, Hackshaw AK, Walters J, Chitty L, Mackinson AM.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ultrasound locating devices for central venous access: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Calvert N, Hind D, McWilliams RG, Thomas SM, Beverley C, Davidson A.
A systematic review of atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia.
By Bagnall A-M, Jones L, Lewis R, Ginnelly L, Glanville J, Torgerson D, et al.
Prostate Testing for Cancer and Treatment (ProtecT) feasibility study.
By Donovan J, Hamdy F, Neal D, Peters T, Oliver S, Brindle L, et al.
Early thrombolysis for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Boland A, Dundar Y, Bagust A, Haycox A, Hill R, Mujica Mota R, et al.
Screening for fragile X syndrome: a literature review and modelling.
By Song FJ, Barton P, Sleightholme V, Yao GL, Fry-Smith A.
Systematic review of endoscopic sinus surgery for nasal polyps.
By Dalziel K, Stein K, Round A, Garside R, Royle P.
Towards efficient guidelines: how to monitor guideline use in primary care.
By Hutchinson A, McIntosh A, Cox S, Gilbert C.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acute hospital-based spinal cord injuries services: systematic review.
By Bagnall A-M, Jones L, Richardson G, Duffy S, Riemsma R.
Prioritisation of health technology assessment. The PATHS model: methods and case studies.
By Townsend J, Buxton M, Harper G.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tension-free vaginal tape for treatment of urinary stress incontinence.
By Cody J, Wyness L, Wallace S, Glazener C, Kilonzo M, Stearns S, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of patient education models for diabetes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Loveman E, Cave C, Green C, Royle P, Dunn N, Waugh N.
The role of modelling in prioritising and planning clinical trials.
By Chilcott J, Brennan A, Booth A, Karnon J, Tappenden P.
Cost–benefit evaluation of routine influenza immunisation in people 65–74 years of age.
By Allsup S, Gosney M, Haycox A, Regan M.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of pulsatile machine perfusion versus cold storage of kidneys for transplantation retrieved from heart-beating and non-heart-beating donors.
By Wight J, Chilcott J, Holmes M, Brewer N.
Can randomised trials rely on existing electronic data? A feasibility study to explore the value of routine data in health technology assessment.
By Williams JG, Cheung WY, Cohen DR, Hutchings HA, Longo MF, Russell IT.
Evaluating non-randomised intervention studies.
By Deeks JJ, Dinnes J, D’Amico R, Sowden AJ, Sakarovitch C, Song F, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to assess the impact of a package comprising a patient-orientated, evidence-based self- help guidebook and patient-centred consultations on disease management and satisfaction in inflammatory bowel disease.
By Kennedy A, Nelson E, Reeves D, Richardson G, Roberts C, Robinson A, et al.
The effectiveness of diagnostic tests for the assessment of shoulder pain due to soft tissue disorders: a systematic review.
By Dinnes J, Loveman E, McIntyre L, Waugh N.
The value of digital imaging in diabetic retinopathy.
By Sharp PF, Olson J, Strachan F, Hipwell J, Ludbrook A, O’Donnell M, et al.
Lowering blood pressure to prevent myocardial infarction and stroke: a new preventive strategy.
By Law M, Wald N, Morris J.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of capecitabine and tegafur with uracil for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Ward S, Kaltenthaler E, Cowan J, Brewer N.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of new and emerging technologies for early localised prostate cancer: a systematic review.
By Hummel S, Paisley S, Morgan A, Currie E, Brewer N.
Literature searching for clinical and cost-effectiveness studies used in health technology assessment reports carried out for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence appraisal system.
By Royle P, Waugh N.
Systematic review and economic decision modelling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B.
By Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K.
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Hickman line insertions in adult cancer patients by nurses.
By Boland A, Haycox A, Bagust A, Fitzsimmons L.
Redesigning postnatal care: a randomised controlled trial of protocol-based midwifery-led care focused on individual women’s physical and psychological health needs.
By MacArthur C, Winter HR, Bick DE, Lilford RJ, Lancashire RJ, Knowles H, et al.
Estimating implied rates of discount in healthcare decision-making.
By West RR, McNabb R, Thompson AGH, Sheldon TA, Grimley Evans J.
Systematic review of isolation policies in the hospital management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a review of the literature with epidemiological and economic modelling.
By Cooper BS, Stone SP, Kibbler CC, Cookson BD, Roberts JA, Medley GF, et al.
Treatments for spasticity and pain in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review.
By Beard S, Hunn A, Wight J.
The inclusion of reports of randomised trials published in languages other than English in systematic reviews.
By Moher D, Pham B, Lawson ML, Klassen TP.
The impact of screening on future health-promoting behaviours and health beliefs: a systematic review.
By Bankhead CR, Brett J, Bukach C, Webster P, Stewart-Brown S, Munafo M, et al.
What is the best imaging strategy for acute stroke?
By Wardlaw JM, Keir SL, Seymour J, Lewis S, Sandercock PAG, Dennis MS, et al.
Systematic review and modelling of the investigation of acute and chronic chest pain presenting in primary care.
By Mant J, McManus RJ, Oakes RAL, Delaney BC, Barton PM, Deeks JJ, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of microwave and thermal balloon endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding: a systematic review and economic modelling.
By Garside R, Stein K, Wyatt K, Round A, Price A.
A systematic review of the role of bisphosphonates in metastatic disease.
By Ross JR, Saunders Y, Edmonds PM, Patel S, Wonderling D, Normand C, et al.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of capecitabine (Xeloda®) for locally advanced and/or metastatic breast cancer.
By Jones L, Hawkins N, Westwood M, Wright K, Richardson G, Riemsma R.
Effectiveness and efficiency of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies.
By Grimshaw JM, Thomas RE, MacLennan G, Fraser C, Ramsay CR, Vale L, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and costs of the Sugarbaker procedure for the treatment of pseudomyxoma peritonei.
By Bryant J, Clegg AJ, Sidhu MK, Brodin H, Royle P, Davidson P.
Psychological treatment for insomnia in the regulation of long-term hypnotic drug use.
By Morgan K, Dixon S, Mathers N, Thompson J, Tomeny M.
Improving the evaluation of therapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis: development of a patient-based measure of outcome.
By Hobart JC, Riazi A, Lamping DL, Fitzpatrick R, Thompson AJ.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography compared with diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
By Kaltenthaler E, Bravo Vergel Y, Chilcott J, Thomas S, Blakeborough T, Walters SJ, et al.
The use of modelling to evaluate new drugs for patients with a chronic condition: the case of antibodies against tumour necrosis factor in rheumatoid arthritis.
By Barton P, Jobanputra P, Wilson J, Bryan S, Burls A.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of neonatal screening for inborn errors of metabolism using tandem mass spectrometry: a systematic review.
By Pandor A, Eastham J, Beverley C, Chilcott J, Paisley S.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pioglitazone and rosiglitazone in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Czoski-Murray C, Warren E, Chilcott J, Beverley C, Psyllaki MA, Cowan J.
Routine examination of the newborn: the EMREN study. Evaluation of an extension of the midwife role including a randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained midwives and paediatric senior house officers.
By Townsend J, Wolke D, Hayes J, Davé S, Rogers C, Bloomfield L, et al.
Involving consumers in research and development agenda setting for the NHS: developing an evidence-based approach.
By Oliver S, Clarke-Jones L, Rees R, Milne R, Buchanan P, Gabbay J, et al.
A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of minimally invasive direct coronary bypass grafting versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stenting for proximal stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery.
By Reeves BC, Angelini GD, Bryan AJ, Taylor FC, Cripps T, Spyt TJ, et al.
Does early magnetic resonance imaging influence management or improve outcome in patients referred to secondary care with low back pain? A pragmatic randomised controlled trial.
By Gilbert FJ, Grant AM, Gillan MGC, Vale L, Scott NW, Campbell MK, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of anakinra for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults: a systematic review and economic analysis.
By Clark W, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Burls A.
A rapid and systematic review and economic evaluation of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for treatment of mania associated with bipolar affective disorder.
By Bridle C, Palmer S, Bagnall A-M, Darba J, Duffy S, Sculpher M, et al.
Liquid-based cytology in cervical screening: an updated rapid and systematic review and economic analysis.
By Karnon J, Peters J, Platt J, Chilcott J, McGoogan E, Brewer N.
Systematic review of the long-term effects and economic consequences of treatments for obesity and implications for health improvement.
