Article history paragraph text
The research reported in this issue of the journal was funded by the HTA programme as project number 09/29/02. The contractual start date was in February 2010. The draft report began editorial review in February 2012 and was accepted for publication in June 2012. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report.
Declared competing interests of authors
Copyright statement
© Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013. This work was produced by Meads et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Chapter 1 Aims of the report
The aims of this project were as follows:
To evaluate, through systematic review of the literature, the diagnostic accuracy of adding positron emission tomography/computerised tomography (PET-CT) to CT and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compared with the diagnostic accuracy of CT and/or MRI alone in women with suspected recurrent or persistent cervical cancer in identifying local recurrence, regional recurrence and nodal and distant metastases.
To evaluate, through systematic review of the literature, the diagnostic and therapeutic impact of the addition of PET-CT to CT and/or MRI compared with CT and/or MRI alone on recurrent and persistent cervical cancer.
To assess, through systematic review of the literature, the effectiveness of various interventions and combinations of interventions (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy) for mortality, morbidity and quality of life in the management of recurrent and persistent cervical cancer.
To evaluate, using decision-analytic modelling, including value of information analysis, the cost-effectiveness of adding PET-CT imaging to CT and/or MRI compared with CT and/or MRI alone, and with different follow-up strategies, for the detection and work-up of recurrent and persistent cervical cancer.
The original protocol for this report is provided in Appendix 1.
Chapter 2 Background
Description of the underlying health problem
Cervical cancer is a malignancy originating in the female uterine cervix. Cervical cancer usually originates in the transformation zone of the cervix where the squamous epithelial cells of the ectocervix meet the columnar epithelium of the endocervix. Approximately 80% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. This type of cancer originates in the thin, flat squamous cells on the surface of the ectocervix, the part of the cervix that is next to the vagina. Another 10% of cervical cancers are of the adenocarcinoma type. This cancer originates in the mucus-producing cells of the inner or endocervix, near the body of the uterus. Occasionally, the cancer may have characteristics of both types and is called adenosquamous carcinoma or mixed carcinoma. Cervical cancers can be locally invasive and also spread by metastases. Pelvic recurrence can be central at the cervix or vaginal vault and in the lymph nodes of the pelvic side wall. Distant metastases can be to supraclavicular lymph nodes, para-aortic lymph nodes and the lungs.
Staging of cervical cancer can use the tumour, node, and metastases parameters (Box 1), but much more often uses the Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) criteria1 (Table 1).
Tx: tumour cannot be evaluated
Tis: carcinoma in situ
T0: no signs of tumour
T1, T2, T3, T4: size and/or extension of the primary tumour
N: degree of spread to regional lymph nodesNx: lymph nodes cannot be evaluated
N0: tumour cells absent from regional lymph nodes
N1: regional lymph node metastasis present (at some sites, tumour spread to closest or small number of regional lymph nodes)
N2: tumour spread to an extent between N1 and N3 (N2 is not used at all sites)
N3: tumour spread to more distant or numerous regional lymph nodes (N3 is not used at all sites)
M: presence of metastasisMx: distant metastasis cannot be evaluated
M0: no distant metastasis
M1: metastasis to distant organs (beyond regional lymph nodes)
Stage | Characteristic |
Stage I | The carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix (extension to the uterine corpus would be disregarded) |
Stage IA: invasive carcinoma that can be diagnosed only by microscopy, with deepest invasion ≤ 5 mm and largest extension ≥ 7 mm | |
Stage IA1: measured stromal invasion of ≤ 3 mm in depth and extension of ≤ 7 mm | |
Stage IA2: measured stromal invasion > 3 mm and not > 5 mm with an extension of ≤ 7 mm | |
Stage IB: clinically visible lesions limited to the cervix uteri or preclinical cancers greater than stage IAa | |
Stage IB1: clinically visible lesion ≤ 4 cm in greatest dimension | |
Stage 1B2: clinically visible lesions > 4 cm in greatest dimension | |
Stage II | Cervical carcinoma invades beyond the uterus but not to the pelvic wall or to the lower third of the vagina |
Stage IIA: without parametrial invasion | |
Stage IIA1: clinically visible lesion ≤ 4 cm in greatest dimension | |
Stage IIA2: clinically visible lesions > 4 cm in greatest dimension | |
Stage IIB: with obvious parametrial invasion | |
Stage III | The tumour extends to the pelvic wall and/or involves the lower third of the vagina and/or causes hydronephrosis or non-functioning kidneyb |
Stage IIIA: tumour involves lower third of the vagina, with no extension onto the pelvic wall | |
Stage IIIB: extension to the pelvic wall and/or causes hydronephrosis or non-functioning kidney | |
Stage IV | The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved (biopsy proven) the mucosa of the bladder or rectum. A bullous oedema, as such, does not permit a case to be allotted to stage IV |
Stage IVA: spread of the growth to adjacent organs | |
Stage IVB: spread to distant organs |
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the cervix is a sexually transmitted infection that is necessary for the development of cervical cancer. 2 However, only a relatively small proportion of women who encounter persistent infection from high-risk genotypes (HPV 16 and 18, and some other strains) go on to develop cervical cancer. 3 When HPV is detected, around 17% of women go on to develop cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II+ within 3 years. 2 HPV infection is very common; it is estimated that 20% of sexually active girls will contract the virus by the age of 18 years. 4 The risk of infection increases with the age at first sexual intercourse. 5
There are a number of factors that can increase or decrease the risk of developing cervical cancer:
Age. Cervical cancer is rare before the age of 20 years but the incidence increases rapidly with age, giving a peak incidence of around 17 per 100,000 between the ages of 30 and 39 years. 6 Cervical cancer mortality rates generally increase with age, so that only about 7% of cervical cancer deaths occur in women under 35 years, with the highest rates in women over 70 years. 7 Squamous cell tumours are more common, but the rates of both squamous cell tumours and adenocarcinomas rise sharply from age 20–40 years, after which they plateau until age 80 years. 8
Sexual behaviour. There is an increased risk of invasive cervical cancer with early age at first sexual intercourse,5,9 early pregnancy5 and current use of hormonal contraceptives. 10
Smoking. Current smoking intensity is an independent risk factor for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in young women, after controlling statistically for cervical HPV infection,11 and may be a risk factor for developing cervical cancer. 12
HIV infection. HIV infection leads to an increased risk of advanced and early cervical pathology. 13
Socioeconomic status. Women living in the most deprived areas in the UK have cervical cancer rates that are more than three times as high as those women in the least deprived areas. Data from a longitudinal study, representing 1% of the population from England and Wales, showed that cervical cancer incidence is considerably higher among women of working age in manual occupations than among women in non-manual occupations. 14
Cervical cancer is a common gynaecological malignancy, with an estimated 31,400 new cases diagnosed each year in the European Union. 15 In the UK, approximately 2800 patients are diagnosed with cervical cancer per year, accounting for around 2% of all female cancer cases. 6 In England, carcinoma of the cervix is rare in women < 20 years of age. 6 Cancer of the cervix is a leading cause of cancer death in women. In 2008, there were 1110 deaths from cervical cancer in the UK, giving a European age-standardised death rate of 2.7 per 100,000 person-years. 15 In the UK population, the 5-year disease-free survival rate for treated stage IA disease is almost 100%, whereas it is 50–70% for stage IB2 and IIB, 30–50% for stage III and 5–15% for stage IV disease. 16 It is estimated that the median survival for stage IVB disease is around 9–10 months, with 30% of patients surviving 1 year and 2–5% surviving 2 years. 17
Initial treatment of cervical cancer
When patients are initially diagnosed with cervical cancer they can be treated with surgery, a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy (chemoradiotherapy) or with palliative care. The treatment chosen is based on stage of tumour, fitness of the woman and tumour characteristics, for example greater than one-third stromal invasion, capillary lymphatic space involvement and large tumour diameter.18 Surgery is usually radical hysterectomy but can also be trachelectomy (if the tumour is small), which is the removal of the cervix only rather than the whole uterus and can be performed in younger women with early cervical cancer who wish to retain their fertility.3 Approximately 20–30% of women undergoing surgery also receive adjuvant postoperative chemoradiotherapy for positive tumour margins or positive lymph nodes or because of the tumour size, volume, lymphovascular space invasion or stromal invasion. 19
Recurrent or persistent cervical cancer
Patients can be cured by initial treatment and approximately 70–80% of initially treated cases are cured with surgery. If surgery is not appropriate because of tumour characteristics or lack of fitness in the patient, chemoradiotherapy can be given. However, the initial treatment may not affect a cure and in approximately 15% of patients disease is detected 3 months after treatment, which is called persistent cervical cancer (rather than recurrent). Recurrence is more common within the first 24 months after the initial diagnosis, but can happen up to 15 years after initial treatment. 20
The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) guideline3 found the rates of recurrence from the three studies reviewed in the guideline to be 13%,21 18.2%22 and 29%. 23 In another study, the proportion with recurrence in early-stage cervical cancer was 6%;24 a further study of locally advanced cervical cancer reported 30% recurrence. 25 Recurrences are more common within the first 24 months after the initial diagnosis – the median disease-free interval was 17 months for symptomatic patients and 16 months for asymptomatic patients in one cohort21 and the median time from surgery to recurrence in another cohort was 17.6 months. 22 The percentage recurrence was higher after radiotherapy (17%) than after surgery (13%),21 but none of the studies compared recurrence after chemoradiotherapy with recurrence after surgery. The proportions of asymptomatic to symptomatic recurrences were 19 : 11421 and 2 : 5. 22
Patients with pelvic recurrence usually present with one or more of vaginal bleeding, discharge, pelvic pain and sciatic pain. Patients with disseminated recurrence eventually develop systemic symptoms associated with cachexia.
Risk factors for recurrence include disease stage, number of positive lymph nodes, parametrial involvement and depth of invasion of the tumour. 24 The squamous cell carcinoma antigen is elevated in 28–88% of patients with cervical cancer and can precede clinical diagnosis of relapse in 46–92% of cases. 26
Patients with recurrence or persistence are described according to the stage they were when they were diagnosed originally, along with some further information on whether or not and how much the cancer has progressed since the original diagnosis. For example, a woman who presented with a stage IIA cancer who now has distant metastases does not become a stage IVB cancer, but is described as a stage IIA cancer with metastases. Occasionally, a new stage can be assigned in addition if the cancer has recurred, particularly in trials, in which case it will be described with a lower case r in front of the new staging, for example stage rIVB. 27
Survival with recurrent or persistent disease is poor – from 6 months to 2 years. 3 Also, patients frequently experience substantial morbidity from local recurrence and distant spread. 3 It is unclear whether or not earlier detection of recurrence (from clinical follow-up or scanning) leads to increased survival rates, but this is a reasonable assumption to make. Worse survival is associated with shorter disease-free interval, being symptomatic and poorer prognostic factors. 28
Imaging to detect recurrence
This project investigates three imaging techniques: CT, MRI and PET-CT. These techniques allow non-invasive visualisation of anatomical structures and physiological functions of the body.
Computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scanning
Computerised tomography scanning was introduced in the 1970s and is now widely used in the NHS. A CT scan is a series of tomographic radiographic images used to visualise two-dimensional ‘slices’ through the body. Because the X-ray beam emission and the receiving film-intensifying screen are both revolving around a focal point in the body, this focal point can be visualised much more clearly than in a standard radiography film. A very large number of focal points are visualised consecutively and then a computer is used to mathematically reconstruct a two-dimensional matrix to give a digital image of the part of the body being scanned. CT scanning is painless and takes 15–30 minutes. It is non-invasive unless contrast medium is being used. For most whole-body CT scans, intravenous iodinated contrast is now used and there is the risk of allergic reactions. The main disadvantage, however, is the dose of radiation that is absorbed during the scanning. It has been estimated that 40% of all diagnostic radiation exposure in patients comes from CT scanning. 29 CT scanning can also produce artefacts that impede interpretation of the images. These artefacts can come from motion (e.g. patients have to hold their breath when the chest is being scanned) and from high-density objects such as tooth fillings and orthopaedic hardware.
Magnetic resonance imaging scanning was introduced in the 1980s and is now also widely used in major centres in the NHS. It is also a tomographic imaging technique but uses the ability of hydrogen atoms to absorb and emit radio waves (at a similar frequency to FM radio) when placed in a strong magnetic field. Visualisation of tissues can occur because of the different concentrations of hydrogen atoms in different tissues and the characteristics of the atoms in different complex biochemical environments. MRI uses characteristics such as the density of hydrogen atoms, the speed at which they become magnetised and lose their magnetisation and the presence of flow or motion in a tissue. MRI does not use ionising radiation, which is an advantage compared with CT. However, patients are placed in a magnetic field and so metal objects inside and outside the body will be affected. Patients with pacemakers, cochlear implants, shotgun fragments, etc. should not have a MRI scan. The energy generated inside the body can cause hyperthermia, particularly in obese people. The size of the trolley and aperture (MRI machines are longer than CT machines and fit the whole body inside) mean that people who weigh > 20 stone (127 kg) are unlikely to fit inside the machine. The machine is also noisy and a small proportion of patients have anxiety-related reactions. MRI scans can give false-positive results from motion artefacts, interfaces between fat and water and distortions due to magnetic objects inside the body.
Computerised tomography and MRI are high-resolution anatomical imaging techniques that are commonly used in cancer to detect potential tumours. MRI and CT are currently considered first when recurrence is suspected. 17 Whole-body CT and MRI scanning are now rarely performed; imaging for cervical cancer is frequently limited to the pelvis only. CT and MRI have limitations in differentiating recurrent tumours from postradiotherapy or surgical fibrosis and also have limitations in accurately identifying the extent of recurrence as small volume nodal metastasis. If CT or MRI of the pelvic area only is carried out, distant recurrence may not be identified. They can also be unreliable in determining the presence or absence of recurrent disease in the pelvis after radiotherapy, as radiotherapy-induced fibrosis makes tissues indurated and thus potentially conceals recurrent disease.
Positron emission tomography/computerised tomography scanning
Positron emission tomography is an imaging method that can be used to establish the functional parameters of tissue, allowing detection of metabolically active areas in tissues such as tumours. 30 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) is the most widely used radiotracer and is intravenously injected 1–2 hours before imaging. It is a glucose analogue and is taken up and actively trapped in the enhanced glycolytic pathway of hypermetabolic areas, demonstrated by high-energy photons emitted as a result of annihilation of positrons emitted by the radioisotope, with nearby negatively charged electrons. PET provides anatomical image resolution of the order of 4–6 mm, significantly better than conventional gamma cameras but inferior to the 1- to 2-mm resolution of CT or MRI. The size of lesion that can be detected by PET is limited by several factors, including the physics of positron emission, the spatial resolution of the scanner (typically 4.5–6.0 mm in the centre of the axial field) and the safe dosing limits of 18F-FDG. 30
Positron emission tomography/computerised tomography is a combination of PET scanning and CT scanning on the same machine. It precisely aligns and combines metabolic PET imagines with anatomical CT images obtained immediately and consecutively without patient movement, and is being increasingly preferred over PET scanning alone as it allows more precise localisation of active disease sites than either technology separately. The CT scan usually has a lower radiation dose than standard CT scans and contrast media are rarely used. PET-CT in suspected recurrent or persistent cervical cancer can detect metabolically active metastatic lesions in normal-sized nodes and in postsurgical or radiotherapy fibrosis. PET-CT in the follow-up of cervical cancer patients can be used to identify recurrent or persistent disease, assess local tumour extension, evaluate pelvic nodal involvement, detect distant metastases (e.g. lung, supraclavicular lymph nodes and para-aortic lymph nodes), plan radiotherapy and assess response to therapy. 31
There are several disadvantages to PET-CT scanning. First, the machine is very expensive (approximately £2M). Second, 18F-FDG has a short half-life of around 2 hours and therefore can cause throughput difficulties. False-positives are relatively common because the technique is looking for metabolically active regions and not all are cancerous, for example sepsis and inflammation following surgery and radiotherapy may mimic metastases. False-negatives can also occur soon after chemotherapy because the drugs may slow the metabolism of the metastases but not eliminate them altogether. Therefore, PET-CT to find secondary spread is not recommended within 3 months of surgery and radiotherapy and within 6 weeks of chemotherapy.
Current guidelines on imaging strategies in recurrent cervical cancer
The SIGN guidelines3 state that evidence for the effectiveness of post-treatment surveillance is inconsistent and that there is no evidence to suggest that prior radiotherapy or chemotherapy alters the sensitivity of detection of recurrence. They suggest that patients should be followed up every 4 months for at least 2 years. In asymptomatic patients, a PET-CT scan is recommended at 9 months' follow-up in women who have had chemoradiotherapy. If positive, pelvic MRI should be considered for surgical planning if pelvic exenteration is appropriate. In symptomatic women, MRI or CT should be considered to assess potential clinical recurrence. If positive, a whole-body PET or PET-CT scan should be performed in patients in whom salvage therapy (pelvic exenteration or radiotherapy) is being considered.
The Society of Gynecologic Oncologists recommendations state that there is insufficient data to support routine use of PET-CT in asymptomatic patients. 32 It suggests that CT and/or PET should be used when recurrence is suspected at any time up to 5 years after treatment.
The UK Royal College of Radiologists guidelines used evidence that was not specific to recurrent cervical cancer. 33 However, it suggests that PET-CT can be used for restaging patients with cervix carcinoma considered for exenterative surgery, and for suspected recurrence when other imaging is equivocal.
Survival data from positron emission tomography/computerised tomography studies in cervical cancer
There are two publications34,35 that contain useful information about survival in cervical carcinoma, using PET-CT to differentiate between different groups of patients, including those with persistent and recurrent cervical cancer. In Schwartz et al. ,35 92 women who had been treated with chemoradiotherapy for carcinoma of the cervix (FIGO stages IB1 to IVA) and who had whole-body PET-CT between 8 and 16 weeks after initial therapy were followed up clinically for at least 6 months (range 6–49 months). PET-CT was used to investigate prognosis, linking findings with progression-free survival and cause-specific survival. Among the 92 patients, PET-CT showed a complete response in 65 (71%) and persistent tumour in 15 (16%) and identified new abnormalities in 12 (13%). The survival rates are shown in Figure 1. The 3-year cause-specific rates were 96% for women with a complete response to treatment and 43% for patients with persistent disease, and the 2-year survival rate was 14% for patients with any new sites of disease. The 3-year progression-free survival rates were 78% for patients with a complete response after therapy, 33% for patients with persistent disease and 0% for those with new sites of tumour.
Brooks et al. 34 investigated the usefulness of PET-CT imaging in 78 asymptomatic and 25 symptomatic patients following a complete response to initial chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer. The post-therapy PET-CT was performed at 3 months after treatment completion and patients were followed up for a median of 13 months for asymptomatic patients and 8 months for symptomatic patients. Unfortunately, for the first 2 years only PET was used and for the remaining 4 years PET-CT was used. The number of women in each group is unclear. The survival curves are shown in Figure 2. The 3-year survival for patients with symptomatic recurrence was 19% compared with 59% for patients with asymptomatic recurrence (p = 0.09).
Treatment options for recurrent cervical cancer
Treatment of recurrent cervical cancer depends on the site (central, pelvic, distant), extent of recurrence, type of previous treatment received (surgery, chemoradiotherapy, radiotherapy), time elapsed since primary treatment and patient fitness. Treatment intention is usually curative or palliative. Palliative treatment is used when there are distant metastases or multiple site recurrences and is usually chemotherapy.
Potentially curative disease is defined as:
confirmed recurrence of the disease confined to the pelvis, provided that the patient has not received previous primary or adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy
disease confined to the central pelvis, without pelvic side wall or extrapelvic involvement, provided that radiotherapy has been administered before recurrence
distant recurrences at a single site (such as para-aortic lymph node) that could be completely resected or encompassed by a curative radiotherapy procedure.
In women with recurrence who had surgery for their primary tumour, radiotherapy is the treatment of choice. This may also include chemotherapy, which is often single-agent cisplatin. 3 In women who had chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy and who have persistent cervical cancer, salvage surgery is generally considered if the patient is sufficiently fit, if the disease is localised to the pelvis only and if surgery has a high chance of completely removing the disease with clear margins. 3 Surgery can be radical hysterectomy or pelvic exenteration. Surgery for relapsed disease after radiotherapy is often associated with high morbidity as radiation fibrosis makes surgery difficult and, to enhance cure rates, surgical excision of disease often involves removal of the bladder, uterus, cervix and various amounts of the vagina (anterior exenteration) or the uterus, vagina and portions of the rectosigmoid colon and anus (posterior exenteration) or a complete pelvic clearance (exenteration). In a small number of patients, radical hysterectomy will suffice if the disease is highly localised. As exenterations are morbid surgical procedures resulting in alteration of body image and loss of bladder and/or bowel control, patients require extensive preoperative psychosocial counselling.
Objectives of this report
When this project was being defined there was some discussion around the exact focus, because the current UK imaging strategy using PET-CT is for selective use in symptomatic patients depending on symptoms and equivocal or negative findings on CT and/or MRI and to rule out the possibility of distant metastases when salvage surgery is being considered, rather than for routine use in all symptomatic patients with suspected recurrence and as routine follow-up in asymptomatic patients. In asymptomatic patients, clinical follow-up alone may also have been a useful comparator to routine CT, MRI or PET-CT.
This research project was undertaken to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of strategies of imaging with MRI or CT with or without PET-CT in women with asymptomatic or symptomatic recurrent cervical cancer, and for their subsequent treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. The relationship of our clinical objectives to the range of work required is shown in Figure 3. The economic evaluation is in addition to these objectives and is described in Chapter 8.
Chapter 3 Methods for systematic reviews and subjective elicitation
Protocol development and overview of review methods
A generic protocol was developed for undertaking the systematic reviews of test accuracy, diagnostic and therapeutic yield and effectiveness. Scoping searches for relevant systematic reviews were conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library (see Appendix 2).
Systematic reviews were carried out using established methods in line with the recommendations of the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination36 and the Cochrane Collaboration,37 and, for diagnostic systematic reviews, using the latest methods from the Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy Working Group. 38 Presentation of systematic reviews is according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. 39
Inclusion of studies, data extraction and quality assessment were carried out in duplicate with differences resolved by consensus and/or arbitration involving a third reviewer. There were no language limitations on inclusion criteria. The selection process was piloted by applying the inclusion criteria to a sample of papers first, and then a two-stage process was used, first, by screening titles and abstracts. For all references categorised as ‘include’ or ‘uncertain’ by both reviewers, the full text was retrieved whenever possible and final inclusion decisions were made on the full paper. Reference Manager 12.0 software (Thomson ResearchSoft, San Francisco, CA, USA) was used to construct a database of citations for all systematic reviews.
Clinical, methodological and statistical data extraction was carried out using data extraction sheets by at least two reviewers and discrepancies were resolved through discussion. If consensus could not be reached, disagreements were resolved by arbitration by a third reviewer. For diagnostic studies, information was extracted regarding study design and methods, characteristics of participants, PET-CT and comparison tests, and outcomes of interest (see Appendix 3). For the effectiveness review, separate data extraction forms were used for different study designs: comparative experimental study (part A), comparative observational study (B) and non-comparative study (C) (see Appendix 4). The quality assessment questions for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the data extraction sheet, but a separate form was used for case series (see Appendix 5). Data extraction was managed with Microsoft Office 2003 Word and Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA). Quality was also assessed independently by two reviewers. Any disagreements were resolved through discussion or by arbitration by the third reviewer.
Methods for test accuracy and diagnostic and therapeutic impact reviews
Search strategy
A sensitive search was conducted to identify all relevant published and unpublished studies and studies in progress. All databases were searched from inception to May 2010. Search strategies were designed from a series of test searches and discussions of the results of those searches among the review team. Both medical subject heading (MeSH) terms and text words were used and included ‘cervical cancer’, ‘PET-CT’, ‘CT’ and ‘MRI’. The strategies from MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library can be found in Appendix 6. Literature was identified from several sources including:
general health and biomedical databases: MEDLINE (Ovid), EMBASE (Ovid), Science Citation Index, The Cochrane Library [Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)], Medion
checking of reference lists of systematic and narrative review articles
searching a range of relevant databases including and the UK Clinical Research Network Portfolio to identify information about studies in progress, unpublished research or research reported in grey literature
specialist search gateways (OMNI and the National Cancer Institute), general search engine (Google) and meta-search engine (Copernic) from March to May 2010
hand-searching of Gynecologic Oncology from 1980 to May 2010
authors of included studies contacted for information on relevant published or unpublished studies.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
any women with clinical suspicion of persistent or recurrent cervical cancer after primary treatment, on the basis of one or more of clinical history, clinical examination and tests (including imaging and histology)
any women who had had advanced-stage cervical cancer (IB2–IV) treated previously, for example with chemoradiotherapy, with a minimum gap between completion of treatment and imaging of 3 months, and who were currently asymptomatic and undergoing routine follow-up.
studies in which the population contained women within 3 months of completion of treatment for primary disease were excluded because of problems associated with distinguishing treatment complications and inflammatory response from recurrence in this patient group.
Index test
PET-CT using 18F-FDG as the radioisotope tracer.
PET alone without concurrent CT.
Comparator tests
CT (local or whole body).
MRI (local or whole body).
Reference standard
histopathological findings or clinical follow-up for ≥ 6 months or both for all participants (differential reference standard was accepted because of the difficulty of biopsy when there was no indicated lesion to biopsy in test-negative patients).
studies in which only some of the participants undergoing the index test also received any reference standard.
Studies that provided numerical data sufficient to create 2 × 2 tables of test results comparing index or comparator tests with the reference standard to provide information on test accuracy, giving true-positive, true-negative, false-positive and false-negative results.
Studies that provided any information on diagnostic impact: change in diagnosis and/or staging after PET-CT compared with existing tests or reference standard.
Studies that provided therapeutic impact: change in treatment plan after PET-CT compared with existing tests or reference standard.
Study design
any prospective or retrospective test accuracy studies
any diagnostic before-and-after studies investigating diagnostic and therapeutic impact with or without concurrent assessment of test accuracy
studies with > 10 participants.
studies on gynaecological cancers not providing separate data for the population with cervical cancer
studies that described only lesion-based analysis rather than person-based analysis.
Quality assessment
Test accuracy quality assessment followed the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) guidelines40 and diagnostic and therapeutic impact quality assessment followed guidelines suggested by Meads and Davenport. 41 The items of methodological quality listed in the QUADAS guidelines40 are a representative spectrum, selection criteria clearly described, acceptable reference standard, acceptable delay between tests, partial verification avoided, differential verification avoided, reference standard independent of the index test, index test described in sufficient detail, reference standard described in sufficient detail, index test results blinded, reference standard results blinded, relevant clinical information available, uninterpretable results reported, and withdrawals explained.
These items were tailored to assess the included studies because different aspects of quality are applicable to different topic areas. The actual quality items used for this report are listed in Table 2. For acceptable delay between tests, this included delay between the index test and the comparator test (within 1 month) and between the index test and PET-CT (with 1 month). There will inevitably be a delay between the index test and clinical follow-up (as this had to be > 6 months). Differential verification was omitted because it was inevitable that the test positives would have a different reference standard (histology) to the test negatives (clinical follow-up).
Item | Yes | No | Unclear |
1. Representative spectrum | If the stated characteristics of the spectrum of patients fulfilled the requirements of the included population | If the sample does not fit with what was pre-specified as acceptable or if groups with and without the target disorder were recruited together (e.g. sample includes both primary and recurrent cervical cancer and results not given separately) | If there is insufficient information available to make a judgement about the spectrum |
2. Selection criteria clearly described | If the selection criteria described | If the selection criteria not described | If there is insufficient information available to know clearly the selection criteria |
3. Acceptable reference standard | Both reference standards used meet the pre-stated inclusion criteria | One or other reference standards used do not meet the pre-stated criteria | It is unclear exactly what reference standard was used (particularly for clinical follow-up) |
4. Acceptable delay between imaging tests | If the time between tests was shorter than 1 month, at least for an acceptably high proportion of patients | If the time between tests was longer than 1 month for an unacceptably high proportion of patients | If information on timing of tests is not provided |
5. Partial verification avoided | If all patients, or a random selection of patients, who received the index test went on to receive verification of their disease status using a reference standard, even if the reference standard was not the same for all patients | If some of the patients who received the index test did not receive verification of their true disease state, and the selection of patients to receive the reference standard was not random | If this information is not reported by the study |
6. Reference standard independent of the index test | If the index test did not form part of the reference standard | If the reference standard formally included the result of the index test | If it is unclear whether or not the results of the index test were used in the final diagnosis |
7. Tests described in sufficient detail for replication | If both the index test(s) and reference standard were fully described to permit replication | If no tests described | If test descriptions unclear |
8. Reference standard/index test results blinded | If test results (index or reference standard) were interpreted blind to the results of the other test, or blinding is dictated by the test order, or meets the pre-stated assumptions | If it is clear that one set of test results was interpreted with knowledge of the other | If it is unclear whether blinding took place |
9. Relevant clinical information | If clinical data available on previous operations and previous imaging per patient | If clinical data not stated | If information about clinical data was unclear |
10. Uninterpretable results reported | If the number of uninterpretable test results (equivocal results) is stated, or if the number of results reported agrees with the number of patients recruited (indicating no uninterpretable test results). | If it states that uninterpretable test results occurred or were excluded and does not report how many | If it is not possible to work out whether or not uninterpretable results occurred |
11. Withdrawals explained | If it is clear what happened to all patients who entered the study, for example if a flow diagram of study participants is reported explaining any withdrawals or exclusions, or the numbers recruited match those in the analysis | If it appears that some of the patients who entered the study did not complete the study, i.e. did not receive both the index test and reference standard, and these patients were not accounted for | If it is unclear how many patients entered and, hence, whether or not there were any withdrawals |
12. Technical quality | If it is clear that the methods of imaging described in the paper are similar to those currently used | If it is clear that the methods of imaging described in the paper have since been superseded by current imaging standards | If the methods described in the paper are close to those currently in use and should not noticeably affect interpretation or results |
Study quality was summarised in a table. Additional issues (e.g. study design characteristics, method of patient enrolment, technique of data collection) were also collected. Technical quality was assessed by a consultant radiologist with considerable experience in current cancer imaging techniques.
Methods of statistical analysis
RevMan version 5.1 (The Cochrane Collaboration, The Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark) and Stata version 11 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA) were used in the statistical analyses. True-positives, false-positives, true-negatives and false-negatives were taken directly from the source papers and sensitivity and specificity calculated in RevMan. Equivocal results were used in sensitivity analyses by adding the total number of equivocal results to each of the true-positives, false-positives, true negatives and false-negatives in turn to derive maximum and minimum variation in sensitivity and specificity. Summary estimates of sensitivity and specificity and summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curves were derived as appropriate using recognised methods for meta-analysis of test accuracy. Results were displayed graphically on forest and SROC plots. 42 Meta-analyses were undertaken when adequate results were available. A bivariate model that included a random-effects term for variation in accuracy and threshold between studies was fitted. 43 When the model failed to converge or a correlation could not be estimated properly the bivariate model was simplified to two univariate random-effects logistic regression models by assuming no correlation between sensitivity and specificity. Although no correlation between sensitivity and specificity was assumed, a confidence region is shown on the SROC plot as an indication of the uncertainty surrounding the point estimate of sensitivity and specificity.
