Article history
The research reported in this issue of the journal was funded by the HTA programme as project number 08/110/03. The contractual start date was in September 2010. The draft report began editorial review in January 2014 and was accepted for publication in April 2014. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report.
Declared competing interests of authors
Malcolm Cameron provides the bespoke device service at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Timothy Quinnell received personal fees from UCB Pharma (who have no commercial interest in this study area) for attending the European Sleep Research Society Conference in September 2012. There are no other conflicts of interest to declare.
Copyright statement
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014. This work was produced by Sharples et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Description of health problem
Definition of obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea (OSAH) involves repeated interruption of airflow during sleep as a consequence of episodic collapse of the pharyngeal airway. Oxygen desaturations typically result and events terminate with respiratory effort-induced microarousals from sleep. When there is significant sleep disruption then daytime symptoms can result. Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) incorporates excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). 1 For the purposes of consistency, the term OSAH will be used in this review instead of OSAHS.
Consequences of obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea is causally linked with hypertension. 2 There is a 2.5-fold associated increase in cardiovascular risk,3 with a reported 6% increase in stroke risk per unit increase in apnoea–hypopnoea index (AHI). 4 This association is supported by biologically plausible mechanisms and beneficial cardiovascular effects of OSAH treatment have been described. 5 However, difficult-to-exclude confounders mean that causation and the impact of OSAH treatment on cardiovascular disease (CVD) are still being explored. There are several other consequences of OSAH. Impaired vigilance is responsible for a two- to threefold increase in road traffic accident (RTA) risk,6 and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is also impaired. 7,8 Health-care usage is almost doubled in OSAH, with one of the main determinants of increased cost being CVD. 9
Diagnosis and classification of obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea is diagnosed and its severity determined on the basis of symptoms and respiratory monitoring during sleep. The simplest monitoring involves nocturnal oximetry, providing an hourly oxygen desaturation index (ODI) as a surrogate marker of respiratory events. Oximetry is relatively insensitive and so will miss some cases of OSAH. 10 The AHI is more sensitive and specific, combining oximetry with oronasal temperature and pressure monitors to measure airflow, and thoracic and abdominal movement gauges to distinguish obstructive from central events. To be scored, respiratory events must arbitrarily last at least 10 seconds. Apnoeas involve complete cessation of airflow. Hypopnoeas are variously defined by different classification systems. 11,12 Common is a degree of airflow amplitude reduction, which must be accompanied by either significant oxygen desaturation or, if measured, electroencephalography (EEG)-based evidence of microarousal from sleep. The multiple scoring systems introduce heterogeneity into what is otherwise a useful objective measure. 13 Nonetheless, the AHI provides an objective means of defining disease severity, monitoring disease course and measuring treatment response. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), which is responsible for three hypopnoea definitions, arbitrarily defines mild OSAH as an AHI of ≥ 5– ≤ 15 events per hour; moderate OSAH as an AHI of 15–30 events per hour; and severe OSAH as an AHI of > 30 events per hour. 11 These are widely applied criteria and are used in this report.
The extent of daytime sleepiness ranges greatly in OSAH and there is only moderate correlation with respiratory event frequency. 14 With the persistent uncertainty regarding the impact of treatment on cardiovascular end points, the main treatment indication remains EDS. Therefore, OSAH is alternatively classified according to severity of EDS and impacts of treatments are measured by symptom effects.
Daytime sleep propensity is most commonly assessed using the subjective, but extensively validated, Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). 15 The likelihood of falling asleep in eight different situations is rated on a scale of 0 to 3 by the patient. The total score ranges from 0 to 24, with higher scores indicating greater sleepiness. A score of ≤ 10 is considered normal in the general population. 16 The ESS score has a roughly Normal distribution in OSAH. 17 As a subjective measure, it is susceptible to significant placebo effects. 18 A recent meta-analysis estimated that 29% of ESS score improvement was attributable to placebo in high continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) users. 19 However, the ESS has high internal consistency and has been found to be the best among a range of validated outcome measures in predicting real response to OSAH treatment. 17,18
Daytime sleepiness can be objectively measured using validated EEG-based nap tests. The multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) involves measuring sleep onset latency in four or five 20-minute tests, at 2-hourly intervals over 1 day. Subjects are put back to bed after overnight polysomnography (PSG), which serves to validate results by confirming sufficient preceding nocturnal sleep. They are instructed to try to sleep in a darkened and sound-attenuated room. The maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT) is the related EEG vigilance assessment, involving four or five 40-minute tests. 20 The Osler test is similar to the MWT, but uses repeated behavioural tasks to monitor alertness. 21 Although all are useful objective tests, and the MSLT is particularly important for diagnosing narcolepsy, results show considerable overlap between healthy subjects and those with sleep disorders. 20 They are affected by multiple factors other than disease20 and are time-consuming and resource expensive. As such, they have a limited role in the day-to-day diagnosis and management of OSAH and figure in only a few treatment trials. 22–25
Epidemiology and risk factors
Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome affects 2–7% of the adult population26 with the risk of developing the condition approximately twofold higher in men than in women. 27,28 It is common in middle age,27 but prevalence may be higher in the elderly. One community-based study found 62% of older adults (≥ 65 years) to have an AHI of ≥ 10. 29 Obesity is a major risk factor for OSAH, particularly when adiposity is distributed around the neck and upper body. 30,31 Another community study reported a quadrupling of disease prevalence associated with a one standard deviation (SD) increase in body mass index (BMI). 27 Causality is supported by longitudinal evidence of fluctuating disease severity in association with weight change. 28,32 Other lifestyle risk factors include smoking and alcohol use, while medical conditions with a possible causal association include hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and acromegaly. 26,30
Current service provision
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy is the cornerstone of OSAH treatment. It works by providing a pneumatic splint to the upper airway, preventing pharyngeal collapse during sleep. Treatment is applied with a nasal mask or face mask, connected via a tube to a small electric air pump generating the pressure.
Continuous positive airway pressure greatly reduces obstructive respiratory events and daytime sleepiness and improves cognitive function and quality of life (QoL). There is evidence of beneficial effects on blood pressure (BP),8,33,34 from which improvement in cardiovascular end points can be inferred, although direct evidence for this continues to be sought. CPAP improves impaired driving simulator performance and observational data have shown a reduction in excess RTA risk. 35,36 However, there is a lack of direct evidence for the latter. 8 CPAP has been shown to be clinically effective and cost-effective for moderate to severe OSAH at a willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold of £20,000 per QALY and clinical guidelines recommend it as first-line treatment in these patients. 8,37,38
The intrusive nature of CPAP means that intolerance can undermine its effectiveness. Not all patients accept treatment and reported usage ranges from 29% to 85%. 39–42 Efforts continue to explore ways of increasing CPAP acceptance and adherence. Pressure modification (e.g. with bilevel devices, autotitrating CPAP and expiratory pressure relief) and humidification are used, although current evidence suggests that compliance with positive airway pressure is similar regardless of the mode of delivery. 43 A variety of educational, supportive and behavioural interventions continue to be tried, but techniques are diverse and the overall quality of evidence is currently too low to guide patient selection or choice of intervention. 44
The role of CPAP in the management of mild OSAH is less clear. There is a paucity of randomised trial evidence and cost-effectiveness of CPAP appears more marginal. McDaid et al. 8 calculated its cost to slightly exceed the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) threshold for mild patients, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £20,585 compared with conservative management (CM). Compliance with CPAP may also be worse in milder disease. 45 Clinical guidelines reflect the uncertainty, recommending that CPAP be tried when significant symptoms fail to respond to lifestyle measures and any other relevant treatment options. 37,38
Non-continuous positive airway pressure therapy treatments
The existence of modifiable OSAH risk factors with plausible causative mechanisms encourages an approach to OSAH treatment which includes lifestyle measures. Clinical guidelines recommend that interventions such as weight loss, smoking cessation, reduction of alcohol intake and positional management (supine sleep avoidance) should be considered in the treatment of individual patients. 37,38 However, conclusive randomised trial evidence of effectiveness of lifestyle modification is still lacking. 46
Various surgical techniques have been developed to try to treat OSAH. Their aim is to prevent pharyngeal occlusion by increasing upper airway dimensions, reducing collapsibility and/or bypassing obstruction. Several short-term studies have been reported. However, diverse techniques, inconsistent effects and a lack of longer-term data mean that conclusive evidence of effectiveness is lacking. 47
Pharmacotherapy continues to be explored in OSAH. Several drugs have been investigated, attempting to exploit various hypothetical pharmacological mechanisms to reduce respiratory events and/or improve symptoms. Despite some positive results from individual trials, effectiveness has not been proven. 48
Description of the technology being assessed
Mandibular advancement devices (MADs) are recommended in various clinical guidelines as an alternative to CPAP in the treatment of OSAH. 38 They are worn in the mouth during sleep, holding the mandible and tongue forward with the aim of maintaining upper airway patency. Improvement in respiratory event frequency has been associated with MAD-mediated increases in upper airway dimensions49 and reduced pharyngeal collapsibility. 50 There are numerous types of MADs available, representing a range of sophistication and cost, both in terms of the devices themselves and the processes involved in their provision.
Three meta-analyses have examined the evidence for the use of MADs in OSAH and have produced consistent results in areas of overlap. 8,33,51 Their findings will be reviewed in more detail in Chapters 3 and 4. Broadly, the evidence shows that MADs are less efficacious than CPAP at reducing the frequency of obstructive respiratory events, but are better than various placebos, including sham MADs which hold the mandible in a neutral position rather than protrude it. However, both CPAP and MADs improve EDS, according to the ESS score, to a similar extent, and more than sham MADs and other placebos. Data regarding the impacts of CPAP and MADs on objective tests of sleepiness or alertness are minimal. Two studies found no effect of CPAP or MADs on MWT,22,23 while another reported similar improvements in Osler test results for CPAP and MADs. 24 QoL has also been understudied in MAD trials. Those that have reported generic and disease-specific measures have not found consistent differences between CPAP and MADs. 8,33 The repeated discrepancies demonstrated between efficacy and effectiveness may reflect differences in treatment tolerances. Limited trial data suggest that patients who respond to both CPAP and MADs may prefer MADs. 33 A recent randomised trial comparing MADs with CPAP in moderate to severe OSAH revealed no differences in several important health outcomes, including BP and driving simulator performance, despite CPAP being more efficacious in reducing AHI. Superior MAD compliance was postulated as an explanation for these findings. 52
Meanwhile, in terms of cost-effectiveness, a systematic review and economic analysis funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme concluded from a base-case analysis that CPAP had a high probability of being more cost-effective than both dental devices and CM in OSAH, at a £20,000 cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) threshold. 8 However, these trials were largely conducted in patient populations with moderate to severe OSAH and all trials involving MADs were in populations with moderate disease on average.
The lack of evidence regarding the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of MADs in OSAH was a key finding of the meta-analyses and leaves residual uncertainty about their exact role. Inconsistent treatment effects of CPAP compared with MADs in moderate disease may in part be a function of device heterogeneity and direct comparisons of effectiveness of MADs against CPAP in mild and severe disease were not available. 8 It has also been argued that sham MADs may exaggerate the benefits of active devices by undermining sleep quality without reducing respiratory events. 51 Resulting recommendations for further research include establishing whether or not clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness varies between different types of MAD;8 identifying which patients are likely to benefit from MAD treatment8,51 and the exploration of carryover and period effects in crossover trials using standardised and validated subjective measures. 51
Aims and objectives
The aims of this study were as follows:
To conduct a randomised, controlled, crossover trial to assess whether or not MADs are clinically effective and cost-effective compared with no treatment in patients with mild to moderate OSAH [the Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea (TOMADO)].
To determine, within TOMADO, which one of three increasingly sophisticated and costly MADs is most effective in the treatment of mild to moderate OSAH.
To update systematic reviews of randomised, controlled trials of the effectiveness of MADs and/or CPAP in order to inform a long-term decision model.
To update the health economic decision model developed by the York group, and presented in McDaid et al.,8 incorporating results from TOMADO and other recently published studies.
Chapter 2 The randomised, controlled, crossover Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
After 2008 there was clear guidance to support the use of CPAP for moderate or severe OSAH, but CPAP was not recommended for mild OSAH unless patients experienced symptoms that affected QoL/daily activities and other treatment options had failed. 37 A Cochrane review of MADs concluded that they are an appropriate therapy for patients who are unable or unwilling to tolerate CPAP. 51 Research suggested that CPAP is superior to MADs in reducing AHI, but that control of daytime sleepiness is similar. However, the evidence base was limited as most individual studies were small, of limited methodological quality or did not address key outcomes such as HRQoL, and few focused on mild OSAH. Therefore, clinical equipoise existed regarding the role of MADs in OSAH and this prompted the TOMADO study.
Primary objectives of Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
The primary objective was to determine whether or not MADs are more effective than no treatment and whether or not the level of MAD sophistication (bespoke, semi-bespoke and over the counter) influences outcomes for patients with mild to moderate OSAH.
Secondary objectives of the Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
The secondary objectives were to produce a trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis to determine, from a NHS perspective, whether or not MADs are cost-effective compared with no treatment in mild to moderate OSAH, and whether or not the degree of MAD sophistication influences cost-effectiveness. It was also intended that the results would contribute to a comprehensive long-term cost–utility analysis (see Chapter 4).
Study design
The study was an open-label, four-treatment, four-period, randomised crossover trial comparing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three types of MAD {bespoke MAD (bMAD; NHS Oral-Maxillofacial Laboratory, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK), semi-bespoke [SleepPro 2™ (SP2); Meditas Ltd, Winchester, UK] and over the counter [SleepPro 1™ (SP1); Meditas Ltd, Winchester, UK]} and a no-treatment control for patients with mild to moderate OSAH (AHI of 5 events/hour to < 30 events/hour). Each 6-week period (4 weeks for no-treatment arm) comprised a 2-week acclimatisation phase, followed by a 4-week treatment phase. A 1-week washout period followed active treatments.
The study was reviewed and approved by the National Research Ethics Service Research Ethics Committee East of England – Cambridge Central (reference 10/H0308/4) and local (research consortia and primary care trust), ethical and research governance committees, and was registered as an International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial, number (ISRCTN) 02309506. The trial protocol can be accessed at
Public and patient involvement
There was involvement from a patient in the study design and conduct, with input into production of patient information and other trial documentation, and membership of both the trial management group and the trial steering group. Although patient involvement in the Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee (DMEC) was arranged, the patient representative was not able to contribute to the meetings.
All newly referred or existing patients attending the Respiratory Support and Sleep Centre (RSSC), a tertiary care, specialist sleep centre, at Papworth Hospital (Cambridge, UK), were invited to be screened for eligibility in the trial if they were ≥ 18 years of age and had, or were suspected of having, mild to moderate OSAH (AHI 5 events/hour to < 30 events/hour), confirmed by either respiratory PSG (rPSG) (Embletta™; Embla Systems, Kanata, ON, Canada) or complete PSG, and who had symptomatic daytime sleepiness defined by an ESS score of ≥ 9. Potential patients did not require CPAP, as defined in NICE Technology Appraisal number 139,37 or they had refused CPAP or chose inclusion in TOMADO instead. Patients were excluded if they were pregnant or had any of the following:
central sleep apnoea as the predominant form of sleep-disordered breathing
coexistent sleep disorder, poor sleep hygiene or drug treatment considered likely to have a significant impact on symptoms (especially sleepiness) or assessment of MAD effectiveness
severe and/or unstable CVD judged by clinician to warrant immediate CPAP
other medical or psychiatric disorders judged likely to adversely interact with MADs or confound interpretation of its effectiveness
significant periodontal disease or tooth decay; partial or complete edentulism; presence of fixed orthodontic devices
temporomandibular joint pain or disease
clinical history suggestive of severe bruxism
restriction in mouth opening or advancement of mandible
respiratory failure
inability to give informed consent or comply with the protocol
previous exposure to MAD treatment
disabling sleepiness leading to significant patient-specific safety concerns.
Screening/baseline visit
Following signed consent and enrolment, a medical history and clinical examination were undertaken to establish eligibility. The clinical examination included height, weight, neck circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and BP. Patients completed the generic HRQoL questionnaire, medical outcomes Short Form questionnaire-36 items (SF-36),53 the disease-specific Calgary Sleep Apnoea Quality of Life Index (SAQLI)54 and the European Quality of Life-5 dimensions three-level version (EQ-5D-3L) for use as a utility measurement. 55 In addition, they completed a Functional Outcome of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ)56 and the ESS questionnaire. 15 All patients who satisfied the other inclusion/exclusion criteria underwent confirmatory rPSG, unless they had already undergone rPSG or inpatient PSG within the previous 4 weeks for clinical reasons. In that case, the clinical PSG output was used as a baseline value.
Three different non-adjustable MADs representing currently available devices along a spectrum of complexity and cost were studied:
SleepPro 1™: a thermoplastic ‘boil and bite’ device fitted by the patient following the manufacturer’s printed instructions. The patient softened the device in hot water, placed it into his or her mouth and, having bitten down on it, advanced the mandible to an individually determined ‘comfortable’ position. The device was then manually moulded against the teeth and set by subsequent immersion in cold water. Rewarming allowed remoulding.
SleepPro 2™: a semi-bespoke device, formed from a dental impression mould used by the patient. At the screening/baseline visit patients were given an impression kit to mould at home and then send to the manufacturer in order for the SP2 to be made. The impression kit consisted of a SP1 with holes to allow the injection of dental putty. The patient was instructed to mould the SP1 (as for the SP1 device), then wear it for two nights to ensure optimum position and fit, remoulding if necessary. The patient then made up the putty and injected it into the SP1, before sending the resulting impression back to the manufacturer. The SP2 was produced from this mould. It was designed to grip the entire dentition. Thinner walls than the SP1 were intended to result in a more comfortable fit. Involvement of the patient’s dentist in taking the impression was suggested, but not considered to be essential or key to achieving the best fit by the manufacturer.
Bespoke device: a custom-made MAD professionally fitted by a specialist NHS oral–maxillofacial laboratory at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK. A positional ‘wax bite’ was taken from the patient and the degree of mandibular advancement (50–70% of the maximal protrusive distance from centric occlusion, i.e. the ‘normal’ bite where the teeth all interdigitate maximally) was determined. Upper and lower full dental impressions were taken in alginate by a suitably qualified dental professional and cast in dental stone. The casts were trimmed and articulated using the positional wax bite. A blow-down splint in soft acrylic was created on each cast and then fused with a further acrylic blow-down to ensure the upper and lower dentition were positioned in the predetermined optimal position to hold the mandible forward. The patient returned roughly 2 weeks later for the fitting. The fitting allowed for optimal balance between advancing the mandible sufficiently to bring the tongue base off the posterior pharyngeal wall and patient comfort.
Degree of protrusion
As this was a pragmatic trial, the SP1 and SP2 devices were both advanced by the patient, according to manufacturer’s instructions. The bMAD was fitted by qualified dental experts, who determined the degree of protrusion with the patient, aiming for maximal comfortable advancement. The aim was to advance the mandible by a minimum of 50% of maximal protrusion. The degree of protrusion of each device was measured by the trial team, where possible, at the end of the patient’s involvement in the study.
Patients started the first treatment arm following the manufacture of all of the MADs. The first 2 weeks of each treatment period were an acclimatisation phase to allow patients to adjust to each device and not considered part of active treatment. After 2 weeks, patients were telephoned to assess initial tolerability and adherence, and to record any contact with the research team, maxillofacial laboratory or other clinical staff in the previous 2 weeks. All patients received 4 weeks of treatment with each MAD and the no-treatment control, with outcome assessment at the end of each treatment period.
A 1-week no-treatment washout period followed each active treatment to avoid carryover effects. All MADs were kept at Papworth outside the treatment period and patients were asked to return each device at the end of the treatment assessment, and before starting the next treatment.
Outcome measures
Primary outcome measure
The primary outcome measure was the AHI, defined as the number of apnoea or hypopnoea events per hour of sleep. It was assessed by home rPSG using Embletta™ equipment following each treatment period. Airflow was measured using both a nasal air pressure transducer and an oronasal thermal sensor. All rPSG studies were scored manually in anonymised batches by a NHS polysomnographer, blinded to treatment allocation, in accordance with the AASM guidelines. 12 Throughout the trial, 16% of sleep studies were scored in parallel by a second polysomnographer to ensure inter-rater agreement and adherence to recommended guidelines.
Secondary outcome measures
Subjective sleepiness (ESS): daytime sleepiness is a key feature of OSAH, resulting from disrupted sleep, and its effective control is a major aim of treatment. Patients are required to assess, on a 4-point scale (0, 1, 2 and 3), the likelihood of falling asleep during eight different daily activities (see Appendix 1). Item scores are summed giving a range for the overall score of 0–24, with 0–9 classified as normal daytime sleepiness, 10–15 as mild daytime sleepiness and 16–24 as moderate/severe daytime sleepiness.
Physiological indices from rPSG: 4% ODI, mean, minimum and time spent < 90% of nocturnal oxygen saturation (SpO2).
Systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP).
Functional status (FOSQ): the FOSQ is a condition-specific functional status measure designed to evaluate the impact of disorders of excessive sleepiness on activities of daily living (see Appendix 2). In total, there are 30 questions and five subscales: general productivity, social outcome, activity level, vigilance and intimate relationships and sexual activity. The total score can range from 5 to 20, with a lower score representing greater dysfunction. The potential range of scores for each subscale is 1–4, with a lower score representing greater dysfunction. The FOSQ was administered at baseline and after each of the four treatment periods.
Disease-specific HRQoL (SAQLI): the SAQLI is a condition-specific questionnaire to assess obstructive sleep apnoea-related QoL (see Appendix 3). There are 14 questions and four domains. The total score can range from 1 to 7, with a lower score representing greater dysfunction. The potential range of scores for each subscale is also 1–7, with a lower score representing greater dysfunction.
Generic HRQoL using both the SF-36 and the EQ-5D-3L: the SF-36 has eight dimensions of HRQoL on a scale of 0 (minimum function) to 100 (maximum function), named: physical functioning; role limitations because of physical problems; pain; energy/vitality; social functioning; mental health; role limitations because of emotional problems; and general health (see Appendix 4). These scales can be combined into two composite scales named the physical component score (PCS) and the mental component score (MCS). 57 We have adopted the commonly used standardisation method so that for a general population the PCS and MCS have mean 50 and SD 10. The EQ-5D-3L (see Appendix 5) has five dimensions (morbidity, self-care, usual activities, pain or discomfort and anxiety or depression), each with three levels (no problems, a moderate problem or a severe problem).
Treatment adherence, hours of use and device retention as well as patient sleep duration (assessed by a daily sleep diary).
Snoring scale: partner-rated visual analogue scale (VAS).
Driving and RTA questionnaire (for economic modelling).
Side effects, withdrawals, patient satisfaction and device preference at trial exit.
Resource use: data on individual health-care resource use were collected on a study-specific case report form (see Appendix 6). This included type of device, number of home/surgery visits [general practitioner(GPs), nurses] number of visits [dentists, accident and emergency (A&E), outpatients, additional visits to Addenbrooke’s Hospital for bMADs], hospital admissions (overnight, emergency), telephone calls (NHS Direct, RSSC helpline, ambulance), use of ‘other’ services (free listing), length of stay in hospital if applicable, diagnostic tests and cause of admission [heart attack, RTA, stroke, ‘other (free listing)’].
At their final visit, patients were asked to rank the three devices and no treatment in order of preference and were allowed to keep their preferred MAD(s). Patients who were intolerant of, or refused, MADs and/or had persistent symptoms at the end of the study were considered for CPAP.
Safety monitoring
Adverse events (AEs) and adverse reactions (ARs) were monitored throughout the trial and recorded at each end of treatment visit. An AE was defined as any untoward occurrence in a clinical investigation subject who was receiving a trial intervention which did not necessarily have a causal relationship with the intervention. An AR was defined as an AE for which a causal relationship with the intervention was at least a reasonable possibility, i.e. the relationship could not be ruled out.
The main expected ARs of MAD therapy were temporomandibular joint/jaw discomfort, mouth discomfort, dry mouth, excessive salivation, gum discomfort, tooth discomfort, loose teeth, malocclusion and mouth ulcers. It was left to the investigator’s clinical judgement whether or not an AE was of sufficient severity to necessitate the patient’s removal from the trial treatment. A patient could voluntarily withdraw from treatment at any time if he or she found an AE to be intolerable.
The severity of AEs was graded as mild, moderate or severe. The relationship between the trial treatment and the AE (the causality) was graded as either unrelated, possibly related, probably related or definitely related by an independent respiratory and sleep medicine consultant physician who sat on the Trial Steering Committee.
All AEs were followed up until resolution or to the end of the AE reporting period.
Serious adverse events (SAEs) were reported to the sponsor within 24 hours of a member of the trial team becoming aware of the event. All SAEs were followed up until resolution or the event was considered stable.
Patient withdrawal
Patients could withdraw from the trial at any time without giving a reason. All patients who withdrew from the study continued to receive normal clinical care if necessary from their GP or consultant in the RSSC.
Sample size and power calculation
Based on the pre-trial systematic review of published studies, the minimum clinically important effect size was considered to be of the order of one-third. An effect size of one-third would be detected with 80% power in a sample size of 72 patients (two-sided significance of 5%). Allowing for 20% loss to follow-up, we aimed to recruit a sample of 90 patients.
Randomisation took place once eligibility was confirmed following measurement for the bMAD and once impression suitability for the SP2 device had been confirmed by the manufacturer. A computer-generated random number sequence produced by the trial statistician determined treatment order. Randomisation was based on two related Williams’ Latin squares designs, with patients randomised in permuted blocks of eight with sequences shown in Table 1. Although randomisation in blocks of eight meant that for every eighth patient the sequence was predictable, this was considered to be less important in a crossover trial. Randomisation sequences were held in the research and development (R&D) unit and restricted to research administration staff. The trial team were informed of the randomisation sequence to be given to a patient via telephone contact with the R&D research administrators.
Sequence | Period 1 | Period 2 | Period 3 | Period 4 |
1 | A | C | D | B |
2 | B | D | C | A |
3 | C | B | A | D |
4 | D | A | B | C |
5 | A | D | C | B |
6 | B | C | D | A |
7 | C | A | B | D |
8 | D | B | A | C |
Treatment blinding was not possible in this trial. However, the primary outcome, AHI, was ascertained from anonymised PSG traces, which were analysed in batches of 10 by an independent NHS polysomnographer who was not aware of treatment allocations.
Statistical analysis
All patients were followed up irrespective of their level of compliance with the MADs, and all periods for which there was a measurement were included in the analysis using ‘intention to treat’.
Given the nature of the treatments (external devices designed to control symptoms) and the inclusion of a 1-week washout between MAD periods, carryover effects in this crossover trial were considered negligible. In exploratory analysis no treatment by period interactions were identified, which supports this view. Period effects were included in the analysis to account for the long trial period (7–8 months) and in case compliance was related to time in the study.
Initially, the distribution of the outcome measures was assessed by comparing histograms against standard parametric distributions starting with the Gaussian distribution and, if necessary, exploring other plausible families. This was completed for all observations and by treatment group and period. Based on these analyses the primary outcome, AHI, was found to be distributed as a Poisson random variable, which is consistent with a measurement of an event rate per hour. The 4% ODI was also well modelled by a Poisson distribution. All other continuous outcomes were well modelled by Normal distributions. Treatment effects were also plotted over time to further explore period effects.
Given that there were repeated measurements for each patient the main inferential analysis employed a range of mixed models. Initially a full model was fitted that included the main effects of treatment and time period, the interaction between these two and random-effects terms for patient. However, likelihood ratio tests comparing models with and without time by treatment showed that these interaction terms were negligible, and so they were not included in subsequent models. Both treatment and time period in all models were included for consistency and because there was evidence of changes over time in some of the outcome measures based on the likelihood ratio test comparing models with and without the time period effects. The main inferential models were formulated as follows.
For patient i (i =1, . . ., 90) with response yijk for treatment j, j = 1,2,3,4 in time period k, k = 1,2,3,4 we fitted the generalised mixed model,
where βo is the intercept fixed at the control treatment in period 1, βj, j = 2,3,4 is the vector of length 3 representing treatment fixed effect, τk, k = 2,3,4 is the vector of length 3 representing the time period fixed effects and μi is the random-effect term for patient i nested in period 1.
For AHI, a Poisson mixed-effects regression was used, with a h( ) log-link function and the random-effects exp(ui) having Gamma(1,α) distribution. A similar Poisson-Gamma model was fitted to the 4% ODI. For both of these models an additional term was included in the regression equation for the times each person was asleep during the test in which the response was recorded. Response to treatment was classified as complete if the AHI was < 5 events/hour, and partial if the AHI was reduced by 50% but was > 5 events/hour; otherwise, patients were classed as non-responders. Mixed-effects logistic regression, using the logit link function, was used to assess treatment effect on complete/partial response, with patient random effects, ui, having a Normal (0,σ2) distribution on the logit scale. All other outcomes were analysed using normal mixed-effects models, with h( ) the identity link function and the ui having a Normal (0,σ2) distribution.
In all analyses estimation of treatment effects was of primary interest, but hypothesis testing was also performed. Nested models were compared using likelihood ratio tests. Model fit was assessed informally by examination of standardised residuals. The approach to multiple testing was as follows. For each of the general(ised) linear mixed models, treatment effects were described as ‘statistically significant’ if the likelihood ratio test comparing the models with and without treatment effects was < 0.05. The TOMADO protocol states that comparison of each MAD against no treatment was important so that, for models that were ‘significant’ overall, we present the significance level is presented based on the Wald test [(βj/se(βj))∼N(0,1)] without adjustment for multiple comparisons. For comparisons between MADs, the (conservative) Bonferroni correction should be applied, that is, standard p-values for these comparisons should be multiplied by 3. Corrections have not been routinely applied, so that readers may make their preferred corrections and where the results are uncorrected has been indicated.
The initial analysis included all patients who completed any treatment period and supplied an outcome measurement. A second analysis included patients who had completed all four periods and provided measurements (complete cases analysis). Both these analyses assumed missing at random for incomplete data and gave almost identical results, so that complete cases results for the AHI and ESS score are omitted from this report. All other results in this report relate to patients who provided any follow-up information. The majority of the missing data arose from patients who did not complete any treatment periods or from sporadic technical failures of the PSG study. These considerations, coupled with (i) the consistency of complete cases and any follow-up analyses, (ii) the consistency of inferences regarding each MAD’s effectiveness across all outcomes and (iii) the clear nature of the results, meant that further sensitivity analysis to account for missing data was considered unnecessary.
Regression analyses were conducted to assess the effects on subsequent AHI and ESS scores of baseline AHI, ESS score, degree of protrusion of the device, age, sex, BMI and compliance, and contemporaneous BMI. These analyses also explored interactions between these variables and treatment effects, although there was limited power. Before the trial, one subgroup analysis of patients who declined CPAP compared with those with mild to moderate OSAH for whom CPAP was not considered necessary. As there were only four patients in the former group, no subgroup analyses were undertaken.
All analyses were performed using Stata (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA) version 12.0 and version 13.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit).
Adherence to treatment protocols, treatment preferences, partner scoring assessment, RTAs and AEs were summarised and compared informally. Treatment preference results were available for patients who had completed all four treatment periods and are summarised.
Trial-based economic analysis
The economic evaluation of the crossover trial provided descriptive data on the resource use, unit costs and health state utilities observed during the 4-week periods from the perspective of the NHS.
Resource use
Patient-reported resource use was collected on the case report form (see Appendix 6) for the duration of the trial. Resources used as part of the research protocol that do not affect participant care outcomes (e.g. administering research questionnaires) were omitted. Clinician time required for administering each device was included separately to the reported resource use and priced using the NHS Reference Costs (2011/12)58 for the type of outpatient visit required. Information on medication use during the trial was limited; it was not possible to track start/end date or dosage accurately or to identify which medication usage was associated with which intervention period, therefore they are omitted from the total cost of each intervention. However, medication costs during the trial were negligible.
Unit costs
A NHS supply price was available for SP1 (£18), to which was added the cost of postage (£3) giving a total cost of £21. Instructions were provided with the device for moulding and fitting of the device by the patient and, therefore, no additional clinician time was needed for fitting. As no NHS supply price was available for SP2, the private supply price of £125 was used and, with postage costs of £3, the total cost for SP2 was £128. As the SP1 device can be fitted and managed entirely by the patient, the mould used to manufacture the SP2 is created by the patient using a supplied dental mould kit and, in some cases, patients seek support from a dentist to help with this process. However, in practice, no trial participants required time from dentists to create the SP2 mould.
The bMAD custom device has two significant elements of cost: the manufacture of the custom device itself and two visits to a maxillofacial consultant (for mould creation and fitting). The manufacturer of the custom bMAD provided estimates of the time taken to produce the MAD from the patient’s dental mould (7 hours by a grade 6–8 technician in a NHS maxillofacial laboratory). Using an hourly rate of £50/hour (taken from band 8d of the NHS Agenda for Change pay scales 2011/12) for the technician gave a total cost of manufacture of £350. Materials for production of the bMAD were negligible and, therefore, are considered to be subsumed in the figure of £350. The consultant visits for measurement and fitting of the bMAD were assumed to take a similar amount of time as an average first attendance and follow-up appointment with a consultant at a maxillofacial unit; NHS Reference Costs (2011/12)58 were therefore taken directly. This equated to a cost of £110.36 and £91.95 for the first and second visits, respectively. The total cost of a bMAD was therefore £552.31 (£350.00 + £110.36 + £91.95). If any additional visits to Addenbrooke’s Hospital were required for fitting or measurement, this was recorded on the case report form. The additional visits were priced at the same rate and costs applied in addition to the standard two visits.
As health-care resources and health outcomes were required for a 4-week intervention period, the costs of the MADs were spread over their expected lifetime. For example, as the SP1 and SP2 devices had an expected lifetime of 12 months, the manufacturing costs were multiplied by 4/52 (weeks). Similarly, the bMAD had an expected lifetime of 18 months, so that the costs were multiplied by 4/78 (weeks) for the 4-week intervention period. Point estimates of the life expectancy of devices were provided by the manufacturer but without confidence intervals (CIs). Discussion with the manufacturers indicates that lifetimes may vary around these estimates and this is investigated in the sensitivity analyses. No discount rates are used as a result of the short time horizon of the study.
Unit costs for outpatient care, including labour, capital and overheads, were taken from national estimates. 59 The unit costs of any hospital procedures such as outpatient visits or admissions were sourced from the NHS Reference Costs (2011/12). 58 In the absence of national estimates, unit costs were taken from published sources60 and centre-specific costs for Papworth Hospital. Appendix 7 shows the unit costs used with sources of data.
In order to inform probabilistic sensitivity analysis, information on the variation of each unit cost (e.g. upper and lower quartiles) was collected and, where no information was available, the standard error (SE) was assumed to be 10% of the mean. For all unit costs, the estimated mean and SEs are assumed to have been generated from a Gamma distribution. All unit costs are valued in 2011/12 British pounds sterling (see Appendix 7).
Unit costs, multiplied by the frequency of resource use, provided a total cost for each item. This was summed by treatment and divided by the number of participants in each intervention group for an average cost per participant by intervention group. The ‘per participant’ resource use costs in Appendix 8 are the raw group means, unadjusted for differences at baseline.
Health state utilities and quality-adjusted life-years
Health state utility weights were taken from two sources: EQ-5D-3L weights were valued using the UK social tariff reflecting the values from a representative sample of the UK population;61 and SF-36 health state responses were converted to the Short Form questionnaire 6-Dimensions (SF-6D) utility scale62 using values from a random sample of the general population in England/UK. 63 The utilities are scaled so that full health = 1, death = 0, with the EQ-5D-3L allowing for health states worse than death valued lower than 0 at a minimum of −0.59.
Base-case QALYs use the EQ-5D-3L scores. As the treatment period was a fixed 4-week duration for each intervention and EQ-5D-3L was only collected at one time point for each, the 4-week QALY is calculated as a 4-week proportion of the 52-week year, i.e. QALY = (4 × utility score)/52. The difference in QALYs is not annualised for the within-trial analysis given the short time period.
Methods of cost-effectiveness analysis
The within-trial analysis was a pairwise comparison of mean costs between each treatment and the ‘no-treatment’ control. For each individual and each treatment, total costs were calculated by summing the multiplication of resources used by their unit costs. The ICER was estimated for each MAD against no treatment as the mean of within-patient difference in total 4-week costs, divided by the within-patient difference in 4-week QALYs. A mixed-effects model was used to estimate within-patient differences in total costs and QALYs. Differences in costs and differences in QALYs were estimated in separate models. Baseline EQ-5D-3L scores, patient weight and the time period, were included as covariates. In addition, for comparisons between each treatment, the incremental net monetary benefit (INMB) over 4 weeks was estimated assuming that decision-makers are willing to pay £20,000 per QALY.
Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was conducted to incorporate the uncertainty in estimates cost and effects. Samples (with replacement) of patients were generated and for each sample the mixed-effect model was rerun and unit costs were resampled from the estimated Gamma distributions. Two thousand bootstrap samples produced a set of possible costs and effects for each intervention, each of which were used to estimate an incremental cost (difference in total cost) and incremental effect (difference in QALYs). These were used to construct a series of cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) which plot the probability that each MAD is cost-effective against the maximum WTP for one QALY. In addition, a cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier (CEAF) was constructed to plot the most cost-effective device against the maximum WTP.
Deterministic sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the impact on the INMB of changes in the purchase price of each MAD and varying the expected lifespan of devices from 6 to 60 months. Assumptions regarding rare events and complications, such as RTA, were investigated in the sensitivity analyses in the long-term model of cost-effectiveness (see Chapter 4).
The Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea results
Patient recruitment
Between December 2010 and July 2012, 440 patients were screened for the trial. Two hundred and eighty-one patients were excluded at screening, 51 of whom were excluded for dental ineligibility by a sleep physician. A total of 159 patients gave written informed consent. Sixty-nine patients either refused or were ineligible following the baseline sleep study or the hospital visit for the bMAD fitting. Only two patients who were considered dentally suitable for the trial by a sleep physician were subsequently excluded by the hospital maxillofacial team for poor oral hygiene and tooth decay. The remaining 90 patients were recruited to the trial and received a randomised treatment allocation sequence (Figure 1).
Baseline characteristics
Baseline measurements are recorded in Table 2. Mean (SD) age was 50.9 (11.6) years and ranged from 26 years to 79 years. Eighty per cent were men (72/90). Mean (SD) AHI at baseline was 13.8 (6.2) events per hour, with three patients who were accepted on the basis of desaturation index (DI) having a baseline AHI of < 5 events per hour, rendering them ineligible for the trial on confirmatory PSG. These patients were retained in the trial according to ‘intention to treat’. Mean (SD) ESS score was 11.9 (3.5) and, although 12 patients had a baseline ESS score below the acceptance threshold of 9, they were eligible based on an ESS score of ≥ 9 at screening. Again these patients remained in the trial.
Unit/category | Total (n = 90) | Min. | Max. | |
Demographic information | ||||
Gender | Male | 72 (80%) | ||
Female | 18 (20%) | |||
Age at randomisation | Years | 50.9 (11.6) | 26.1 | 79.6 |
Height | m | 1.74 (0.74) | 1.6 | 1.9 |
Smoking history | Non-smoker | 44 (49%) | ||
Ex-smoker | 39 (43%) | |||
Smoker | 7 (8%) | |||
Cardiovascular history | ||||
Diabetes | Type I | 1 (1%) | ||
Type II | 7 (8%) | |||
Hypertension | 23 (26%) | |||
Hypercholesterolaemia | 21 (23%) | |||
Ischaemic heart disease | 5 (6%) | |||
Previous stroke | 2 (2%) | |||
Previous transient ischaemic attack | 1 (1%) | |||
Clinical measurements | ||||
Weight | kg | 93.9 (82.4–103.6) | 65.6 | 168.8 |
BMI | kg/m2 | 30.6 (27.9–35.1) | 23.9 | 54.5 |
Waist circumference | cm | 105.5 (98.5–115.5) | 83.0 | 147.0 |
Neck circumference | cm | 41.2 (3.4) | 32.5 | 49.5 |
Hip circumference | cm | 108.3 (102.5–116.5) | 93.0 | 156.0 |
Waist-to-hip ratio | 0.97 (0.06) | 0.8 | 1.1 | |
SBP | mmHg | 130.0 (15.3) | 98.7 | 177.7 |
DBP | mmHg | 80.4 (10.0) | 57.7 | 116.0 |
Sleep study | ||||
Type of study | Embletta™ | 70 (78%) | ||
PSG | 20 (22%) | |||
Analysed time | Minutes | 493.3 (66.1) | 310 | 617 |
AHI | Events per hour | 13.8 (6.2) | 2.9 | 27.7 |
Missinga | 1 | |||
4% ODI | Events per hour | 9.8 (5.2) | 0.6 | 22.0 |
Minimum SpO2% | 83.7 (4.7) | 71.0 | 91.0 | |
Missinga | 2 | |||
Mean SpO2% | 94.2 (1.3) | 89.8 | 97.7 | |
Missinga | 1 | |||
Time < 90% of nocturnal SpO2% | Minutes | 8.3 (2.9–24.8) | 0.0 | 315.4 |
Missinga | 1 | |||
ESS score | ||||
At screening | Unit score | 13.0 (3.1) | 8 | 21 |
At baseline | Unit score | 11.9 (3.5) | 3 | 20 |
Other baseline information | ||||
Regular bed partner | Yes | 78 (87%) | ||
No | 12 (13%) |
Risk factors for heart disease were common in this group. Median [interquartile range (IQR)] BMI was 30.6 kg/m2 (27.9–35.1 kg/m2) and mean BP pressure was normal at 130/80 mmHg, but varied widely from 98/57 to 177/116 mmHg. Diabetes was present in eight (9%) patients, 23 (26%) were being treated for hypertension and 21 (23%) for hypercholesterolaemia. Five (6%) patients had been diagnosed with ischaemic heart disease and three (3%) had previous cardiovascular events (CVEs).
Of the 90 patients entered into the trial, 86 were new patients (who had not refused CPAP) and four were patients who had tried CPAP but could not tolerate it.
Figure 1 shows patient progress through the trial. During the trial, 16 (18%) patients withdrew and the reasons for withdrawal are described in the Table 3.
Patient ID | Period | Reason | Explanation | Future care |
005 | 1 (bMAD) | AE – clinical decision | Bleeding gums because of poor oral hygiene | Discharged with CM only |
012 | 4 (bMAD) | Consent withdrawn | No time for final visit because of work commitments | Use SP1 as performed best of treatments tested |
013 | Between 1 (SP1) and 2 (bMAD) | Lost to follow-up | Could not contact patient | Discharged back to GP |
014 | 3 (SP2) | Consent withdrawn | Time constraints – did not get around to moulding SP2 and did not think they ever would | Continue with current device |
017 | Between 1 (SP1) and 2 (SP2) | Other | Withdrawn because of unreliability and unable to comply with protocol | Continue with current device |
024 | 1 (no treatment) | Consent withdrawn | Patient could not tolerate SP2 moulding | No further treatment |
039 | 3 (SP2) | Other | Patient unable to attend visits despite rescheduling, so trial team withdrew patient | Weight loss |
040 | 1 (bMAD) | Consent withdrawn | Patient too unwell to complete trial visits because of comorbidities | Start CPAP |
042 | 1 (bMAD) | AE – patient decision | Patient worried about crowns and bridges moving/breaking | Start CPAP |
043 | 4 (bMAD) | Lost to follow-up | Could not contact patient | Recommend use SP2 |
047 | 1 (SP1) | Consent withdrawn | Patient did not like device and did not want to try any others | Weight loss |
049 | 1 (SP1) | AE – patient decision | Broke tooth crown whilst wearing device | Start CPAP |
050 | 2 (SP1) | Consent withdrawn | Did not like the bMAD and did not want to try any others | Start CPAP |
066 | 3 (bMAD) | Consent withdrawn | Marital problems | Start CPAP |
086 | 4 (bMAD) | Lost to follow-up | Could not contact patient | Recommend use SP2 |
089 | 1 (SP2) | Consent withdrawn | Did not like device and did not think it worked | Start CPAP |
Of the 16 patients who withdrew from the trial, seven (8%) did not complete any treatment periods, three were using the bMAD, two were using the SP1, one was using the SP2 and one patient was in the no-treatment arm. A further two (2%) patients who withdrew between the first and second treatments provided no primary outcome data as a result of technical failure of the sleep study after the first treatment period. These nine patients (7 + 2) provided no information after baseline and are excluded from all analyses. The main reasons for withdrawal in patients who did not complete any treatment period were intolerance of a device or were related to an AE. It is likely that these patients would not tolerate any of the devices and all wanted to try alternative treatments (CPAP or CM including weight loss).
Seven (8%) further patients withdrew during the trial: four were using the bMAD, one was using SP1 and two were using the SP2. Only one of these withdrawals (SP2) was as a result of intolerance to the device. These cases were included in the main analysis. Seven other sleep studies failed, leaving 305 studies (85% of 360) in 81 patients [of 90 (90%)] for AHI analysis. For all other outcomes, 314 (87%) measurements and 83 (92%) patients were available for analyses.
One patient who was randomised early in the trial was unable to remould another SP2 to replace their damaged SP2 and subsequently withdrew. Thereafter successful SP2 moulding was made a prerequisite for randomisation. Four patients were subsequently not randomised because they could not mould the SP2. This was in part because of intolerance that would probably have applied to all three devices, but technical difficulty was a factor in some cases.
Baseline characteristics for the patients who withdrew from the study were similar to those who completed follow-up (data available on request).