By Avenell A, Broom J, Brown TJ, Poobalan A, Aucott L, Stearns SC, et al.
Autoantibody testing in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus.
By Dretzke J, Cummins C, Sandercock J, Fry-Smith A, Barrett T, Burls A.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prehospital intravenous fluids in trauma patients.
By Dretzke J, Sandercock J, Bayliss S, Burls A.
Newer hypnotic drugs for the short-term management of insomnia: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Dündar Y, Boland A, Strobl J, Dodd S, Haycox A, Bagust A, et al.
Development and validation of methods for assessing the quality of diagnostic accuracy studies.
By Whiting P, Rutjes AWS, Dinnes J, Reitsma JB, Bossuyt PMM, Kleijnen J.
EVALUATE hysterectomy trial: a multicentre randomised trial comparing abdominal, vaginal and laparoscopic methods of hysterectomy.
By Garry R, Fountain J, Brown J, Manca A, Mason S, Sculpher M, et al.
Methods for expected value of information analysis in complex health economic models: developments on the health economics of interferon-β and glatiramer acetate for multiple sclerosis.
By Tappenden P, Chilcott JB, Eggington S, Oakley J, McCabe C.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of imatinib for first-line treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia in chronic phase: a systematic review and economic analysis.
By Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, Garside R, Price A.
VenUS I: a randomised controlled trial of two types of bandage for treating venous leg ulcers.
By Iglesias C, Nelson EA, Cullum NA, Torgerson DJ, on behalf of the VenUS Team.
Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and economic evaluation, of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for the diagnosis and management of angina and myocardial infarction.
By Mowatt G, Vale L, Brazzelli M, Hernandez R, Murray A, Scott N, et al.
A pilot study on the use of decision theory and value of information analysis as part of the NHS Health Technology Assessment programme.
By Claxton K, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, Philips Z, Palmer S.
The Social Support and Family Health Study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of two alternative forms of postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner-city areas.
By Wiggins M, Oakley A, Roberts I, Turner H, Rajan L, Austerberry H, et al.
Psychosocial aspects of genetic screening of pregnant women and newborns: a systematic review.
By Green JM, Hewison J, Bekker HL, Bryant, Cuckle HS.
Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding: comparison of three outpatient procedures within cohorts defined by age and menopausal status.
By Critchley HOD, Warner P, Lee AJ, Brechin S, Guise J, Graham B.
Coronary artery stents: a rapid systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hill R, Bagust A, Bakhai A, Dickson R, Dündar Y, Haycox A, et al.
Review of guidelines for good practice in decision-analytic modelling in health technology assessment.
By Philips Z, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, Claxton K, Golder S, Riemsma R, et al.
Rituximab (MabThera®) for aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Knight C, Hind D, Brewer N, Abbott V.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel and modified-release dipyridamole in the secondary prevention of occlusive vascular events: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Jones L, Griffin S, Palmer S, Main C, Orton V, Sculpher M, et al.
Pegylated interferon α-2a and -2b in combination with ribavirin in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Brodin H, Cave C, Waugh N, Price A, Gabbay J.
Clopidogrel used in combination with aspirin compared with aspirin alone in the treatment of non-ST-segment- elevation acute coronary syndromes: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Main C, Palmer S, Griffin S, Jones L, Orton V, Sculpher M, et al.
Provision, uptake and cost of cardiac rehabilitation programmes: improving services to under-represented groups.
By Beswick AD, Rees K, Griebsch I, Taylor FC, Burke M, West RR, et al.
Involving South Asian patients in clinical trials.
By Hussain-Gambles M, Leese B, Atkin K, Brown J, Mason S, Tovey P.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion for diabetes.
By Colquitt JL, Green C, Sidhu MK, Hartwell D, Waugh N.
Identification and assessment of ongoing trials in health technology assessment reviews.
By Song FJ, Fry-Smith A, Davenport C, Bayliss S, Adi Y, Wilson JS, et al.
Systematic review and economic evaluation of a long-acting insulin analogue, insulin glargine
By Warren E, Weatherley-Jones E, Chilcott J, Beverley C.
Supplementation of a home-based exercise programme with a class-based programme for people with osteoarthritis of the knees: a randomised controlled trial and health economic analysis.
By McCarthy CJ, Mills PM, Pullen R, Richardson G, Hawkins N, Roberts CR, et al.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of once-daily versus more frequent use of same potency topical corticosteroids for atopic eczema: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Green C, Colquitt JL, Kirby J, Davidson P, Payne E.
Acupuncture of chronic headache disorders in primary care: randomised controlled trial and economic analysis.
By Vickers AJ, Rees RW, Zollman CE, McCarney R, Smith CM, Ellis N, et al.
Generalisability in economic evaluation studies in healthcare: a review and case studies.
By Sculpher MJ, Pang FS, Manca A, Drummond MF, Golder S, Urdahl H, et al.
Virtual outreach: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint teleconferenced medical consultations.
By Wallace P, Barber J, Clayton W, Currell R, Fleming K, Garner P, et al.
Randomised controlled multiple treatment comparison to provide a cost-effectiveness rationale for the selection of antimicrobial therapy in acne.
By Ozolins M, Eady EA, Avery A, Cunliffe WJ, O’Neill C, Simpson NB, et al.
Do the findings of case series studies vary significantly according to methodological characteristics?
By Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, Garside R, Castelnuovo E, Payne L.
Improving the referral process for familial breast cancer genetic counselling: findings of three randomised controlled trials of two interventions.
By Wilson BJ, Torrance N, Mollison J, Wordsworth S, Gray JR, Haites NE, et al.
Randomised evaluation of alternative electrosurgical modalities to treat bladder outflow obstruction in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
By Fowler C, McAllister W, Plail R, Karim O, Yang Q.
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of palliative therapies for patients with inoperable oesophageal cancer.
By Shenfine J, McNamee P, Steen N, Bond J, Griffin SM.
Impact of computer-aided detection prompts on the sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography.
By Taylor P, Champness J, Given- Wilson R, Johnston K, Potts H.
Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials.
By Grant AM, Altman DG, Babiker AB, Campbell MK, Clemens FJ, Darbyshire JH, et al.
Lay public’s understanding of equipoise and randomisation in randomised controlled trials.
By Robinson EJ, Kerr CEP, Stevens AJ, Lilford RJ, Braunholtz DA, Edwards SJ, et al.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy for depressive illness, schizophrenia, catatonia and mania: systematic reviews and economic modelling studies.
By Greenhalgh J, Knight C, Hind D, Beverley C, Walters S.
Measurement of health-related quality of life for people with dementia: development of a new instrument (DEMQOL) and an evaluation of current methodology.
By Smith SC, Lamping DL, Banerjee S, Harwood R, Foley B, Smith P, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of drotrecogin alfa (activated) (Xigris®) for the treatment of severe sepsis in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Green C, Dinnes J, Takeda A, Shepherd J, Hartwell D, Cave C, et al.
A methodological review of how heterogeneity has been examined in systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy.
By Dinnes J, Deeks J, Kirby J, Roderick P.
Cervical screening programmes: can automation help? Evidence from systematic reviews, an economic analysis and a simulation modelling exercise applied to the UK.
By Willis BH, Barton P, Pearmain P, Bryan S, Hyde C.
Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia repair: systematic review of effectiveness and economic evaluation.
By McCormack K, Wake B, Perez J, Fraser C, Cook J, McIntosh E, et al.
Clinical effectiveness, tolerability and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for epilepsy in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wilby J, Kainth A, Hawkins N, Epstein D, McIntosh H, McDaid C, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to compare the cost-effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and lofepramine.
By Peveler R, Kendrick T, Buxton M, Longworth L, Baldwin D, Moore M, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of immediate angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hartwell D, Colquitt J, Loveman E, Clegg AJ, Brodin H, Waugh N, et al.
A randomised controlled comparison of alternative strategies in stroke care.
By Kalra L, Evans A, Perez I, Knapp M, Swift C, Donaldson N.
The investigation and analysis of critical incidents and adverse events in healthcare.
By Woloshynowych M, Rogers S, Taylor-Adams S, Vincent C.
Potential use of routine databases in health technology assessment.
By Raftery J, Roderick P, Stevens A.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of newer immunosuppressive regimens in renal transplantation: a systematic review and modelling study.