Methods for subjective elicitation
Subjective probabilities were elicited from clinicians representing the disciplines of radiology, oncology and gynaecology. Eliciting subjective probabilities from clinicians had three roles in the planned investigation of the clinical effectiveness of PET-CT imaging in the detection and management of recurrent cervical cancer:
Providing data to populate the economic model in the absence of information found in the literature.
Supplementing information found in the literature. Literature may be sparse, of poor quality or not transferable to the UK setting. Information gained from clinicians in the form of subjective probabilities may be used to supplement information found in the literature and to enable sensitivity analyses to be performed as part of the economic model.
Planning the dissemination strategy for the results of the research. If there is wide variation in accuracy estimates elicited from clinicians, or if elicited estimates of accuracy are very discrepant with those found in the literature, this may impact on the successful dissemination of the research findings to clinicians.
Probabilities elicited
Informed by the preliminary results of the systematic reviews of test accuracy (and effectiveness), the research team decided on the data priorities for elicitation as follows:
To determine the prevalence of recurrence in women with an initial diagnosis of stage IB–IVA cervical cancer, who are assumed to be disease free for a minimum of 3 months post completion of primary treatment:
presenting with symptoms suggestive of recurrence
in the absence of symptoms
To determine the test accuracy of chest, abdominal and pelvic CT and/or MRI performed at the discretion of clinicians in women with an initial diagnosis of stage IB–IVA cervical cancer, who are assumed to be disease free for a minimum of 3 months post completion of primary treatment:
presenting with symptoms suggestive of recurrence
in the absence of symptoms (CT and/or MRI used for surveillance)
To determine the test accuracy of CT and/or MRI performed at the discretion of clinicians and of PET-CT (performed regardless of the result of initial imaging) in women with an initial diagnosis of stage IB–IVA cervical cancer, who are assumed to be disease free for a minimum of 3 months post completion of primary treatment:
presenting with symptoms suggestive of recurrence
in the absence of symptoms (CT and/or MRI + PET-CT used for surveillance).
Information on rate of recurrence in women post completion of primary treatment as distinct from rate of recurrence in women following imaging was absent in the literature reviewed. Elicitation of accuracy data was necessary because of a lack of disaggregation of women with and without symptoms in the literature and because of the very limited accuracy data available. Elicitation also provided the opportunity to investigate the coherence of subjective probabilities elicited with estimates in the literature.
Methods used
Subjective probabilities were elicited by two project members (CD and CM) during an educational meeting of the West Midlands Gynaecology Oncology Specialist Group on 1 July 2011 at the City Hospital, Birmingham, UK. Following the success of this initial elicitation, as judged by the face validity of the findings, the results were supplemented by purposive sampling by clinicians in the project team and by two further meetings – a gynae-oncology multidisciplinary meeting at Barts Hospital, London, UK, on 17 August 2011 and at the British Gynaecological Cancer Society Scientific Meeting at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham, UK, on 18 November 2011.
The initial elicitation exercise was preceded by a presentation outlining the aims of the project, the role of elicitation in the project, an overview of definitions of prevalence and test accuracy metrics to be elicited and a practice non-clinical elicitation exercise. Subsequent elicitations achieved by purposive sampling used a written description of the task and a printed elicitation example, except at the scientific meeting where a poster on the project was also displayed.
For the clinicians carrying out the first elicitations, the face-to-face pre-elicitation training, questions and discussion were conducted as a group to facilitate a common understanding of the problem and task and to allow participants to benefit from group discussion and interaction. Following the presentation and the non-clinical elicitation exercise (on estimated distance from London to Birmingham), participants were asked for written consent before undertaking the elicitation exercise. Participants were free to leave at any point in the exercise. Participants were instructed to undertake the elicitation exercise itself independently to ensure that variation within and across disciplines could be captured if there were sufficient numbers of respondents to allow subgroup analysis. In addition, mathematical aggregation (as opposed to behavioural aggregation) mitigates against the possibility of ‘consensus’ estimates being biased by the views of a minority. 44
The elicitation exercise comprised an 11-page anonymous self-administered questionnaire (see Appendix 7). The questionnaire included background information on the length of time that participants had practised in their speciality, their use of current imaging techniques and their use of PET-CT. To be eligible participants did not have to have hands-on experience of using PET-CT. Use of PET-CT is not routine in this patient group and beliefs are shaped by factors other than first-hand experience, such as interaction with colleagues, published estimates of accuracy and knowledge of the technology. In addition to the probabilities elicited, participants were also asked to state the minimum important clinical difference in accuracy between imaging with CT and/or MRI and imaging with CT and/or MRI with the addition of PET-CT that they would require before choosing to use one or other imaging strategy routinely.
Accuracy data were elicited in the form of the proportion of test errors (false-positives and false-negatives) that would be expected with the use of the combinations of imaging technologies outlined above. The choice of test errors as a metric of accuracy is based on research suggesting that test accuracy metrics with test result as reference class are more intuitive45 and that the clinical utility of a test is commonly conceptualised using test errors. 46 Test errors were used to derive positive predictive values (PPVs) and negative predictive values (NPVs). Elicited estimates of prevalence in combination with PPVs and NPVs were used to derive estimates of sensitivity and specificity for use in the economic model.
Elicitation of prevalence and test accuracy information was undertaken using the allocation of points technique whereby respondents are asked to indicate the likelihood of a value range being a true estimate by allocating a proportion of 100 points to that value range (the sum of allocated points across each value range summing to 100). In this way probability functions were obtained for each individual and were aggregated mathematically to derive an average distribution for the sample. An aggregated mean value was estimated using the average distribution and the midpoint of each value range. The variability of this aggregated mean was estimated by calculating the standard deviation (SD) across the value ranges. Microsoft Excel was used for calculations and graphical display of results.
Methods for effectiveness reviews
Search strategy
A sensitive search was conducted to identify all relevant published and unpublished trials and trials in progress. All databases were searched from inception to August 2010. Search strategies were designed from a series of test searches. Both MeSH terms and text words were used and included a variety of synonyms for recurrent cervical cancer and the interventions (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, palliative treatment, surgery). Strategies for MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library can be found in Appendix 8. Trials were identified from several sources including:
general health and biomedical databases: MEDLINE (Ovid), EMBASE (Ovid), CENTRAL
database searches for systematic reviews, from which primary studies could be identified, including MEDLINE (Ovid), EMBASE (Ovid) and The Cochrane Library [Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database]
searches for studies in progress, unpublished research or research reported in the grey literature in a range of relevant databases including and the UK Clinical Research Network Portfolio
specialist search gateways (OMNI and the National Cancer Institute), general search engine (Google) and meta-search engine (Copernic) from March to May 2010
hand-searches of Gynecologic Oncology from 1980 to May 2010
reference lists of review articles and papers
authors of the included studies, who were contacted for information on relevant published or unpublished studies.
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Women with recurrent cervical cancer (i.e. initial treatment was apparently successful and patients now presenting after 3 months with new symptoms and signs indicating recurrence) or with persistent cervical cancer (stage IVB) at follow-up after initial treatment has been completed (i.e. patients have initial treatment that was completed and are now presenting after 3 months with symptoms and signs suggesting that the initial treatment had not been completely successful). The initial treatment could have been surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy or any combination of these.
women with advanced cervical cancer before initial treatment together with women with recurrent or persistent cervical cancer in which the results were not presented separately
trials with a lack of information about the primary site of cancer (e.g. studies on gynaecological cancers in which the exact site is not specified)
trials with a lack of information on the primary treatment of participants
patients who had undergone a variety of different initial treatments in which the results for each treatment group were not presented separately
patients who had undergone a variety of different types of surgery in which the results were not presented separately
patients who had undergone surgery with radiotherapy for their initial treatment.
Interventions and comparators
Any of the following treatments for recurrence were included:
surgery with curative intent (studies must have included < 10% surgery with palliative intent)
chemotherapy with a variety of therapeutic agents
radiation treatment
combination of surgery with radiotherapy
combination of surgery with chemotherapy
combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy.
curative and palliative intent surgery presented together in which palliative intent was ≥ 10% of participants.
survival or mortality
morbidity, symptoms
treatment success or failure rates
quality of life.
biochemical outcomes.
Study design
RCTs, controlled clinical trials
case series, cohort studies or case–control studies when RCTs or controlled clinical trials were not available.
studies presenting results for < 10 patients.
Quality assessment
For the two designs found (RCTs and case series), quality assessment and presentation of results have been carried out separately.
Randomised controlled trials
Quality assessment of included RCTs was performed using the criteria outlined in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. 37 Each study was assessed for adequate sequence generation, adequate allocation concealment, all methods of blinding used and whether or not they were effective, whether or not there was incomplete outcome data presented (attrition and exclusions from analysis), non-selective outcome reporting, and freedom from other biases. In all cases ‘yes’ indicated a low risk of bias and ‘no’ indicated a high risk of bias. ‘Unclear’ was used if there was insufficient detail reported. The quality of studies was summarised in tables, which were then used to create quality diagrams.
Case series
Quality assessment of case series was performed using the checklist developed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). 47 Each study was then awarded an overall study quality grading for internal validity and an overall study quality grading for external validity:
++: all or most of the checklist criteria have been fulfilled; where they have not been fulfilled the conclusions are very unlikely to alter.
+: some of the checklist criteria have been fulfilled; where they have not been fulfilled, or not adequately described, the conclusions are unlikely to alter.
−: few or no checklist criteria have been fulfilled and the conclusions are likely or very likely to alter.
Methods of reporting and statistical analysis
Most results are reported in tables. Information was analysed based on the group to which the participants were allocated, regardless of whether or not they received the allocated intervention. For dichotomous data, results are presented as summary relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Separate analyses were performed on randomised and non-randomised data. RRs were calculated from numbers of patients, using StatsDirect version 2.7.8 (StatsDirect, Altrincham, UK) or RevMan version 5.0. For adverse events, only grade 3 and grade 4 events were reported.
RevMan version 5.0 was also used for meta-analyses. Any heterogeneity of results between studies was statistically and graphically assessed and potential causes explored. To explore causes of clinical heterogeneity, a priori subgroup analyses were conducted to see whether variations in clinical factors, for example populations, interventions, outcomes or study quality, affected the estimation of effect sizes. The I2 statistic was used to assess heterogeneity between trials. In the absence of significant heterogeneity, results were pooled using a fixed-effects model. If substantial heterogeneity was detected (I2 > 50%), possible causes were explored and subgroup analyses for the main outcomes performed. Heterogeneity that was not explained by subgroup analyses was modelled using random-effects analysis where appropriate. For outcomes for which a meta-analysis was not appropriate, the RCT and non-randomised study results were presented, where possible, on a forest plot but without summary scores, allowing a visual presentation of the effects of each included trial. For case series, a narrative summary of the findings was given.
Methods for systematic review of economic evaluations
A systematic review was conducted to find published literature and work in progress on the economic evaluation of PET-CT for use in the detection of recurrent cervical cancer. The purpose of this review was to investigate the suitability of existing cost-effectiveness models and model designs and to identify information that could be used to populate the model subsequently developed for this project. The aim was also to identify economic studies that reported costs and consequences associated with recurrent cervical cancer detected by the use of PET-CT. Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of treatments, with meta-analysis of clinical studies, particularly RCTs, use well-established research methods but the approach for reviewing economic evaluations and costing studies is necessarily slightly different and more qualitative, primarily because of the heterogeneity that exists in economic studies, which means that formal data synthesis and meta-analyses are rarely possible. This systematic review was carried out using PRISMA guidelines with adaptations appropriate for systematic reviews of economic evaluation and costing studies. 39 In addition to the systematic review of economic evaluations, a separate literature review was conducted to find suitable generic quality-of-life values [including quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs)] for use in the economic model.
Five electronic databases were searched [EMBASE, MEDLINE, NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED), DARE and HTA database] from 1980 to October 2011. Reference lists from relevant papers were also searched. Appendix 9 shows the detailed search strategies used. The inclusion criteria were:
patients – those with recurrence or persistent cervical cancer who had previously completed treatment for their primary cervical cancer (primary cervical cancer alone was specifically excluded)
intervention – PET-CT
comparator – no PET-CT, other imaging
outcomes – costs, cost-effectiveness, cost–utility, quality of life.
Studies were independently reviewed on the basis of their titles and abstracts by one researcher (PA). The screening process used followed established methods used to identify and categorise economic evaluation and costing studies. 29 Briefly, a three-stage process was adopted. In stage 1, each study was categorised on the basis of its title and abstract (where available) into one of four groups. The two relevant groups for this review were group A – studies suspected of being full economic evaluations on PET-CT recurrence of cervical cancer – and group B – cost studies, but not economic evaluations. Group A and group B studies would proceed to stage 2 where they would be read in full and, if confirmed in their classification, would proceed to stage 3 for quality assessment. Appendix 9 shows the full details of the three-stage process.
Chapter 4 Diagnostic review results
Study selection
At the final update of May 2010 there were 7524 potentially relevant citations identified, of which 252 full-text articles were retrieved. Subsequently, 240 articles were excluded (see list of excluded studies in Appendix 10). The most common reason for exclusion was either that the study was on patients with newly diagnosed cervical cancer before primary treatment or that the study was of the incorrect design. The numbers of included and excluded citations are shown in Figure 4. The 12 included studies evaluated the test accuracy of PET-CT, MRI or CT imaging for persistent or recurrent cervical cancer compared with a reference standard of biopsy, clinical follow-up or both. Six studies evaluated PET-CT,20,48–52 two evaluated MRI,53,54 three evaluated CT55–57 and one evaluated both MRI and CT. 58 Table 3 shows the basic characteristics of the included studies and Table 4 provides definitions of the reference standards used. There were no studies that directly compared PET-CT with MRI or CT separately. One of the included studies49 compared PET-CT with standard imaging (MRI, CT or both) and gave results for both PET-CT and standard imaging in the same table.
Study | Diagnostic test(s) | Reference standard | Suspected recurrence/asymptomatic | Number evaluable in study |
Amit 200648 | CT then whole-body PET-CT | Histopathology | Suspected | 11a |
Chung 200720 | Imaging then whole-body PET-CT | Histopathology, radiology and/or clinical follow-up for 6 months | Suspected (but possibly one or more asymptomatic) | 52 |
Grisaru 200449 | 1. CT and/or MRI plus PET-CT (skull to mid-thigh)2. CT and/or MRI alone | Histopathology, radiology and/or clinical follow-up | Suspected | 12 |
Kitajima 200850 | Imaging then whole-body PET-CT | Histopathology, clinical follow-up for > 1 year, tumour marker levels alone or with CT or PET-CT | Suspected | 52 |
Mittra 200951 | Imaging then whole-body PET-CT | Histopathology or clinical follow-up | Suspected and symptomatic (disaggregation not possible) | 30 |
Sironi 200752 | Imaging then whole-body PET-CT | Histopathology, clinical follow-up with radiology for > 6 months | Suspected | 12 |
Hatano 199953 | MRI (pelvic) | Histopathology | Unclear | 35b |
Weber 199554 | MRI (pelvic) | Histopathology, clinical follow-up for up to 4 years | Suspected | 37b |
Heron 198855 | CT (abdomen) | Histopathology, clinical follow-up | Suspected | 70b |
Park 200056 | CT (chest, abdomen and pelvis) | Histopathology, tumour marker, CT | Suspected | 36 |
Walsh 198157 | CT (abdomen and pelvis) | Histopathology | Probably suspected | 33b |
Williams 198958 | CT, MRI (both pelvic) | Histopathology | Suspected | 20b |
Study | Histopathological findings | Follow-up | |
Clinical | Radiological | ||
PET-CT | |||
Amit 200648 | Histopathological examination during biopsy, random sampling of nodes | – | – |
Chung 200720 | Histological tissue sampling during surgery or biopsy | Physical and gynaecological examination over at least 6 months | Serial imaging studies over at least 6 months |
Grisaru 200449 | Histology during surgical exploration or guided biopsies | Clinical outcomes (all negative tissue diagnoses were followed up to confirm negative histology) | Radiological |
Kitajima 200850 | Histopathological examination (n = 21) | Clinical follow-up for periods > 1 year on the basis of tumour marker levels and contrast-enhanced CT findings (n = 14), tumour marker levels and PET-CT findings (n = 12) and tumour marker levels (n = 5) | |
Mittra 200951 | Histological evaluation (n = 23) | Clinical follow-up (n = 7) | – |
Sironi 200752 | Histopathological findings during surgery or imaging-guided FNA biopsy in patients who were positive on PET-CT | If negative on PET-CT: clinical outcomes with CT or MR imaging over at least 6 months | |
MRI | |||
Hatano 199953 | Histopathological findings during multiple punch biopsies and cytology of tumour site only | – | – |
Weber 199554 | Histopathology and/or surgical outcomes (n = 34) | Clinical follow-up for at least 4 years (n = 3) | – |
CT | |||
Heron 198855 | Histological evaluation: at EUA (n = 4), by laparotomy (n = 7) and by CT-guided biopsy (n = 3) | Unequivocal progressive clinical course (n = 25), including post-mortem proof (n = 2) and supportive evidence of deterioration on follow-up (n = 17). For 31 patients with negative test, patients considered to be free of recurrence only if clinical condition remained stable for > 2 years and/or histology | – |
Park 200056 | Percutaneous lymph node biopsy (n = 10), biopsy of the pelvic mass (n = 3) | Tumour marker study and CT at 3- and 6-month intervals (n = 23) | |
Walsh 198157 | Histological evaluation (n = 29): by laparotomy (n = 10), parametrial biopsy (n = 6), cervical and vaginal biopsy (n = 6), perineal biopsy (n = 2), lymph node aspiration (n = 2), autopsy (n = 2) and bone biopsy (n = 1) | – | – |
MRI and CT | |||
Williams 198958 | Histological biopsies (n = 10), hysterectomy specimens (n = 4), open biopsy at laparotomy (n = 2), histological proof of distant metastatic disease (n = 4) | – | – |
No additional papers were found that evaluated diagnostic or therapeutic yield. One of the included studies20 gave information on diagnostic yield and also gave 2-year disease-free survival curves for participants with positive and negative PET-CT scans.
Characteristics of included studies
Population characteristics
The characteristics of the patient populations in the included studies are shown in Tables 5–7. The total number of patients in the studies ranged from 20 to 75 but some of the studies included any gynaecological cancers and others reported imaging results for both recurrent and primary cervical cancer. Therefore, the tables also report the number of patients with recurrent cervical cancer only and with imaging results. Many of the studies did not report summary patient characteristics for the patients with recurrent cervical cancer and imaging results only but for the full patient group, which is not relevant here and so has not been reported. When stated, most patients had squamous cell carcinoma; fewer had adenocarcinoma. In some studies, such as that by Chung et al. ,20 it was stated that histologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix was a requirement for study eligibility, but for others it was unclear.
Characteristics | Amit 200648 | Chung 200720 | Grisaru 200449 | Kitajima 200850 | Mittra 200951 | Sironi 200752 |
Total n in study | 75 | 52 | 53 | 52 | 30 | 25 |
n with recurrent cervical cancer and imaging results | 11 | 52 | 12 | 52 | 30 | 12 |
Age (years), mean (range) | NR | 53 (32–77) | NR | 58 (37–78) (median) | 50 (28–87) | 49.6 |
FIGO initial stage | NR | IA1 (n = 4); IA2 (n = 3); IB1 (n = 19); IIA (n = 11); IIB (n = 10); IIIB (n = 1); IVA (n = 4) | NR | I (n = 12); II (n = 15); III (n = 21); IV (n = 4) | IB2 (n = 2); IIA (n = 4); IIB (n = 10); IIIA (n = 1); IIIB (n = 11); IVA (n = 2) | IIB (n = 6); IIIA (n = 5); IIIB (n = 1) |
Type of tumour pathology | NR | SCC (n = 45); ADC (n = 5); NEC (n = 2) | NR | SCC (n = 42); ADC (n = 8); ASC (n = 2) | SCC (n = 22); ADC (n = 5); other (n = 3) | NR |
Previous treatment | NR | SR (n = 43); RT (n = 5); CHRT (n = 4) | NR | SR + CHRT (n = 20); SR + CH (n = 12); CHRT (n = 12); SR (n = 8) | NR | SR + CH (n = 6); SR + RT (n = 1); SR + CH + RT (n = 5) |
Inclusion criteria | Patients with proven recurrent cervical cancer | Had symptoms suspecting recurrence; had new lesions on surveillance imaging studies; had elevated serum tumour markers with or without abnormal imaging studies; had abnormal results on physical or cytological examination on routine surveillance; wanted surveillance PET-CT scan for fear of recurrence without evidence of diseasea | Patients with proven gynaecological malignancy | Patients who had undergone treatment for histopathologically proven uterine cervical cancer and who had suspected recurrence | Patients with histologically confirmed carcinoma of the uterine cervix who were subjected to primary treatment with curative intention and who reached complete remission after initial treatment | Patients who had undergone primary surgical treatment and postoperative adjuvant therapy for uterine cancer |
Exclusion criteria | NR | Had previously been diagnosed with malignant disease other than non-melanoma skin malignancy; had been diagnosed as unsuited for treatment with curative intent at the time of disease recurrence; had skin or pulmonary lesions or impaired renal functions or other hepatic or colonic pathology | NR | NR | Other malignancies, had an initial diagnosis of advanced carcinoma of the cervix not suitable for treatment with curative intent, did not achieve complete remission | Negative (normal) findings at routine follow-up examinations, serum glucose level > 200 mg/dl |
Characteristics | Hatano 199953 | Weber 199554 | Williams 198958 |
Imaging | MRI | MRI | MRI and CT |
Total n in study | 42 | 37 | 20 |
n with recurrent cervical cancer and imaging results | 35 | 37 | 20 |
Age (years), mean (range) | 62.3 | 48 (19–83) | NR |
FIGO initial stage | NR | IB (n = 16); IIA (n = 2); IIB (n = 16); IIIB (n = 3) | IB (n = 7); IIA (n = 2); IIB (n = 5); IIIA (n = 3); IIIB (n = 3) |
Type of tumour pathology | NR | SCC (n = 33); ADC (n = 4) | SCC (n = 18); AC (n = 1); ADC (n = 1) |
Previous treatment | NR | RT (n = 37) | Abdominal/Wertheim's hysterectomy (n = 6); subtotal hysterectomy (n = 2); anterior exenteration (n = 2); external-beam irradiation (n = 10) |
Inclusion criteria | NR | Patients with histopathological diagnosis of cervical carcinoma, who underwent primary RT and then MRI after the initiation of RT | Patients with a diagnosis of suspected recurrent carcinoma of the cervix in whom pathological verification of the imaging results was available |
Exclusion criteria | NR | NR | NR |
Characteristics | Heron 198855 | Park 200056 | Walsh 198157 |
Total n in study | 70 | 36 | 36 |
n with recurrent cervical cancer and imaging results | 64 | 36 | 31 |
Age (years), mean (range) | 45 (28–80) | 53 | (23–68) |
FIGO initial stage | NR | NR | NR |
Type of tumour pathology | NR | NR | NR |
Previous treatment | NR | SR (n = 13); RT (n = 14); SR + RT (n = 9) | NR |
Inclusion criteria | Patients with suspected recurrent carcinoma of the cervix | Patients with uterine cervical cancer | Patients with previously treated cervical carcinoma |
Exclusion criteria | NR | NR | NR |
All included studies except those by Mittra et al. 51 and Hatano et al. 53 described only women who had undergone treatment for histopathologically proven cervical cancer and who had suspected recurrence based on the presence of clinical signs and/or symptoms. The Mittra et al. study51 included both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients undergoing routine follow-up. The Hatano et al. 53 study verified whether MRI could provide accurate information to evaluate residual tumours after radiotherapy (persistent disease) and the MRI findings were compared with cytology/histopathology before and after radiotherapy.
Six studies20,49,50,52,56,58 described grounds on which the recurrence was suspected. Abnormal imaging and physical examination during follow-up were the main indications for performing PET-CT in the Chung et al. 20 study. Each patient in the Grisaru et al. 49 study had undergone a comprehensive evaluation of her clinical status and was scheduled for routine staging or follow-up imaging studies for suspected recurrence (but results were given only for suspected recurrence). Recurrence in Kitajima et al. 50 was suspected on the basis of physical examination, elevated levels of tumour markers and abnormal findings of conventional imaging, including CT and/or MRI, or an abnormal cervical smear. In Sironi et al. ,52 suspicion of tumour recurrence was based on follow-up procedures (physical examination, serum tumour markers and morphological imaging studies, such as CT or MRI). In Park et al. ,56 recurrence was suspected also on the basis of increased levels of serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen, pain in the lower abdomen and back, oedema of the lower leg and oliguria. The suspicion of recurrence in Williams et al. 58 was based on the clinical features of pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, lower limb swelling or a palpable mass on pelvic examination.
Imaging characteristics
All six PET-CT studies20,48–52 were evaluations of PET-CT after patients had received conventional imaging (MRI and/or CT) or CT only. Of the PET-CT studies, only Amit et al. 48 focused on extracervical lesions, whereas the other five studies evaluated any recurrence. Only Park et al. 56 used CT to evaluate any recurrence and the other five MRI and CT studies evaluated local recurrence in the pelvis only.
All six PET-CT studies used 18F-FDG as a radioisotope tracer, with doses of 370–555 MBq,48 555–740 MBq,20 370–666 MBq,49 4.0 MBq/kg,50 400–555 MBq51 and 370 MBq. 52 The time between injection of 18F-FDG and the PET scan ranged from 30 minutes to 3 hours. The PET-CT scanning was performed mostly with a GE Discovery LS PET-CT scanner (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA). In Amit et al. ,48 a hybrid PET-CT system combining a third-generation multislice spiral CT system [GE LightSpeed Plus (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA)] with a dedicated full bismuth germanium oxide (BGO) ring PET scanner [GE Advance NXi (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA)] was used. In Chung et al. 20 a GEMINI PET-CT system (Philips, Guildford, UK) was used, and in Kitajima et al. 50 all imaging and data acquisitions were performed with a Biograph Sensation 16 PET-CT scanner (Siemens Systems, Erlangen, Germany). Two studies48,50 measured glucose levels before administration of 18F-FDG.
In the three MRI studies53,54,58 T1-weighted spin-echo and T2-weighted turbo spin-echo were used. Of the four CT studies,55–58 two55,58 used optional intravenous contrast medium to elucidate problems identified on initial scans. Intravenous contrast medium was used routinely in the other two studies: non-ionic contrast (150 mg)56 and Reno-M-DIP® contrast (400 ml of 4% oral meglumine diatrizoate) (Squibb, Princeton, NJ, USA). 57
Quality of studies
The results of the quality assessment are provided in Table 8. Four studies48,49,52,53 collected patients' data prospectively (77 patients in total), seven studies20,50,51,54,56–58 collected data retrospectively (260 patients in total) and in one of the studies55 there was no information on the method of enrolment. Three studies20,51,52 clearly described their inclusion criteria such as presence of symptoms indicating recurrence, new lesions on surveillance imaging, elevated serum tumour markers with or without abnormal imaging and abnormal results on physical or cytological examination on routine surveillance. Relevant clinical information such as age, FIGO stage, histology type of tumour and primary treatment were described in all studies except for those by Amit et al. ,48 Grisaru et al. 49 and Park et al. 56
Study | Test | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Comments |
Amit 200648 | PET-CT | Y | N | Y | U | Y | Y | N | U | N | N | N | Y | Extrapelvic recurrence only |
Chung 200720 | PET-CT | Y | Y | Y | U | Y | U | N | U | Y | N | NA | Y | |
Grisaru 200449 | PET-CT (CT and/or MRI) | U | N | Y | U | Y | Y | N | Y | N | N | NA | Y | |
Kitajima 200850 | PET-CT | Y | Y | Y | U | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | N | NA | Y | |
Mittra 200951 | PET-CT | Y | Y | Y | U | Y | U | N | U | Y | N | NA | Y | |
Sironi 200752 | PET-CT | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | N | NA | Y | |
Hatano 199953 | MRI | Y | U | Y | U | Y | Y | N | U | Y | N | N | N | Tumour site only |
Weber 199554 | MRI | U | U | Y | U | Y | Y | N | U | N | N | NA | N | Pelvic recurrence only |
Heron 198855 | CT | Y | U | N | U | N | Y | N | U | Y | N | NA | N | Local recurrence only |
Park 200056 | CT | U | U | N | U | Y | N | N | U | U | N | NA | N | |
Walsh 198157 | CT | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | U | N | Y | Y | N | Pelvic recurrence only |
Williams 198958 | MRI/CT | Y | U | Y | U | Y | Y | N | Y | N | N | NA | N | Local (central) recurrence only |
In all of the included studies the reference standard for diagnosis of cervical cancer was histopathology with or without clinical/radiological follow-up. Four of the studies48,53,57,58 used only histopathology as the reference standard, whereas in the other studies diagnosis was supported by clinical follow-up. Selection bias (using the imaging study being investigated as part of the inclusion criteria into the study) was present in at least four studies. 20,50–52
Information to judge the presence of incorporation bias (in which the index test forms part of the reference standard) was unclear in almost all of the studies, but in Kitajima et al. 50 the index test (PET-CT) was clearly part of the reference standard when the final diagnosis of 12 patients was based on the results of tumour marker level and PET-CT findings. Two studies reported the mean time between index test and reference standard, which was 2.3 weeks52 and 1 week. 57 Readers of PET-CT, MRI and CT studies were reported to be blind to patients' clinical details and final diagnosis in only four studies. 49,50,54,58
With regard to technical quality, the methods used in the more modern studies were similar to currently used imaging methods, whereas the methods used in the older studies were not. In the PET-CT studies there was slight variation found in whether or not and how much oral hydration was used as well as slight differences in acquisition times and injected doses. Chung et al. 20 used oral contrast for CT, but this should not affect the PET interpretation or results. Heron et al. 55 incorporated lymphangiography, which is now no longer used.
Test accuracy
The numerical results for all included studies are shown in Table 9.
Study name, date | Diagnostic test(s) | TP | FP | FN | TN | Equivocal |
Amit 200648 | PET-CT | 6 | 0 | 1 | 4 | – |
Chung 200720 | PET-CT | 28 | 4 | 3 | 17 | – |
Grisaru 200449 | PET-CT | 10 | 0 | 0 | 2 | – |
CT and/or MRI | 2 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1a | |
Kitajima 200850 | PET-CT | 23 | 2 | 2 | 25 | – |
Mittra 200951 | PET-CT | 22 | 2 | 1 | 5 | – |
Sironi 200752 | PET-CT | 5 | 0 | 1 | 6 | – |
Hatano 199953 | MRI | 1 | 0 | 0 | 34 | – |
Weber 199554 | MRI | 18 | 1 | 3 | 15 | – |
Heron 198855 | CT | 24 | 2 | 2 | 36 | 6 |
Park 200056 | CT | 14 | 3 | 4 | 15 | – |
Walsh 198157 | CT | 27 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 |
Williams 198958 | CT | 10 | 2 | 1 | 7 | – |
MRI | 9 | 2 | 2 | 7 | – |
Positron emission tomography/computerised tomography
Six PET-CT test accuracy studies were found. 20,48–52 Five studies20,49–52 evaluated local recurrence and distance metastasis and one study48 evaluated extrapelvic recurrence only. The sensitivities and specificities and their 95% CIs are shown in Figure 5 and a SROC space plot is shown in Figure 6. The sensitivities and specificities of local and distant recurrence were 83–100% and 71–100%, respectively, and the sensitivity and specificity of distant recurrence only were 86% and 100%. The summary estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of PET-CT for the detection of cervical cancer recurrence were 92.2% (95% CI 85.1% to 96.0%) and 88.1% (95% CI 77.9% to 93.9%), respectively. Sensitivity analysis, omitting one study48 that reported accuracy for distant recurrence only, did not affect accuracy estimates to any significant degree [sensitivity 92.6% (95% CI 85.3% to 96.4%); specificity 87.3% (95% CI 76.6% to 93.5%)]. The results tables of the univariate random-effects regression model for the meta-analysis and sensitivity analysis are in Appendix 11.