Primary outcome: apnoea–hypopnoea index
Table 4 shows the mean AHI (SD) for each treatment, alongside the results of the Poisson-gamma regression analysis. Mean AHI for each treatment is plotted in Figure 2. This shows that that the rate of apnoea/hypopnoea events per hour for each MAD, relative to no treatment, is reduced significantly, with estimated relative rates of 0.74, 0.69 and 0.64 for SP1, SP2 and bMAD, respectively. The reductions for the SP1, SP2 and bMAD represent effect sizes of approximately 0.36, 0.47 and 0.49 SDs, respectively, all of which exceed the minimum clinically important difference of one-third proposed during study planning. In post-hoc pairwise comparisons there were no significant differences in AHI between the different MADs (Table 5).
AHI (n = 81) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 14.22 | 11.66 to 17.34 | < 0.001 | ||
AHI relative to no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 14.6 (10.5) | – | – | – | < 0.001 |
SP1 | 10.8 (9.5) | 0.74 | 0.62 to 0.89 | 0.001 | |
SP2 | 9.7 (8.9) | 0.67 | 0.59 to 0.76 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 9.5 (8.4) | 0.64 | 0.55 to 0.76 | < 0.001 |
Comparison | Observed contrast | 95% CI | p-value |
SP2 with SP1 | 0.90 | 0.77 to 1.05 | 0.193 |
bMAD with SP1 | 0.87 | 0.73 to 1.04 | 0.119 |
bMAD with SP2 | 0.96 | 0.83 to 1.12 | 0.639 |
Examination of the standardised residuals for AHI showed that this model was a good fit to the data, with no systematic effects observed.
Apnoea–hypopnoea index: responders to treatment
Of the patients who had an AHI value for at least one treatment, complete or partial AHI response during MAD use was observed in 29 (38%) patients for the SP1, 38 (49%) patients for the SP2 and 33 (45%) patients for bMAD, compared with 17 (22%) patients during the no-treatment period (Table 6 and Figure 3). Patients who responded to one MAD were more likely to respond to others, but this was not completely predictable. Four of the 74 completers (5%) had a complete response to all treatments, nine (12%) had a partial or complete response to all treatments and 20 (27%) did not have a response to any treatment. The four patients who completely responded to all treatments also had low AHI during the no-treatment period (AHI at baseline 3.1, 5.4, 7.6 and 8.9).
Treatment | Complete response | Partial response | Failure |
No treatment (n = 76) | 10 (13%) | 7 (9%) | 59 (78%) |
SP1 (n = 77) | 14 (18%) | 15 (19%) | 48 (62%) |
SP2 (n = 78) | 29 (37%) | 9 (12%) | 40 (51%) |
bMAD (n = 74) | 27 (36%) | 6 (8%) | 41 (55%) |
Predictors of apnoea–hypopnoea index response
Using mixed-effects logistic models for complete/partial response, all MADs had significantly greater response rates than during the no-treatment period (Table 7). Response was significantly associated with baseline BMI [odds ratio (OR) 0.89, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.98; p = 0.014] and with contemporaneous BMI (OR per kg/m2 0.88, 95% CI 0.80 to 0.98; p = 0.007). It was also weakly associated with protrusion (OR 1.03 per % protrusion, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.05 per % protrusion; p = 0.034). Baseline AHI, ESS score, sex and age (years), as well as measures of compliance, were not significantly associated with response.
Response to treatment (n = 81) | OR (SE) | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 0.12 | 0.04 to 0.32 | < 0.001 | |
No treatment | – | – | 0.0006 | |
SP1 | 2.90 | 1.16 to 7.25 | 0.022 | |
SP2 | 5.75 | 2.48 to 13.33 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 4.64 | 1.79 to 12.02 | 0.002 |
Secondary outcomes
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Table 8 shows summary statistics for the four treatment periods as well as the results of the mixed-effects linear regression. Figure 4 plots estimated ESS score by treatment. There was a clear, statistically significant, reduction (improvement) in ESS score for all MADs compared with no treatment, with effect sizes of approximately 0.35, 0.50 and 0.55 SDs compared with no treatment. In addition, there was a weakly significant difference between the SP1 and the bMAD in post-hoc pairwise comparisons (Table 9).
ESS score (n = 83) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 10.65 | 9.64 to 11.66 | < 0.001 | ||
Difference in ESS score compared with no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 10.1 (4.3) | – | – | – | < 0.001 |
SP1 | 8.5 (4.0) | −1.51 | −2.29 to −0.73 | < 0.001 | |
SP2 | 8.0 (4.1) | −2.15 | −2.99 to −1.31 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 7.7 (3.8) | −2.37 | −3.22 to −1.53 | < 0.001 |
Comparison | Observed contrast | 95% CI | p-value |
SP2 with SP1 | −0.64 | −1.44 to 0.15 | 0.112 |
bMAD with SP1 | −0.86 | −1.63 to −0.09 | 0.029 |
bMAD with SP2 | −0.22 | −0.97 to 0.53 | 0.568 |
Four per cent oxygen desaturation index
The findings for 4% ODI mirrored those for AHI, as can be seen in Table 10. Although all MADs used resulted in significantly lower desaturation index relative to no treatment, there were no significant differences between MADs. In general, similar patterns were observed for minimum and mean SpO2 and time with < 90% SpO2 (data available on request).
4% ODI (n = 81) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 11.03 | 9.00 to 13.52 | < 0.001 | ||
4% ODI rate relative to no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 11.0 (8.4) | – | – | – | < 0.001 |
SP1 | 8.4 (8.5) | 0.75 (0.08) | 0.60 to 0.92 | 0.007 | |
SP2 | 7.3 (7.4) | 0.65 (0.06) | 0.55 to 0.77 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 6.8 (6.8) | 0.60 (0.06) | 0.50 to 0.72 | < 0.001 |
Daytime blood pressure
Blood pressure was taken three times at each visit and the average of the three measurements recorded. There was very little evidence of an effect of any of the MADs on either SBP or DBP during the trial. Mean (SD) SBP and DBP at the end of the no-treatment period was 127.4 mmHg (12.2) and 79.2 mmHg (8.3), respectively. For SBP, the mean (SD) at the end of treatment with the SP1, SP2 and bMAD was 127.0 mmHg (13.5), 128.8 mmHg (14.7) and 127.2 mmHg (12.6), respectively. Corresponding results for DBP were 79.0 mmHg (9.4), 79.9 mmHg (9.2) and 79.5 mmHg (10.0), respectively.
Treatment compliance
Of the 314 sleep diaries expected from the 81 patients who completed at least one period, 14 were not returned and three were not completed satisfactorily. Compliance was slightly worse in terms of the number of nights used, and significantly worse for duration of use per night, for the SP1 than for the SP2 or the bMAD (Table 11; p < 0.001), but there were no significant differences in compliance between the SP2 and the bMAD. Patients were also more likely to discontinue use of the SP1 than the other two devices (Table 12).
Treatment usage category | Treatment | Median (IQR) | Min., max. |
Number of nights used (out of 28) | SP1 (n = 81) | 25 (17–28) | 0.0, 28.0 |
SP2 (n = 78) | 27 (23–28) | 0.0, 28.0 | |
bMAD (n = 76) | 26 (23–28) | 0.0, 28.0 | |
Number of hours used per night | SP1 (n = 80) | 5.1 (2.5–6.4) | 0.0, 8.3 |
SP2 (n = 78) | 6.3 (4.9–7.1) | 0.0, 8.3 | |
bMAD (n = 76) | 6.3 (5.1–7.0) | 0.0, 8.0 |
Treatment | Number used for < 28 days | Interrupted | Discontinued | Interrupted then discontinued |
SP1 (n = 81) | 50 (62%) | 36 (72%) | 11 (22%) | 3 (6%) |
SP2 (n = 78) | 46 (59%) | 42 (91%) | 4 (9%) | 0 (0%) |
bMAD (n = 76) | 55 (72%) | 49 (89%) | 4 (7%) | 2 (4%) |
Patient evaluation of treatments
On average, patients considered the SP2 and the bMAD to be as comfortable as no treatment, but the SP1 was significantly less comfortable than all other treatments (VAS for comfort, Table 13). This resulted in greater satisfaction for the SP2 and the bMAD than for no treatment or the SP1 (VAS for satisfaction, Table 13). Table 14 shows that patients reported that the SP1 was more likely to fall out during sleep than the SP2, and that the SP2 was more likely to fall out than the bMAD. In addition, patients reported that they were more likely to remove the SP1 during sleep than either the SP2 or the bMAD (Table 15).
Treatment | n | Median treatment comfort (IQR) | Min. | Max. |
No treatment | 78 | 50 (50–97) | 1 | 100 |
SP1 | 81 | 34 (16–50) | 0 | 91 |
SP2 | 78 | 52 (36–82) | 0 | 100 |
bMAD | 77 | 50 (25–76) | 0 | 97 |
Treatment | n | Median treatment satisfaction (IQR) | Min. | Max. |
No treatment | 78 | 50 (25–50) | 0 | 100 |
SP1 | 81 | 43 (14–65) | 0 | 99 |
SP2 | 78 | 67 (41–87) | 0 | 100 |
bMAD | 77 | 71 (38–87) | 0 | 100 |
On average, how often the device fell out | Frequency (%) for SP1 (n = 81) | Frequency (%) for SP2a (n = 78) | Frequency (%) for bMAD (n = 77) |
Never fell out | 27 (33%) | 43 (56%) | 51 (66%) |
Fell out occasionally, but not every night | 35 (43%) | 26 (34%) | 22 (29%) |
Fell out once or twice every night | 11 (14%) | 5 (6%) | 4 (5%) |
Fell out > 2 times every night | 8 (10%) | 3 (4%) | 0 (0%) |
On average, how often the device was removed | Frequency (%) for SP1 (n = 81) | Frequency (%) for SP2a (n = 78) | Frequency (%) for bMAD (n = 77) |
Never removed | 25 (31%) | 40 (52%) | 34 (44%) |
Removed 1–3 nights/week | 33 (41%) | 23 (30%) | 28 (36%) |
Removed 4–6 nights/week | 10 (12%) | 9 (12%) | 8 (10%) |
Removed every night | 13 (16%) | 5 (6%) | 7 (9%) |
The 74 patients who completed all treatments were asked to state their preferred treatment. Of these, 30 (41%) ranked the bMAD highest and 23 (31%) ranked it second. The SP2 was ranked highest by 22 (30%) patients and second by 34 (46%) (Figure 5). Only 10 (14%) patients ranked no treatment highest.
Most patients (56/90, 62%) continued with their preferred device after the study ended, with five (6%) others retaining the MAD that gave the best results for them. Other treatments undertaken by patients after the trial are listed in Table 16.
Number of patients (n = 90) | Future care |
16 | Start CPAP |
56 | Use preferred MAD |
5 | Continued with the MAD that provided the best results |
2 | Withdrew – continued with current MAD |
3 | No further treatment |
3 | Advised weight loss |
2 | CM only |
2 | Lost to follow-up – recommended to use SP2 |
1 | Ropinirole for restless legs syndrome |
Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire
Eighty-three (92%) patients had at least one FOSQ result (Table 17). Figure 6 summarises the results for the five subscales. The overall FOSQ scores showed a weak period effect (p = 0.021), suggesting that there may be some adjustment of questionnaire responses over time. After including period effects in the model, there were significant improvements for all the MADs compared with the no-treatment period. In addition, there were small but significant differences between the SP1 and SP2 and between the SP1 and bMAD but not between the SP2 and bMAD (Table 18). The plot of individual FOSQ scales (Figure 7) suggests that this improvement is because of small increases in all dimensions but particularly for activity level and general productivity.
FOSQ (n = 83) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 16.21 | 15.65 to 16.78 | < 0.001 | ||
Difference in FOSQ compared with no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 16.62 (2.55) | – | – | – | < 0.001 |
SP1 | 17.13 (2.42) | 0.50 | 0.08 to 0.92 | 0.018 | |
SP2 | 17.70 (2.14) | 1.10 | 0.65 to 1.55 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 17.90 (1.92) | 1.31 | 0.84 to 1.78 | < 0.001 |
Comparison | Observed contrast | 95% CI | p-value |
SP2 to SP1 | 0.60 | 0.18 to 1.03 | 0.005 |
bMAD to SP1 | 0.81 | 0.41 to 1.20 | < 0.001 |
bMAD to SP2 | 0.21 | −0.19 to 0.60 | 0.304 |
Short Calgary Sleep Apnoea Quality of Life Index
The summaries and model results for the overall score are shown in Table 19 and Figure 8. In common with the FOSQ overall score, there was a significant effect of all MADs compared with no treatment and a small but significant difference between the SP1 and SP2 and between the SP1 and bMAD, but not between the SP2 and bMAD (Table 20). Figure 9 shows results for each subscale of the SAQLI and, again, shows a small improvement across all dimensions, particularly daily activities and symptoms.
SAQLI (n = 83) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 4.79 (0.15) | 4.50 to 5.09 | < 0.001 | ||
Difference in SAQLI compared with no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 5.01 (1.24) | – | – | – | < 0.001 |
SP1 | 5.25 (1.20) | 0.27 (0.10) | 0.07 to 0.48 | 0.008 | |
SP2 | 5.60 (1.12) | 0.62 (0.12) | 0.38 to 0.86 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 5.64 (1.06) | 0.65 (0.13) | 0.41 to 0.90 | < 0.001 |
Comparison | Observed contrast | 95% CI | p-value |
SP2 to SP1 | 0.35 | 0.13 to 0.57 | 0.002 |
bMAD to SP1 | 0.38 | 0.17 to 0.59 | < 0.001 |
bMAD to SP2 | 0.03 | −0.20 to 0.26 | 0.785 |
Short Form questionnaire-36 items
Summaries of results for the SF-36 standardised PCS and MCS are shown in Table 21 and Figures 10 and 11. Predictably, this general HRQoL instrument is less sensitive to differences between the treatments than the disease-specific instruments, with only the comparison between the SP1 and SP2 showing a borderline significant difference in PCS in favour of the SP2. There was a similar borderline significant increase in the MCS for the bMAD compared with the SP1.
PCS (n = 83) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 41.61 (1.58) | 38.51 to 44.71 | < 0.001 | ||
Difference in PCS compared with no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 43.06 (12.86) | – | – | – | 0.058 |
SP1 | 42.73 (12.22) | −0.17 (0.84) | −2.27 to 1.92 | 0.990 | |
SP2 | 45.11 (12.33) | 2.42 (1.17) | 0.38 to 4.45 | 0.145 | |
bMAD | 43.12 (13.81) | 0.48 (1.22) | −1.74 to 2.70 | 0.386 | |
MCS (n = 83) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 45.24 (1.27) | 42.75 to 47.72 | < 0.001 | ||
Difference in MCS compared with no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 46.20 (10.78) | – | – | – | 0.112 |
SP1 | 46.87 (9.63) | 0.89 (1.02) | −1.10 to 2.88 | 0.380 | |
SP2 | 47.34 (11.24) | 1.20 (0.93) | −0.62 to 3.01 | 0.198 | |
bMAD | 48.81 (9.00) | 2.72 (1.20) | 0.36 to 5.08 | 0.024 |
Protrusion achieved
The protrusion achieved was measured for all three devices at Papworth Hospital (Table 22). The SP1 achieved the greatest protrusion, being 0.89 mm (95% CI 0.42 to 1.37 mm; p < 0.001) greater than the SP2 and 0.66 mm (95% CI 0.17 to 1.14 mm; p = 0.008) greater than the bMAD. In a model that contained the degree of protrusion, MAD and time period, protrusion did not influence AHI [hazard ratio (HR) 0.997, 95% CI 0.991 to 1.001; p = 0. 206]. Protrusion did have a small effect on the probability of a response to treatment (see earlier section on predictors of response to treatment).
Device | Measured of percentage protrusion | Unit/category | Total (n = 90) | Min. | Max. |
SP1 | Measured protrusion | M = mm | 5.65 (2.12) | 1 | 11 |
Missing | 14 | ||||
Percentage protrusion | 62.63 (22.08) | 10 | 100 | ||
Missing | 15 | ||||
SP2 | Measured protrusion | mm | 4.75 (2.50) | −2 | 11.5 |
Missing | 11 | ||||
Percentage protrusion | 51.66 (26.42) | −25 | 100 | ||
Missing | 12 | ||||
bMAD | Measured protrusion | mm | 4.99 (1.89) | 1 | 10 |
Missing | 9 | ||||
Percentage protrusion | 55.18 (19.72) | 9.09 | 100 | ||
Missing | 11 |
Learning effect
The SP1 and SP2 devices were moulded and protruded by patients independently; in contrast, in the case of the bMADs, protrusion was determined by a medical professional. Variability between the mean protrusion values for each device may have been the result of a variety of factors, including patient-determined compared with clinician-determined protrusion and previous experience of wearing a device on the trial. For example, the SP1 was moulded at the start of that treatment period. Therefore, in patients with SP1 as their second or third device, jaw protrusion may have been either more or less depending on acclimatisation to jaw protrusion and any positive or negative effects experienced while using previous devices. A few patients may have been unintentionally guided by their experience of the bMAD-fitting process. Six patients commented that they had found the visit to the maxillofacial team for bMAD fitting useful in subsequently informing SP2 moulding, including protrusion. Two patients commented that the bMAD-fitting experience helped when they later moulded the SP1. Two others did not describe inadvertent dental guidance, but found the SP1 easier to fit having already made the SP2 mould.
Safety reporting
Eighty-seven (97%) patients in TOMADO reported that they were drivers at baseline and three (3%) were not. Eighty-six patients drove a car, two a motorbike, three a heavy goods vehicle and 16 drove other vehicles including a fork lift truck, jeep, van, minibus and tractor. Table 23 records patient-reported sleepiness while driving. There was a clear improvement in sleepiness while driving, and in the requirement for interruption to journeys, during all periods of MAD use compared with no treatment, but little difference between MADs. During the trial there were only three reported cases of ‘nodding off’ (none of which resulted in a collision) and five collisions while driving. No collisions resulted in an injury to anyone involved other than the patient, and one collision resulted in an injury to the patient, who required treatment and advice from a health-care professional.
Driving-related question | Response | No treatment (n = 75) | SP1 (n = 78) | SP2 (n = 75) | bMAD (n = 74) |
Sleepy while driving | Never | 43 (59%) | 54 (72%) | 55 (75%) | 56 (78%) |
Rarely | 16 (22%) | 11 (15%) | 13 (18%) | 5 (7%) | |
Occasionally | 11 (15%) | 9 (12%) | 5 (7%) | 10 (14%) | |
Frequently | 3 (4%) | 1 (1%) | 0 | 1 (1%) | |
Always | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Missinga | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
Nodded off driving | Yes | 1 (1%) | 1 (1%) | 1 (1%) | 0 |
No | 72 (99%) | 74 (99%) | 72 (99%) | 72 (100%) | |
Missing | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
Pulled off road | Yes | 11 (15%) | 4 (5%) | 7 (10%) | 4 (6%) |
No | 62 (85%) | 71 (95%) | 66 (90%) | 68 (94%) | |
Missing | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
Collisions | Yes | 1 (1%) | 0 | 2 (3%) | 2 (3%) |
No | 72 (99%) | 75 (100%) | 71 (97%) | 70 (97%) | |
Missing | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
Partner-evaluated snoring scale
Fifty sleeping partners of trial patients completed the snoring VAS for all four periods (Tables 24 and 25 and Figure 12). This showed a clear improvement for all MADs compared with no treatment, and between the SP1 and the two more sophisticated devices.
Snoring (n = 50) | Mean (SD) | Coefficient | 95% CI | p-value | Global p-value |
Constant | 66.65 | 59.80 to 73.49 | < 0.001 | ||
Difference in VAS compared with no treatment | |||||
No treatment | 71.7 (16.2) | – | – | – | < 0.001 |
SP1 | 46.7 (24.1) | −23.22 | −29.78 to −16.66 | < 0.001 | |
SP2 | 35.6 (23.1) | −34.08 | −41.85 to −26.31 | < 0.001 | |
bMAD | 32.4 (23.0) | −37.47 | −45.31 to −29.63 | < 0.001 |
Comparison | Observed contrast | 95% CI | p-value |
SP2 with SP1 | −10.86 | −18.90 to −2.83 | 0.008 |
bMAD with SP1 | −14.25 | −23.56 to −4.94 | 0.003 |
bMAD with SP2 | −3.39 | −11.38 to 4.60 | 0.406 |
Adverse events
There were four SAEs during the trial. There was one case of sick sinus syndrome with atrial flutter and one case of hypoglycaemia during periods of no treatment, both considered possibly related to OSAH, one case of complete heart block and one case of non-specific chest pain during bMAD use, both considered possibly related to OSAH and MAD use. These occurred in four separate patients and all events were resolved within 7 days.
A total of 851 minor AEs were recorded in 86 patients who enrolled in the trial (Table 26). These were mainly mouth discomfort and excess salivation. They were recorded equally frequently for all three MADs and less frequently during the no-treatment periods. Among patients who withdrew from the study, there were 63 AEs in 12 patients, mainly mouth discomfort (52, 83%). Almost all minor AEs in both completers and withdrawals were classed as probably related to MADs (528 events in 85 patients) or possibly related to both OSAH and MAD use (174 events in 54 patients) by an independent sleep physician.
Type of AE | No treatment (n = 78) | SP1 (n = 81) | SP2 (n = 78) | bMAD (n = 77) | Total |
General | 32 (24) | 38 (24) | 35 (25) | 34 (26) | 139 (47) |
Dryness/bad taste/numbness | 12 (10) | 26 (20) | 30 (24) | 21 (18) | 89 (39) |
Discomfort/mouth problems | 18 (13) | 135 (60) | 124 (52) | 148 (74) | 425 (83) |
Excessive salivation | 2 (2) | 37 (32) | 19 (18) | 34 (29) | 92 (48) |
Cold related | 14 (13) | 25 (17) | 34 (26) | 24 (18) | 97 (46) |
Infection | 2 (2) | 6 (6) | 0 (0) | 1 (1) | 9 (8) |
Total | 80 (45) | 267 (73) | 242 (68) | 262 (76) | 851 (86) |
Specific events included in each category are given in Appendix 9.
Trial-based economic analysis
Data completeness
Data were formatted as a four-period (n = 83) observation panel, including participants with at least one completed treatment period and for whom complete data on QoL and resource use were available. Of the 83 people, 77 provided complete EQ-5D-3L and resource use data for the SP1, SP2 and control periods, and 75 for the bMAD and control periods.
Seventy-four participants provided complete EQ-5D-3L and resource use data for all intervention periods. Data completeness was similar for the SF-6D (n = 76 for SP1, SP2 and control, and n = 76 for bMAD and control period).
Table 27 shows that the SP1 device cost the least (£1.62) pro rata over the 4-week trial period, followed by SP2 (£9.85), and that the bMAD is considerably more expensive (£28.64). The mean non-device costs during the no-treatment period were £78.50, while they were £73.02 for SP1, £53.58 for SP2 and £76.25 for bMAD (Table 27). Figure 13 shows box plots of total costs for each group. While costs were similarly clustered for each trial group, SP2 had the narrowest spread of cost. The bunching of outliers close to the upper quartile tend to comprise patients with more frequent primary care (e.g. to dentist or GP) or outpatient visits and these occurred in all groups. However, in both the control and bMAD groups, a few patients incurred very high costs as a result of rare events such as an atrial flutter, pacemaker implantation and hypertension with chest pain.
Intervention cost components | No treatment (n = 78) | SP1 (n = 81) | SP2 (n = 78) | bMAD (n = 77) |
Device costs (fixed) | – | £21.00 | £128.00 | £350.00 |
Measurement for device | – | – | – | £110.37 |
Fitting of device | – | – | – | £92.04 |
Additional fitting visit if required (average across all patients) | – | – | – | £5.98a |
Subtotal | – | £21.00 | £128.00 | £558.39 |
Device lifespan (months) (fixed) | – | 12 | 12 | 18 |
Fixed cost of intervention – pro rata (4 weeks) subtotal | – | £1.62 | £9.85 | £28.64 |
Mean (SE) | Mean (SE) | Mean (SE) | Mean (SE) | |
Variable resource use cost (4 weeks) | £78.50 (£19.97) | £73.02 (£10.47) | £53.58 (£8.05) | £76.25 (£24.40) |
Total 4-week costs | £78.50 (£19.97) | £74.64 (£10.47) | £63.43 (£8.05) | £104.89 (£24.39) |
Combining the device and resource use costs and comparing each intervention with control over the 4-week intervention period shows that the SP1 compared with control was £4 less (SE £21), and that SP2 was £15 less on average (SE £21), but that the mean cost of bMAD was £26 greater than mean costs in the control group (SE £28) (Table 27). Differences were not statistically significant.
Quality-adjusted life-years
Figures 14 and 15 show the distribution of the QALY scores at baseline and by treatment group using the EQ-5D-3L and SF-6D. The EQ-5D-3L shows that the SP2 and bMAD have better profiles, with more people scoring around 0.078 or above and bMAD also having fewer people with scores around zero. Of those people with low outlying QALY scores, one person had consistently low scores during baseline and all four intervention periods and another at baseline and three treatment periods. The remaining differences show two participants with QALYs outside the lower IQR while on the SP2 and bMAD, and one participant during the no-treatment period. In only one case did the participants who reported lower EQ-5D-3L QALY scores also accrue higher costs, and this was during the no-treatment phase.
The mean QALY score based on the EQ-5D-3L data for the control period was 0.065 (SE 0.002). To give some perspective, 4 weeks in perfect health is associated with a QALY score of (1 × 4)/52 = 0.0769. The control score is, therefore, less than perfect health, equating to a QALY score of 0.065. The difference in EQ-5D-3L QALY values for each MAD compared with no treatment (see Appendices 10 and 11) was 0.0009 (SE 0.001) for SP1, 0.0009 (SE 0.001) for SP2 and 0.0018 (SE 0.001) for bMAD (see Table 28). Although the gain was greatest for bMAD, there was substantial uncertainty, shown by the large SEs. The 95% CI for the effectiveness of each device compared with control spanned zero (i.e. no statistically significant effect).
The SF-6D showed that the SP2 conferred the best health outcomes, with mean QALY score around 0.057, followed by bMAD and no treatment, around 0.053, and SP1, around 0.052. The one participant recorded as an outlier using SF-6D QALYs had fewer QALYs on no treatment, SP2 and bMAD. As with the EQ-5D-3L QALYs, those with low outlying QALY values were not necessarily those with higher costs. The mean QALY score from the mixed-effects model for the control period was 0.053 (SE 0.0008). The difference in SF-6D QALYs (see Appendices 11 and 12) compared with no treatment during the 4-week intervention period was 0.0004 (SE 0.0008) for the SP1, 0.0019 (SE 0.0007) for SP2 and 0.0009 (SE 0.0009) for the bMAD. Of all the MADs, the SP2 showed the greatest change in QALYs compared with control and was also the only intervention with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.013).
Table 28 shows that the ICERs were negative for the SP1 and SP2 compared with control, i.e. costs were lower and outcomes better for the two interventions than for no treatment. Note that EQ-5D-3L QALY differences between devices were small and non-significant. Of these two, the SP2 is more beneficial as costs were lower than the SP1.
Cost-effectiveness components | No treatment (n = 78) | SP1 (n = 81) | SP2 (n = 78) | bMAD (n = 77) |
Mean (SE) | Mean (SE) | Mean (SE) | Mean (SE) | |
Total costs over 4 weeks | ||||
Total costa | £78.50 (£19.97) | £74.64 (£10.47) | £63.43 (£8.05) | £104.89 (£24.39) |
Incremental cost (MAD – no treatment) | – | −£3.87 (£21.38) | −£15.08 (£20.62) | £26.39 (£27.94) |
Total utility over 4 weeks | ||||
QALYb | 0.0649 (0.0017) | 0.0658 (0.0017) | 0.0658 (0.0019) | 0.0667 (0.0017) |
Incremental QALY (MAD – no treatment) | – | 0.00094 (0.00105) | 0.00088 (0.00123) | 0.00177 (0.00147) |
Cost-effectiveness measure (UK £, 2011) | ||||
ICER | – | dominant | dominant | £14,876 |
INMB (WTP = £20,000) vs. no treatment | – | £23 | £33 | £9 |
Table 28 also shows that bMADs have the greatest impact on QALY gain, and at a cost of £14,900 per additional QALY gained, would be considered a cost-effective treatment compared with control. However, compared with the SP2, the bMAD costs an additional £46,000 per QALY (£105 – £64)/(0.0667 – 0.0658 QALYs). These results are mirrored by the net monetary benefit, which shows that the SP2 achieved the highest INMB, compared with no treatment, at £33 per 4 weeks assuming a WTP of £20,000 per QALY (Table 28).
The uncertainty around estimates of cost per QALY gained is represented in the cost-effectiveness planes (Figures 16–18) and CEAF (Figure 19). These indicate the results are robust. The CEAF (Figure 19) shows the SP2 to be most cost-effective up to a WTP per QALY of £39,800, at which point the bMAD supersedes it (39% likelihood of being cost-effective compared with 35% for the SP2). Below a WTP of £5000 per QALY only SP2 is more cost-effective than no treatment. Deterministic sensitivity analyses also showed that results are robust to using only complete case analysis as well as changes in a device’s price and lifespan (see Appendix 13, Figures 36–39). When the bMAD price exceeds £525 or average lifespan falls < 14 months, it no longer has a positive INMB. When the price of the bMAD falls to below £60, or its length of life extends to beyond 3 years (with no change in the SP1), it becomes more cost-effective than the SP1. However, even when assuming the same price for the bMAD of £60 or that its lifetime is at least 5 years, the bMAD remains less cost-effective than the SP2.
The cost-effectiveness analysis was repeated using the SF-6D data for health outcomes. Compared with no treatment, the SP1 has a QALY gain of 0.0004 (SE 0.0007) with the same cost saving described above (−£4 vs. control), meaning the SP1 was both cheaper and more effective, dominating no treatment. However, neither the difference in costs compared with no treatment nor the difference in health outcomes was statistically significant. The SP2 had a statistically significant improvement in health outcomes when compared with no treatment of 0.0019 (SE 0.0007) QALYs, with a p-value equal to 0.013. Combined with the costs saving of £15 over 4 weeks compared with no treatment, showing the SP2 to be dominant over no treatment; being both cheaper and more effective than no treatment. The bMAD provided an improvement in health outcomes compared with no treatment of 0.0009 (SE 0.0009) QALYs, although this was not statistically significant. The bMAD cost £26 more than the no-treatment control, giving an ICER of £30,743 per QALY.
Applying a WTP per QALY of £20,000 the INMB of each treatment compared with control was calculated. The INMB for the SP1 was £12, for the SP2 £52 and for the bMAD £9. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was used to produce the CEAC and CEAF based on the SF-6D results (Appendix 13, Figure 44) representing the uncertainty in costs and QALY estimates. This analysis found the SP2 to have the highest probability of being the most cost-effective treatment at all WTP thresholds per QALY. Above a WTP of £20,000, the SP2 had a probability of being the most cost-effective in excess of 95% compared with the SP1, bMAD or no-treatment alternatives.
Summary and discussion
The TOMADO showed that, in mild to moderate OSAH, non-adjustable MADs improved objective and subjective health outcomes over no treatment. Additional improvements diminished with increasing MAD sophistication, but the consistent results across outcomes suggest genuine effects. All devices were cost-effective compared with no treatment based on the point estimates of costs and QALYs. However, differences in EQ-5D-3L QALYs between devices were small and generally non-significant. Probabilistic analysis, accounting for uncertainty in costs and QALYs, showed that the SP2 was the most cost-effective up to a WTP of £39,800/QALY. Above this WTP, the bMAD appeared most cost-effective. These conclusions were robust to a range of realistic assumptions about device costs and durability.
In Chapter 3 the literature on clinical outcomes for both MADs and other treatment options for OSAH will be reviewed and will incorporate the results of the TOMADO into the wider evidence base using meta-analysis where possible. In the TOMADO study, there were few differences between the different MADs in both clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, grouping of trials according to different types of MAD will result in imprecise estimates of treatment effects. Therefore, the meta-analyses and cost-effectiveness models will consider MADs as a single comparator, with some examination of the effect of using different MADs in the deterministic sensitivity analysis in Chapter 4.
Chapter 3 Systematic review and meta-analysis of trials of treatments for sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
In this chapter, a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is provided in order to understand how the TOMADO study fits into the total evidence on effectiveness of treatments for OSAH, and to provide input into the decision analysis in subsequent chapters. The focus is on those outcomes of the AHI and ESS that will directly inform the decision analysis, although sleep-related QoL questionnaires that were part of TOMADO and which were identified in our searches are also reviewed. This work builds on previous reviews and meta-analyses of both MADs, by Lim et al. ,51 and CPAP, by McDaid et al. 8
Lim et al. ,51 in a Cochrane review conducted in 2009, identified 17 RCTs involving 831 patients. They concluded that MADs were effective in reducing AHI, ESS score and other measures of sleep-disordered breathing compared with CM but they were less effective than CPAP. The effects on QoL scales and symptoms were unclear because of the small numbers of studies reporting results and the differences in instruments used, and a need for further research in this area was highlighted. Similarly, the effects of MADs on cardiovascular risks and BP were inconclusive because of small numbers of patients, short follow-up and differences between trials in the outcomes chosen. This review noted the heterogeneity in populations studied, particularly in severity of OSAH at baseline, which complicates comparisons between MADs and CPAP. Thus, it is important to stratify for baseline severity when comparing these two treatments.
McDaid et al. 8 was a health technology assessment and decision analysis published in 2009 that focused on the use of CPAP in OSAH, with both no active treatment and MADs used as controls in separate analyses. They identified 48 studies reporting any clinical effectiveness, 29 of which included ESS score as the primary outcome. Most studies included people with severe disease according to baseline AHI. The effect of treatment on ESS score compared with CM was related to this baseline severity, reinforcing the need for stratification. There was less evidence of a difference between CPAP and MADs on ESS score. Reasons for this were difficult to determine as a result of the small number of trials directly comparing these treatments, but others have also noted only moderate correlation between AHI and ESS score. 14 In common with the review by Lim et al. ,51 the results comparing secondary end points such as QoL and cardiovascular risks were inconclusive because of the small numbers of trials and patients, short follow-up and heterogeneous outcome measures. McDaid et al. 8 also developed a lifetime cost-effectiveness model and conducted extensive analysis, which will be reviewed further in the next chapter. In addition, the authors highlighted a number of areas requiring further study, including the need for robust information on secondary outcomes, such as QoL and cardiovascular outcomes and trials focusing on patients with mild disease.
Primary objectives
The primary objective was to update previously conducted systematic reviews of the effect on OSAH of treatment by MADs and by CPAP compared with each other and with no active treatment. However, this review will be stratified by severity of OSAH.
To estimate the effect on AHI and ESS score of treatment by MADs and by CPAP compared with each other and with controls in three meta-analyses of RCTs. Heterogeneity as a result of OSAH severity, trial methodology and duration of follow-up will be assessed. Results from this analysis will feed directly into the economic modelling in Chapter 4.
Secondary objectives
The secondary objectives were to estimate the effect on the secondary outcomes, daytime BP and the QoL scales SAQLI and FOSQ, of treatment by MADs and by CPAP compared with each other and with controls for use in the long-term cost-effectiveness model, for mild to moderate OSAH.
Long-term effects of treatment on cardiovascular risk and RTAs will be assessed as part of the decision model development described in Chapter 4 and are not studied further here.
Search strategy
The systematic review searched for all RCTs of adult OSAH patients in which at least one arm was randomised to MAD or CPAP. Studies comparing two different MADs or two different types of CPAP delivery were excluded since the differences between treatment modalities are known to be small and numerous different devices were trialled. Animal studies and non-randomised studies were excluded. Trials published in a language other than English were excluded.
Information sources
The search strategy updated two existing systematic reviews8,51 to August 2013 (see Appendix 14 for full search strategies). The main stages of the search are described below:
All studies from the published McDaid et al. 8 systematic review were included. McDaid et al. 8 (York University Centres for Reviews and Dissemination and for Health Economics) searched 14 databases up to November 2006 and included all RCTs of CPAP compared with either MADs or a non-MAD control. This search was repeated in 2012 by McDaid et al. 8 and the results were shared with the TOMADO group. This search strategy was again replicated, by the same authors, to retrieve articles from March 2012 to August 2013 using MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Science Citation Index, the three most sensitive databases reported by McDaid et al.,8 in order to identify recent trials.
The search by McDaid et al. 8 did not include studies of MADs against non-CPAP controls. Therefore, additional papers were identified from the review by Lim et al. ,51 and an updated version of the Lim strategy rerun to cover the period June 2008 to August 2013, using MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Science Citation Index.
Reference lists of papers were also searched and were supplemented by the research team’s knowledge of the area to identify other trials missed in updated searches.
Inclusion criteria
All studies identified in the previously published McDaid et al. 8 and Lim et al. 51 searches were reviewed. For the subsequent searches, titles and abstracts were screened independently for relevance by two members of the TOMADO team (two of MB, MG, AC-J, RC and MP). Disagreements were resolved by consensus.
Full papers were retrieved for RCTs of adult patients (≥ 16 years) with newly diagnosed or existing OSAH of any severity and confirmed using an appropriate method such as PSG. Studies were excluded if OSAH was not the predominant diagnosis. Studies of patients with sleep-disordered breathing that was predominantly associated with heart disease, stroke or dementia were excluded.
Any trial with at least one randomised comparison of (i) MADs (fixed or adjustable) with non-CPAP controls, (ii) CPAP (fixed or autotitrating) with non-MAD controls or (iii) MADs (fixed or adjustable) with CPAP (fixed or autotitrating) were included. Studies were excluded if they did not include at least one of these randomised comparisons. Trials in which the treatment duration was ≤ 1 week were excluded since this period was considered inadequate to produce a treatment effect. Conservative care included usual care, recommendation to lose weight or reduce alcohol consumption, sham device, placebo pill or postural device aimed at discouraging sleeping in the supine position. Although data were extracted in studies in which a surgical intervention was compared with either MADs or CPAP, this was not considered to be CM and the studies were excluded from the meta-analysis.
Trial methods
Both parallel-group and crossover designs were included. There were no period effects in the primary outcomes of the TOMADO crossover study in which a 1-week washout period was used. Moreover, the prevailing opinion is that treatment effects persist for only a short time after stopping. 8,33 Therefore, inclusion criteria did not include washout periods for crossover trials and results from all available periods were used in the analysis.
Outcome measurements
The primary outcomes were AHI and ESS score. Secondary outcomes were total SAQLI, total FOSQ, SBP, DBP, cardiovascular risk and incidence of RTAs. (Cardiovascular risk and RTAs will be reported in Chapter 4.)
Data extraction
For previously published reviews, estimates of treatment effects recorded in the relevant papers were used, with the exception of a small number of transcribing errors identified and corrected in this meta-analysis. 8,51 For the newly identified studies, information from full papers was extracted independently by two members of the TOMADO study team (two of MB, MG, AC-J, RC and MP) and entered onto a bespoke data extraction form. Any queries were resolved by consensus. Studies that were reported only as abstracts were included provided that they included sufficient information to confirm inclusion criteria and details of results that could be used in one of the meta-analyses. For the updated review of MADs, if data in the published abstract, index paper, or a related publication were unclear, the authors were approached for further information. Owing to the timescale of the study it was not possible to pursue authors of trials involving CPAP for data that were not published in the abstract, index paper, or a related publication.
Data extracted included details of the patient population and baseline characteristics, intervention and comparator, outcome measurements, details of trial methodology, treatment duration and results.
Mean differences between the groups for continuous outcomes, and SEs of the group differences, were extracted for the meta-analysis. Outcomes at the end of the treatment period were preferred. In a small number of studies only the change in the outcome measure was reported, and this was included on the basis that the expected values of baseline measurements in randomised trials should be equivalent, although the SEs may be inaccurate.
Quality assessment
The Jadad score was calculated as a measure of quality that also facilitated consistency with previous published reviews. 8,51 For studies from previously published reviews, the scores were reassessed and any discrepancies between published and new Jadad scores were resolved by discussion. For newly identified studies and where it was missing from studies in published reviews, the Jadad score was calculated by one reviewer and checked by a second.
Publication bias
Funnel plots were examined as an informal method of assessing publication bias. These plots showed little evidence of asymmetry but, with the exception of analyses of primary outcomes for comparisons of CPAP against CM, the numbers of studies were too small to allow more formal analysis.
Data analysis
Three separate series of meta-analyses were conducted, one for each of the comparisons (i) MAD with non-CPAP controls, (ii) MAD with CPAP and (iii) CPAP with non-MAD controls. Meta-analyses used random-effects methods and were implemented using metan and related commands in Stata version 13.0. 64 In brief, this model was formulated as follows. From each study, i, we have an estimate of the treatment effect compared with the control treatment as β^i and we assume that these estimates follow a Gaussian distribution with,
where βi is the underlying mean treatment effect and σi2 is the standard error in trial i. We assume that the trials are exchangeable a priori and that the underlying trial parameters βi are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with mean μ = E[βi] and variance τ2 = Var[βi].
The methods used in Stata follow DerSimonian and Laird,64 who take a classical approach to random-effects meta-analysis. The expected treatment effect μ is estimated as the weighted average,
where the weights are given by the inverse of the estimated total variance w^i=1/(σi2+τ2).
The SE of μ^ is approximated by (1/∑w^i) and an approximate 95% CI is given by,
Although the data analysis in TOMADO was consistent with an overdispersed Poisson distribution for AHI results, which is usual for an event rate, all other publications assumed that AHI followed a Normal distribution. Therefore, the TOMADO results were reanalysed assuming that AHI was Normally distributed, and this estimate is included in the meta-analysis for consistency. For studies in which the rate is of the order of 20, the Normal distribution is a valid approximation, but for smaller values the SEs will be biased, and this should be taken into account when interpreting results. 65 All other outcomes were assumed to be Normally distributed. The SE term σi2 was estimated by the within-trial SE error. Where only 95% CIs were available the SE was estimated using (upper limit – lower limit)/3.92.
The FOSQ has been calculated according to the original scoring system56 in some papers and according to the revision (manual scoring revision dated 11 July 2000) in others. Where possible, the scores have been recalculated according to the latter.
Heterogeneity between studies was represented by the I2-statistic and the chi-squared test for heterogeneity. 66 In order to investigate the sources of heterogeneity, the combined treatment effects for AHI and ESS score were re-estimated in each of the following subgroups:
Mean baseline AHI/DI: mild (AHI 5–14.99 events/hour, DI 5–9.99), moderate (AHI 15–29.99 events/hour, DI 10–29.99) and severe (AHI > 30 events/hour, DI > 30).
Mean baseline ESS score: mild (0–9), moderate (10–15) and severe (16–24).
Study design: parallel and crossover.
Treatment duration for studies involving MADs: short (2–12 weeks) and long (> 12 weeks); and for studies of CPAP against CM: short (2–4 weeks) medium (5–12 weeks) and long (> 12 weeks).
In addition, trial results for mild and moderate OSAH groups were combined and results recalculated to feed into the economic model in Chapter 4.
Quantity and quality of studies
Figure 20 summarises studies identified at each stage of the search process. The updated search conducted by York Centre for Health Economics, which was responsible for the McDaid et al. 8 review, and the two searches conducted by the TOMADO team identified 7341 references. After removing duplicates and adding in additional references from other sources, the total number screened for relevance was 4404. After screening, 83 full articles were retrieved and read in detail, of which 27 were eligible for inclusion in the study. These were combined with 44 studies identified from previous reviews that satisfied the inclusion criteria and that had not been superseded by a later publication from the same study. These 71 studies are listed in Appendix 15. Three studies included comparisons involving MADs, CPAP and CM and so each contribute to three separate comparisons, a total of 77 separate comparisons. 23,67,68 There was a greater number of studies of the effectiveness of CPAP than of MADs (Figure 20). The characteristics of the 56 excluded studies are listed in Appendix 16.
Summary of included studies
Summaries of the baseline characteristics for the included studies are shown in Tables 29–31 for the three comparisons. There were 12 studies including 629 patients that compared MADs with CM, 13 studies with 746 patients comparing MADs with CPAP, and 52 studies with 5400 patients comparing CPAP with CM.