By Woodroffe R, Yao GL, Meads C, Bayliss S, Ready A, Raftery J, et al.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of alendronate, etidronate, risedronate, raloxifene and teriparatide for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
By Stevenson M, Lloyd Jones M, De Nigris E, Brewer N, Davis S, Oakley J.
A systematic review to examine the impact of psycho-educational interventions on health outcomes and costs in adults and children with difficult asthma.
By Smith JR, Mugford M, Holland R, Candy B, Noble MJ, Harrison BDW, et al.
An evaluation of the costs, effectiveness and quality of renal replacement therapy provision in renal satellite units in England and Wales.
By Roderick P, Nicholson T, Armitage A, Mehta R, Mullee M, Gerard K, et al.
Imatinib for the treatment of patients with unresectable and/or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumours: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wilson J, Connock M, Song F, Yao G, Fry-Smith A, Raftery J, et al.
Indirect comparisons of competing interventions.
By Glenny AM, Altman DG, Song F, Sakarovitch C, Deeks JJ, D’Amico R, et al.
Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for the initial medical management of non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and decision-analytical modelling.
By Robinson M, Palmer S, Sculpher M, Philips Z, Ginnelly L, Bowens A, et al.
Outcomes of electrically stimulated gracilis neosphincter surgery.
By Tillin T, Chambers M, Feldman R.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pimecrolimus and tacrolimus for atopic eczema: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Garside R, Stein K, Castelnuovo E, Pitt M, Ashcroft D, Dimmock P, et al.
Systematic review on urine albumin testing for early detection of diabetic complications.
By Newman DJ, Mattock MB, Dawnay ABS, Kerry S, McGuire A, Yaqoob M, et al.
Randomised controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of water-based therapy for lower limb osteoarthritis.
By Cochrane T, Davey RC, Matthes Edwards SM.
Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture care to patients with chronic low back pain.
By Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Ratcliffe J, Thorpe L, Brazier J, Campbell M, et al.
Cost-effectiveness and safety of epidural steroids in the management of sciatica.
By Price C, Arden N, Coglan L, Rogers P.
The British Rheumatoid Outcome Study Group (BROSG) randomised controlled trial to compare the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of aggressive versus symptomatic therapy in established rheumatoid arthritis.
By Symmons D, Tricker K, Roberts C, Davies L, Dawes P, Scott DL.
Conceptual framework and systematic review of the effects of participants’ and professionals’ preferences in randomised controlled trials.
By King M, Nazareth I, Lampe F, Bower P, Chandler M, Morou M, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of implantable cardioverter defibrillators: a systematic review.
By Bryant J, Brodin H, Loveman E, Payne E, Clegg A.
A trial of problem-solving by community mental health nurses for anxiety, depression and life difficulties among general practice patients. The CPN-GP study.
By Kendrick T, Simons L, Mynors-Wallis L, Gray A, Lathlean J, Pickering R, et al.
The causes and effects of socio-demographic exclusions from clinical trials.
By Bartlett C, Doyal L, Ebrahim S, Davey P, Bachmann M, Egger M, et al.
Is hydrotherapy cost-effective? A randomised controlled trial of combined hydrotherapy programmes compared with physiotherapy land techniques in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
By Epps H, Ginnelly L, Utley M, Southwood T, Gallivan S, Sculpher M, et al.
A randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness study of systematic screening (targeted and total population screening) versus routine practice for the detection of atrial fibrillation in people aged 65 and over. The SAFE study.
By Hobbs FDR, Fitzmaurice DA, Mant J, Murray E, Jowett S, Bryan S, et al.
Displaced intracapsular hip fractures in fit, older people: a randomised comparison of reduction and fixation, bipolar hemiarthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty.
By Keating JF, Grant A, Masson M, Scott NW, Forbes JF.
Long-term outcome of cognitive behaviour therapy clinical trials in central Scotland.
By Durham RC, Chambers JA, Power KG, Sharp DM, Macdonald RR, Major KA, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dual-chamber pacemakers compared with single-chamber pacemakers for bradycardia due to atrioventricular block or sick sinus syndrome: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Castelnuovo E, Stein K, Pitt M, Garside R, Payne E.
Newborn screening for congenital heart defects: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis.
By Knowles R, Griebsch I, Dezateux C, Brown J, Bull C, Wren C.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of left ventricular assist devices for end-stage heart failure: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Clegg AJ, Scott DA, Loveman E, Colquitt J, Hutchinson J, Royle P, et al.
The effectiveness of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph and laser diagnostic glaucoma scanning system (GDx) in detecting and monitoring glaucoma.
By Kwartz AJ, Henson DB, Harper RA, Spencer AF, McLeod D.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of autologous chondrocyte implantation for cartilage defects in knee joints: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Clar C, Cummins E, McIntyre L, Thomas S, Lamb J, Bain L, et al.
Systematic review of effectiveness of different treatments for childhood retinoblastoma.
By McDaid C, Hartley S, Bagnall A-M, Ritchie G, Light K, Riemsma R.
Towards evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of venous thromboembolism: systematic reviews of mechanical methods, oral anticoagulation, dextran and regional anaesthesia as thromboprophylaxis.
By Roderick P, Ferris G, Wilson K, Halls H, Jackson D, Collins R, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of parent training/education programmes for the treatment of conduct disorder, including oppositional defiant disorder, in children.
By Dretzke J, Frew E, Davenport C, Barlow J, Stewart-Brown S, Sandercock J, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine and memantine for Alzheimer’s disease.
By Loveman E, Green C, Kirby J, Takeda A, Picot J, Payne E, et al.
FOOD: a multicentre randomised trial evaluating feeding policies in patients admitted to hospital with a recent stroke.
By Dennis M, Lewis S, Cranswick G, Forbes J.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of computed tomography screening for lung cancer: systematic reviews.
By Black C, Bagust A, Boland A, Walker S, McLeod C, De Verteuil R, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of neuroimaging assessments used to visualise the seizure focus in people with refractory epilepsy being considered for surgery.
By Whiting P, Gupta R, Burch J, Mujica Mota RE, Wright K, Marson A, et al.
Comparison of conference abstracts and presentations with full-text articles in the health technology assessments of rapidly evolving technologies.
By Dundar Y, Dodd S, Dickson R, Walley T, Haycox A, Williamson PR.
Systematic review and evaluation of methods of assessing urinary incontinence.
By Martin JL, Williams KS, Abrams KR, Turner DA, Sutton AJ, Chapple C, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for children with epilepsy. A systematic review.
By Connock M, Frew E, Evans B-W, Bryan S, Cummins C, Fry-Smith A, et al.
Surveillance of Barrett’s oesophagus: exploring the uncertainty through systematic review, expert workshop and economic modelling.
By Garside R, Pitt M, Somerville M, Stein K, Price A, Gilbert N.
Topotecan, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydrochloride and paclitaxel for second-line or subsequent treatment of advanced ovarian cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Main C, Bojke L, Griffin S, Norman G, Barbieri M, Mather L, et al.
Evaluation of molecular techniques in prediction and diagnosis of cytomegalovirus disease in immunocompromised patients.
By Szczepura A, Westmoreland D, Vinogradova Y, Fox J, Clark M.
Screening for thrombophilia in high-risk situations: systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. The Thrombosis: Risk and Economic Assessment of Thrombophilia Screening (TREATS) study.
By Wu O, Robertson L, Twaddle S, Lowe GDO, Clark P, Greaves M, et al.
A series of systematic reviews to inform a decision analysis for sampling and treating infected diabetic foot ulcers.
By Nelson EA, O’Meara S, Craig D, Iglesias C, Golder S, Dalton J, et al.
Randomised clinical trial, observational study and assessment of cost-effectiveness of the treatment of varicose veins (REACTIV trial).
By Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Brazier JE, MacIntyre JB, Palfreyman SJ, Ratcliffe J, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of screening for oral cancer in primary care.
By Speight PM, Palmer S, Moles DR, Downer MC, Smith DH, Henriksson M, et al.
Measurement of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of non-invasive diagnostic testing strategies for deep vein thrombosis.
By Goodacre S, Sampson F, Stevenson M, Wailoo A, Sutton A, Thomas S, et al.
Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone® for the treatment of occlusal pit/fissure caries and root caries.
By Brazzelli M, McKenzie L, Fielding S, Fraser C, Clarkson J, Kilonzo M, et al.
Randomised controlled trials of conventional antipsychotic versus new atypical drugs, and new atypical drugs versus clozapine, in people with schizophrenia responding poorly to, or intolerant of, current drug treatment.