Magnetic resonance imaging
Three MRI test accuracy studies were found and all evaluated the pelvis only. 53,54,58 Weber et al. 54 and Williams et al. 58 included women with clinical suspicion of recurrence and Hatano et al. 53 included women with residual, advanced-stage cervical cancer (stage IB2–IV). Previous treatment was radiotherapy in Hatano et al. 53 and Weber et al. 54 and 50% surgery and 50% radiotherapy in Williams et al. 58 All three studies investigated local recurrence in the pelvis only. Distant recurrence was noted in Williams et al. 58 (4/20), but these women were not included in the numerical results for sensitivity and specificity. Distant metastases are also mentioned in Hatano et al. 53 Because of clinical heterogeneity between these studies, no meta-analysis was conducted. The sensitivities and specificities and their 95% CIs are shown in Figure 7 and a SROC space plot in Figure 8. The sensitivities and specificities of MRI in pelvic recurrence varied between 82% and 100% and 78% and 100% respectively.
Computerised tomography
Four CT test accuracy studies were found. 55–58 Heron et al. ,55 Walsh et al. 57 and Williams et al. 58 investigated local recurrence only, whereas Park et al. 56 investigated local and distant recurrence. [As mentioned in the MRI section, Williams et al. 58 also mentioned 4 (of 20) women with distant recurrence, who were not included in the sensitivity and specificity statistics.] There is little information available on the patients included in Heron et al. 55 and Walsh et al. 57 Also, both Heron et al. 55 and Walsh et al. 57 have equivocal results. For six patients in the Heron et al. 55 study, the CT findings were classified as equivocal; all of these patients had undergone radiotherapy, making differentiation between radiation fibrosis and recurrence difficult. For two patients in Walsh et al. ,57 CT images could not differentiate radiation sequelae from tumour. The sensitivities and specificities and their 95% CIs are shown in Figure 9 and a SROC space plot is shown in Figure 10. Because of clinical heterogeneity and lack of information about patients, no meta-analysis was conducted. The sensitivities and specificities of CT in pelvic recurrence (excluding the equivocal results) varied between 78% and 93% and 0% and 95% respectively. Sensitivity analysis around the equivocal results for Heron et al. 55 varied the sensitivity from 75% to 94% and the specificity from 82% to 95%. Sensitivity analysis around the equivocal results for Walsh et al. 57 varied the sensitivity from 87% to 94% and the specificity from 0% to 50%.
Comparison of standard imaging followed by positron emission tomography/computerised tomography with standard imaging only
One study49 gave results in one table for both standard imaging alone and standard imaging with whole-body PET-CT with the same reference standard of histology or clinical evidence of disease, allowing comparisons to be made. Unfortunately, the part of the body imaged with standard imaging was not provided in the paper. The results are provided in Table 10. This shows that the PET-CT results are closer to the reference standard results than the standard imaging results.
Patient | Standard imaging | Standard imaging followed by PET-CT | Histology/clinical follow-up |
1 | – | + | + |
2 | – | + | + |
3 | + | – | – |
4 | – | + | + |
5 | +/– | + | + |
6 | – | – | – |
7 | – | + | + |
8 | + | + | + |
9 | Not possible | + | + |
10 | – | + | + |
11 | – | + | + |
12 | + | + | + |
Diagnostic and therapeutic impact
One included PET-CT study20 reported information on the diagnostic and therapeutic impact of the imaging. None of the included MRI or CT studies provided any details on whether or how the management of patients was altered by imaging.
In Chung et al. ,20 the mean age of patients was 53 years (range 32–77 years) and they had primarily stage I (50%) and stage II (40%) cancer. The results of PET-CT imaging were found to have an impact on the management of 12 patients (23%) by initiating previously unplanned treatment (four patients), changing the previously planned therapeutic approach (five patients) or eliminating a previously planned diagnostic procedure (three patients). The PET-CT led to additional invasive diagnostic procedures in nine patients: mediastinoscopic biopsy in three patients, PET-CT-guided pelvic lymph node biopsy in three patients, supraclavicular lymph node biopsy in two patients and bone biopsy in one patient. The PET-CT assisted in the planning of the therapeutic strategy in nine patients.
Chung et al. 20 also reported the prognostic outcomes of patients undergoing PET-CT giving 2-year disease-free survival rates and survival curves for women with positive and negative PET-CT results. The 2-year disease-free survival rates for women with a positive and a negative PET-CT result for recurrence were 10.9% and 85.0% respectively (p = 0002). The survival curves are reproduced in Figure 11.
Chapter 5 Results of the elicitation of subjective probabilities
The first face-to-face elicitation exercise resulted in responses from nine experts and subsequent sampling resulted in a further 12 completed elicited probabilities questionnaires. Prevalence of recurrence information was elicited from all respondents (21) and accuracy from 17–18 respondents. The self-reported characteristics of respondents and their reported use of imaging technologies are outlined in Table 11 and Figure 12.
Speciality and years of experiencea,b | Use of imaging technologies (% of symptomatic consultations for recurrence) | |||
MRI | CT | MRI and CT | Experience with PET-CT | |
Gynaecological oncology (8 years) | 20 | 20 | 60 | No |
Gynaecological oncology (15 years)c | 70 | 90 | 60 | No |
Radiology (10 years) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Radiology (20 years | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Obstetrics and gynaecology (SPR) (5 years) | 30 | 60 | 10 | 1 year – ‘To decide on treatment planning: Need surgery?’ |
Gynaecological oncology (5 years) | 10 | 80 | 10 | 4 years – ‘To decide on treatment planning: Prior to exenteration’ |
Gynaecological oncology (21 years) | NS | NS | NS | No |
Not reported (7 years) | ‘depends on symptoms … MRI 100% if pelvic symptoms’ | 3 years – ‘To exclude distant recurrence in patients with proven local recurrence’ | ||
Gynaecological oncology (10 years as a consultant)c | 50 | 30 | 30 | 5 years – ‘Patients undergoing primary chemoradiation to determine extent of any lymphadenopathy. Patients with local recurrence after surgery prior to chemoradiation to determine extent of lymphadenopathy. Prior to consideration of exenteration’ |
Gynaecological oncology (15 years) | 70 | 30 | 0 | 3 years – ‘Isolated central pelvic recurrence to confirm no metastatic disease prior to exenteration’ |
Gynaecological oncology (3 years as a consultant) | 10 | 90 | 0 | 3 years – ‘To clarify nature of lesions seen on CT or MRI and to rule out other sites of disease if further surgery contemplated’ |
Gynaecological oncology (15 years) | 25 | 50 | 25 | 2 years – ‘Suspected recurrence. Consideration for exenterative surgery’ |
Gynaecological oncology (10 years) | 10 | 80 | 10 | 3 years – ‘If recurrence suspected on the basis of clinical examination/CT/MRI’ |
Gynaecological oncology (28 years) | 100 | 0 | 0 | ‘Assessment of multiple site recurrence’ |
Gynaecological oncology (5 years) | 20 | 30 | 50 | 2 years – ‘Pre-exenteration or if biopsy difficult/inconclusive’ |
Gynaecological oncology (3 years as a consultant) | 60 | 10 | 30 | 3 years – ‘After initial imaging to determine suitability for radical salvage treatment to help exclude occult distant mets’ |
Oncology (NS) | 20 | 60 | 20 | 3 years – ‘? local recurrence where MRI cannot differentiate between recurrence and effects of radiotherapy. Proven local recurrence for staging prior to exenteration’ |
Gynaecological oncology (34 years) | 0 | 90 | 10 | 8 years – ‘Those with advanced disease or recurrent disease. Those requiring surgery following radiotherapy or chemoradiation’ |
Gynaecological oncology (3 years) | 20 | 20 | 60 | 1 year – ‘If CT/MRI positive for central recurrence and considering exenteration as a management option’ |
Gynaecological oncology (30 years) | 30 | 50 | 20 | 3 years – ‘If further treatment is being considered – especially exenteration’ |
Gynaecological oncology (30 years) | 30 | 40 | 30 | 3 years – ‘Exenteration candidates. Equivocal CT/MRI’ |
Prevalence of recurrence
Individual respondents' prevalence of recurrence results are in Table 82 (symptomatic) and Table 83 (asymptomatic) in Appendix 12. The mean elicited prevalence of recurrence in women presenting with symptoms a minimum of 3 months after completion of primary treatment was 47.8% (SD 20.8) and that for asymptomatic women was 16.7% (SD 13.1).
Individual respondents' accuracy results (PPVs, NPVs) for MRI and/or CT and for MRI and/or CT with PET-CT for symptomatic and for asymptomatic women are given in Tables 85–92 in Appendix 12. Note that PPVs are the proportion of women who test positive on either CT or MRI at the discretion of a clinician (and PET-CT if used and performed regardless of the result of initial imaging) who are confirmed as having recurrence of cervical cancer on the basis of histology, and NPVs are the proportion of women who test negative on either CT or MRI at the discretion of a clinician (and PET-CT if used and performed regardless of the result of initial imaging) who are confirmed as not having recurrence on the basis of clinical follow-up. Summary results are shown in Table 12. These are shown graphically in Figures 13 and 14 for symptomatic and asymptomatic women respectively.
MRI and/or CT | MRI and/or CT and PET-CT | Difference in false-positives and false-negatives | ||
Symptomatic | PPV (%) | 88.4 (SD 9.2) | 91.0 (SD 8.2) | 2.6 |
NPV (%) | 86.8 (SD 8.7) | 90.7 (SD 7.2) | 3.6 | |
Asymptomatic | PPV (%) | 85.6 (SD 9.8) | 90.2 (SD 7.7) | 4.6 |
NPV (%) | 90.0 (SD 7.7) | 93.4 (SD 5.5) | 3.4 |
Minimum important clinical difference in accuracy between imaging with computerised tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging and imaging with computerised tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging plus positron emission tomography/computerised tomography
The average minimum important increase in accuracy from the addition of PET-CT to CT and/or MRI that was considered necessary to warrant introduction of PET-CT as a routine investigation in this sample of clinical experts was similar for asymptomatic and symptomatic patients: a 7.7% reduction in false-positives and a 6.4% reduction in false-negatives for symptomatic women and an 8.7% reduction in false-positives and a 6.3% reduction in false-negatives for asymptomatic women. Mean elicited estimates of the differences in test accuracy between CT and/or MRI and CT and/or MRI plus PET-CT were 2.6 and 3.6 for PPV and NPV, respectively, for symptomatic women and 4.6 and 3.4 for PPV and NPV, respectively, for asymptomatic women.
The results suggest that, in our sample of experts, the elicited increase in accuracy as a result of the addition of PET-CT to MRI and/or CT is smaller than the elicited minimum important difference in accuracy required to justify the routine addition of PET-CT for the investigation of women post completion of primary treatment for cervical cancer, that is, all of the differences in false-positives and false-negatives in Table 12 are smaller than the minimum important clinical differences listed in the paragraph above.
Comparison with systematic review results
Comparison of elicited estimates of accuracy with those reported in the literature are complicated because of the age of the CT and MRI studies, the lack of disaggregation between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients and a paucity of estimates of the combined accuracy of CT and MRI. Table 13 illustrates that elicited estimates of the accuracy of CT/MRI and CT/MRI plus PET-CT in symptomatic women are similar to estimates in the literature. For asymptomatic women the elicited specificities of CT/MRI and CT/MRI plus PET-CT are comparable to literature-based estimates but elicited estimates of sensitivity are lower. This is most likely to be a function of the spectrum of patients in included studies; inclusion of symptomatic patients in studies in the literature would be expected to result in higher sensitivity.
Asymptomatic women | Symptomatic women | |||||||
Literature | Eliciteda | Literature | Eliciteda | |||||
Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | |
Clinical follow-up and MRI ± CT | – | – | 45.43 | 98.47 | – | – | 85.09 | 89.78 |
CT | – | – | – | – | 78–93b | 78–95b | – | – |
MRI | – | – | – | – | 82–100b | 78–100b | – | – |
Clinical follow-up, MRI ± CT and PET-CT | 65.25 | 98.58 | 83–100b | 71–100b | 89.71 | 91.88 |
Chapter 6 Effectiveness review
The database searches for primary studies identified 24,972 citations, 24,943 citations from the database searches and 29 citations from other sources such as reference lists. Of these, 4618 were duplicates, leaving 20,354 unique citations. Sifting of titles and abstracts excluded 19,994 citations, leaving 360 full-text articles to be assessed for eligibility. Of these, 42 papers were unavailable and 250 papers were excluded as irrelevant: 118 on the wrong population (many with primary and recurrent cervical cancer presented together), 24 on the wrong intervention, 33 with irrelevant outcomes and 75 with inadequate study designs. For a list of excluded papers, see Appendix 13. One existing systematic review59 and a relevant guideline3 were found. The systematic review included 15 RCTs on chemotherapy in recurrent, metastatic or persistent cervical cancer. The searches for this systematic review were to 2006. Additional searches found four RCTs on chemotherapy. For surgery and radiotherapy, no systematic reviews or RCTs were found and all included studies were case series. In total, 68 papers were included: 19 RCTs of chemotherapy (25 papers), 27 case series in surgery and 16 case series in radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy (Table 14 and Figure 15).
Characterisitics | Chemotherapy | Chemoradiotherapy | Surgery |
Population | Population with multiple site and distant recurrence | Population with recurrence after previous surgical treatment only | Population with recurrence after previous chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy only |
Intervention | Chemotherapy agents | Radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy | Surgery: pelvic exenteration, radical hysterectomy |
Number of studies | Single-agent cisplatin: 8; cisplatin-based chemotherapy: 4; other platinum agents: 3; non-platinum-containing agents: 4 | Radiotherapy: 9; chemoradiotherapy: 7 | Pelvic exenteration: 20; radical hysterectomy: 7 |
Type of evidence | RCTs | Non-comparative case series | Non-comparative case series |
Chemotherapy agents
Nineteen RCTs (25 publications) compared one or more chemotherapeutic agents in women with recurrent or persistent or advanced (stage IVB) cervical cancer. There were eight RCTs with single-agent cisplatin regimens, four with cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens, three with carboplatin (CBDCA)-based chemotherapy regimens and four with non-platinum-containing agents (Table 15). There were no RCTs investigating the effectiveness of cisplatin compared with placebo or no treatment in which both arms were given another chemotherapeutic agent. Baseline characteristics are shown in Appendix 14. The results for each category are given in the following sections.
Study | Population | Intervention(s) | Comparator(s) | Outcomes measured |
Alberts 198760 | Advanced and recurrent squamous cell | Mitomycin C, vincristine, bleomycin and cisplatin | Cisplatin | Response rates, AEs |
Mitomycin C and cisplatin | ||||
Barlow 197361 | Recurrent or prior | Bleomycin | Adriamycin | Response rates, OS, duration of response |
Adriamycin and bleomycin | ||||
Bezwoda 198662 | Recurrent or metastatic | Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum plus methotrexate | Hydroxyurea | OS, response rate, AEs |
Bloss 200263 | Advanced (stage IVB), recurrent or persistent squamous cell | Cisplatin, ifosfamide and bleomycin | Cisplatin and ifosfamide | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Bonomi 198564 | Advanced squamous cell | Cisplatin 100 mg | Cisplatin 20 mg | OS, PFS, duration of response, response rates, AEs |
Cisplatin 50 mg | ||||
Cadron 200565 | Recurrent or with distant metastases | Cisplatin, ifosfamide and 5-fluorouracil | Cisplatin | OS, response rates |
aGarin 200166 | Advanced (stage IVB) | Irinotecan and cisplatin | Irinotecan | Response rates, AEs |
Irinotecan and cisplatin as first-line palliative treatment | ||||
bGreenberg 197767 | Recurrent and advanced (stage IVB) | Bleomycin | Adriamycin | OS, response rates |
Adriamycin and bleomycin | ||||
Lira-Puerto 199168 | Recurrent | CBDCA | Iproplatin | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Long 200569–73 | Advanced, recurrent or persistent | Methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin | Cisplatin | OS, PFS, response rates, QoL, AEs |
Cisplatin and topotecan | ||||
McGuire 198974 | Recurrent | CBDCA | Iproplatin | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Monk 201075 | Recurrent, advanced (stage IVB) and persistent | Pazopanib and lapatinib | Lapatinib | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Pazopanib | ||||
Monk 200976 | Advanced (stage IVB), recurrent or persistent | Vinorelbine and cisplatin | Paclitaxel and cisplatin | OS, PFS, response rates, QoL, AEs |
Gemcitabine and cisplatin | ||||
Topotecan and cisplatin | ||||
Moore 200477,78 | Recurrent or persistent, advanced (stage IVB) squamous cell | Cisplatin and paclitaxel | Cisplatin | OS, PFS, response rates, QoL, AEs |
Mountzios 200979 | Primary metastatic or recurrent | Cisplatin, ifosfamide and paclitaxel | Cisplatin and ifosfamide | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Omura 199780 | Recurrent or persistent, advanced (stage IVB) squamous cell | Cisplatin and mitolacol | Cisplatin | OS, PFS, duration of response, response rates, AEs |
Cisplatin and ifosfamide | ||||
Thomsen 199881 | Advanced or recurrent | CBDCA | Teniposide | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Vermorken 200182 | Recurrent, advanced (stage IVB) squamous cell | Bleomycin, vindesine, mitomycin, cisplatin | Cisplatin | OS, PFS, duration of response, response rates, AEs |
bWallace 197883 | Recurrent and advanced (stage IVB) | Adriamycin and vincristine | Adriamycin | OS, PFS, response rates, AEs |
Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide |
Effectiveness of single cisplatin agents
Characteristics of included studies
Eight RCTs gave information about the effectiveness of single cisplatin agents as palliative treatment for recurrent, persistent or advanced cervical cancer (see Table 15). Baseline characteristics, including previous treatment, stage and site of disease, presented in Table 16, were well balanced between groups.
Parameter | Alberts 198760 | Bonomi 198564 | Cadron 200565 | Garin 200166 | Long 200571 | Moore 200478 | Omura 199780 | Vermorken 200182 | |||||||||||||
MVBC | MC | C | 50 mg C | 100 mg C | 20 mg C | C | PIF | I | IC | C | C | CT | MVAC | C | CP | C | CM | CIFX | BEMP | P | |
Number of patients (randomised) | 54 | 51 | 9 | 167 | 185 | 145 | 13 | 11 | 39 | 27 | 31 | 146 | 147 | 63 | 134 | 130 | 140 | 147 | 151 | 143 | 144 |
Age (years), median (range) | 47.5 (20–77) | 51 (23–78) | 51 (29–63) | 49 (21–78) | 53 (22–85) | 49 (22–79) | 53 (40–80) | 56 (45–66) | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 (27–76) | 46 (22–84) | – | 46 (22–84) | 48.5 (21–77) | 47.3 (24–85) | 48.8 (22–84) | 46.3 (23–83) | 53 (25–72) | 52 (28–76) |
Previous treatment | |||||||||||||||||||||
Chemotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 0 | 0 | 0 | 82 | 85 | – | 40 | 31 | 36 | 45 | 38 | 3 | 0 |
Radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | 156 | 170 | 134 | 5 | 5 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | – | 123 | 118 | 123 | 127 | 128 | 101 | 110 |
Surgery | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | – | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 60 | 68 |
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | – | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Surgery and radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 5 | 5 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | – | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Stage | |||||||||||||||||||||
IVB | 100% | 100% | 100% | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 17 | 18 | – | 68 | 78 | 140 | 147 | 151 | 17 | 13 |
Persistent | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 11 | 17 | – | 66 | 52 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Recurrent | 100% | 100% | 100% | NR | NR | NR | 100% | 100% | NR | NR | NR | 118 | 112 | – | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | ||
Site of disease | |||||||||||||||||||||
Pelvic | NR | NR | NR | 96 | 103 | 78 | 64%a | 60%a | NR | NR | NR | 60b | 68b | – | 66 | 52 | 68 | 60 | 74 | NR | NR |
Distant | Pulmonary 31%; lymph nodes 31% | Pulmonary 14%; lymph nodes 25% | Pulmonary 44%; lymph nodes 22% | 71 | 82 | 67 | 36%a | 40%a | NR | NR | NR | 63b | 58b | – | 49 | 61 | 63 | 70 | 62 | 69 | 68 |
Both | 35% | 37% | 22% | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 22b | 20b | – | 19 | 17 | 9 | 17 | 15 | 69 | 71 |
Quality of studies
All studies were RCTs with no blinding, but the description of randomisation was provided in only three trials. 71,78,80 In Long et al. ,71 patients were randomly assigned to the treatment regimens with equal probability using a fixed-block design; patients were stratified by treating institution only. In Moore et al. ,78 randomisation (with equal probability to each of the treatment arms) was carried out using a block design that balanced the sequence of assigned arms within parent institutions. In Omura et al. ,80 patients were prospectively stratified according to whether or not they had received previous radiation-sensitizer treatment (hydroxyurea, cisplatin or fluorouracil) and by Karnofsky performance score, and were then centrally randomised with equal probability to three groups.
Description of allocation concealment was not reported in any of the included studies. Several studies had methodological ambiguities. In Alberts et al. ,60 one of the treatment arms, cisplatin, was dropped early because of poor accrual; the number of patients in the cisplatin group was much lower than in the other two groups (9 vs 54 and 51). In Cadron et al. ,65 the intention had been to include 200 patients in the trial but because of poor accrual the trial was stopped prematurely and only 24 patients were included. In Long et al. ,71 the methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin (MVAC) arm was closed by the Data Safety Monitoring Board after four treatment-related deaths occurred among 63 patients, and results for the MVAC arm were not reported. In Vermorken et al. ,82 45 patients from the cisplatin group received bleomycin, vindesine, mitomycin and cisplatin (BEMP) as second-line treatment. The quality assessment results are shown in Figures 16 and 17.
Effectiveness results
Overall survival, progression-free survival and overall response duration
In Alberts et al. ,60 median survival durations associated with receiving cisplatin, mitomycin C and cisplatin and mitomycin C, vincristine, bleomycin and cisplatin (MVBC) treatment were 17.0, 7.0 and 6.9 months respectively. However, because of the small number of patients in the cisplatin arm, meaningful comparison with other treatments cannot be made. Bonomi et al. 64 found no appreciable differences in median survival duration and time to tumour progression for any of the cisplatin regimens. In Cadron et al. ,65 median survival in the cisplatin group amounted to 13 months and in the group treated with cisplatin, ifosfamide and 5-fluorouracil regimen to 12.3 months; data for progression-free survival were not provided. In Long et al. ,71 median survival was 6.5 months in the cisplatin-treated group and 9.4 months in the group receiving the cisplatin/topotecan combination. The unadjusted and adjusted RR estimates for survival were 0.76 (95% CI 0.59 to 0.98) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.60 to 0.99), respectively, favouring the combination. Statistically significant differences were also observed in progression-free survival, favouring the combination [unadjusted RR 0.76 (95% CI 0.60 to 0.97); adjusted for covariates 0.74 (95% CI 0.58 to 0.94)]. In Moore et al. ,78 the median progression-free survival for patients receiving cisplatin alone and cisplatin and paclitaxel was 2.8 and 4.8 months respectively (p = 0.001). There was no difference in median survival between patients receiving cisplatin alone and patients receiving cisplatin and paclitaxel (8.8 months and 9.7 months respectively). In Omura et al. ,80 progression-free survival was statistically significantly longer for cisplatin and ifosfamide than for cisplatin alone (median, 4.6 vs 3.2 months, p = 0.003); however, there was no difference between cisplatin and mitolactol and cisplatin alone. There was no significant difference in survival between cisplatin and either of the combination regimens. In Vermorken et al. 82 there was neither a significant difference in progression-free survival nor a significant difference in overall survival between BEMP and cisplatin although, according to the authors, for the former, a trend in favour of BEMP existed.
The results for median overall survival, progression-free survival and duration of response are given in Tables 17–19 respectively.
Study | Comparison | Median OS, months (range) | Hazard ratio (95% CI) |
Alberts 198760 | MVBC | 6.9 | NR |
MC | 7 | ||
C | 17 | ||
Bonomi 198564 | 50 mg C | 7.1 | NR |
100 mg C | 7 | ||
20 mg C | 3.9 | ||
Cadron 200565 | PIF | 12.3 (2–19) | NR |
C | 13 (2–84) | ||
Long 200571 | CT | 9.4 | 0.76a (0.59 to 0.98, p = 0.017) |
C | 6.5 | ||
Moore 200478 | CP | 9.7 | NR |
C | 8.8 | ||
Omura 199780 | CIFX | 8.3 | NR (p = 0.835) |
CM | 7.3 | ||
C | 8 | ||
Vermorken 200182 | BEMP | 10.1 (8.3–12.5)b | NR |
C | 9.3 (8.1–11.2)b |
Study | Comparison | Median PFS, months (range) | Hazard ratio |
Bonomi 198564 | 50 mg C | 3.7 | NR |
100 mg C | 4.6 | ||
20 mg C | 3.9 | ||
Long 200571 | CT | 4.6 | 0.76a (0.60 to 0.97, p = 0.014) |
C | 2.9 | ||
Moore 200478 | CP | 4.8 | NR |
C | 2.8 | ||
Omura 199780 | CIFX | 4.6 | NR (p = 0.003) |
CM | 3.3 | ||
C | 3.2 | ||
Vermorken 200182 | BEMP | 5.3 (4.0–7.0)b | NR |
PC | 4.5 (4.0–5.0)b |
Study | Comparison | Median duration of response, months (range) | Hazard ratio |
Alberts 198760 | MVBC | 5.4 | NR |
MC | 7.2 | ||
C | 7.3 | ||
Bonomi 198564 | 50 mg C | 4.9 | NR |
100 mg C | 4.1 | ||
20 mg C | 4.8 | ||
Omura 199780 | CIFX | 10 | NR |
CM | 7.7 | ||
C | 5.5 | ||
Vermorken 200182 | BEMP | 9.2 | NR |
C | 7.1 |
Response rates
Response rates, complete response rates and partial response rates for the RCTs are shown in Table 20. This shows that combinations are mostly more effective than single-agent cisplatin, but there is not always consistency in effect direction between the three response rates. For several RCTs65,66,80,82 the complete response rates were not statistically significant, whereas the response rates and/or partial response rates were significant.
Study | Comparison | Response rate (95% CI) | Complete response rate (95% CI) | Partial response rate (95% CI) |
Alberts 198760 | MC vs C | 0.76 (0.32 to 2.29) | 0.35 (0.05 to 2.63) | 0.97 (0.32 to 3.69) |
MVBC vs MC | 1.15 (0.58 to 2.26) | 0.53 (0.12 to 2.37) | 1.46 (0.65 to 3.28) | |
Bonomi 198564 | 50 mg C vs 100 mg C | 0.66 (0.45 to 0.97) | 0.79 (0.42 to 1.48) | 0.57 (0.33 to 1.00) |
20 mg C vs 50 mg C | 1.21 (0.79 to 1.86) | 0.86 (0.41 to 1.77) | 1.54 (0.85 to 2.80) | |
20 mg C vs 100 mg C | 0.62 (0.43 to 0.88) | 0.68 (0.34 to 1.33) | 0.88 (0.53 to 1.44) | |
Cadron 200565 | PIF vs C | 4.40 (0.81 to 27.05) | 0.36 (0.00 to 3.91) | 9.82 (1.38 to infinity) |
Garin 200166 | IC vs C | 1.91 (0.80 to 4.57) | 3.34 (0.15 to 80.83) | 1.72 (0.70 to 4.21) |
IC vs I | 2.89 (1.11 to 7.51) | 4.29 (0.18 to 101.42) | 2.60 (0.98 to 6.91) | |
Long 200571 | CT vs C | 1.99 (1.20 to 3.33) | 3.48 (1.24 to 9.88) | 1.56 (0.84 to 2.91) |
Moore 200478 | CP vs C | 1.86 (1.24 to 2.83) | 2.58 (1.21 to 5.57) | 1.55 (0.90 to 2.66) |
Omura 199780 | CM vs C | 1.18 (0.74 to 1.90) | 1.48 (0.66 to 3.31) | 1.01 (0.54 to 1.92) |
CIFX vs C | 1.74 (1.14 to 2.67) | 1.96 (0.92 to 4.18) | 1.62 (0.92 to 2.86) | |
Vermorken 200182 | BEMP vs C | 1.76 (1.08 to 2.90) | 1.51 (0.57 to 3.99) | 1.87 (1.03 to 3.42) |
Quality of life
Two RCTs had separate publications with quality-of-life data – quality-of-life data from the study by Long et al. 71 were reported in Monk et al. 72 and quality-of-life data from the study by Moore et al. 78 were reported in McQuellon et al. 77 For Long et al. ,71 patients completed quality-of-life assessments using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General (FACT-G) questionnaire, the neurotoxicity (NTX) subscale, the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), the Cx subscale and the UNISCALE at four time points during the study. However, there were no statistically significant differences in quality of life up to 9 months after randomisation between cisplatin plus topotecan and cisplatin. It should be noted that in the combination arm increased toxicity was observed.
In the study by Moore et al. ,78 patients were assessed at baseline and at three time points thereafter (prior to chemotherapy cycles 2, 3 and 4) on the FACT-G and subscales. Despite increased toxicity (grades 3–4 anaemia and grades 3–4 neutropenia) in the combination arm (cisplatin and paclitaxel) there were no statistically significant differences in scores between the groups at any assessment point.
Adverse events
Haematological toxicity (neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia and anaemia) was generally more frequently associated with cisplatin in combination with other agents than with cisplatin monotherapy (Tables 21–24). Infections were more common with combination therapy than with single-agent cisplatin (cisplatin + topotecan arm: 26/147, cisplatin-only arm: 12/146;71 BEMP arm: 7/143, cisplatin-only arm: 3/14482). There was little difference in neuropathy between combination therapy and single-agent cisplatin (cisplatin + paclitaxel arm: 4/129, cisplatin-only arm: 6/130;78 BEMP arm: 7/143, cisplatin-only arm: 3/14482). Alopecia was also more common with combination therapy than with single-agent cisplatin (MVBC arm: 12/54, mitomycin C and cisplatin arm: 2/51, cisplatin-only arm: 0/9;60 BEMP arm: 81/143, cisplatin-only arm: 31/14482). The results for nausea and/or vomiting are shown in Table 25. There were no significant differences between the combination therapy and the single-agent cisplatin arms.