Study | Design | Number randomised (analysed) | Baseline severity (AHI or DI) | Baseline symptom severity (ESS score) | Duration of each treatment (weeks) |
Aarab 201168 | P | 42 | Moderate | Moderate | 26 |
Andrén 201369 | P | 72 | Moderate | Moderate | 13 |
Barnes 200423 | C | 80 | Moderate | Moderate | 12 |
Blanco 200570 | P | 24 (15) | Severe | Severe | 13 |
Duran 200271 | C | 44 (38) | Mild | NR | NR |
Gotsopoulos 200272 | C | 85 (73) | Moderate | NR | 4 |
Hans 199773 | P | 24 | Moderate | NR | NR |
Johnston 200274 | C | 21 (18) | Severe | Moderate | 4–6 |
Lam 200767 | P | 67 | Moderate | Moderate | 10 |
Mehta 200175 | C | 28 | Moderate | NR | 3 |
Petri 200876 | P | 52 | Severe | Moderate | 4 |
TOMADO 201477 | P | 90 | Mild | Moderate | 4 |
Study | Design | Number randomised | Baseline severity (AHI or DI) | Baseline symptom severity (ESS score) | Duration of each treatment (weeks) |
Aarab 201168 | P | 43 | Moderate | Moderate | 26 |
Barnes 200423 | C | 80 | Moderate | Moderate | 12 |
Engelman 200222 | C | 51 (48) | Severe | Moderate | 8 |
Ferguson 199678 | C | 27 | Moderate | NR | 17 |
Ferguson 199779 | C | 24 (19) | Moderate | NR | 17 |
Fleetham 199880 | P | 101 | Severe | Moderate | 12 |
Hoekema 200881 | P | 103 | Severe | Moderate | 8 |
Gagnadoux 200924 | C | 59 | Severe | Moderate | 8 |
Lam 200767 | P | 68 | Moderate | Moderate | 10 |
Olson 200282 | C | 24 | NR | NR | 14 |
Phillips 201352 | C | 122 | Moderate | Moderate | 4 |
Randerath 200283 | C | 20 | Moderate | NR | 6 |
Tan 200284 | C | 24 (21) | Moderate | Moderate | 8 |
Study | Design | Number randomised | Baseline severity (AHI or DI) | Baseline symptom severity (ESS score) | Duration of each treatment (weeks) |
Aarab 201168 | P | 43 | Moderate | Moderate | 26 |
Arias 200585 | C | 27 | Severe | NR | 12 |
Arias 200686 | P | 23 | Severe | NR | 12 |
Ballester 199987 | P | 105 | Severe | Moderate | 12 |
Barbé 200188 | P | 55 | Severe | Mild | 6 |
Barbé 201289 | P | 725 | Severe | Mild | 156 |
Barnes 200290 | C | 42 | Mild | Moderate | 8 |
Barnes 200423 | C | 80 | Moderate | Moderate | 12 |
Becker 200391 | P | 60 | Severe | Moderate | 9 |
Campos-Rodriguez 200692 | P | 72 | Severe | Moderate | 4 |
Chakravorty 200293 | P | 71 | Severe | Severe | 12 |
Coughlin 200794 | C | 35 | Severe | Moderate | 6 |
Craig 201295 | P | 391 | Mild | Mild | 26 |
Diafera 201396 | P | 100 | Severe | Moderate | 13 |
Drager 200697 | P | 16 | Severe | NR | 12 |
Drager 200798 | P | 24 | Severe | Moderate | 17 |
Durán-Cantolla 201099 | P | 340 | Severe | Moderate | 12 |
Engleman 1996100 | C | 16 | Severe | NR | 3 |
Engleman 1997101 | C | 18 | Mild | Moderate | 4 |
Engleman 1998102 | C | 23 | Severe | Moderate | 4 |
Engleman 1999103 | C | 37 | Mild | Moderate | 4 |
Faccenda 2001104 | C | 71 | Severe | Moderate | 4 |
Haensel 2007105 | P | 50 | Severe | NR | 2 |
Henke 2001106 | P | 45 | Severe | Severe | 2 |
Hoyos 2012107 | P | 65 | Severe | Moderate | 12 |
Hui 2006108 | P | 56 | Severe | Moderate | 12 |
Jenkinson 1999109 | P | 107 | Moderate | Severe | 4 |
Kaneko 2003110 | P | 21 | Severe | Mild | 4 |
Kushida 201225 | P | 1105 | Severe | Moderate | 26 |
Lam 200767 | P | 67 | Moderate | Moderate | 10 |
Lee 2012111 | P | 71 | Severe | Moderate | 3 |
Lozano 2010112 | P | 75 | Severe | Mild | 13 |
Mansfield 2004113 | P | 55 | Moderate | Moderate | 12 |
Marshall 2005114 | C | 31 | Moderate | Moderate | 3 |
Monasterio 2001115 | P | 142 | Moderate | Moderate | 24 |
Montserrat 2001116 | P | 46 | Severe | Severe | 6 |
Norman 2006117 | P | 33 | Severe | Moderate | 2 |
Pepperell 200234 | P | 118 | Severe | Severe | 4 |
Phillips 2011118 | C | 20 | Severe | Moderate | 8 |
Redline 1998119 | P | 111 | Moderate | Moderate | 8 |
Robinson 2006120 | C | 35 | Moderate | Mild | 4 |
Sharma 2011121 | C | 90 | Severe | Moderate | 13 |
Siccoli 200818 | P | 102 | Severe | Moderate | 4 |
Simpson 2012122 | P | 36 | Severe | NR | 12 |
Skinner 2004123 | C | 10 | Moderate | Moderate | 4 |
Skinner 2008124 | C | 20 | Moderate | Moderate | 4 |
Spicuzza 2006125 | P | 25 | Severe | NR | 4 |
Tomfohr 2011126 | P | 71 | Severe | Moderate | 3 |
von Känel 2006127 | P | 28 | Severe | NR | 2 |
Weaver 2012128 | P | 281 | Mild | Moderate | 8 |
Weinstock 2012129 | C | 50 | Severe | NR | 8 |
West 2007130 | P | 42 | NR | Moderate | 12 |
Patient characteristics
Most studies were conducted in males, with the reported proportion ranging from 65% to 100% (median 81%). The reported mean ages ranged from 44.0 years to 59.2 years. Most trial populations were overweight or obese with reported mean BMI ranging from 28.3 kg/m2 to 35.1 kg/m2.
In general, CPAP trials were conducted in patients with higher AHI/ESS score at baseline. Two trials did not give sufficient information to determine baseline AHI. Of the 51 comparisons of CPAP with non-MAD controls that did record average baseline AHI, 35 (69%) were in patients with an average AHI > 30 events/hour (severe OSAH) compared with three of the 12 (25%) trials comparing MAD with non-CPAP controls. Most trials (7 of 12, 58%) comparing MAD with non-CPAP controls were in patients with moderate AHI at baseline. For direct comparisons of MAD with CPAP, one did not record baseline AHI; eight of the remaining 12 (67%) reported moderate and four (33%) reported severe baseline OSAH according to AHI on average.
Average baseline ESS score, the main subjective measure of daytime sleepiness, was available for 60 comparisons. All nine trials comparing MAD with CPAP and seven of the eight (88%) trials comparing MAD with non-CPAP controls reported moderate mean baseline ESS score. Of the 43 comparisons of CPAP with non-MAD controls, six (14%) had mild and five (12%) had severe mean baseline ESS score; the remaining 32 reported moderate baseline daytime sleepiness.
Intervention and comparators
Of the 25 trials involving MADs, 13 (52%) used adjustable devices, 10 (40%) used fixed devices and two (8%) did not report the type. In 13 trials (52%), the MADs were compared with CPAP. Of the others, nine (36%) used a sham MAD and one compared MADs with a placebo tablet, one with conservative treatment and one with no treatment.
Of the 65 trials involving CPAP, most (54, 83%) used fixed CPAP, six (9%) were autotitrating and five (8%) did not report this information. Excluding the 13 trials comparing CPAP with MADs, 29 of 52 (56%) compared CPAP with a sham version, seven (13%) with placebo tablet and nine (13%) with conservative treatment or no treatment.
Study design
The median number of cases randomised in MAD compared with control trials was 48 (range 21–91). The corresponding median number for MADs compared with CPAP was 51 (range 20–122) and, for CPAP compared with control, the median was 52 (range 10–1105). Duration of treatment during trials was generally short, with 60 of 76 trials (79%) that reported it having a treatment period of ≤ 12 weeks. Nine of 13 trials (69%) in which MADs were compared with CPAP had a crossover design, compared with 6 of 12 trials (50%) comparing MAD with other controls and 16 of 52 (31%) comparing CPAP with other controls.
Study quality
The Jadad score131 was calculated as a broad measure of quality of the studies and this was available for 69 of the 71 trials. Two studies comparing MADs against CPAP were available only in summary form in previous reviews, so that Jadad scores could not be calculated. 80,82 Of the 69 studies with Jadad scores, 68 (99%) were clearly described as randomised and one was not. 125 The method of randomisation was judged ‘clearly described and appropriate’ in 31 trials (45%). Only 27 trials (39%) were described as double blind, 25 of which compared CPAP with a sham device and two compared a MAD with a non-therapeutic device. The method of blinding was judged ‘clearly described and appropriate’ in 19 of the 27 trials (70%). Withdrawals and drop-outs were clearly described in 60 (87%), with no differences between trial comparisons in this regard. The mean Jadad score was 2.9 in comparisons of MADs with non-CPAP controls, 2.3 in MADs against CPAP comparisons and 3.1 in CPAP against non-MAD controls, with the lower mean scores in head-to-head comparisons mainly attributable to the difficulty in blinding when two active treatments are compared.
Assessment of effectiveness
Results are organised by outcome measure, with each section including the three comparisons, MADs with non-CPAP control, MADs with CPAP and CPAP with non-MAD control.
Primary outcome I: apnoea–hypopnoea index
Mandibular advancement devices compared with non-continuous positive airway pressure controls
Twelve studies, including TOMADO, and 629 patients provided an estimate of the effect of AHI, but one of these69 provided only a point estimate and could not be included in the meta-analysis (Figure 21). After combining the studies, the mean difference (reduction) in AHI for MADs compared with control groups was −9.29 (95% CI −12.28 to −6.30; p < 0.001). There was significant heterogeneity between studies (I2 = 60%; p = 0.005). Figure 22 suggests that this partly arises from differences in baseline AHI, although the relationship is not monotonic and heterogeneity within these strata remains. Note that only two studies were in patients with mild OSAH and the treatment effect for these studies differed by more than nine events per hour. Seven studies reported baseline ESS score, of which six had moderate EDS according to ESS score; the other had severe EDS. Restricting analysis to the six studies with moderate EDS according to baseline ESS score resulted in less heterogeneity (I2 = 35; p = 0.177), with mean difference in AHI as a result of MADs of −6.69 (95% CI −8.98 to −4.41) (Table 32). Six of the 11 studies had a crossover design and these studies had more heterogeneous results than parallel-group trials (Table 32). Treatment effects were greater in crossover trials than in parallel-groups designs, although the difference was not large. In addition, treatment effects in trials of short duration were larger than in longer-term trials, which may indicate reduced compliance over time or progression in the underlying mechanisms of OSAH.
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in AHI: MAD–control (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Baseline AHI | |||||
Mild | 2 | −7.79 (−16.38 to 0.79) | 0.075 | 65% | 0.091 |
Moderate | 6 | −10.72 (−14.59 to −6.85) | < 0.001 | 52% | 0.064 |
Severe | 3 | −7.95 (−15.94 to −0.05) | 0.051 | 32% | 0.232 |
Baseline ESS score | |||||
Moderate | 6 | −6.69 (−8.98 to −4.41) | < 0.001 | 35% | 0.177 |
Severe | 1 | −2.10 (−12.33 to 8.13) | 0.687 | – | – |
Trial design | |||||
Crossover | 6 | −10.17 (−14.27 −6.07) | < 0.001 | 76% | 0.001 |
Parallel | 5 | −8.57 (−12.39 to −4.75) | < 0.001 | 0% | 0.533 |
Duration of treatment | |||||
2–12 weeks | 8 | −9.69 (−13.27 to −6.12) | < 0.001 | 68% | 0.003 |
> 12 weeks | 3 | −6.78 (−13.24 to −0.33) | 0.039 | 23% | 0.560 |
Overall MAD compared with control | |||||
Overall | 11 | −9.29 (−12.28 to −6.30) | < 0.001 | 60% | 0.005 |
Mandibular advancement devices compared with continuous positive airway pressure
Thirteen trials including 746 patients compared MADs with CPAP. The estimated overall difference in AHI was 7.03 events/hour (95% CI 5.41 to 8.66 events/hour; p < 0.001), with post-treatment AHI being lower in those treated with CPAP than in those treated with MADs (Figure 23). Again there was important heterogeneity between study results, with smaller studies78–80,82 and early studies75–80 estimating greater effects than larger and later studies. No MADs–CPAP head-to-head comparisons were reported in patients with mild baseline AHI (Table 33). Estimates of the difference in post-treatment AHI were consistent and were not related to baseline AHI, baseline ESS score, trial design or duration of treatment, with all significantly lower after CPAP (Table 33).
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in AHI: MAD–CPAP (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Baseline AHI | |||||
Moderate | 8 | 7.48 (5.77 to 9.19) | < 0.001 | 28% | 0.203 |
Severe | 4 | 7.22 (3.20 to 11.25) | < 0.001 | 74% | 0.010 |
Baseline ESS score | |||||
Moderate | 9 | 6.70 (4.86 to 8.54) | < 0.001 | 57% | 0.098 |
Trial design | |||||
Crossover | 9 | 6.91 (5.11 to 8.71) | < 0.001 | 48% | 0.054 |
Parallel | 4 | 7.72 (3.58 to 11.87) | < 0.001 | 69% | 0.022 |
Duration of treatment | |||||
2–12 weeks | 9 | 7.19 (5.25 to 9.12) | < 0.001 | 59% | 0.013 |
> 12 weeks | 4 | 6.78 (3.25 to 10.31) | < 0.001 | 42% | 0.157 |
Overall MAD compared with CPAP | |||||
Overall | 13 | 7.03 (5.41 to 8.66) | < 0.001 | 52% | 0.015 |
Continuous positive airway pressure compared with non-mandibular advancement device controls
Of the 52 trials comparing CPAP with CM, 25 trials including 1596 patients reported post-treatment AHI. The estimated effect from combining these studies was −25.37 (95% CI −30.67 to −20.07; p < 0.001) (Figure 24). There was a significant amount of heterogeneity between study results, both overall and within strata. Some of this is explained by baseline AHI, and the potential for treatment effect is naturally governed by the extent of disease in the population. Only one of these studies was in patients with mild baseline AHI128 and the estimated mean effect in this trial was small at −2.40 events/hour (95% CI −3.67 to −1.13 events/hour). Moreover, the mean difference in AHI between CPAP and control patients increased with baseline severity, from −13.67 (95% CI −16.13 to −11.20) for moderate OSAH according to AHI at baseline to −33.04 (95% CI −39.75 to −26.34) for severe (Table 34). The pattern was somewhat different for groups defined by the baseline measure of subjective daytime sleepiness, i.e. the ESS score. Only one study reported mild baseline EDS according to ESS score110 but had severe baseline OSAH according to AHI, so that the estimated effect of CPAP on AHI was large at −32.50 (95% CI −43.55 to −21.45) (Table 34). However, the studies in patients with moderate baseline EDS according to ESS score reported a smaller effect of CPAP compared with controls than those with severe baseline EDS. There was some evidence that the treatment effect was lower for crossover trials than for parallel-group trials and for trials with longer treatment duration (Table 34).
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in AHI: CPAP–control (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Baseline AHI | |||||
Mild | 1 | −2.40 (−3.67 to −1.13) | < 0.001 | – | – |
Moderate | 7 | −13.67 (−16.13 to −11.20) | < 0.001 | 47% | 0.081 |
Severe | 17 | −33.04 (−39.75 to −26.34) | < 0.001 | 90% | < 0.001 |
Baseline ESS score | |||||
Mild | 1 | −32.50 (−43.55 to −21.45) | < 0.001 | – | – |
Moderate | 15 | −17.54 (−22.51 to −12.56) | < 0.001 | 95% | < 0.001 |
Severe | 3 | −34.73 (−58.90 to −10.57) | 0.005 | 95% | < 0.001 |
Trial design | |||||
Crossover | 5 | −19.71 (−27.95 to −11.48) | < 0.001 | 87% | < 0.001 |
Parallel | 20 | −27.08 (−33.68 to −20.48) | < 0.001 | 97% | < 0.001 |
Duration of treatment | |||||
2–4 weeks | 11 | −32.90 (−43.78 to −22.02) | < 0.001 | 93% | < 0.001 |
5–12 weeks | 11 | −22.34 (−29.84 to −14.85) | < 0.001 | 96% | < 0.001 |
> 12 weeks | 3 | −14.25 (−19.03 to −9.46) | < 0.001 | 82% | 0.004 |
Overall CPAP compared with controls | |||||
Overall | 25 | −25.37 (−30.67 to −20.07) | < 0.001 | 96% | < 0.001 |
Primary outcome II: Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Mandibular advancement devices compared with non-continuous positive airway pressure controls
Of the 12 studies, 10 reported a point estimate of the effect of ESS score on MADs, but only nine reported sufficient data to allow calculation of the SE of the treatment effect. These nine studies included 485 patients and the combined treatment effect on ESS score was −1.64 (95% CI −2.46 to −0.82) (Figure 25 and Table 35). Again there was significant heterogeneity between study results, with small studies70,73 more likely to report large treatment differences. Only the TOMADO study was conducted in patients with mild OSAH according to AHI at baseline, and the effect on ESS score was between, and of a similar order to, estimates from trials in patient groups with moderate and severe baseline AHI. Patients from one trial by Blanco et al. 70 reported severe baseline EDS according to ESS score and also reported a large treatment effect. This trial was small, randomising 12 patients to either an advanced or a non-advanced mandibular device for a period of 3 months, and reporting on 20 patients who completed treatment. Excluding this trial and restricting analysis to the six trials that had a moderate baseline EDS according to ESS score resulted in a combined treatment difference of −1.36 (95% CI −2.07 to −0.64; p < 0.001). Owing to the small number of trials and the large influence of Blanco’s study it is not possible to reliably assess reasons for heterogeneity further.
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in ESS score: MAD–controls (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Baseline AHI | |||||
Mild | 1 | −2.01 (−2.70 to −1.32) | < 0.001 | 42% | 0.142 |
Moderate | 5 | −1.38 (−2.48 to −0.27) | 0.150 | 73% | 0.025 |
Severe | 3 | −2.68 (−5.89 to 0.54) | 0.103 | 48% | 0.051 |
Baseline ESS score | |||||
Moderate | 6 | −1.36 (−2.07 to −0.64) | < 0.001 | – | – |
Severe | 1 | −8.50 (−13.64 to −3.36) | 0.001 | 55% | 0.037 |
Trial design | |||||
Crossover | 4 | −1.75 (−2.25 to −1.25) | < 0.001 | 2% | 0.380 |
Parallel | 5 | −2.18 (−4.80 to 0.44) | 0.102 | 68% | 0.015 |
Duration of treatment | |||||
2–12 weeks | 7 | −1.75 (−2.22 to −1.28) | < 0.001 | 0% | 0.521 |
> 12 weeks | 2 | −3.26 (−13.15 to 6.63) | 0.518 | 90% | 0.001 |
Overall MAD compared with controls | |||||
Overall | 9 | −1.64 (−2.46 to −0.82) | < 0.001 | 48% | 0.051 |
Mandibular advancement devices compared with continuous positive airway pressure
Of the 12 studies directly comparing MADs and CPAP, 10 trials and 675 patients contributed to the meta-analysis of ESS score results, with a combined estimate of 0.67 (95% CI −0.11 to 1.44; p = 0.093) (Figure 26). The positive estimate indicates that the post-treatment ESS score was lower (better) in the CPAP group. There was less between-study heterogeneity in this analysis and the results of stratified analysis show that any treatment effect is small, with clinically significant differences likely only for those with severe baseline OSAH according to AHI (Table 36). However, the number and size of trials remains too small to make reliable conclusions, particularly regarding mild OSAH.
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in ESS score: MAD–CPAP (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Baseline AHI | |||||
Moderate | 6 | 0.06 (−0.61 to 0.72) | 0.864 | 0% | 0.659 |
Severe | 4 | 1.42 (−0.24 to 3.08) | 0.094 | 68% | 0.024 |
Baseline ESS score | |||||
Moderate | 9 | 0.81 (−0.04 to 1.65) | 0.062 | 49% | 0.049 |
Trial design | |||||
Crossover | 6 | 0.54 (−0.48 to 1.57) | 0.301 | 60% | 0.030 |
Parallel | 4 | 0.97 (−0.16 to 2.11) | 0.093 | 0% | 0.399 |
Duration of treatment | |||||
2–12 weeks | 8 | 0.82 (−0.09 to 1.73) | 0.078 | 55% | 0.031 |
>12 weeks | 2 | −0.06 (−1.66 to 1.54) | 0.944 | 0% | 0.461 |
Overall MAD compared with CPAP | |||||
Overall | 10 | 0.67 (−0.11 to 1.44) | 0.093 | 45% | 0.059 |
Continuous positive airway pressure compared with non-mandibular advancement device controls
Thirty-eight of the 52 trials comparing CPAP with non-MAD controls reported the estimated post-treatment effect on ESS score, with 4894 patients included in the comparisons. These trials are plotted in Figure 27 and the combined estimate of treatment effect on ESS score was −2.23 (95% CI −2.76 to −1.71; p < 0.001). Again there is significant heterogeneity, and some stratified analyses are reported in Table 37. In common with AHI, the effect of CPAP on ESS score increases with baseline AHI severity, from −1.23 (95% CI −2.19 to −0.27) for the mild group to −2.64 (95% CI −3.44 to −1.84) for the severe group. A similar but steeper effect is seen with increasing baseline ESS score, the effect increasing from −0.83 (95% CI −1.16 to −0.51) for mild baseline EDS according to ESS score to −4.99 (95% CI −6.51 to −3.47) for severe EDS according to ESS score. The trial design has less impact on outcomes but longer duration of treatment is associated with decreasing treatment effect, which again mirrors the analysis of AHI.
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in ESS score: CPAP–control (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Baseline AHI | |||||
Mild | 5 | −1.23 (−2.19 to −0.27) | 0.012 | 59% | 0.045 |
Moderate | 10 | −1.82 (−2.73 to −0.92) | < 0.001 | 60% | 0.008 |
Severe | 22 | −2.64 (−3.44 to −1.84) | < 0.001 | 86% | < 0.001 |
Baseline ESS score | |||||
Mild | 5 | −0.83 (−1.16 to −0.51) | < 0.001 | 30% | 0.222 |
Moderate | 28 | −2.19(−2.84 to −1.53) | < 0.001 | 76% | < 0.001 |
Severe | 5 | −4.99 (−6.51 to −3.47) | < 0.001 | 46% | 0.115 |
Trial design | |||||
Crossover | 12 | −2.32 (−3.33 to −1.31) | < 0.001 | 79% | < 0.001 |
Parallel | 26 | −2.15 (−2.74 to −1.55) | < 0.001 | 82% | < 0.001 |
Duration of treatment | |||||
2–4 weeks | 13 | −2.58 (−3.66 to −1.51) | < 0.001 | 75% | < 0.001 |
5–12 weeks | 17 | −2.20 (−3.02 to −1.39) | < 0.001 | 68% | < 0.001 |
> 12 weeks | 8 | −1.87 (−2.83 to −0.90) | < 0.001 | 93% | < 0.001 |
Overall CPAP compared with controls | |||||
Overall | 38 | −2.23 (−2.76 to −1.71) | < 0.001 | 83% | < 0.001 |
Secondary outcome I: daytime blood pressure
Mandibular advancement devices compared with non-continuous positive airway pressure controls
Of the trials included, five with a total of 394 patients compared daytime SBP and DBP. Two trials were in patients with mild baseline AHI and three with moderate baseline AHI. The combined estimate of the effect of MADs on SBP was small −1.13 mmHg (95% CI −2.17 to −0.10 mmHg; p = 0.032) (Table 38). Similarly, the effect of MADs on daytime DBP was small, −0.64 mmHg (95% CI −1.70 to 0.49 mmHg; p = 0.265). There were too few trials in this analysis to allow stratification by patient and design characteristics.
Subgroup | Number of studies | Difference in BP (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
SBP (mmHg) | |||||
MAD–controls | 5 | −1.13 (−2.17 to −0.10) | 0.032 | 0% | 0.433 |
MAD–CPAP | 3 | −0.09 (−2.27 to 2.08) | 0.932 | 0% | 0.729 |
CPAP–controls (all) | 21 | −2.36 (−3.65 to −1.06) | < 0.001 | 35% | 0.059 |
CPAP–controls (mild AHI) | 3 | 0.00 (−2.05 to 2.05) | 0.999 | 0% | 0.406 |
CPAP–controls (moderate AHI) | 3 | −3.44 (−7.96 to 1.08) | 0.136 | 44% | 0.170 |
CPAP–controls (severe AHI) | 15 | −2.84 (−3.65 to −1.06) | < 0.001 | 30% | 0.126 |
DBP (mmHg) | |||||
MAD–controls | 5 | −0.64 (−1.77 to 0.49) | 0.265 | 43% | 0.137 |
MAD–CPAP | 3 | −0.14 (−1.65 to 1.36) | 0.851 | 0% | 0.817 |
CPAP–controls (all) | 21 | −1.49 (−2.17 to −0.80) | < 0.001 | 13% | 0.286 |
CPAP–controls (mild AHI) | 3 | −1.18 (−2.45 to 0.09) | 0.068 | 0% | 0.530 |
CPAP–controls (moderate AHI) | 3 | −1.39 (−3.81 to 1.04) | 0.262 | 33% | 0.225 |
CPAP–controls (severe AHI) | 15 | −1.59 (−2.53 to −0.65) | < 0.001 | 24% | 0.193 |
Mandibular advancement devices compared with continuous positive airway pressure
Three trials with 270 cases with moderate baseline AHI provided treatment effects for daytime SBP and DBP in head-to-head comparisons of MADs and CPAP. There was little difference in post-treatment BP outcomes in these trials, with effect estimates that were neither clinically nor statistically significant (Table 38). Again further analysis of these results is not possible.
Continuous positive airway pressure compared with non-mandibular advancement device controls
Fifteen studies reported daytime BP from 1772 patients (Figures 28 and 29). The combined effect of CPAP on SBP was −2.36 mmHg (95% CI −3.65 to −1.06 mmHg; p < 0.001). Again a smaller difference was estimated for DBP of −1.49 mmHg (95% CI −2.17 to −0.80 mmHg; p < 0.001). As CPAP trials are generally conducted in patients with more severe OSAH, these results have been stratified for baseline AHI level in Table 38 and show that the effect of CPAP on both SBP and DBP increased with increasing AHI.
Secondary outcome II: sleep-related quality of life
Quality-of-life assessment was restricted to the two sleep-related QoL measures used in the TOMADO study (see Chapter 2), the SAQLI and the FOSQ, and to studies identified in the searches described above.
Mandibular advancement devices compared with non-continuous positive airway pressure controls
In our review, only two trials (including TOMADO in Chapter 2)67 reported results of the SAQLI (157 patients) and three trials23,70 (including TOMADO in Chapter 2) reported on the FOSQ (194 patients). Combined results for total SAQLI and FOSQ scores are given in Table 39 and show a small improvement in both scores, but small numbers and some heterogeneity between studies mean it is not possible to draw reliable conclusions.
Measurement | Number of studies | Difference in total score (95% CI) | p-value for effect | I 2 | Heterogeneity p-value |
Total SAQLI | |||||
MAD–controls | 2 | 0.51 (0.35 to 0.67) | < 0.001 | 0% | 0.954 |
MAD–CPAP | 3 | −0.05 (−1.25 to 1.03) | 0.760 | 0% | 0.950 |
CPAP–controls | 3 | 0.58 (0.27 to 0.88) | < 0.001 | 0% | 0.829 |
Total FOSQ | |||||
MAD–controls | 3 | 0.96 (−0.17 to 2.10) | 0.097 | 57% | 0.098 |
MAD–CPAP | 4 | 0.39 (−0.29 to 1.06) | 0.261 | 53% | 0.094 |
CPAP–controls | 9 | 0.41 (−0.09 to 0.92) | 0.109 | 32% | 0.159 |
Mandibular advancement devices compared with continuous positive airway pressure
Three trials (193 patients) reported SAQLI results in comparisons of MADs and CPAP. The combined results suggest that these two treatments are equally effective in terms of total SAQLI score (Table 39). Similarly, the difference between the treatments in overall FOSQ score was small (in favour of MAD) and had a p-value of 0.261 for the treatment effect. This was based on four trials and 356 patients.
Continuous positive airway pressure compared with non-mandibular advancement device controls
The SAQLI was recorded in only three trials (211 patients) comparing CPAP with CM. The combined estimate of treatment effect was similar to that reported in comparisons of MADs and CM (Table 39). Although the mean difference of 0.58 is statistically significant the clinical relevance is unclear. Flemons and Reimer132 suggest that a change of 1 point is the minimum clinically important difference for the total SAQLI score, and this difference falls into the range 0.5–1.0, which these authors termed ‘an indeterminate area in which the signal-to-noise ratio is likely to be poor’. There was a greater number of trials reporting FOSQ, and the results of combining these trials are shown in Table 39. There was a small effect on total FOSQ score favouring CPAP based on nine studies and 764 patients.
Summary and discussion
These meta-analyses have shown that MADs result in a significant improvement in post-treatment AHI and that the estimate of effect is similar irrespective of baseline AHI. In contrast, CPAP produces an improvement that is more than three times that of the combined estimate for MADs. However, the majority of trials involving CPAP focus on patients with high baseline AHI, and there is strong evidence that the treatment effect, compared with CM, is related to baseline AHI. In head-to-head trials of MADs and CPAP, the combined estimates again favour CPAP, but none was conducted in patients with low baseline AHI. This evidence would suggest that CPAP results in a greater overall effect on post-treatment AHI, but that the improvement over MADs is likely to be lower in mild disease.
The effect of MADs on subjective daytime sleepiness assessed by ESS follows a similar pattern, but the differences in treatment effects between MADs and CPAP are smaller and are not significant in head-to-head comparisons. From trials of CPAP against CM, the estimated effects are strongly related to baseline EDS severity and, to a lesser extent, baseline AHI. When trials of similar baseline characteristics are compared, there is little difference between the effects of MADs and CPAP on post-treatment ESS score when assessed against CM, and this is reinforced by the results from head-to-head trials.
There is some evidence that the treatment effects are stronger in trials with short duration of treatment, which would suggest either that non-compliance increases with time or that treatments become less effective over time for other reasons. This will be discussed further in Chapter 5.
The number of trials reporting daytime SBP and DBP was small. There were many other papers that reported a range of markers of hypertension. Given the timescale of the project, we chose to concentrate on markers that will be used in the decision models, a full review of hypertension being outside the scope of the project. Our analyses showed that there was a small but significant effect of CPAP and MADs on SBP compared with CM and that there was little difference between these two active treatments. Small but important differences were observed for DBP. These findings are remarkable given the short follow-up of most of the trials identified and are encouraging signs that a reduction in cardiovascular risk is possible for both MADs and CPAP. Again the size of the effect on BP was related to baseline AHI in CPAP trials, reinforcing the similarity of MADs and CPAP effects on BP when trial populations are comparable.
The small number of trials reporting results from the main sleep-related QoL questionnaires is disappointing and does not allow reliable conclusions. There is evidence of small treatment differences for the SAQLI between MADs and CM and between CPAP and CM, but the size of the differences are unlikely to be clinically relevant. The total SAQLI score effects for these two comparisons are similar (0.51 and 0.58 units) and consistent with the head-to-head comparisons, which showed no difference between the two active treatments. The treatment effects for the total FOSQ score were less precise and none was significant at traditionally applied levels.
In almost all comparisons there was significant heterogeneity between trials, some of which could be explained by baseline severity, design and treatment duration, but there remained unexplained heterogeneity. Although we used random-effects meta-analysis to provide unbiased point estimates and robust estimates of precision, further elucidation of the sources of heterogeneity would be useful.
Chapter 4 Long-term cost-effectiveness of oral mandibular devices compared with continuous positive airway pressure and conservative management
The results of the within-trial economic analyses based on the TOMADO study data presented in Chapter 2 showed that that all three of the MADs trialled are cost-effective compared with no treatment for mild to moderate OSAH. The within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis suggests that the SP2, or a similar semi-bespoke device, should be offered as first-line treatment and that dentally fitted bespoke devices should be reserved for those who cannot produce the mould for, or tolerate, a semi-bespoke device. However, there were no statistically significant differences in treatment effects between devices in the base case and results reflect only the observed 4-week follow-up period, comparing each device with no treatment as well as between devices. This chapter presents a cost-effectiveness analysis incorporating long-term effects, to address uncertainties regarding the long-term use of MADs for the treatment of mild to moderate OSAH.
Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea is a chronic condition and is associated with considerable long-term morbidities, which cannot be fully reflected by a within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis with a short follow-up. For example, large cohort studies have shown that OSAH is associated with hypertension,133 which will have long-term cardiovascular implications including stroke. 134 The morbidities associated with OSAH are likely to manifest themselves after long-term disease. Excessive daytime sleepiness caused by OSAH also increases the risk of RTAs. 135 These relatively rare events are unlikely to be reflected adequately in short-term trial data.
The long-term and rare events associated with OSAH have survival, QoL and health-care resource use implications, which are important to incorporate in a cost-effectiveness analysis to inform decision-making. While TOMADO’s follow-up period was restricted to 4 weeks, partly because of the crossover nature of the trial and the length of follow-up required for gathering data on the primary clinical outcome (AHI), this length of follow-up is common among other studies of interventions to treat OSAH (see Chapter 3). To address longer-term cost-effectiveness, several economic models have been developed. 136–142
Decision-makers also need to be able to compare MADs with other relevant interventions not included in TOMADO. Therefore, an economic model that is able to bring together a range of data sources to chart the long-term morbidities associated with OSAH, as well as symptomatic relief and changes in HRQoL provided by different treatments, is required. The NICE Technology Appraisal 139 defined the potentially suitable treatment options for mild to moderate sleep apnoea as CPAP, MAD or CM. 37 CPAP therapy was recommended in the first instance and oral devices were shown to be cost-effective against CM as an alternative. However, uncertainties remain about the role MADs may play in the treatment of sleep apnoea.
Following a literature search of economic models for OSAH, McDaid et al. 8 found a number of key limitations with existing economic evaluations:
studies did not use the full range of clinical evidence available to estimate the impact of treatment on sleepiness
a lack of trial-based evidence to compare utility values associated with different treatment options
limited data on long-term impact of OSAH in terms of cardiovascular risk, RTAs and HRQoL
the existing evaluations did not examine all the relevant comparators.
To address these limitations, McDaid et al. 8 developed a new model to investigate the cost-effectiveness of CPAP compared with MADs and conservative care. To adequately characterise OSAH and its treatment, and ensure that the model was clinically representative, the structure was established from a systematic review used to inform clinical effectiveness, consultation of existing cost-effectiveness literature and opinion of clinical experts involved in the technology assessment process. It made good use of available trial data through a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs. The modelling process also followed NICE methodological guidance and used the reference case37 to increase generalisability.
The perspective, structure, capabilities and treatment options which had been incorporated into the McDaid et al. 8 model corresponded to the aims of this evaluation and, therefore, their peer-reviewed model formed the starting point of the long-term economic evaluation. Their conclusion that key uncertainties included the cost-effectiveness of MADs and, hence, the role they should play in the treatment of OSAH, also serves to highlight the importance of the new research in this chapter: ‘It remains unclear precisely what type of devices may be effective and in which populations with OSAH. The effectiveness of dental devices compared with CPAP in mild and severe disease populations remains unclear’. 8
The objectives of the economic analysis presented in this chapter were therefore to update and adapt the York model where necessary to (i) reflect emerging data since the model was built and (ii) focus on the mild/moderate severity patient population. This updated model was then used to assess the cost-effectiveness of MADs, compared with CM and CPAP therapy.
This chapter begins with a summary of the McDaid et al. 8 model. It is followed by a description of how parameterisation was completed on the basis of literature searches undertaken to identify potential new sources of data and the incorporation of the TOMADO results into modelling. Results of the analysis of the long-term cost-effectiveness of MADs compared with CPAP and CM for mild/moderate OSAH sufferers are then presented, as incremental cost per QALY. The discussion of these results with the main policy interpretation is left to Chapter 5.
The McDaid et al. model
McDaid et al. 8 developed a state-transition Markov model to assess the long-term cost-effectiveness of CPAP therapy compared with MAD and CM as part of a NICE technology appraisal. 37 The model charted the movement of a hypothetical cohort of 50-year-old men, with characteristics pooled from a meta-analysis of clinical trials of OSAH interventions. Patients were typically overweight (mean BMI = 30 kg/m2) and had high BP (SBP = 130 mmHg). Baseline EDS, measured by mean ESS score, was 12. Various CPAP devices provided by different manufacturers were treated as one class of intervention. The large numbers of differing MADs used in trials were pooled for an overall treatment effect. CM involved a one-off consultation with a GP, with some level of lifestyle advice on how to reduce or cope with symptoms better. Outcomes were summarised as an incremental cost per QALY for each intervention. The model structure is explained briefly below.
Given the chronic nature of OSAH, the McDaid et al. 8 model adopted a lifetime horizon and incorporated the possibility of CVEs, strokes and involvement in RTAs, as well as accounting for symptomatic effects of OSAH on QoL. Patients started in an OSAH state and were able to move into a number of different health states [OSAH post coronary heart disease (CHD), OSAH post stroke and death], reflecting morbidities linked to long-term OSAH suffering. The model ran on a yearly cycle to chart a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 patients over time.
Figure 30 provides a diagrammatic representation of the model. Elliptical boxes represent health states and square boxes represent events. Arrows show the direction of transitions between health states and the occurrence of events. All members of the cohort started in the OSAH state and could stay in that state, unless a transition occurred, until death. They could move into the post-CHD state if they experienced an acute CVE and survived. This state allowed for the increased morbidity and mortality associated with having had a first CHD event. If they did not survive, they moved to the absorbing death state. If they did survive, they could remain in this post-CHD state until death, or experience a RTA (fatal or non-fatal) or suffer a stroke. If they survived a RTA, they remained in the same health state post event. If they survived a stroke, they moved to the OSAH post-stroke state, where they were again able to remain until death or experience a RTA. They were not able to move back to a CHD state once they had suffered a stroke. Patients who had a disabling stroke were assumed to no longer be able to drive and, hence, a proportion of those in the post-stroke state were not able to have a RTA event.
Patients could suffer a stroke while in the initial OSAH state, in which case, if they survived, they would move to the post-stroke health state. Here they would be subject to the increased risk of mortality and morbidity following the first event. Provided the stroke was not disabling they could experience a RTA (fatal or non-fatal). Patients in the initial OSAH state may at some point have experienced a RTA and, provided it was not fatal, would stay in the OSAH state until another transition or death.
Movements between states were determined by a set of transition probabilities, derived from various sources. In the base case, transitions that relate to CVEs and risk of stroke were informed by the Framingham risk equation, utilising information on baseline characteristics of an OSAH population to calculate the probability of a CVE (Table 40). Differences in SBP observed under the treatment options (from a meta-analysis of RCTs) were used in the Framingham equation to differentiate the risk of CVEs and strokes under each intervention. The equation is based on Weibull models, meaning that predicted risk is non-linear with respect to each risk factor. McDaid et al. 8 tested whether or not use of mean BPs would bias the results using a set of individual patient data. From the equation, the risk of CVEs and stroke were predicted using BP for each patient, and the mean taken. This was compared with risk calculated based on the mean of group BPs. The risk calculated by the two different methods was the same to two decimal places and, so, use of aggregate-level data did not significantly bias results. The equation was used to calculate the 4-year probability of an event, with a piece-wise exponential used to convert this into a yearly probability to correspond to the cycle length.
Parameter | Mean | Source |
Age (years) | 51 | TOMADO mean |
SBP | 130 | TOMADO mean |
Smoking (0 = no; 1 = yes) | 0 | Assumption (TOMADO 25% smokers) |
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) | 224 | Coughlin et al.143 |
HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) | 43 | Coughlin et al.143 |
Diabetes (0 = no; 1 = yes) | 0 | Assumption (TOMADO 7% diabetic) |
ECG-LVH (0 = no; 1 = yes) | 0 | Assumption |
Baseline ESS score | 11.9 | TOMADO mean |
Long-term observational studies were consulted for estimates of the increased risk of mortality following events relating to stroke and CHD once an initial event had occurred. 144,145 The underlying risk of RTAs (fatal and non-fatal) was estimated from Department of Transport146 data and was adjusted based on the OR of RTAs given treatment with CPAP compared with no treatment, taken from an updated meta-analysis by Ayas et al. 136 Given a lack of data on the likelihood of a RTA when using MADs, the ratio of ESS scores for MAD treatment compared with CM was applied to the OR for RTAs of CPAP compared with CM. Symptomatic relief provided by different interventions was accounted for using evidence from a meta-analysis of ESS scores, which were mapped to a QoL scale, in the absence of good HRQoL data. Regression techniques were used to estimate an algorithm for expressing utility changes, as measured by EQ-5D-3L and SF-6D pre-scored preference questionnaires to changes in ESS score. Utilities and costs were assigned to each of the health states and differed depending on the intervention being received. Each health event had an associated utility loss and acute cost attached to the event.
Costs of interventions were estimated in 2005 prices (£), incorporating the cost of devices and any on-going resource usage associated with maintenance and replacement, including equipment, staff time and overheads. CPAP device costs were acquired from McDaid et al. 8 Estimation of resource use during the titration process was taken from a manufacturer’s submission to NICE, which included data elicited from a group of clinicians regarding proportion titrated by different methods in clinical practice to ascertain appropriate costs. The machine was assumed to have a lifespan of 7 years (clinical opinion) and masks replaced annually. It was assumed that the MADs being used was a Thornton Adjustable Positioner® (Airway Management Inc., Dallas, TX, USA), commonly in use at the time and this was costed according to NHS Dental contract costs, given the lack of an appropriate NHS cost of the device. The lifespan of a MAD was assumed to be 2 years (clinical opinion) compared with 12–18 months in the TOMADO study. Unit costs for NHS resource use (sleep specialist consultations, nurse appointment and GP consultations) were taken from nationally available NHS reference costs, as well as unit costs published by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU). 58,147 Published sources were consulted for estimates of the cost of other morbidities (CHD, stroke and RTAs) associated with OSAH. Two economic evaluations which had estimated costs of an acute CHD (and on-going treatment costs of chronic conditions) and stroke events in a NHS setting were used. 148,149 RTA costs were taken from UK Department of Transport estimates. 146 Cost and effects were discounted at 3.5% per annum.
The modelling was implemented in Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and results presented as ICERs representing the long-term mean cost per QALY gained for the different interventions. Uncertainty was explored using probabilistic techniques, by attaching distributions to input parameters and randomly sampling from them, performing 10,000 iterations to produce estimates of the distributions of the outcome. This uncertainty was summarised using CEACs, showing the likelihood that any given device is cost-effective at a given WTP threshold.
Results from McDaid et al. 8 indicated a 78% probability that CPAP was cost-effective for the hypothetical cohort at a threshold of £20,000 per QALY. At this WTP, MADs and CM had a probability of being cost-effective of 21% and 1%, respectively. Sensitivity analysis suggested that CPAP had the highest probability of being cost-effective over a wide range of WTP thresholds, even for mild and moderate subgroups, though the probability of MADs being cost-effective increased for milder subgroups.
Updating model parameter values
For this cost-effectiveness analysis, the parameters used to populate the economic model were revisited, to update where necessary and possible. Treatment effects were restricted to a mild/moderate severity group of OSAH sufferers and taken from the meta-analyses presented in Chapter 3, which incorporated both TOMADO and other RCT data. Within-trial effects were used in a sensitivity analysis to investigate potential between device differences in long-term cost-effectiveness. Other data from TOMADO used in the model included costs and HRQoL. The remaining data for the economic model were produced following replication of searches first performed by McDaid et al. 8 on cardiovascular risk and sleep apnoea, HRQoL data, and RTA risk and sleep apnoea. A new review on compliance of CPAP and MADs was also conducted. The decision about whether or not new evidence was chosen in preference to that already parameterising the model was based on the following criteria:
evidence was specific to a mild to moderate OSAH population
estimates were UK specific or more relevant to the NHS
data were more robust (based on characteristics such as sample size and study design)
evidence was contemporary compared with previous estimates or
new evidence facilitated improved modelling (for instance longer-term data or enabling structural improvements) of OSAH and its treatment.
Cardiovascular risk and obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome
McDaid et al. 8 recognised CVEs as a major source of morbidity associated with OSAH and modelled accordingly. Based on literature searches, the evidence established a link between OSAH and CVD, the strongest with regards to OSAH being a risk factor in hypertension,150,152 though there remained some doubt about whether or not it is an independent risk factor. For this reason, and given a lack of data on long-term outcomes for treatment of OSAH, CVEs were linked to OSAH using a risk score which accounts for the increased risk from raised BP.
In order to account for uncertainties around OSAH and cardiovascular risk, assess the current understanding of the link between OSAH and CVD, and allow for any long-term evaluation of interventions, the literature search of CVD and its role in OSAH was updated. Although some of the RCTs identified by the systematic review in Chapter 3 had investigated longer-term CVD outcomes under treatment, the majority did not and instead focused on intermediate outcomes, mainly BP. Follow-up was often not sufficiently long to capture these rare events.
Literature search
A search of MEDLINE for 2007–2013 to find articles that referenced OSAH and CVD used a subset of terms that could be encompassed into CVD (e.g. stroke, heart disease, hypertension) which was very similar to that performed by McDaid et al. 8 (see details in Appendix 14). The original search had also looked for RTA literature, but this was left to an additional search. The search yielded over 500 papers, which were screened by title and abstract. The focus was on identifying new analyses of primary data, including observational studies not identified as part of the systematic review of Chapter 3 and previous reviews. The majority were excluded as they were not related to OSAH, and 82 were shortlisted, of which 24 were examined in more detail. The 57 excluded were guidelines, commentaries, editorials, letters or case reviews (n = 18); duplicates or duplicating clinical trial data already identified in the systematic review (see Chapter 3) (n = 2) [e.g. referring to a different patient population (e.g. focused on central apnoeas or a younger population) (n = 16)]; did not consider the association between OSAH and CVD risk (n = 10); were not in the English language; or had only abstracts available (n = 11). Owing to the heterogeneity between studies in methodology and markers of hypertension used, a narrative review is provided rather than a formal meta-analysis.