By Lewis SW, Davies L, Jones PB, Barnes TRE, Murray RM, Kerwin R, et al.
Diagnostic tests and algorithms used in the investigation of haematuria: systematic reviews and economic evaluation.
By Rodgers M, Nixon J, Hempel S, Aho T, Kelly J, Neal D, et al.
Cognitive behavioural therapy in addition to antispasmodic therapy for irritable bowel syndrome in primary care: randomised controlled trial.
By Kennedy TM, Chalder T, McCrone P, Darnley S, Knapp M, Jones RH, et al.
A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapies for Fabry’s disease and mucopolysaccharidosis type 1.
By Connock M, Juarez-Garcia A, Frew E, Mans A, Dretzke J, Fry-Smith A, et al.
Health benefits of antiviral therapy for mild chronic hepatitis C: randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation.
By Wright M, Grieve R, Roberts J, Main J, Thomas HC, on behalf of the UK Mild Hepatitis C Trial Investigators.
Pressure relieving support surfaces: a randomised evaluation.
By Nixon J, Nelson EA, Cranny G, Iglesias CP, Hawkins K, Cullum NA, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of methylphenidate, dexamfetamine and atomoxetine for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents.
By King S, Griffin S, Hodges Z, Weatherly H, Asseburg C, Richardson G, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy for Gaucher’s disease: a systematic review.
By Connock M, Burls A, Frew E, Fry-Smith A, Juarez-Garcia A, McCabe C, et al.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of salicylic acid and cryotherapy for cutaneous warts. An economic decision model.
By Thomas KS, Keogh-Brown MR, Chalmers JR, Fordham RJ, Holland RC, Armstrong SJ, et al.
A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia and evaluation of the ethical implications and acceptability of their use.
By Robinson L, Hutchings D, Corner L, Beyer F, Dickinson H, Vanoli A, et al.
A review of the evidence on the effects and costs of implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy in different patient groups, and modelling of cost-effectiveness and cost–utility for these groups in a UK context.
By Buxton M, Caine N, Chase D, Connelly D, Grace A, Jackson C, et al.
Adefovir dipivoxil and pegylated interferon alfa-2a for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Jones J, Takeda A, Davidson P, Price A.
An evaluation of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of pulmonary artery catheters in patient management in intensive care: a systematic review and a randomised controlled trial.
By Harvey S, Stevens K, Harrison D, Young D, Brampton W, McCabe C, et al.
Accurate, practical and cost-effective assessment of carotid stenosis in the UK.
By Wardlaw JM, Chappell FM, Stevenson M, De Nigris E, Thomas S, Gillard J, et al.
Etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Woolacott N, Bravo Vergel Y, Hawkins N, Kainth A, Khadjesari Z, Misso K, et al.
The cost-effectiveness of testing for hepatitis C in former injecting drug users.
By Castelnuovo E, Thompson-Coon J, Pitt M, Cramp M, Siebert U, Price A, et al.
Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety update: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Kaltenthaler E, Brazier J, De Nigris E, Tumur I, Ferriter M, Beverley C, et al.
Cost-effectiveness of using prognostic information to select women with breast cancer for adjuvant systemic therapy.
By Williams C, Brunskill S, Altman D, Briggs A, Campbell H, Clarke M, et al.
Psychological therapies including dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder: a systematic review and preliminary economic evaluation.
By Brazier J, Tumur I, Holmes M, Ferriter M, Parry G, Dent-Brown K, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tests for the diagnosis and investigation of urinary tract infection in children: a systematic review and economic model.
By Whiting P, Westwood M, Bojke L, Palmer S, Richardson G, Cooper J, et al.
Cognitive behavioural therapy in chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomised controlled trial of an outpatient group programme.
By O’Dowd H, Gladwell P, Rogers CA, Hollinghurst S, Gregory A.
A comparison of the cost-effectiveness of five strategies for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastrointestinal toxicity: a systematic review with economic modelling.
By Brown TJ, Hooper L, Elliott RA, Payne K, Webb R, Roberts C, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of computed tomography screening for coronary artery disease: systematic review.
By Waugh N, Black C, Walker S, McIntyre L, Cummins E, Hillis G.
What are the clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness of endoscopy undertaken by nurses when compared with doctors? A Multi-Institution Nurse Endoscopy Trial (MINuET).
By Williams J, Russell I, Durai D, Cheung W-Y, Farrin A, Bloor K, et al.
The clinical and cost-effectiveness of oxaliplatin and capecitabine for the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Pandor A, Eggington S, Paisley S, Tappenden P, Sutcliffe P.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults and an economic evaluation of their cost-effectiveness.
By Chen Y-F, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Jowett S, Bryan S, Clark W, et al.
Telemedicine in dermatology: a randomised controlled trial.
By Bowns IR, Collins K, Walters SJ, McDonagh AJG.
Cost-effectiveness of cell salvage and alternative methods of minimising perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion: a systematic review and economic model.
By Davies L, Brown TJ, Haynes S, Payne K, Elliott RA, McCollum C.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: systematic reviews and economic evaluation.
By Murray A, Lourenco T, de Verteuil R, Hernandez R, Fraser C, McKinley A, et al.
Etanercept and efalizumab for the treatment of psoriasis: a systematic review.
By Woolacott N, Hawkins N, Mason A, Kainth A, Khadjesari Z, Bravo Vergel Y, et al.
Systematic reviews of clinical decision tools for acute abdominal pain.
By Liu JLY, Wyatt JC, Deeks JJ, Clamp S, Keen J, Verde P, et al.
Evaluation of the ventricular assist device programme in the UK.
By Sharples L, Buxton M, Caine N, Cafferty F, Demiris N, Dyer M, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of immunosuppressive therapy for renal transplantation in children.
By Yao G, Albon E, Adi Y, Milford D, Bayliss S, Ready A, et al.
Amniocentesis results: investigation of anxiety. The ARIA trial.
By Hewison J, Nixon J, Fountain J, Cocks K, Jones C, Mason G, et al.
Pemetrexed disodium for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Dundar Y, Bagust A, Dickson R, Dodd S, Green J, Haycox A, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of docetaxel in combination with prednisone or prednisolone for the treatment of hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer.
By Collins R, Fenwick E, Trowman R, Perard R, Norman G, Light K, et al.
A systematic review of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of tuberculosis infection.
By Dinnes J, Deeks J, Kunst H, Gibson A, Cummins E, Waugh N, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of strontium ranelate for the prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures in postmenopausal women.
By Stevenson M, Davis S, Lloyd-Jones M, Beverley C.
A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative research on the role and effectiveness of written information available to patients about individual medicines.
By Raynor DK, Blenkinsopp A, Knapp P, Grime J, Nicolson DJ, Pollock K, et al.
Oral naltrexone as a treatment for relapse prevention in formerly opioid-dependent drug users: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Adi Y, Juarez-Garcia A, Wang D, Jowett S, Frew E, Day E, et al.
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost–utility analysis.
By Kanis JA, Stevenson M, McCloskey EV, Davis S, Lloyd-Jones M.
Epidemiological, social, diagnostic and economic evaluation of population screening for genital chlamydial infection.
By Low N, McCarthy A, Macleod J, Salisbury C, Campbell R, Roberts TE, et al.
Methadone and buprenorphine for the management of opioid dependence: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Connock M, Juarez-Garcia A, Jowett S, Frew E, Liu Z, Taylor RJ, et al.
Exercise Evaluation Randomised Trial (EXERT): a randomised trial comparing GP referral for leisure centre-based exercise, community-based walking and advice only.
By Isaacs AJ, Critchley JA, See Tai S, Buckingham K, Westley D, Harridge SDR, et al.
Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-pegylated) and ribavirin for the treatment of mild chronic hepatitis C: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Jones J, Hartwell D, Davidson P, Price A, Waugh N.
Systematic review and economic evaluation of bevacizumab and cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.
By Tappenden P, Jones R, Paisley S, Carroll C.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of epoetin alfa, epoetin beta and darbepoetin alfa in anaemia associated with cancer, especially that attributable to cancer treatment.
By Wilson J, Yao GL, Raftery J, Bohlius J, Brunskill S, Sandercock J, et al.
A systematic review and economic evaluation of statins for the prevention of coronary events.
By Ward S, Lloyd Jones M, Pandor A, Holmes M, Ara R, Ryan A, et al.
A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models of community-based respite care for frail older people and their carers.