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Garin 200166 | IC vs C | 22/27 | 3/31 | 8.42 (2.83 to 25.05) |
IC vs I | 22/27 | 13/39 | 2.44 (1.51 to 3.95) | |
aLong 200571 | CT vs C | 103/147 | 2/146 | 51.15 (14.37 to 186.73) |
bLong 200571 | CT vs C | 27/147 | 12/146 | 2.23 (1.20 to 4.22) |
Moore 200478 | CP vs C | 86/129 | 4/130 | 21.63 (8.65 to 118.25) |
bMoore 200478 | CP vs C | 86/129 | 4/130 | 21.63 (8.65 to 118.25) |
Omura 199780 | CM vs C | 19/145 | 1/137 | 17.95 (2.44 to 132.29) |
CIFX vs C | 55/146 | 1/137 | 51.61 (7.24 to 367.83) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Alberts 198760 | MC vs C | 9/51 | 0/9 | 3.65 (0.54 to infinity) |
MVBC vs MC | 13/54 | 9/51 | 1.36 (0.64 to 2.91) | |
Bonomi 198564 | 50 mg C vs 100 mg C | 2/162 | 2/180 | 1.11 (0.20 to 6.24) |
20 mg C vs 50 mg C | 4/143 | 2/162 | 2.27 (0.49 to 10.47) | |
20 mg C vs 100 mg C | 4/143 | 2/180 | 2.24 (0.49 to 10.34) | |
Long 200571 | CT vs C | 46/147 | 4/146 | 11.42 (4.45 to 29.99) |
Moore 200478 | CP vs C | 5/129 | 3/130 | 1.68 (0.45 to 6.26) |
Omura 199780 | CM vs C | 23/145 | 1/137 | 21.73 (2.98 to 158.73) |
CIFX vs C | 28/146 | 1/137 | 26.27 (3.62 to 190.48) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Alberts 198760 | MC vs C | 9/51 | 0/9 | 3.65 (0.54 to infinity) |
MVBC vs MC | 10/54 | 9/51 | 1.05 (0.46 to 2.37) | |
Bonomi 198564 | 50 mg C vs 100 mg C | 1/162 | 12/180 | 0.09 (0.01 to 0.70) |
20 mg C vs 50 mg C | 6/143 | 1/162 | 22.60 (3.66 to 140.53) | |
20 mg C vs 100 mg C | 6/143 | 12/180 | 2.09 (0.84 to 5.00) | |
Long 200571 | CT vs C | 93/147 | 1/146 | 92.37 (16.69 to 524.25) |
Moore 200478 | CP vs C | 69/129 | 4/130 | 17.38 (6.90 to 44.98) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Long 200571 | CT vs C | 56/147 | 34/146 | 1.64 (1.15 to 2.35) |
Moore 200478 | CP vs C | 39/129 | 17/130 | 2.31 (1.33 to 2.56) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Alberts 198760 | MC vs C | 10/51 | 2/9 | 0.88 (0.29 to 3.38) |
MVBC vs MC | 8/54 | 10/51 | 0.76 (0.32 to 1.76) | |
Garin 200166 | IC vs C | 1/27 | 0/31 | 3.43 (0.15 to 80.83) |
IC vs I | 1/27 | 2/39 | 0.72 (0.07 to 7.57) | |
Long 200571 | CT vs C | 21/147 | 13/146 | 1.60 (0.85 to 3.06) |
Moore 200478 | CP vs C | 13/129 | 16/130 | 0.82 (0.42 to 1.61) |
Omura 199780 | CM vs C | 10/145 | 12/137 | 0.79 (0.36 to 1.76) |
CIFX vs C | 17/146 | 12/137 | 1.33 (0.66 to 2.68) |
Effectiveness of cisplatin combinations
Characteristics of included studies
Four RCTs contained relevant information about the effectiveness of cisplatin combinations as palliative treatment for recurrent, metastatic or persistent cervical cancer. 62,63,76,79 Baseline characteristics (including previous treatment and stage or site of disease) presented in Table 26 were well balanced between the groups. However, not all relevant clinical information was presented in all publications.
Parameter | Monk 200976 | Mountzios 200979 | Bloss 200263 | Bezwoda 198662 | ||||||
VC | GC | TC | PC | IP | ITP | CIB | IP | Hydroxyurea | C + MTX | |
Number of patients (randomised) | 117 | 119 | 118 | 118 | 74 | 79 | 141 | 146 | 13 | 37 (12)a |
Age (months), median (range) | 49 (24–76) | 45 (20–89) | 48 (25–75) | 50 (29–81) | 55 (28–75) | 50 (25–78) | 46 (21–80) | 45 (25–77) | 43 (10.1)b | 39 (8.3)b |
Previous treatment | ||||||||||
Chemotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | 10 (14%) | 16 (20%) | 33 (23.4%)c | 30 (20.5%)c | NR | NR |
Radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | 19 (26%) | 17 (22%) | 123 (87.2%) | 132 (90.4%) | Radical, 9; palliative, 3 | Radical, 20 (5%); palliative, 9 (3%) |
Surgery | NR | NR | NR | NR | 5 (7%) | 3 (4%) | NR | NR | 0 | 2 (1%) |
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy | 70 | 79 | 72 | 81 | 9 (12%) | 14 (18%) | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Surgery and radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | 30 (41%) | 25 (32%) | NR | NR | 0 | 3 |
Stage | ||||||||||
IVB | 17 | 20 | 20 | 17 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Persistent | 14 | 12 | 14 | 12 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Recurrent | 77 | 80 | 77 | 74 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Site of disease | ||||||||||
Pelvic | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 56 (39.7%) | 54 (37%) | 6 | 28 (7%) |
Distant | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 85 (60.3%) | 92 (63%) | Bone, 3; nodes, 6; lung, 4; other, 2 | Bone, 9; nodes, 19; lung, 13; other, 6 |
Both | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Quality of studies
Only two studies63,76 specified the method of randomisation in their reports. Description of allocation concealment was not reported in any of the included RCTs. Until January 2004, the Monk et al. 76 study consisted of only two arms comparing cisplatin plus paclitaxel with cisplatin plus vinorelbine. Primary analyses excluded those 41 patients. In Bezwoda et al. ,62 after a preliminary analysis of the results, the hydroxyurea arm of the study was discontinued and a further 25 patients received the cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (DDP) plus methotrexate regimen. Figures 18 and 19 show the results of the quality assessment.
Effectiveness results
Overall and progression-free survival
Overall and progression-free survival results are presented in Tables 27 and 28 respectively. All four trials reported median overall survival, and values were highest for the cisplatin, ifosfamide and paclitaxel arm in Mountzios et al. ,79 reaching 15.4 months (95% CI 8.6 to 22.3 months). The hazard ratio was given by Monk et al. 76 and Mountzios et al. 79 These results indicate that there were no statistically significant differences between chemotherapeutic schemes in any of the included studies.
Study | Comparison | Median OS, months (range) | Hazard ratio (95% CI) |
Bezwoda 198662 | Hydroxyurea | 4 | NR |
C + MTXa | 9 | ||
C + MTX | 11 | ||
Bloss 200263 | IP | 8.5 | NR |
CIB | 8.4 | ||
Monk 200976 | VC | 9.99 (8.25–12.25) | 1.15 (0.79 to 1.67)b |
GC | 10.28 (7.62–11.60) | 1.32 (0.91 to 1.92)b | |
TC | 10.25 (8.61–11.66) | 1.26 (0.86 to 1.82)b | |
PC | 12.87 (10.02–16.76) | ||
Mountzios 200979 | IP | 13.2 (10.9–15.5)c | 0.75 (0.53 to 1.08) |
ITP | 15.4 (8.6–22.3)c |
Study | Comparison | Median PFS, months (range) | Hazard ratio (95% CI) |
Bloss 200263 | IP | 4.6 | NR |
CIB | 5.1 | ||
Monk 200976 | VC | 3.98 (3.19–5.16) | 1.36 (0.97 to 1.90)a |
GC | 4.70 (3.58–5.59) | 1.39 (0.99 to 1.96)a | |
TC | 4.57 (3.71–5.75) | 1.27 (0.90 to 1.78)a | |
PC | 5.82 (4.53–7.59) | ||
Mountzios 200979 | IP | 6.3 (4.3–8.2)b | 0.70 (0.49 to 0.99) |
ITP | 7.9 (6.1–9.8)b |
The progression-free survival results were available in three RCTs63,76,79 and hazard ratios were provided by two. 76,79 Multivariate Cox analysis for progression-free survival was performed in Mountzios et al. 79 and indicated a statistically significantly longer progression-free survival for the cisplatin, ifosfamide and paclitaxel arm [hazard ratio 0.70 (95% CI 0.49 to 0.99), p = 0.046].
Response rate
All of the RCTs reported response rates but complete and partial response rate was available only in three trials;62,76,79 Bloss et al. 63 did not report complete and partial response rates. Response rates and risk ratios are presented in Table 29.
Study | Comparison | Response rate (95% CI) | Complete response rate (95% CI) | Partial response rate (95% CI) |
Bezwoda 198662 | Hydroxyurea vs C + MTX | 0.06 (0.00 to 0.97) | 0.25 (0.01 to 4.18) | 0.08 (0.01 to 1.28) |
Bloss 200263 | CIB vs IP | 0.97 (0.69 to 1.36) | NR | NR |
Monk 200976 | VC vs PC | 0.89 (0.57 to 1.38) | 2.54 (0.69 to 9.32) | 0.71 (0.42 to 1.18) |
GC vs PC | 0.77 (0.48 to 1.21) | 0.31 (0.03 to 2.90) | 0.82 (0.51 to 1.32) | |
TC vs PC | 0.80 (0.51 to 1.26) | 0.62 (0.11 to 3.63) | 0.82 (0.51 to 1.33) | |
Mountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 0.56 (0.38 to 0.81) | 0.44 (0.20 to 0.94) | 0.64 (0.38 to 1.09) |
Quality of life
Monk et al. 76 reported quality of life measured with the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Cervix Trial Outcome Index (FACT-Cx TOI), the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group Neurotoxicity four-item scale (FACT/GOG-NTX) and the BPI but detailed data were not presented in the publication. After adjustment for baseline score, age and performance status at randomisation, there were no statistical differences between any of the experimental arms and the control arm.
Adverse events
Haematological adverse events were high in all RCTs (Tables 30–33). Bezwoda et al. 62 did not specify the grade of reported adverse events. The authors mentioned that therapy was generally well tolerated but that all patients receiving high-dose hydroxyurea developed leucopenia with a nadir 10–14 days after the initial loading dose; however, all patients recovered rapidly. Haematological toxicity was rare in the cisplatin plus methotrexate-treated patients (two patients) and stomatitis occurred in only one patient. In Bloss et al. 63 toxicity was graded according to standard Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) criteria, in Monk et al. 76 the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI CTC) version 2.0, was used for characterising adverse events and dose modifications and in Mountzios et al. 79 The World Health Organization criteria were used in the assessment of toxicity. It was not appropriate to combine toxicity results because of differences in chemotherapy regimens in the RCTs.
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Bloss 200263 | CIB vs IP | 117/137 | 117/144 | 1.05 (0.95 to 1.17) |
Monk 200976 | VC vs PC | 83/106 | 79/101 | 1.00 (0.87 to 1.16) |
GC vs PC | 46/109 | 79/101 | 0.54 (0.42 to 0.69) | |
TC vs PC | 90/109 | 79/101 | 1.06 (0.92 to 1.21) | |
aMonk 200976 | VC vs PC | 15/106 | 13/101 | 1.10 (0.55 to 2.19) |
GC vs PC | 7/109 | 13/101 | 0.50 (0.21 to 1.20) | |
TC vs PC | 11/109 | 13/101 | 0.78 (0.37 to 1.67) | |
Mountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 22/72 | 20/77 | 1.18 (0.70 to 1.97) |
aMountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 2/72 | 7/77 | 0.31 (0.07 to 1.42) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Bloss 200263 | CIB vs IP | 28/137 | 23/144 | 1.28 (0.78 to 2.11) |
Monk 200976 | VC vs PC | 8/106 | 7/101 | 1.09 (0.41 to 2.89) |
GC vs PC | 31/109 | 7/101 | 4.10 (1.89 to 8.90) | |
TC vs PC | 38/109 | 7/101 | 5.03 (2.35 to 10.75) | |
Mountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 8/72 | 8/77 | 1.07 (0.42 to 2.70) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Bloss 200263 | CIB vs IP | 118/137 | 121/144 | 1.03 (0.93 to 1.13) |
Monk 200976 | VC vs PC | 72/106 | 64/101 | 1.07 (0.88 to 1.31) |
GC vs PC | 47/109 | 64/101 | 0.68 (0.52 to 0.88) | |
TC vs PC | 77/109 | 64/101 | 1.11 (0.92 to 1.35) | |
Mountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 1/72 | 2/77 | 0.53 (0.05 to 5.77) |
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
Bloss 200263 | CIB vs IP | 29/137 | 32/144 | 0.95 (0.61 to 1.49) |
Monk 200976 | VC vs PC | 31/106 | 17/101 | 1.74 (1.03 to 2.94) |
GC vs PC | 37/109 | 17/101 | 2.02 (1.22 to 3.35) | |
TC vs PC | 38/109 | 17/101 | 2.07 (1.25 to 3.43) | |
Mountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 6/72 | 8/72 | 0.75 (0.27 to 2.05) |
Bezwoda et al. 62 mentioned that three patients developed hypokalaemia and three developed symptomatic hypocalcaemia, two of whom also had hypomagnesaemia. Monk et al. 76 reported a significantly smaller proportion of patients with adverse events such as vomiting and nausea in the topotecan/cisplatin and gemcitabine/cisplatin arms compared with the paclitaxel/cisplatin arm (Table 34). No significant differences in frequency of non-haematological adverse drug reactions between the chemotherapeutic arms was observed in the other RCTs. In Mountzios et al. 79 alopecia occurred in 48 out of 72 patients in the cisplatin and ifosfamide arm, and 52 out of 77 patients in the cisplatin, ifosfamide and paclitaxel arm.
Study | Comparison | Intervention (n/N) | Control (n/N) | RR (95% CI) |
aBloss 200263 | CIB vs IP | 33/137 | 31/144 | 1.12 (0.73 to 1.72) |
bMonk 200976 | VC vs PC | 14/106 | 20/101 | 0.67 (0.36 to 1.25) |
GC vs PC | 11/109 | 20/101 | 0.51 (0.26 to 1.01) | |
TC vs PC | 9/109 | 20/101 | 0.42 (0.20 to 0.87) | |
cMonk 200976 | VC vs PC | 14/106 | 20/101 | 0.67 (0.36 to 1.25) |
GC vs PC | 11/109 | 20/101 | 0.51 (0.26 to 1.01) | |
TC vs PC | 9/109 | 20/101 | 0.42 (0.20 to 0.87) | |
aMountzios 200979 | IP vs ITP | 11/72 | 5/77 | 2.35 (0.86 to 6.44) |
Effectiveness of other platinum agents
Characteristics of included studies
Three RCTs evaluated the effectiveness of other platinum agents as palliative treatment for recurrent, persistent or advanced cervical cancer. 68,74,81 Baseline characteristics including previous treatment and stage and site of disease are presented in Table 35 showing that the groups were comparable in each of the included studies. Chemotherapy as previous treatment was given in the study by Lira-Puerto et al. 68 and radiotherapy and surgery were given in all trials.
Parameter | McGuire 198974 | Lira-Puerto 199168 | Thomsen 199881 | |||
Number of patients (randomised) | 175 | 177 | 48 | 41 | 13 | 15 |
Age (years), median (range) | 47 (23–74) | 49 (25–94) | 48 (26–67) | 44 (30–59) | 52 (33–62) | 52 (31–71) |
Previous treatment | ||||||
Chemotherapy | NR | NR | 5 | 2 | NR | NR |
Radiotherapy | 159 (91%) | 164 (93%) | 47 | 41 | 83% | 86% |
Surgery | 108 (62%) | 101 (57%) | 2 | 4 | 25% | 29% |
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy | NR | NR | 4 | 2 | NR | NR |
Surgery and radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Stage | ||||||
IVB | NR | NR | 0 | 1 | NR | NR |
Persistent | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Recurrent | NR | NR | NR | NR | 100% | 93% |
Site of disease | ||||||
Pelvic | NR | NR | 23 | 30 | NR | NR |
Distant | NR | NR | Lung, 1; bone, 2; inguinal nodes, 6; para-aortic nodes, 1; distant nodes 4; other, 3; fibrosis only, 1 | Lung, 7; bone, 2; inguinal nodes, 8; para-aortic nodes, 3; , distant nodes, 9; other, 4; fibrosis only, 1 | NR | NR |
Both | NR | NR | 14 | 9 | NR | NR |
Quality of studies
The description of randomisation was provided only in McGuire et al. 74 None of the trials gave any details of the method of allocation concealment. In the study by Lira-Puerto et al.,68 accrual was suspended in two institutions because of termination of support. The results of the quality assessment are provided in Figures 20 and 21.
Effectiveness results
Overall and progression-free survival
All RCTs reported overall survival and two reported progression-free survival (Tables 36 and 37). There was little difference in overall survival or progression-free survival between arms in each RCT. Hazard ratio results were not supplied for any of the included studies.
Response rate
Two of the RCTs68,74 gave response rates, complete response rates and partial response rates for the same treatment comparisons and so meta-analysis was possible (Figures 22–24). There were no statistically significant differences in terms of frequency of response rate (overall, partial, complete) between these cisplatin agents. However, it should be noted that there were differences between studies in the frequency of response rate in the CBDCA arms (ranging from 15% to 33%) as well as in the iproplatin (CHIP) arms (11–30%), and in the frequency of partial response rate in the CBDCA arms (10–33%) and the CHIP arms (7–25%).
Quality of life
None of the studies assessed quality of life.
Adverse events
Data on haematological toxicity was supplied for all trials. Lira-Puerto et al. 68 reported drug reactions of Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) grade 2 or more. Meta-analysis of thrombocytopenia rates comparing CBDCA with CHIP indicated no statistical differences between chemotherapeutic agents (Figure 25). There were no differences in leucopenia rates in two RCTs (CBDCA arm 17/176 vs CHIP arm 8/180;74 CBDCA arm 0/12 vs teniposide arm 1/1481). Neurological adverse events (grades 2, 3 or 4) were seen in 1 out of 47 patients treated with CBDCA and 6 out of 41 patients treated with CHIP in the study by Lira-Puerto et al. 68 and in 6 out of 176 and 6 out of 180 patients, respectively, in the study by McGuire et al. 74 Gastrointestinal adverse events such as nausea and vomiting were experienced less often in patients receiving CBDCA (57/176) than in patients receiving CHIP (95/180) [RR 0.61 (95% CI 0.48 to 0.79)] in the study by McGuire et al. ,74 but there was no difference in gastrointestinal adverse events between CBDCA (2/12) and teniposide (2/14) in the study by Thomsen and Pfeiffer. 81
Effectiveness of non-platinum agents
Characteristic of included studies
Four studies gave evidence on the effectiveness of non-platinum agents for the treatment of recurrent, persistent or advanced cervical cancer. 61,67,75,83 Because two studies67,83 were, unfortunately, impossible to obtain, analysis was conducted on the basis of the systematic review by Hirte et al. 59 Baseline characteristics including previous treatment and stage and site of disease are presented in Table 38; however, not all relevant clinical information was presented in all publications.
Parameter | Barlow 197361 | Greenberg 197767 | Monk 201075 | Wallace 197883 | |||||||
ADM | BLEO | ADM + BLEO | ADM | ADM + BLEO | P | P + L | L | ADM | ADM + V | ADM + Cyclo | |
Number of patients (randomised) | 21 (+ two patients mistakenly randomised) | 10 | 23 | 9 | 11 | 74 | 76 | 78 | 61 | 61 | 52 |
Age (years), median (range) | 54.5 (13–83) | NR | NR | 49.5 (29–73) | 48.5 (28–82) | 49 (23–81) | NR | NR | NR | ||
Previous treatment | |||||||||||
Chemotherapy | NRa | NRa | NRa | 11% | 18% | 5 | 3 | 5 | NR | NR | NR |
Radiotherapy | NRa | NRa | NRa | 100% | 100% | 24 | 24 | 18 | NR | NR | NR |
Surgery | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 1 | 0 | 1 | NR | NR | NR |
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 26 | 30 | 30 | NR | NR | NR |
Surgery and radiotherapy | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | 0 | 2 | 2 | NR | NR | NR |
Stage | |||||||||||
IVB | NRb | NRb | NRb | 100% | 100% | 6 | 6 | 3 | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Persistent | NRb | NRb | NRb | 100% | 100% | NR | NR | NR | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Recurrent | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 95% | 95% | 92% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Site of disease | |||||||||||
Pelvic | NR | NR | NR | 0% | 45% | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Distant | NR | NR | NR | 22% | 0% | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Both | NR | NR | NR | 77% | 55% | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Quality of studies
As full texts were impossible to obtain for Greenberg et al. 67 and Wallace et al. ,83 the quality assessment was based on the systematic review by Hirte et al. 59 A description of the allocation concealment procedure was not reported in any of the RCTs and blinding was not used in any of the RCTs. In Barlow et al. ,61 two patients with squamous cell tumours were mistakenly randomised as non-squamous cell tumours and received adriamycin (ADM) alone (group of 21 + 2 patients). In Monk et al. ,75 patients were initially randomly assigned to combination and monotherapy arms. The protocol was later amended after receiving results of a formal interim analysis and combination therapy was discontinued. In the same study, the unconfirmed response rate (not verified on a second scan) was 19% for pazopanib-treated patients and 9% for lapatinib-treated patients. The results of the quality assessment are shown in Figures 26 and 27.
Effectiveness results
Overall and progression-free survival
Barlow et al. 61 did not report overall survival or progression-free survival and Greenberg et al. 67 did not report progression-free survival. Monk et al. 75 demonstrated better overall survival and progression-free survival with pazopanib than with lapatinib. Hazard ratios were not supplied for any of the other RCTs. 61,67,83 The overall survival results are shown in Table 39 and the progression-free survival results are shown in Table 40.
Study | Comparison | Median OS, months (range) | Hazard ratio (95% CI) |
Greenberg 197767 | ADM | 4 | NR |
ADM + BLEO | 4.3 | ||
Monk 201075 | P | 50.7a | 0.67 (0.56 to 0.99) |
P + L | NR | ||
L | 39.1a | ||
Wallace 197883 | ADM | 5.9 | NR |
ADM + V | 5.5 | ||
ADM + Cyclo | 7.3 |
Study | Comparison | Median PFS, months (range) | Hazard ratio (95% CI) |
Monk 201075 | P | 18.1a | 0.66 (0.48 to 0.91) |
P + L | NR | ||
L | 17.1a | ||
Wallace 197883 | ADM | 3.3 | NR |
ADM + V | 3.4 | ||
ADM + Cyclo | 3.9 |
Response rate
There were no statistically significant differences between any of the non-platinum agents in the frequency of overall, complete and partial response rates (Table 41). In Monk et al. ,75 9% of the pazopanib arm and four patients (5%) in the lapatinib arm achieved a confirmed tumour response. It should be noted that the unconfirmed response rate was 19% for pazopanib-treated patients and 9% for lapatinib-treated patients.
Study | Comparison | Response rate (95% CI) | Complete response rate (95% CI) | Partial response rate (95% CI) |
Barlow 197361 | ADM vs BLEO | 3.89 (0.22 to 68.67) | 2.33 (0.11 to 48.99) | 2.33 (0.11 to 48.99) |
ADM + BLEO vs ADM | 0.53 (0.09 to 3.11) | 0.53 (0.04 to 7.44) | 0.53 (0.04 to 7.44) | |
ADM + BLEO vs BLEO | 2.19 (0.12 to 39.90) | 1.31 (0.06 to 28.41) | 1.31 (0.06 to 28.41) | |
Greenberg 197767 | ADM + BLEO vs ADM | NR | Not estimable | 0.08 (0.00 to 1.21) |
Monk 201075 | P vs L | 1.84 (0.56 to 6.04) | 1.05 (0.07 to 16.55) | 2.11 (0.55 to 8.12) |
Wallace 197883 | ADM + V vs ADM | 0.75 (0.34 to 1.65) | 0.14 (0.02 to 1.13) | 1.60 (0.55 to 4.62) |
ADM + Cyclo vs ADM | 0.68 (0.29 to 1.61) | 0.50 (0.14 to 1.85) | 0.94 (0.27 to 3.31) |
Quality of life
None of the RCTs reported quality of life.
Adverse events
Haematological grade 3 or 4 adverse events were presented in Monk et al. 75 and Wallace et al. 83 No statistically significant differences were observed between the treatment arms for neutropenia (pazapanib arm 2/74 vs lapatinib arm 0/7675), thrombocytopenia (ADM + vincristine arm 2/61 vs ADM arm 4/61 vs ADM + cyclophosphamide arm 1/5283), leucopenia (ADM + vincristine arm 15/61 vs ADM arm 15/61 vs ADM + cyclophosphamide arm 12/5283) and anaemia (pazapanib arm 2/74 vs lapatinib arm 4/7675). The frequency of non-haematological adverse events (grade 3 or above) was low in patients receiving non-platinum agents. The most common adverse event was diarrhoea (pazapanib arm 8/74 vs lapatinib arm 10/7675). In Monk et al. ,75 the results for nausea were 2 out of 74 patients in the pazapanib arm compared with 1 out of 76 patients in the lapatinib arm; for anorexia there were 2 out of 74 patients in the pazapanib arm compared with 1 out of 76 patients in the lapatinib arm; and for vomiting there was 1 out of 74 patients in the pazapanib arm compared with none (out of 76 patients) in the lapatinib arm.
Radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy
Study selection
Included in this section are studies in which participants have recurrent or persistent cervical cancer that was initially treated with surgery and who now have evidence of recurrence. The interventions are radiotherapy or radiotherapy with chemotherapy (chemoradiotherapy). The search for relevant studies did not identify any RCTs but 16 case series met the inclusion criteria: nine evaluated radiotherapy84–92 and seven evaluated chemoradiotherapy. 93–99 The results of the quality assessment for the radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy studies are presented in Appendix 15.
Population characteristics
The characteristics of the populations in the radiotherapy studies are presented in Table 42. Most of the nine case series84–92 included a small number of patients (median 82 cases, range 18–130 cases). Study locations included the UK, the USA, Japan, the Netherlands and Germany. The majority of women presented with early-stage cervical cancer, but in three studies86,87,91 there was no information about FIGO stage. The proportion of patients with recurrent or persistent disease in the pelvis as the only site of cancer (central recurrence) was lower than the proportion developing distant metastases. Patients with central recurrence, defined as confined to the vagina or paravaginal tissues not extending to the pelvis, constituted 44% of the total population in the included studies. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common histological type of cancer, being present in 79% of patients; adenocarcinoma was present in 10.33%. The histological type was not available in four studies.
Study | Study location | Population | Total N/n analysed | Age (years) | FIGO stage | Histological cell type | Site of disease |
Ciatto 198084 | NR | Inclusion criteria: recurrence in the pelvis of carcinoma of the cervix uteri treated primarily by operation alone | 115/110 | NR | NR | NR | Central, 29; peripheral limited, 41; peripheral massive, 45 |
Exclusion criteria: previous radiotherapy, distant metastases, poor general condition, too extensive local disease, unsuitable even for palliative measures | |||||||
Deutsch 197485 | University Health Center of Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Inclusion criteria: recurrence following surgery of the primary tumour | 38/34 | NR | Benign, 4; carcinoma of stump, 3; carcinoma in situ, 1; stage I, 16; stage IIA, 3; stage IIB, 7; stage IIIA, 1; stage IIIB, 1; unknown, 2 | NR | Limited to vagina, 3; vagina and parametrial mass, 6; vagina and pelvic wall mass, 4; pelvic wall mass, 12; parametrial mass, 2; bladder and rectum, 1 |
Exclusion criteria: advanced local recurrence invading adjacent bones, concomitant distant metastases, patients who received high dose of supervoltage pelvic irradiation as a prophylactic measure following surgery | |||||||
Hille 200386 | University Hospital, Göttingen, Germany | Inclusion criteria: patients treated primarily with radical surgery, developed recurrence, histologically confirmed recurrence | 26/26 | Median 52 | Stage IA/B, 18; stage IIA/B, 8; stage III or IV, 0 | SCC, 22; ADC, 2; ASC, 1; AA, 1 | NR |
Exclusion criteria: NR | |||||||
Ito 199787 | Department of Radiology, Keio University Hospital, Japan | Inclusion criteria: centrally recurrent tumours of the vaginal stump following hysterectomy for cervical cancer | 90/90 | NR | NR | SCC, 90 | Centrally recurrent tumours of the vaginal stump, 90 |
Exclusion criteria: NR | |||||||
Jain 200788 | NR | Inclusion criteria: women who were diagnosed with locoregional recurrence after primary surgery alone, no adjuvant radiotherapy | 147/130 | Median 47, range 23–84 | Stage 0, 1; stage I, 71; stage II, 7; missing, 51 | SCC, 82; ADC, 25; ASC, 8; other, 6; unknown, 9 | NR |
Exclusion criteria: palliative radiotherapy | |||||||
Jobsen 198989 | Department of Clinical Oncology, University Hospital of Leiden, the Netherlands | Inclusion criteria: locoregional recurrence following surgery of the primary tumour | 18/18 | NR | Stage IB, 17; stage IIA, 1 | AC 2; UC 2; SCC 14 | Limited to the vagina, 4; vaginal pelvic wall mass, 10; pelvic wall mass, 4 |
Exclusion criteria: concomitant distant metastases | |||||||
Lucraft 198190 | Christie Hospital and Holt Radium Institute, Manchester, UK | Inclusion criteria: postoperative residual or recurrent carcinoma of the uterine cervix | 82/82 | Mean 51.9 | Incidental findings, 35; carcinoma in situ, 27; stage IA, 6; stage IB, 12; stage III, 2 | SCC 76; ADC 6 | NR |
Exclusion criteria: cervical stump carcinoma | |||||||
Potter 199091 | University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA | Inclusion criteria: patients with cervical cancer treated by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, recurrence confined to the pelvis | 35/35 | NR | NR | NR | Central pelvic, 23; lateral pelvic, 12 |
Exclusion criteria: NR | |||||||
Tan 199192 | NR | Inclusion criteria: patients treated primarily with radical surgery, developed recurrence | 110/100 | Mean 53 | Stage IB, 43; stage IIA, 27; stage IIB, 3; stages IIIA and IIIB, 2; original staging not known, 25 | NR | Central recurrence, 48; peripheral limited, 43; peripheral massive, 9 |
Exclusion criteria: NR |
Description of the intervention
Descriptions of the salvage radiotherapy in curative intent and previous surgery are provided in Table 43. Radical hysterectomy was the most common previous surgery type and was performed in 61.8% of patients.
