Health Technology Assessment

The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (review of TA111): a systematic review and economic model

  • Type:
    Extended Research Article Our publication formats
  • Headline:
    New evidence supported existing evidence of some benefit from AchEIs for Alzheimer’s disease. There was weaker evidence for benefit from memantine. Cost-effectiveness estimates are highly uncertain and very sensitive to change.
  • Authors:
    M Bond,
    G Rogers,
    J Peters,
    R Anderson,
    M Hoyle,
    A Miners,
    T Moxham,
    S Davis,
    P Thokala,
    A Wailoo,
    M Jeffreys,
    C Hyde
    Detailed Author information

    M Bond1,*, G Rogers1, J Peters1, R Anderson1, M Hoyle1, A Miners2, T Moxham1, S Davis3, P Thokala3, A Wailoo3, M Jeffreys4, C Hyde1

    • 1 Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG), University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
    • 2 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
    • 3 The School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
    • 4 Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust Hospital, Exeter, UK
  • Funding:
    Health Technology Assessment programme
  • Journal:
  • Issue:
    Volume: 16, Issue: 21
  • Published:
  • Citation:
    NICE Technology Assessment Report . Bond M, Rogers G, Peters J, Anderson R, Hoyle M, Miners A, et al. Volume 16, number 21. Published April 2012. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (review of Technology Appraisal No. 111): a systematic review and economic model. Health Technol Assess 2012;16(21).
  • DOI:
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