By Mason A, Weatherly H, Spilsbury K, Arksey H, Golder S, Adamson J, et al.
Additional therapy for young children with spastic cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial.
By Weindling AM, Cunningham CC, Glenn SM, Edwards RT, Reeves DJ.
Screening for type 2 diabetes: literature review and economic modelling.
By Waugh N, Scotland G, McNamee P, Gillett M, Brennan A, Goyder E, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cinacalcet for secondary hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Mealing S, Roome C, Snaith A, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine for metastatic breast cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Takeda AL, Jones J, Loveman E, Tan SC, Clegg AJ.
A systematic review of duplex ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography and computed tomography angiography for the diagnosis and assessment of symptomatic, lower limb peripheral arterial disease.
By Collins R, Cranny G, Burch J, Aguiar-Ibáñez R, Craig D, Wright K, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments for children with idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome: a systematic review.
By Colquitt JL, Kirby J, Green C, Cooper K, Trompeter RS.
A systematic review of the routine monitoring of growth in children of primary school age to identify growth-related conditions.
By Fayter D, Nixon J, Hartley S, Rithalia A, Butler G, Rudolf M, et al.
Systematic review of the effectiveness of preventing and treating Staphylococcus aureus carriage in reducing peritoneal catheter-related infections.
By McCormack K, Rabindranath K, Kilonzo M, Vale L, Fraser C, McIntyre L, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation versus electroconvulsive therapy in severe depression: a multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial and economic analysis.
By McLoughlin DM, Mogg A, Eranti S, Pluck G, Purvis R, Edwards D, et al.
A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of speech and language therapy for children with primary language impairment.
By Boyle J, McCartney E, Forbes J, O’Hare A.
Hormonal therapies for early breast cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hind D, Ward S, De Nigris E, Simpson E, Carroll C, Wyld L.
Cardioprotection against the toxic effects of anthracyclines given to children with cancer: a systematic review.
By Bryant J, Picot J, Levitt G, Sullivan I, Baxter L, Clegg A.
Adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By McLeod C, Bagust A, Boland A, Dagenais P, Dickson R, Dundar Y, et al.
Prenatal screening and treatment strategies to prevent group B streptococcal and other bacterial infections in early infancy: cost-effectiveness and expected value of information analyses.
By Colbourn T, Asseburg C, Bojke L, Philips Z, Claxton K, Ades AE, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of bone morphogenetic proteins in the non-healing of fractures and spinal fusion: a systematic review.
By Garrison KR, Donell S, Ryder J, Shemilt I, Mugford M, Harvey I, et al.
A randomised controlled trial of postoperative radiotherapy following breast-conserving surgery in a minimum-risk older population. The PRIME trial.
By Prescott RJ, Kunkler IH, Williams LJ, King CC, Jack W, van der Pol M, et al.
Current practice, accuracy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the school entry hearing screen.
By Bamford J, Fortnum H, Bristow K, Smith J, Vamvakas G, Davies L, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of inhaled insulin in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Black C, Cummins E, Royle P, Philip S, Waugh N.
Surveillance of cirrhosis for hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review and economic analysis.
By Thompson Coon J, Rogers G, Hewson P, Wright D, Anderson R, Cramp M, et al.
The Birmingham Rehabilitation Uptake Maximisation Study (BRUM). Homebased compared with hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation in a multi-ethnic population: cost-effectiveness and patient adherence.
By Jolly K, Taylor R, Lip GYH, Greenfield S, Raftery J, Mant J, et al.
A systematic review of the clinical, public health and cost-effectiveness of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection and identification of bacterial intestinal pathogens in faeces and food.
By Abubakar I, Irvine L, Aldus CF, Wyatt GM, Fordham R, Schelenz S, et al.
A randomised controlled trial examining the longer-term outcomes of standard versus new antiepileptic drugs. The SANAD trial.
By Marson AG, Appleton R, Baker GA, Chadwick DW, Doughty J, Eaton B, et al.
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models of managing long-term oral anti-coagulation therapy: a systematic review and economic modelling.
By Connock M, Stevens C, Fry-Smith A, Jowett S, Fitzmaurice D, Moore D, et al.
A systematic review and economic model of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions for preventing relapse in people with bipolar disorder.
By Soares-Weiser K, Bravo Vergel Y, Beynon S, Dunn G, Barbieri M, Duffy S, et al.
Taxanes for the adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Ward S, Simpson E, Davis S, Hind D, Rees A, Wilkinson A.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening for open angle glaucoma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Burr JM, Mowatt G, Hernández R, Siddiqui MAR, Cook J, Lourenco T, et al.
Acceptability, benefit and costs of early screening for hearing disability: a study of potential screening tests and models.
By Davis A, Smith P, Ferguson M, Stephens D, Gianopoulos I.
Contamination in trials of educational interventions.
By Keogh-Brown MR, Bachmann MO, Shepstone L, Hewitt C, Howe A, Ramsay CR, et al.
Overview of the clinical effectiveness of positron emission tomography imaging in selected cancers.
By Facey K, Bradbury I, Laking G, Payne E.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of carmustine implants and temozolomide for the treatment of newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, Rogers G, Dyer M, Mealing S, et al.
Drug-eluting stents: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hill RA, Boland A, Dickson R, Dündar Y, Haycox A, McLeod C, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cardiac resynchronisation (biventricular pacing) for heart failure: systematic review and economic model.
By Fox M, Mealing S, Anderson R, Dean J, Stein K, Price A, et al.
Recruitment to randomised trials: strategies for trial enrolment and participation study. The STEPS study.
By Campbell MK, Snowdon C, Francis D, Elbourne D, McDonald AM, Knight R, et al.
Cost-effectiveness of functional cardiac testing in the diagnosis and management of coronary artery disease: a randomised controlled trial. The CECaT trial.
By Sharples L, Hughes V, Crean A, Dyer M, Buxton M, Goldsmith K, et al.
Evaluation of diagnostic tests when there is no gold standard. A review of methods.
By Rutjes AWS, Reitsma JB, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS, Bossuyt PMM.
Systematic reviews of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of proton pump inhibitors in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
By Leontiadis GI, Sreedharan A, Dorward S, Barton P, Delaney B, Howden CW, et al.
A review and critique of modelling in prioritising and designing screening programmes.
By Karnon J, Goyder E, Tappenden P, McPhie S, Towers I, Brazier J, et al.
An assessment of the impact of the NHS Health Technology Assessment Programme.
By Hanney S, Buxton M, Green C, Coulson D, Raftery J.
A systematic review and economic model of switching from nonglycopeptide to glycopeptide antibiotic prophylaxis for surgery.
By Cranny G, Elliott R, Weatherly H, Chambers D, Hawkins N, Myers L, et al.
‘Cut down to quit’ with nicotine replacement therapies in smoking cessation: a systematic review of effectiveness and economic analysis.
By Wang D, Connock M, Barton P, Fry-Smith A, Aveyard P, Moore D.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of strategies for reducing fracture risk in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis with additional data on long-term risk of fracture and cost of disease management.
By Thornton J, Ashcroft D, O’Neill T, Elliott R, Adams J, Roberts C, et al.
Does befriending by trained lay workers improve psychological well-being and quality of life for carers of people with dementia, and at what cost? A randomised controlled trial.
By Charlesworth G, Shepstone L, Wilson E, Thalanany M, Mugford M, Poland F.
A multi-centre retrospective cohort study comparing the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of hysterectomy and uterine artery embolisation for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. The HOPEFUL study.
By Hirst A, Dutton S, Wu O, Briggs A, Edwards C, Waldenmaier L, et al.
Methods of prediction and prevention of pre-eclampsia: systematic reviews of accuracy and effectiveness literature with economic modelling.
By Meads CA, Cnossen JS, Meher S, Juarez-Garcia A, ter Riet G, Duley L, et al.
The use of economic evaluations in NHS decision-making: a review and empirical investigation.
By Williams I, McIver S, Moore D, Bryan S.
Stapled haemorrhoidectomy (haemorrhoidopexy) for the treatment of haemorrhoids: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Burch J, Epstein D, Baba-Akbari A, Weatherly H, Fox D, Golder S, et al.
The clinical effectiveness of diabetes education models for Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review.
By Loveman E, Frampton GK, Clegg AJ.
Payment to healthcare professionals for patient recruitment to trials: systematic review and qualitative study.
By Raftery J, Bryant J, Powell J, Kerr C, Hawker S.
