Health Technology Assessment

Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip for the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and economic evaluation

  • Type:
    Extended Research Article Our publication formats
  • Headline:
    Study found that comprehensive genetic analysis is the most effective test for detecting familial hypercholesterolaemia in terms of sensitivity and quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gain, and is also highly cost-effective, with Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip also cost-effective but at the expense of large QALY losses because of inferior sensitivity compared with comprehensive genetic analysis.
  • Authors:
    P Sharma,
    D Boyers,
    C Boachie,
    F Stewart,
    Z Miedzybrodzka,
    W Simpson,
    M Kilonzo,
    P McNamee,
    G Mowatt
    Detailed Author information

    P Sharma1,*, D Boyers1,2, C Boachie1, F Stewart1, Z Miedzybrodzka3, W Simpson4, M Kilonzo2, P McNamee2, G Mowatt1

    • 1 Health Services Research Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
    • 2 Health Economics Research Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
    • 3 Clinical Genetics Centre, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
    • 4 Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, NHS Grampian, Aberdeen, UK
  • Funding:
    Health Technology Assessment programme
  • Journal:
  • Issue:
    Volume: 16, Issue: 17
  • Published:
  • Citation:
    NICE diagnostic assessment report. Sharma P, Boyers D, Boachie C, Stewart F, Miedzybrodzka Z, Simpson W, et al. Volume 16, number 17. Published March 2012. Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip for the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess 2012;16(17).
  • DOI:
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