Several studies explored the link between OSAH and CVD. Two studies showed the high prevalence of cerebrovascular lesions153 and hypertension154 among an OSAH population. In the former,153 the prevalence of silent lacunar infarction among 192 patients with moderate and severe OSAH (AHI ≥ 15 events/hour) was higher than among the controls and the patients with mild OSAH (p < 0.0001). In a population of 125 hypertension sufferers, OSAH was present in 64%, a much higher prevalence than in the general population. 154 A small case–control study (n = 50) found that nearly 60% of patients who had had a stroke and ischaemic attacks displayed OSAH. 155 In a case–control study (63 cases and 63 matched controls), patients with resistant hypertension (inclusion criteria: BP > 140/90 mmHg, using at least three BP-lowering drugs, including a diuretic), 45 of the case subjects were found to be OSAH sufferers compared with 24 of the controls (p < 0.001). 156 Logistic regression gave those with OSAH an OR for suffering from resistant hypertension of 4.8 (95% CI 2.0 to 11.7). A case-matched study of 227 OSAH patients used multiple variable regression to estimate an OR for coronary heart failure of 5.47 (95% CI 1.06 to 28.31) for OSAH sufferers compared with controls. 157
Several articles analysed data from large cohort studies, with mixed results indicating OSAH as an independent risk factor for hypertension:
Young et al. ,133 in a subset of data from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort (n = 1549), found an OR for 4-year incidence of hypertension (defined as BP > 140/90 mmHg or treatment with antihypertensives) of 2.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 3.2) for patients with an AHI of 5–15 events/hour compared with patients with an AHI < 5 at baseline; patients with an AHI > 15 had an OR for 4-year incidence of hypertension of 2.9 (95% CI 1.5 to 5.6) compared with patients with an AHI < 5 at baseline.
Marin et al. 158 looked at a cohort of control subjects (AHI < 5 events/hour) and OSAH sufferers (n = 1889) treated with CPAP therapy. They estimated an adjusted HR for incident hypertension compared with controls which was greater among patients with untreated OSAH; among those ineligible for CPAP therapy, HR was 1.33 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.75), compared with 1.96 (95% CI 1.44 to 2.66) among those who declined CPAP therapy and 1.78 (95% CI 1.23 to 2.58) among those non-adherent to CPAP therapy. All displayed higher rates of hypertension than control subjects.
O’Connor et al. 159 using data from the Sleep Heart Health Study (n = 2470 men) after a mean of 2 years of follow-up and based on the same definition of hypertension, observed an OR (adjusted for age, sex, race and time since baseline) of 2.19 (95% CI 1.39 to 3.44) for people with an AHI of > 30 events/hour compared with an AHI of 0.0–4.9 events/hour, though this relationship became weaker (and not significant) for lower AHI. When adjusted for further baseline characteristics (BMI, waist-to-hip ratio and neck circumference) the OR was 1.50 (95% CI 0.91 to 2.46) suggesting a moderate but not significant association, which was again further weakened for lower AHI.
Kapur et al. 160 used the same dataset and demonstrated that the relationship is stronger if patients are stratified by AHI and sleepiness. They estimated an adjusted OR of 3.04 (95% CI 1.33 to 6.04) for an AHI > 30 and experiencing frequent sleepiness (≥ 5 days).
Using the same definition of hypertension (based on BP or taking hypertensive medication), the Vitoria Sleep Cohort161 of 1180 patients showed similar results. The crude OR suggested an association, with respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of > 14 compared with 0.0–2.9 giving an OR of 2.61 (95% CI 1.75 to 3.89). An OR greater than 1 held for lower strata of RDI, which were all significant. However, when adjusted for age, sex, BMI, neck circumference, alcohol, coffee and tobacco consumption, and fitness level the OR for RDI > 14 compared with an RDI of 0.0–2.9 was 0.98 (95% CI 0.62 to 1.57), which suggests obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is not an independent risk factor.
Other data from the Sleep Heart Health Study (n = 5422) suggest that OSAH is associated with a higher chance of suffering a stroke (OR 2.86, 95% CI 1.10 to 7.39, at an AHI of > 19 events/hour). 4 The point estimate of the OR was similar in lower severity OSAH, but the difference was not statistically significant. Martínez-Garcia et al. 162 undertook a prospective observational study offering CPAP to OSAH patients, with 7 years’ mean follow-up (n = 223) of non-fatal CVEs. For a group of patients with an AHI > 20 who had not been able to tolerate CPAP, they estimated a HR, using Cox-adjusted proportional regression, of 2.87 (95% CI 1.11 to 7.71).
Several of the articles (n = 9) were review papers combining existing prospective evidence on the association between hypertension, CVD (including stroke), mortality and OSAH.
Several reviews examined the mechanisms involved in OSAH’s role in hypertension.
In a 2009 review, Bradley and Floras5 state: ‘Data from animal models, epidemiological studies, and RCTs provide strong evidence that OSAH can cause hypertension, and that its treatment can lower BP. Indeed, OSAH might well be the commonest treatable cause of secondary hypertension.’ The same authors were involved in a subsequent review in which Kasai et al. 163 noted the higher prevalence of OSAH among a CVD population (47–83%). They suggest that repetitive apnoeas expose the heart and circulatory system to ‘noxious stimuli’ which can lead to CVD through OSAH’s causal role in negative intrathoracic pressure, autonomic dysregulation, oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, platelet activation and hypercoagulability. Although no quantitative synthesis of data was undertaken, Kasai et al. 163 asserted that ‘data from epidemiological studies and randomised clinical trials strongly suggest that OSA is a common and treatable risk factor for development of hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias, and stroke, especially in men’. However, they also proposed that the relationship may be bidirectional. Kato et al. 164 also conclude that the pool of evidence relating OSAH to CVD is growing, and state that this is strongest in relation to the role of OSAH in hypertension. Monahan and Redline165 corroborate assertions around improved understanding of pathophysiological basis of the association of OSA and CVD and note the ‘modest improvements in BP associated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) use’.
Two reviews note that BP is lowered by treatment of OSAH. Calhoun166 explores the mechanism of OSA-induced hypertension and presents results of four meta-analyses suggesting that BP is lowered by CPAP treatment [SBP lowered by 1.38 mmHg (not significant), 2.46 mmHg, 1.64 mmHg and 0.95 mmHg (not significant)] and data included in Monahan and Redline166 corroborate this. No cohort studies that show long-term treatment effects (with estimates of ORs or relative risks) for interventions used to treat OSAH were identified.
Several reviews also highlighted the role of OSAH in stroke.
Loke et al. 134 conducted a meta-analysis which included nine prospective studies (n = 8400) investigating OSAH and CVD outcomes and suggested an association between OSAH and strokes (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.57 to 3.19) and heart disease (OR 1.56, 95% CI 0.83 to 2.91), though the relationship was not statistically significant for the latter. Wallace et al. 167 conducted a qualitative review of sleep-related disorders and stroke. The authors comment on the established association between OSAH and stroke, citing evidence from the Sleep Heart Health Study and the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort referred to earlier, and state the case for screening stroke patients for OSAH. In another review, Dyken and Im168 conclude that OSAH is independently associated with a range of stroke factors but note that, while there is some evidence that treatment can reduce BP, there is a lack of definitive RCT data on overall stroke risk. Portela et al. 169 and Caples170 echo the findings of both these reviews.
However, recognition of a lack of good trial data was a recurrent theme. Monahan and Redline165 allude to the need for well-powered clinical trials investigating long-term CVD outcomes in OSAH under treatment. Kohli et al. 171 and Parati et al. 172 make similar conclusions regarding the gaps in current evidence.
While the role of OSAH in CVEs is still somewhat unclear, new evidence does suggest an association. However, there is still a lack of good-quality evidence on the long-term cardiovascular and stroke outcomes of treatment of OSAH, for patients using both CPAP and MADs. There is greater understanding since McDaid et al. 8 addressed the literature, of the potential causal factors relating to OSAH and CVD and stroke,164,165 but they are probably multifactorial and may be bidirectional. 163
As McDaid et al. 8 found, evidence still seems to be strongest in supporting the role of OSAH in hypertension. Analysis of data from large cohort studies (the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort)133 showed an association, especially among men, but there remains conflicting evidence (The Sleep Heart Health Study;159 Vitoria Sleep Study161). Based on these findings and the BP data found in randomised trials, the use of the Framingham risk equation was not modified on the basis of data published since the McDaid et al. modelling exercise. The characterisation of risk through an algorithm such as the Framingham equation, which uses differences in BP to differentiate CVE risk between baseline and post intervention, seems appropriate given the lack of good data on long-term outcomes. Baseline risk is defined by characteristics taken from TOMADO and a study investigating the role of OSA and metabolic syndrome by Coughlin et al. 143 Other cardiovascular inputs to the model are given in Table 41.
Parameter | Mean | SD | Source |
Relative risk of death following CHD | 3.2 | 0.30 | Rosengren et al.144 |
Relative risk of death following stroke | 2.3 | 0.18 | Dennis et al.145 |
Proportion of strokes that are disabling | 0.309 | – | Diener et al.173 |
While the Framingham equation was used in the base case, an additional source of the relative risk associated with a reduction in SBP was identified. Lewington et al. 174 pooled data from 61 cohort studies to estimate the relationship between BP and vascular mortality. Adjusting for regression dilution, at ages 60–69 years the relative risk of a stroke for a 20 mmHg reduction in SBP is 0.43 and the relative risk of CHD is 0.54. Given the linear relationship, a proportional change for a 1 mmHg reduction was taken. This analysis also suggests that the reduction in risk is proportional, independent of pre-treatment BP. The baseline risk from the Framingham equation was taken. The proportion of disabling strokes was taken from a large RCT of over 6000 patients comparing interventions for secondary prevention of vascular events.
Road traffic accident risk
To incorporate the change in risk of RTAs following treatment for OSAH, McDaid et al. 8 updated a meta-analysis first undertaken by Ayas et al. 136 with one additional study by Barbé et al. 175 with the eight studies in the Ayas et al. 136 review. All of these studies had before-and-after designs, based on actual RTA events pre- and post-CPAP therapy. Barbé et al. 175 collected 2 years of collision information retrospectively from participants prior to the study and then prospectively recorded events for 2 years while using CPAP. This study reported a relative risk, but gave event numbers which were used to calculate an OR compatible with the Ayas et al. 136 data. Results from the nine studies were pooled to give an OR of 0.168 (95% CI 0.100 to 0.230) after treatment with CPAP. This suggests that the odds of a RTA are reduced by nearly six times when CPAP treatment is initiated. While this effect size is quite large, the underlying rate of a RTA176 was extremely low (non-fatal: male = 0.0089 per year, female = 0.0082 per year; fatal: male = 0.00014 per year, female = 0.00006 per year).
The rates of RTAs in the model were updated using data derived from the National Travel Survey for 2010177 and UK Data Archive data from 2010 on RTAs,178 which presented equivalent contemporary data to those used by McDaid et al. 8 The risk was calculated based on the number of UK driving licences held and the numbers of fatal traffic accidents and traffic accidents involving serious and slight injury for 2010. These rates are given in Table 42.
Parameter | Mean | SD | Source |
Rate of non-fatal RTAs for males | 0.0062 | popn | Department of Transport146 |
Rate of fatal RTAs for males | 7.11 × 105 | popn | Department of Transport146 |
Rate of non-fatal RTAs for females | 0.0053 | popn | Department of Transport146 |
Rate of fatal RTAs for females | 2.91 × 105 | popn | Department of Transport146 |
The search used by McDaid et al. 8 was rerun to identify new studies conducted between 2007 and 2013 relating to OSAH and the risk of RTAs.
Literature search
The search (see terms used in Appendix 14) identified 32 articles, which were screened for relevance. Nineteen were excluded on the basis that they were commentaries or editorials (n = 3); duplicates (n = 1), referred to the wrong patient population (e.g. non-OSAH patients, elderly population) (n = 5); did not consider RTA risk (n = 6); were not in the English language; or only had abstracts available (n = 4). Of the 13 studies reviewed in greater detail only two related to observed RTA risk post treatment. 179,180 These two articles were meta-analyses of RTA risk post OSAH treatment. One additional study considered simulated driver performance before and after CPAP treatment. 181 The other nine included clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness studies and case–control studies comparing OSAH risk with healthy populations.
The two new meta-analyses pooling data on the impact of CPAP on RTAs were:
Tregear et al. 180 analysed nine studies, including one additional study by Scharf et al. 182 that did not appear in the Ayas et al. 136 and McDaid et al. 8 meta-analyses. However, the Tregear et al. 180 analysis also omitted one study by Suratt and Findley183 that Ayas et al. 136 and subsequently McDaid et al. had included. The Suratt and Findley183 article is available only in abstract form and may have been excluded by Tregear et al. 180 given their criteria that all studies must be published in full. It is not clear why the study by Scharf et al. 182 was not included in the Ayas et al. 136 review, which McDaid et al. 8 subsequently updated. Tregear et al. 180 estimated an OR of 0.278 (95% CI 0.220 to 0.350) for the risk of a RTA post CPAP treatment compared with pre-intervention. This is higher than, but comparable to, the OR of 0.168 estimated by McDaid et al. 8
Antonopoulos et al. 179 performed an analysis of real accidents, accident near misses and simulated driving performance. Ten studies of real accidents (including the Suratt and Findley183 data) were included. As in the review by Ayas et al. ,136 the Scharf et al. 182 study was absent, but this review did include another study by Minemura184 that was not in the McDaid et al. 8 or Tregear et al. 180 analyses. While the study by Minemura184 may have been excluded by Tregear et al. 180 because of their inclusion criterion that studies should involve more than 20 patients, the reason for omission from the Ayas et al. 136 review is unknown. An OR of post-CPAP compared with pre-CPAP RTA risk of 0.21 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.35) was estimated and pooled data on driving simulator performance showed a significant improvement in performance post treatment.
An additional study, by Hoekema et al. ,181 based on a prospective simulator-based investigation of driving performance of 20 OSAH patients and 16 controls, was also found. OSAH patient simulator performance was compared with the control group before and after 8 weeks of CPAP (n = 10) and MAD (n = 10) treatment. Patients randomised to each group were subject to 25 minutes of driving simulation and lapses of attention were observed. The results suggested significant differences in performance post treatment, similar for both CPAP and MADs.
Given the difficulty in ascertaining the reason for inclusion of studies and the effect it leads to in differences of ORs pooled by the two new meta-analyses and the McDaid et al. 8 analysis, the OR of experiencing a RTA of 0.17 from McDaid et al. 8 was retained. The two newly identified estimates of the reduction in RTA risk post treatment are of similar magnitude, but the Tregear et al. 180 estimate was used in a scenario analysis, as it suggested the smallest effect size. Given that this estimate is specific to CPAP, the approach to the comparison of MADs with CM followed the method of McDaid et al. 8 That is, a multiplier based on the relative treatment effects on ESS score of CPAP versus CM and MADs versus CM was applied to the OR of RTA for CPAP versus CM. These rates are presented along with other treatment effects in Table 42.
Health-related quality of life
During their systematic review, McDaid et al. 8 highlighted the paucity of data regarding HRQoL and OSAH. To characterise cost per QALY using the NICE reference case, utility scores are needed for each treatment. As these were lacking, and a large number (n = 27) of the trials in the systematic review of treatment effects had reported ESS scores, McDaid et al. 8 used the surrogate end point of ESS score as a proxy for differences in utility. Three sets of individual patient-level data (two measuring ESS and SF-36 profile in the same patients and one that measured ESS, SF-36 profile and EQ-5D-3L data in the same set of patients) were used to map ESS scores to EQ-5D-3L and SF-6D values (based on tariffs published by Brazier et al. 63 and Dolan61) using regression analyses. The results of this process indicated that a unit fall in ESS score is associated with an increase in utility, based on a SF-6D (n = 294) value of 0.0095 (95% CI 0.0070 to 0.0123) and based on an EQ-5D-3L (n = 94) value of 0.0097 (95% CI 0.0019 to 0.0175).
The systematic review presented in Chapter 3 highlights the remaining dearth of RCT data on OSAH and HRQoL. In trials that did include some measurement of QoL, it was predominantly limited to disease-specific measures (SAQLI and FOSQ). However, one study did use generic instruments to measure HRQoL. In a double-blind randomised trial of 102 men who received a real or sham CPAP device, Siccoli et al. 18 used the SF-36 and SF-12 4 weeks after treatment to measure impact of CPAP therapy on HRQoL. This population was defined as having moderate/severe OSAH. In the intervention group, scores on several domains of the SF-36 (Emotional Well-being, Vitality, Role Emotional and Social Function) were significantly higher than those in the sham group. Using the SF-12, the mean PCS difference was 58.8 compared with 72.4 and the mean MCS was 63.5 compared with 77.9, both differences being ‘significant’. However, a utility score based on these short-form surveys was not presented.
While TOMADO included the EQ-5D-3L and SF-36, these data were relatively short term and specific only to MAD. Therefore, further searches were undertaken to identify other potential sources of HRQoL utility data from generic instruments, for use in the modelling.
Literature search
A search first performed by McDaid et al. 8 was replicated for 2007–13, using MEDLINE, to identify data not included in the systematic review reported in Chapter 3, i.e. including observational trials that might offer a robust data source.
The search yielded over 700 potentially relevant articles, which were screened by title and abstract for relevance. The aim was to identify studies of OSAH which included a treatment (either CPAP or MADs) and measured QoL using the EQ-5D-3L or SF-36/SF-12 pre-scored preference questionnaires. Seventy-one papers were examined in greater detail (see list in Appendix 15, along with the search terms).
Of the 72 papers examined further, only two captured generic QoL data. A prospective study by Tsara et al. 185 reported SF-36 profiles for 135 patients (120 with severe and 15 with mild/moderate OSAH based on AHI) before and after CPAP therapy in a sleep unit at a general hospital in Greece. These data suggested improvements in QoL post CPAP treatment, though this was not expressed as a utility score. Improvements for men were observed in all domains except Pain (Physical Role, Physical Function, Emotional Well-being and Vitality: p < 0.01; General Health, Role Emotional and Social Function: p < 0.05), with the greatest change in General Health. Women displayed a significant improvement only in Role Physical (p < 0.01). Antic et al. 186 collected data as part of a randomised trial of nurse-led care for moderate to severe OSAH patients. One hundred and thirty-five OSA patients were included, with SF-36 measurement 3 months after treatment with CPAP in three sleep centres in Australia. SF-36 domains were not presented, but the authors reported that the vitality component was significantly correlated with objective adherence.
Neither of the additional studies185,186 considered MADs and the focus was in a more severe disease group than TOMADO is primarily focused on. The study by Siccoli et al. 18 does offer some robust trial data regarding CPAP treatment effects that could have been converted to SF-6D but, again, these are in a group of patients with moderate to severe disease. TOMADO collected data for a mild to moderate group using MADs, which suggested there may be some improvements in HRQoL after treatment, but these results were not significant for generic instruments.
Bearing in mind these limitations and the desire to utilise the synthesised systematic review of treatment effects, the clinical end point of ESS was again mapped to utility. As TOMADO provided more data points than had been available to McDaid et al. ,8 these data were used to estimate a relationship, mapping observed ESS scores to utility measures. The resulting algorithm then converted ESS score treatment differences into post-treatment utility changes.
Mapping Epworth Sleepiness Scale score to European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions three-Level version and Short Form questionnaire-6 Dimensions
TOMADO presented a large dataset of both SF-36 and EQ-5D-3L data for people with mild to moderate OSAH. Given repeated measurements, it yielded 402 data points of ESS score and SF-6D and 404 data points of ESS score and EQ-5D-3L that could be used in a regression-based mapping exercise to estimate an algorithm mapping ESS to utility scores. The algorithms for SF-6D and EQ-5D-3L were estimated using a linear mixed-effects regression model. The ESS score was an explanatory variable; a dummy variable was used to control for differences in baseline utility and participants were included as a random effect. These models rely on an assumption that the residuals are Normally distributed, though this may not always hold. 187 The models are shown in Table 43 for SF-6D and Table 44 for EQ-5D-3L.
Variable | Coefficient | SE | p-value | 95% CI |
ESS | −0.0067 | 0.0011 | 0.000 | −0.0087 to −0.0046 |
Baseline | −0.0020 | 0.0079 | 0.799 | −0.0175 to 0.0134 |
Constant | 0.7529 | 0.0116 | 0.000 | 0.7302 to 0.7756 |
Variable | Coefficient | SE | p-value | 95% CI |
ESS | −0.0061 | 0.0020 | 0.003 | −0.0101 to −0.0020 |
Baseline | 0.0139 | 0.0145 | 0.340 | −0.0146 to 0.0423 |
Constant | 0.9094 | 0.0220 | 0.000 | 0.8664 to 0.9525 |
Figure 31 shows that the residuals appear to be reasonably close to normality for SF-6D, but less so for the EQ-5D-3L. This is consistent with our a priori knowledge of the discrete nature of the EQ-5D-3L, the ceiling effect often observed in relatively healthy groups of patients188 and the findings of the McDaid et al. 8 mapping exercise. Other studies of utility indices derived from EQ-5D-3L in OSAH sufferers confirm this phenomenon and suggest that SF-6D may display a distribution closer to normality. 189
The results of this regression analysis indicate that a 1-unit decrease in the ESS is associated with a 0.0061 (p < 0.001) rise in utility based on EQ-5D-3L and a 0.0067 (p < 0.001) rise in utility based on the SF-6D instrument. For probabilistic sensitivity analysis the estimated variance matrix from the linear mixed models was used when sampling from the parameter distributions. The baseline utility of the population in the economic model was estimated based on the mean baseline ESS score of patients in TOMADO. The coefficients in the mapping equations estimated from the TOMADO data were similar to, but slightly lower than, those estimated by McDaid et al. 8 This should be expected as the population of patients recruited to TOMADO had mild to moderate OSAH and so represented a subsection of the range of disease severity.
Treatment effects of the use of MADs and CPAP from the meta-analyses of ESS scores in Chapter 3 were converted into utility increments using the algorithm. The baseline utility was estimated based on the mean ESS score of the trial participants in the TOMADO. The utilities used in the model are shown in Table 45.
Utility | Mean | SD | Source |
OSAH untreated (baseline) | Baseline ESS score × −0.006 + 0.91 | – | TOMADO EQ-5D-3L mapping algorithm |
OSAH treated with MAD | ΔESSMAD-CM × −0.006 | – | TOMADO EQ-5D-3L mapping algorithm |
OSAH treated with CPAP | ΔESSCPAP-CM × −0.006 | – | TOMADO EQ-5D-3L mapping algorithm |
Stroke (decrement) | −0.0524 | 0.0002 | Sullivan and Gushchyan190 |
CHD (decrement) | −0.0635 | 0.0001 | Sullivan and Gushchyan190 |
RTA | 0.6200 | 0.2700 | Currie et al.191 |
Age (decrement per year) | −0.0007 | 0.0000 | Sullivan and Gushchyan190 |
McDaid et al. 8 relied on data from a study conducted by Sullivan and Ghushcyan,190 which used EQ-5D-3L data from a panel of 38,678 patients to estimate decrements associated with a range of chronic diseases. The utility associated with a RTA was based on EQ-5D-3L data from a data repository 6 weeks after an inpatient episode for injuries sustained from a RTA in the UK. No additional robust sources of utility data were identified and these values were retained.
McDaid et al. 8 used a study by McArdle et al. 45 of long-term (median follow-up = 1.8 years) CPAP use in Scotland (n = 1155) to inform compliance in the model. This prospective observational study collected data on patients offered CPAP therapy. The mean ESS score of patients starting CPAP at baseline was 12 and AHI was 30 events/hour. Patients who refused CPAP therapy had a lower mean AHI of 22, though this was not shown to be a significant predictor of CPAP acceptance. Continued CPAP usage was significantly associated with AHI, with a HR estimate (relative risk of stopping CPAP) using Cox proportional regression of 2.48 (95% CI 1.79 to 3.40) for AHI < 15 relative to AHI ≥ 15. The study also reported a HR for stopping CPAP of 1.92 (95% CI 1.41 to 2.61) for an ESS score < 10 relative to an ESS score > 10. A Kaplan–Meier curve of CPAP use over 5 years was used to calculate yearly probabilities of patients stopping CPAP. The proportion still using CPAP was 0.84 at year 1, 0.74 at year 2, 0.73 at year 3 and 0.68 at year 4. After 4 years, a plateau was observed and, so, it was assumed that all patients who had not stopped using CPAP would continue to use the device indefinitely. In the absence of equivalent data for MADs, McDaid et al. 8 assumed compliance was equal to that of CPAP.
A search was conducted to identify new compliance data for both MADs and CPAP.
Literature search
The search of MEDLINE yielded 111 articles that were screened by title and abstract. The terms used are in Appendix 14 and selection focused on long-term estimates. Studies were considered relevant if they included the use of MADs or CPAP for treatment of OSA and had at least 1 year mean follow-up, indicating a measure of compliance over time. Studies were limited to those with at least 50 patients. Thirty-eight were reviewed in more detail. Of these, many did not have at least a year of follow-up (n = 11), others did not present compliance data on continuation of treatment (n = 10), did not include more than 50 patients (n = 3) or (n = 5) were concerned with a different patient group (e.g. snorers). One was not available in full form.
Brette et al. 192 assessed long-term MAD use in a French cohort (n = 140) with mean AHI of 27 events/hour at baseline. The device assessed, ‘uses thermoformed splints custom-fitted to the patient’s dental arches based on moulds [sic]’. Compliance was determined by a one-off questionnaire at a mean of 2.75 years from treatment initiation, when 76% of patients were still using the device regularly. Vezina et al. 193 conducted a retrospective study (n = 81) of the use of two different MADs, a traction- and compression-based device, with mean follow-up of 3.6 years. Both devices were custom made from hard copolyester (outer layer) and soft polyurethane (inner layer), following dental impressions. They found that 59% of patients were still using the MADs. Ghazal et al. 194 conducted a long-term (mean follow-up of 3.5 years) randomised study of two MADs (n = 103). At follow-up, 62% and 46% of patients were still using the two different devices, the first being an IST (hard methylmethacrylate) and the latter a Thornton Anterior Positioner® (made of a laminated, hard–soft polymer with an inner soft polyurethane and an external hard polycarbonate component). In a prospective study with mean follow-up of 1.4 years, which included telephone survey follow-up, Gindre et al. 195 reported that 82% of patients (n = 66) were still using the device, on average 6 days a week. The majority of this group (n = 50) had moderate to severe sleep apnoea (mean AHI = 38.6), but had not been able to tolerate CPAP.
In a real-life study of CPAP compliance (n = 303), Galetke et al. 196 observed, after a median follow-up of 13 months, that 67% of participants were still regularly using the CPAP machine, while 27% had definitively discontinued use. Mean AHI in this group was 33 events/hour and mean ESS score was 9. A prospective study (n = 158) investigating titration methods for CPAP also collected some data on long-term compliance (median follow-up 1.9 years) and found that 77% were still using CPAP at 3 years. 197 Kohler et al. 198 conducted a long-term study of usage of CPAP in Oxford with median follow-up of 3.9 years. After 5 and 10 years, 81% and 70% of patients were still using CPAP. They also investigated covariates associated with adherence and found that only ODI was a significant factor, suggesting that more severe apnoea is associated with greater compliance, as McArdle et al. 8 demonstrated. However, subjective daytime sleepiness was not a significant factor.
Hoffstein199 pooled data from 21 studies of MAD compliance, to produce an estimate of 56–68% of patients still wearing the device at 33 months, though some of these patients had very limited symptoms.
Estimates of CPAP compliance from Kohler et al. ,198 who conducted a large hospital record-based study of 600 patients in England, were used in our updated modelling. This gave 10-year data compared with the 4-year data from McAardle et al. 45 Based on mean AHI of 30 events/hour in the McAardle et al. 45 population and mean ODI of 28 events/hour, these groups can be considered to be of broadly similar severity, although mean ESS score is higher in the Kohler et al. 198 population. Though some compliance data regarding MADs were identified, the picture is unclear. The assumption that compliance for MADs was the same as for CPAP therefore remained unchanged. There is evidence to suggest that CPAP compliance is lower in milder severity groups, but there is no corresponding evidence that MAD compliance would necessarily be higher. Scenario analyses were therefore conducted to investigate the effect of different compliance rates for CPAP and MADs. Kohler et al. 198 estimated a HR of 0.97 for ODI. This means that a fall in ODI of 10 events/hour would represent an increase in risk of discontinuing CPAP therapy of 26%. There are no similar data on the relationship in MADs. Therefore, a one-way conservative adjustment to CPAP compliance was made, reducing it by 5% and 10% to observe the effect.
Mortality rates
Non-cardiovascular disease mortality, originally based on data from 2004 in McDaid et al. ,8 was updated using interim life tables (2009–11) and mortality statistics for 2010 from the Office for National Statistics. 200,201 The interim life tables gave age- and gender-specific mortality rates, from which the all-cause hazard was reduced according to the proportion of people who died of CHD and ischaemic heart disease. Underlying mortality rates for patients who have suffered a stroke or CVE were adjusted based on data from two long-term follow-up studies, and are shown in Table 41.
Modelling treatment effects
Treatment effects were taken from the meta-analysis presented in Chapter 3 for mild to moderate OSAH. This analysis suggests that the difference in ESS score for CPAP and MADs are very similar: −1.62 and −1.61, respectively. In a scenario analysis, device-specific differences in ESS score observed in the TOMADO study to estimate cost-effectiveness for the SP1, SP2 and bMADs were used. Differences in BP were also taken from the meta-analysis, though, given the data, it was not possible to estimate specifically for a mild to moderate group. The risk of RTA was based on the CPAP treatment effect pooled by McDaid et al. 8 and the ratio of ESS score for MADs and CPAP. These effects are presented in Table 46. The base-case risk of RTA after use of MAD is shown, but in scenario analyses will differ according to the ESS treatment effect.
Parameter | Mean difference | SD | Source | |
ESS | MAD vs. CM (mild to moderate)a | −1.620 | 0.380 | Meta-analysis (see Chapter 3) |
CPAP vs. CM (mild to moderate) | −1.610 | 0.340 | Meta-analysis (see Chapter 3) | |
SBP | MAD vs. CM | −1.130 | 0.530 | Meta-analysis (see Chapter 3) |
CPAP vs. CM | −2.360 | 0.660 | Meta-analysis (see Chapter 3) | |
Risk of RTA | MAD vs. CM | 0.167 | – | McDaid et al.8 and ratio of ESS treatment effects |
CPAP vs. CM | 0.168 | 0.033 | McDaid et al.8 |
Resource use and costs
McDaid et al. 8 incorporated into the model the costs (at 2004/5 prices) relevant to the NHS and personal social services which included the cost of the three interventions (CM, CPAP and MADs) and on-going costs associated with their provision, as well as those of OSAH-related events (RTAs and CVEs).
The cost of CHD events was taken from an evaluation of cardiac medication. Briggs et al. 148 used data from a large trial (n = 12,218) extrapolated using Markov modelling to estimate ‘background’ costs as well as the costs associated with modelled events. From regression analyses on costs, McDaid et al. 8 were able to utilise the estimated cost for fatal CVEs (which tends to be somewhat lower than for non-fatal events) as well as the cost of an acute CHD event and on-going treatment of CHD. These data were assigned to the health states in the model and to the models for risk of CVEs. Similarly McDaid et al. 8 identified a study which would give the acute cost of a stroke and the on-going costs associated with being in a post-stroke health state. Bravo Vergel et al. 149 used long-term data from the Nottingham Heart Attack Registry (5 years) which gave details of frequency, timing of recurrent events and in-depth resource use. The costs of RTAs were taken from Department of Transport estimates of the NHS costs associated with fatal and non-fatal RTAs.
For the purpose of this cost-effectiveness analysis, costs were updated where possible and presented at 2011/12 prices. Where relevant, costs were increased for health-care service inflation using PSSRU price indices. 147 The costs of CPAP, MAD and CM are shown in Table 47. The cost of a CPAP machine was provided by Meditas and the cost of an auto-adjusting positive airway pressure (APAP) machine used in the titration process by Respironics. Information provided by ResMed in its submission to NICE37 was taken to estimate the cost of starting CPAP therapy and on-going yearly costs. A survey of clinicians was used to estimate the cost of the titration process based on the proportions that undergo outpatient and inpatient titration and the method used. These data were assessed for face validity by the TOMADO clinical team. Outpatient visits in sleep clinics were updated for contemporary reference costs, as was the cost of specialist nurse time. The acute cost of CPAP therapy was estimated to be £173. Along with other annual costs and the assumption that the lifespan of a machine was 7 years, equivalent annual cost was estimated to be £252.
Cost parameters | Mean | SD | Source |
CM | 36.00 | PSSRU147 | |
CPAP initial costs | |||
Unit cost of follow-up outpatient visit | 105.89 | 47.08 | NHS reference costs 2011/1258 |
Probability of having a follow-up outpatient visit | 0.69 | 0.3 | McDaid et al.8 |
Total cost of follow-up outpatient visit | 73.06 | ||
Probability of using APAP | 0.81 | 0.19 | McDaid et al.8 |
Probability of home titration | 0.99 | 0.01 | McDaid et al.8 |
APAP machine | 499.00 | Jenny Salmon, Phillips Respironics, 2013, personal communication | |
Number times CPAP/APAP used for dose titration | 163 | McDaid et al.8 | |
Total cost APAP for dose titration | 3.06 | ||
Probability of using CPAP | 0.19 | McDaid et al.8 | |
CPAP machine | 230 | Angela Dunnil, ResMed UK Ltd, 2013, personal communication | |
Total cost CPAP for dose titration | 1.41 | ||
Total cost of in-home titration | 2.72 | ||
Probability of inpatient titration | 0.01 | McDaid et al.8 | |
Unit cost sleep study follow-up | 722.80 | 263.56 | NHS reference costs 2011/1258 |
Total cost of inpatient titration | 7.23 | ||
Probability of seeing a specialist nurse for titration | 1 | McDaid et al.8 | |
Unit cost of 30-minute appointment with specialist nurse | 44.50 | PSSRU147 | |
Total cost of specialist nurse involved in titration | 44.50 | ||
Probability of seeing a consultant for titration | 0.4 | 0.4 | McDaid et al.8 |
Unit cost of consultant appointment | 105.89 | 47.08 | NHS reference costs 2011/1258 |
Total cost of titration by consultant | 42.37 | ||
Unit cost of 30-minute appointment with technician | 11.23 | McDaid et al.8 inflated | |
CPAP initial cost | 174.94 | (73.06 + 2.72 a + 7.23 + 44.5 + 42.37 + 11.23) | |
CPAP on-going costs | |||
Interest rate | 3.5% | NICE37 | |
Estimate life of CPAP machine (years) | 7 | McDaid et al.8 | |
Annual equivalent cost CPAP machine | 36.34 | 230/annuity factor | |
Cost of CPAP mask | 105.00 | ResMed (50% full/50% nasal masks) | |
Estimated life of CPAP mask | 1 | McDaid et al.8 | |
Annual equivalent cost CPAP mask | 92.43 | ||
Annual sundries | 17.33 | McDaid et al.8 inflated | |
Annual follow-up | 105.89 | NHS reference costs 2011/12 58 | |
CPAP on-going annual cost | 251.99 | (36.34 + 92.43 + 17.33 + 105.89) | |
MAD initial costs | |||
Thermoplastic device (SP1) | 21.00 | TOMADO 77 , Chapter 2 | |
Semi-bespoke device (SP2) | 128.00 | TOMADO 77 , Chapter 2 | |
Bespoke device (bMAD) | 552.00 | TOMADO 77 , Chapter 2 | |
MAD on-going annual cost | 105.89 | 47.08 | NHS reference costs 2011/12 58 |
In the base case, the costs of MADs were assumed to be those of the SP2, as presented in Chapter 2. Based on clinical opinion it was assumed that, on average, a patient would have one annual follow-up with a sleep specialist. The lifespan of the device was assumed to be 1 year, based on the expectations of the manufacturer and clinical opinion, as no long-term evidence of replacement was available. Given the comparatively short lifespan and inability to return MADs for reuse, this was noted as a potential source of uncertainty and investigated in scenario analyses, along with using the costs for the SP1 (1-year lifespan) and the bMAD (a fully bespoke MADs assumed to have a lifespan of 18 months).
The costs of CM were taken to include a one-off consultation with a GP. This was taken from PSSRU estimates. 147
The costs of CHD and stroke as modelled by McDaid et al. 8 were taken from robust long-term data sources. No new sources identified were able to reflect the acute costs of events and on-going costs associated with these conditions in a way that suited the modelling and so these costs were increased for general health service inflation. No new UK-specific estimates of the costs associated with RTAs were identified and so those used by McDaid et al. 8 were inflated to reflect 2011/12 prices. These are shown in Table 48.
Cost | Mean | SD | Source |
CHD and stroke | |||
Cost of fatal CVE | 3561 | 434 | Briggs et al.148 |
Acute cost of CHD | 11,786 | 505 | Briggs et al.148 |
Ongoing cost of CHD | 886 | 138 | Briggs et al.148 |
Acute cost of stroke | 10,476 | 347 | Bravo Vergel et al.149 |
Ongoing cost of stroke | 2764 | 334 | Bravo Vergel et al.149 |
RTA | |||
Cost of RTA (non-fatal) | 3120 | 1942 | Department of Transport146 |
Cost of RTA (fatal) | 6297 | 1942 | Department of Transport146 |
Methods of analysis
The base case includes a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 men informed by the characteristics of the TOMADO population. These characteristics are shown in Table 40. ESS treatment effects were taken from the meta-analysis stratified to include studies of OSAH that fell into the mild to moderate range according to mean baseline AHI. Costs were based on the SP2 device, with an assumed lifespan of 12 months. All models incorporated the uncertainty around model input parameters by repeatedly sampling (n = 15,000) from the parameter distributions and recalculating model outputs conditional on each sample, in order to estimate the distribution of the outputs. Distributions were chosen dependent on the nature of the parameter being sampled. Gamma distributions were used for unit costs, Normal distributions were used for input parameters that were estimated from regression coefficients (including the Cholesky decomposition of mapped utility values) and log-Normal distributions were used for relative risks. Several scenario analyses were conducted, which still incorporated the probabilistic elements of the modelling and, where relevant, adjusted distributions of input parameters accordingly.
Scenario analyses were conducted to investigate sensitivity of outputs to:
the lifespan of the interventions
the cost of devices incorporating SP1 and bMAD costs
ESS treatment effects observed in TOMADO
reduced CPAP compliance in lower severity disease using a multiplier
the time horizon
use of an alternative source of the relative risk of vascular events given a reduction in SBP
use of an alternative source for the effect of effective treatment of OSA on RTA events.
All results are presented as incremental cost per QALY. For the base case, uncertainty in the estimates is presented as the likelihood of being cost-effective at WTP thresholds of £10,000, £20,000 and £30,000 per QALY, the CEAC for a range of WTP thresholds and the CEAF to identify the most cost-effective treatment option over the range of WTP thresholds. All costs are in 2011/12 prices.
Results of the economic model
Base-case analysis
The results of the base case are presented in Table 49. This shows that MADs compared with CM are more costly but also more effective in patients with mild to moderate OSAH. The additional costs are a result of much higher treatment costs, with a reduction in RTA and CVE costs mitigating this difference somewhat. The ICER of MADs compared with CM is £6639 per additional QALY gained. CPAP compared with MADs is more expensive but more effective. The ICER of CPAP compared with MADs is £14,012 per QALY gained.
Cost-effectiveness component | CM | MAD | CPAP |
Intervention costs (mean) | £36 | £3206 | £3524 |
RTA costs (mean) | £1963 | £713 | £716 |
CVE costs (mean) | £4118 | £4103 | £4074 |
Total costs | £6116 | £8022 | £8307 |
Total QALYs | 14.336 | 14.621 | 14.640 |
ICER (oral devices compared with CM and CPAP compared with MADs) | £6687 | £15,367 | |
Probability of cost-effectiveness | |||
At £10,000/QALY | 0.16 | 0.46 | 0.38 |
At £20,000/QALY | < 0.01 | 0.47 | 0.52 |
At £30,000/QALY | 0 | 0.45 | 0.55 |
At a threshold value of £20,000/QALY, CPAP has the highest mean INMB compared with CM (£3879) and the probability that CPAP is cost-effective is 0.52. At a threshold value of £30,000/QALY, this probability increases to 0.55 with a mean INMB of £6914. Oral devices have a mean INMB compared with CM of £3794 at a threshold value of £20,000/QALY and the probability that they are cost-effective is 0.47. At a threshold value of £30,000/QALY, this probability decreases to 0.45 with a mean INMB of £6643.
Figure 32 depicts the uncertainty surrounding decisions of which approach is most cost-effective in the base-case analysis, for a range of values decision-makers may be willing to pay per QALY gained. It shows that at very low WTP thresholds, CM is the most likely to be cost-effective. Over the conventional range of £20,000–£30,000, CPAP has the highest likelihood of being the most cost-effective, with the decision becoming less uncertain as WTP per QALY increases. At a WTP of approximately £20,000/QALY the probability that CM is the most cost-effective falls to zero.
Figure 33 gives the CEAF for the base case. It shows the intervention which yields the highest mean net benefit over the range of WTP. It can be seen that, while MADs have the highest mean net benefit after a threshold of £6687, there does remain uncertainty of whether or not it is likely to be more cost-effective than CM. From £15,367, CPAP becomes cost-effective, and at this point the likelihood of MADs and CPAP being cost-effective is very similar, 0.48 and 0.49, respectively. At higher WTP, CPAP always has the highest mean net benefit and highest likelihood of being the most cost-effective, although with considerable uncertainty.
Sensitivity analyses
A series of one-way deterministic sensitivity analyses were undertaken to explore the additional impact of changing specific input values on the cost-effectiveness results from the base case. These are presented in Table 50, which shows that decisions are not sensitive to the use of SF-6D utilities scores. This is also true for use of an alternative source of relative risk reduction associated with decreasing SBP. However, results and decisions are sensitive to assumptions about costs. For example, replacing device costs from SP2 with those for SP1 or bMAD costs leads to a different decision about the relative value of CPAP; in the case of SP1, CPAP would no longer be considered cost-effective (ICER = £89,182) by usual NICE threshold values, as the additional benefits of CPAP become relatively more expensive. Replacing SP2 device costs with bMAD leads to CPAP dominating bMAD as the benefits of CPAP are greater and costs are lower than bMAD. This is the case even if the lifespan of bMAD is assumed to be 2 years rather than 18 months.
Type of deterministic sensitivity analysis | ||
MADs vs. CM | CPAP vs. MADs | |
Base case | £6687 | £15,367 |
Length life SP2 12 months – > 18 months | £4674 | £44,066 |
Utility derivation | ||
EQ-5D-3L – > SF-6D QALYs | £8783 | £16,225 |
Relative risk reduction for CVE associated with unit fall in SBP | ||
Reduction in cardiovascular risk associated from Lewington et al.174 | £6741 | £14,606 |
MAD costs | ||
SP1 device costs (assuming 12-month lifespan) | £1552 | £89,182 |
bMAD costs (assuming 18-month lifespan) | £18,161 | Dominant |
bMAD costs (assuming 2-year lifespan) | £13,836 | Dominant |
TOMADO device-specific costs and treatment effects | ||
SP1 costs (12-month lifespan) and effects (ESS = −1.51) | £1656 | £56,640 |
SP2 costs (12-month lifespan) and effects (ESS = −2.15) | £5425 | Dominated |
bMAD costs (18-month lifespan) and effects (ESS = −2.37) | £14,539 | £57,907 |
Time horizon | ||
10-year time horizon | £8309 | £90,998 |
RTA treatment effect | ||
Treatment effect from Tregear et al., 2010180 meta-analysis | £17,002 | £16,428 |
Compliance | ||
CPAP compliance reduced by 5% | £6667 | £40,668 |
CPAP compliance reduced by 10% | £6756 | Dominated |
The assumed lifespan of devices makes a difference to the optimum decision. A conservative estimate for the lifespan of the SP2 based on manufacturer and expert clinical opinion was 1 year. However, if the lifespan is increased to 18 months, SP2 becomes the most cost-effective intervention.
Use of device-specific costs and effects as observed in TOMADO indicates that SP2 dominates CPAP, given the comparatively higher QALYs gained. A comparison of bMAD with CPAP shows that both the costs and benefits of CPAP are lower. However, at a conventional threshold of £20,000 to £30,000 per QALY, the cost savings of CPAP compared with bMAD are larger than the value to ‘compensate’ for lower benefits of CPAP.
If a shorter time horizon is considered, CPAP becomes less cost-effective. This is because much of the benefit of CPAP results from its greater effectiveness in lowering BP. The benefits of reducing this risk factor for CVD would accrue later in patients’ lives.
Summary and discussion
This chapter builds on a well-developed existing economic model, to assess the cost-effectiveness of MADs compared with CPAP and CM for patients with mild to moderate OSAH. Updated and new reviews of the evidence were conducted to reflect evidence that has emerged since the original modelling exercise and to better represent patients with mild to moderate OSAH. These covered the role of sleep apnoea in CVD, RTAs, HRQoL and long-term compliance by treatment.
Understanding of the mechanism of sleep apnoea on CVD has developed since the original model and, despite some conflicting evidence, the body of published studies indicates probable causality. However, there are still no reliable long-term data on cardiovascular outcomes under different treatment options for sleep apnoea. The model relies on differences in BP as proxies, reflected through prediction of risk using the Framingham equation, and direct evidence would improve the modelling. Data on BP from trials are heterogeneous and there are insufficient data to separate the effects by severity of disease. Data from new meta-analyses on the risk of RTA were used in sensitivity analysis rather than the base-case analysis because of difficulties in ascertaining the reasons for inclusion of papers. The use of generic measures of HRQoL in randomised trials to support conversion onto a utility scale is still rare, but TOMADO enabled a re-estimation of the relationship between ESS score and utility based on more data and for different levels of severity. The literature search for compliance data identified the longest-term follow-up study of CPAP compliance to date, but similarly robust data are still not available for MADs.