Study | Total N/n analysed | Previous therapy | Type of treatment | Interval between previous therapy and recurrence |
Ciatto 198084 | 115/110 | Total hysterectomy without PLND, 89; radical hysterectomy with PLND, 26 | External irradiation of the entire pelvis with supervoltage beams; the intended mid-pelvic absorbed dose ranged from 4000 to 5000 rad in 4.5–5.0 weeks. In case of central recurrence, booster dose was given with a vaginal mould delivering 3000 rad at the mucosal surface. In case of peripheral recurrence women were given the booster dose with external irradiation to a max. of 5500–6000 rad through reduced fields | Mean 18 months |
Deutsch 197485 | 38/34 | Total hysterectomy or excision of a cervical stump without PLND, 17; radical hysterectomy with PLND, 21 | Pelvic external supervoltage radiotherapy (6 MV, HVL 15 mm Pb) via four portals: anterior–posterior portals usually measured 15 × 15 cm on the skin and lateral portals 10 × 15 cm or 8 × 15 cm depending on the anterior–posterior diameter of the patient. The intended mid-pelvic absorbed dose usually ranged from 4500 to 5747 rad in 4.5–5.5 weeks (nominal standard dose = 1480–1729 ret) | Mean 1.8 years, range 3.5 months–6.4 years |
Additional intravaginal therapy: vaginal ovoid with radium calculated to deliver 5000 rad at the tissue surface in 35 hours (three patients) | ||||
Hille 200386 | 26/26 | Wertheim–Meigs surgery, 21; subtotal hysterectomy, 5 | External irradiation without afterloading therapy: 39.6/50.4 Gy or 56 Gy was given to the whole pelvis with a four-field box technique; each field was treated daily. A boost to the site of recurrence of 10 Gy/9 Gy/10.8 Gy was given. If para-aortic lymph node metastases existed, they were treated with 46/50.4 Gy. In total, a dose of 50–64 Gy was delivered to the site of recurrence – patients with recurrence at the pelvic/rectal wall or in case of a high tumour burden intravaginally | Median 26 months |
Combination of external irradiation and vaginal brachytherapy: 45/50.4 Gy was given to the whole pelvis by external beam radiotherapy using a four-field box technique. A boost of 9 Gy was given in case of tumours at the pelvic wall, sometimes with midline blocking respecting the afterloading applicator, sometimes without midline blocking. Each single field was treated daily. High-dose-rate brachytherapy using a single linear source arrangement was given with either 2 × 5 Gy or 3 × 5 Gy. If para-aortic lymph node metastases existed, they were treated with 46/50.4 Gy. In total, a dose of 55–65 Gy was delivered to the site of recurrence – patients with recurrence of the vaginal stump with low tumour burden | ||||
Ito 199787 | 90/90 | Hysterectomy | Intracavitary radiotherapy or a combination of external and intracavitary | Median time to recurrence 28 months, range 3 months–36 years |
External irradiation, using a 6-MV photon beam, was given to 10/43 patients with small tumours, 18/33 with medium tumours and 8/14 with large tumours. Whole-pelvis irradiation (50 Gy) was delivered using conventional anterior–posterior parallel opposed fields. Following 30 Gy, a central shield (4-cm width) was inserted to cover the brachytherapy target area in the patients with small or medium tumours, to avoid overdosage to the bladder and rectum. Patients with large tumours received 50 Gy whole-pelvis irradiation without a central shield. All patients in this series received high dose rate intracavitary brachytherapy using a caesium-137 source (7.4 × 1010 Bq) for each colpostat. Patients with small or medium tumours received 5 Gy intracavitary irradiation twice a week to a total dose of 30 Gy in six fractions. As an alternative fractionation schedule, some patients received 6 Gy irradiation once a week to a total dose of 24 Gy. Patients with large tumours received 15 Gy in three fractions or 12 Gy in two fractions | ||||
Jain 200788 | 147/130 | Wertheim's hysterectomy, 79; simple hysterectomy, 44; subtotal hysterectomy, 2; another surgical procedure, 5 | If disease in pelvic nodes only (55/130) external beam radiotherapy only was delivered using megavoltage photons, giving a homogeneous dose distribution with a four-field arrangement, in which the anterior and posterior fields are either rectangular (box) or hexagonal in shape | Median 1.3 years, range 24 days–14.9 years |
Women with vault recurrence alone or with nodes (75/130) were treated with external beam and intracavitary radiotherapy to the vaginal vault – delivered using either low-dose rate, pre- and after-loaded caesium or high-dose-rate iridium sources, to give a dose equivalent of 48 hours of radium according to the Manchester system. The two most frequently used regimens were 45 Gy given in 20 fractions over 28 days (29/130) and 40 Gy given in 20 fractions over 28 days (28/130) | ||||
Jobsen 198989 | 18/18 | Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, 13; total hysterectomy abdominal, 3; vaginal hysterectomy, 2 | Whole-pelvis external supervoltage irradiation – cobalt or linear accelerator, using three or four portals; anterior–posterior portals measured 14.0 × 14.0 cm (median) and the lateral or oblique portals measured 12.0 × 14.0 cm (15 patients). Part of the pelvis was irradiated (two patients); vaginal applicator only (one patient) | Median 17 months, range 4–95 months |
Total dose: 40.0–60.0 Gy, given in four to five fractions per week of 2.0–2.5 Gy (14 patients); 5080–6240 rad – patients treated with cobalt, three-weekly fractions given to a total dose (three patients); 60.0 Gy at a depth of 0.5 cm, patient treated with a vaginal application only (one patient) | ||||
Lucraft 198190 | 82/82 | Abdominal hysterectomy ± oophorectomy; vaginal hysterectomy; Wertheim's hysterectomy; radium treatment | Radical teletherapy to whole pelvis: anterior–posterior beams each 14 × 10 cm and two lateral beams of 10 × 10 cm giving a mid-pelvic dose of 4250 cGy in 3 weeks, using an 8-MeV linear accelerator. In patients who had not had previous surgery this dose could safely have been increased to 4750 cGy | NR |
Radical teletherapy to whole pelvis plus brachytherapy to vaginal vault pelvis: technique was as described for radical teletherapy to whole pelvis followed by radium insertion to the vaginal vault (single 48-hour insertion of two Manchester ovoids giving a approximate dose at point A of 900 cGy) | ||||
Radical brachytherapy to vaginal vault: single 96-hour insertion of two Manchester ovoids to vaginal vault giving an approximate dose at point A of 1800 cGy | ||||
Palliative teletherapy to whole pelvis: technique used in most cases was similar to that described above for radical teletherapy to whole pelvis but the dose was reduced to 3250 cGy in eight fractions in 10–11 days | ||||
Radical teletherapy to a volume less than the whole pelvis: patients with disease at the vaginal vault (four patients): three were treated by a MV symmetrical three-field technique and one by a MV 360°º rotation. The volumes encompassed ranged from 7 × 7 × 7 cm to 8 × 8 × 8 cm and the doses from 5000 to 5250 cGy in 3 weeks | ||||
Remaining patients: MV treatment by a parallel opposed pair of beams to disease in the left parametrium giving 4250 cGy in 16 fractions in 3 weeks | ||||
Potter 199091 | 35/35 | Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, 35 | 31 patients were treated primarily and received 5000- to 6600-rad whole-pelvis therapy, with only three receiving < 5900 rad; four were retreated for recurrence after having received adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy after radical hysterectomy. Three patients received < 5000-rad whole-pelvis therapy because of failure to respond or the progression of disease. One patient was treated by interstitial implant to the vaginal lesion. Another received 3000-rad whole-pelvis irradiation followed by vaginal ovoids, receiving an additional 6000-rad surface dose | NR |
Tan 199192 | 110/100 | Radical hysterectomy and PLND, 65; total hysterectomy, 15; unknown, 20 | (1) (January 1980–December 1985) Mid-pelvic dose for central recurrence via anterior– posterior portals – 45 Gy followed by a local boost to the vaginal stump with 30 Gy delivered by a perineal teletherapy method. For the peripheral limited group, the anteroposterior mid-pelvic dose was 50 Gy followed by a boost of up to 10 Gy in the parametrium delivered via reduced portals. In the vaginal stump, a local boost of 15–20 Gy was delivered by the perineal teletherapy method | Mean 20.4 months; 65% occurred within 2 years |
(2) (1985–) Mid-pelvic anteroposterior dose – 36 Gy followed by a brachytherapy dose of 30 Gy at 0.5 cm beneath the vaginal mucosa and then teletherapy from anteroposterior portals with midline block up to a dose in the parametrium of 14–20 Gy. For the peripheral massive group, a palliative dose of 45–50 Gy was given to the midpelvis |
The reported 2-year survival rates ranged from 12% to 85% and 5-year survival rates ranged from 2% to 82%. Patients with pelvic side wall recurrences were found to have poorer prognoses than patients with central recurrences only (range 2–15% and 42–82%, respectively, for 5-year survival). Data for 10-year overall survival were provided in Ito et al. ,87 with a 52% rate for patients with centrally recurrent tumours of the vaginal stump following hysterectomy for cervical cancer. Additionally, they showed that survival was greatly influenced by the tumour size of the vaginal stump so that the 10-year survival rate of patients with small-sized tumours was 72%, whereas the corresponding survival rate of patients with medium-sized tumours was 48% (Table 44).
Study | Total N/n analysed | Overall survival | Disease-free status | Recurrence | Mortality/morbidity | Complications |
Ciatto 198084 | 115/110 | 2-year overall survival: central recurrence, 85%; peripheral limited recurrence, 47%; peripheral massive recurrence, 12% | Disease-free status: central recurrence, 24%; peripheral limited recurrence, 14%; peripheral massive recurrence, 1% | Recurrence: central, 4%; peripheral limited, 25%; peripheral massive, 44% | NR | NR |
5-year overall survival: central recurrence, 82%; peripheral limited recurrence, 31%; peripheral massive recurrence, 2% | ||||||
Deutsch 197485 | 38/34 | NR | Disease-free status: 15.7% | NR | Mortality: during therapy, 3; first year, 14; second year, 6; > 2.5 years 10 | NR |
Hille 200386 | 26/26 | 5-year overall survival: all 26 patients, 28%; central, without infiltration of the pelvic wall, 42%; central, with infiltration of the pelvic wall, 10% | 5-year relapse-free survival: all 26 patients, 24%; central, without infiltration of the pelvic wall, 48%; central, with infiltration of the pelvic wall, 27% | Overall tumour relapse: all 26 patients, 14 (54%); only in the pelvis, 6; distant metastases, 3; both local and distant, 5 | NR | Late toxicity, 2 (8%) |
Median time to relapse: overall, 11 months; pelvis only, 6 months; distant metastases only, 16 months; pelvis and distant metastases, 11 months | ||||||
Ito 199787 | 90/90 | 5-year overall survival: 63% | Small size group: local failure, 10%; distant metastases, 11% | NR | Late complications of radiotherapy: grades 2 and 3 intestinal and urinary complications, 32% | |
10-year overall survival: 52% | Medium size group: local failure, 49%; distant metastases, 37% | |||||
Large size group: local failure, 63%; distant metastases, 100%, | ||||||
Jain 200788 | 147/130 | 2-year overall survival: all 130 patients, 40.2%; vault recurrence, 55.4%; nodal recurrence, 12.5%; vault and nodal recurrence, 24.5% | NR | Recurrence: pelvic only, 21 (16.2%); distant only, 20 (15.4%); pelvic and distant, 28 (21.5%); unknown, 14 (10.8%) | Morbidity: 1/88 (1.1%) | Sigmoid colon, 1 |
Time to disease progression: median 21 months | ||||||
Jobsen 198989 | 18/18 | Overall 5-year survival: 8 (44%) | 5-year disease-free survival: 7 (39%) | Recurrence: 5 (28%); limited to the vagina, 0, vaginal–pelvic wall mass, 4, pelvic wall mass, 1 | NR | NR |
Lucraft 198190 | 82/82 | NR | NR | NR | Mortality: suspected residual disease, 7/44 (15.91%); definite residual disease, 9/10 (90%); recurrent disease, 15/28 (53.57%) | Transient proctitis, 3; intermittent haematuria, 2; severe acute bowel reaction, 2 |
Potter 199091 | 35/35 | NR | 5-year disease-free survival: central pelvic recurrence, 6/20 (30%) (three patients excluded as < 3 months' follow-up); lateral pelvic recurrence, 4/12 (33%) | NR | NR | NR |
Tan 199192 | 110/100 | 5-year survival rate: all 100 patients, 28%; central recurrence, 42%; group with peripheral limited recurrence, 15% | NR | Objective response: overall, 15 (15%); bone metastasis, 7 (7%); neck metastasis, 4 (4%); lung metastasis, 4 (4%); liver metastasis, 1 (1%) | NR | Proctitis, 5%; cystitis, 2%; vesicovaginal fstula, 2%; rectovaginal fstula, 2%. |
Five studies gave complication rates. 86–88,90,92 In Hille et al. ,86 grade 3 late toxicity was observed in 8% of patients, including intestinal bleeding after 7 months and fistulae between the rectosigmoid colon and the vagina, removed subsequently by surgery. In Ito et al. ,87 late complications of radiotherapy, including intestinal and urinary complications of grade 2 and grade 3, occurred in 32% of patients. In Jain et al. ,88 one patient suffered from morbidity in the sigmoid colon requiring surgical resection and in Lucraft90 seven cases of complications were observed, including transient proctitis, intermittent haematuria and severe acute bowel reactions. In Tan et al. ,92 major complications included fistulae, proctitis and cystitis (see Table 44).
Population characteristics
Seven studies93–99 were identified and their baseline patient characteristics are provided in Table 45. Most included a small number of patients (median 30 cases, range 13–49 cases). Study location included the USA, the UK, Canada, Japan, Italy and the Netherlands. The majority of women presented with early-stage cervical cancer. In three studies93,94,97 there were no data on FIGO stage. In each of the studies the proportion of patients with disease recurrent or persistence in the pelvis as the only site of cancer (central recurrence) was lower than the proportion developing distant metastases. Patients with central recurrence constituted 37% of the total population in the included studies. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common histological type of cancer, being present in 77% of patients. The histological type was not available in Haasbeek et al. 94
Study | Study location | Population | Total N/n analysed | Age (years) | FIGO stage | Histological cell type | Site of disease |
Grigsby 200493 | Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St Louis, MO, USA | Inclusion criteria: diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer after a radical hysterectomy and lymph node dissection; signed a study-specific informed consent approved by the Washington University Human Studies Committee; histologically confirmed recurrent cervical cancer | 22/22 | Mean 40.8, range 30.5–64.3 | NR | SCC, 17; ASC, 3; ADC, 1; GCC, 1 | Vaginal apex, 8; lateral pelvic side wall disease, 9; vaginal apex and pelvic side wall, 5 |
Exclusion criteria: NR | |||||||
Haasbeek 200894 | Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands | Inclusion criteria: pelvic recurrence after hysterectomy | 35/35 | Median 46, range 24–80 | NR | NR | Pelvic wall, 20; central recurrence, 15 |
Exclusion criteria: distant disease at time of recurrence, patients treated by surgery, patients who had previously received adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy, patients treated with palliative radiation schedules | |||||||
Ijaz 199895 | Department of Radiation Oncology and Department of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Texas, TX, USA | Inclusion criteria: recurrent cervical carcinoma after radical hysterectomy | 50/49 | Median 35, range 20–76 | Stage IB, 49; stage IIA, 1 | SCC, 34; AC, 16 | Vaginal limited, 5; paravaginal extension without pelvic wall involvement, 11; central, with pelvic wall extension, 13; isolated pelvic wall, 21; para-aortic lymph node samplings, 18 |
Exclusion criteria: concomitant distant metastasis, postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy | |||||||
Maneo 199996 | Clinica Ostetrica Cinecologica, University of Milan, Italy | Inclusion criteria: biopsy-proven recurrent carcinoma of the uterine cervix after initial radical surgery, confined pelvis and/ or para-aortic lymph nodes, no previous radiotherapy, WHO performance status not > 2, adequate haematological function and hepatic function and a life expectancy of at least 3 months | 35/30 | Mean 49, range 27–74 | Stage IB–IA, 26; stage IIB–III, 9 | SCC, 32; ADC, 3 | Central pelvis, 28; para-aortic metastases, 7 |
Exclusion criteria: clinical or radiological evidence of disease outside the pelvis or para-aortic nodes | |||||||
Thomas 198797 | Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada | Inclusion criteria: patients previously treated with radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph adenectomy who developed recurrence | 17/17 | NR | NR | SCC, 13; AC, 1 | Central pelvic disease, 2; central and pelvic side wall, 8; central plus side wall and para-aortic nodes, 1; side wall only, 2; side wall and para-aortic nodes, 4 |
Exclusion criteria: clinical or radiological evidence of disease outside of the pelvis or para-aortic nodes | |||||||
Tsuda 200398 | Clinical Oncology and Radiation Oncology, Osaka City General Hospital, Japan | Inclusion criteria: local recurrence of cervical cancer without extrapelvic recurrence, age < 75 years, an ECOG performance status of 0–2, no distant metastases | 15/13 | Median 51, range 32–68 | Stage I, 9; stage II, 5; stage III, 1 | SCC, 9; ADC, 6 | Central, 1; pelvic, 14 |
Exclusion criteria: extrapelvic recurrence, distant metastases | |||||||
Virostek 199699 | University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA | Inclusion criteria: patients treated primarily with radical surgery and who developed recurrence | 30/30 | < 30 years, 7; 30–40 years, 9; 40–50 years, 12; > 50 years, 2 | Stage 0, 3; stage I, 2; stage IB, 24; unknown, 1 | SCC, 23; ADC, 2; ASC, 4; other, 1 | Central recurrence, 20; pelvic wall recurrence, 10 |
Description of the intervention
Descriptions of the salvage chemotherapy and radiotherapy given are provided in Table 46. Radical hysterectomy was the most common previous surgery type and was performed in 81% of patients.
Study | Total N/n analysed | Previous therapy | Type of treatment | Interval between previous therapy and recurrence |
Grigsby 200493 | 22/22 | Radical hysterectomy, 22 | External irradiation: s.d. 1.8 Gy midplane tumour, five fractions per week to the whole pelvis; dose to the whole pelvis was 50.4 Gy (22 patients) | NR |
External irradiation without brachytherapy: t.t.d. ranged from 50.4 Gy to 70.2 Gy; t.t.d. for the four patients who received boost irradiation with interstitial brachytherapy ranged from 69.6 Gy to 86.6 Gy (18 patients) | ||||
Four patients received additional interstitial brachytherapy, with low-dose rate after loading iridium-192 needles. The minimum tumour dose rate was about 0.40 Gy/hour | ||||
Chemotherapy and irradiation were initiated and given concurrently | ||||
Cisplatin 75 mg/m2 on days 1, 22 and 43 with irradiation | ||||
5-fluorouracil i.v. at a dose of 1000 mg/m2 for 4 consecutive days on days 1, 2, 3 and 4; days 22, 23, 24 and 25; and days 43, 44, 45 and 46 of irradiation | ||||
Haasbeek 200894 | 35/35 | Radical hysterectomy, 7; abdominal hysterectomy, 6; vaginal hysterectomy, 3; Wertheim–Okabayash, 12; Wertheim, 4; other, 8 | Radiotherapy: external beam radiotherapy to the whole pelvis, usually with a box technique, followed by a boost to the tumour by external beam radiotherapy, low-dose-rate brachytherapy or both, aiming at a total dose to the boost planning target volume of at least 60 Gy, but preferably higher. Brachytherapy was applied using a vaginal cylinder, ring or individually customised applicator to boost central tumour mass in the vaginal vault, when applicable (35 patients) | Median 1.6 years, range 0.13–34 years |
Radiotherapy and hyperthermia: locoregional hyperthermia treatment using a four-waveguide applicator system. Thermometry catheters were placed in the rectum, bladder and vagina for temperature monitoring. The objective was to reach a temperature of 41 °C for at least 60 minutes for the vaginal measurement as surrogate for tumour temperature (six patients) | ||||
Radiochemotherapy: chemotherapy – weekly courses of concurrent cisplatin (40 mg/m2) (three patients) | ||||
Ijaz 199895 | 50/49 | Radical hysterectomy and PLND, 50 | External beam irradiation was delivered using anteroposterior opposing fields or anteroposterior plus lateral fields with 18- to 25-MV photon beams. Most patients who were treated with curative intent received 40–50 Gy to the whole pelvis at 1.8–2.0 Gy per fraction, followed by reduced fields of external beam irradiation or brachytherapy | Median 10.5 months |
Chemotherapy with cisplatin and bleomycin with mitomycin C and/or fluorodeoxyuridine before radiotherapy – seven patients; three patients received neoadjuvant or concurrent intravenous chemotherapy | ||||
Maneo 199996 | 35/30 | Radical hysterectomy with systematic bilateral PLND, 29; radical hysterectomy with systematic bilateral PLND and chemotherapy, 6 | External photon beam radiotherapy: 6- or 15-MV machine; four-field technique; whole-pelvic radiation dose was 50.4 Gy in 5 weeks at a rate of 1.8 Gy per day, five fractions per week. The initial dose was followed by an external boost of radiation to a smaller volume in patients with partial response and residual central pelvic disease, to a max. dose of 70 Gy. After a 2-week rest, patients with vaginal involvement received one or two intravaginal caesium applications (20 Gy at a depth of 0.5 cm from the vaginal mucosa). Patients with documented para-aortic nodal metastases received 45 Gy in 25 fractions with a shaped field for the para-aortic area | NR |
Chemotherapy: CBDCA (75 mg/m2 i.v.) administered in bolus on days 1–4; 5-fluorouracil (1000 mg/m2/24 hours) administered by a 96-hour continuous infusion. Three cycles of chemotherapy were planned with a 4-week interval. The first two cycles of chemotherapy were administered during external radiotherapy; the third cycle was delivered in the ninth week of treatment | ||||
Thomas 198797 | 17/17 | Radical hysterectomy and PLND, 17 | Radiotherapy: with a 2.5-week interruption to allow the delivery of chemotherapy concurrently with each part of the radiotherapy. The radiation dose was 46 Gy in 24 fractions | Median 6 months, range 1–165 months |
Chemotherapy: mitomycin C was given at a dose of 6 mg/m2 by i.v. push on the first day of each part of the radiotherapy in eight patients. 5-fluorouracil was delivered by continuous intravenous infusion in 5% dextrose and water or in isotonic dextrose and saline, at a dose of 1 g/m2 daily for the first 3 or 4 days of radiotherapy in each part of the split course. Eleven received 4-day infusions and seven received 3-day infusions | ||||
Tsuda 200398 | 15/13 | Radical hysterectomy, 10; total hysterectomy, 5 | Chemotherapy: CBDCA was given as a 5-minute intra-arterial infusion without hydration just before pelvic radiation q.d. Dose escalation was performed. The starting dosage was 10 mg/m2 q.d. At least three new patients were to be recruited for each dose level. If two of three patients at any dose level developed DLTs, the study was terminated. Three additional patients were treated at a dose level if one of the first three patients exhibited DLT. If at least four of six patients developed DLT at this level, then a MTD was said to have been reached The following dose levels were evaluated: 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg/m2 | NR |
Radiation: external pelvic irradiation was performed according to local standard schedules. The target volume was tumour and regional pelvic lymph nodes. External beam radiotherapy was given in daily fractions: 28 fractions of 1.8 Gy were given to the tumour and regional pelvic nodes; fractions were administered daily except for Saturday and Sunday | ||||
Hyperthermia: after 20 Gy had been administered, the lesion was heated for 60 minutes with a Thermothron radio frequency-8 system (Yamamoto Vinita, Osaka, Japan), once a week for 4 weeks. Pelvic heating was performed with 30-cm electrodes operated anteroposteriorly or laterally. During the heating process, cold water (0–5 °C) was circulated in a cooling pool between the patient's skin and the electrodes. The treatment objective was the achievement of a tumour temperature ≥ 41 °C for a period of 30 minutes. The heat-up time was a max. of 60 minutes. If during heat up a temperature of 41 °C could not be achieved, treatment with the highest obtainable temperature was performed for 30 minutes. Power was applied to a max. wattage ranging from 600 W to 1200 W with a median of 900 W. Max. tumour indicative temperatures achieved ranged from 39 °C to 42 °C with a mean temperature of 40.6 ± 0.9 °C | ||||
Virostek 199699 | 30/30 | Radical hysterectomy, 25; total hysterectomy abdominal, 3; total hysterectomy vaginal, 2 | External beam irradiation: most patients were treated with the use of a four-field box technique; three patients were treated with a three-port perineal technique. The median dose given by the external beam was 50.4 Gy. All patients were treated at 1.8 Gy/day with the exception of two patients who received 2 Gy/day (12 patients) | NR |
Brachytherapy: ovoids (four patients), vaginal cylinders (six patients), interstitial implant (three patients). Caesium-137 used in all patients treated with ovoids and five of six treated with vaginal cylinders. Iridium-192 used in all interstitial implants and one patient treated with a vaginal cylinder. Dose 0.5 cm when treating with vaginal cylinder; when treating with ovoids the dose was prescribed to 1.0 cm above the midplane between two colpostats; when treating with interstitial implant the dose was prescribed to a minimal peripheral dose encompassing 0.5 cm around all implant needles. Dose given with brachytherapy was then added to the external beam dose. Brachytherapy alone (one patient); external beam irradiation and brachytherapy (12 patients) | ||||
Chemotherapy: therapeutic agents were either cisplatin or hydroxyurea concomitantly with radiotherapy (five patients), for persistence or recurrence after radiotherapy (15 patients) |
Overall survival and progression-free survival results are presented in Table 47. Results for 2-year survival ranged between 44% and 93%. Patients with central recurrences had a 63–69% 5-year survival rate; the rate for studies with mixed recurrence was between 41% and 47%; and the rate for patients with recurrence extending to the pelvic wall was between 18% and 28%. Data for 10-year overall survival were provided in Grigsby et al. 93 and Haasbeek et al. ,94 with a range of 33–35% with central recurrence or recurrence extending to pelvic wall. Survival rates were also available for subpopulations of patients with central recurrence (55%) and recurrence extending to the pelvic wall (15%). In Grigsby et al. ,93 15-year overall survival for patients with central or with pelvic wall involvement was 35%. Central recurrences had a higher 5-year progression-free survival probability than those from all other patients (24–48% vs 1–27%).
Study | Total N/n analysed | Overall survival | Disease-free status | Recurrence | Mortality/ morbidity | Complications |
Grigsby 200493 | 22/22 | 5-year overall survival: 41% | NR | Recurrence: pelvic, 5; distant, 9 | NR | Grade 3 in 18%; grade 4 in 9% |
10-year overall survival: 35% | Long-term complications: leg oedema, 7 (32%); DVT, 6 (27%); grade 3 cystitis, 27% | |||||
15-year overall survival: 35% | ||||||
Haasbeek 200894 | 35/35 | 2-year overall survival: all 35 patients, 66%; recurrence extending to the pelvic wall, 45%; central recurrence, 93% | 2-, 5- and 10-year disease-free survival: 62%, 45% and 41% respectively | Recurrence: isolated local, 8; isolated distant metastasis, 9; combined local recurrence and distant metastasis, 2 | NR | Grade 3 toxicity, 6 (17%; actuarial after 5 years 21%); ileus, 5 |
5-year overall survival: all 35 patients, 43%; recurrence extending to the pelvic wall, 28%; central recurrence, 63% | Actuarial pelvic control rate 2, 5 and 10 years: 62%, 45% and 41% respectively | |||||
10-year overall survival: all 35 patients, 33%; recurrence extending to the pelvic wall, 15%; central recurrence, 55% | ||||||
Median survival: all 35 patients 3.8 years; recurrence extending to the pelvic wall, 1.5 years; central recurrence, 12.8 years; tumour ≤ 5 cm, 8.2 years; tumour ≥ 5 cm, 2.4 years | ||||||
Ijaz 199895 | 50/49 | 5-year overall survival: all 50 patients, 33%; curative intent, 39%; palliative intent, 25%; patient with central recurrence, 69%; central recurrence with pelvic wall extension, 18% | NR | NR | NR | Major late treatment complications, 3; small bowel obstructions, 2 (6 and 8 years after treatment with radiotherapy alone); partial left hydronephrosis ,1 (8 years after external beam irradiation for a left pelvic side wall recurrence) |
Median survival: 8 (range 3–16) months | ||||||
Maneo 199996 | 35/30 | 2-year survival: 44% | Alive with no evidence of disease, 13 (37%) | Partial response: 11 (31%); vagina, 1; central pelvis, 1; lateral pelvis, 7; pelvis and aortic nodes, 2 | NR | Grades 3–4 toxicity, 11 (31%); grades 2–3 leucopoenia, 7 (20%); grade 3 thrombocytopenia, 2 (6%) |
3-year survival rate: 25%; patients with vaginal or central pelvic relapse, 71% | Complete response: 15 (43%); vagina, 3; central pelvis, 7; lateral pelvis, 4; aortic nodes, 1 | |||||
Median survival: all patients, 21 (range 18–90) months; alive with no evidence of disease, 31 (range 18–90) months; died of disease, 15 (range 3–33) months; alive with tumour, 15 (range 8–24) months | Stable disease: 1 (3%); lateral pelvis, 1 | |||||
Progression of disease: 8 (23%); central pelvis, 2; lateral pelvis, 2; para-aortic nodes, 3; pelvis and aortic nodes, 1 | ||||||
Thomas 198797 | 17/17 | 5-year survival: 8 (47%) | Disease free, 9 (53%) | NR | NR | NR |
Median survival: alive 8, range 21–58 months; died 9, range 4–17 months | ||||||
Tsuda 200398 | 15/13 | Median survival: 22.3 (range 7–70) months | Median progression-free interval: 8.9 (range 2–55) months | Recurrence: 9/14 (60%);a pelvic cavity, 7; liver, 1; lung, 1 | NR | Grade 3/4 leucocytopenia/neutrocytopenia, 10 (66.7%); grade 4 haematological toxicity, 3 (20%); grade 3 thrombocytopenia, 1 (6.67%); grade 3 diarrhoea, 3 (20.0%); haematuria (grade 1 or 2), 6 (40%); subcutaneous burns, 5 (33.3%) |
Virostek 199699 | 30/30 | < 1 year overall survival: 15 (50%) | Disease-free 5-year survival: 3 (10%) | NR | NR | NR |
> 2 years overall survival: 9 (30%) | ||||||
Median survival: central recurrence, 14.5 months; pelvic wall recurrence, 9 months |
Grade 3/4 adverse events were observed in 27% of patients in Grigsby et al. ,93 17% in Haasbeek et al. 94 and 31% in Maneo et al. 96 Tsuda et al. 98 presented results for particular adverse events: grade 3/4 leucocytopenia/neutrocytopenia – 66.7%; grade 4 haematological toxicity – 20%; grade 3 thrombocytopenia – 6.67%; grade 3 diarrhoea – 20.0%; haematuria (grade 1 or 2) – 40%; subcutaneous burns –33.3%. In Ijaz et al. ,95 major late treatment complications (small bowel obstructions, partial left hydronephrosis) were observed in 3 out of 49 patients. Long-term complications observed in Grigsby et al. 93 included leg oedema in 32% of patients, deep-vein thrombosis in 9% of patients and grade 3 cystitis in 27% of patients. In eight patients who survived beyond 5 years, the following grade 4 complications occurred: a vesicovaginal fistula (four patients), a rectovaginal fistula (three patients) and a life-threatening pelvic abscess (four patients) (see Table 47).
Study selection
Included in this section are studies in which participants have recurrent or persistent cervical cancer that was initially treated with radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy and who now have evidence of recurrence. The interventions are radical hysterectomy or Wertheim's operation and pelvic exenteration, and these two categories are described separately. The search found no relevant RCTs. Twenty-seven case series100–126 fulfilled the inclusion criteria, most of which were retrospective, based on chart reviews. Most of the excluded papers were case series of gynaecological cancers as a whole without giving separate results for cervical cancer patients, or studies of cervical cancer patients with primary and recurrent tumour characteristics with the results described together. The results of the quality assessment are presented in Appendix 16. No measure of quality of life was provided in any of the included studies.