Cyclooxygenase-2 selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (etodolac, meloxicam, celecoxib, rofecoxib, etoricoxib, valdecoxib and lumiracoxib) for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Chen Y-F, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Bryan S, Fry-Smith A, Harris G, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of central venous catheters treated with anti-infective agents in preventing bloodstream infections: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hockenhull JC, Dwan K, Boland A, Smith G, Bagust A, Dundar Y, et al.
Stepped treatment of older adults on laxatives. The STOOL trial.
By Mihaylov S, Stark C, McColl E, Steen N, Vanoli A, Rubin G, et al.
A randomised controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy in adolescents with major depression treated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The ADAPT trial.
By Goodyer IM, Dubicka B, Wilkinson P, Kelvin R, Roberts C, Byford S, et al.
The use of irinotecan, oxaliplatin and raltitrexed for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Hind D, Tappenden P, Tumur I, Eggington E, Sutcliffe P, Ryan A.
Ranibizumab and pegaptanib for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Colquitt JL, Jones J, Tan SC, Takeda A, Clegg AJ, Price A.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of 64-slice or higher computed tomography angiography as an alternative to invasive coronary angiography in the investigation of coronary artery disease.
By Mowatt G, Cummins E, Waugh N, Walker S, Cook J, Jia X, et al.
Structural neuroimaging in psychosis: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Albon E, Tsourapas A, Frew E, Davenport C, Oyebode F, Bayliss S, et al.
Systematic review and economic analysis of the comparative effectiveness of different inhaled corticosteroids and their usage with long-acting beta2 agonists for the treatment of chronic asthma in adults and children aged 12 years and over.
By Shepherd J, Rogers G, Anderson R, Main C, Thompson-Coon J, Hartwell D, et al.
Systematic review and economic analysis of the comparative effectiveness of different inhaled corticosteroids and their usage with long-acting beta2 agonists for the treatment of chronic asthma in children under the age of 12 years.
By Main C, Shepherd J, Anderson R, Rogers G, Thompson-Coon J, Liu Z, et al.
Ezetimibe for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Ara R, Tumur I, Pandor A, Duenas A, Williams R, Wilkinson A, et al.
Topical or oral ibuprofen for chronic knee pain in older people. The TOIB study.
By Underwood M, Ashby D, Carnes D, Castelnuovo E, Cross P, Harding G, et al.
A prospective randomised comparison of minor surgery in primary and secondary care. The MiSTIC trial.
By George S, Pockney P, Primrose J, Smith H, Little P, Kinley H, et al.
A review and critical appraisal of measures of therapist–patient interactions in mental health settings.
By Cahill J, Barkham M, Hardy G, Gilbody S, Richards D, Bower P, et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening programmes for amblyopia and strabismus in children up to the age of 4–5 years: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Carlton J, Karnon J, Czoski-Murray C, Smith KJ, Marr J.
A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and economic modelling of minimal incision total hip replacement approaches in the management of arthritic disease of the hip.
By de Verteuil R, Imamura M, Zhu S, Glazener C, Fraser C, Munro N, et al.
A preliminary model-based assessment of the cost–utility of a screening programme for early age-related macular degeneration.
By Karnon J, Czoski-Murray C, Smith K, Brand C, Chakravarthy U, Davis S, et al.
Intravenous magnesium sulphate and sotalol for prevention of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass surgery: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Shepherd J, Jones J, Frampton GK, Tanajewski L, Turner D, Price A.
Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product categories.
By Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O’Neill S, Jamieson K, et al.
A systematic review of repetitive functional task practice with modelling of resource use, costs and effectiveness.
By French B, Leathley M, Sutton C, McAdam J, Thomas L, Forster A, et al.
The effectiveness and cost-effectivness of minimal access surgery amongst people with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease – a UK collaborative study. The reflux trial.
By Grant A, Wileman S, Ramsay C, Bojke L, Epstein D, Sculpher M, et al.
Time to full publication of studies of anti-cancer medicines for breast cancer and the potential for publication bias: a short systematic review.
By Takeda A, Loveman E, Harris P, Hartwell D, Welch K.
Performance of screening tests for child physical abuse in accident and emergency departments.
By Woodman J, Pitt M, Wentz R, Taylor B, Hodes D, Gilbert RE.
Curative catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation and typical atrial flutter: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Rodgers M, McKenna C, Palmer S, Chambers D, Van Hout S, Golder S, et al.
Systematic review and economic modelling of effectiveness and cost utility of surgical treatments for men with benign prostatic enlargement.
By Lourenco T, Armstrong N, N’Dow J, Nabi G, Deverill M, Pickard R, et al.
Immunoprophylaxis against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) with palivizumab in children: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Wang D, Cummins C, Bayliss S, Sandercock J, Burls A.
Deferasirox for the treatment of iron overload associated with regular blood transfusions (transfusional haemosiderosis) in patients suffering with chronic anaemia: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By McLeod C, Fleeman N, Kirkham J, Bagust A, Boland A, Chu P, et al.
Thrombophilia testing in people with venous thromboembolism: systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis.
By Simpson EL, Stevenson MD, Rawdin A, Papaioannou D.
Surgical procedures and non-surgical devices for the management of non-apnoeic snoring: a systematic review of clinical effects and associated treatment costs.
By Main C, Liu Z, Welch K, Weiner G, Quentin Jones S, Stein K.
Continuous positive airway pressure devices for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome: a systematic review and economic analysis.
By McDaid C, Griffin S, Weatherly H, Durée K, van der Burgt M, van Hout S, Akers J, et al.
Use of classical and novel biomarkers as prognostic risk factors for localised prostate cancer: a systematic review.
By Sutcliffe P, Hummel S, Simpson E, Young T, Rees A, Wilkinson A, et al.
The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a systematic review of observational evidence.
By Rogers G, Elston J, Garside R, Roome C, Taylor R, Younger P, et al.
Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of oesophageal Doppler monitoring in critically ill and high-risk surgical patients.
By Mowatt G, Houston G, Hernández R, de Verteuil R, Fraser C, Cuthbertson B, et al.
The use of surrogate outcomes in model-based cost-effectiveness analyses: a survey of UK Health Technology Assessment reports.
By Taylor RS, Elston J.
Controlling Hypertension and Hypotension Immediately Post Stroke (CHHIPS) – a randomised controlled trial.
By Potter J, Mistri A, Brodie F, Chernova J, Wilson E, Jagger C, et al.
Routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis for RhD-negative women: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Pilgrim H, Lloyd-Jones M, Rees A.
Amantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir for the prophylaxis of influenza (including a review of existing guidance no. 67): a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Tappenden P, Jackson R, Cooper K, Rees A, Simpson E, Read R, et al.
Improving the evaluation of therapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis: the role of new psychometric methods.
By Hobart J, Cano S.
Treatment of severe ankle sprain: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three types of mechanical ankle support with tubular bandage. The CAST trial.
By Cooke MW, Marsh JL, Clark M, Nakash R, Jarvis RM, Hutton JL, et al. , on behalf of the CAST trial group.
Non-occupational postexposure prophylaxis for HIV: a systematic review.
By Bryant J, Baxter L, Hird S.
Blood glucose self-monitoring in type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial.
By Farmer AJ, Wade AN, French DP, Simon J, Yudkin P, Gray A, et al.
How far does screening women for domestic (partner) violence in different health-care settings meet criteria for a screening programme? Systematic reviews of nine UK National Screening Committee criteria.
By Feder G, Ramsay J, Dunne D, Rose M, Arsene C, Norman R, et al.
Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain of neuropathic or ischaemic origin: systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Simpson, EL, Duenas A, Holmes MW, Papaioannou D, Chilcott J.
The role of magnetic resonance imaging in the identification of suspected acoustic neuroma: a systematic review of clinical and costeffectiveness and natural history.
By Fortnum H, O’Neill C, Taylor R, Lenthall R, Nikolopoulos T, Lightfoot G, et al.
Dipsticks and diagnostic algorithms in urinary tract infection: development and validation, randomised trial, economic analysis, observational cohort and qualitative study.
By Little P, Turner S, Rumsby K, Warner G, Moore M, Lowes JA, et al.
Systematic review of respite care in the frail elderly.
By Shaw C, McNamara R, Abrams K, Cannings-John R, Hood K, Longo M, et al.
Neuroleptics in the treatment of aggressive challenging behaviour for people with intellectual disabilities: a randomised controlled trial (NACHBID).