The meta-analysis presented in Chapter 3 fed into the model and, by estimating a similar treatment effect for MADs and CPAP, indicates the likely importance of the cost of delivering the treatment options. The base-case analysis for MADs used trial data from Chapter 2 based on the cost of SP2, with sensitivity analyses focusing on the cost of SP1 and bMAD as well as the length of life of the device. The costs of CPAP and CM were based on inflation-adjusted estimates from McDaid et al. 8 supplemented by company-supplied prices.
The results from the updated model suggest that, at conventional NICE thresholds of £20,000 to £30,000 per QALY, both MADs and CPAP are cost-effective compared with CM. CPAP is the preferred option, at a WTP per QALY of £15,000 and above. However, there is considerable uncertainty with CPAP having a 52% probability of being the most cost-effective option at £20,000 per QALY, compared with 47% for MAD. As cost per QALY increases to £30,000, the corresponding figures are 55% for CPAP and 45% for MAD. These suggest that MADs could be considered a legitimate treatment option for mild/moderate sleep apnoea, especially if CPAP is not tolerated.
The sensitivity analyses indicate that the cost of devices and their lifespan is important for the policy decision. For example, assuming costs for the bMAD, rather than the SP2, results in the CPAP being both more effective and less costly even with a 2-year lifespan for the bMAD. However, increasing the length of life of the MAD from 12 months to 18 months, or using SP1 costs in place of those for SP2, results in an increase in the incremental cost per QALY for CPAP relative to MAD to £44,066 and £90,998, respectively. Long-term data on the lifetime of MADs in routine practice would improve precision of estimates.
The sensitivity analysis also indicated the importance of compliance. Reducing compliance with CPAP by 5% increases the ICER of CPAP relative to MADs to £40,000/QALY. A reduction of 10% in compliance with CPAP means that QoL gains for CPAP over MADs are lost and the cost is higher. As there is evidence that, for milder sleep apnoea, compliance with CPAP falls and, therefore, that MADs may be more cost-effective, comparable compliance data for MADs are required to confirm or refute this.
Finally, the sensitivity analysis indicates the importance of the time frame of the analysis. Moving from a lifetime to a 10-year time horizon changes conclusions with respect to the relative value of CPAP and MADs; the cost per QALY of CPAP increases from £15,000 to £91,000 per QALY. This is largely because the cost of CPAP is not spread over a sufficiently long period and the value of the increased benefits (e.g. reduced CVD) is not accounted for.
Chapter 5 Discussion and conclusions
Summary of main findings
The Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
In an adequately powered and efficiently designed randomised study, TOMADO showed that, for patients with mild to moderate OSAH, the rate of apnoea/hypopnoea events per hour for each of the three non-adjustable MADs studied was significantly lower than with no treatment. Although the effect on AHI compared with no treatment increased with sophistication of the MAD, the between-device differences were small and not statistically significant at commonly used thresholds. Arbitrarily defined response to treatment was achieved in just under half the patients when using the SP2 and bMAD and in approximately one-fifth when using no treatment, compared with baseline measurements. The likelihood of response was most closely related to BMI at baseline and during the study. Results for 4% ODI, which is more commonly used in clinical practice in the UK, were very similar to those for AHI.
The effects of MAD on ESS score mirrored those for apnoea/hypopnoea events per hour, with the SP2 and bMAD having a greater effect than the SP1.
Although the trial treatments were administered over a short time period, some evidence of compliance with treatment emerged. This indicated that one reason for the poorer performance of the SP1 may be lower compliance, as shown by the shorter duration of use per night and greater likelihood of discontinuation during the treatment period. The SP1 was also less likely to be chosen as the preferred device by those patients who completed the trial. Similarly, partners of the trial patients reported improvements in snoring during MAD use, with the SP1 having a weaker effect than SP2 and bMAD.
The relationship between MAD treatment and sleepiness-related functioning and QoL (FOSQ and SAQLI) showed a similar pattern to that for AHI and ESS outcomes, with significant effects for all MADs compared with no treatment, and the SP1 performing less well than SP2 and bMAD. Detailed examination of the questionnaires suggested small improvements across all dimensions, but that scales measuring the effect of sleepiness on activities (FOSQ, SAQLI), general productivity (FOSQ) and symptoms (SAQLI) were particularly affected by MAD treatment. General HRQoL measures were largely insensitive to MAD treatment, with the exception that the SP2 was associated with significantly higher SF-6D QALYs compared with control (accounting for baseline differences).
A range of secondary outcome measurements were taken and the general messages from these outcomes were consistent with those of the a priori stated primary outcome (AHI) and main secondary outcome (ESS score). Although these secondary outcomes were useful indicators of patient compliance and QoL and give a more complete picture of the effects of MADs, they should not be overinterpreted or be used in combination as an indicator of the strength of the effects of different MADs.
There were few SAEs during the study period and, out of the four SAEs reported by four patients, three were short-term, cardiac-related events. Two were considered possibly related to OSAH and one was considered possibly related to OSAH or MADs because the patient was on MAD treatment at the time. Almost all patients reported at least one minor AE, with mouth discomfort and excess salivation being the main problems.
The short treatment period meant little opportunity to observe an effect of MADs on RTAs or CVEs, which are the desired longer-term implications of control of EDS. However, patients did report improvements in sleepiness during driving and fewer interruptions to journeys during MAD use.
The trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis was also limited by the short treatment period, but the improvements in HRQoL for all MADs compared with no treatment meant that all were cost-effective at a WTP of £20,000 per QALY. The SP2 was the most cost-effective MAD up to a WTP per QALY of £39,800.
Thus, based on TOMADO, while all MADs have significant benefits and few harms compared with no treatment, the SP2 appears to achieve more benefits than the SP1 and almost all the benefits of the more sophisticated bMAD. However, it achieves these benefits at a lower cost than the bMAD and, so, it can be recommended on cost-effectiveness grounds.
Cochrane reviews from Lim et al. 51 and Giles et al.,33 and a meta-analysis from McDaid et al. ,8 were updated for the major outcomes that were included in TOMADO. The systematic review identified 12 studies including 629 patients comparing MADs with CM, 13 studies including 746 patients comparing MADs with CPAP and 52 studies including 5400 patients comparing CPAP with CM, all of which had an AHI or ESS score as one of the study end points. Study participants were predominantly middle-aged men who were overweight or obese. Trials including CPAP were generally conducted in patients with more severe OSAH according to AHI than trials of MADs with CM. CM included a range of treatments including sham devices, sham CPAP, placebo tablets, lifestyle advice and no treatment. Although we included only randomised trials, quality was variable, with many trials having fewer than 50 patients and treatment periods were generally short. Both parallel-group and crossover trials have been used.
Heterogeneity between studies, assessed by the I2 statistic, was variable and often unreliable as a result of the small number of studies available. Some heterogeneity could be explained, particularly by baseline severity, but there remained unexplained heterogeneity. Although random-effects methods were used, the validity of combining trials in formal meta-analysis is questionable and cautious interpretation is required. Partly for this reason a network meta-analysis including all trials was not attempted.
Both MADs and CPAP resulted in significant improvements in AHI, with the greatest benefit evident in trials of CPAP against CM. However, the reduction in AHI was strongly related to baseline AHI, which is natural since a higher baseline allows greater scope for an absolute decrease. In head-to-head trials of MADs against CPAP, the performances of the two treatments were more similar and there were no head-to-head trials in patients with mild-range AHI.
Excessive daytime sleepiness assessed by the ESS is less variable than AHI so most trial populations were classed as having moderate baseline EDS. The differences between the effects of MADs and CPAP on subjective daytime sleepiness assessed by ESS were smaller and not significant in head-to-head comparisons. The estimated effects on EDS were strongly related to baseline severity and, to a lesser extent, baseline AHI. When trials of similar baseline characteristics were compared, there was little difference between the effects of MADs and CPAP on post-treatment ESS score when assessed against CM, and this is reinforced by the results from head-to-head trials. Treatment effects appeared to be stronger in trials with short duration of treatment, possibly reflecting a tailing-off of compliance over time. 45
The meta-analysis did not provide much insight into the effect of treatment on daytime BP above previous meta-analyses. There was a large amount of heterogeneity in the methodology used for assessing surrogates of cardiovascular outcomes. Our meta-analysis focused on daytime SBP and DBP because it was included as the primary marker of hypertension in TOMADO and because it is used in the Framingham equation that provides input into the long-term economic model. There was a small effect of both CPAP and MADs on SBP compared with CM, with little to choose between the two.
Few trials, apart from TOMADO, have contributed to the literature on HRQoL so that it was difficult to draw reliable conclusions. In common with TOMADO, there was evidence for a significant improvement in HRQoL as a result of these treatments in the meta-analysis, but the size of the effects is unlikely to be clinically important. The paucity of information did not allow more detailed analysis of published HRQoL. Given the demonstrated clinical effectiveness of both CPAP and MAD, further trial-based studies of HRQoL are unlikely to be conducted, but observational studies to supplement existing trial data would be useful.
In order to assess the effect of CPAP and MADs on long-term outcomes, including cardiovascular hazards and RTAs, we reviewed and updated an economic model provided by the University of York Centre for Health Economics, developed for McDaid et al. 8 The model inputs were adapted to better represent patients with mild to moderate OSAH and updated to reflect new research since the original model was developed. Systematic searches of published literature were undertaken to update model inputs related to CHD and stroke risk, RTA rates, HRQoL and costs. In addition, data from TOMADO were used for device-specific costs and to create a more precise mapping function between ESS score and utility measures (both EQ-5D-3L and SF-6D) that would also be more applicable to patients with mild to moderate OSAH.
In the base case, using the SP2 as the ‘standard’ device, MADs were found to be more costly and more effective than CM in patients with mild to moderate OSAH, with an estimated ICER of £6687 per QALY. Compared with MADs, CPAP was more costly and more effective, with an estimated ICER of £15,367. While it was clear that both of these treatments were better than CM, there was substantial uncertainty in the choice, with probabilities of being cost-effective at a WTP of £20,000 per QALY of 47% for MADs and 52% for CPAP. Corresponding figures at a WTP of £30,000 per QALY are 45% for MADs and 55% for CPAP.
The results were sensitive to a number of parameter inputs. If the average lifespan of the SP2 is increased from 12 months to 18 months, the ICER for CPAP compared with MADs becomes £44,066, which is more than traditionally accepted WTP thresholds. Additionally, choice of device has an important effect on the economic decision, with the ICER for the SP1 compared with CM being £1552, and for the bMAD compared with CM being £13,836. The ICER for CPAP compared with the SP1 is high at £89,182, but CPAP is both cheaper and more effective than the bMAD. Using device-specific inputs for treatment effects further confirms the superiority of the SP2 as the most cost-effective treatment for patients with mild to moderate OSAH, although substantial decision uncertainty remains. Differential compliance rate for CPAP also reduces its cost-effectiveness so that MADs become both less costly and more effective if compliance to CPAP is of the order of 90% of SP2.
Strengths and limitations
The TOMADO study was a relatively large and rigorously conducted RCT, with robust and precisely estimated treatment effects. To our knowledge, TOMADO is the first trial of MADs in mild to moderate OSAH with both clinical, patient-centred and cost-effectiveness outcomes. The interpretation of results is clear and consistent among different outcome measures. In contrast with most other published randomised trials, TOMADO included a detailed study of HRQoL. This showed consistency with clinical outcomes and highlighted the effects of MADs on activity, general productivity and symptoms. Although these effects might be described as modest, it is remarkable that they can be observed after a short period of treatment. TOMADO fed into updated meta-analyses that offered stronger insights into the relative effectiveness of MADs and CPAP in patients with OSAH. In addition, the effects of baseline severity have been highlighted and used to explain some of the differences in effects between MADs and CPAP. TOMADO also fed into an updated model of the long-term cost-effectiveness of MADs and CPAP devices which was adapted, for the first time, to mild to moderate OSAH.
The study was applicable to general sleep practice as it recruited participants who had been referred from primary care to the sleep clinic at Papworth Hospital. The SP1 and SP2 devices used in the study are available in many countries and are similar to other thermoplastic and semi-bespoke MADs on the market. Although the bMAD was fitted and manufactured by a hospital maxillofacial laboratory, it was done using skills, materials and facilities common to dental sleep services.
Women, younger patients and patients with a BMI in the normal range were under-represented in the patients included in TOMADO and other trials so that results may not be generalisable to these populations.
In evaluating three non-adjustable MADs representing a range of sophistication and cost, TOMADO could not also include an adjustable MAD (aMAD). These are increasingly recommended,202,203 but are often more costly. They allow gradual titration of mandibular advancement according to tolerance and efficacy. This may give larger treatment effects by achieving ultimately greater jaw protrusion without lowering compliance, but whether or not aMADs are more effective than non-adjustable MADs remains unproven.
The aim for the bMAD was at least 50% maximal protrusion, but in practice this value was often lower; and similar to that achieved independently by patients with the other devices. This reflects the pragmatic nature of TOMADO, making its findings more applicable to the wider NHS. AHI effects have been shown to be proportional to mandibular protrusion. 204–206 Mean (SD) protrusion in this trial was between 52.5% (27.8%) of maximal advancement with the SP2 and 63.4% (22.6%) of maximal advancement with the SP1. These figures are lower than reported in other studies,69,74,76,83 many of which used an aMAD. 23,52,68,72,75,79,81,84 Nevertheless, although heterogeneity limits comparison, many of these trials did not report greater AHI effects than TOMADO. 23,74,76,83 Furthermore, TOMADO showed no association between protrusion and AHI effects, adding to existing evidence that greater protrusion may be no more effective in milder OSAH. For example, Tegelberg et al. 207 compared patients with mild to moderate OSAH who had devices at 50% and 75% maximal protrusion and found no difference in AHI effects. Quality studies comparing aMADs to non-adjustable devices are lacking. A small, non-randomised trial compared an aMAD with a thermoplastic MAD and found a modest difference in AHI favouring the adjustable device. 208 However, the sample size was small and the differing costs of the two devices (paid for by the patients) probably influenced device selection. A retrospective study of 805 patients demonstrated a small but statistically significant difference in AHI between an adjustable and non-adjustable device (7.6 vs. 10.0, respectively), but did not show a significant difference in ESS score or tolerability. 209 This study was also limited by device selection which was non-randomised. Other studies which have featured both adjustable and non-adjustable MADs have reduced the likelihood of finding real-life effect size differences by using similar or identical protrusions for both devices. Therefore, whether or not adjustability improves MAD effectiveness in OSAH remains uncertain and requires rigorous RCT evaluation.
In the meta-analysis and because of the economic decision analysis, all MADs were considered as a single treatment modality. There were too few studies to allow robust subgroup analyses and so we were unable to identify the more modest differences in effects between different MADs. It has been suggested that future meta-analyses distinguish between trials of non-adjustable MADs and those using aMAD. 209,210 From the 2006 Cochrane analysis, considering only trials comparing CPAP with aMADs moved the sleepiness (ESS score) effect size in favour of MADs, but not significantly. 33 We considered performing a similar subgroup analysis when updating the meta-analysis. However, device adjustability could not always be determined,80,82 and the potential advantage of titratable advancement was sometimes negated by the use of uniform aMAD protrusion. 83 Classifying trials as fixed MADs and aMADs, in order to perform separate meta-analyses, is not straightforward. For example, one trial with relatively weak treatment effects that has previously been excluded from aMAD reviews22 used two non-adjustable MADs, but the authors reported near-maximal (80%) jaw protrusion and performed ‘pseudotitration’ by adapting devices to optimise comfort and benefits. For these reasons we did not include a meta-analysis based on MAD adjustability.
Three separate meta-analyses were conducted comparing MADs with CM, MADs with CPAP and CPAP with CM. A more sophisticated analysis would have been to combine the studies into a network meta-analysis, thereby adding strength to all comparisons and better aligning the studies. However, these analyses rely on the associative law, which was unlikely to be true in this case, given the greater severity of OSAH in populations undergoing trials of CPAP. Furthermore, the heterogeneity observed between studies in Chapter 3 suggested that combining results within and across different treatments may not be sensible. The likely implication of doing separate meta-analyses is a loss of some precision in the results.
Conservative management encompassed a wide range of control treatments so that their influence on the trial-based treatment effects was difficult to estimate with any precision.
In our systematic review we used the Jadad score as a measure of study quality in order to be consistent with previous reviews. 8,33,51 This is a rather insensitive tool and did not provide substantial insight into the relative quality of different studies. It did, however, provide a broad structure for summarising design features reported in existing clinical trials.
The use of data in the model still reflects the lack of robust sources in some important areas. RTA risk after treatment with MADs is still inferred based on ESS score treatment effects compared with CPAP, rather than using direct data. While the link between OSAH, hypertension and cardiovascular outcomes may be increasingly understood, the treatment effects in the model are still based on short-term BP data rather than long-term CVD outcomes. Given the similarity in ESS score, treatment effect pooled from the meta-analysis, the importance of compliance and determining how prolonged the effects are, is clear but there remains a lack of good data to reflect this for MADs. Only crude sensitivity analyses were able to explore the effect this has on cost-effectiveness.
Implications for service
CPAP remains the most clinically effective and cost-effective treatment for patients with moderate to severe OSAH based on reduction in AHI. For patients who are intolerant of CPAP, treatment with a MAD is also effective compared with no treatment.
CPAP and MADs are equally effective treatment options for patients with mild to moderate OSAH and there is little to choose between them in terms of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, although this is contingent on similar compliance rates.
Of the three MADs investigated, the semi-bespoke SP2 (or an equivalent MAD) is the most cost-effective treatment in the short term and should be used as the first-choice device, with the custom-made bMAD reserved for patients who have difficulties producing the SP2 mould, whose dental eligibility is more marginal or for whom other obstacles to using the SP2 may be overcome by dental intervention with a bMAD.
Implications for research priorities
Head-to-head pragmatic clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness comparisons of adjustable and non-adjustable MADs, across the entire range of OSAH severity, are still required.
Head-to-head comparisons of CPAP and MADs in milder OSAH, would reduce the uncertainty surrounding the current guideline stance that CPAP should be reserved as second-line treatment in this patient group.
There is increasing evidence to suggest that the similar effects of CPAP and MADs on EDS may be as a result of differential adherence to treatment. However, there is limited information on this beyond short-term trials. Medium- to long-term compliance with MADs and CPAP should be monitored and reported. Such work would be strengthened by emerging tools to objectively monitor MAD compliance, which would benefit from further clinical and additional economic evaluation in their own right. Observational studies of HRQoL over time to supplement existing trial data would be useful to understand the treatment outcomes of greatest relevance to patients. In particular, it would be useful to know more about the durability of devices.
Further data on longer-term risk of CVD and its risk factors would reduce model uncertainty and improve the precision of estimates of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.
Addenbrooke’s maxillofacial laboratory
Peter Nowak, Addenbrooke’s Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Renny Talbot, Addenbrooke’s Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
University of Cambridge Medical Library
Isla Kuhn, Addenbrooke’s Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Research and Development staff
Sophie Jackson, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Victoria Stoneman, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Joanna Rayner, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Trial Steering Committee
Professor John Gibson (independent chairperson, Newcastle University).
Dr Justin Pepperell (independent member, Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust).
Tanya Wanstall (independent member and patient representative).
Professor Mary Morrell (co-applicant, Imperial College).
Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee
Dr Andrew Cummin (independent chairperson, Imperial College).
Dr Andrew Hall (independent member, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust).
Professor John Matthews (independent member, Newcastle University).
Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK
Professor Mark Sculpher.
Dr Susan Griffin.
Rita Faria.
Contributions of authors
TOMADO was conceived by Dr Timothy Quinnell (Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Disorders Physician, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust), who had overall responsibility for the study. Professor Linda Sharples’ Unit (Professor of Statistics and Director of the Comprehensive Health Research Division at the University of Leeds Clinical Trials Research Unit) had overall responsibility for the statistics and research methodology. Professor Julia Fox-Rushby (Director of the Health Economics Research Group, Brunel University) had overall responsibility for the health economics. The randomised controlled trial was designed by Dr Quinnell, Professor Sharples and Rebecca Chadwick (Clinical Research Manager, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust).
Mr Malcolm Cameron (Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s NHS Foundation Trust) oversaw dental elegibility for the trial and the production and fitting the bMAD and Professor Mary Morrell (Professor of Sleep and Respiratory Physiology, Imperial College) contributed to trial management and data interpretation. Dr Marcus Pittman (Specialist Registrar, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) was responsible for patient recruitment and management during the randomised trial.
Clare East (Clinical Research Assistant, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr Abigail Clutterbuck-James (Trial Manager, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) obtained the trial data, along with Dr Pittman and Miss Chadwick.
Dr Mike Davies, Dr Ian Smith and Dr Nick Oscroft (Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Disorders Physicians, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) aided trial data collection.
Maxine Bennett (Statistician, Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit), Professor Sharples and Jake Jordan (Health Economist, Brunel University) analysed and interpreted the trial data along with Matthew Glover (Health Economist, Brunel University) and Professor Julia Fox-Rushby.
The systematic review of the literature for Chapter 3 was conducted by Miss Bennett, Mr Glover, Dr Clutterbuck-James and Miss Chadwick and the meta-analysis was conducted and interpreted by Professor Sharples.
The systematic review of the literature for Chapter 4 and the adaptation of the economic model were conducted by Mr Glover under the supervision of Professor Fox-Rushby.
Professor Sharples created the first draft of the report along with Dr Quinnell, Mr Glover and Professor Fox-Rushby. Dr Clutterbuck-James edited the manuscript and all authors had the opportunity to critically revise it.
This report presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health. If there are verbatim quotations included in this publication the views and opinions expressed by the interviewees are those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect those of the authors, those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health.
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Appendix 1 Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Over the last 4 weeks, how likely were you to fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to just feeling tired?
This refers to your usual way of life in the last 4 weeks. Even if you have not done some of these things recently try to work out how they would have affected you. Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation:
0 | Would never doze |
1 | Slight chance of dozing |
2 | Moderate chance of dozing |
3 | High chance of dozing |
Situation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Sitting and reading | ||||
Watching TV | ||||
Sitting inactive in a public place (e.g. a theatre or a meeting) | ||||
As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break | ||||
Lying down in the afternoon (when circumstances allow) | ||||
Sitting and talking to someone | ||||
Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol | ||||
In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic |
Appendix 2 Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire
Note: in this questionnaire, when the words “sleepy” or “tired” are used, it describes the feeling that you can’t keep your eyes open, your head is droopy, that you want to nod off or that you feel the urge to nap. These words do not refer to the tired or fatigued feeling you may have after you exercised.
Please fill out this form completely and select only one answer for each question.
Please complete the form for how you have been over the past 4 weeks.
I don’t do this activity for other reasons | No difficulty | Yes, a little difficulty | Yes, moderate difficulty | Yes, extreme difficulty | |
Q1) Do you generally have difficulty concentrating on things you do because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Q2) Do you generally have difficulty remembering things because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Q3) Do you have difficulty finishing a meal because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Q4) Do you have difficulty working on a hobby (for example: sewing, collecting, gardening) because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q5) Do you have difficulty doing work around the house (for example: cleaning house, doing laundry, taking out the trash, repair work) because you are sleep or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q6) Do you have difficulty operating a motor vehicle for short distances (less than 100 miles) because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q7) Do you have difficulty operating a motor vehicle for long distances (greater than 100 miles) because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q8) Do you have difficulty getting things done because you are too sleepy or tired to drive or take public transportation? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q9) Do you have difficulty take care of financial affairs and doing paperwork (for example: writing checks, paying bills, keeping financial records, filling out tax forms, etc.) because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q10) Do you have difficulty performing employed or volunteer work because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q11) Do you have difficulty maintaining a telephone conversation because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q12) Do you have difficulty visiting with your family or friends in your home because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q13) Do you have difficulty visiting with your family or friends in their homes because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q14) Do you have difficulty doing things for your family or friends because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
No | Yes, a little | Yes, moderately | Yes, extremely | ||
Q15) Has your relationship with family, friends or work colleagues been affected because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
In what way has your relationship been affected? | |||||
Free text. | |||||
I don’t do this activity for other reasons | No difficulty | Yes, a little difficulty | Yes, moderate difficulty | Yes, extreme difficulty | |
Q16) Do you have difficulty exercising or participating in a sporting activity because you are too sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q17) Do you have difficulty watching a movie or videotape because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q18) Do you have difficulty enjoying the theatre or a lecture because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q19) Do you have difficulty enjoying a concert because you become sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q20) Do you have difficulty watching television because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q21) Do you have difficulty participating in religious services, meeting or a group club because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q22) Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the evening because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Q23) Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the morning because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Q24) Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the afternoon because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Q25) Do you have difficulty keeping a pace with others your own age because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
Very Low | Low | Medium | High | ||
Q26) How would you rate yourself in your general level of activity? | □ | □ | □ | □ | |
I don’t engage in sexual activity for other reasons | No | Yes, a little | Yes, moderately | Yes, extremely | |
Q27) Has your intimate or sexual relationship been affected because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q28) Has your desire for intimacy or sex been affected because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q29) Has your ability to become sexually aroused been affected because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Q30) Has your ability to have an orgasm been affected because you are sleepy or tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Appendix 3 Sleep Apnoea Quality of Life Index
We would like to understand whether your sleep apnoea and/or snoring have had an impact on your daily activities, emotions, social interactions, and about symptoms that may have resulted.
Over the past 4 weeks: | Not at all | A little | Small to moderate amount | Moderate amount | Moderate to large amount | Large amount | Very large amount |
How much have you had to push yourself to remain alert during a typical day (e.g. work, school, childcare, housework)? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How often have you had to use all your energy to accomplish your most important activity (e.g. work, school, childcare, housework)? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much difficulty have you had finding the energy to do other activities (e.g. exercise, relaxing activities)? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much difficulty have you had fighting to stay awake? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much of a problem has it been to be told that your snoring is irritating? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much of a problem have frequent conflicts or arguments been? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How often have you looked for excuses for being tired? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How often have you not wanted to do things with your family and/or friends? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How often have you felt depressed, down, or hopeless? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How often have you been impatient? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much of a problem has it been to cope with everyday issues? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much of a problem have you had with decreased energy? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much of a problem have you had with fatigue? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
How much of a problem have you had waking up feeling unrefreshed? | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Appendix 4 Medical outcomes study Short Form questionnaire-36 items
Instructions: this survey asks for views about your health. This information will help keep track of how you feel and how well you are able to do your usual activities. If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.
1. In general, would you say your health is: (Please mark one box).
Excellent □
Very good □
Good □
Fair □
Poor □
2. Compared to one year ago, how would you rate your health in general now? (Please mark one box).
Much better now than one year ago □
Somewhat better now than one year ago □
About the same as one year ago □
Somewhat worse now than one year ago □
Much worse now than one year ago □
3. The following questions are about activities you might do during a typical day. Does your health now limit you in these activities? If so, how much? (Please mark one box on each line.)
Vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling or playing golf.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Lifting or carrying groceries.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Climbing several flights of stairs.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Climbing one flight of stairs.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Bending, kneeling or stooping.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Walking more than one mile.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Walking half a mile.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Walking 100 yards.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
Bathing or dressing yourself.
Yes, limited a lot. □
Yes, limited a little. □
No, not limited at all. □
4. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your physical health? (Please mark one box on each line.)
Cut down on the amount of time you spent on work or other activities.
Yes □ No □
b. Accomplished less than you would like.
Yes □ No □
c. Were limited in the kind of work or other activities.
Yes □ No □
d. Had difficulty performing the work or other activities (for example, it took extra effort).
Yes □ No □
5. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of any emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or anxious)? (Please mark one box on each line.)
a. Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities.
Yes □ No □
b. Accomplished less than you would like.
Yes □ No □
c. Didn’t do work or other activities as carefully as usual.
Yes □ No □
6. During the past 4 weeks, to what extent has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbours, or groups? (Please mark one box.)
Not at all □
Slightly □
Moderately □
Quite a bit □
Extremely □
7. How much bodily pain have you had during the past 4 weeks? (Please mark one box.)
None □
Very mild □
Mild □
Moderate □
Severe □
Very severe □
8. During the past 4 weeks, how much did pain interfere with your normal work (including both work outside the home and housework)? (Please mark one box.)
Not at all □
A little bit □
Moderately □
Quite a bit □
Extremely □
9. These questions are about how you feel and how things have been with you during the past 4 weeks. For each question, please give the one answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling. How much of the time during the past 4 weeks: (Please mark one box on each line.) . . .
a. Did you feel full of life?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
b. Have you been a very nervous person?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
c. Have you felt so down in the dumps nothing could cheer you up?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
d. Have you felt calm and peaceful?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
e. Did you have a lot of energy?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
f. Have you felt downhearted and low?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
g. Did you feel worn out?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
h. Have you been a happy person?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
i. Did you feel tired?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
A good bit of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
10. During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activities (like visiting with family, friends, relatives, etc.)?
All of the time □
Most of the time □
Some of the time □
A little of the time □
None of the time □
11. How true or false is each of the following statements for you? (Please mark one box on each line.)
a. I seem to get ill more easier than other people.
Definitely true □
Mostly true □
Don’t know □
Mostly false □
Definitely false □
b. I am as healthy as anybody I know.
Definitely true □
Mostly true □
Don’t know □
Mostly false □
Definitely false □
c. I expect my health to get worse.
Definitely true □
Mostly true □
Don’t know □
Mostly false □
Definitely false □
d. My health is excellent.
Definitely true □
Mostly true □
Don’t know □
Mostly false □
Definitely false □
Appendix 5 European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions 3-level version
Appendix 6 Individual health-care resource use case report form
Appendix 7 Unit costs used and data sources
Resource use item | Mean (2011/12 £) | SD | Source | Notes |
MAD | ||||
SP1 | £1.62 | Pro-rata 4 weeks | ||
SP2 | £9.85 | Pro-rata 4 weeks | ||
bMAD | £1.95 | Pro-rata 4 weeks | ||
Measurement consult (maxillofacial surgeon) | £5.66 | £7.42 | NHS Ref 144: first attendance | Pro-rata 4 weeks |
Fitting consult (maxillofacial surgeon) | £4.72 | £7.43 | NHS Ref 144: follow-up | Pro-rata 4 weeks |
Dentist visit, SP2 moulding | £11.52 | £13.77 | NHS Ref CZ38Y | Pro-rata 4 weeks |
Additional visit to Addenbrooke’s Hospital (bMAD) | £4.72 | £7.43 | NHS Ref 144: follow-up | Pro-rata 4 weeks |
Visits | ||||
GP visits | £43.40 | £8.68 | PSSRU 10.8b | Assumes 14-minute appointment |
GP home visits | £28.23 | £5.65 | PSSRU 10.8b | Assumes 14-minute appointment |
Nurse (GP practice) visits | £9.10 | £1.82 | PSSRU 10.6 | Assumes 14-minute appointment |
Nurse (specialist community) home visits | £11.67 | £2.33 | PSSRU 10.4 | Assumes 14-minute appointment |
Dentist (normal visit) | £105.04 | £43.96 | NHS Ref: 450 | |
A&E visit | £64.09 | £15.00 | NHS Ref: VB11Z | |
Outpatient clinical visit | £105.89 | £47.08 | NHS Ref: average of all outpatient procedures | |
Other hospital visit | £105.89 | £47.08 | NHS Ref: average of all outpatient procedures | |
Telephone calls | ||||
GP telephone calls | £22.00 | £4.40 | PSSRU 10.8b | Assumes 7.1-minute call |
NHS Direct calls | £22.00 | £4.40 | PSSRU 10.8b | Assumes 7.1-minute call |
Contacted trial helpline | £22.00 | £4.40 | PSSRU 10.8b | Assumes 7.1-minute call |
Hospital admissions | ||||
Heart attack | ||||
EI | £2251.13 | £1073.39 | NHS Ref: EB10Z | |
Excess bed-days | £312.29 | £111.89 | NHS Ref: EB10Z | |
NEI | £1966.78 | £674.38 | NHS Ref: EB10Z | |
Excess bed-days | £242.46 | £67.30 | NHS Ref: EB10Z | |
RTA | £64.09 | £15.00 | NHS Ref: VB11Z | |
Stroke | ||||
EI | £3302.62 | £2855.17 | NHS Ref: AA22A/B | |
Excess bed-days | £283.34 | £82.35 | NHS Ref: AA22A/B | |
NEI | £3082.45 | £900.66 | NHS Ref: AA22A/B | |
Excess bed-days | £236.16 | £71.92 | NHS Ref: AA22A/B | |
Diagnostic tests | ||||
MRI | £157.24 | £51.20 | NHS Ref: average of all MRI codes | |
CT | £136.62 | £48.84 | NHS Ref: average of all CT scan codes | |
Radiography | £32.21 | £6.44 | Auguste et al.60 | |
Angiogram | – | – | ||
Other service use | ||||
Ambulance call-out | £214.02 | £53.96 | NHS Ref: ASS01/02 | |
Hospital overnight stay | – | – | ||
Hospital overnight stay (emergency case) | – | – | ||
Other classified resource use | ||||
Acupuncture | £80.33 | £118.33 | NHS Ref: HB63Z used as proxy | |
Counsellor session | £60.00 | – | PSSRU 2.7 | |
Echocardiogram | £84.01 | £17.34 | NHS Ref: RA60A | |
Pre-op assessment | £120.71 | £35.00 | NHS Ref: 100 | |
Blood test | £2.95 | £1.77 | NHS Ref: DAP839 | |
Occupational health session | £60.68 | £29.16 | NHS Ref: 651 | |
Ophthalmologist session | £85.12 | £19.23 | NHS Ref: 130 | |
Osteopath appointment | £40.70 | £13.20 | NHS Ref: 650 as proxy | |
Physiotherapist appointment | £40.70 | £13.20 | NHS Ref: 650 | |
Health trainer session | £40.70 | £13.20 | NHS Ref: 650 as proxy | |
Nasal polyp removal | £132.34 | £51.16 | NHS Ref: CZ12Y | |
Podiatrist session | £41.17 | £18.96 | NHS Ref: 651 | |
Minor surgery | £132.34 | £51.16 | NHS Ref: CZ12Y used as proxy | |
Contacted dentist over the telephone | £105.04 | £43.96 | NHS Ref: 450 | |
Complete heart block, pacemaker fitted, overnight stay | £1708.17 | £901.74 | NHS Ref: EA39Z | |
Atrial flutter, 3 days’ hospital stay | £1360.98 | £802.18 | NHS Ref: EB07I | |
Tonsillitis, overnight hospital stay | £338.62 | £159.30 | NHS Ref: CZ01Y | |
Chest pain, hypertension, day case | £446.00 | £156.91 | NHS Ref EB04I |
Appendix 8 Summary of resource use costs valued in 2011/12 British pounds sterling
Resource use item | Mean unit cost | Baseline (n = 83) | No treatment (n = 78) | SP1 (n = 81) | SP2 (n = 78) | bMAD (n = 77) | |||||
Mean cost/participant | SD | Mean cost/participant | SD | Mean cost/participant | SD | Mean cost/participant | SD | Mean cost/participant | SD | ||
GP visitsa | £43.40 | £11.00 | £23.30 | £12.20 | £26.10 | £15.50 | £30.20 | £16.70 | £29.90 | £14.70 | £39.00 |
GP home visitsa | £28.20 | £0.30 | £3.10 | £0.40 | £3.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Nurse (GP practice) visitsa | £9.10 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.40 | £2.30 | £0.70 | £2.80 | £0.20 | £1.40 | £0.40 | £1.80 |
Nurse (specialist community) home visitsa | £11.70 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.20 | £1.30 |
GP telephone callsa | £22.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.30 | £2.50 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.30 | £2.50 | £0.30 | £2.50 |
NHS Direct callsa | £22.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.30 | £2.50 |
Contacted trial helplinea | £22.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.50 | £4.90 | £0.30 | £2.50 | £1.40 | £7.40 |
Ambulance call outb | £214.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £2.70 | £24.20 | £2.60 | £23.80 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
A&E visitb | £64.10 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.80 | £7.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Outpatient clinical visitb | £105.90 | £51.00 | £74.60 | £14.90 | £44.30 | £19.60 | £44.60 | £10.90 | £32.30 | £12.40 | £45.40 |
Dentist (normal visit)b | £105.00 | £8.90 | £29.40 | £16.20 | £38.10 | £22.00 | £54.40 | £16.20 | £41.70 | £12.30 | £34.00 |
Other | |||||||||||
Acupunctureb | £80.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.00 | £9.10 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Minor surgeryc | £132.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.60 | £14.70 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Blood testb | £3.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.30 | £2.70 | £0.10 | £1.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Counsellor sessionb | £60.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.80 | £6.80 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Echocardiogramb | £84.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.00 | £9.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Pre-op assessmentb | £120.70 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £4.60 | £23.40 | £3.10 | £19.30 |
Health trainer sessionb | £40.70 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.00 | £9.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.00 | £9.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Occupational health sessionb | £60.70 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.70 | £6.70 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Ophthalmologist sessionb | £85.10 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.10 | £9.50 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Opticiand | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Osteopath appointmentb | £40.70 | £0.50 | £4.50 | £2.10 | £18.40 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.50 | £4.60 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Physiotherapist appointmentb | £40.70 | £1.00 | £6.30 | £2.10 | £14.50 | £0.50 | £4.50 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.10 | £6.50 |
Nasal polyp removalb | £132.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.70 | £15.10 |
Podiatrist sessionb | £41.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.50 | £4.70 |
Contacted dentist over the telephoneb | £105.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £1.30 | £11.90 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Hospital overnight, length of staye | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Heart attacke | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
RTA requiring medical treatmentf | £64.10 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.80 | £7.30 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Strokeb | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Other | |||||||||||
Tonsillitis, overnight hospital stayb | £338.60 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £4.20 | £37.60 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Atrial flutter, 3 days’ hospital stayb | £1361.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £17.40 | £154.10 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Complete heart block, pacemaker fitted overnight stayb | £1708.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £22.20 | £194.70 |
Chest pain, hypertension, day caseb | £446.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £5.80 | £50.80 |
MRIb | £157.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £2.00 | £17.80 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
CTb | £136.60 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Radiographyg | £32.20 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.40 | £3.60 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.40 | £3.70 |
Angioplastye | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Angiograme | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Total | – | £72.70 | £80.80 | £76.10 | £175.10 | £70.70 | £91.50 | £51.50 | £67.50 | £76.70 | £214.80 |
Appendix 9 Adverse event specific tables
Serious adverse events
AE | Dates | Treatment receiving at the time | Classification |
Sick sinus syndrome and atrial flutter | 25 September 2011–28 September 2011 | No treatment | Possibly related to OSA |
Hypoglycaemia | 13 October 2011–13 October 2011 | No treatment | Possibly related to OSA |
Complete heart block | 3 November 2011–4 November 2011 | bMAD | Possibly related to OSA or MAD |
Non-specific chest pain | 11 February 2012–17 February 2012 | bMAD | Possibly related to OSA or MAD |
Specific minor adverse events in each category
Adverse event | Adverse events category | Number of events |
Achy legs | (1) General adverse events | 4 |
Acid reflux | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Angina | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Asthma | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Asthma episode | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Bronchitis | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Cellulitis | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Chest (6) infection | (1) General adverse events | 8 |
Chest (6) infection/pleuracy | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Concussion | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Cramp | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
Cramp (legs) | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
DVT | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
Depression (re-occurring) | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Diarrhoea | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Diarrhoea and vomiting | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
Dislocated shoulder | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Extreme tiredness [viral (6) infection?] | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Fluid on lungs | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Fractured wrist | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Gout | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Hay fever | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Hay fever symptoms | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Head trauma | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Headache | (1) General adverse events | 27 |
Headache (migraine?) | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Headaches | (1) General adverse events | 4 |
Hernia operation | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Hysterectomy | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Indigestion | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
Infected finger | (1) General adverse events | 4 |
Knee (6) infection | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Leg pain | (1) General adverse events | 5 |
Nasal polyps | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
Nasal congestion due to polyps | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Nasal (6) Infection | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Nausea | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Neck pain | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Operation – adenoma (parathyroid) | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Oral thrush | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Pacemaker fitted | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Panic attacks | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Period pain | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Shoulder pain | (1) General adverse events | 5 |
Shoulder pain (frozen shoulder) | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Sore ribs | (1) General adverse events | 3 |
Sore wrist/hand | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Stomach eramps | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Stomach ache | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Stomach ache/nausea | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Stomach bug | (1) General adverse events | 5 |
Surgery to remove nasal polyps | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Torn ligaments (in knee) | (1) General adverse events | 2 |
Unwell (exhaustion) | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Upset stomach | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Vomiting | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Wheezing | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Whiplash | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Worsening tinnitus | (1) General adverse events | 1 |
Bad taste in mouth | (2) Dryness/Bad taste/Numbness | 3 |
Dry lips | (2) Dryness/Bad taste/Numbness | 14 |
Dry mouth | (2) Dryness/Bad taste/Numbness | 65 |
Dry throat | (2) Dryness/Bad taste/Numbness | 3 |
Dry mouth/throat | (2) Dryness/Bad taste/Numbness | 1 |
Numb lips | (2) Dryness/Bad taste/Numbness | 3 |
Bit lip | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Blisters on lip | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Blood on device | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Broken tooth | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 3 |
Broken tooth crown | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Burnt mouth | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Change in bite | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 10 |
Change in bite/malocclusion | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Clicky jaw | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Cold sores | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Dental bridge problems | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Face/jaw ache | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Gum discomfort | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 75 |
Gum sores | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Infected milk tooth extraction | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Jaw discomfort | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 78 |
Jaw stiffness | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 19 |
Jaw discomfort – left | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Jaw discomfort – right | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Jaw stiffness (change in bite) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Lip discomfort | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 3 |
Loose tooth | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Loose crowns and bridges | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Loose teeth | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Loose tooth | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Malocclusion (tooth moving forward) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Mouth discomfort | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 19 |
Mouth ulcer | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 16 |
Receding gums | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 3 |
Sensitive teeth | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Sore throat (due to not wearing device) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Sore upper left palate. | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Sore upper right palate. | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Teeth moved forward (front top 2) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Tongue discomfort | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 8 |
Tongue ulcer | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Tooth discomfort | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 128 |
Tooth discomfort (from clenching teeth) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 4 |
Tooth discomfort (front crown only) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Tooth discomfort (next to abscessed tooth) | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 2 |
Tooth crown – permanent | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Tooth crown – temporary | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Tooth crown replacement | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Tooth removal | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Veneer detachment | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Wound healing post wisdom tooth removal | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 1 |
Bleeding gums | (3) Discomfort/Mouth problems | 18 |
Choking | (4) Excessive salivation and choking | 2 |
Choking (due to excessive salivation) | (4) Excessive salivation and choking | 1 |
Excessive Salivation | (4) Excessive salivation and choking | 83 |
Gagging | (4) Excessive salivation and choking | 5 |
Blocked nose | (5) Cold related | 14 |
Cold/sore throat | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Chest and sinus (6) infection | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Common cold | (5) Cold related | 39 |
Cough | (5) Cold related | 13 |
Cough and congestion | (5) Cold related | 2 |
Flu | (5) Cold related | 3 |
Head cold | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Nasal congestion | (5) Cold related | 4 |
Sinus (6) infection | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Sore throat | (5) Cold related | 8 |
Sore throat (and cough) | (5) Cold related | 2 |
Sore nostrils | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Sore throat and ears | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Sore throat and nose | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Throat and upper and lower chest (6) Infection | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Tonsillitis | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Viral (6) infection | (5) Cold related | 2 |
Viral nasal (6) infection | (5) Cold related | 1 |
Infected wisdom tooth | (6) Infection | 3 |
Infected milk tooth | (6) Infection | 1 |
Tooth abscess | (6) Infection | 2 |
Tooth (6) infection | (6) Infection | 2 |
Minor adverse events (classified by an independent sleep physician)
Type of AE | No treatment (n = 78) | SP1 (n = 81) | SP2 (n = 78) | bMAD (n = 77) | Total |
Possibly related to OSA | 3 (3) | 1 (1) | 3 (3) | 1 (1) | 8 (5) |
Probably related to MAD | 22 (16) | 179 (66) | 143 (59) | 184 (75) | 528 (85) |
Possibly related to OSA or MAD | 29 (18) | 50 (34) | 55 (35) | 40 (27) | 174 (54) |
Probably unrelated | 26 (21) | 37 (24) | 41 (30) | 37 (27) | 141 (59) |
Total | 80 (45) | 267 (73) | 242 (68) | 262 (76) | 851 (86) |
Appendix 10 Differences in European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions 3-level version quality-adjusted life-years for each treatment versus control
Appendix 11 Differences in quality-adjusted life-years compared with no treatment
QALY valuation | Variable | Coefficient (SE) | p-value | Global p-value |
EQ-5D QALYs | Constant | 0.0649 (0.002) | < 0.00 | |
Baseline | 0.0005 (0.001) | 0.69 | 0.76 | |
SP1 | 0.0009 (0.001) | 0.37 | ||
SP2 | 0.0009 (0.001) | 0.47 | ||
bMAD | 0.0018 (0.002) | 0.23 | ||
SF-6D QALYs | Constant | 0.0527 (0.001) | < 0.00 | |
Baseline | −0.0011 (0.001) | 0.10 | 0.00 | |
SP1 | 0.00039 (0.001) | 0.63 | ||
SP2 | 0.0019 (0.001) | 0.01 | ||
bMAD | 0.0009 (0.001) | 0.31 |
Appendix 12 Differences in Short Form questionnaire-6 Dimensions quality-adjusted life-years for each treatment compared with control
Appendix 13 Sensitivity analyses: trial-based economic analysis
Appendix 14 Search strategies for the systematic review
McDaid et al.8 search strategies and hit count
MEDLINE: 200 hits.