Radical hysterectomy population characteristics
Seven case series100–106 gave information on radical hysterectomy (Table 48). They were published between 1965 and 1999 and were mostly from the USA, Canada and the European Union (Italy and Denmark). The number of participants ranged from 14 to 79. The mean or median age of patients was approximately 50 years. Most participants were classified at FIGO stage II and had squamous cell carcinoma.
Study | Study location | Population | Total N/n assessed | Age (years) | FIGO stage | Histological type | Other disease specification | |
Adcock 1979100 | University of Minnesota Hospitals, MN, USA | Persistent (n = 31) or recurrent (n = 44) CC | 75/75 | NR | Stage 0, 2; stage I, 40; stage II, 25; stage III, 5; unknown, 3 | SCC, 62; ADC, 10; undifferentiated cancer, 3 | Location of operative specimen tumour: none, 26; central, 41; central and nodes, 6; nodes only, 2 | |
Coleman 1994101 | Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, TX, USA | Centrally located and resectable CC. Recurrence: biopsy-confirmed lesions after NED > 4 months from RT (n = 32); persistence: biopsy-confirmed tumours either grossly visible or growing up to 4 months after RT (n = 18) | 50/50 | Median 44 (range 23–70) | Stage IA, 2; stage IB, 14; stage IIA, 10; stage IIB, 7; stage IIIA, 2; stage IIIB, 2; unknown, 13 | SCC, 46; ADC, 3; ASC, 1 | Location of tumours: CC, 33; vagina, 6; vagina/cervix, 5; cervix, vagina and parametrium, 6 | |
Nodes: negative, 34; positive, 5; not tested, 11 | ||||||||
Ibsen 1988102 | The Finsen Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark | Centrally located recurrent or persistent CC (no signs of invasion of the pelvic wall or distant metastases) | 47/47 | Median 56 (range 30–73, interquartile range 48–65) | Stage 0, 2; stage I, 14; stage II, 27; stage III, 3; unknown, 1 | SCC, 40; ADC, 3; tumours from Gartner's duct, 2; cancer in situ, 2 | Wertheim's operation: three patients had pelvic lymph node metastases; four did not have free resection edges | |
Pelvic exenteration: six patients did not have free resection edges and one had pelvic lymph node metastases | ||||||||
Maneo 1999103 | University of Bari, University of Milan, Italy | Centrally limited, invasive CC; 19 patients (56%) with recurrence (biopsy-confirmed lesions after NED > 6 months after RT) and 15 (44%) with persistence (biopsy-confirmed tumours either grossly visible or growing within 6 months after RT) | 34/34 | Mean 49, median 51 (range 21–72) | Stage IB–IIA, 29; stage IIB, 4; stage IIIB, 1 | SCC, 26; ADC, 8 | Recurrence site: CC, 24; vaginal involvement, 4; parametrial involvement, 6; | |
Lymph node involvement: pelvic, 6; pelvic and para-aortic, 1 | ||||||||
Rubin 1987104 | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, N Y, USA | Small, central recurrence of CC | 21/21 | Mean 49 (range 27–67) | Stage IB, 4; stage IIA, 4; stage IIB, 11; stage IIIB, 1; stage IVA, 1 | Epidermoid cancer, 17; ADC, 3; ASC, 1 | 21 patients with recurrence within 24 months of RT (13 of these within 1 year) | |
Terada 1987105 | University of Michigan Medical Center, MI, USA | Centrally limited, invasive CC. Recurrence (n = 13) and one primary SCC of the upper vagina after pelvic irradiation for an endometrial ADC | 14/14 | Mean 54 (range 41–71) | Stage I, 8; stage II, 4; stage III, 1 | NR | Regional metastatic disease at the time of SR, 6 (43%): pelvic lymph nodes, 5; unilateral ovarian, 1 | |
Tupper 1965106 | Victoria General Hospital, Dalhousie University, NS, Canada | Recurrent CC based on failure of the growth area to epithelialise within approximately 8 weeks of RT or the development of a dirty odorous ulcerative slough after previous epithelialisation with weight loss, as authors' indications | 79/79 | NR | NR | NR | 40 patients: negative biopsy or no biopsy prior to SR | |
Pre- and postoperative specimen: negative, 12; positive, 67 |
Pelvic exenteration population characteristics
Twenty case series,107–126 published between 1953 and 2009, presented results on pelvic exenteration, mostly from the USA (Table 49). The number of patients varied between 14 and 263. The mean or median age of the women was around 50 years (range 20–76 years). In many cases details about the baseline characteristics of the subpopulation of interest were incomplete but, in those publications in which the information was presented, most patients were classified as FIGO stage II and had squamous cell carcinoma.
Study | Study location | Population | Total N/n assessed | Age (years) | FIGO stage | Histological type | Other disease specification |
Anthopoulos 1989107 | University Hospital of the Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA | Primary, persistent or recurrent cancer of the cervix or vagina | 20/14 | NR | NR | NR | CC: primary, 1; persistent, 3; recurrent, 11 |
Barber 1971108 | Memorial-James Ewing Hospitals, NY, USA | Recurrent or persistent CC | 671/263 | NR | NR | NR | Nodes: involved, 166; non-involved, 97 (10 patients had metastases to ovaries) |
Beitler 1997109 | Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefore Medical Center, NY, USA | Recurrent CC | 26/26 | Mean 46.4, median 50.0 (range 29–76) | Stage I, 8; stage II, 9; stage III, 7; stage IV, 3 | SCC, 1; ADC, 25 | Seven patients had lymphovascular invasion or perineural involvement with clear margins. Two patients had microscopic nodal disease |
Bricker 1960110 | Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA | Persistent or recurrent pelvic malignancy | 218/150 | Range 20–70+ | NR | NR | Cervix, 150 |
Brunschwig 1960111 | Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, USA | Gynaecological malignant neoplasms | 592/161 | NR | NR | NR | Recurrent CC, 161; pelvic lymph node metastases, 51 |
Chung 1983112 | Milton S Hershey Medical Center, PA, USA | Recurrent CC | 85/17 | NR | NR | NR | CC treated with pelvic exenteration, 17 |
Deckers 1972113 | National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA | Recurrent CC | 18/18 | Mean age at the time of the second malignancy 53 (range 31–65) | NR | Primary epidermoid cancer, 17; primary sarcoma, 1 | > 5 years elapsed between initial irradiation and local recurrence |
Hatch 1990114 | University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA | Recurrent CC | 31/31 | Median 47 (range 26–75) | Stage I, 13; stage II, 9; stage III, 4; stage IV, 2; unknown, 3 | NR | Central recurrence, 28; complications from RT, 3 |
Ketcham 1970115 | National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA | Primary or recurrent CC | 162/94 | NR | NR | SCC | Recurrent CC, 94 |
Kraybill 1988116 | Ellis Fischel State Cancer Center (EFSCC), MO, USA | Advanced pelvic malignancy | 99/58 | NR | NR | NR | Recurrent CC, 58 |
Mikuta 1960117 | University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA | Recurrent or persistent CC | 28/18 | Mean 43 (range 32–55) | Stage I, 7; stage II, 8; stage III, 3; stage I V, 0 | NR | 10 patients were found at laparotomy to be inoperative because of fixation in the pelvis or metastatic tumour in the aortic nodes and omentum |
Mikuta 1967118 | University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA | Recurrent or persistent CC | 32/32 | Mean 45 (range 32–67) | Stage 0, 1; stage I, 15; stage II, 10; stage III, 6; stage IV, 0 | NR | |
Palmer 1953119 | Royal Society of Medicine, UK | Persistent or recurrent gynaecological malignancy | 22/15 | Range 38–70 | NR | NR | Recurrent CC, 15 |
Pinelo 2002120 | Instituto Português de Oncologia, Porto, Portugal | Recurrent or persistent gynaecological malignancy | 21/14 | Mean 52 (range 41–67) | NR | NR | CC: malignant lesions after R T, 13; side effects (inappropriate response), 1 |
Rutledge 1977121 | University of Texas System Cancer Center, MD Anderson Hospital and Tumour Institute, TX, USA | Primary or recurrent gynaecological malignancy | 296/196 | NR | NR | NR | Recurrent CC, 196 |
Shingleton 1989122 | University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA | Recurrent CC | 143/143 | 18% of patients < 40 years, 19% of patients > 60 years | Stage I and II, 66%; unknown, 21% | SCC, 133; ADC, 8; ASC, 2 | Tumour involvement: bladder, 45; rectum, 16; pelvic nodes, 10 |
Stanhope 1990123 | Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, MN, USA | Recurrent CC | 72/48 | NR | NR | NR | 48 patients were in non-palliative treatment after RT |
Symmonds 1975124 | Mayo Clinic, MN, USA | Recurrent or primary gynaecological malignancy | 198/98 | NR | NR | SCC, 98 | Recurrent CC, 98 |
Teran-Porcayo 2006125 | National Cancer Institute, Mexico | Recurrent or persistent gynaecological malignancy | 76/42 | Mean 45.1 (range 24–70) | Stage IA, 7; stage IIA, 2; stage IIB, 18; stage IIIB, 10; stage IVA, 1; non-classifiable, 4 | SCC, 32; ASC, 9; ADC, 1 | CC, 42 |
Viera 2009126 | Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Brasil | Persistent or recurrent CC | 16/16 | Median 50 (range 26–76); 56.2% > 50 years | stage IIA, 3; stage IIB, 10; stage IVA, 2 | ADC, 1; cancer of the epidermis, 5 | CC: persistent, 2; recurrent, 14 |
Radical hysterectomy intervention
Descriptions of the interventions are provided in Table 50. In five studies,100,101,103–105 radical hysterectomy was conducted as salvage surgery with curative intent. Tupper106 described Wertheim's operation, and in Ibsen et al. 102 both Wertheim's operation and pelvic exenteration (which could be total, anterior or posterior) were combined with pelvic lymph node dissection. In all case series the primary therapy was radiotherapy. In Maneo et al. ,103 chemotherapy with cisplatin was also used postoperatively. The median time from previous therapy to salvage surgery in curative intention was between 7.5 and 19 months.
Study | Total N/n assessed | Previous therapy | Surgery type | Interval between previous therapy and surgery |
Adcock 1979100 | 75/75 | External beam and intracavitary pelvic irradiation | Radical hysterectomy | Interval between original staging and SR: < 6 months, 31; 6–12 months, 11; 12–24 months, 15; 24–60 months, 7; 5–10 years, 7; > 10 years, 4 |
Note: Three patients also had resection of one distal ureter and the adjacent bladder with ureteroneocystostomy. Two patients had a radical cervicectomy for recurrence of the cervical stump. Bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed on 45 patients. Five patients had PLN biopsy only | ||||
Coleman 1994101 | 50/50 | RT: 40 (80%) 40–45 Gy external beam plus intracavitary irradiation; 6 (12%) only external beam irradiation; 4 (8%) only BT | Radical hysterectomy: class II, 11; class III, 28; class V, 6; and vaginal, 5. | The disease-free interval for recurrence patients ranged from 4 to 301 months (median 16 months) and for diagnosis of persistence to SR was 2 months (range 1–4 months) |
Note: 39 patients (78%) had either pelvic lymphadenectomy (33 patients) or PLN biopsy (six patients). Additionally, after radical hysterectomy, eight patients underwent curative pelvic exenteration | ||||
Ibsen 1988102 | 47/47 | Vaginal or intracervical RT with 40 Gy external irradiation. | Wertheim's operation with PLND, 23; pelvic exenteration (TPE 8, PPE 2, APE 13) combined with PLND, 23 | Median 19 months (interquartile range 11–62 months) |
Note: Two patients with stage 0 cancer had been hysterectomised 2 and 7 years before RT | ||||
Maneo 1999103 | 34/34 | All patients received a mean dose of 50 Gy (range 45–64 Gy) delivered by linear accelerator (18 MeV) to the whole pelvis, encompassing the para-aortic area in case of radiological evidence of PLN involvement. In addition, 28 patients received BT to a mean total dose of 70 Gy to point A. Six non-responding cases to external irradiation did not receive BT and underwent radical hysterectomy | 28 patients (82%): radical hysterectomy class III with pelvic lymphadenectomy and aortic node sampling (≥ 3 months after RT). Six patients: adjunctive procedure. Four patients: urological reconstruction. Four patients: bilateral transposition into the pelvis of the rectus abdominis muscle. Seven patients with cervical lesions > 4 cm or early parametrial involvement: three cycles of cisplatin-based CH preoperatively. Ten patients with pathological risk factors received four to six cycles postoperatively | Mean 9 months, median 7.5 months (range 4–30 months) |
Rubin 1987104 | 21/21 | All patients had internal and external R T. Mean 4340 rad to the whole pelvis with conventional BT with afterloading tandem and colpostats | Radical hysterectomy | Median interval from initial diagnosis to recurrence 10 months |
Note: 15 patients had PLND ± para-aortic node biopsy and two patients had only para-aortic biopsy. Additionally, six of the 13 survivors had urinary diversion and two also had a colostomy | ||||
Terada 1987105 | 14/14 | Pelvic irradiation; external beam irradiation was used in combination with intracavitary sources | Radical hysterectomy. In addition, 11 patients underwent a pelvic lymphadenectomy and four patients underwent a total or near-total vaginectomy; and one patient also underwent a segmental resection of the ureter with ureteroneocystostomy to insure an adequate margin around the tumour | Median 14 months (range 4 months–25 years) |
Tupper 1965106 | 79/79 | RT | Wertheim's operation. In 10 patients in whom either the ureter or the bladder seemed to be involved, the bladder was removed, transplanting the ureters into the sigmoid | Range 1–38 months (over half < 26 weeks) |
Pelvic exenteration intervention
Descriptions of the interventions are provided in Table 51. All patients in the case series had radiotherapy as their primary treatment. Total pelvic exenteration (TPE) was conducted most often compared with anterior or posterior pelvic exenteration. Reconstructive procedures were performed frequently as part of the operations or scheduled at a time when the patient's condition allowed it.
Study | Total N/n assessed | Previous therapy | Surgery type | Interval between previous therapy and surgery |
Anthopoulos 1989107 | 20/14 | External beam RT to the pelvis (3000–8600 cGy); 13 patients were also treated with BT | CC: TPE recurrence, 8; persistence, 3; APE recurrence, 3. Out of the whole group (n = 20), 18 patients underwent ileal conduits for their urinary diversions and two underwent sigmoid conduits | NR |
Barber 1971108 | 671/263 | RT | Involved nodes (n = 97): TPE, 61; APE, 36. Seven patients received additional X-ray therapy and two patients underwent planned post operative RT | < 6 months, 22 patients; 6–24 months, 58 patients; 2–5 years, 10 patients; 5–18 years, seven patients |
Beitler 1997109 | 26/26 | External RT (dose > 39.6 Gy): yes, 25; no 1. Tandem and ovoid insertion: yes, 19; no, 6. | TPE | NR |
‘Definitive’ surgery, 3 (one patient was treated with a radical hysterectomy and never received curative RT) | ||||
Bricker 1960110 | 218/150 | Irradiation | TPE | NR |
Note: three patients pelvic exenteration – initial treatment of advanced CC | ||||
Brunschwig 1960111 | 592/161 | RT | APE; TPE | NR |
Chung 1983112 | 85/17 | RT, 14; SR, 3 | TPE, 12; APE, 3; PPE, 1; radical hysterectomy, 1 | NR |
Deckers 1972113 | 18/18 | External irradiation, 18; total hysterectomy, 1 | APE, 1; TPE, 17 | Mean interval between treatment of the primary neoplasm and biopsy of the second malignancy, 11.5 years (range 5–19 years) |
One patient also had a simultaneous unilateral radical groin dissection and another underwent a partial pubic bone resection | ||||
Hatch 1990114 | 31/31 | Standard doses of RT | TPE with LRA, 29; PPE with LRA, 2. Anastomosis: hand-sewn, 1; automatic circular stapling device, 30. Protective colostomies, 12; omental wrap, 13. SR for central recurrence of CC, 28 | NR |
Ketcham 1970115 | 162/94 | RT | APE, 9; TPE, 81 | NR |
Kraybil 1988116 | 99/58 | RT | TPE. Reconstruction of the urinary tract (ileal loop) in all patients | NR |
Mikuta 1960117 | 28/18 | Recurrence after irradiation, 9; resistance to irradiation, 6; radiation necrosis, 1; inadequate therapy, 2 | TPE, 14; APE, 4 | Time from previous therapy until diagnosis of recurrence or radioresistance, 3 months–14 years (average 3.7 years) |
Mikuta 1967118 | 32/32 | Recurrence after irradiation, 17; resistance to irradiation, 13; extensive radiation necrosis, 1; inadequate SR or RT, 1 | TPE, 26; APE, 6 | Time from previous therapy until evidence of tumour growth, 3 months–16 years (mean 4.3 years); mean time to recurrence, 6.9 years |
Palmer 1953119 | 22/15 | R T, 14; previous SR, 1 (failed Wertheim) | APE, 4; TPE, 11 | Range 5 months–2 years 5 months |
Pinelo 2002120 | 21/14 | Malignant lesions after R T, 13; side effects (inappropriate response), 1 | TPE, 7; APE, 6 | NR |
Rutledge 1977121 | 296/196 | RT | Pelvic exenteration | NR |
Shingleton 1989122 | 143/143 | R T, 120; radical hysterectomy, 6; adjunctive pelvic irradiation after simple hysterectomy, 17 | TPE, 78; APE, 63; PPE, 2 | Time from initial RT to exenteration: ≤ 1 year, 63; > 1 year, 79; unknown, 1 |
Stanhope 1990123 | 72/48 | RT | Pelvic exenteration | NR |
Symmonds 1975124 | 198/98 | RT | APE, 59; TPE, 36; PPE, 3 | NR |
Teran-Porcayo 2006125 | 76/42 | The mean RT dose was 50 Gy on opposite fields to the total pelvis | APE, 22; TPE, 20; 22 patients were left with a sigmoid duct | Time from RT until diagnosis of recurrence: ≤ 1 year, 24; > 1 year, 18 |
Viera 2009126 | 16/16 | R T, 15; radical hysterectomy, 1. All patients had undergone external beam RT with a median dose of 65 Gy (range 45–76 Gy), of whom seven were subjected to a strengthening of BT with low-dose rate (median of 43.1 Gy) | APE, 9; TPE, 7. Adjuvant CH was indicated by the lymph nodes in one patient and the SR margins in two patients | Mean time from initial RT to pelvic exenteration, 23 months |
Radical hysterectomy results
The results of the radical hysterectomy case series are presented in Table 52. Operative deaths occurred in Rubin et al. 104 – 10% (from sepsis); postoperative deaths were analysed in four studies and occurred in 0%,105 2% (from sepsis),101 2%102 and 7.6%106 of patients. Survival results were presented in all publications. Five-year survival rates ranged between 32% and 72% and 5-year survival rates with no evidence of disease ranged between 27% and 65%. In Adcock100 and Coleman et al. ,101 5-year survival rates were also available for subpopulations of patients with persistent cervical cancer (52% and 82% respectively) and recurrent cervical cancer (65% and 75% respectively). Ten-year survival rates were presented in Coleman et al. 101 only and were 60% for the total population, 68% for the persistent subpopulation and 54% for the recurrent subpopulation. The rate of recurrence was between 32% and 59%. Major complications included fistulae, which required further surgical interventions.
Study | Total N/n assessed | Survival data | Mortality data | Recurrence | Major complications |
Adcock 1979100 | 75/75 | 5-year survival (NED): total, 49/75 (65%); persistent cancer, 16/31; recurrent cancer, 33/44 | DOD, 22/75 (29%); dead of other causes, 4/75 (5%) | Recurrence or metastasis, 24/75 (32%) | Urinary tract or rectal or both: 31/75 (41%); three patients died as a result |
Fistulae: 12 patients (two multiple) Other complications: 23 patients (14 patients also urinary tract or rectal) | |||||
Other complications: 23 patients (14 patients also urinary tract or rectal) | |||||
Coleman 1994101 | 50/50 | 5-year survival: total, 72%; persistence, 82%; recurrence, 65% | Postoperative death (sepsis): 1/50 (2%) | Recurrence: 23/45 (49%) | Total: 32/50 (64%); temporary severe, 11; permanent severe, 21 |
10-year survival: total, 60%; persistence, 68%; recurrence, 54% | Location of the failure: central, 9; regional, 10; distant, 2; no information, 2 | Fistulae: persistent disease (n = 18), 2; recurrent disease (n = 32), 12 | |||
Median time to death: total, 93 months (mean 141 months, range 1–467 months); persistence, 148.5 months; recurrence, 87.5 months | Median time to recurrence after SR: 13.5 months. For fve patients the site of ‘secondary’ recurrence could not be monitored | Required surgical procedure: bladder dysfunction, 12%; ureteral injury, 14% (three patients urinary conduits) | |||
Ibsen 1988102 | 47/47 | 5-year survival: 32% (there was no difference in survival rate between Wertheim's operation and pelvic exenteration). Expected rate 94%. Total 5-year survival for stage I, 27%; for stage II, 39% | Postoperative death (3 months): 1/47 (2%) (APE) | NR | Complication free (after 3 months): Wertheim operation 4/23 (17%); TPE 3/8 (38%); APE 7/13 (54%) |
Complications requiring major SR (urinary fistula): Wertheim operation, 10/23 (43%); PPE, 2/2 (100%) | |||||
Maneo 1999103 | 34/34 | 5-year survival: 49%; alive NED, 15/34 (44%); median time alive NED, 81 months (range 33–192 months) | DOD (metastases): 18/34 (53%) | Recurrence, 20/34 (59%): local, 16; abdominal, 3; para-aortic lymph node, 1) | Major (grades III–IV), 15/34 (44%) |
Median time of survival (patients with recurrence), 24 months (range 7–106 months) | Median time to recurrence, 37 months (range 4–56 months | Major, required surgical procedure, 4/34 (12%) | |||
Rubin 1987104 | 21/21 | Overall survival: 13/21 (62%); median time of overall survival 73 months | Operative death (sepsis), 2/21 (10%) | Recurrence, 7/19 (37%); median time to recurrence 6 months | Postoperative (fistulae), 10/21 (48%) |
5-year survival (NED): patients with postoperative fistulae, 6/10 (60%); alive NED, 12/19 (63%) | DOD (patients with recurrence), 6/7 (86%) | Two patients died of operative complications | Required surgical procedure, 9/21 (43%) | ||
Terada 1987105 | 14/14 | 5-year survival: total (NED), 27%; regional metastases (n = 6), 100%; no regional metastases (n = 8), 54% | Postoperative death, 0 | Regional metastases, 6/14 (43%) | Required major surgical procedure, 4/14 (29%) |
Mean time of survival: 30.5 months. Alive NED, 4/14 (29%) | DOD, 10/14 (71%) | ||||
Tupper 1965106 | 79/79 | 5-year survival: 34/79 (43%) | Early postoperative death, 6/79 (7.6%) | NR | Fistulae: total, 17/79 (22%) |
Survival related to interval between RT and SR: 1–6 months, 19/55; 6–12 months, 11/27; 1–3 years, 4/9 | Required major surgical procedure (colostomy), 4/17 (24%) |
Pelvic exenteration results
The results of the pelvic exenteration case series are shown in Table 53. Operative mortality ranged from 0% to 22% and postoperative mortality from 15% to 33%. The total percentage of complications varied between 50% and 69%. Three studies103,107,124 gave 2-year survival rates: Stanhope et al. 103 for the complete population only (75%), Anthopoulos et al. 107 based on the type of surgery used (TPE 73%, anterior pelvic exenteration 75%) and Symonds et al. 124 according to pelvic lymph node status (positive 29%, negative 54%). Five-year survival rates ranged from 33% to 66% with one very low exception (12%) in Bricker et al. 110 The 5-year survival rates after specific types of exenteration were 58%122 and 71.5%125 for anterior exenteration and 42%122 and 64.6%125 for total exenteration. When there were metastases to pelvic lymph nodes (positive status), 2–25% of patients survived 5 years. For patients without metastases to pelvic lymph nodes (negative status), 5-year survival was between 17% and 73% (but 5-year survival for TPE was 7%). The 10-year survival rate was presented in only one study (23%). 124 The rate of recurrence varied by type of exenteration and whether there was local or distant spread. General information about the incidence of complications was very scarce.
Study | Total N/n assessed | Survival data | Mortality data | Recurrence | Major complications |
Anthopoulos 1989107 | 20/14 | 2-year survival: TPE (n = 11), 73%; APE (n = 4), 75% | NR | NR | NR |
Barber 1971108 | 671/263 | 5-year survival: non-involved nodes, 29/166 (17.5%); involved nodes, 5/97 (5.2%) | 2-year mortality (involved nodes): 86/97 (88.7%); hospital mortality (involved nodes), 21/97 (21.6%); DOD, 64/71 (90.1%); dead, NED, 2/71 (2.8%) | NR | NR |
Note: 21 patients with involved nodes died in hospital, and another five patients lived > 5 years; they are not included | |||||
Beitler 1997109 | 26/26 | Alive with disease, 1/26 (4%); alive, NED, 14/26 (54%); 5-year survival, 63%; locoregional control, 66% | DOD, 9/26 (35%); dead unrelated to disease, 2/26 (8%) | Recurrence: 10/26 (38%) | One patient died of therapeutic complications |
Site of recurrence: local/regional, 7; local/regional and distant, 1; distant 1, none 1 | |||||
Bricker 1960110 | 218/150 | 5-year survival (based on those at risk at 5 years): 25%; alive, 68/150 (45%) | Postoperative death, 10/150 (15%); DOD, 64/150 (43%); dead unrelated to disease, 3/150 (2%) | NR | 81 patients had none, 50 had one, and 19 had more than one complication |
15 out of 150 patients (10%) died of complications | |||||
Brunschwig 1960111 | 592/161 | 5-year survival: 20/161 (12%); without PLN metastases (n = 110), 19; with PLN metastases (n = 51), 1 | Operative mortality: total 30/161 (19%); without PLN metastases (n = 110), 14; with PLN metastases (n = 51), 16 | NR | NR |
Chung 1983112 | 85/17 | Alive NED, 6/17 (35%) – five patients after TPE and one after APE | Dead, NED, 2/17 (12%) – two patients after TPE | NR | NR |
DOD, 9/17 (53%) – five patients after TPE, two after APE, one after PPE and one after radical hysterectomy | |||||
Deckers 1972113 | 18/18 | 5-year survival (NED or significant complications): 6/18 (33%) | Postoperative mortality: 6/18 (33%) – patients died prior to discharge from the hospital, 7–108 days postoperatively. | Local pelvic recurrence, 2/18 (11%) | NR |
All were NED at autopsy DOD (metastases), 5/18 (28%) | |||||
Hatch 1990114 | 31/31 | Survival: total 68%; 1-year 86% | Operative mortality, 0; postoperative mortality, 10/31 (32%) | Recurrence: total, 9/31 (29%); pelvis, 6; distant, 2; both, 1 | NR |
Overall survival in patients with central recurrence (cervix and/or vagina, n = 18) 89% | |||||
One patient died 5 months postoperatively from lung cancer and 16/17 were NED | |||||
Ketcham 1970115 | 162/94 | 5-year survival: PLN positive, 21; PLN negative, 69; PLN total, 90 | Operative mortality: 21/94 (22%) – 12 cases were sepsis | Mean time to recurrence: 14 months | NR |
5-year survival for APE: PLN positive, 2; PLN negative, 7; PLN total, 9 | Mortality related to late complications (no recurrence): 9/94 (10%) | ||||
5-year survival for TPE: PLN positive, 19; PLN negative, 62; PLN total, 81 | |||||
Kraybill 1988116 | 99/58 | 5-year survival (1966–75, n = 33): 36.3% | Operative mortality (1966–75): 6/33 (19.5%) | NR | NR |
5-year survival (1976–81, n = 25): 61.5% | Operative mortality (1976–81): 2/25 (7.1%) | ||||
5-year survival (n = 58): PLN positive, 25%, PLN negative, 48.7%, margins positive, 25%, margins negative, 44.2% | |||||
Mikuta 1960117 | 28/18 | Alive NED: total, 8; < 1 year, 0; 1–2 years, 3; 2–4 years, 2; 4–7 years, 3. Three patients died postoperatively | Postoperative mortality: 3/18 (16.6%) – two patients died within 30 days of operation, one after 30 days without leaving hospital; four patients who died had tumour recurrence and two had metastases | NR | Postoperative: total, 12/18 (67%); required surgical intervention, 3 |
Dead: total, 7; < 1 year, 4; 1–2 years, 2; 2–4 years, 1; 4–7 years, 0 | |||||
Mikuta 1967118 | 32/32 | Survival over 5 years (patients operated 5–14 years before publication) 8/24 (33%). Patients with PLN free of tumour | Mortality: total 6/32 (18.7%); operative, 0; surgical (within 30 days), 3; hospital (after 30 days), 3 | NR | Complications (patients operated 5–14 years before publication): 15/24 (63%) – 15 patients had 18 complications |
Palmer 1953119 | 22/15 | Alive with recurrence, 3/15 (20%); alive and well, 3/15 (20%). One more patient was alive with complications with no recurrence | DOD (recurrence): 4/15 (27%) | NR | NR |
Dead with no recurrence: 4/15 (27%) | |||||
Pinelo 2002120 | 21/14 | Alive, NED, 8/14 (57%). | NR | NR | NR |
Overall survival: 5 (35.7%) | |||||
Mean time overall survival: 14.6 months | |||||
Rutledge 1977121 | 296/196 | Survival: 83/196 (42%) | NR | NR | NR |
5-year survival: total, 33.8%, died due to recurrence, 48.3% | |||||
Shingleton 1989122 | 143/143 | 5-year survival: total (n = 142), 50%; APE (n = 63), 58%; TPE (n = 77), 42%. | Operative mortality: total, 9/143 (6.3%); APE (n = 63), 1; PPE (n = 2), 0; TPE (n = 78), 8 | Recurrence: total, 69/143 (48%); APE (n = 63), 29; PPE (n = 2), 1; TPE (n = 78), 39 | NR |
Median time of survival after recurrence: APE, 5.2 months; TPE, 2.8 months | Median time to recurrence: APE, 12 months; TPE, 9.6 months | ||||
Stanhope 1990123 | 72/48 | Survival: 1 year, 85%; 2 years, 75%; 5 years, 52% | NR | NR | NR |
Symmonds 1975124 | 198/98 | Survival: 5 years, 33%; 10 years, 23% | NR | NR | NR |
2-year survival: PLN positive (n = 30), 29%; PLN negative (n = 68), 54% | |||||
5-year survival: PLN positive (n = 30), 15%; PLN negative (n = 68), 42% | |||||
Teran-Porcayo 2006125 | 76/42 | 5-year survival: total 66%; patients with recurrence < 1 year (n = 24), 78%; patients with recurrence > 1 year (n = 18), 57% | Mortality: patients with recurrence < 1 year (n = 24), 33.3%; patients with recurrence > 1 year (n = 18), 22.2% | NR | Complications: total 21/42 (50%); APE (n = 22), 12; TPE (n = 20), 9 |
5-year survival (type of SR): APE (n = 22), 71.5%; TPE (n = 20), 64.6% | Operative mortality (TPE): 2/42 (5%) | Complications (time of occurrence): early, 4; intermediate, 7; late, 6 | |||
Required surgical intervention: 16/42 (38%) | |||||
Viera 2009126 | 16/16 | Alive with disease, 2/16 (12.5%); alive NED, 7/16 (43.8%); survival, 64.3% | DOD (recurrence), 6/16 (37.5%); dead unrelated to disease, 1/16 (6.3%) – reason for death was necrotising fasciitis in the lower limbs | Recurrence: 8/16 (50%) | Perioperative or postoperative: total, 11/16 (68.8%); required reoperation, 7 |
Mean follow-up: 11 months | Most common were pelvic infection, wound infection and fistulae |
Summary of accuracy and effectiveness results and inputs to economic evaluation
Statement of principal findings
Diagnostic studies and subjective elicitation
Six studies20,48–52 evaluating conventional imaging plus PET-CT, two studies53,54 evaluating MRI, three studies55–57 evaluating CT and one study58 evaluating both MRI and CT were included.