By Tyrer P, Oliver-Africano P, Romeo R, Knapp M, Dickens S, Bouras N, et al.
Randomised controlled trial to determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors plus supportive care, versus supportive care alone, for mild to moderate depression with somatic symptoms in primary care: the THREAD (THREshold for AntiDepressant response) study.
By Kendrick T, Chatwin J, Dowrick C, Tylee A, Morriss R, Peveler R, et al.
Diagnostic strategies using DNA testing for hereditary haemochromatosis in at-risk populations: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
By Bryant J, Cooper K, Picot J, Clegg A, Roderick P, Rosenberg W, et al.
Enhanced external counterpulsation for the treatment of stable angina and heart failure: a systematic review and economic analysis.
By McKenna C, McDaid C, Suekarran S, Hawkins N, Claxton K, Light K, et al.
Development of a decision support tool for primary care management of patients with abnormal liver function tests without clinically apparent liver disease: a record-linkage population cohort study and decision analysis (ALFIE).
By Donnan PT, McLernon D, Dillon JF, Ryder S, Roderick P, Sullivan F, et al.
A systematic review of presumed consent systems for deceased organ donation.
By Rithalia A, McDaid C, Suekarran S, Norman G, Myers L, Sowden A.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen for the treatment of fever in children: the PITCH randomised controlled trial.
By Hay AD, Redmond NM, Costelloe C, Montgomery AA, Fletcher M, Hollinghurst S, et al.
A randomised controlled trial to compare minimally invasive glucose monitoring devices with conventional monitoring in the management of insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (MITRE).
By Newman SP, Cooke D, Casbard A, Walker S, Meredith S, Nunn A, et al.
Sensitivity analysis in economic evaluation: an audit of NICE current practice and a review of its use and value in decision-making.
By Andronis L, Barton P, Bryan S.
Trastuzumab for the treatment of primary breast cancer in HER2-positive women: a single technology appraisal.
By Ward S, Pilgrim H, Hind D.
Docetaxel for the adjuvant treatment of early node-positive breast cancer: a single technology appraisal.
By Chilcott J, Lloyd Jones M, Wilkinson A.
The use of paclitaxel in the management of early stage breast cancer.
By Griffin S, Dunn G, Palmer S, Macfarlane K, Brent S, Dyker A, et al.
Rituximab for the first-line treatment of stage III/IV follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
By Dundar Y, Bagust A, Hounsome J, McLeod C, Boland A, Davis H, et al.
Bortezomib for the treatment of multiple myeloma patients.
By Green C, Bryant J, Takeda A, Cooper K, Clegg A, Smith A, et al.
Fludarabine phosphate for the firstline treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
By Walker S, Palmer S, Erhorn S, Brent S, Dyker A, Ferrie L, et al.
Erlotinib for the treatment of relapsed non-small cell lung cancer.
By McLeod C, Bagust A, Boland A, Hockenhull J, Dundar Y, Proudlove C, et al.
Cetuximab plus radiotherapy for the treatment of locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
By Griffin S, Walker S, Sculpher M, White S, Erhorn S, Brent S, et al.
Infliximab for the treatment of adults with psoriasis.
By Loveman E, Turner D, Hartwell D, Cooper K, Clegg A
Psychological interventions for postnatal depression: cluster randomised trial and economic evaluation. The PoNDER trial.
By Morrell CJ, Warner R, Slade P, Dixon S, Walters S, Paley G, et al.
The effect of different treatment durations of clopidogrel in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: a systematic review and value of information analysis.
By Rogowski R, Burch J, Palmer S, Craigs C, Golder S, Woolacott N.
Health Technology Assessment programme
Director, NIHR HTA programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Director, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield
Prioritisation Strategy Group
Director, NIHR HTA programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Director, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield
Dr Bob Coates, Consultant Advisor, NETSCC, HTA
Dr Andrew Cook, Consultant Advisor, NETSCC, HTA
Dr Peter Davidson, Director of Science Support, NETSCC, HTA
Professor Robin E Ferner, Consultant Physician and Director, West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions, City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham
Professor Paul Glasziou, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
Dr Nick Hicks, Director of NHS Support, NETSCC, HTA
Dr Edmund Jessop, Medical Adviser, National Specialist, National Commissioning Group (NCG), Department of Health, London
Ms Lynn Kerridge, Chief Executive Officer, NETSCC and NETSCC, HTA
Dr Ruairidh Milne, Director of Strategy and Development, NETSCC
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Ms Pamela Young, Specialist Programme Manager, NETSCC, HTA
HTA Commissioning Board
Director, NIHR HTA programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Director, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield
Senior Lecturer in General Practice, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford
Professor Ann Ashburn, Professor of Rehabilitation and Head of Research, Southampton General Hospital
Professor Deborah Ashby, Professor of Medical Statistics, Queen Mary, University of London
Professor John Cairns, Professor of Health Economics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Professor Peter Croft, Director of Primary Care Sciences Research Centre, Keele University
Professor Nicky Cullum, Director of Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing, University of York
Professor Jenny Donovan, Professor of Social Medicine, University of Bristol
Professor Steve Halligan, Professor of Gastrointestinal Radiology, University College Hospital, London
Professor Freddie Hamdy, Professor of Urology, University of Sheffield
Professor Allan House, Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, University of Leeds
Dr Martin J Landray, Reader in Epidemiology, Honorary Consultant Physician, Clinical Trial Service Unit, University of Oxford?
Professor Stuart Logan, Director of Health & Social Care Research, The Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth
Dr Rafael Perera, Lecturer in Medical Statisitics, Department of Primary Health Care, Univeristy of Oxford
Professor Ian Roberts, Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Professor Mark Sculpher, Professor of Health Economics, University of York
Professor Helen Smith, Professor of Primary Care, University of Brighton
Professor Kate Thomas, Professor of Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research, University of Leeds
Professor David John Torgerson, Director of York Trials Unit, University of York
Professor Hywel Williams, Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology, University of Nottingham
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Dr Morven Roberts, Clinical Trials Manager, Medical Research Council
Diagnostic Technologies & Screening Panel
Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Professor Judith E Adams, Consultant Radiologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Central Manchester & Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust, and Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, Cancer & Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester
Ms Jane Bates, Consultant Ultrasound Practitioner, Ultrasound Department, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Dr Stephanie Dancer, Consultant Microbiologist, Hairmyres Hospital, East Kilbride
Professor Glyn Elwyn, Primary Medical Care Research Group, Swansea Clinical School, University of Wales
Dr Ron Gray, Consultant Clinical Epidemiologist, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford
Professor Paul D Griffiths, Professor of Radiology, University of Sheffield
Dr Jennifer J Kurinczuk, Consultant Clinical Epidemiologist, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Dr Susanne M Ludgate, Medical Director, Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, London
Dr Anne Mackie, Director of Programmes, UK National Screening Committee
Dr Michael Millar, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Microbiology, Barts and The London NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital
Mr Stephen Pilling, Director, Centre for Outcomes, Research & Effectiveness, Joint Director, National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, University College London
Mrs Una Rennard, Service User Representative
Dr Phil Shackley, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, School of Population and Health Sciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr W Stuart A Smellie, Consultant in Chemical Pathology, Bishop Auckland General Hospital
Dr Nicholas Summerton, Consultant Clinical and Public Health Advisor, NICE
Ms Dawn Talbot, Service User Representative
Dr Graham Taylor, Scientific Advisor, Regional DNA Laboratory, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds
Professor Lindsay Wilson Turnbull, Scientific Director of the Centre for Magnetic Resonance Investigations and YCR Professor of Radiology, Hull Royal Infirmary
Dr Tim Elliott, Team Leader, Cancer Screening, Department of Health
Dr Catherine Moody, Programme Manager, Neuroscience and Mental Health Board
Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Research Officer, Department of Health
Pharmaceuticals Panel
Consultant Physician and Director, West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions, City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham
Professor in Child Health, University of Nottingham
Mrs Nicola Carey, Senior Research Fellow, School of Health and Social Care, The University of Reading
Mr John Chapman, Service User Representative
Dr Peter Elton, Director of Public Health, Bury Primary Care Trust
Dr Ben Goldacre, Research Fellow, Division of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatry, King’s College London
Mrs Barbara Greggains, Service User Representative
Dr Bill Gutteridge, Medical Adviser, London Strategic Health Authority
Dr Dyfrig Hughes, Reader in Pharmacoeconomics and Deputy Director, Centre for Economics and Policy in Health, IMSCaR, Bangor University