EMBASE: 227 hits.
Web of Knowledge (WoK): 436 hits.
Total unique hits: 565.
“cross over*”.ti,ab.
(double adj blind*).ti,ab.
(single adj blind*).ti,ab.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14
exp HUMAN/
16 not 17
15 not 18
exp Sleep Apnea Syndrome/
(sleep* and (apn* or hypop*)).ti,ab.
(sleep* adj3 “disorder* breath*”).ti,ab.
(sleep* adj2 “resp* disorder*”).ti,ab.
(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs).ti,ab.
20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24
positive end expiratory pressure/
(positive* adj3 airway* adj3 pressure*).ti,ab.
(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap).ti,ab.
(“c pap” or “bi pap” or “nc pap”).ti,ab.
26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30
19 and 25 and 31
limit 32 to yr=“2012 –Current”
“randomized controlled trial”.pt.
“controlled clinical trial”.pt.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7
exp animals/ not
8 not 9
exp sleep apnea syndromes/
(sleep* adj3 “disorder* breath*”).ti,ab.
(sleep* and (apn* or hypop*)).ti,ab.
(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs).ti,ab.
exp positive-pressure respiration/
(positive* adj3 airway* adj3 pressure*).ti,ab.
(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap).ti,ab.
(“c pap” or “bi pap” or “nc pap”).ti,ab.
15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19
(sleep* adj2 respirat* disorder*).ti,ab.
11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 21
10 and 20 and 22
limit 23 to yr=“2012 -Current”
Web of Knowledge
#15 #13 AND #12 AND #5 Refined by: Publication Years=(2012 OR 2013)
#14 #13 AND #12 AND #5
#13 Topic=(trial* or placebo* or random* or trial* or control* or blind* or crossover or “cross over”)
#12 #11 OR #10 OR #9 OR #8 OR #7 OR #6
#11 Topic=(positive* near expirat* near pressure*)
#10 Topic=(positive* near respir* near pressure*)
#9 Topic=(autocpap)
#8 Topic=(“c pap” or “bi pap” or “nc pap”)
#7 Topic=(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap)
#6 Topic=(positive* near airway* near pressure*)
#5 #4 OR #3 OR #2 OR #1
#4 Topic=(sleep* near disorder* near breath*)
#3 Topic=(sleep* near respir* near disorder*)
#2 Topic=(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs)
#1 Topic=(sleep* and (apn* or hypop*))
Lim et al.51 search strategies and hit count
EMBASE: 144 hits.
MEDLINE: 130 hits.
Web of Science (WoS): 252 hits.
Total 526 hits in EndNote Web.
Unique: 340 hits.
“cross over*”.ti,ab.
(double adj blind*).ti,ab.
(single adj blind*).ti,ab.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14
exp HUMAN/
16 not 17
15 not 18
exp Sleep Apnea Syndrome/
(sleep* and (apn* or hypop*)).ti,ab.
(sleep* adj3 “disorder* breath*”).ti,ab.
(sleep* adj2 “resp* disorder*”).ti,ab.
(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs).ti,ab.
20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24
(oral* or “intra oral*” or intraoral* or dental* or tongue* or mandib* or genioglos*).ti,ab.
(jaw* or mouth*).ti,ab.
exp orthodontic device/
(device* or tool* or splint* or prosthe* or appliance* or advance* or suspen*).ti,ab.
(tonsil* or palat* or adenoid* or pharyn* or tooth* or teeth* or gum* or uvul* or maxillo* or face* or facial* or hyoid* or orthodon*).ti,ab.
26 or 27 or 30
29 and 31
28 or 32
19 and 25 and 33
limit 35 to yr=“2008 -Current”
“randomized controlled trial”.pt.
“controlled clinical trial”.pt.
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7
exp animals/ not
8 not 9
exp sleep apnea syndromes/
(sleep* adj3 “disorder* breath*”).ti,ab.
(sleep* and (apn* or hypop*)).ti,ab.
(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs).ti,ab.
(sleep* adj2 respirat* disorder*).ti,ab.
11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15
(oral* or “intra oral*” or intraoral* or dental* or tongue* or mandib* or genioglos*).ti,ab.
(jaw* or mouth*).ti,ab.
(tonsil* or palat* or adenoid* or pharyn* or tooth* or teeth* or gum* or uvul* or maxillo* or face* or facial* or hyoid* or orthodon*).ti,ab.
17 or 18 or 19
(device* or tool* or splint* or prosthe* or appliance* or advance* or suspens*).ti,ab.
20 and 21
exp Orthodontic Appliances/
22 or 23
10 and 16 and 24
limit 26 to yr=“2008 -Current”
Web of Science
# 11 #9 AND #6 AND #5 Refined by: Publication Years=( 2009 OR 2010 OR 2011 OR 2012 OR 2013 OR 2008 ) (252)
# 10 #9 AND #6 AND #5 (581)
# 9 #8 AND #7 (111,128)
# 8 Topic=(device* or tool* or splint* or prosthe* or appliance* or advance* or suspen*) (2,413,678)
# 7 Topic=(oral* or “intra oral*” or intraoral* or dental* or tongue* or mandib* or genioglos*) OR Topic=(jaw* or mouth*) OR Topic=(tonsil* or palat* or adenoid* or pharyn* or tooth* or teeth* or gum* or uvul* or maxillo* or face* or facial* or hyoid* or orthodon*) (1,209,904)
# 6 Topic=(trial* or placebo* or random* or trial* or control* or blind* or crossover or “cross over”) (5,046,874)
# 5 #4 OR #3 OR #2 OR #1 (37,918)
# 4 Topic=(sleep* near disorder* near breath*) (5428)
# 3 Topic=(sleep* near respir* near disorder*) (950)
# 2 Topic=(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs) (13,836)
# 1 Topic=(sleep* and (apn* or hypop*)) (29,814)
York Group’s update of McDaid et al.8 search strategies and hit count (PREDICT update searches March 2012)
Searches for systematic reviews and guidelines
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 Medical subject heading (MeSH) descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab (612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) (2635)
#7 MeSH descriptor Positive-Pressure Respiration explode all trees (1691)
#8 (cpap or apap or ncpap or autocpap or auto-cpap):ti,ab (1278)
#9 (positive near3 airway near3 pressure):ti,ab (1185)
#10 (#7 OR #8 OR #9) (2538)
#11 (#6 AND #10), from 2006 to 2012 (448)
Of the 448 total results in The Cochrane Library, nine were from Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) 2006 onwards.
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 MeSH descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab (612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) (2635)
#7 MeSH descriptor Positive-Pressure Respiration explode all trees (1691)
#8 (cpap or apap or ncpap or autocpap or auto-cpap):ti,ab (1278)
#9 (positive near3 airway near3 pressure):ti,ab (1185)
#10 (#7 OR #8 OR #9) (2538)
#11 (#6 AND #10), from 2006 to 2012 (448)
Of the 448 total results in The Cochrane Library, 12 were from Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE).
Health Technology Assessment Database
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 MeSH descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab (612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) (2635)
#7 MeSH descriptor Positive-Pressure Respiration explode all trees (1691)
#8 (cpap or apap or ncpap or autocpap or auto-cpap):ti,ab (1278)
#9 (positive near3 airway near3 pressure):ti,ab (1185)
#10 (#7 OR #8 OR #9) (2538)
#11 (#6 AND #10), from 2006 to 2012 (448)
Of the 448 total results in The Cochrane Library, seven were from the HTA Database.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
List of guidelines checked – last update to Sleep Apnea Guideline was 2003.
National Guideline Clearinghouse
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
apnea or apnoea or hypopnea or hypopnoea or hypoapnea or hypoapnoea or sahs or shs or osas or osa
Limited to 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Health Services/Technology Assessment Text
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
apnea OR apnoea OR hypopnea OR hypopnea OR hypopnea OR hypopnea
Results screened and details of one 2011 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality guideline added to EndNote library.
Turning Research Into Practice database
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy:
(title:(apnea or apnoea or hypopnea or hypopnoea or hypoapnea or hypoapnoea) AND (cpap or apap or ncpap or autocpap)) from 2006.
Three guideline results screened online – all identified by Clinical Evidence search below so not downloaded.
Clinical Evidence
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Twelve post-2006 guidelines on sleep apnea identified.
Searches for trials
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) in-process and other non-indexed citations and Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to present>
Searched 19 March 2012 via OVID.
Search strategy
exp Sleep Apnea Syndromes/ (19,930)
(apnea or apnoea).ti,ab. (25,874)
(hypopnea or hypopnoea).ti,ab. (4789)
(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea).ti,ab. (36)
sleep disordered breathing.ti,ab. (2989)
(sleep adj2 respirat$ disorder$).ti,ab. (201)
sahs.ti,ab. (338)
shs.ti,ab. (971)
osa.ti,ab. (4692)
osas.ti,ab. (2314)
osahs.ti,ab. (651)
or/1-11 (32,846)
exp positive-pressure respiration/ (18,367)
(positive adj3 airway adj3 pressure).ti,ab. (5712)
(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap).ti,ab. (5975)
(c pap or bi pap or nc pap).ti,ab. (50)
autocpap.ti,ab. (19)
or/13-17 (21,531)
12 and 18 (5267)
limit 19 to yr=“2006 - 2012” (2333)
randomized controlled (322,037)
controlled clinical (83,702)
randomized.ab. (237,867)
placebo.ab. (133,799)
drug therapy.fs. (1,509,972)
randomly.ab. (174,912)
trial.ab. (245,654)
groups.ab. (1,145,620)
21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 (2,887,984)
20 and 29 (680)
limit 30 to english language (620)
Database: EMBASE <1996 to 2012 week 11>
Searched 19 March 2012 via OVID.
Search strategy
Sleep Apnea Syndrome/ (23,594)
(apnea or apnoea).ti,ab. (24,479)
(hypopnea or hypopnoea).ti,ab. (5727)
(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea).ti,ab. (42)
Sleep Disordered Breathing/ (2654)
sleep disordered breathing.ti,ab. (3732)
(sleep adj2 respirat$ disorder$).ti,ab. (176)
sahs.ti,ab. (355)
shs.ti,ab. (1025)
osa.ti,ab. (6190)
osas.ti,ab. (2811)
osahs.ti,ab. (783)
or/1-12 (33,560)
positive end expiratory pressure/ (19,580)
(positive adj3 airway adj3 pressure).ti,ab. (5606)
(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap).ti,ab. (6559)
(c pap or bi pap or nc pap).ti,ab. (56)
autocpap.ti,ab. (34)
or/14-18 (21,932)
13 and 19 (7358)
controlled study/ (3,116,507)
exp clinical trial/ (719,714)
outcomes research/ (65,036)
andomized controlled trial/ (250,869)
(randomized or randomised or placebo or randomly).ab. (483,327)
trial.ti. (89,510)
or/21-26 (3,706,892)
20 and 27 (2494)
limit 28 to (english language and yr=“2006 - 2012”) (1381)
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 MeSH descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab (612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) (2635)
#7 MeSH descriptor Positive-Pressure Respiration explode all trees (1691)
#8 (cpap or apap or ncpap or autocpap or auto-cpap):ti,ab (1278)
#9 (positive near3 airway near3 pressure):ti,ab (1185)
#10 (#7 OR #8 OR #9) (2538)
#11 (#6 AND #10), from 2006 to 2012 (448)
Of the 448 total results in The Cochrane Library, 395 were from the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature <1981 to present>
Searched 19 March 2012 via EBSCOhost.
614 results.
Search strategy
S13 (S8 and S12) Limiters – English Language; Published Date from: 20060101-20120331 (614)
S12 (S9 or S10 or S11) (4355)
S11 TI (cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap or c pap or bi pap or nc pap or autocpap) or AB(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap or c pap or bi pap or nc pap or autocpap) (930)
S10 TI (positive N3 airway N3 pressure) or AB(positive N3 airway N3 pressure) (1119)
S9 (MH “Positive Pressure Ventilation+”) (3987)
S8 (S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6 or S7) (5843)
S7 TI (sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs) or AB(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs) (1237)
S6 TI (sleep N2 respirat* disorder*) or AB(sleep N2 respirat* disorder*) (36)
S5 TI (“sleep disordered breathing”) or AB(“sleep disordered breathing”) (665)
S4 TI (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea) or AB(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea) (1)
S3 TI (hypopnea or hypopnoea) or AB(hypopnea or hypopnoea) (657)
S2 TI (apnea or apnoea) or AB(apnea or apnoea) (3843)
S1 (MH “Sleep Apnea Syndromes+”) (4224)
Science Citation Index <1900 to 21 March 2012>
Searched 22 March 2012 via WoS
1228 results.
Lemmatisation off.
Search strategy
#14 #12 and #13
#13 TS=(random* or blind* or comparative or comparison or prospective or controlled or trial or crossover or evaluation)
#12 #6 and #11
#11 #7 or #8 or #9 or #10
#10 TS = autocpap
#9 TS = (“c pap” or “nc pap” or “bi pap”)
#8 TS = (cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap)
#7 TS = (positive same airway same pressure)
#6 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5
#5 TS = (sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs)
#4 TS = “sleep disordered breathing”
#3 TS = (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea)
#2 TS = (hypopnea or hypopnoea)
#1 TS = (apnea or apnoea)
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science <1990 to 21 March 2012>
Searched 22 March 2012 via WoS.
388 results.
Lemmatisation off.
Search strategy
#12 #6 and #11
#11 #7 or #8 or #9 or #10
#10 TS = autocpap
#9 TS = (“c pap” or “nc pap” or “bi pap”)
#8 TS = (cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap)
#7 TS = (positive same airway same pressure)
#6 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5
#5 TS = (sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs)
#4 TS = “sleep disordered breathing”
#3 TS = (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea)
#2 TS = (hypopnea or hypopnoea)
#1 TS = (apnea or apnoea)
Zetoc conferences <1993 to 22 March 2012>
Searched 22 March 2012 online via
Search strategy
conference: autocpap
conference: bi pap
conference: c pap
conference: nc pap
conference: bipap
conference: apap
conference: ncpap
conference: cpap
conference: positive airway pressure
Search results from 2006 onwards downloaded for each search - total 103 results retrieved.
Index to THESES <1716 to 22 March 2012>
Searched 22 March 2012 online via
Search strategy
((apnea or apnoea or hypopnea or hypopnoea or hypoapnea or hypoapnoea or sleep) and (cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap or c pap or bi pap or nc pap or autocpap)) OR ((apnea or apnoea or hypopnea or hypopnoea or hypoapnea or hypoapnoea or leep) and (positive airway pressure)) OR ((sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs) and (cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap or c pap or bi pap or nc pap or autocpap)) OR ((sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs) and (positive airway pressure))
Twenty-two total results retrieved.
Cost-effectiveness searches
Economic evaluations of sleep apnea AND continuous positive airway pressure
NHS Economic Evaluation Database
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 MeSH descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab (612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) (2635)
#7 MeSH descriptor Positive-Pressure Respiration explode all trees (1691)
#8 (cpap or apap or ncpap or autocpap or auto-cpap):ti,ab (1278)
#9 (positive near3 airway near3 pressure):ti,ab (1185)
#10 (#7 OR #8 OR #9) (2538)
#11 (#6 AND #10), from 2006 to 2012 (448)
Of the 448 total results in The Cochrane Library, 14 were from NHS Economics Evaluation Database (NHS EED).
EconLit <1961 to February 2012>
Searched 23 March 2012 via OVID
Search strategy
(apnea or apnoea).ti,ab.
(hypopnea or hypopnoea).ti,ab.
(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea).ti,ab.
sleep disordered breathing.ti,ab.
(sleep adj2 respirat$ disorder$).ti,ab.
(positive adj3 airway adj3 pressure).ti,ab.
(cpap or ncpap or apap or bipap).ti,ab.
(c pap or bi pap or nc pap).ti,ab.
11 and 16
limit 17 to yr=“2006 - 2012”
Nil results found.
Economic evaluations of sleep apnea (any intervention)
Searched 28 March 2012 via
Search strategy
apnea or apnoea or hypopnea or hypopnoea or hypoapnea or hypoapnoea or (sleep AND disorder*)
Limited to working papers.
Seven results scanned – none relevant.
NHS Economic Evaluation Database
Searched 30 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 MeSH descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab (612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5), from 2006 to 2012 (1073)
Of the 1073 total results in The Cochrane Library, 25 from NHS EED.
Health Technology Assessment Database
Searched 30 March 2012 via
Search strategy
#1 MeSH descriptor Sleep Apnea Syndromes explode all trees (1043)
#2 (apnea or apnoea):ti,ab (2393)
#3 (hypopnea or hypopnoea):ti,ab 612)
#4 (hypoapnea or hypoapnoea):ti,ab (2)
#5 (sahs or shs or osas or osa):ti,ab (770)
#6 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5), from 2006 to 2012 (1073)
Of the 1073 total results in The Cochrane Library, 36 were from the HTA Database.
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) in-process and other non-indexed citations and Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to present>
Searched 30 March 2012 via OVID.
Search strategy
exp Sleep Apnea Syndromes/ (19,973)
(apnea or apnoea).ti,ab. (25,964)
(hypopnea or hypopnoea).ti,ab. (4820)
(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea).ti,ab. (36)
sleep disordered breathing.ti,ab. (3003)
(sleep adj2 respirat$ disorder$).ti,ab. (201)
sahs.ti,ab. (340)
shs.ti,ab. (977)
osa.ti,ab. (4726)
osas.ti,ab. (2328)
osahs.ti,ab. (655)
or/1-11 (32,955)
economics/ (26,193)
exp “costs and cost analysis”/ (162,116)
economics, dental/ (1836)
exp “economics, hospital”/ (17,730)
economics, medical/ (8429)
economics, nursing/ (3855)
economics, pharmaceutical/ (2307)
(econom$ or cost or costs or costly or costing or pharmacoeconomic$).ti,ab. (380,943)
(value adj1 money).ti,ab. (20)
budget$.ti,ab. (16,542)
or/13-22 (494,267)
((energy or oxygen) adj cost).ti,ab. (2543)
(metabolic adj cost).ti,ab. (671)
((energy or oxygen) adj expenditure).ti,ab. (14,406)
or/24-26 (16,967)
23 not 27 (490,330)
- (752,630)
- (302,459)
- (280,726)
or/29-31 (1,322,522)
28 not 32 (464,959)
animals/ (4,889,109)
human/ (12,139,643)
34 not (34 and 35) (3,594,930)
33 not 36 (439,079)
12 and 37 (811)
limit 38 to (english language and yr=“2006 - 2012”) (319)
Database: EMBASE <1996 to 2012 week 12>
Searched 30 March 2012 via OVID.
Search strategy
Sleep Apnea Syndrome/ (24,439)
(apnea or apnoea).ti,ab. (25,475)
(hypopnea or hypopnoea).ti,ab. (5996)
(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea).ti,ab. (43)
sleep Disordered Breathing/ (2644)
sleep disordered breathing.ti,ab. (3906)
(sleep adj2 respirat$ disorder$).ti,ab. (187)
sahs.ti,ab. (365)
shs.ti,ab. (1067)
osa.ti,ab. (6367)
osas.ti,ab. (2902)
osahs.ti,ab. (820)
or/1-12 (34,818)
health-economics/ (13,562)
exp economic-evaluation/ (147,865)
exp health-care-cost/ (143,430)
14 or 15 or 16 (253,206)
(econom$ or cost or costs or costly or costing or pharmacoeconomic$).ti,ab. (356,198)
(value adj2 money).ti,ab. (872)
budget$.ti,ab. (13,757)
18 or 19 or 20 (364,417)
17 or 21 (487,556)
- (477,438)
- (310,953)
- (397,942)
23 or 24 or 25 (1,186,333)
22 not 26 (434,638)
(metabolic adj cost).ti,ab. (510)
((energy or oxygen) adj cost).ti,ab. (1653)
((energy or oxygen) adj expenditure).ti,ab. (12,628)
28 or 29 or 30 (14,363)
27 not 31 (431,837)
exp animal/ (680,271)
exp animal-experiment/ (773,680)
nonhuman/ (2,423,637)
(rat or rats or mouse or mice or hamster or hamsters or animal or animals or dog or dogs or cat or cats or bovine or sheep).ti,ab,sh. (2,170,304)
33 or 34 or 35 or 36 (3,344,387)
exp human/ (7,831,966)
exp human-experiment/ (168,040)
38 or 39 (7,832,215)
37 not (37 and 40) (2,390,216)
32 not 41 (397,819)
13 and 42 (1267)
limit 43 to (english language and yr=“2006 - 2012”) (700)
Source | Results | After deduplication | Custom 4 field |
CDSR | 20 | 0 | – |
DARE | 12 | 1 | DARE, 28 March 2012 |
HTA | 7 | 6 | HTA, 28 March 2012 |
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network | 0 | – | – |
National Guidelines Clearinghouse | 67 | Not downloadable | – |
Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT) | 1 | 1 | HSTAT, 28 March 2012 |
Turning Research Into Practice | 3 | 0 | – |
Clinical Evidence | 12 | Not downloadable | – |
MEDLINE | 620 | 609 | MEDLINE and MEDLINE In-Process, 09 March 2012 |
EMBASE | 1381 | 896 | EMBASE, 19 March 2012 |
CENTRAL | 395 | 107 | CENTRAL, 28 March 2012 |
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) | 614 | 376 | CINAHL, 19 March 2012 |
Science Citation Index | 1228 | 595 | Science Citation Index, 22 March 2012 |
Conference Proceedings Citation Index | 388 | 271 | Conference Proceedings Citation Index, 22 March 2012 |
Zetoc conferences | 103 | 65 | Zetoc conference abstracts, 22 March 2012 |
Index to Theses | 7 | Not downloadable | – |
NHS EED (sleep apnoea AND cpap) | 14 | 1 | NHS EED CPAP, 28 March 2012 |
EconLit | 0 | – | – |
EconPapers | 0 | – | – |
NHS EED (all sleep apnoea) | 25 | 6 | NHS EED ALL SLEEP APNOEA, 30 March 2012 |
HTA (all sleep apnoea) | 36 | 30 | HTA ALL SLEEP APNOEA, 30 March 2012 |
MEDLINE (sleep apnoea cost studies) | 319 | 242 | MEDLINE and MEDLINE In-Process ALL SLEEP APNOEA costs, 30 March 2012 |
EMBASE (sleep apnoea cost studies) | 700 | 354 | EMBASE ALL SLEEP APNOEA costs, 30 March 2012 |
Totals | 3560 |
Cardiovascular disease risk search strategy and summary table
Obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome and cardiovascular risk search terms in Medline (May 2013)
Search strategy
(stroke or strokes).ti,ab.
(chd or cardiovascular disease).ti,ab.
exp heart diseases/ or exp vascular diseases/
exp cerebrovascular accident/
exp sleep apnea syndromes/
5 and 6
7 and 8
limit 9 to yr=“2007-2013”
Authors | Include or exclude? | Reason for exclusion |
Alter (2012)211 | Exclude | Letter |
Parish (2012)212 | Exclude | Editorial |
Bitter (2012)213 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Craig (2012)95 | Exclude | Patient population |
Ciccone (2013)214 | Exclude | Patient population |
Sakakibara (2012)215 | Exclude | Patient population |
Mirrakhimov (2012)216 | Exclude | Letter |
Muñoz (2012)217 | Exclude | Patient population |
Loke (2012)134 | Include | – |
Asha’ari (2012)218 | Exclude | Patient population |
Kasai (2012)163 | Include | – |
Thomopoulos (2012)219 | Exclude | Commentary |
Vozoris (2012)220 | Exclude | Patient population |
Hegmann (2012)221 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
ElKholy (2012)155 | Include | – |
Martínez-Garcia (2012)162 | Include | – |
Saruhara (2012)222 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Wallace (2012)167 | Include | – |
Lee (2011)223 | Exclude | Patient population |
Lavie (2011)224 | Exclude | Editorial |
Cano-Pumarega (2011)161 | Include | – |
Calvin (2011)225 | Exclude | Patient population |
Pedrosa (2011)154 | Include | – |
Monahan (2011)165 | Include | – |
Gopalakrishnan (2011)226 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Mansukhani (2011)227 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
McKelvie (2011)228 | Exclude | Guideline |
Kokkarinen (2011)229 | Exclude | Letter |
Kohli (2011)171 | Include | – |
Yazdan-Ashoori (2011)230 | Exclude | Editorial |
Bagai (2010)231 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Ramar (2010)232 | Exclude | Patient population |
Lozano (2010)112 | Exclude | Duplicate from systematic review |
Redline (2010)4 | Include | – |
Johnson (2010)233 | Exclude | Commentary |
Calhoun (2010)166 | Include | – |
Selim (2010)234 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Wijkstra (2010)235 | Exclude | Editorial |
Dyken (2009)168 | Include | – |
Budhiraja (2009)236 | Exclude | Commentary |
Young (2009)133 | Include | – |
Kato (2009)164 | Include | – |
Sadatsafavi (2009)139 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
O’Connor (2009)159 | Include | – |
Portela (2009)169 | Include | – |
Peker (2009)237 | Exclude | Protocol |
Bradley (2009)5 | Include | – |
Al Lawati (2009)30 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Marin (2012)158 | Include | – |
Barbé (2012)89 | Exclude | Patient population |
Parra (2012)238 | Exclude | Commentary |
Monahan (2011)165 | Exclude | Duplicate |
Berg (2008)239 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Omelchenko (2008)240 | Exclude | No abstract |
Rola (2008)241 | Exclude | Patient population |
Ali (2008)242 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Koutsourelakis (2008)243 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Lavie (2008)244 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Lorenzi-Filho (2008)245 | Exclude | Editorial |
Gottlieb (2008)246 | Exclude | Progress report |
Kapur (2008)160 | Include | – |
Somers (2008)247 | Exclude | Guideline |
Lenfant (2008)248 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Nishibayashi (2008)153 | Include | – |
Baranchuk (2008)249 | Exclude | Editorial |
Rupprecht (2008)250 | Exclude | Case report |
MacDonald (2008)251 | Exclude | Patient population |
Tarasiuk (2008)9 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Norman (2008)252 | Exclude | Patient population |
Gonçalves (2007)156 | Include | – |
Foucher (2007)253 | Exclude | French language |
Barthélémy (2007)254 | Exclude | Patient population |
Parati (2007)172 | Include | – |
Cassar (2007)255 | Exclude | Patient population |
Grunstein (2007)256 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Redline (2007)257 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Olson (2007)258 | Exclude | Not CVD risk |
Caples (2007)170 | Include | – |
Culebras (2007)259 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Lavie (2007)260 | Include | – |
Gami (2007)261 | Exclude | Patient population |
Road traffic accident risk search strategy and summary table
Road traffic accident search terms in MEDLINE (May 2013)
Search strategy
exp Sleep Apnea Syndromes/
exp Positive-Pressure Respiration/
exp Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/
1 and (2 or 3)
exp Automobile Driving/
exp Accidents/
5 or 6
4 and 7
(2008$ or 2009$ or 201$).ep.
(2008$ or 2009$ or 201$).ed.
9 or 10
Authors | Include or exclude? | Reason for exclusion |
Filtness (2012)262 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Filtness (2011)263 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Hiestand (2011)264 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Antonopoulos (2011)179 | Include | – |
Vakulin (2011)265 | Exclude | Patient population |
Tregear (2010)180 | Include | – |
Hoffman (2010)266 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Komada (2009)267 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Gurubhagavatula (2008)268 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Guest (2008)137 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Tan (2008)140 | Exclude | No post treatment observed RTA risk |
Hoekema (2007)181 | Include | – |
Health-related quality-of-life search strategy and summary table
Health-related quality-of-life search terms in MEDLINE (May 2013)
Search strategy
exp Sleep Apnea Syndromes/
(apnea or apnoea).ti,ab.
(hypopnea or hypopnoea).ti,ab.
(hypoapnea or hypoapnoea).ti,ab.
sleep disordered breathing.ti,ab.
(sleep adj2 respirat$disorder$).ti,ab.
(sahs or shs or osa or osas or osahs).ti,ab.
“Quality of Life”/
(quality adj2 life).ti,ab.
standard gamble.ti,ab.
(time tradeoff or time trade off).ti,ab.
(eq or euroqol).ti,ab.
osa 18.ti,ab.
sf 36.ti,ab.
respiratory questionnaire.ti,ab.
practical sleep scale.ti,ab.
sleep scale.ti,ab.
objective daytime sleepiness.ti,ab.
oxford sleep resistance.ti,ab.
osler test.ti,ab.
emotional control scale.ti,ab.
life orientation test.ti,ab.
satisfaction with life scale.ti,ab.
Calgary sleep apnea quality.ti,ab.
(functional outcomes adj2 sleep).ti,ab.
osa patient oriented severity.ti,ab.
osa 18.ti,ab.
cohen$pediatric osa.ti,ab.
(comment or letter or editorial).pt.
8 and 39
40 not 38
limit 41 to yr=“2007-2013”
limit 42 to english language
Authors | Include or exclude? | Reason for exclusion |
Chai-Coetzer (2013)269 | Exclude | No devices compared |
Yurtlu (2012)270 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Craig (2012)95 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Myhill (2012)271 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Leger (2012)272 | Exclude | Review |
Weaver (2012)128 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Pliska (2012)273 | Exclude | Abstract only |
Van de Heyning (2012)274 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Tegelberg (2012)275 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Marklund (2012)203 | Exclude | Review |
Pliska (2012)276 | Exclude | Review |
Bulcun (2012)277 | Exclude | No relevant treatment |
Avlonitou (2012)278 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Cruz (2012)279 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Zhao (2012)280 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Medeiros (2012)281 | Exclude | Patient population |
Moroni (2011)282 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Cunali (2011)283 | Exclude | No relevant treatment |
Rey de Castro (2011)284 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Patidar (2011)285 | Exclude | Patient population |
Ruhle (2011)286 | Exclude | No relevant treatment |
Kushida (2011)287 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Galetke (2011)196 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Pietzsch (2011)288 | Exclude | No relevant treatment |
Jackson (2011)289 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Parra (2011)290 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Antic (2011)186 | Include | – |
Smolensky (2011)291 | Exclude | RTA risk review OSA and other sleep-related conditions |
Shapiro (2010)292 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Skaer (2010)293 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Gander (2010)294 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Holty (2010)295 | Exclude | Review |
McArdle (2010)296 | Exclude | No relevant treatment |
Chami (2010)297 | Exclude | No relevant treatment |
Drummond (2010)298 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Vennelle (2010)299 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Schmidlin (2010)189 | Include | – |
Meek (2009)300 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Gagnadoux (2009)24 | Exclude | Duplicate from systematic review |
Durán-Cantolla (2009)301 | Exclude | Review |
Silva (2009)302 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Ghazal (2009)194 | Exclude | Duplicate from systematic review |
Holmdahl (2009)303 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Sadatsafavi (2009)139 | Exclude | CEA model |
Pépin (2009)304 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Aguiar (2009)305 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Szentkirályi (2009)306 | Exclude | Review |
Smith (2009)44 | Exclude | No relevant treatments |
Tsara (2009)185 | Include | – |
Thickett (2009)307 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Martínez-Garcia (2009)308 | Exclude | No relevant treatments |
Vennelle (2010)299 | Exclude | Duplicate |
Schramm (2012)309 | Exclude | Case report |
Larsson (2008)310 | Exclude | Protocol |
Gindre (2008)195 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Siccoli (2008)18 | Exclude | Duplicate from systematic review |
Guest (2008)137 | Exclude | CEA review |
Pagel (2008)311 | Exclude | Abstract |
Lojander (2008)312 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Jing (2008)313 | Exclude | Review |
Petri (2008)76 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Gülbay (2008)314 | Exclude | Patient population |
Piper (2008)315 | Exclude | Patient population |
Tan (2008)140 | Exclude | CEA review |
Sanders (2008)316 | Exclude | Review |
Benjamin (2008)317 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Stucki (2008)318 | Exclude | No generic utility measure |
Arias (2007)319 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Levendowski (2007)320 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Fietze (2007)321 | Exclude | No relevant treatments |
Thurnheer (2007)322 | Exclude | No HRQoL data |
Lam (2007)67 | Exclude | Duplicate from systematic review |
Compliance search strategy and summary table
Compliance search terms in MEDLINE (November 2013)
Search strategy
exp Sleep Apnea Syndromes/
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/
(“oral device” or “mad” or “mandibular advancement”).mp.
2 or 3
4 or 5
1 and 6 and 7
limit 8 to (abstracts and english language and “review articles” and humans)
(long-term or long$ term or (long adj3 term)).ti,ab.