The dates of the studies varied between 1981 and 2009.
Most of the studies were small and several reported only a subset of results in a form that could be converted to a 2 × 2 table.
The quality of the studies was poor. Although most probably included a representative spectrum of cervical cancer, very little clinical information about participants was given. Most studies did not report the time gap between the imaging test and the reference standard and most studies did not describe the reference standard clearly enough for replication.
The later studies evaluated PET-CT, whereas the earlier studies evaluated CT and MRI. The technical imaging standards have changed since the early studies (reported in the 1980s) and so these are no longer valid. None of the MRI or CT studies used current standard methods.
Five of the six PET-CT studies evaluated the whole body for recurrences and one reported extrapelvic recurrence only. Five of the six CT and MRI studies evaluated pelvic recurrences only and the newest evaluated whole-body recurrences, but this study included only 36 participants.
Meta-analysis was conducted on PET-CT studies, which gave a combined sensitivity of 92.2% (95% CI 85.1% to 96.0%) and a specificity of 88.1% (95% CI 77.9% to 93.9%). Meta-analysis was not appropriate for the MRI and CT studies because of clinical heterogeneity.
There was one study on the diagnostic and therapeutic impact of PET-CT,20, which found that it had an impact on management in 12 (out of 52) patients and additional invasive diagnostic procedures in nine patients and assisted in planning therapy in nine patients.
The subjective elicitation exercise obtained opinions from 21 clinical experts using a structured questionnaire. The results for accuracy in symptomatic women were similar to those from the published test accuracy studies. No comparison was possible for asymptomatic women.
There was insufficient information in the published literature to use the results as the base case for the economic evaluation and so the subjective elicitation results were used, with the published information in sensitivity analyses.
The subjective elicitation found that the elicited increase in accuracy from adding PET-CT to CT or MRI was less than the elicited minimum important difference in accuracy required to justify its routine addition in clinical practice.
A total of 19 RCTs60–83 on chemotherapy (25 papers), 16 case series84–99 on radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy and 27 case series100–126 on radical hysterectomy and pelvic exenteration were included.
The dates of the publications varied between 1953 and 2010.
For chemotherapy, the quality of the RCTs was variable, with little information on allocation concealment and none using blinding of patients and outcome measurement.
There was no information on the effectiveness of cisplatin used as a single therapeutic agent. In comparisons of cisplatin with multiple chemotherapy, cisplatin was associated with either similar or shorter overall survival and progression-free survival, but with fewer side effects.
For the other chemotherapy comparisons there was too little information to be able to determine the most effective chemotherapeutic options.
For radiotherapy, 2-year survival rates ranged between 12% and 85% and 5-year survival rates varied between 2% and 82%, depending on type and location of recurrence and TNM status. For chemoradiotherapy, 2-year survival rates varied between 44% and 93% and 5-year survival rates varied between 30% and 71%.
For radical hysterectomy, 5-year survival rates varied between 32% and 100%; for pelvic exenteration, 5-year survival rates varied between 12% and 63%. In general, the lower survival rates were in the earlier case series. Pelvic exenteration had high rates of complications, when results were given.
Accuracy and effectiveness inputs to the economic evaluation
Accuracy inputs
A key question of this project was whether PET-CT imaging would be useful as routine surveillance after primary cervical cancer treatment was successful in asymptomatic or symptomatic patients or whether or not it should be used at follow-up to plan management when patients become symptomatic. The systematic review of accuracy studies did not yield any information on routine follow-up of asymptomatic patients. Therefore, the subjective elicitation was used as the base case for the economic model. The test accuracy study results were used within sensitivity analyses for the symptomatic branch of the model and, when we had both, the published test accuracy results were similar to those from the subjective elicitation.
Effectiveness inputs
Assessment of the systematic review indicated that meta-analysis was not possible in almost all treatment areas. Key points were to ensure that recruitment of patients and treatment given occurred later than 1990 because of the changes in treatment since then. Other factors taken into account were the correct outcome measured and reported, the size of the study and the quality of the study. For some outcomes, little up-to-date information was available and so a pragmatic decision was made to use information from the best-quality studies for inputs to the economic model.
A wide range of chemotherapeutic agents was assessed in the systematic review, but not all are in current use. Clinical advice and the SIGN guideline3 suggested that cisplatin used on its own would be the best chemotherapeutic agent to incorporate into the model. A recent IMS Oncology Analyser data set (from October 2003 to September 2008) provides NHS clinical practice prescribing to women with recurrent or advanced cervical cancer (Table 54). 17
Therapy | Number of patients | Percentage |
5-Fluorouracil | 1 | 2 |
5-Fluorouracil/cisplatin | 1 | 2 |
5-Fluorouracil/mitomycin C | 1 | 2 |
Bleomycin/cisplatin/folinic acid/methotrexate | 2 | 4 |
Carboplatin | 4 | 7 |
Carboplatin/epirubicin | 1 | 2 |
Carboplatin/etoposide | 1 | 2 |
Carboplatin/gemcitabine | 1 | 2 |
Carboplatin/ifosfamide | 1 | 2 |
Carboplatin/paclitaxel | 10 | 18 |
Cisplatin | 22 | 39 |
Cisplatin/etoposide | 1 | 2 |
Cisplatin/ifosfamide | 1 | 2 |
Cisplatin/methotrexate | 2 | 4 |
Cisplatin/paclitaxel | 2 | 4 |
Cisplatin/topotecan | 1 | 2 |
Docetaxel/gemcitabine | 2 | 4 |
Mitoxantrone/paclitaxel | 1 | 2 |
Topotecan | 2 | 4 |
Total | 57 | 100 |
Unfortunately, there were no RCTs investigating the effectiveness of cisplatin alone. The estimate of effectiveness was derived from an additional systematic review of cisplatin monotherapy compared with no treatment in any cervical cancer (as there was no evidence in recurrent cervical cancer). The methods and results from this systematic review can be found in Appendix 17. There was only one good-quality, relatively recent, RCT with a large sample size and a survival curve for ≥ 5 years. 127 This compared cisplatin (40 mg/m2 weekly for 5 weeks) plus radiotherapy with radiotherapy alone in 259 women with cervical cancer of FIGO grades IB–IVA. The overall 5-year survival was approximately 63% in the cisplatin arm and 59% in the no cisplatin arm (log-rank test, p = 0.53) (estimate derived from enlarging survival curve to A3 size).
Chapter 7 Systematic review of economic evaluations
The database searches identified 409 citations. No identified studies were considered to be relevant to the economic evaluation of PET-CT for the diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer.
There were six published economic evaluations that were close to being relevant,128–133 but these were related to the diagnosis (using other methods) and treatment options for locally advanced cervical cancer and for the treatment of recurrent cervical cancer. Of the four studies128–130,132 on the diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer, two129,130 investigated the surveillance of squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels, one128 focused on routine cytological surveillance following treatment for cervical cancer and the other132 investigated surveillance strategies after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Of the two studies131,133 related to the treatment of cervical cancer, one study's objective was to compare the cost-effectiveness of various treatment options for recurrent and stage IVB carcinoma of the cervix133 and the other's objective was to investigate the cost-effectiveness of concurrent chemoradiotherapy in comparison with the cost-effectiveness of radiotherapy alone in locally advanced cervical cancer. 131 These six studies128–133 were reviewed in full, but no useful information was taken from them for the economic modelling.
Chapter 8 Economic evaluation methods and results
The objective of the economic evaluation was to compare the cost-effectiveness of adding PET-CT imaging to standard practice with MRI and/or CT with that of standard practice with MRI and/or CT alone in the diagnosis of recurrent or persistent cervical cancer. Currently in the UK, patients with suspected recurrence will undergo the following investigations:
history taking and clinical examination (rectovaginal and speculum examination, assessment of inguinal/supraclavicular lymph nodes)
cross-sectional imaging by MRI or CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis
examination under anaesthesia, histological confirmation of any vaginal vault mass by biopsy.
The economic evaluation is intended to inform current diagnostic policy for suspected recurrent or persistent cervical cancer, and the value of information (VOI) was intended to highlight future research needs.
Development of the model structure
To assess the cost-effectiveness of the various diagnostic procedures, a state transition (Markov) model was developed using TreeAge Pro 2011 software (TreeAge Software Inc., Williamstown, MA, USA). A Markov model was the appropriate modelling approach for this evaluation because the time horizons available for both the imaging and the interventions were relatively long and because patients changed health states or experienced recurrent events over a long period of time. 134
In the model, two diagnostic strategies were examined:
clinical examination, MRI and/or CT scan (which represents the standard practice that women receive during follow-up assessment)
clinical examination, MRI and/or CT scan with the addition of a PET-CT scan.
The starting point for the patients in the model was women who have previously been treated for primary cervical cancer with either surgery or chemoradiotherapy based on the cancer stage that was defined at diagnosis (Table 55). It was assumed in the model that women who were initially diagnosed with cervical cancer could receive three different management strategies, based on original stage at diagnosis, current development of the malignancy, tumour characteristics and fitness of the patient.
Management | Percentage of women receiving care | Explanation |
Surgery | 30–40%a | Surgery typically involves radical hysterectomy or trachelectomy |
Of these, 70–80% are cured | No further treatment needed | |
The remaining 20–30% of women receive adjuvant postoperative chemoradiotherapy | This is because the histological examination of the tumour has shown positive margins or there are positive lymph nodes, or because of tumour size or volume, lymphovascular space invasion or stromal invasion | |
Chemoradiotherapy | 50–60%a | |
Of these, 70% of the women are cured | No further treatment needed | |
The remaining 30% of women are those who have not responded to first-line treatment (chemoradiotherapy) and may have persistent disease | Persistent disease can be detected at 3 months' follow-up after initial course of treatment has finished | |
Palliative treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy (or both) | < 5%a |
At 3 months' follow-up, if the results of the history and examination suggested the presence of malignancy-related abnormalities (from symptoms such as pain, vaginal bleeding, weight loss, neuropathy or swelling of the abdomen or legs), women will have undergone a biopsy to confirm the presence of persistent or recurrent cervical cancer. This means that a modelled cohort of women following a pathway for the detection and treatment of potential recurrent cervical cancer cannot be considered to be homogeneous. The accuracy of detection and the probability of treatment success in the recurrent stage were affected by the primary diagnosis and the treatment received previously. To address this issue, the same model structure was used for four separate analyses, to account for the following four cohorts of women based on their primary treatment:
women who had undergone surgery for early-stage primary cervical cancer
women who, in addition to surgery as per cohort 1, had postoperative chemoradiotherapy for early-stage primary cervical cancer because of positive margins, etc.
women who had chemoradiotherapy for early-stage (stages I and IIA) primary cervical cancer but not surgery
women who had chemoradiotherapy for late-stage (stages IIB, III and IV) primary cervical cancer but not surgery.
For all cohorts of women, the clinical pathways and model structure are identical. Figure 28 shows the illustrative Markov model structure and the health-state transitions that are possible within the model. The full tree diagram is shown in Figures 37–43 in Appendix 18. Health states in the illustrative Markov model structure (see Figure 28) are shown in ovals and the arrows represent the transitions that can occur between health states. These 11 health states are described in Table 56. All women who had undergone treatment for primary cervical cancer will start in one of the following four groups: asymptomatic cancer at 3 months, asymptomatic without cancer, symptomatic without cancer or symptomatic cancer at 3 months. The transitions are as follows:
asymptomatic women with cancer at 3 months will move to
asymptomatic recurrence
symptomatic recurrence
post treatment: asymptomatic cancer at 3 months
asymptomatic women without cancer will remain or move to
asymptomatic recurrence
symptomatic recurrence
symptomatic without cancer
symptomatic women without cancer will remain or move to
asymptomatic without cancer
asymptomatic recurrence
symptomatic recurrence
symptomatic women with cancer at 3 months will move to
symptomatic recurrence
post treatment: symptomatic cancer at 3 months
asymptomatic women with recurrence will remain or move to
post treatment: asymptomatic
symptomatic recurrence
symptomatic women with recurrence will remain or move to
post treatment: symptomatic
post-treatment asymptomatic women with cancer at 3 months will remain or move to
post-treatment symptomatic women with cancer at 3 months will remain or move to
post-treatment asymptomatic women will remain then move to
post-treatment symptomatic women will remain then move to
Asymptomatic | Symptomatic | |
Cancer at 3 months | Women without symptoms of cancer who are likely to have recurrent or persistent cancer, which may or may not be detected at 3 months' follow-up | Women with symptoms of cancer who have been diagnosed with recurrent or persistent cancer, which may or may not be detected at 3 months' follow-up (i.e. symptoms may or may not be cancer) |
Without cancer | Women who had previously been treated for initial cervical cancer and are receiving follow-up care, but are free of recurrent cervical cancer | Women who experience symptoms that they assume to be related to recurrent or persistent cervical cancer; however, on follow-up and confirmatory testing these women will be cleared of recurrent or persistent cervical cancer |
Recurrence | Women without symptoms of cancer who have cancer that will not have been detected before a potential follow-up appointment; this may include women who may have had cancer not detected during the first 3 months' follow-up | Women with symptoms that are related to cancer who received follow-up care and who are confirmed as having recurrent or persistent cervical cancer |
Post-treatment cancer at 3 months | Following diagnosis of cancer at first follow-up having been asymptomatic, women will receive new treatment (treatment type based on initial treatment and location of cancer recurrence or persistence) | Following diagnosis of cancer at first follow-up having been symptomatic, women will receive new treatment (treatment type based on initial treatment and location of cancer recurrence or persistence) |
Post treatment | Following diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer after being asymptomatic, women will receive new treatment (treatment type based on initial treatment and location of cancer recurrence or persistence) | Following diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer after being symptomatic, women will receive new treatment (treatment type based on initial treatment and location of cancer recurrence or persistence) |
Death | Women may die from natural causes or may die as a result of recurrent or persistent cervical cancer |
Model assumptions
A number of assumptions are required to develop a workable model structure and to enable the analysis to be carried out. These assumptions are:
Women are followed up with examinations every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 2 years and then annually for 1 year, with the total follow-up being 5 years.
Women who were symptomatic at 3 months and whose cancer has not been detected cannot become asymptomatic.
Women with symptoms that they suspect are related to cervical cancer are usually given an urgent appointment or their pre-existing follow-up appointment is brought forward.
The sensitivity and specificity of the confirmatory biopsy test were 100% accurate.
Women who previously received chemoradiotherapy for primary cervical cancer and who are not diagnosed with persistence at 3 months' follow-up (i.e. not persistent or persistent cases missed) will be treated similarly to women with recurrent cervical cancer when detected.
The PET-CT procedure includes both the preparation and the scan of the patient; therefore, the preparation activity is implicit in the PET-CT scan resource use [NHS Reference Cost Team (anonymous) by email,, 12 April 2011, personal communication].
Women who received treatment for primary cervical cancer and who have not survived at 5 years have died from recurrent cervical cancer only.
The utility for recurrent cervical cancer is equivalent to the average of the utilities for primary stage III and stage IV cervical cancer.
There is a constant hazard over 5 years for early-stage recurrent cervical cancer (i.e. the risk of recurrence is the same at 4 years as it is at 1 year).Women treated for recurrent cervical cancer will have the same quality of life following treatment as they had after treatment for initial cervical cancer.
Data required for the model
Rates of recurrent cervical cancer
The model was populated with the rates of recurrent cervical cancer derived from the literature and in consultation with clinical experts. The rates of recurrence were calculated using a two-stage process. First, the survival following treatment for primary cervical cancer was derived from disease-free survival curves from Landoni et al. ,135 progression-free survival curves from Keys et al. 136 and overall survival curves following initial treatment from Landoni et al. 135 and Vale et al. 137 Information from these curves was used with the standard assumption of an exponential survival function. Three-month survival results were calculated for women who received surgical treatment, based on the disease-free survival curve presented in Landoni et al. 135 (Figure 29). Similar procedures were used to calculate survival following postoperative chemoradiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy. Second, the rates of recurrence were calculated, based on the initial survival of women in the branch of women who were symptomatic without cancer (see probabilities f1–f4 in Tables 98–101 in Appendix 18), using the conditional probabilities following survival and the formulae presented in Table 57. Table 58 shows the rates of recurrence used in the models.
Parameter | Written formula | Formulaa |
Asymptomatic at 3 months | (Probability of becoming recurrent having been symptomatic without cancer × probability of being asymptomatic recurrence conditional on recurrence) | (f2 × f3) |
Asymptomatic without cancer | [(1 − probability of becoming recurrent having been symptomatic without cancer) × (probability of becoming asymptomatic without cancer conditional on no recurrence)] | [(1 − f2) × f4] |
Symptomatic at 3 months | [Probability of becoming recurrent having been symptomatic without cancer × (1 − probability of being asymptomatic recurrence conditional on recurrence)] | [f2 ×(1 − f3)] |
Symptomatic without cancer | [(1 − probability of becoming recurrent having been symptomatic without recurrent cancer) × (1 − probability of becoming asymptomatic without cancer conditional on no recurrence)] | [(1 − f2) ×(1 − f4)] |
Parameter | Surgery | Chemoradiotherapy | Postsurgery chemoradiotherapy | Source | |||
Early | Late | Early | Late | Early | Late | ||
Asymptomatic at 3 months | 0.0041 | – | 0.0041 | 0.0041 | 0.0041 | – | Derived from data from the literature and clinical experts |
Asymptomatic without cancer | 0.8907 | – | 0.8907 | 0.8907 | 0.8907 | – | |
Symptomatic at 3 months | 0.0062 | – | 0.0062 | 0.0062 | 0.0062 | – | |
Symptomatic without cancer | 0.0990 | – | 0.0990 | 0.0990 | 0.0990 | – |
Women enter the model at 3 months after initial treatment. If they have cancer at 3 months they enter the state ‘Asymptomatic cancer at 3 months’ or ‘Symptomatic cancer at 3 months’, but if they are free of cancer at this time they enter the state ‘Asymptomatic without cancer’ or ‘Symptomatic without cancer’. In effect, the 3 months before entry in the model can be regarded as being represented by the probability tree shown in Figure 30.
Ideally, a separate data source would have been used to determine the proportions of women in each of these four states at the start of the model. In the absence of such a data source, it was necessary to make an assumption about these proportions. It was decided to use the probabilities for women moving from the state ‘Symptomatic without cancer’ (see Tables 98–101 in Appendix 18 for probabilities f2–f4) to give the necessary proportions. The way this was carried out is further detailed in Table 57.
Test accuracy results
Test accuracy results used in the model were based on the values estimated in the subjective elicitation exercise (see Chapter 5 and Table 14). The predictive values, 95% CIs and probability distributions for MRI and/or CT and for PET-CT are shown in Tables 59 and 60 respectively. Using the appropriate formulae, predictive values were converted to sensitivities and specificities to be used in the models. Table 61 shows the accuracy data used in the base-case analysis. For sensitivity analysis, the uncertainty indicated in Tables 59 and 60 was applied to the predictive values before conversion to sensitivity and specificity.
Characteristic | Predictive value | MRI and/or CT | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Symptomatic | PPV | 0.884 (SD 0.092) | 0.8415 to 0.9265 | Beta(188.77, 24.77) |
NPV | 0.868 (SD 0.087) | 0.8308 to 0.9112 | Beta(226.38, 33.53) | |
Asymptomatic | PPV | 0.856 (SD 0.098) | 0.8107 to 0.9013 | Beta(196.94, 33.13) |
NPV | 0.900 (SD 0.077) | 0.8644 to 0.9356 | Beta(237.14, 26.35) |
Characteristic | Predictive value | MRI and/or CT and PET-CT | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Symptomatic | PPV | 0.910 (SD 0.082) | 0.8721 to 0.9479 | Beta(295.75, 29.25) |
NPV | 0.907 (SD 0.072) | 0.8737 to 0.9403 | Beta(299.31, 30.69) | |
Asymptomatic | PPV | 0.902 (SD 0.077) | 0.8664 to 0.9376 | Beta(270.6, 29.4) |
NPV | 0.934 (SD 0.055) | 0.9086 to 0.9594 | Beta(396.95, 28.05) |
Intervention | Recurrent/persistent cervical cancer | Source | |||
Asymptomatic | Symptomatic | ||||
Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | ||
Recurrence after initial treatment | |||||
Clinical follow-up and MRI ± CT | 45.43 | 98.47 | 85.09 | 89.78 | Elicitation exercise |
Clinical follow-up, MRI ± CT and PET-CT | 65.25 | 98.58 | 89.71 | 91.88 |
Survival following treatment
The results used in the model for survival following treatment for recurrence or persistence are shown in Table 62. Survival was reported in the systematic review in Chapter 6. From the systematic review, survival data from studies that followed up women following treatment for recurrent cervical cancer prior to 1990 were excluded. In cases in which 5-year survival after 1990 was not reported,96 2- and 3-year survival data were used. Note that these overall survival results are not given separately by the four FIGO stages.
From the results in Table 62, a weighted average of the 3-month survival following treatment was calculated, using weighting based on the percentages of people receiving the different treatments. Table 63 shows the 3-month survival data used in the models.
Treatment option | 2-year survival (%) | 3-year survival (%) | 5-year survival (%) | Source |
Radiotherapy | – | – | 40.2 (95% CI 31.6 to 48.6) for whole group | Jain et al.88 |
Chemotherapy | – | – | 64 | Pearcey et al.127 |
Chemoradiotherapy | 44 | 25 | – | Maneo et al.96 |
Pelvic exenteration | – | – | 63 | Beitler et al.109 |
Untreated | – | – | 3.1 | Adriano et al.138 |
Model (initial treatment) | 3-month survival | 95% CI | Source |
Model 1: Early stage, treated with surgery | 0.9307 | 0.8842 to 0.9772 | Derived from the survival literature and the proportions of women receiving treatment for recurrent cervical cancer |
Model 2: Early stage, treated with chemoradiotherapy | 0.9778 | 0.8526 to 0.9968 | |
Model 3: Late stage, treated with chemoradiotherapy | 0.9779 | 0.8530 to 0.9969 | |
Model 4: Early stage, treated with surgery and postoperative chemoradiotherapy | 0.9778 | 0.8526 to 0.9968 |
Costs and resources
The costs of resources used were those that were directly incurred by the NHS. Costs for clinical examination, diagnostic imaging (PET-CT, MRI and CT), confirmatory biopsy and treatment were included (Table 64). Costs that were not considered were those incurred during the primary diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer. Other costs not included were those for long-term and end-of-life care. In the models, recurrence was assumed to occur only once. Diagnostic procedure costs were taken from the NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010. 139 Cost estimates for chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment were taken from Clark et al. ,140 and estimates for chemoradiotherapy were taken from Clark et al. 140 and were adjusted to 2010 prices using the Hospital and Community Health Services combined pay and price inflation index. 141 Estimated costs for the diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer included costs for clinical examination, PET-CT, MRI and CT. These cost estimates were taken from the NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010139 and published sources. 141 As a result of a paucity of cost-effectiveness studies comparing PET-CT as an adjunct with standard practice, an additive procedural cost of PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice was assumed, as shown in Table 64. All costs were adjusted to 2010 prices and were discounted at 3.5% per annum.
Description | Unit cost (£) | Source |
Examination and imaging | ||
Clinical examination | 28.17 | Curtis 2010141 |
PET-CT | 744.00 | NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010 139 |
MRI | 366.00 | NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010 139 |
CT | 162.00 | NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010 139 |
Confirmatory test | ||
Cone biopsy of cervix uteri NEC | 968.00 | NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010 139 |
Treatment | ||
Surgical | 6723.00 | NHS Reference Costs 2009–2010 139 |
Chemoradiotherapy | 14,495.14 | Brush et al.,142 Curtis 2010141 |
Palliative | ||
Chemotherapy | 356.56 | Clark et al.,140 Curtis 2010141 |
Radiotherapy | 1167.79 | Clark et al.,140 Curtis 2010141 |
Weighted treatment costs | ||
Model 1 | 13,011.00 | Derived from the literature and from consultation with clinical experts |
Model 2 | 1629.85 | |
Model 3 | 993.20 | |
Model 4 | 1629.85 |
Treatment of recurrent cervical cancer depends on the site and extent of recurrence, the type of previous treatment received, time elapsed since primary treatment and the patient's performance status. Treatment options for recurrent cervical cancer include surgery (radical hysterectomy or pelvic exenteration), chemoradiotherapy and palliative treatment (which can be chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy). Treatment costs are presented in Table 64. In the models, a weighted mean cost of treatment was calculated based on the proportion of women who would receive each treatment. In model 1, for women who had previously received surgery for early-stage cervical cancer, treatment for recurrence was likely to be chemoradiotherapy in 85% of cases, exenteration in 10% of cases and chemotherapy for palliative care in the remaining 5%. The weighted treatment cost for model 1 was estimated at £13,011.00. In model 2, for women who had previously received chemoradiotherapy for early-stage cervical cancer, treatment for recurrence was likely to be chemotherapy alone for 80% of cases and exenteration for the remaining 20%. The weighted treatment cost for model 2 was estimated at £1629.85. In model 3, for women who had previously received chemoradiotherapy for late-stage cervical cancer, treatment for recurrence was likely to be chemotherapy alone in 90% of cases and pelvic exenteration for the remaining 10%. The weighted treatment cost for model 3 was estimated at £993.20. In model 4, for women who had previously received postoperative chemoradiotherapy for early-stage cervical cancer, treatment for recurrence was likely to be chemotherapy alone in 80% of cases and radical hysterectomy or pelvic exenteration for the remaining 20%. The weighted treatment cost for model 4 was estimated at £1629.85. (These percentage estimates were obtained in personal communication with Dr S Sundar, University of Birmingham, December 2011, as there was no published information available.) The proportions of women receiving treatment following recurrent cervical cancer, with their 95% CIs and probability distributions, are provided in Tables 65–68 for models 1–4 respectively.
Treatment following recurrence | Proportion | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Chemotherapy | 0.85 | 0.8075 to 0.8925 | Beta(226.23, 39.99) |
Surgery | 0.10 | 0.0500 to 0.1050 | Beta(44.65, 401.82) |
Palliative care | 0.05 | 0.0475 to 0.0525 | Beta(1840.04, 34960.76) |
Treatment following recurrence | Proportion | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Chemotherapy | 0.80 | 0.7600 to 0.8400 | Beta(309.98, 77.50) |
Surgery | 0.20 | 0.1900 to 0.2100 | Beta(1183.93, 4735.74) |
Treatment following recurrence | Proportion | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Chemotherapy | 0.90 | 0.8500 to 0.9500 | Beta(123.47, 13.72) |
Surgery | 0.10 | 0.0500 to 0.1050 | Beta(44.65, 401.82) |
Treatment following recurrence | Proportion | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Chemotherapy | 0.80 | 0.7600 to 0.8400 | Beta(309.98, 77.50) |
Surgery | 0.20 | 0.1900 to 0.2100 | Beta(1183.93, 4735.74) |
Three different effectiveness/outcome measures were used in the model: QALYs, recurrent case treated and death due to recurrent cervical cancer avoided. For the QALY calculations, utility weights for women who had been diagnosed with recurrent cervical cancer were obtained from Goldie et al. 143 The authors reported utility weights for women with invasive cancer by FIGO stage. An average weight based on stages III (0.56) and IV (0.48) was calculated, giving a utility for recurrent cervical cancer of 0.52. From the systematic review there were no studies that reported quality-of-life data following treatment for recurrent cervical cancer in a form that could be used in the model. It was assumed that women treated for recurrent cervical cancer would have the same quality of life as that following treatment for initial cervical cancer. Lang et al. 144 measured the health-related quality of life of Taiwanese women who have been treated for cervical cancer – this was associated with a quality of life of 0.87. In this paper the instruments used to measure health-related quality of life were the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), Short Form questionnaire-8 items (SF-8) and the Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS). In the models, the results of the EQ-5D were used because it is recommended by NICE as the most appropriate measure to calculate QALY estimates. It is also useful because its responsiveness has been shown to be equal to that of the European Organisation for Research in the Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (QLQ C-30) global health status measure. 144 The utilities, 95% CIs and probability distributions used in the model are shown in Table 69.
Recurrence | Utility | 95% CI | Probability distribution |
Asymptomatic recurrence | 0.87 | 0.8564 to 0.8836 | Beta(2175, 325) |
Symptomatic recurrence | 0.52 | 0.3900 to 0.6500 | Beta(28.6, 26.4) |
The recurrent cervical cancer model begins with a hypothetical cohort of women who have previously been treated for primary cervical cancer and who are now receiving follow-up assessment. The model estimates the mean costs associated with the diagnostic procedure and assumes that women entering the model would be aged 50 years.
The model has a cycle length of 3 months. The follow-up pattern was every 3 months for 2 years and then twice a year for 3 years. This represents the follow-up pattern for women who were treated for initial cervical cancer. The model assumes a time period of 5 years; this represents the length of time that women are followed up after being diagnosed and treated and the time within which recurrent cervical cancer may be likely to occur. 32
The model takes the form of a cost–utility analysis and was carried out from the UK NHS perspective in a secondary care setting. The primary outcome is cost per QALY, but a secondary outcome measure of cost per recurrent case treated was also estimated. The results of the cost–utility analysis are presented in terms of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs).
A deterministic sensitivity analysis was carried out on the 5-year survival rate for women who were untreated for recurrent cervical cancer (3.0%138–60%127). This wide range is because the estimate of 3% is from studies dated between 1906 and 1926 and it is likely that survival is now higher than this in untreated cervical cancer. As cervical cancer would now always be treated, it is unclear what the survival rate would be without treatment. The other inputs that were changed were the rates of symptomatic recurrence within 3 months of treatment and the utility values. Arbitrary values were used to explore the impact of changes on the results, given that the available data were poor. Rates of symptomatic recurrence within 3 months of treatment are given in Table 99 (d1 = 0.9778) and Table 100 (d2 = 0.9779) and these were changed to 0.9307, which is the lowest available estimate for surviving within 3 months of testing. The utility values used in the model were halved.
Probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) was undertaken to determine the uncertainty in the model input parameters of prevalence, sensitivity and specificity, treatment costs and expected QALYs. PSA was carried out based on an outcome of cost per QALY only. In PSA, each model parameter was assigned a distribution reflecting the amount and pattern of its variation, and cost-effectiveness results were calculated by simultaneously selecting random values from each distribution. The process was repeated 10,000 times in a Monte Carlo simulation of the model to give an indication of how variation in the model parameters led to variation in the ICERs for a given test combination.
