Health Technology Assessment

Curative catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation and typical atrial flutter: systematic review and economic evaluation

  • Type:
    Extended Research Article Our publication formats
  • Headline:
    Review found that radio frequency catheter ablation (RFCA) is a relatively safe and efficacious approach to the therapeutic treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and typical atrial flutter. RFCA is probably cost-effective in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation if the estimated quality of life benefits continue over a patient’s lifetime
  • Authors:
    M Rodgers,
    C McKenna,
    S Palmer,
    D Chambers,
    S Van Hout,
    S Golder,
    C Pepper,
    D Todd,
    N Woolacott
    Detailed Author information

    M Rodgers1,*, C McKenna2, S Palmer2, D Chambers1, S Van Hout2, S Golder1, C Pepper3, D Todd4, N Woolacott1

    • 1 Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, UK
    • 2 Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York, UK
    • 3 Yorkshire Heart Centre, Leeds, UK
    • 4 The Cardiothoracic Centre, Liverpool NHS Trust, UK
  • Funding:
    Health Technology Assessment programme
  • Journal:
  • Issue:
    Volume: 12, Issue: 34
  • Published:
  • Citation:
    Systematic review. Rodgers M, McKenna C, Palmer S, Chambers D, Van Hout S, Golder S, et al. Volume 12, number 34. Published November 2008. Curative catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation and typical atrial flutter: systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess 2008;12(34).
  • DOI:
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