9 and 10
Authors | Include or exclude? | Reason for exclusion |
Schwartz (2013)323 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Broström (2013)324 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Brette (2012)192 | Include | – |
Chan (2009)325 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Patel (2012)326 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Woehrle (2011)327 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Vezina (2011)193 | Include | – |
Kushida (2011)287 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Galetke (2011)196 | Include | – |
Kato (2011)328 | Exclude | < 50 patients |
Aihara (2010)329 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Kohler (2010)198 | Include | – |
Nguyên (2010)330 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Barbé (2010)331 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Giannasi (2009)332 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Ghazal (2009)194 | Include | – |
Robinson (2009)333 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Ishida (2009)334 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Deane (2009)335 | Exclude | < 50 patients |
Thickett (2009)307 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Smith (2009)336 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Hoffstein (2007)199 | Include | – |
Sucena (2006)337 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
McGown (2010)338 | Exclude | Patient population |
Gindre (2008)195 | Include | – |
Wolkove (2008)339 | Exclude | Patient population |
Jauhar (2008)340 | Exclude | Patient population |
Campos-Rodriguez (2007)341 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Meurice (2007)342 | Exclude | Patient population |
Aloia (2007)343 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Chin (2006)344 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Marklund (2006)345 | Exclude | Patient population |
Ng (2005)346 | Exclude | Abstract |
Marin (2005)347 | Exclude | No measure of continuation of treatment |
Johnson (2004)197 | Include | – |
Beecroft (2003)348 | Exclude | < 1 year of follow-up |
Walker-Engström (2002)349 | Exclude | Not at least < 50 patients |
Appendix 15 Characteristics of the 71 included studies
Aarab 201168
Methods | Parallel-group RCT Patients randomised to three arms: MAD, nCPAP or placebo |
Participants | Sixty-four patients randomised (males = 47, females = 17), of which 57 completed the study Baseline characteristics of MAD group (n = 20): mean age: 50.3 years; BMI: 27.1 kg/m2; AHI: 22.1 events/hour; ESS score: 11.8; neck circumference: 41.7 cm Baseline characteristics of nCPAP group (n = 18): mean age: 55.4 years; BMI: 30.7 kg/m2; AHI: 20.9 events/hour; ESS score: 10.2; neck circumference: 43.6 cm Baseline characteristics of placebo group (n = 19): mean age: 51.3 years; BMI: 31.1 kg/m2; AHI: 20.1 events/hour; ESS score: 10.6; neck circumference: 42.6 cm Baseline characteristics of dropout group (n = 7): mean age: 49.3 years; BMI: 27.8 kg/m2; AHI: 14.8 events/hour; ESS score: 13.7; neck circumference: 41.4 cm Inclusion criteria: age > 18 years, AHI = 5–45 events/hour, ESS score ≥ 10 or at least two of the symptoms suggested by the AASM Task Force (e.g. unrefreshing sleep and daytime fatigue) Exclusion criteria: respiratory/sleep disorder other than OSA, BMI > 40 kg/m2, medication usage that could influence respiration or sleep, periodic limb movement disorder, previous treatment with CPAP or MAD, reversible morphological upper airway abnormalities (e.g. enlarged tonsils), other medical conditions (e.g. psychiatric disorders), temporomandibular disorders, untreated periodontal problems, dental pain, lack of retention possibilities for an oral appliance |
Interventions | MAD or nCPAP or placebo (a thin, hard splint with partial palatal coverage) Study duration: mean of 6 (SD 2) months on treatment Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, total sleep time, respiratory arousal index, changes in health perception (SF-36), self-reported compliance, snoring, side effects, evaluation of detecting placebo | |
Notes | Therapy evaluation data taken from Aarab (2011)68 – the long-term follow-up paper to this study – control group not included Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Block randomisation in blocks of 6, 12 and 18. Randomly varying the sizes. The randomisation sequence was automatically generated |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Concealed by an independent coworker, who kept a paper copy in a lockable drawer. Sealed opaque envelopes were used to conceal the allocation from the principal investigator |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Participants were blinded to the nature of the assigned therapy (active or control), blinding of the analyst (which outcomes is unclear) was ascertained by assigning codes to data sets and by analysing these sets in random blocks. Unclear if other outcome assessors or the person responsible for participants care were blinded |
Andrén 201369
Methods | Parallel RCT Patients randomised to two arms: active MAD vs. control MAD |
Participants | Seventy-two patients randomised (males = 57, females = 15), of which 71 completed Baseline characteristics of the active MAD group (n = 36): mean age: 57 years; BMI: 30 kg/m2; AHI: 23 events/hour; ESS score: 11; 24 hour SBP: 136.9 mmHg; 24 hour DBP: 83.8 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the control MAD group (n = 36): mean age: 59 years; BMI: 29 kg/m2; AHI: 24 events/hour; ESS score: 11; 24 hour SBP: 139.3 mmHg; 24 hour DBP: 83.4 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 10 events/hour, systemic hypertension (defined as either: office SBP > 140 mmHg, office DBP > 90 mmHg), not currently being treated with MAD or CPAP, enough teeth to retain a MAD Exclusion criteria: office SBP > 180 mmHg, office DBP > 110 mmHg, BMI > 35 kg/m2, atrial fibrillation, chronic obstructive lung disease, epilepsy, severe psychiatric disease, maximal protrusion of the mandible < 6 mm, inability to speak or understand Swedish |
Interventions | Active MAD or control MAD Study duration: 3 months on either treatment Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | BP measurements, AHI, ESS score | |
Notes | Intention-to-treat analysis Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Randomisation was made in blocks of four. Sequence allocation was determined by random number generator |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Patients were informed there were two types of devices to be evaluated but were not informed about which one of the devices they would receive. Unclear whether they were told one of the potential treatments was a control. Outcome assessors were blinded to treatment allocation |
Arias 200585
Methods | Double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Twenty-seven patients randomised, of which 25 completed (all male) Baseline characteristics of the randomised patients (n = 27): mean age: 52 years; BMI: 30.5 kg/m2; AHI: 44 events/hour; daytime SBP: 126 mmHg; daytime DBP: 79 mmHg Inclusion criteria: male; AHI ≥ 10 events/hour; ESS score ≥ 10; no current drug or mechanical treatment for OSA Exclusion criteria: unwillingness or inability to perform the testing procedure; obstructive or restrictive lung disease demonstrated on pulmonary function testing; current use of cardioactive drugs; cardiac rhythm disturbances, including sinus bradycardia and sinus tachycardia; known hypertension, or 24-hour mean BP of ≥ 135 and/or 85 mmHg; LVEF < 50%; ischaemic or valvular heart disease; hypertrophic, restrictive, or infiltrative cardiomyopathy; pericardial disease or stroke; diabetes mellitus; BMI > 40 kg/m2 daytime hypoxemia (PaO2 < 70 mmHg) or hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 45 mmHg) Withdrawal criteria: clinical exacerbation leading to a change in medication; hospital admission for ≥ 10 days; average nightly CPAP usage < 3.5 hours |
Interventions | CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 12 weeks on each treatment Washout: not stated |
Outcomes | Echocardiographic parameters, BP recordings, urinary catecholamine levels | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | No information |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Reported as double blind. Patients were given detailed instructions on using CPAP equipment, but they were not informed of the type of therapy they were receiving. All ECGs were performed by an echocardiographer, unaware of both the subject’s group and the patient’s treatment assignment at each visit. Not clear if other outcome assessors were blinded |
Arias 200686
Methods | Double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Twenty-three patients randomised (males = 22, females = 1), of which 21 completed the study Baseline characteristics of the randomised patients (n = 23): mean age: 51 years; BMI: 30.9 kg/m2; AHI: 44.1; daytime SBP: 127 mmHg; daytime DBP: 79 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 10; ESS score ≥ 10; no previous treatment for OSA Exclusion criteria: obstructive or restrictive lung disease demonstrated on pulmonary function testing; connective-tissue or chronic thromboembolic diseases; current cardioactive drugs; cardiac rhythm disturbances, including sinus bradycardia and sinus tachycardia; known hypertension, or 24-hour mean BP of 135 mmHg and/or 85 mmHg or more; LVEF 50%, ischaemic or valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, pericardial disease or stroke; diabetes mellitus; BMI > 40 kg/m2; daytime hypoxaemia or hypercapnia; history of cocaine or appetite-suppressant drug use Withdrawal criteria were: clinical exacerbation leading to a change in medication; hospital admission for ≥ 10 days; and average night CPAP usage < 3.5 hour |
Interventions | CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 12 weeks on each treatment Washout: no washout |
Outcomes | Echocardiographic parameters, BP recordings, urinary catecholamine levels | |
Notes | Jadad score = 4 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Patients were randomised by one of the investigators, by means of a computer-generated randomisation list using random numbers, to receive either effective CPAP or sham CPAP for two 12-week periods |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Reported as double blind. Not clear if outcome assessors were blinded |
Ballester 199987
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP and CT vs. CT alone | |
Participants | One hundred and five patients randomised (males = 92, females = 13) No withdrawals recorded Baseline characteristics of the CPAP + CT group (n = 68): mean age: 53 years; BMI: 32 kg/m2; AHI: 55 events/hour; ESS score: 12.1 Baseline characteristics of the CT-only group (n = 37): mean age: 54 years; BMI: 34 kg/m2; AHI: 58 events/hour; ESS score: 11.4 Inclusion criteria: AHI > 15 events/hour plus severe clinical symptoms or AHI > 10 events/hour with mild to moderate clinical symptoms Exclusion criteria: severe or unstable CVD or a hazardous job coincident with OSAH (drivers or those who handled dangerous machinery) |
Interventions | CPAP and CT (postural advice, avoid sedatives and alcohol, lose weight) vs. CT alone Study duration: 12 weeks on treatment Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | ESS score, associated symptom score, daytime function, Nottingham Health Profile score | |
Notes | Jadad score = 1 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised. Randomly allocated two patients in the CPAP group for every patient who received only CT. No other information available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Information not available |
Barbé 200188
Methods | Randomised placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Fifty-five patients randomised, of which 54 completed the trial (males = 49, female = 5) Baseline characteristics of the completed CPAP group (n = 29): mean age: 54 years; BMI: 29 kg/m2; AHI: 54 events/hour; ESS score: 7; FOSQ: 102; SF-36 PCS: 49; SF-36 MCS: 51; mean diurnal SBP: 130 mmHg; mean diurnal DBP: 82 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the completed sham CPAP group (n = 25): mean age: 52 years; BMI: 29 kg/m2; AHI: 57 events/hour; ESS score: 7; FOSQ: 107; SF-36 PCS: 48; SF-36 MCS: 50; mean diurnal SBP: 127 mmHg; mean diurnal DBP: 80 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 30 events/hour; ESS score ≤ 10; no or mild daytime sleepiness according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders Exclusion criteria: cognitive deterioration of any cause, chronic underlying disease affecting QoL; severe cardiac disease; < 8 years of formal education; illicit drugs use; excessive alcohol consumption |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 6 weeks on treatment Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, MLST, SF-36, FOSQ, Steer-Clear, PASAT, BP | |
Notes | Jadad score = 4 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | A computer generated random number list generated with SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to assign patients |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Information not available |
Barbé 201289
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. no active intervention | |
Participants | Seven hundred and twenty-five patients randomised, of whom 723 included in analysis (males = 619, females = 104) Baseline characteristics of the control (no active intervention) group (n = 366): mean age: 51.8 years; BMI: 31.1 kg/m2; AHI: 35 events/hour; time with SaO2 < 90%: 6%; ESS score: 6.5; neck circumference: 42.0 cm; mean SBP: 130.9 mmHg; mean DBP: 79.9 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 357): mean age: 52.0 years; BMI: 31.3 kg/m2; AHI: 42 events/hour; time with SaO2 <90%: 8%; ESS score: 6.5; neck circumference: 42.4 cm; mean SBP: 131.6 mmHg; mean DBP: 80.0 mmHg Inclusion criteria: 18–70 years old, AHI ≥ 20 events/hour, no daytime hypersomnolence (i.e. ESS score ≤ 10) Exclusion criteria: any physical or psychological incapacity, any previous CVE, chronic disease, drug or alcohol addiction, chronic intake of hypnotics, or refusal to participate in the study |
Interventions | Active CPAP or no active intervention NOTE: All participants in both arms of the trial received sleep hygiene advice and dietary counselling for weight loss from sleep unit staff. There was no specific weight loss programme, and patients were referred to their GP to monitor weight loss Study duration: 3 years on either treatment Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | Incidence of systemic hypertension in participants who were normotensive at baseline, incidence of CVE among all participants BP, ESS score, weight, CPAP adherence |
Notes | Non sleepy OSA patients only recruited: ESS score ≤ 10 but AHI ≥ 20 events/hour Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Eligible patients were randomly assigned in a 1 : 1 ratio to receive CPAP treatment or no active intervention. Randomisation was performed using a computer-generated list of random numbers in the co-ordinating centre and was stratified by centre |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | The results were mailed in numbered opaque envelopes. The co-ordinating centre saved a sealed copy of the randomisation list sent to each centre |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP vs. no intervention compared |
Barnes 200290
Methods | Randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. placebo tablet | |
Participants | Forty-two randomised (males = 35, females = 7), of which 28 completed the study Baseline characteristics for randomised patients (n = 42): mean age: 45.5 years; BMI: 30.2 kg/m2; AHI: 12.9 events/hour; ESS score: 11.2; FOSQ total score: 0.8; mean diurnal SBP: 132 mmHg; mean diurnal DBP: 84 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI 5–30 events/hour; age > 18 years old Exclusion criteria: min. blood O2 saturation < 75% in REM and 80% in NREM; clinically significant coexisting disease (e.g. diabetes, unstable ischaemic heart disease); sleepiness deemed to be unsafe and requiring urgent treatment, non-fluent in the English language; history of cerebrovascular disease, closed head injury associated with loss of consciousness > 15 minutes in duration, psychiatric illness, or alcohol or drug abuse |
Interventions | CPAP vs. oral placebo (lactose tablet) Study duration: 8 weeks per treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | AHI, 4% ODI, ESS score, MLST, FOSQ, SF-36, Steer Clear; preference, BP | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | No | Randomisation was conducted by picking a piece of paper with a treatment order written on it out of a box, and then that piece of paper was placed back in the box |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP compared with placebo tablet (single blinded) |
Barnes 200423
Methods | Three–way crossover RCT of CPAP vs. MAD vs. placebo tablet | |
Participants | One hundred and fourteen patients with mild to moderate OSA (AHI 5–30 events/hour) recruited (males = 91, females = 23), of whom 80 completed all three treatment arms Mean age: 47 years; BMI: 31.1 kg/m2; AHI: 21.3 events/hour; ESS score: 10.7 Inclusion criteria: AHI 5–30 events/hour Exclusion criteria: poor dentition |
Interventions | Nasal CPAP vs. MAD vs. placebo tablet Study duration: 12 weeks per treatment Washout: 2 weeks between treatments |
Outcomes | Sleep hypoxemia – AHI, 4% ODI Daytime sleepiness – ESS score, MWT QoL – FOSQ, SF-36 Neurobehavioral function and mood – NAB, PASAT 1.2, PVT, BDI BP |
Notes | Intention-to-treat analysis Jadad score = 2 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Randomisation was conducted by blindly selecting one of six pieces of paper from a box. On each piece of paper were written instructions to follow one of the six possible treatment orders. The paper was then replaced in the box in preparation for the next patient randomisation |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD and CPAP compared with placebo tablet (single blinded) |
Becker 200391
Methods | Randomised placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Sixty patients randomised, of which 32 completed the trial (males = 29, females = 3) Baseline characteristics of the completed CPAP group (n = 16): mean age: 54.4 years; BMI: 33.3 kg/m2; AHI: 62.5 events/hour; ESS score: 14.4; mean SBP: 135.9 mmHg; mean DBP: 83.4 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the completed subtherapeutic CPAP group (n = 16): mean age: 52.3 years; BMI: 33.5 kg/m2; AHI: 65.0 events/hour; ESS score: 14.1; mean SBP: 136.2 mmHg; mean DBP: 81.1 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 5 events/hour, ESS score ≥ 10 Exclusion criteria: predominantly central sleep apnoea; respiratory failure; heart failure (NYHA class III or IV); myocardial infarction 3 months before the study; relevant cardiac arrhythmia (second- and third-degree heart block or premature ventricular contractions in Lown classes IV or V); professional drivers |
Interventions | Therapeutic CPAP vs. sham (subtherapeutic) CPAP Study duration: 9 weeks on average Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, BP, sleep parameters | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | No information |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Randomisation was performed on the telephone by a person who was otherwise not involved in the study |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Not double blind. Used a single-blind study design because a method for applying therapeutic and subtherapeutic nCPAP in a double-blind fashion was not available |
Blanco 200570
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of MAD vs. control MAD Method of allocation unclear |
Participants | Twenty-four patients with mixed severity OSA (AHI ≥ 10 events/hour) recruited, of whom 15 completed the study (only data from these 15 presented) (males = 13, females = 2) Mean age: 53.5 years; BMI: 28.3 kg/m2; AHI: 24.0–33.8 events/hour; ESS score: 14.7–16.3 Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 10 events/hour; two OSA symptoms Exclusion criteria: age > 75 years; BMI > 40 kg/m2; poor dentition, TMJ problems |
Interventions | MAD vs. control MAD without advancement Study duration: 12 weeks on treatment |
Outcomes | Sleep – AHI Symptoms – ESS score, snoring scale QoL – FOSQ, SF-36 |
Notes | Indication that it was per-protocol analysis Jadad score = 2 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Presentation of control intervention different; information on whether or not it was described as being an alternative treatment to intervention not available |
Campos-Rodriguez 200692
Methods | Randomised placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Seventy-two patients randomised, of whom 68 completed the trial (males = 41, females = 27) Baseline characteristics of the completed CPAP group (n = 34): mean age: 55.3 years; BMI: 35.7 kg/m2; AHI: 58.3 events/hour; ESS score: 15.0; mean 24 our SBP: 131.9 mmHg; mean 24-hour DBP: 78.4 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the completed sham CPAP group (n = 34): mean age: 58.0 years; BMI: 33.8 kg/m2; AHI: 59.5 events/hour; ESS score: 13.6; mean 24-hour SBP: 130.4 mmHg; mean 24 hour DBP: 77.6 mmHg Inclusion criteria: aged between 30 and 70 years; AHI ≥ 10 events/hour; previous diagnosis of systemic arterial hypertension with treatment of hypertension with at least one drug for at least 3 months previous to the inclusion in the study Exclusion criteria: > 30% central sleep apnoea; respiratory failure; heart failure (NYHA class III or IV); ischaemic heart disease; cardiac arrhythmia; neoplastic or systemic diseases; secondary hypertension; professional drivers |
Interventions | Therapeutic CPAP vs. sham (subtherapeutic) CPAP Study duration: 4 weeks on average Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, BP | |
Notes | Jadad score = 4 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | No information |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Patients were randomly assigned to either therapeutic or subtherapeutic CPAP groups using a series of pre-sealed envelopes |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Patients were naive to CPAP and did not know if they were prescribed an effective or subtherapeutic pressure. The research faculty who assigned patients to treatment groups did not take part in the outcome assessments, and the nurse who fitted the monitors did not know the treatment group of the patients. Investigators that assessed the study outcome were unaware of the randomisation status, making the study double blind |
Chakravorty 200293
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. lifestyle intervention (conservative measurement) | |
Participants | Seventy-one patients randomised, of whom 53 completed the trial (sex not reported) Baseline characteristics of the completed CPAP group (n = 32): mean age: 49 years; BMI: 40 kg/m2; AHI: 55 events/hour; ESS score: 16.0; neck circumference: 50 cm; EuroQol thermometer: 59 Baseline characteristics of the completed lifestyle intervention group (n = 21): mean age: 52 years; BMI: 32.3 kg/m2; AHI: 35 events/hour; ESS score: 14; neck circumference: 45 cm; EuroQol thermometer: 68 Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 15 events/hour Exclusion criteria: neuromuscular disorders, hypothyroidism and associated respiratory diseases |
Interventions | CPAP vs. lifestyle intervention (verbal advice, leaflet of strategies for sleep hygiene, stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake, controlling stress, verbal and written advice in ideal body weight, weight reduction and exercise) Study duration: 3 months Washout: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, EuroQol | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised. No other information |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | No information |
Coughlin 200794
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Thirty-five patients randomised, 34 patients analysed (all male) Baseline characteristics of the analysed patients (n = 34): mean age: 49.0 years; BMI: 36.1 kg/m2; RDI apnoea: 39.7; ESS score: 13.8; neck circumference: 48.0 cm Inclusion criteria: untreated male patients with OSAH Exclusion criteria: other medical conditions; on medication; abnormality on baseline ECG; evidence of diabetes (fasting blood glucose ≥ 7.1 mmol/l); renal, liver or cardiac disease; symptoms of peripheral neuropathy or a waking DBP and SBP ≥ 110 mmHg and ≥ 180 mmHg, respectively; or BP requiring treatment |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 6 weeks on each treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | ESS score, waking BP, metabolic variables (e.g. fasting glucose) | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Randomisation used a computer-generated sequence of random numbers |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Investigators were blinded to treatment allocation so were unaware of the order of treatment group assignment |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | CPAP was provided by a technician unconnected with the study, so that both subject and investigators were blinded to treatment allocation |
Craig 201295
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. standard care | |
Participants | Three hundred and ninety-one patients randomised (males = 305, females = 86), 341 included in ESS score analysis Baseline characteristics of the control (standard care) group (n = 196): mean age: 57.6 years; BMI: 32.5 kg/m2; ODI: 9.4; ESS score: 8.0; neck circumference: 43.0 cm; mean SBP: 129.6 mmHg; mean DBP: 81.3 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 195): mean age: 57.9 years; BMI: 32.2 kg/m2; ODI: 10.2; ESS score: 7.9; neck circumference: 42.5 cm; mean SBP: 129.7 mmHg; mean DBP: 81.3 mmHg Inclusion criteria: aged 45–75 years, OSA on the diagnostic sleep study, with > 7.5 per hour oxygen desaturation index (ODI) of > 4%, insufficient daytime OSA symptoms to warrant CPAP therapy but ESS score could be above the conventional upper normal limit of 9 when this was not accompanied by patient concerns Exclusion criteria: ventilatory failure, Cheyne–Stokes breathing, previous exposure to CPAP, SBP > 180 mmHg or DBP > 110 mmHg on three successive measurements during the eligibility assessment, a HGV or public service vehicle driver’s licence, previous sleep-related accident Disability precluding either informed consent or compliance with the protocol |
Interventions | CPAP vs. standard care. The standard care group had an identical planned visit schedule to the CPAP group. Both groups were asked to continue on their normal medication and not given any specific advice regarding diet and exercise. MAD without advancement Study duration: 6 months on either treatment |
Outcomes | ESS score, composite vascular risk end point, BP, lipids, glucose metabolism, obesity measures, vascular events, sleep apnoea severity (ODI), health status: SF-36, SAQLI, EQ-5D | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Randomisation was carried out by telephoning the MRC CTU, using minimisation with a random element of 80%; the minimisation factors were OSA severity (ODI, above or below 20/hour), risk score (above or below 40) and participating centre |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP vs. standard care compared |
Diaferia 201396
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial Four arms: CPAP vs. ST vs. placebo (sham ST) vs. combination (CPAP + ST) |
Participants | One hundred and forty patients randomised, 100 completed and included in analysis Baseline characteristics of the placebo group (n = 24): mean age: 42.9 years; BMI: 28.6 kg/m2; AHI: 27.8 events/hour; ESS score: 12.8; neck circumference: 41.9 cm Baseline characteristics of the ST group (n = 27): mean age: 45.2 years; BMI: 25.0 kg/m2; AHI: 28.0 events/hour; ESS score: 13.7; neck circumference: 41.6 cm Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 27): mean age: 46.4 years; BMI: 28.7 kg/m2; AHI: 34.4 events/hour; ESS score: 12.0; neck circumference: 41.9 cm Baseline characteristics of the combination group (n = 22): mean age: 47.5 years; BMI: 27.9 kg/m2; AHI: 30.4 events/hour; ESS score: 12.0; neck circumference: 42.4 cm Inclusion criteria: OSA based on clinical and polysomnographic criteria independently of severity, male, age 25–65 years, BMI < 35 kg/m2 Exclusion criteria: lower levels of education attainment; presence of other sleep disorders or previous treatment for OSA; severe or decompensated clinical or psychiatric diseases; use of alcohol, stimulants or sedatives; craniofacial or upper airway anatomic alterations; grade III or IV palatine tonsils, grade II or III septal deviation, evident micrognathia |
Interventions | CPAP vs. ST vs. placebo (sham ST) vs. combination (CPAP + ST) Study duration: 3 months on treatment |
Outcomes | QoL questionnaires (FOSQ, WHOQoL and SF-36), ESS score, polysomnography, ST assessment | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP vs. ST compared |
Drager 200697
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. no treatment | |
Participants | Sixteen patients randomised (sex not disclosed) Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 8): mean age: 45 years; BMI: 31 kg/m2; AHI: 54 events/hour; SBP: 118 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the no-treatment group (n = 8): mean age: 47; BMI: 30 kg/m2; AHI: 65 events/hour; SBP: 125 mmHg Inclusion criteria: normotensive patients; AHI > 30 events/hour; untreated OSA Exclusion criteria: no information |
Interventions | CPAP vs. no treatment Study duration: 3 months |
Outcomes | Arterial stiffness, BP, cholesterol level, heart rate | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 Conference abstract – insufficient outcome data available |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | No information given but was CPAP vs. no treatment so patients would not have been blinded |
Drager 200798
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. no treatment | |
Participants | Twenty-four patients randomised and completed the trial (all male) Baseline characteristics of the control group (n = 12): mean age: 47 years; BMI: 29.7 kg/m2; AHI: 62 events/hour; ESS score: 13; SBP: 122 mmHg; DBP: 66 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 12): mean age: 44 years; BMI: 29.9 kg/m2; AHI: 56 events/hour; ESS score: 14; SBP: 123 mmHg; DBP: 73 mmHg Inclusion criteria: male; sleep study within 1 month showing severe OSA (AHI > 30 events/hour) and naive to treatment Exclusion criteria: age > 60 years; BMI > 35 kg/m2; diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, valvular heart disease, renal failure; current or past smoking history; chronic use of any medication |
Interventions | CPAP vs. no treatment Study duration: 4 months |
Outcomes | Carotid intima–media thickness, vascular parameters (arterial stiffness, carotid intima–media thickness and carotid diameter), 24-hour BP, cholesterol, catecholamines and C-reactive protein, ESS score | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Computer-generated list of random numbers |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP vs. no treatment |
Duran 200271
Methods | Randomised, crossover trial Method of allocation not clear |
Participants | Forty-four participants recruited, 38 participants completed the study (four women) Mean age: 46.5 years; BMI: 27.7 kg/m2; AHI: 15.3 events/hour Inclusion criteria: mild OSA (AHI > 5 events/hour) and snoring |
Interventions | MAD vs. MAD in centric occlusion Study duration: unclear Study preceded by a 12–18 week acclimatisation period |
Outcomes | AHI, symptoms, tolerability | |
Notes | ||
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Presentation of control intervention different; information on whether or not it was described as being an alternative treatment to intervention not available |
Durán-Cantolla 201099
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial Two arms: CPAP vs. sham CPAP |
Participants | Three hundred and forty patients randomised (males = 277, females = 63) and 272 completed the trial Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 169): mean age: 53.2 years; BMI: 31.9 kg/m2; AHI: 44.5 events/hour; lowest SaO2: 79.9%; ESS score: 10.3; SBP: 131.1 mmHg; DBP: 82.5 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the control (sham CPAP) group (n = 171): mean age: 51.7 years; BMI: 31.9 kg/m2; AHI: 42.5 events/hour; lowest SaO2: 80.1%; ESS score: 9.8; SBP: 128.8 mmHg; DBP: 81.8 mmHg Inclusion criteria: aged 18–75 years, recent diagnosis of hypertension, untreated hypertension, habitual snorers Exclusion criteria: secondary systemic hypertension, BP > 80/110 mmHg, cognitive deterioration, professional drivers, handled dangerous machinery, worked shifts, pregnancy, life threatening OSA or severe chronic disease, previous OSA treatment or patients for whom CPAP treatment was not appropriate, antihypertensive, psychotropic, stimulatory, antidepressant or illicit drug users, excessive alcohol intake |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 12 weeks |
Outcomes | BP, ESS score, EuroQol | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | An external health research unit generated the allocation sequence, using a computerised randomisation procedure |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | When an eligible patient was identified, the clinician sent the patient’s identification information by e-mail, and the group assignation to either optimal therapeutic CPAP or sham CPAP was returned within 24 hours |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Patients and outcome assessors blinded to treatment allocation |
Engleman 1996100
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. oral tablet | |
Participants | Sixteen patients randomised, 13 patients completed (males = 11, females = 2) Mean age: 51 years; BMI: 36 kg/m2; AHI: 49 events/hour Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 5 events/hour; at least two symptoms of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome Exclusion criteria: not stated |
Interventions | CPAP vs. oral placebo tablet Study duration: between 3–5 weeks per treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | 24-hour ambulatory BP | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP and oral tablet compared so not double blind. No information about assessors |
Engleman 1997101
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. oral tablet | |
Participants | 18 patients randomised, 16 patients completed (males = 12, females = 4) Baseline characteristics of the completed patients (n = 16): mean age: 52 years; BMI: 29.8 kg/m2; AHI: 11 events/hour; ESS score: 14 (ESS score data from nine patients only) Inclusion criteria: AHI 5.0–14.9 events/hour; at least two symptoms of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome Exclusion criteria: co-existing neurological or sleep disorders; residence outside a 50-mile radius from the laboratory |
Interventions | CPAP vs. oral placebo tablet (ranitidine 300 mg homologue, Glaxo, Greenford, UK, in a dose of two tablets at bedtime) Study duration: 4 weeks per treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | Sleepiness (e.g. MSLT, ESS score), cognitive function, psychiatric morbidity (e.g. HADS), CPAP compliance | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP and oral tablet compared so not double blind. No information about assessors |
Engleman 1998102
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. oral tablet | |
Participants | Twenty-three patients randomised (males = 21, females = 2), 22 patients analysed Baseline characteristics of the randomised patients (n = 23): mean age: 47 years; BMI: 30 kg/m2; AHI: 43 events/hour; ESS score: 12 (ESS score data from 22 patients only) Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 15 events/hour; at least two symptoms of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome Exclusion criteria: lung disease; neurological disorders; co-existing sleep disorders; residence outside a 50-mile radius from the Scottish National Sleep Centre |
Interventions | CPAP vs. oral placebo tablet (Glaxo, UK) Study duration: 4 weeks per treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | ESS score, AHI, MSLT, cognitive function, psychiatric wellbeing, preference | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 Intention-to-treat analysis |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Described as single blind. CPAP and oral tablet compared. No further information |
Engleman 1999103
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. oral tablet | |
Participants | Thirty-seven patients randomised, 34 patients completed (males = 21, females = 13) Baseline characteristics of completed patients (n = 34): mean age: 44 years; BMI: 30 kg/m2; AHI: 10 events/hour; ESS score: 13 Inclusion criteria: at least two symptoms of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, including: AHI 5.0–14.9 events/hour; ESS score ≥ 8 Exclusion criteria: lung disease; neurological disorders; co-existing sleep disorders; residence outside a 50-mile radius from the laboratory; shift workers |
Interventions | CPAP vs. oral placebo tablet (Glaxo, Greenford, UK) Study duration: 4 weeks per treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | ESS score, SF-36, MSLT, cognitive function, psychiatric well-being, preference | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 Intention-to-treat analysis Full study following on from a pilot study |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Not double blind as CPAP and oral tablet compared. No further information |
Engleman 200222
Methods | Two–way crossover randomised trial Patient randomisation stratified by severity of OSA (AHI ≥ 15 events/hour or < 15 events/hour) using balanced blocks of four. Patients then randomised to two arms: CPAP and one of two MADs |
Participants | Fifty-one patients with mixed severity OSA (AHI ≥ 5 events/hour) recruited, of which 48 completed both treatment arms (males = 36, females = 12) Mean age: 46 years; BMI: 28–31 kg/m2; AHI: 31 events/hour; ESS score: 14 Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 5 events/hour and ≥ two symptoms including sleepiness Exclusion criteria: poor dentition, co-existing sleep disorder, medical conditions, shift work or residency > 50 miles from Edinburgh |
Interventions | CPAP vs. one of two MADs (occlusal or non-occlusal coverage) Study duration: 8 weeks per treatment Washout: not mentioned |
Outcomes | Treatment effectiveness – AHI Treatment use – acceptability, satisfaction, preference Symptoms and sleepiness – ESS score, MWT, FOSQ, daytime sleep Well-being – FOSQ, SF-36, HADS Cognitive performance – PASAT 2, Trailmaking B, SteerClear, performance IQ decrement score |
Notes | Intention-to-treat analysis Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD and CPAP compared |
Faccenda 2001104
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. oral tablet | |
Participants | Seventy-one patients randomised, 68 patients analysed (males = 55, females = 13) Baseline characteristics of analysed patients (n = 68): median age: 50 years; BMI: 30 kg/m2; AHI: 35; ESS score: 15; neck circumference: 40 cm Inclusion criteria: at least two symptoms of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome; AHI ≥ 15 Exclusion criteria: sleepiness when driving; residence outside a 50-mile radius from the laboratory; shift workers; diabetes; BP changing drugs |
Interventions | CPAP vs. oral placebo tablet (Glaxo, UK) Study duration: 4 weeks per treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | ESS score, AHI, BP, FOSQ | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 Intention-to-treat analysis Median baseline values not mean |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Patient was randomised using a balanced block design |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Not double blind as CPAP and oral tablet compared. All data were manually checked for artefact by an observer who was blinded to the treatment status of the patient |
Ferguson 199678
Methods | Two–way crossover randomised trial Patients randomised to two arms: nCPAP and MAD |
Participants | Twenty-seven patients with mild to moderate OSA (AHI 15–50) recruited (males = 24, females = 3), of which 25 completed both treatment arms Mean age: 46.2 years; BMI: 30.4 kg/m2; AHI: 24.5 events/hour Inclusion criteria: AHI 15–50 events/hour Exclusion criteria: poor dentition or residency outside the metropolitan Vancouver area |
Interventions | nCPAP vs. MAD Study duration: 16 weeks per treatment Washout: 2 weeks between treatments 2 week wash in before randomisation |
Outcomes | Treatment effectiveness – AHI, AI, TST, desaturations < 90%, min. SaO2, sleep efficiency, arousals Treatment use – satisfaction, preference Symptoms and sleepiness – in-house questionnaires |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD and CPAP compared |
Ferguson 199779
Methods | Two–way crossover randomised trial Patients randomised to two arms: nCPAP and MAD |
Participants | Twenty-four patients with mild to moderate OSA (AHI 15–55 events/hour) recruited (males = 19, females = 5), of which 20 completed both treatment arms Mean age: 44.0 years; BMI: 32.0 kg/m2; AHI: 26.8 events/hour; ESS score: 10.7 Inclusion criteria: AHI 15–55 events/hour Exclusion criteria: poor dentition or residency outside the metropolitan Vancouver area |
Interventions | nCPAP vs. MAD Study duration: 16 weeks per treatment Washout: 2 weeks between treatments 2 week wash in before randomisation |
Outcomes | Treatment effectiveness – AHI, AI, TST, desaturations < 90%, min. SaO2, sleep latency, NREM, REM, arousals Treatment use – compliance and preference Symptoms and sleepiness – ESS score, in-house questionnaires |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD and CPAP compared |
Fleetham 199880
Methods | Randomised, prospective, unblended parallel-group study comparing MAD with nCPAP | |
Participants | One hundred and one patients (AHI > 10 events/hour) recruited and randomised. Fifty-one to receive nCPAP, 50 to receive MAD (males = 96, females = 5) Mean baseline values for nCPAP group: age: 49.0 years, BMI: 32.0 kg/m2; AHI: 37.6 events/hour; min. SaO2: 75.8; ESS score: 12.8; SAQLI: 4.2 Mean baseline values for MAD group: age: 46.2 years, BMI: 31.4 kg/m2; AHI: 38.7 events/hour; min. SaO2: 73.6; ESS score: 11.1; SAQLI: 4.2 Inclusion criteria = AHI > 10 |
Interventions | nCPAP or MAD Study duration: 3 months |
Outcomes | AHI, min. SaO2, ESS score, SAQLI | |
Notes | Jadad score = 1 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, no other information available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | OA and CPAP compared |
Gagnadoux 200924
Methods | Randomised crossover trial Two arms: MAD vs. CPAP |
Participants | Fifty-nine patients randomised (males = 46, females = 13) and 56 completed the trial Baseline characteristics of the 59 randomised patients: mean age: 50.3 years; BMI: 26.7 kg/m2; AHI: 34.2 events/hour; ESS score: 10.6 Inclusion criteria: 18–70 years with newly diagnosed OSAH; AHI 10–60 events/hour and two more symptoms of OSAH including: snoring, witnessed apnoea or complaint of daytime sleepiness Exclusion criteria: previous treatment for OSAH, BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2, coexisting sleep disorder other than OSAH, inadequate dental structure, TMJ disease contraindicating MAD treatment as assessed by dentist, unstable medical illness, severe sleepiness which may constitute risk to self or others |
Interventions | MAD vs. CPAP Study duration: 8 weeks on each treatment Washout period = 1 week |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, OSLER test, HRQoL (Nottingham health profile); trial making A and B cognitive tests for attention and concentration | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP vs. MAD compared |
Gotsopoulos 200272
Methods | Two–way crossover randomised trial Patients randomised to two arms: MAD and control MAD |
Participants | Eighty-five patients recruited, 73 patients with OSA (RDI ≥ 10) randomised (males = 59, females = 14) Mean age: 48 years; BMI: 29.0 kg/m2; RDI: 27.1; ESS score: 11 Inclusion criteria: RDI ≥ 10, > 20 years old, able to protrude mandible by at least 3 mm Exclusion criteria: predominant CSA, conflicting medications/psychiatric disease, poor dentition or exaggerated gag reflex |
Interventions | MAD vs. control MAD without advancement Study duration: 4 weeks per treatment Washout: 1 week between treatments Patients had 8 ± 4 weeks (range 2–22 weeks) to adjust to MAD advancement before a 1-week washout before randomisation and subsequent treatment allocation |
Outcomes | Treatment effectiveness – RDI, min. SaO2, TST, sleep efficiency, arousal index, snoring frequency and intensity Treatment use – compliance and satisfaction Symptoms and sleepiness – ESS score, in-house questionnaires, MSLT |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Sequence allocation determined by a random number generator |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Investigators unaware as to order of treatment group assignment |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Two treatments not identical in presentation but control treatment described as an alternative treatment to participants (single blind) |
Haensel 2007105
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial Two arms: CPAP vs. sham CPAP |
Participants | Fifty patients randomised and completed the trial (males = 40, females = 10) Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 25): mean age: 48.2 years; BMI: 33.1 kg/m2; AHI: 63.6 events/hour; mean SaO2: 92.9 Baseline characteristics of the sham CPAP group (n = 25): mean age: 49.0 years; BMI: 33.7 kg/m2; AHI: 58.4 events/hour; mean SaO2: 92.8 Inclusion criteria: history of snoring and daytime sleepiness, age 30–65 years, weight 100–200% of body weight per Metropolitan Life Insurance tables, AHI ≥ 15 events/hour on PSG Exclusion criteria: history of heart, liver or renal disease, diabetes, psychosis, narcolepsy, current alcohol or drug abuse, severe asthma or cerebrovascular disease, a history of depression, BP > 170/105 SaO2 mmHg, patients who were taking antihypertensive medication had their medication tapered slowly in 2–3 steps for 3 weeks before admission |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 2 weeks on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI, O2 saturation < 90%, mean O2 saturation, total sleep time, sleep efficiency, POMS | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Study described as double blind |
Hans 199773
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of OA vs. minimally active (placebo) OA Then seven of those on placebo crossed over to OA |
Participants | Twenty-four adult volunteers (RDI < 30) recruited, of which 18 completed (males = 83%, females = 17%) Mean age: 51.9 years Active OA group (A) means: BMI: 29.5 kg/m2; RDI: 35.6; ESS score: 12.0 Placebo OA group (B) means: BMI: 29.4 kg/m2; RDI: 36.5; ESS score: 13.0 Inclusion criteria: RDI < 30 Exclusion criteria: systemic diseases apart from OSAS, pregnancy, prisoners, minors, chronic illnesses, mental disability, RDI > 30 with pathophysiological symptoms, edentulism, previous corrective surgery for snoring of OSA, non-OSAS sleep disorders (e.g. PLM), CNS disease, psychiatric disease, alcoholism, severe obstructive or restrictive lung diseases, unstable ischaemic heart disease, pulmonary oedema, poorly controlled hypertension, use of sedative/hypnotic medication, shift workers |
Interventions | Participants were randomised to either active oral appliance or minimally active oral appliance | |
Outcomes | RDI, ESS score | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Presentation of control intervention different; information on whether or not it was described as being an alternative treatment to intervention not available |
Henke 2001106
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled partial crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Forty-five patients randomised (males = 25, females = 20), of which 39 patients completed the entire study Baseline characteristics of randomised patients in the CPAP group (n = 27): mean age: 50.2 years; BMI: 42.7 kg/m2; AHI: 62.1 events/hour; ESS score: 16.4 Baseline characteristics of randomised patients in the sham CPAP/CPAP group (n = 18): mean age: 50.6 years; BMI: 42.2 kg/m2; AHI: 68.1 events/hour; ESS score: 16.0 Inclusion criteria: AHI > 10 events/hour + daytime sleepiness or AHI > 20 events/hour ± daytime sleepiness Exclusion criteria: previous treatment for sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome; oxygen saturation < 85% for > 50% of the sleep time; clinical signs of right-sided congestive heart failure; claustrophobia or nasal obstruction preventing use of nasal CPAP |
Interventions | Sham-CPAP group received treatment for 15 days then crossed over and received CPAP for rest of treatment period. CPAP received treatment for entire period Study duration: 6 weeks per treatment group Washout: none |
Outcomes | ESS score, AHI, ODI, Steer Clear | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Described as double blind. Neither subjects nor staff who had contact with the subjects or their records knew the group to which the subjects belonged. At study entry, the subjects were informed that during the course of the study they may or may not be receiving effective treatment but that every subject would receive effective treatment for at least part of the study |
Hoekema 200881
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial Two arms: CPAP vs. MAD |
Participants | One hundred and three patients randomised (males = 92, females = 11), of which 99 completed the trial Baseline characteristics of the MAD group (n = 51): age: 48.8 years; BMI: 32.3 kg/m2; neck circumference: 43.8 cm; AHI: 39.4 events/hour; ESS score: 12.9; FOSQ total score: 13.7; SBP: 150.8 mmHg; DBP: 93.1 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 52): age: 49.4 years; BMI: 33.3 kg/m2; neck circumference: 44.5 cm; AHI: 40.3 events/hour; ESS score: 14.2; FOSQ total score: 13.9; SBP: 151.5 mmHg; DBP: 91.6 mmHg Inclusion criteria: age > 20 years, diagnosis of OSA on PSG Exclusion criteria: Medical and psychological exclusion criteria: Previous treatment for OSA (CPAP, oral appliance therapy or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty); reversible morphological airway abnormalities (compromised nasal passage, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, upper-airway or pulmonary neoplasm, or upper-airway soft tissue or craniofacial abnormality); endocrine dysfunction (hypothyroidism, acromegaly, or pituitary adenoma); reported or documented history of severe cardiac or pulmonary disease (daytime respiratory insufficiency, severe COPD (Tiffeneau index < 40%), heart failure, coronary disease or severe cardiac arrhythmias); moderate or severe PLMD (PLM index > 25); psychological conditions precluding informed consent (mental retardation or psychiatric disorder; e.g. depression or schizophrenia) Dental criteria for exclusion: Extensive periodontal disease or tooth decay; active TMJ disease (including severe bruxism); restrictions in mouth opening (< 25 mm) or advancement of the mandible (< 5 mm); partial or complete edentulism (< 8 teeth in upper or lower jaw) |
Interventions | CPAP vs. MAD Study duration: 8 weeks on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, FOSQ, SF-36, hospital anxiety and depression scale, treatment usage and satisfaction | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | The clinical epidemiologist for the study made computer-generated randomisation sequences, balancing for disease severity. The randomisation sequences were used for selecting random permuted blocks with lengths of 2, 4, and 6 numbers |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | The randomisation sequences were concealed and administered by Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery staff. After each person’s serial number and diagnosis of disease severity were provided, the treatment was disclosed. Each serial number could be provided only once |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP vs. MAD compared |
Hoyos 2012107
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Sixty-five patients randomised (all male), of which 46 completed trial Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 34): age: 51.0 years; BMI: 31.6 kg/m2; AHI: 38.5 events/hour; ESS score: 10.0; 3% ODI: 32.0 Baseline characteristics of the control (sham CPAP) group (n = 31): age: 46.4 years; BMI: 31.0 kg/m2; AHI: 41.5 events/hour; ESS score: 10.2; 3% ODI: 34.9 Inclusion criteria: adults ≥ 18 years, male, AHI ≥ 20 events/hour and 3% ODI ≥ 15 on PSG Exclusion criteria: type II diabetes mellitus; previously used CPAP; min. O2 saturation < 65%, AHI > 80 events/hour, requiring immediate CPAP as a result of excessive sleepiness in relation to the subject’s occupation; uncontrolled concurrent medical, drug abuse or psychiatric illness; contraindication to CPAP therapy; irregular sleep patterns such as shift workers; participation in another clinical trial in the previous 30 days |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 12 weeks on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, metabolic outcomes | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | A computer program produced randomised permuted blocks with a block size of four. Participants were assigned to real or sham CPAP in a 1 : 1 ratio |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | At baseline each participant was assigned a unique number in sequential, ascending, chronological order which corresponded to the treatment allocation |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Participants and study investigators were blinded to treatment allocation |
Hui 2006108
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Fifty-six patients randomised (males = 43, female = 13), of which 46 completed trial Baseline characteristics of randomised patients (n = 56): mean age: 50.8 years; BMI: 27.2 kg/m2; AHI: 31.2 events/hour; ESS score: 11.1; neck circumference: 38.5 cm; 24-hour SBP: 123.7 mmHg; 24-hour DBP: 80.9 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 5 events/hour + excessive daytime sleepiness or two of the following symptoms: choking or gasping during sleep, recurrent awakenings from sleep, unrefreshed sleep, daytime fatigue and impaired concentration Exclusion criteria: problems staying awake during driving; professional drivers; shift workers; recent myocardial infarction; unstable angina; underlying malignancy |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP (subtherapeutic low-pressure CPAP) Study duration: 3 months on treatment |
Outcomes | ESS score, BP (change in mean 24-hour arterial BP, changes in SBP and DBP, changes in mean BP awake and asleep, and relationship between BP change and baseline hypertensive status and CPAP compliance over 3 months) | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Patients were randomised into two groups to receive nasal therapeutic or subtherapeutic CPAP in a balanced block design |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Although the two different treatment arms were explained in the patient information, the CPAP-naive patients were not aware of whether or not they received therapeutic or subtherapeutic CPAP during the study period The investigator responsible for randomisation of patients to the different treatment arms did not participate in outcome assessments which were conducted by a different team of investigators who were not aware of the randomisation status of the patients |
Jenkinson 1999109
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | One hundred and seven patients randomised, of which 101 completed the trial (all male) Baseline characteristics of completed CPAP group (n = 52): median age: 50 years; BMI: 35.1 kg/m2; 4% SaO2 (dips/hour): 32.9; ESS score: 16.0; neck circumference: 44.5 cm; SF-36 MCS: 44.8; SF-36 PCS: 43.7 Baseline characteristics of completed sham CPAP group (n = 49): median age: 48 years; BMI: 35.0 kg/m2; 4% SaO2 (dips/hour): 28.5; ESS score: 17.0; neck circumference: 45.7 cm; SF-36 MCS: 43.5; SF-36 PCS: 42.6 Inclusion criteria: male; aged 30–75 years; ESS score ≥ 10; ≥ 10 dips per hour of > 4% in arterial oxygen saturation Exclusion criteria: requiring urgent CPAP because of associated respiratory failure or because of imminent job loss; mental disability preventing informed consent |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP (subtherapeutic low pressure CPAP) Study duration: 1 month on treatment |
Outcomes | ESS score, MWT, daytime saturation, SF-36 | |
Notes | Jadad score = 4 Median values given not mean values |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised. Other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Patients were randomly assigned their treatment by use of a series of opaque sealed envelope prepared in advance of the trial |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Described as double blind. Patients and outcome assessors not aware of treatment allocation |
Johnston 200274
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled cross-over trial of OA vs. ‘placebo’ appliance | |
Participants | Twenty-one participants recruited (males = 17; females = 4), of which 20 participants completed the study Baseline characteristics for the 20 patients who completed the trial: mean age: 55.1 years; BMI: 31.63 kg/m2; AHI: 31.93 events/hour, ODI: 30.69, ESS score: 13.90 Inclusion criteria: ≥ 10 desaturations (≥ 4% drop in SpO2) per hour Exclusion criteria: concurrent pulmonary disease; edentulous patients and those with inadequate number of sound teeth to support a MAA |
Interventions | MAA vs. placebo device Study duration: 4–6 weeks No washout period |
Outcomes | AHI, ODI, ESS score, partner-evaluated snoring scale, tolerability and compliance | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Information not available |
Kaneko 2003110
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP + medical therapy vs. medical therapy alone | |
Participants | Twenty-four patients randomised, all completed (males = 21, females = 3) Baseline characteristics of patients in the CPAP group (n = 12): mean age: 55.9 years; BMI: 30.4 kg/m2; total AHI: 37.1 events/hour; obstructive AHI: 30.3 events/hour; ESS score: 6.8; SBP: 126 mmHg; DBP: 62 mmHg Baseline characteristics of patients in the control group (n = 12): mean age: 55.2 years; BMI: 32.3 kg/m2; total AHI: 45.2 events/hour; obstructive AHI: 34.8 events/hour; ESS score: 5.7; SBP: 128 mmHg; DBP: 60 mmHg Inclusion criteria: history of heart failure because of ischaemic or non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy for at least 6 months; a LVEF of ≤ 45% at rest; assignment to NYHA functional class II, III, or IV; the absence, within the previous 3 months, of exacerbations of heart failure while on stable, optimal pharmacologic therapy at the highest tolerated doses; and AHI ≥ 20 events/hour of which ≥ 50% were obstructive Exclusion criteria: primary valvular heart disease; presence of an implanted cardiac pacemaker; unstable angina, myocardial infarction or cardiac surgery within the previous 3 months |
Interventions | CPAP + optimal drug therapy vs. optimal drug therapy alone Study duration: 1 month on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI, BP and cardiovascular outcomes | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised but no information available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes – partial | Patients were aware of their treatment assignments. Cardiovascular outcome measurements were obtained by persons blinded to treatment assignment. Unclear whether or not polysomnographic outcome assessor blinded |
Kushida 201225
Methods | Parallel-group, randomised, double-blind, sham-controlled trial Two arms: CPAP vs. sham CPAP |
Participants | One thousand one hundred and five patients randomised, 1098 analysed (baseline data reported for 1098) (males = 719, females = 379) Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 556): age: 52.2 years; BMI: 32.4 kg/m2; AHI: 39.7; ESS score: 10.07; min. O2 saturation: 81.0 Baseline characteristics of the control (sham CPAP) group (n = 542): age: 50.8 years; BMI: 32.1 kg/m2; AHI: 40.6; ESS score: 10.09; min. O2 saturation: 80.8 Inclusion criteria: diagnosis of OSA with AHI ≥ 10; age ≥ 18 years Exclusion criteria: prior OSA treatment with CPAP or surgery; anyone in the household with current/past CPAP use; sleepiness-related automobile accident within past year; O2 saturation < 75% for > 10% of the diagnostic PSG total sleep time; conditions (including known neurocognitive impairment), disorders, medications or substances that could potentially affect neurocognitive function and/or alertness |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 6 months on treatment |
Outcomes | ESS score; maintenance of wakefulness test and neurocognitive measures | |