Value of information analysis
When a decision is not robust to plausible variation in the input parameters, it is possible to estimate a statistic known as the expected value of perfect information (EVPI). This is determined as a function of the threshold ICER, which allows a conversion from QALYs to monetary value. The preferred decision under uncertainty is determined by maximising the mean net benefit across the distribution of input parameter values. For any specific parameter set that leads to the same decision, there is no value of information attached to those parameters. If, however, a parameter set leads to a change in the decision, then the value attached to that parameter set is the difference in net monetary benefit between the decision made under uncertainty and the decision made knowing those parameter values. The EVPI is obtained by calculating the value attached to each parameter set used in the PSA and averaging across all parameter sets, taking into account the weightings determined by the probabilistic calibration described in the previous section.
Results of modelling
Results in terms of cost per quality-adjusted life-year
The base-case deterministic results of the strategies based on the cost per QALY are presented in Tables 70–73. The costs are adjusted to 2009/10 prices.
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (QALYs) | Incremental QALYs | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 9169 | – | 4.1086 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 18,757 | 9588 | 4.1096 | 0.0010 | 9,254,000 |
Model 2: women who have been treated for early-stage cancer by chemoradiotherapy
The results for model 2, women who have previously received chemoradiotherapy for early-stage cancer, are presented in Table 71. Standard practice had a mean cost of approximately £7695 with corresponding QALYs of 4.1501 compared with a mean cost of approximately £17,122 and corresponding QALYs of 4.1581 for PET-CT together with standard practice. The estimated ICER for PET-CT together with standard practice compared with standard practice alone was approximately £1,173,000 per QALY. This indicates that, for every additional QALY gained from the use of PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice, there is an incremental cost of £1,173,000.
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (QALYs) | Incremental QALYs | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 7695 | – | 4.1501 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 17,122 | 9428a | 4.1581 | 0.0080 | 1,173,000 |
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (QALYs) | Incremental QALYs | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 7612 | – | 4.1507 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 17,031 | 9419 | 4.1595 | 0.0088 | 1,065,000 |
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (QALYs) | Incremental QALYs | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 7695 | – | 4.1501 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 17,122 | 9428a | 4.1581 | 0.0080 | 1,173,000 |
Model 1: women who have been treated for early-stage cancer by surgery
The results for model 1, women who have previously received treatment by surgery for early-stage cancer, are presented in Table 70. Standard practice had a mean cost of approximately £9169 with corresponding QALYs of 4.1086 compared with a mean cost of approximately £18,757 and 4.1096 QALYs for PET-CT together with standard practice. The estimated ICER for PET-CT together with standard practice compared with standard practice alone was £9,254,000 per QALY. This indicates that, for every additional QALY gained from the use of PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice, there is an incremental cost of £9,254,000.
Model 3: women who have been treated for late-stage cancer by chemoradiotherapy and model 4: women who have been treated for early-stage cancer by postoperative chemoradiotherapy
Similarly, for models 3 and 4, the results are presented in Tables 72 and 73 respectively. The mean costs for standard practice were £7612 and £7695 with QALYs of 4.1507 and 4.1501 respectively. The estimated ICERs for PET-CT together with standard practice compared with standard practice alone were approximately £1,065,000 per QALY for model 3 and £1,173,000 per QALY for model 4.
Results in terms of cost per recurrent case treated
The deterministic results for the cost per recurrent case treated were > £600,000 per case for all four models (Tables 74–77). In model 1 standard practice had a mean cost of approximately £9169 with corresponding cases treated of 0.1296 compared with a mean cost of approximately £18,757 and corresponding cases treated of 0.1436 for PET-CT together with standard practice. The estimated ICER for PET-CT together with standard practice compared with standard practice alone was £681,000 per case treated. This indicates that, for every additional case treated with PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice, there was an incremental cost of £681,000. Similar results can be seen for models 2–4. PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice was both more costly and more effective than standard practice alone, with an ICER of approximately £670,000 for each model.
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (cases treated) | Incremental cases treated | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 9169 | – | 0.1296 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 18,757 | 9588 | 0.1436 | 0.0141a | 681,000 |
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (cases treated) | Incremental cases treated | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 7695 | – | 0.1296 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 17,122 | 9428a | 0.1436 | 0.0141a | 670,000 |
Strategy | Mean cost per strategy (£) | Difference in costs (£) | Effectiveness (cases treated) | Incremental cases treated | ICER (£) |
Standard practice | 7612 | – | 0.1296 | – | – |
PET-CT together with standard practice | 17,031 | 9419 | 0.1436 | 0.0141a | 669,000 |
Deterministic sensitivity analysis results
The deterministic results for the cost per recurrent case treated, presented in Tables 74–77, were > £600,000 per case for all four models. These results are summarised in Table 78.
Incremental cost (£) | Incremental effectiveness | ICER (£) | |
Model 1 | |||
Base case | 9588 | 0.0010 | 9,254,000 |
1. Changing the 5-year survival following untreated cervical cancer (3.0% to 60%) | 9528 | −0.0072 | (Dominance) |
2. Halving the utility value for recurrent cervical cancer from 0.5200 to 0.2600 | 9588 | 0.0052 | 1,829,000 |
3. Changing the current follow-up schedule to annual follow-up | 4974 | 0.0008 | 6,091,000 |
Model 2 | |||
Base case | 9428 | 0.0080 | 1,173,000 |
1. Changing the 5-year survival following untreated cervical cancer (3.0% to 60%) | 9419 | −0.0015 | (Dominance) |
2. Halving the utility value for recurrent cervical cancer from 0.5200 to 0.2600 | 9428 | 0.0122 | 771,000 |
3. Changing the current follow-up schedule to annual follow-up | 4824 | 0.0069 | 697,000 |
Model 3 | |||
Base case | 9419 | 0.0088 | 1,065,000 |
1. Changing the 5-year survival following untreated cervical cancer (3.0% to 60%) | 9413 | −0.0007 | (Dominance) |
2. Halving the utility value for recurrent cervical cancer from 0.5200 to 0.2600 | 9419 | 0.0126 | 745,000 |
3. Changing the 3-month survival to 0.9307 | 9419 | 0.0027 | 3,527,000 |
4. Changing the current follow-up schedule to annual follow-up | 4815 | 0.0072 | 673,000 |
Model 4 | |||
Base case | 9428 | 0.0080 | 1,173,000 |
1. Changing the 5-year survival following untreated cervical cancer (3.0% to 60%) | 9419 | −0.0015 | (Dominance) |
2. Halving the utility value for recurrent cervical cancer from 0.5200 to 0.2600 | 9428 | 0.0122 | 771,000 |
3. Changing the current follow-up schedule to annual follow-up | 4824 | 0.0069 | 697,000 |
Results of the probabilistic sensitivity analysis for the base-case cost per quality-adjusted life-year outcome
Figure 31 shows the Monte Carlo simulation for model 1. The scatterplot illustrates the uncertainty in the expected costs and QALYs based on PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice compared with standard practice alone. For the 10,000 runs of the Monte Carlo simulation, the scatterplot shows considerable uncertainty about the additional expected costs and QALYs.
The scatterplots in Figures 32–35 show the uncertainty surrounding the incremental expected costs and incremental expected QALYs for models 1–4, respectively, based on PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice in comparison with standard practice alone. In each figure, for the 10,000 runs of the Monte Carlo simulation, the scatterplot shows considerable uncertainty about the additional expected incremental costs and QALYs.
The results for model 1 are presented in the form of cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) in Figure 36. Analogous results were observed for models 2–4 (not shown). CEACs give the probability that a screening strategy is cost-effective given society's willingness to pay for a QALY. In other words, the CEAC shows the probability that PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice is cost-effective compared with standard practice alone at different values for society's maximum acceptable cost-effectiveness ratio. The threshold used by NICE is between £20,000 and £30,000 per QALY, that is, society is willing to pay £20,000 per QALY for 1 year of life in full health. From Figure 36 it can be seen that the use of PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice alone is not likely to be cost-effective given the data used in the model. This is illustrated by no PET-CT (standard practice) having a probability of being cost-effective of approximately 100% and PET-CT (PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice) having a probability of being cost-effective of approximately 0%. The implication of this result is that the VOI is necessarily zero across all thresholds, which means that further analysis of VOI was unnecessary.
Chapter 9 Discussion
Statement of principal findings
Test accuracy systematic review and subjective elicitation
Twelve test accuracy studies20,48–58 were found that evaluated PET-CT (n = 6), MRI (n = 3), CT (n = 2) and MRI and CT (n = 1) compared with histology and/or clinical follow-up. Most of the studies were underpowered and of poor quality. Most of the later studies evaluated PET-CT and earlier studies evaluated MRI and CT. Imaging practice has developed since the earlier studies so the MRI and CT studies did not reflect current practice standards, making it difficult to ascertain the value of PET-CT when current practice for CT/MRI is based on outdated research. Both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients were to be investigated in this project, but there was very little information on imaging as routine follow-up for asymptomatic patients. The subjective elicitation exercise obtained the opinions of 21 clinical experts and the results were similar to the published estimates of accuracy for symptomatic women. There was information from one study comparing PET-CT and CT and/or MRI in the same patient group,49 which suggested that PET-CT imaging found many more true-positives and fewer false-negatives than CT or MRI. The subjective elicitation results suggested that the estimated increase in accuracy of adding PET-CT to MRI and/or CT was less than the elicited minimum important difference in accuracy required to justify the routine addition of PET-CT for the investigation of women after completion of primary treatment for cervical cancer.
Effectiveness review
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and surgery (radical hysterectomy and pelvic exenteration) were reviewed. There were 19 RCTs60–83 on chemotherapy but none evaluated the effectiveness of cisplatin compared with no cisplatin, which is the most commonly used drug in recurrent or stage IV cervical cancer and was needed for the economic evaluation. Therefore, another review was carried out to find this information from a RCT. The best-quality RCT found compared cisplatin with no cisplatin with both groups receiving radiotherapy,127 which gave an overall 5-year survival with cisplatin of 63% and without cisplatin of 59%. Only case series were found on radiotherapy (nine studies84–92), chemoradiotherapy (seven studies93–99), radical hysterectomy (seven studies100–106) and pelvic exenteration (20 studies107–126). The survival rates varied considerably, depending on the date of publication, characteristics of patients and type of treatment given. It was noticeable that the pelvic exenteration results showed particularly high rates of perioperative mortality and morbidity and very low survival rates.
Economic evaluation
The results of the base-case deterministic analyses based on the outcome of cost per QALY show that adding PET-CT to the current treatment strategy of clinical examination, MRI and/or CT is significantly more costly with only a minimal increase in effectiveness. This result holds true for all four models that were used in the analyses to represent the alternative treatment paths that women followed for their treatment of primary cancer. These previous treatment paths were differentiated to ensure that the results of the current analysis were not influenced by previous treatment for primary cervical cancer.
The ICER for the strategy of PET-CT as an adjunct to the standard treatment strategy, which included clinical examination, MRI and/or CT, compared with usual treatment alone was > £1M per QALY in all four models:
for women who had been treated for early-stage cancer by surgery (model 1) the ICER was £9.3M per QALY
for women who had been treated for early-stage cancer by chemoradiotherapy (model 2) the ICER was £1.2M per QALY
for women who had been treated for late-stage cancer by chemoradiotherapy (model 3) the ICER was £1.1M per QALY
for women who had been treated for early-stage cancer by postoperative chemoradiotherapy (model 4) the ICER was £1.2M per QALY.
For all models an exploration of the ICER based on the outcome of cost per additional case of recurrence treated was performed. For all four models, the additional cost per additional case of recurrence treated was in the region of £600,000 per case.
The acceptable ICER threshold used by NICE is £20,000–30,000 per QALY. This means that an ICER has to be below this for a technology to be currently considered cost-effective. The PSA suggests that the strategy of PET-CT as an adjunct to standard practice is not likely to be considered cost-effective given current willingness-to-pay thresholds for any of the models and data used in this analysis.
The sensitivity analysis showed that there was nothing, in terms of the data used in the models, that could be changed within plausible estimates, based on the current available evidence, that would change the direction of the results sufficiently to provide any doubt about the results of the current analysis. Thus, based on the current available data and expert opinion used in the models, there is little doubt that PET-CT as an adjunct to standard treatment has been shown to be not cost-effective in the diagnosis of recurrent or persistent cervical cancer at this time.
Strengths and limitations of the project
Well-established systematic review methods were used for this technology assessment, which lends considerable strength to its validity and reliability.
Searches for the diagnostic and effectiveness studies were conducted systematically using a sensitive search strategy and so it is unlikely that any useful information will have been missed.
Throughout the project the focus has been to investigate recurrent and persistent cervical cancer, rather than merge this evidence with that for primary cervical cancer, even if it was advanced when first diagnosed.
Elicited estimates of accuracy of CT, MRI and PET-CT are plausible and reflect the fact that the accuracy of imaging tests is likely to be greater in symptomatic than in asymptomatic women because of the more advanced stage of disease in the former. Elicited estimates of accuracy also reflect a greater likelihood of an improvement in NPV than in PPV in both symptomatic and asymptomatic women, which is consistent with the probability of a larger number of false-positives with the addition of PET-CT to current imaging practice.
Importantly, elicited estimates of prevalence and accuracy had face validity as judged by feedback to clinical experts who participated in the face-to-face elicitation exercise. Probabilities elicited with and without pre-elicitation training appeared similar.
There have been four recent systematic reviews and narrative reviews on recurrent, persistent metastatic and advanced cervical cancer59,145–147 and all have included RCTs on advanced primary cancer as well as cancer after primary treatment. They all investigated chemotherapy only and so the current project is the only one to incorporate information on radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and surgery in the same report.
Considerable efforts were made to find appropriate input values for the decision-analytic model, for example conducting an additional systematic review on the effectiveness of single-agent cisplatin in (recurrent or primary) cervical cancer.
The strength of the economic evaluation is that the analysis is based on the best available data. Systematic reviews showed that test accuracy evidence was severely limited.
The subjective elicitation exercise was carried out using expert opinion before any economic analysis was undertaken. No assumption or item of data from the elicitation exercise was changed after the analysis started apart from in the sensitivity analysis. All assumptions used in the model were agreed by the team based on expert advice a priori.
There was no information on the selective use of PET-CT to guide management of patients when considering surgical procedures such as exenteration, as suggested in guidelines on the use of PET-CT in recurrent cervical cancer.
The diagnostic systematic review is limited by the quantity and quality of the included studies. The studies had few participants and were underpowered and the quality was frequently poor. The reference standard was different for test-positive patients (histology) and test-negative patients (clinical follow-up) in eight of the studies. 20,49–52,54–56 There was almost no information on the timing between the index tests and the reference standards. Also, imaging practice has changed and so the earlier studies do not reflect current practice; in particular, the CT and MRI studies were published between 1981 and 2000.
There is a weakness in test accuracy studies in which the reference standard is not independent of the index text. In one study,50 PET-CT was incorporated in the reference standard. For some patients the final diagnosis was based on the results of tumour marker level and PET-CT findings. This means that these studies are unlikely to give an accurate estimate of the test specificity.
There was very little information from published studies comparing PET-CT in addition to MRI or CT with MRI or CT alone in order to determine whether or not PET-CT use would enhance test accuracy and improve therapeutic impact.
In most of the existing studies the results for recurrent and persistent cancer, and in some cases (particularly RCTs) for primary advanced cervical cancer, were analysed together. When possible, results are presented for the subgroup of patients with recurrence and persistence only.
There was little evidence on the effectiveness of single-agent cisplatin in recurrent or persistent cervical cancer, and other information required for the analysis was also scarce.
It is debateable whether or not effectiveness evidence for patients who had undergone surgery with radiotherapy for their initial treatment should have been excluded. It is likely that further treatment will be chemotherapy. The additional systematic review on cisplatin as a single agent did not exclude these studies, so it is unlikely that this exclusion from the main effectiveness systematic review will have had any impact on the subsequent project.
The main systematic review of effectiveness studies did not include any information on the effectiveness of the most commonly used chemotherapy regimen in recurrent and persistent cervical cancer, single-agent cisplatin.
Effectiveness studies with long-term follow-up are the most useful but if they have a long follow-up it is inevitable that recruitment happened earlier and so the treatment given at the time may not be as effective as that given more recently. This limits the generalisability of these studies.
The evidence on radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and surgery was all from case series; no RCT or comparative studies were available. Comparison of patient populations between studies was difficult because of a lack of information on baseline characteristics such as patient age, FIGO stage, histological cell type and site of disease. Many of the case series were published years ago (1950s to 1970s) and treatment effectiveness has improved over time. It is debateable whether or not the systematic reviews should have included these early data. However, the economic modelling required estimates for a number of parameters and it was not clear at the outset how early the inclusion criterion needed to be to find estimates for some parameters. On the one hand, basing estimates on early research means that they are not likely to be accurate; however, at least the parameter estimates are based on some research, even if early, rather than clinicians' opinions only.
There was no information about quality of life in recurrent and persistent cervical cancer and so information had to be taken from a quality-of-life study in patients with advanced primary cervical cancer. 144
With regards to the economic evaluation, there are some major limitations in the analysis that must be considered when interpreting the results. Any economic model is limited by the availability of suitable data to populate it. In addition to the absence of PET-CT accuracy data, which was overcome by the use of the preference elicitation exercise data, information on the effectiveness of appropriate treatments was also lacking. Thus, the data for the proportions of patients receiving treatment for recurrent cervical cancer were again provided by clinicians based on best clinical knowledge. Utility data for women diagnosed with recurrent cervical data were, with the approval of the clinicians on the team, calculated based on the average utility values for women who had been diagnosed with stage III and IV primary cervical cancer. Also, utility values for women treated were based on the utility values from Lang et al. ,144 which investigated primary cervical cancer but not recurrent or persistent cervical cancer. It is also worth clarifying that the data in the literature on survival did not report survival according to stage for women who have been treated for recurrent or persistent cervical cancer.
When CIs were not reported in the literature, to conduct the PSA arbitrary ± ranges were used. Limited availability of data also meant that any correlations that may exist between the sensitivity and the specificity data, for the range of diagnostic tests, have been ignored.
Cost data for tests were available in very few published studies and only unit costs for relevant resource use were available.
There are a number of uncertainties in the results of the economic model, mainly due to uncertainties in the clinical parameters, such as the lack of test accuracy information for asymptomatic women. This is due in turn to the poor-quality evidence that is available for some parameters and the lack of evidence for others.
The use of differential reference standards leads to overestimation of diagnostic test accuracy. 148 However, on ethical grounds, clinical follow-up is an adequate way to evaluate test accuracy in patients with negative findings. Unfortunately, the different definitions of clinical follow-up in each study (from physical and gynaecological examination during at least 6 months to tumour marker levels and imaging findings) are problematic because it is uncertain whether or not the different studies are measuring the same imaging accuracy. When clinical follow-up is used as the reference standard it is inevitable that the condition of the patient will change. However, if no lesions are found on imaging it is unclear where biopsies for histology should be taken from.
There is a risk of under- or overestimation of diagnostic test accuracy depending on the change in a patient's condition, so information about the time period between the reference standard and the index test is important to be sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests.
With regard to the subjective elicitation, responses from individuals who received pre-elicitation education in the form of a lecture did not appear to differ from responses from those who did not. The data did not allow a formal investigation of the similarity of responses. Feedback from clinicians indicated that further disaggregation of women according to initial stage would have been ideal, reflecting variation in the prevalence of recurrence in women according to initial stage. However, this would have increased the number of accuracy elicitations from eight to 16 with an expected adverse impact on response rate and validity of responses.
Current practice in the UK does not include routine imaging surveillance of asymptomatic women post primary treatment for cervical cancer and therefore the elicited accuracy estimates for CT, MRI and PET-CT in this clinical population will not be based on the clinical experience of respondents, in contrast to the use of these imaging technologies in symptomatic women post primary treatment for cervical cancer. However, as discussed above, the pattern of estimates of accuracy in this population group is plausible given the lower prevalence and severity of any existing disease.
It is uncertain whether or not the addition of PET-CT is merited. One small published study49 suggested that PET-CT found more true-positives and fewer false-negatives than MRI and/or CT but the subjective elicitation suggested that the increase in accuracy was less than the minimum important clinical difference needed. PET-CT is recommended in the SIGN guidelines when CT or MRI has demonstrated recurrent or persistent disease,3 but the evidence upon which this recommendation is based is unclear.
There is considerable uncertainty around the comparative effectiveness of cisplatin monotherapy and for radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy, radical hysterectomy and pelvic exenteration in recurrent and persistent cervical cancer. These are the mainstays of current treatment and, therefore, the lack of evidence regarding their effectiveness is worrying.
No studies were identified that had considered the relative cost-effectiveness of available technologies for the diagnosis of recurrent or persistent cervical cancer and, therefore, appropriate comparisons with other existing studies are not possible. Consequently, it is uncertain whether or not the approach taken here would be robust if other studies were conducted.
In terms of the EVPI, given that the probability calculated in the modelling never went above zero for the range of willingness-to-pay values plotted, the EVPI is necessarily zero at any such willingness to pay. The EVPI reflects the parameter uncertainty in the elicitation exercise and would be different should the test accuracy of PET-CT be measured directly.
Chapter 10 Conclusions
Based on the current model and given the limitations that have been highlighted in terms of availability of data, the results of the current analysis suggest that the use of PET-CT in the diagnosis of recurrent or persistent cervical cancer is not cost-effective for symptomatic or asymptomatic women. The results are not even close to the current willingness-to-pay thresholds that are accepted in the UK by decision-making bodies such as NICE. The results reflect enormous uncertainty at many levels and so a better expression of our current understanding is that the cost-effectiveness of PET-CT combined with usual tests and treatment for detecting recurrent cervical cancer is not proven. Although PSA showed that the main conclusion about the cost-ineffectiveness of PET-CT was firm given the range of assumptions made, should more reliable information become available on accuracy, therapeutic impact and effectiveness, and the cost of PET-CT reduce, the conclusion may need revision. Current guidelines recommending imaging for diagnosis using expensive methods such as PET-CT need to be reconsidered in light of the above.
Implications for service provision
A diagnosis of recurrent cervical cancer must be an extremely distressing situation for women and their families. Current evidence suggests that there are huge knowledge gaps about women's quality of life and survival given such a diagnosis. Also, missing an early diagnosis of recurrence is very distressing. Adding an additional PET-CT test to the toolkit to confirm diagnosis of recurrence, or not, might add something in terms of reassurance and hope. However, given that the additional accuracy of such a test is currently not clear, as well as the lack of other necessary evidence, a case for its implementation in current practice cannot yet be supported. Much more robust evidence on test accuracy, survival and quality of life is required before any such case can be made.
It is uncertain whether or not the addition of PET-CT in routine surveillance of asymptomatic women and diagnosis of symptomatic women is good value for money, given the current state of knowledge. This lack of information around the usefulness of routine surveillance with PET-CT does not help the women concerned.
Patients should be informed that the effectiveness of single-agent cisplatin in recurrent and persistent cervical cancer is uncertain.
The pelvic exenteration results showed high operative and postoperative mortality rates and the complication rates were also high. Considering the morbidity of pelvic exenteration, it could be argued that the NHS care of these women should be further centralised into supraregional centres.
Implications for research
The key clinical question is whether it is better to evaluate asymptomatic women following primary treatment or to wait until symptoms occur. A RCT could be conducted in which women who had completed treatment for primary cervical cancer would be randomised to a policy of routine surveillance or current practice of symptomatic follow-up.
It is necessary to conduct larger, good-quality studies directly comparing the test accuracy of the addition of PET-CT to MRI and/or CT imaging alone in a population of women with recurrent and persistent cervical cancer in order to evaluate whether or not the additional expenditure on PET-CT is merited. Population groups need to be distinguished between symptomatic presentation and asymptomatic women undergoing routine follow-up.
There is also a need to compare current practice with CT or MRI and the use of PET-CT in terms of change in diagnosis, work-up and change in the treatment plan by response to treatment in a way that permits continuation or alteration of treatment.
To our knowledge this is the first example of the elicitation of test accuracy estimates. Use of predictive values and test errors resulted in consistent responses that had face validity in this sample. Further test accuracy elicitation exercises will be required to confirm the validity of this approach and for comparison of test accuracy elicitation using other test accuracy metrics.
Investigation of the benefit of face-to-face pre-elicitation education for the validity of responses is warranted as this has an impact on the methods of elicitation that are possible (e.g. the use of postal- and internet-based questionnaires), the resources required and the response rate.
Generally, to obtain more reliable results for radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy or surgery, there is a need to conduct prospective studies with a comparative group, preferably RCTs, that are sufficiently powered to present definitive results in the subpopulations of persistent and recurrent patients separately. These studies should collect information about long-term overall survival, disease-free status, recurrence, morbidity, hospital stay, late complications and, most importantly, generic quality of life using, for example, the EQ-5D, the assessment of which is crucial for the evaluation of the full impact of therapies on patients' well-being.
It would be useful to have a UK register of pelvic exenterations for recurrent/persistent cervical cancer. This is a major operation with considerable implications for morbidity. Our searches demonstrate that current published data on outcomes from pelvic exenteration for cervical cancer are outdated. In the systematic review most pelvic exenteration case series were published before the year 2000 and the only one from the UK was published in 1953. 119 This makes it impossible for the effectiveness of diagnostic work-ups or indeed exenterative surgery to be provided accurately. Such surgery – resulting in the loss of the bladder and/or bowel – has the potential for significant morbidity and mortality as well as having an impact on the patient's emotional well-being and body image. It is vital that we collect prospective good-quality data that can be used to improve care and establish standards and outcomes for women who require such surgery. Furthermore, this register may also help promote the rationalisation of service use by concentrating such services at centres that establish expertise in the preoperative, postoperative and long-term supportive care of these women.
Anne Fry-Smith for helping to draft the original protocol and Paweł Chomiak for assistance with the systematic reviews.
Subjective elicitation: Dr Indrajit Fernando, Consultant Clinical Oncologist; Mr KK Chan, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Mr Janos Balega, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Ahmed Elattar, Subspecialty Trainee in Gynaecological Oncology; Sudha Sundar, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Raj Saha, Consultant Gynaecologist (unit lead); Martin Underwood, Specialist Trainee in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Peter Guest, Consultant Radiologist; Dr Moji Balogun, Consultant Radiologist; Professor David Luesley, Consultant Gynaecologist (Director Pan Birmingham Gynaecological Cancer Centre); Pierre Martin-Hirsch, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Raj Naik, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Adam Rosenthal, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Arjun Jeyarajam, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; John Butler, Subspecialty Trainee in Gynaecological Oncology; Alex Lawrence, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; NJ Wood, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; Mary Cairns, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist; John Shepherd, Consultant Surgeon/Gynaecological Oncologist; and Miss Elizabeth Ball, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.
Contribution of authors
Catherine Meads | Supervised and co-ordinated the project and rewrote and edited the manuscript. |
Peter Auguste | Designed the decision model and inputs, conducted the analysis, interpreted the results and provided detailed comments on the economic evaluation chapter. |
Clare Davenport | Carried out the systematic review of test accuracy and subjective elicitation and commented on the final report. |
Sylwia Małysiak | Carried out the systematic review of test accuracy studies and commented on the final report. |
Sudha Sundar | Provided clinical orientation, contributed to the project design, interpreted the results and commented on the final report. |
Monika Kowalska | Carried out the systematic review of test accuracy studies and commented on the final report. |
Anna Zapalska | Carried out the systematic review of effectiveness and commented on the final report. |
Peter Guest | Carried out the quality assessment of test accuracy studies and had radiological input. |
Shakila Thangaratinam | Preparation of the grant application and review of the final report. |
Pierre Martin-Hirsch | Provided clinical comments on the final report. |
Ewa Borowiack | Management of the original systematic reviews and the effectiveness systematic review. |
Pelham Barton | Provided advice on all aspects of the economic evaluation and detailed comments on the economic evaluation chapter. |
Tracy Roberts | Management of the economic evaluation, designed and supervised the economic evaluation and wrote the first draft of the economic evaluation chapter and the discussion. |
Khalid Khan | Design of the HTA and overall supervision of the project and commented on the final report. |
This report presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health.
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Appendix 1 Protocol
Appendix 2 Scoping search strategies and results
Appendix 3 Diagnostic review data extraction form
Appendix 4 Effectiveness review data extraction forms
Appendix 5 Case series quality assessment form
Checklist used for quality assessment of case series
Checklist used for quality assessment of case series (PDF download)
Appendix 6 Diagnostic systematic review search strategies
Diagnostic systematic review search strategies (PDF download)
Appendix 7 Subjective elicitation questionnaire
Appendix 8 Effectiveness systematic review search strategies
Effectiveness systematic review search strategies (PDF download)
Appendix 9 Economic evaluation systematic review search strategies and studycategories
Economic evaluation systematic review search strategies and studycategories (PDF download)
Appendix 10 Diagnostic review list of excluded studies with reasons for exclusion
Diagnostic review list of excluded studies with reasons for exclusion (PDF download)
Appendix 11 Diagnostic meta-analysis logistic regression results
Diagnostic meta-analysis logistic regression results (PDF download)
Appendix 12 Subjective elicitation results
Appendix 13 Effectiveness review list of excluded studies with reasons for exclusion
Effectiveness review list of excluded studies with reasons for exclusion (PDF download)
Appendix 14 Baseline characteristics of chemotherapy randomised controlled trials
Baseline characteristics of chemotherapy randomised controlled trials (PDF download)
Appendix 15 Quality assessment of case series: radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy
Quality assessment of case series: radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy (PDF download)
Appendix 16 Quality assessment of case series: surgery
Appendix 17 Systematic review of single cisplatin treatment in cervical cancer
Systematic review of single cisplatin treatment in cervical cancer (PDF download)
Appendix 18 Health economics
List of abbreviations
- adriamycin
- bleomycin, vindesine, mitomycin and cisplatin
- Brief Pain Inventory
- carboplatin
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
- cost-effectiveness acceptability curve
- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
- iproplatin
- CI
- confidence interval
- CT
- computerised tomography
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
- cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II)
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
- EQ-5D
- European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions
- expected value of perfect information
- Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Cervix Trial Outcome Index
- Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General
- Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group Neurotoxicity four-item scale
- 18F-FDG
- 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
- Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
- Gynecologic Oncology Group
- human papillomavirus
- Health Technology Assessment
- incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
- MeSH
- medical subject heading
- magnetic resonance imaging
- methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin
- mitomycin C, vincristine, bleomycin and cisplatin
- National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria
- NHS Economic Evaluation Database
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
- negative predictive value
- positron emission tomography
- positive predictive value
- Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
- probabilistic sensitivity analysis
- quality-adjusted life-year
- Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies
- randomised controlled trial
- RR
- relative risk
- SD
- standard deviation
- Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
- summary receiver operating characteristic
- total pelvic exenteration
- value of information
All abbreviations that have been used in this report are listed here unless the abbreviation is well known (e.g. NHS), or it has been used only once, or it is a non-standard abbreviation used only in figures/tables/appendices, in which case the abbreviation is defined in the figure legend or in the notes at the end of the table.