Health Technology Assessment

A multicentred randomised controlled trial of a primary-care based cognitive behavioural programme for low back pain. The Back Skills Training (BeST) trial

  • Type:
    Extended Research Article Our publication formats
  • Headline:
    Study found that group-based cognitive behavioural therapy of subacute and chronic low back pain is both clinically effective and cost-effective and could be implemented within the NHS with relative ease
  • Authors:
    SE Lamb,
    R Lall,
    Z Hansen,
    E Castelnuovo,
    EJ Withers,
    V Nichols,
    F Griffiths,
    R Potter,
    A Szczepura,
    M Underwood
    Detailed Author information

    SE Lamb1,*, R Lall1, Z Hansen1, E Castelnuovo2, EJ Withers1, V Nichols1, F Griffiths1, R Potter1, A Szczepura3, M Underwood1

    • 1 Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
    • 2 Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York, UK
    • 3 Health Sciences Research Institute, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
  • Funding:
    Health Technology Assessment programme
  • Journal:
  • Issue:
    Volume: 14, Issue: 41
  • Published:
  • Citation:
    Primary research. Lamb SE, Lall R, Hansen Z, Castelnuovo E, Withers EJ, Nichols V, et al. Volume 14, number 41. Published August 2010. A multicentred randomised controlled trial of a primary care-based cognitive behavioural programme for low back pain. The Back Skills Training (BeST) trial. Health Technol Assess 2010;14(41).
  • DOI:
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