Notes | ESS score only, AHI measured at baseline and through trial but post-treatment values not reported, just says, ‘a significant difference was detected in AHI between active vs. sham CPAP groups at 2 months (P < 0.0001) and 6 months (P < 0.0001)’ Jadad score = 5 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | The Data Coordinating Centre used a computerised permuted block design to randomise 1105 participants to active vs. sham CPAP. Randomisation was stratified by gender, race (white vs. non-white) and OSA severity (mild, AHI = 10.0–15.0; moderate, 15.1–30.0; severe, > 30). A biased coin (7 : 3) was implemented for blocks of 30 when the difference in percentage randomised to active vs. sham at a given site was > 7% |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | The Data Coordinating Centre passed allocation on to trial personnel so investigators were unaware to order of treatment group assignment |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Participants and study investigators were blinded to treatment allocation |
Lam 200767
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial Patients randomised to either CM, or CM with CPAP or CM with OA therapy |
Participants | One hundred and one patients with OSA randomised (CM = 33, CPAP = 34, OA = 34) (males = 79, females = 22), of which 91 patients completed the study Mean AHI = 21.4 events/hour Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 5–40 events/hour; ESS score > 9 for those with AHI 5–20 events/hour Exclusion criteria: excessive sleepiness, unstable medical diseases, coexisting sleep disorders, upper airway surgery, pregnancy |
Interventions | CM vs. CM + OA vs. CM + CPAP Study duration: 10 weeks |
Outcomes | Sleep parameters – AHI; arousal index, min. O2 saturation BP – morning and evening Daytime sleepiness – ESS score HRQoL – SF-36, SAQLI Treatment adherence – self reported and CPAP internal memory Treatment-related side effects – self reported |
Notes | Post-treatment changes were analysed based on both intention-to-treat and per-protocol principles Conservative measures as a control group was not considered by Lim et al.51 but has been included in this review Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | The randomisation list was generated by the Statistical Analysis System |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CM vs. OA vs. CPAP compared |
Lee 2012111
Methods | Parallel-group, randomised, double-blind, sham-controlled trial Two arms: CPAP vs. sham CPAP |
Participants | Seventy-one patients randomised, 56 analysed (baseline data reported for 56) (males = 47, females = 9) Baseline characteristics of the CPAP group (n = 26): age: 48.3 years; BMI: 29.8 kg/m2; AHI: 36.7 events/hour; min. O2 saturation 79.8 Baseline characteristics of the control (sham CPAP) group (n = 30): age: 48.2 years; BMI: 28.6 kg/m2; AHI: 31.3 events/hour; min. O2 saturation 79.8 Inclusion criteria: newly diagnosed OSA with AHI ≥ 10 events/hour Exclusion criteria: history of major medical illnesses (other than OSA and hypertension); current psychiatric diagnosis; receiving psychotropic, sedative or hypnotic medication; pregnancy; previous treatment for OSA |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 3 weeks on treatment |
Outcomes | The POMS Depression scale; multiple measures of depression (CES-D, BSI Depression) and anxiety (POMS Tension, BSI Anxiety), AHI | |
Notes | No ESS score. Sleep outcomes were not listed as secondary outcomes but were measured Jadad score = 5 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Eligible subjects with AHI ≥ 10 were randomised in a 1 : 1 allocation ratio to receive either CPAP or placebo in a double-blind fashion. A permuted block design was used with a block size of 10. The randomisation list was generated by the study statistician |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | The randomisation list was generated by the study statistician. The principal investigator and staff responsible for obtaining study outcomes were blinded to the treatment assignment therefore one presumes they would not have known what sequence was due next |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Participants and study investigators were blinded to treatment allocation |
Lozano 2010112
Methods | Parallel-group, randomised controlled trial Two arms: CPAP + hypertension treatment vs. conventional pharmacological treatment alone |
Participants | Seventy-five patients randomised, 64 analysed (baseline data reported for 64) (males = 44; females = 20) Baseline characteristics of the conventional treatment group (n = 35): age: 59.2 years; BMI: 31.5 kg/m2; AHI: 46.78 events/hour; ESS score: 5.94; consulting room SBP: 151.3 mmHg; consulting room DBP: 87.9 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the CPAP treatment group (n = 29): age: 59.2 years; BMI: 30 kg/m2; AHI: 59.79 events/hour; ESS score: 6.39; consulting room SBP: 157.6 mmHg; consulting room DBP: 90.2 mmHg Inclusion criteria: age 18–80 years; diagnosis of resistant hypertension (BP values measured in the consulting room as equal to or higher than 140/90 mmHg on at least three different occasions, despite treatment with three or more drugs at adequate doses, including a diuretic) Exclusion criteria: upper airway malformations; a history of poor treatment compliance; secondary causes of hypertension, including renal insufficiency (creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl); shift workers |
Interventions | CPAP + hypertension treatment vs. conventional pharmacological treatment alone Study duration: 3 months |
Outcomes | Change in mean 24-hour SBP and DBP at 3 months, ESS score, treatment compliance | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Computer-generated randomisation list |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | CPAP + conventional therapy vs. conventional therapy alone compared |
Mansfield 2004113
Methods | Randomised parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. no treatment | |
Participants | Fifty-five patients randomised (males = 52, females = 3), of which 40 completed Baseline characteristics of the randomised CPAP group (n = 28): mean age: 57.2 years; BMI: 33.5 kg/m2; AHI: 28.3 events/hour; ESS score: 10.7; BP mean: 99 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the randomised control group (n = 27): mean age: 57.5 years; BMI: 34.6 kg/m2; AHI: 28.1 events/hour; ESS score: 9.2; BP mean: 107 mmHg Inclusion criteria: aged 18–80 years, diagnosis of symptomatic, stable and optimally treated CHF; AHI > 5 events/hour; symptoms of snoring and one or more of excessive daytime sleepiness, witnessed apnoeas or nocturnal choking Exclusion criteria: significant central sleep apnoea (> 20% events central in type), clinical evidence of neurological disease, renal disease with serum creatinine higher than 150 mmol/l or spirometric confirmation of pulmonary disease with forced expiratory ratio of less than 70%; valvular heart disease |
Interventions | CPAP vs. no treatment Study duration: 3 months on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, min. SpO2, BMI, BP, LVEF, overnight urinary noradrenaline excretion and QoL | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised; other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Single blinded. No placebo so the participants could not be blinded to treatment. Objective measurements were analysed by scientists blinded to the patients’ treatment status |
Marshall 2005114
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Thirty-one patients randomised, 29 patients analysed (males = 22, females = 7) Baseline characteristics of the completed patients (n = 29): mean age: 50.5 years; BMI: 31.5 kg/m2; AHI: 21.6 events/hour; ESS score: 12.5, FOSQ total: 12.6 Inclusion criteria: aged ≥ 18 years; English speaking; CPAP naive; AHI: 5–30 events/hour; habitual snoring or nocturnal choking; and at least one daytime sleepiness symptom (daytime/evening napping, sleepiness while driving, never or rarely awakening refreshed) or ESS score > 8 Exclusion criteria: history of extreme somnolence requiring immediate treatment; shift worker; chronic sleep restriction (average total sleep time ≤ 6 hours/night); current sedative, antidepressant, psychotropic or stimulant use; alcohol intake of > 3 standard units/24 hours or caffeine dependency; upper airway surgery since the diagnostic sleep study; any clinically significant co-existing disease or additional sleep disorders |
Interventions | Humidified CPAP vs. humidified sham CPAP Study duration: 3 weeks on each treatment Washout: 2 weeks |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, FOSQ, SF-36, MWT, HADS, PVT, treatment compliance and preference | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | No | Simple coin flipping |
Allocation concealment? | No | Treatment allocation sequence was not predetermined and was achieved by the duty polysomnographic technician blindly drawing a slip of paper without replacement from an urn after testing on the first day had been completed |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Study described as blinded. Patients were blinded to treatment and were informed that the study was ‘testing two different pressures of humidified CPAP’. The investigator responsible for daytime study data collection was also blinded to treatment allocation |
Mehta 200175
Methods | Randomised controlled cross-over trial of MAD vs. control oral plate Participants blinded as to likely superior efficacy of the double-plate appliance over the single plate |
Participants | Twenty-eight participants recruited (males = 22, women = 6), of which 24 participants completed the study (males = 19, females = 5) Baseline characteristics for the 24 patients who completed the trial: mean age: 48 years; BMI: 29.4 kg/m2; AHI: 27 events/hour; min. SaO2: 85; ESS score: 10.1 Inclusion criteria: at least 2 symptoms of OSA and AHI ≥ 10 events/hour Exclusion criteria: periodontal disease, edentulism, exaggerated gag reflex, regular use of sedatives |
Interventions | Participants randomised to three periods (ABB/BAA) of control plate (A) or MAD (B) after an acclimatisation period (mean acclimatisation period = 19.7 weeks, range: 5–40 weeks) Study duration: 3 weeks (1 week per period with no washout) No washout period (only 1 week washout between pre-treatment acclimatisation and start of first treatment period) |
Outcomes | AHI, min. SaO2, snoring frequency, mean snoring intensity, maximum snoring intensity, total sleep time, REM, NREM, total sleep time spent supine, arousal index, sleep efficiency | |
Notes | ESS score recorded pre- and post-acclimatisation period but not after the treatment periods Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Information not available |
Monasterio 2001115
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP plus CT vs. CT alone | |
Participants | One hundred and forty-two patients randomised, 125 patients analysed (males = 86%) Baseline characteristics of the completed patients in the CPAP group (n = 66): mean age: 53 years; BMI: 29.4 kg/m2; AHI: 20 events/hour; ESS score: 12.1; FOSQ: 101; SBP: 126 mmHg; DBP: 81 mmHg Baseline characteristics of the completed patients in the CT-alone group (n = 59): mean age: 54 years; BMI: 29.5 kg/m2; AHI: 21 events/hour; ESS score: 13.2; FOSQ: 100; SBP: 132 mmHg; DBP: 84 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI: 10–30 events/hour; absence of severe daytime sleepiness Exclusion criteria: apnoea index > 20; hazardous jobs (drivers or those who handle dangerous machinery); notable CVD; conditions affecting cognitive or QoL evaluation; severe neurological or psychiatric disease, severe chronic disease; illiteracy |
Interventions | CPAP + CT (weight loss programme following a home diet, if BMI > 27 kg/m2; avoidance of sedatives and alcohol consumption; avoidance of supine position during sleep; and adequate hours of sleep every night) vs. CT alone Study duration: 6 months on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI; ESS score; MSLT; SAHS symptoms; cognitive function; FOSQ; Nottingham Health Profile | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Randomisation was performed with a computer-generated allocation schedule restricted by centre |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Patients were aware of treatment as they were different in presentation (CPAP + CT vs. CT). Unclear if all outcome assessors were blinded. Cognitive function assessed by a trained psychologist who was blinded. Staff entering and analysing data were blinded to treatment group |
Montserrat 2001116
Methods | Randomised controlled partial crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Forty-eight patients randomised, 45 patients competed (male: 91%) Baseline characteristics of completed patients in the CPAP group (n = 23): mean age: 55.65 years; BMI: 30.31 kg/m2; AHI: 50.52; ESS score: 16.13; FOSQ: 84.45; SF-36 physical component: 46.53; SF-36 mental component: 48.21; neck circumference: 42.52 cm Baseline characteristics of the completed patients in the sham CPAP group (n = 22): mean age: 52.59 years; BMI: 33.73 kg/m2; AHI: 57.14; ESS score: 16.86; FOSQ: 86.16; SF-36 physical component: 45.54; SF-36 mental component: 48.73; neck circumference: 43.72 cm Inclusion criteria: excessive daytime somnolence and an AHI > 10 Exclusion criteria: severe or unstable CVD; a hazardous job coincidentally with SAHS (professional drivers or handling dangerous machinery) |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: CPAP group had a 6-week study period using the intervention; sham CPAP group trialled 6 weeks on sham CPAP then 6 weeks on optimal CPAP Washout: 10 days |
Outcomes | ESS score, FOSQ, SF-36, questionnaire of symptoms related to SAHS, body weight, hours of CPAP use | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 All patients included in the study were encouraged to follow conservative measures (a diet and sleep hygiene regimen) regardless of the treatment group assigned |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | A block-randomised assignment was used. Randomisation was performed with a computer-generated allocation schedule that had a block size of 12 patients in accordance with severity |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Described as double blind but no information available |
Norman 2006117
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP vs. nocturnal oxygen + sham CPAP | |
Participants | Forty-six patients randomised, and no reported withdrawals (male = 37, female = 9) Baseline characteristics of patients in the CPAP group (n = 18): mean age: 49.7 years; BMI: 31.5 kg/m2; AHI: 66.1 events/hour; ESS score: 12.0; SBP: 135.1 mmHg; DBP: 79.6 mmHg Baseline characteristics of patients in the sham CPAP group (n = 15): mean age: 49.3 years; BMI: 29.9 kg/m2; AHI: 53.9 events/hour; ESS score: 12.0; SBP: 122.5 mmHg; DBP: 75.6 mmHg Baseline characteristics of patients in the oxygen group (n = 13): mean age: 44.2 years; BMI: 29.5 kg/m2; AHI: 60.7 events/hour; ESS score: 12.2; SBP: 132.5 mmHg; DBP: 76.0 mmHg Inclusion criteria: aged 25–65 years; AHI ≥ 20 events/hour; within 100% to 170% of ideal body weight Exclusion criteria: major illnesses other than hypertension; previous CPAP therapy; pharyngeal surgery for OSA |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP vs. supplemented oxygen + sham CPAP Study duration: 2 weeks on treatment |
Outcomes | AHI, BP, other polysomnographic outcomes | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised but no further information |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Described as double blind but no information available |
Olson 200282
Methods | Randomised crossover study, comparing MAD with nCPAP | |
Participants | Twenty-four patients included Sex: unknown Baseline AHI: 8.1–36.9 events/hour Inclusion criteria = AHI > 15, or apnoea index > 5, or AHI > 5 events/hour and arousal index > 15 Exclusion criteria: poor dentition, TMJ pin, previous treatment with MAD or nCPAP |
Interventions | nCPAP or MAD Study duration: 6 week treatment period on MAD or CPAP Washout period: 2 weeks |
Outcomes | Total sleep time, sleep efficiency,% REM sleep, AHI, arousal index, SAQLI | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD vs. nCPAP compared |
Pepperell 200234
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel trial of CPAP vs. subtherapeutic CPAP | |
Participants | One hundred and eighteen participants randomised (all male), of which 104 participants completed the study Baseline characteristics for CPAP group (n = 59): mean age: 50.1 years; BMI: 34.6 kg/m2; oxygen desaturation dips > 4%: 38.0; ESS score: 16.3; neck circumference: 44.5 cm; SBP: 132.5 mmHg; DBP: 85.1 mmHg Baseline characteristics for subtherapeutic CPAP group (n = 59): mean age: 51.0 years; BMI: 35.3 kg/m2; oxygen desaturation dips > 4%: 35.9; ESS score: 16.0; neck circumference: 45.7 cm; SBP: 134.9 mmHg; DBP: 85.1 mmHg Inclusion criteria: male; aged 30–75 years; ESS score > 9; > 10 oxygen desaturation dips (> 4%) Exclusion criteria: required urgent CPAP therapy; imminent job loss because of sleepiness; unable to give informed consent |
Interventions | Therapeutic CPAP vs. subtherapeutic CPAP Study duration: 4 weeks |
Outcomes | BP, ESS score, severity of sleep apnoea | |
Notes | Jadad score = 4 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised. No other information available |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Pre-sealed and numbered opaque envelopes |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Described as double blind. Neither patients nor outcome assessors were aware of treatment allocation |
Petri 200876
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel trial of MAD vs. non-advanced MAD (sham) vs. no treatment | |
Participants | Ninety-three participants recruited (males = 76, females = 17), of which 81 participants completed the study (males = 66, females = 15) Baseline characteristics for MAD group (n = 27): mean age: 50 years; BMI: 30.7 kg/m2; AHI: 39.1 events/hour; ESS score: 11.7 Baseline characteristics for sham MAD group (n = 25): mean age: 50 years; BMI: 31.3 kg/m2; AHI: 32.6 events/hour; ESS score: 10.8 Baseline characteristics for no-treatment group (n = 29): mean age: 49 years; BMI: 31.3 kg/m2; AHI: 34.3 events/hour; ESS score: 10.7 Baseline characteristics for not completing group (n = 12): mean age: 46 years; BMI: 32.9 kg/m2; AHI: 29.9 events/hour; ESS score: 10.1 Inclusion criteria: AHI > 5 events/hour on diagnostic PSG; age > 20 years; sufficient set of teeth to hold a splint; written informed consent Exclusion criteria: severe somatic or psychiatric disease; periodontal disease; temporomandibular dysfunction; pregnancy |
Interventions | Participants randomised to one of three arms: MAD (advanced the mandible to the most protrusive position without discomfort) vs. sham MAD (MAD with no advancement holding mandible in the occulsal position) vs. no treatment Study duration: 4 weeks Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score and QoL (SF-36) | |
Notes | Both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses conducted, with sensitivity analyses Jadad score = 5 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Allocation was computer generated, minimisation methods were used, stratifying by sex and AHI > 30 and < 30 |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Central telephone randomisation by a trials unit |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | MAD vs. sham MAD comparisons were blinded. The no-treatment arm was not blinded. Sleep studies were scored by a single investigator blinded to the three treatment groups |
Phillips 2011118
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Thirty-eight participants randomised (males = 35, females = 3), of which 29 participants completed the study Baseline characteristics for all randomised patients (n = 38): mean age: 49 years; BMI: 32.1 kg/m2; AHI: 41.2 events/hour; ESS score: 11.2; FOSQ: 15.2 Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 25 events/hour and/or a significant component of hypoxia (ODI ≥ 20 per hour; desaturation ≥ 3% of baseline) on PSG; age > 21 years Exclusion criteria: BMI > 35 kg/m2; fasting TAGs ≥ 4 mmol/l, use of fibrate medication, previous CPAP use, uncontrolled type II diabetes, and any clinically significant comorbidity (e.g. cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal or psychiatric disease) |
Interventions | Participants randomised to one of two arms: CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 8 weeks per treatment Washout period: 4 weeks |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, FOSQ | |
Notes | Both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses conducted Jadad score = 5 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Computer program used to produce the random treatment sequence using random block sizes of 2, 4 and 6 |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Randomised treatment sequences stored in sequentially numbered opaque envelopes. The project manager was responsible for the allocation consignment and had no contact with any patient before or during the trial |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Outcome assessors blinded. Treatment allocation only known by the project manager and trial physician – neither of whom saw the patients during the trial (unless involved in withdrawing a patient) Attempted to blind patients by telling them they were testing two CPAP machines that ‘deliver pressurised air in a different way’. Patients were informed that the low-pressure machine was a placebo during a post-study debriefing interview |
Phillips 201352
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. MAD | |
Participants | One hundred and twenty-six participants randomised (males = 102, females = 24), of which 108 participants completed the study Baseline characteristics for all randomised patients (n = 126): mean age: 49.5 years; BMI: 29.5 kg/m2; AHI: 25.6 events/hour; ESS score: 9.1; neck circumference: 40.5 cm; mean SBP: 123.7 mmHg; mean DBP: 80.6 mmHg; FOSQ: 16.3 Inclusion criteria: AHI >10 events/hour; age ≥ 20 years; ≥ two symptoms of OSA (snoring, fragmented sleep, witnessed apnoeas, or daytime sleepiness); willingness to use both treatments Exclusion criteria: previous OSA treatment or a need for immediate treatment; central sleep apnoea; a coexisting sleep disorder; regular use of sedatives or narcotics; pre-existing lung or psychiatric disease; and any contraindication for oral appliance therapy (e.g. periodontal disease or insufficient dentition) |
Interventions | Participants were randomised to both the treatment acclimatisation and treatment arm orders (MAD = M; CPAP = C) thus the following treatment sequences were generated: MCMC, MCCM, CMMC and CMCM Study duration: 4–8 weeks on acclimatisation per treatment; 4 weeks per treatment Washout period: occurred but duration not stated |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, BP and arterial stiffness, FOSQ, SF-36, the AusEd driving simulator. Treatment side effects, compliance and preference | |
Notes | Intention-to-treat analysis Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Each randomisation sequence was generated by a computer program using random permuted blocks |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Patients not blinded as two devices different in presentation. Not stated whether or not outcome assessors were blinded |
TOMADO 201477
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover trial of three MADs vs. no treatment | |
Participants | Ninety participants randomised (males = 72; females = 18), of which 74 participants completed the study Baseline characteristics for all randomised patients (n = 90): mean age: 50.9 years; BMI: 30.6 kg/m2; AHI: 13.8 events/hour; ESS score: 11.9 Inclusion criteria: AHI 5 to < 30 events/hour; age ≥ 18 years; ESS score ≥ 9 Exclusion criteria: predominantly central sleep apnoea; coexistent sleep disorder; poor sleep hygiene; psychiatric disorder or drug treatment likely to impact symptoms or assessment of MAD effectiveness; CVD or disabling sleepiness requiring immediate CPAP; significant periodontal disease or tooth decay; partial or complete edentulism or presence of fixed orthodontic devices; mandibular joint pain or disease; severe bruxism; restricted mouth opening or mandibular advancement; respiratory failure; previous MAD treatment; pregnancy; or inability to give informed consent |
Interventions | Participants received four different treatments in random order:
Washout period: 1 week following each active treatment period |
Outcomes | AHI, ESS score, rPSG indices (4% ODI, mean, minimum and time < 90% of nocturnal SpO2) and BP FOSQ, SAQLI, SF-36 and EQ-5D Health-care usage, driving and RTA data Treatment compliance, satisfaction and preference AEs |
Notes | Intention-to-treat analysis Jadad score = 3 |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Patients were randomised using two Williams’ Latin squares designs with allocations generated by randomisation software utilising permuted blocks of eight |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | The trial team contacted the R&D department at the hospital by telephone to receive the randomisation sequence |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | Patients not blinded as devices different in presentation. Polysomnographer was blinded to treatment allocation |
Randerath 200283
Methods | Randomised crossover study Patients randomised to either CPAP or MAD |
Participants | Twenty participants with mild to moderate OSA randomised to CPAP (n = 8) or MAD (n = 12) (males = 16, females = 4), do not know how many completed Baseline characteristics of the 20 completed patients: mean age: 56.5 years, BMI: 31.2 kg/m2; AHI: 17.5 events/hour Inclusion criteria: AHI = 5–30 events/hour in two diagnostic PSGs and clinical symptoms of OSAS Exclusion criteria: AHI > 30 events/hour, TMJ disorders, bruxism, gaps in teeth preventing device fitting |
Interventions | Participants underwent one night PSG with both treatment modes, followed by 6 weeks treatment with either OA or CPAP in random order. Participants then crossed over to the other treatment Study duration: 12 weeks No washout period |
Outcomes | AHI; snoring (epochs/hour); SaO2 (%); TST (minutes); wake after sleep onset; sleep stage 1, 2, 3, 4; REM sleep; arousals per hour; respiration-induced arousals, per hour of TST | |
Notes | Jadad score = 1 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD vs. CPAP compared |
Redline 1998119
Methods | Randomised controlled parallel trial of CPAP + CT vs. CT alone | |
Participants | One hundred and eleven participants randomised, of which 97 participants completed the study (males = 50; females = 47) Baseline characteristics for CPAP group (n = 51): mean age: 48.1 years; BMI: 33.4 kg/m2; RDI: 14.6; ESS score: 10.4 Baseline characteristics for CT group (n = 46): mean age: 49.2 years; BMI: 32.0 kg/m2; RDI: 11.8; ESS score: 10.6 Inclusion criteria: age 25–65 years; RDI 5–30; absence of (subjective) pathological sleepiness (did not fall asleep driving or in other potentially dangerous situations); absence of a sleep disorder other than SDB (narcolepsy); insomnia, defined as regularly sleeping < 6 hours per night; regular use of hypnotics; sleep insufficiency, defined as sleeping > 2 hours more on non-work than on work days; or a history of periodic leg movements Exclusion criteria: presence of underlying conditions that could interfere with neuropsychological test performance or with adherence to the study protocol, including severe or unstable medical disease (myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure documented with the previous 3 months, uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid disorder, cirrhosis or recently diagnosed cancer); neurological disease, history of stroke, seizure disorder or head trauma with loss of consciousness for > 6 hours or associated with memory impairment; alcohol abuse (a history of ≥ 5 alcoholic drinks/day for > 6 years) or drug abuse (current drug use or heavy past use leading to tolerance or dependency); regular use of medications that impair the sensorium (e.g. benzodiazepines); and < 8 years of schooling |
Interventions | CPAP + CT vs. CT alone (subjects in both treatment arms received counselling about sleep posture and hygiene). Subjects with BMI > 29 kg/m2 referred to a dietitian for weight-reduction counselling, and subjects with symptoms of nasal congestion were provided with a nasal steroid spray (Becanase nasal spray). Additionally, subjects in the CT arm of the study were given a supply of mechanical nasal dilators and those in the CPAP arm were provided with a CPAP machine. Mechanical nasal dilators were used as a component of treatment in the control arm of the study Study duration: 8 weeks |
Outcomes | Polysomnographic parameters and daytime test battery: mood (POMS, PANAS); well-being and functional status (SF-36) and measures of sleepiness (MSLT and ESS score) | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Subjects were randomised through the use of a computerised program based on random-number assignments |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Treatments different in appearance. Other information not available |
Robinson 2006120
Methods | Randomised, placebo-controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Thirty-five participants randomised (males = 31, females = 4), of which 32 participants completed the study Baseline characteristics for randomised patients (n = 35): mean age: 54 years; BMI: 33.2 kg/m2; dips in oxygen saturation of > 4%: 28.1; ESS score: 5.3, neck circumference: 43.9 cm Baseline 24-hour BP in the CPAP group: SBP: 140.3 mmHg; DBP: 85.3 mmHg Baseline 24-hour BP in the placebo group: SBP: 143.0 mmHg; DBP: 86.7 mmHg Inclusion criteria: aged > 18 years; > 10 dips in oxygen saturation > 4%; no daytime hypersomnolence (ESS score < 10); hypertension (either taking antihypertensive drugs, or a BP >140/90 mmHg on 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring) Exclusion criteria: respiratory failure; declined to participate; or unable to give informed consent |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 1 month on each treatment Washout: 2 weeks |
Outcomes | Oxygen saturation, ESS score, 24-hour BP | |
Notes | Jadad score = 4 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | Randomisation was by a series of pre-sealed and numbered opaque envelopes |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Sham-placebo CPAP identical to therapeutic CPAP. Patients were not aware which treatment they had received, and the nurse who assigned the patients to each treatment arm did not take part in outcome assessments. The investigators who assessed the study outcomes were not involved in randomisation or patient CPAP set-up |
Sharma 2011121
Methods | Double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Ninety participants randomised, for which 86 participants analysed (males = 77; females = 9) Baseline characteristics for CPAP first patients (n = 43): mean age: 45 years; BMI: 33.8 kg/m2; AHI: 47.9 events/hour, ESS score: 14.8. mean SBP: 133.2 mmHg; mean DBP: 89.1 mmHg Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP first patients (n = 43): mean age: 45 years; BMI: 31.8 kg/m2; AHI: 47.8 events/hour, ESS score: 14.1; mean SBP: 131.1 mmHg; mean DBP: 87.8 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 15 events/hour; ESS score > 10; CPAP naive; not on treatment for hypertension, diabetes mellitus or dyslipidaemia Exclusion criteria:
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP followed by sham CPAP or vice versa Study duration: 3 months on each treatment Washout period: 1 month |
Outcomes | Reduction in the frequency of the metabolic syndrome, ESS score, anthropometric variables, BP, fat content and resting insulin and glucose levels | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | The randomisation sequence was generated by a statistician not otherwise involved in the study, by means of a computer-generated random-number table. An unrestricted randomisation scheme was followed |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | The randomisation numbers were contained in serially numbered, sealed, opaque envelopes kept by office staff not involved in outcome measurements |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Participants and outcome assessors blinded to two treatments similar in presentation |
Siccoli 200818
Methods | Double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | One hundred and two participants randomised (all men), of which 99 participants analysed Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP patients (n = 51): mean age: 48.7 years; BMI: 34.5 kg/m2; ESS score: 15.2; neck circumference: 44.6 cm; oxygen saturation dips > 4%: 42.7 Baseline characteristics for CPAP patients (n = 51): mean age: 48.1 years; BMI: 35.8 kg/m2; ESS score: 15.8; neck circumference: 45.1 cm; oxygen saturation dips > 4%: 41.9 Inclusion criteria: males; aged 20–75 years; ESS score ≥ 10; ODI > 10/hour Exclusion criteria: urgent CPAP therapy required because of respiratory failure, driving or job-related issues |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 1 month on treatment Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | ESS score, QoL measures (SF-36/SF-12 and SAQLI), bed partner’s QoL and rating of patient’s response to CPAP | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | A sleep nurse (not involved in outcome assessments) randomly assigned patients to the two groups. No further information |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Participants and outcome assessors blinded to two treatments similar in presentation |
Simpson 2012122
Methods | Double-blind sham-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Forty-six participants at baseline (all male), of which 36 participants had results (CPAP n = 20; sham n = 16) Baseline characteristics for all randomised patients (n = 90): mean age: 49 years; BMI: 31.5; AHI: 37.6 events/hour Inclusion criteria: moderate to severe OSA; CPAP naive, men, without diabetes mellitus Exclusion criteria: not stated |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 12 weeks on treatment Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | AHI, markers of endothelial cell dysfunction and levels of circulating progenitor cells | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | Information not available |
Skinner 2004123
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover trial of CPAP vs. cervicomandibular collar | |
Participants | Ten participants randomised and completed (males = 8, females = 2) Baseline characteristics (n = 10): mean age: 48.6 years; BMI: 34.1 kg/m2; AHI: 29.4 events/hour; ESS score: 13.2; neck circumference: 42.6 cm; FOSQ: 12.2; SF-36 PCS: 45.3; SF-36 MCS: 43.8 Inclusion criteria: mild to moderate sleep OSA (AHI 10–60 events/hour) Exclusion criteria: medical history of cardiovascular, neurological or psychological disorders affecting sleep; coexisting sleep disorders; known cervical or temporomandibular joint dysfunction and/or pain |
Interventions | CPAP vs. cervicomandibular support collar Study duration: 1 month on each treatment Washout: none |
Outcomes | Sleep parameters including AHI; ESS score, SF-36; FOSQ; Scottish National Sleep Laboratory symptom questionnaire; cephalometric outcomes | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 Intention-to-treat analysis |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | No information available |
Skinner 2008124
Methods | Randomised controlled crossover group trial of CPAP vs. TASB | |
Participants | Twenty participants randomised and analysed (sex unknown) Baseline characteristics for randomised patients (n = 20): mean age: 55.9 years; BMI: 30.7 kg/m2; AHI: 22.7 events/hour, ESS score: 13.6; FOSQ: 11.1; SF-36 PCS: 45.9; SF-36 MCS: 42.4; mean neck circumference: 41.9 cm Inclusion criteria: AHI > 5 events/hour; > 50 minutes spent in the supine position during baseline study; time spent in the supine position amounted to 10–90% of total study time; AHI in the supine position was greater or equal to twice the AHI in other positions; maximum AHI = 10 events/hour in all other positions Exclusion criteria: other conditions affecting sleep; known thoracic pathology; previous intervention for OSA |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP followed by TASB or vice versa Study duration: 1 month on each treatment Washout period: 1 week |
Outcomes | AHI Total study time lying supine Other measures collected were: ESS score; FOSQ; SF-36; and anthropometric measures |
Notes | Jadad score = 1 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Participants were randomly assigned to receive TASB or CPAP for the first month followed by a 1-week washout. No further information given |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Unclear | No mention of blinding |
Spicuzza 2006125
Methods | Randomised parallel trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Twenty-five participants recruited (males = 20, females = 5). Assume all completed as no withdrawals reported Baseline characteristics for CPAP group (n = 15): mean age: 55.9 years; BMI: 31.1 kg/m2; AHI: 55.3 events/hour; SBP: 145.4 mmHg; DBP: 87.9 mmHg Baseline characteristics for the sham CPAP group (n = 10): mean age: 55.1 years; BMI: 33.5 kg/m2; AHI: 59.2 events/hour; SBP: 149.5 mmHg; DBP: 85.0 mmHg Inclusion criteria: moderate to severe OSA Exclusion criteria: presence of hypertension and/or other CVDs, diabetes, thyroid disorders, chronic obstructive/restrictive lung diseases or chronic respiratory failure and smokers |
Interventions | CPAP vs. sham CPAP Study duration: 1 month on treatment |
Outcomes | Ventilatory response, AHI | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | States that patients were randomly assigned but no other information available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | The study was double blind, as neither patients nor the staff in contact with them knew which group the patient was assigned |
Tan 200284
Methods | Randomised crossover study Patients randomised to either CPAP or MAD |
Participants | Forty-six subjects assessed, 24 participants recruited and took part in at least one arm (males = 20, females = 4), of which 21 completed Baseline characteristics of the 24 recruited patients: mean age: 50.9 years; BMI: 31.9 kg/m2; AHI: 22.2 events/hour; ESS score: 13.4; O2 desaturation: 7.1; arousals/hour: 19.3 Inclusion criteria: age > 18 years, mild to moderate OSA (AHI < 50 events/hour) Exclusion criteria: inadequate dentition for the MAD, TMJ dysfunction, medical contraindications, unavailability to attend sleep clinics and laboratory, heart disease, COPD, use of hypnotics, epilepsy, arterial O2 saturation < 60% during initial sleep study, unable to understand study because of language difficulties |
Interventions | Participants underwent 2 months of CPAP and MAD in random order Study duration: 4 months Washout period = 2 weeks |
Outcomes | AHI, O2 desaturation, ESS score, general symptoms, daytime somnolence score, partner’s assessment, duration of apnoeas, arousals/hour, sleep efficiency, REM sleep | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Described as randomised, other information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
No | MAD vs. CPAP compared |
Tomfohr 2011126
Methods | Double-blind sham-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Seventy-one participants randomised (all male); 59 participants analysed (males = 51, females = 8) Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP patients (n = 30): mean age: 48.30 years; BMI: 28.47 kg/m2; AHI: 31.67 events/hour; ESS score: 10.93 Baseline characteristics for CPAP patients (n = 29): mean age: 48.14 years; BMI: 30.57 kg/m2; AHI: 38.64 events/hour; ESS score: 9.26 Inclusion criteria: moderate to severe OSA; CPAP naive, men, without diabetes mellitus Exclusion criteria: history of heart, liver or renal disease; diabetes; psychosis; narcolepsy; current alcohol or drug abuse; severe asthma; or cerebrovascular disease or were taking prescription medications; pregnancy; patients taking hypertensive medications were withdrawn from their medications and followed during a 1-week washout period while being monitored by a study physician. If BP remained consistently below 170/105 mmHg, subjects were entered into the study |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 3 weeks on treatment Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | MFSI-SF, fatigue and vigour subscales on the POMS-SF and ESS score. AHI not a listed outcome but was reported | |
Notes | Jadad score = 2 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Information not available |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | Information not available |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | The placebo–CPAP system was a modified version of the sham CPAP. Proper equipment use and setup was ensured by telephone calls and home visits by a sleep technician who was not involved in outcome assessments. Questionnaires were administered by a research co-ordinator who was blinded to treatment condition |
von Känel 2006127
Methods | Double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP vs. supplemental oxygen | |
Participants | Forty-four participants randomised and analysed (males = 35; females = 9) Baseline characteristics for CPAP patients (n = 18): mean age: 47.1 years; BMI: 31.3 kg/m2; AHI: 66.6 events/hour; SBP: 135.1 mmHg; DBP: 79.3 mmHg Baseline characteristics for oxygen patients (n = 16): mean age: 46.1 years; BMI: 30.4 kg/m2; AHI: 61.0 events/hour; SBP: 130.6 mmHg; DBP: 77.9 mmHg Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP patients (n = 10): mean age: 48.4 years; BMI: 30.8 kg/m2; AHI: 59.1 events/hour; SBP: 128.9 mmHg; DBP: 80.0 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI: > 15 events/hour; aged 30–65 years; < 15 periodic limb movements/hour of sleep, weight between 1 and 2 times ideal body weight as determined from Metropolitan Life tables Exclusion criteria: congestive heart failure, symptomatic obstructive pulmonary, coronary, cerebrovascular disease, history of life threatening arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, history of narcolepsy, current alcohol or drug abuse, psychosis, previous surgery for treatment of OSA or regular use of medications |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP or supplemental oxygen Study duration: 2 weeks Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | Haemostasis factors, AHI | |
Notes | Jadad score = 3 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Unclear | Patients were randomised by random number allocation to one of three treatment groups |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Patients were randomised to one of three treatment groups in a double-blind fashion. In essence, investigators and co-ordinators, recruiters and those who analysed the data were blinded to the patients’ treatment. Only the polysomnography technician, by necessity, was unblinded to the randomisation. CPAP equipment for the three treatment arms was identical in appearance |
Weaver 2012128
Methods | Double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Two hundred and eighty-one participants randomised. Two hundred and thirty-nine randomised and exposed (males = 140, females = 99). Two hundred and twenty-three participants analysed Baseline characteristics for CPAP patients randomised and exposed (n = 121): mean age: 49.5 years; BMI: 33.2 kg/m2; AHI: 12.8 events/hour; ESS score: 15.21; FOSQ: 13.91; SF-36 PCS: 41.81; SF-36 MCS: 42.92; SBP: 124.5 mmHg; DBP: 76.2 mmHg Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP patients randomised and exposed (n = 118): mean age: 51.7 years; BMI: 34.2 kg/m2; AHI: 12.5 events/hour; ESS score: 15.21; FOSQ: 14.41; SF-36 PCS: 42.26; SF-36 MCS: 46.04; SBP: 124.4 mmHg; DBP: 74.8 mmHg Inclusion criteria: AHI: 5–30 events/hour; ESS score > 10; CPAP naive Exclusion criteria: an unstable medical condition in the past 3 months; below fifth grade reading level; history of other sleep disorder; current pregnancy; substance abuse; sleepiness-related driving accident; or sleepiness sensitive occupation |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 8 weeks Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | FOSQ, SF-36, ESS score, objective sleepiness (measured by the PVT), POMS (17), mean 48-hour ambulatory BP, AHI | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Randomisation was performed by computer centrally for each site by the Data Coordinating Centre at the University of Pennsylvania. For enrolled participants, a computer-generated randomisation number was obtained by the research co-ordinator |
Allocation concealment? | Yes | A computer-generated randomisation number was obtained by the research co-ordinator and communicated to the PSG technologist who matched it with a sealed envelope kept in a locked box, containing the treatment allocation. The appropriate device was then selected by the PSG technologist who distributed it to the research co-ordinator for distribution in a sealed black bag |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | PSG and CPAP set-ups based on the assigned intervention. Treatments were identical in presentation |
Weinstock 2012129
Methods | Double-blind randomised controlled crossover group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Fifty participants randomised (males = 21, female = 29), 49 participants completed Baseline characteristics for CPAP first randomised patients (n = 25): mean age: 54 years; BMI: 39 kg/m2; AHI: 44 events/hour Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP first randomised patients (n = 25): mean age: 53 years; BMI: 38 kg/m2; AHI: 32 events/hour Inclusion criteria: AHI ≥ 15 events/hour; 18–75 years old; evidence of IGT Exclusion criteria: current use of oral hypoglycaemic medications or insulin; overt diabetes; use of supplemental oxygen; primary sleep disorder other than SDB; severe chronic insomnia or circadian rhythm disorder with < 4 hours of sleep per night; unstable medical conditions (e.g. new-onset or changing angina, myocardial infarction, or congestive heart failure exacerbation documented within the previous 3 months, uncontrolled hypertension, etc.); daytime sleepiness with reports of sleepiness while driving or otherwise in situations which would present a risk for the subject or public; alcohol abuse; pregnancy |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 8 weeks on each treatment Washout period: 1 month |
Outcomes | Normalisation of impaired glucose tolerance, metabolic indices and AHI | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Sequence order (CPAP/sham CPAP; or sham CPAP/CPAP) was determined by a computerised program that generated random numbers |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | Participants and outcome assessors blinded to treatment |
West 2007130
Methods | Double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of CPAP vs. sham CPAP | |
Participants | Forty-two participants randomised, 40 analysed (all male) Baseline characteristics for CPAP patients randomised (n = 20): mean age: 57.8 years; BMI: 36.6 kg/m2; oxygen saturation dips > 4%/hour: 33.1; ESS score: 14.7; SAQLI: 4.3; neck circumference: 46.2 cm Baseline characteristics for sham CPAP patients randomised (n = 22): mean age: 54.5 years; BMI: 36.8 kg/m2; oxygen saturation dips > 4%/hour: 39.1; ESS score: 13.6; SAQLI: 4.4; neck circumference: 47 cm Inclusion criteria: male; age 18–75 years; established type II diabetes; ESS score > 9; > 10 oxygen saturation dips of > 4% per hour on overnight sleep study; due to start CPAP Exclusion criteria: urgent CPAP required because of respiratory failure or to prevent job loss as a result of excessive daytime sleepiness; unstable diabetes (requiring an escalation in treatment) |
Interventions | Participants received either CPAP or sham CPAP Study duration: 3 months Washout period: N/A |
Outcomes | Change in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c); changes in insulin sensitivity. Sleepiness (ESS score, SAQLI, MWT) assessed to confirm response to active CPAP compared with placebo but not mentioned as outcomes | |
Notes | Jadad score = 5 | |
Risk of bias | ||
Item | Authors’ judgement | Description |
Adequate sequence generation? | Yes | Randomisation was by means of a balanced computer program (MINIM version 1.5, Evans S) |
Allocation concealment? | Unclear | No information |
Blinding? All outcomes |
Yes | The nurses involved in the randomisation, CPAP initiation and ongoing CPAP care were separate from the study investigators. Study described as double blind. Participants blinded to treatment as the two treatments were identical in presentation |
Appendix 16 Characteristics of the 56 excluded studies
Author | Appropriate interventiona | Relevant comparatorb | Appropriate study designc | Appropriate patient groupd | Appropriate outcome measurese | List applicable outcome measuresf | Duplicate data/studyg | Data extraction possibleh | Specific reason(s) for exclusion |
Aarab (2011)350 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, EDS | Yes | Yes | Follow-up study data to Aarab (2011)68 (respiration, included) |
Almeida (2013)351 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | AHI, ESS score, SAQLI | No | Yes | Non-RCT, recruited patients on CPAP |
Ayers (2013)352 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | AHI, ESS | No | Yes | Recruited patients on CPAP withdrawal vs. continuation study |
Barbé (2010)331 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ESS score, BP | Yes | Yes | Partial results from Barbé (2012)89 (included) |
Berlowitz (2013)353 | No | No | No | No | No | None | Yes | No | Non-RCT – commentary on Kushida (2012)25 (included) |
Bishop (2010)354 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | RDI, ESS score, SAQLI | No | No | MAD vs. MAD |
Blau (2012)355 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | No | Yes | CPAP vs. auto bilevel pressure relief-positive airway pressure study |
Buchner (2007)356 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | AHI | No | Yes | Non-RCT |
Craig (2010)357 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ESS score | Yes | Yes | Preliminary results from Craig (2012)95 (included) |
Cross (2008)358 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | BP | No | Yes | AHI and ESS score not measured after treatment |
Dal-Fabbro (2009)359 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Respiratory sleep parameters; ESS score, SF-36 | No | No | AHI and ESS score values not reported after treatment |
Deane (2009)335 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | No | Yes | MAD vs. TSD. Treatment period 1 week only |
Deleanu (2012)360 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | ESS score | No | Yes | Non-RCT, studied CPAP pressures in hypertension vs. resistant hypertension patients |
Doff (2010)361 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | Yes | No | Long-term follow-up of Hoekema (2008)81 (included) but no ESS score/AHI reported |
Doff (2012)362 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | Yes | No | Long-term follow-up of Hoekema (2008)81 (included) but no ESS score/AHI reported |
Doff (2013)363 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | Yes | No | Long-term follow-up of Hoekema (2008)81 (included) but no ESS score/AHI reported |
Drager (2010) | Yes | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Yes? | No | Suspected duplicate study of Drager (2011)364 (excluded). Unable to find |
Drager (2011)364 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score, BP | No | No | AHI and ESS score values not reported after control treatment |
Fleury (2010)365 | No | No | No | No | No | None | No | No | Non-RCT |
Garbuio (2009)366 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | PSG parameters, EDS | No | No | Abstract only with no information to extract |
Gauthier (2009)367 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | RDI, ESS score, FOSQ | No | Yes | MAD vs. MAD |
Gauthier (2010)368 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | RDI, ESS score, FOSQ | Yes | No | MAD vs. MAD. Abstract of Gauthier (2011)370 (excluded) |
Gauthier (2010)369 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | RDI, ESS score, FOSQ | Yes | No | MAD vs. MAD. Abstract of Gauthier (2011)370 (excluded) |
Gauthier (2011)370 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | RDI, ESS score, FOSQ, BP | Yes | Yes | MAD vs. MAD. Long-term follow-up of Gauthier (2009)367 (excluded) |
Ghazal (2009)194 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score, SF-36 | No | Yes | MAD vs. MAD |
Hall (2012)371 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | BP | No | No | BP only reported in patients with OSA and heart failure – abstract only |
Heeley (2012)372 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ESS score | No | No | Preliminary trial report. Patients with OSA and prior stroke/CVD – abstract only |
Hoekema (2008)373 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | Yes | Yes | Patient subset of Hoekema (2008)81 (included) |
Hoyos (2011)374 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | Yes | No | Abstract of Hoyos (2012)107 (included) |
Hoyos (2012)375 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI | Yes | No | Abstract of Hoyos (2012)107 (included) |
Kohler (2009)376 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ESS score | Yes | No | Duplicate data from Siccoli (2008)18 (included) |
Kohler (2011)377 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | AHI, ESS score, BP | Yes | Yes | Recruited patients on CPAP – withdrawal vs. continuation study. Link with Rossi (2012)389 (excluded) |
McEwen (2012)378 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | Yes | Yes | Patient subset of Philips (2011)118 (included) and repeat of Phillips (2012)382 (excluded) AHI data |
Mello-Fujita (2012)379 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ESS score, BP | Unclear | No | Abstract only – insufficient data to extract. Possible link with Rizzi (2010)388 (excluded) |
Oliveira (2012)380 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | BP | No | No | AHI only measured at baseline and on CPAP titration night, not following a treatment period |
Permut (2010)381 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI | No | Yes | Positional device vs. CPAP for one night only |
Phillips (2012)382 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | Yes | Yes | Patient subset of Philips (2011)118 (AJRRCM, included) |
Phillips (2011)383 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score, FOSQ, SF-36; BP | Yes | Yes | Abstract of Phillips (2013)52 (included) |
Phillips (2011)384 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score, FOSQ, SF-36, BP | Yes | Yes | Abstract of Phillips (2013)52 (included) |
Portier (2010)385 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score, quality of sleep | No | No | Abstract only – insufficient data to extract |
Prilipko (2012)386 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | No | No | AHI and ESS score measured at baseline only |
Prudon (2012)387 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | Yes | No | Abstract only. Used samples from West (2007)130 (included) |
Rizzi (2010)388 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | BP | Unclear | Yes | Abstract only – no ESS score/AHI outcomes. Possible link with Mello-Fujita (2012)379 (excluded) |
Rossi (2012)389 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | AHI, ESS score | Yes | Yes | Recruited patients on CPAP – withdrawal vs. continuation study. Sleep data from Kohler (2011)377 (excluded) |
Sari (2011)390 | Yes | No | Unclear | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | No | Yes | MAD vs. MAD |
Seehra (2013)391 | Yes | No | No | No | No | None | No | No | Non-RCT – technical note |
Sivam (2012)392 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | Yes | Yes | Patient subset from Philips (2011)118 (included) |
Sutherland (2011)393 | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | None | No | No | Compared optimal CPAP pressures in MAD responders vs. MAD non-responders |
Sutherland (2012)394 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | No | No | Abstract only – no ESS score/AHI outcomes |
Takaesu (2012)395 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | AHI, BP | No | Yes | Patients with panic disorder and OSA |
Toukh (2012)396 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | AHI | No | Yes | Patients had used CPAP prior to study |
Trzepizur (2009)397 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score, BP | Yes | Yes | Substudy of Gagnadoux (2009)24 (included) |
Turnbull (2012)398 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | Yes | No | Follow-up on vascular events and accidents from Craig (2012)95 (included) |
Vicini (2010)399 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI, ESS score | No | Yes | APAP vs. surgery |
von Känel (2013)400 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | AHI | No | No | Insufficient data to extract |
West (2009)401 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ESS score | Yes | Yes | Duplicate data from West (2007)130 (included) |
Appendix 17 Study protocol
Appendix 18 Summary of protocol changes
During the course of the trial, three substantial amendments to the protocol were submitted to, and subsequently approved by, the Research Ethics Committee (REC).
Substantial amendment 1, dated 6 December 2010 and reviewed 20 December 2010 included:
Change of investigator at Addenbrooke’s maxillofacial laboratory.
Clarification of inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Sections on degree of protrusion and randomisation added to the study plan.
Clarification of timelines.
Outcome measures updated.
Strengths and limitations added as a response to peer-review comments.
Clarification of adverse event reporting.
Updating of patient information sheet and patient diaries.
Substantial amendment 2, dated 1 June 2012 and reviewed 26 June 2012 included:
Increasing number of participants randomised from 90 to a maximum of 96.
Longer-term follow-up at 1 year and 2 years post-trial completion.
Extension of current trial end date.
Minor changes throughout protocol for clarification purposes.
Substantial amendment 3, dated 19 September 2012 and reviewed 16 October 2012 included:
Removal of a contact from the protocol.
Change to FOSQ questionnaire.
Change to sponsor contact.
Change to follow-up questionnaire.
A fourth substantial amendment was approved by the REC, but the amendment applied to the follow-up questionnaire alone and not the protocol. Substantial amendment 4, dated 1 May 2013 and reviewed 27 May 2013 included:
Adding an extra question to the follow-up up questionnaire.
List of abbreviations
- A&E
- accident and emergency
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- AE
- adverse event
- apnoea–hypopnoea index
- aMAD
- adjustable mandibular advancement device
- auto-adjusting positive airway pressure
- AR
- adverse reaction
- bMAD
- bespoke mandibular advancement device
- body mass index
- BP
- blood pressure
- cost-effectiveness acceptability curve
- cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier
- coronary heart disease
- CI
- confidence interval
- CM
- conservative management
- continuous positive airway pressure
- cardiovascular disease
- cardiovascular event
- diastolic blood pressure
- DI
- desaturation index
- Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee
- excessive daytime sleepiness
- electroencephalography
- EQ-5D-3L
- European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions 3-level version
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale
- Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire
- GP
- general practitioner
- HR
- hazard ratio
- health-related quality of life
- Health Technology Assessment
- incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
- incremental net monetary benefit
- interquartile range
- mandibular advancement device
- mental component scales
- MeSH
- medical subject heading
- multiple sleep latency test
- maintenance of wakefulness test
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- oxygen desaturation index
- OR
- odds ratio
- obstructive sleep apnoea
- obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
- obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome
- physical component scales
- polysomnography
- Personal Social Services Research Unit
- quality-adjusted life-year
- QoL
- quality of life
- R&D
- research and development
- randomised controlled trial
- respiratory disturbance index
- rPSG
- respiratory polysomnography
- Respiratory Support & Sleep Centre
- road traffic accident
- serious adverse event
- Short Calgary Sleep Apnoea Quality of Life Index
- systolic blood pressure
- SD
- standard deviation
- SE
- standard error
- SF-36
- Medical outcomes study 36-item short form
- SF-6D
- Short Form questionnaire-6 Dimensions
- SP1
- SleepPro 1
- SP2
- SleepPro 2
- SpO2
- oxygen saturation
- Trial of Oral Mandibular Advancement Devices for Obstructive sleep apnoea–hypopnoea
- visual analogue scale
- willingness to pay