Professor Jonathan Ledermann, Professor of Medical Oncology and Director of the Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre
Dr Yoon K Loke, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology, University of East Anglia
Professor Femi Oyebode, Consultant Psychiatrist and Head of Department, University of Birmingham
Dr Andrew Prentice, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Rosie Hospital, University of Cambridge
Dr Martin Shelly, General Practitioner, Leeds, and Associate Director, NHS Clinical Governance Support Team, Leicester
Dr Gillian Shepherd, Director, Health and Clinical Excellence, Merck Serono Ltd
Mrs Katrina Simister, Assistant Director New Medicines, National Prescribing Centre, Liverpool
Mr David Symes, Service User Representative
Dr Lesley Wise, Unit Manager, Pharmacoepidemiology Research Unit, VRMM, Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Mr Simon Reeve, Head of Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness, Medicines, Pharmacy and Industry Group, Department of Health
Dr Heike Weber, Programme Manager, Medical Research Council
Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Research Officer, Department of Health
Therapeutic Procedures Panel
Consultant Physician, North Bristol NHS Trust
Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Health in the Community, University of Warwick, Coventry
Professor Jane Barlow, Professor of Public Health in the Early Years, Health Sciences Research Institute, Warwick Medical School, Coventry
Ms Maree Barnett, Acting Branch Head of Vascular Programme, Department of Health
Mrs Val Carlill, Service User Representative
Mrs Anthea De Barton-Watson, Service User Representative
Mr Mark Emberton, Senior Lecturer in Oncological Urology, Institute of Urology, University College Hospital, London
Professor Steve Goodacre, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Sheffield
Professor Christopher Griffiths, Professor of Primary Care, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Mr Paul Hilton, Consultant Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Nicholas James, Professor of Clinical Oncology, University of Birmingham, and Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Dr Peter Martin, Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
Dr Kate Radford, Senior Lecturer (Research), Clinical Practice Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire, Preston
Mr Jim Reece Service User Representative
Dr Karen Roberts, Nurse Consultant, Dunston Hill Hospital Cottages
Dr Phillip Leech, Principal Medical Officer for Primary Care, Department of Health
Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health
Dr Morven Roberts, Clinical Trials Manager, Medical Research Council
Professor Tom Walley, Director, NIHR HTA programme, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Research Officer, Department of Health
Disease Prevention Panel
Medical Adviser, National Specialist, National Commissioning Group (NCG), London
Director, NHS Sustainable Development Unit, Cambridge
Dr Elizabeth Fellow-Smith, Medical Director, West London Mental Health Trust, Middlesex
Dr John Jackson, General Practitioner, Parkway Medical Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Mike Kelly, Director, Centre for Public Health Excellence, NICE, London
Dr Chris McCall, General Practitioner, The Hadleigh Practice, Corfe Mullen, Dorset
Ms Jeanett Martin, Director of Nursing, BarnDoc Limited, Lewisham Primary Care Trust
Dr Julie Mytton, Locum Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Bristol Primary Care Trust
Miss Nicky Mullany, Service User Representative
Professor Ian Roberts, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Professor Ken Stein, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Public Health, University of Exeter
Dr Kieran Sweeney, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth
Professor Carol Tannahill, Glasgow Centre for Population Health
Professor Margaret Thorogood, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Warwick Medical School, Coventry
Ms Christine McGuire, Research & Development, Department of Health
Dr Caroline Stone, Programme Manager, Medical Research Council
Expert Advisory Network
Professor Douglas Altman, Professor of Statistics in Medicine, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford
Professor John Bond, Professor of Social Gerontology & Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Andrew Bradbury, Professor of Vascular Surgery, Solihull Hospital, Birmingham
Mr Shaun Brogan, Chief Executive, Ridgeway Primary Care Group, Aylesbury
Mrs Stella Burnside OBE, Chief Executive, Regulation and Improvement Authority, Belfast
Ms Tracy Bury, Project Manager, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, London
Professor Iain T Cameron, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Head of the School of Medicine, University of Southampton
Dr Christine Clark, Medical Writer and Consultant Pharmacist, Rossendale
Professor Collette Clifford, Professor of Nursing and Head of Research, The Medical School, University of Birmingham
Professor Barry Cookson, Director, Laboratory of Hospital Infection, Public Health Laboratory Service, London
Dr Carl Counsell, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Neurology, University of Aberdeen
Professor Howard Cuckle, Professor of Reproductive Epidemiology, Department of Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Leeds
Dr Katherine Darton, Information Unit, MIND – The Mental Health Charity, London
Professor Carol Dezateux, Professor of Paediatric Epidemiology, Institute of Child Health, London
Mr John Dunning, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Papworth Hospital NHS Trust, Cambridge
Mr Jonothan Earnshaw, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester
Professor Martin Eccles, Professor of Clinical Effectiveness, Centre for Health Services Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Pam Enderby, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Institute of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Sheffield
Professor Gene Feder, Professor of Primary Care Research & Development, Centre for Health Sciences, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Mr Leonard R Fenwick, Chief Executive, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
Mrs Gillian Fletcher, Antenatal Teacher and Tutor and President, National Childbirth Trust, Henfield
Professor Jayne Franklyn, Professor of Medicine, University of Birmingham
Mr Tam Fry, Honorary Chairman, Child Growth Foundation, London
Professor Fiona Gilbert, Consultant Radiologist and NCRN Member, University of Aberdeen
Professor Paul Gregg, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgical Science, South Tees Hospital NHS Trust
Bec Hanley, Co-director, TwoCan Associates, West Sussex
Dr Maryann L Hardy, Senior Lecturer, University of Bradford
Mrs Sharon Hart, Healthcare Management Consultant, Reading
Professor Robert E Hawkins, CRC Professor and Director of Medical Oncology, Christie CRC Research Centre, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Manchester
Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Department of Primary Care & General Practice, University of Birmingham
Professor Alan Horwich, Dean and Section Chairman, The Institute of Cancer Research, London
Professor Allen Hutchinson, Director of Public Health and Deputy Dean of ScHARR, University of Sheffield
Professor Peter Jones, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Professor Stan Kaye, Cancer Research UK Professor of Medical Oncology, Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey
Dr Duncan Keeley, General Practitioner (Dr Burch & Ptnrs), The Health Centre, Thame
Dr Donna Lamping, Research Degrees Programme Director and Reader in Psychology, Health Services Research Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
Mr George Levvy, Chief Executive, Motor Neurone Disease Association, Northampton
Professor James Lindesay, Professor of Psychiatry for the Elderly, University of Leicester
Professor Julian Little, Professor of Human Genome Epidemiology, University of Ottawa
Professor Alistaire McGuire, Professor of Health Economics, London School of Economics
Professor Rajan Madhok, Medical Director and Director of Public Health, Directorate of Clinical Strategy & Public Health, North & East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire Health Authority, York
Professor Alexander Markham, Director, Molecular Medicine Unit, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds
Dr Peter Moore, Freelance Science Writer, Ashtead
Dr Andrew Mortimore, Public Health Director, Southampton City Primary Care Trust
Dr Sue Moss, Associate Director, Cancer Screening Evaluation Unit, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton
Professor Miranda Mugford, Professor of Health Economics and Group Co-ordinator, University of East Anglia
Professor Jim Neilson, Head of School of Reproductive & Developmental Medicine and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Liverpool
Mrs Julietta Patnick, National Co-ordinator, NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Sheffield
Professor Robert Peveler, Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton
Professor Chris Price, Director of Clinical Research, Bayer Diagnostics Europe, Stoke Poges
Professor William Rosenberg, Professor of Hepatology and Consultant Physician, University of Southampton
Professor Peter Sandercock, Professor of Medical Neurology, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Edinburgh
Dr Susan Schonfield, Consultant in Public Health, Hillingdon Primary Care Trust, Middlesex
Dr Eamonn Sheridan, Consultant in Clinical Genetics, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds
Dr Margaret Somerville, Director of Public Health Learning, Peninsula Medical School, University of Plymouth
Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown, Professor of Public Health, Division of Health in the Community, University of Warwick, Coventry
Professor Ala Szczepura, Professor of Health Service Research, Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry
Mrs Joan Webster, Consumer Member, Southern Derbyshire Community Health Council
Professor Martin Whittle, Clinical Co-director, National Co-ordinating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health, Lymington