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Become a reviewer

Our community of reviewers includes academics, clinicians, practitioners, public health professionals and also members of the public, patients and carers. If you would like to contribute from the public, patient's or carer's perspective, please visit our public and patient involvement pages. Our diverse reviewer community plays a vital part in maintaining and improving the quality of our programmes’ projects and outputs. As a reviewer you can make a significant contribution to the NHS, public health and social care by shaping research and improving practice. Find out more about the role of the reviewer.

The comments provided by reviewers inform our decision-making process and help us identify the most important topics for research, fund the best applications and shape the articles published by the open access NIHR Journals Library, which are available for free search and download.

Why review for the NIHR?

How do I become a reviewer?

Register online to join our community of professional reviewers. To join as a member of the public, please see the become a public reviewer page.

Other ways to contribute

Opportunities also arise, around once a year, to join the committees who assess research briefs and proposals. We advertise these on our website, and usually on other relevant sites. All new members are recruited through an open appointment process involving applications and interviews.

Acknowledging reviewers 

The expertise and the perspectives of our community of reviewers underpin the practical relevance and scientific quality of NIHR research.

As a gesture of our appreciation, reviewers may be acknowledged on our website by way of a list published by each funding programme of individuals who have completed reviews during the past year. This acknowledgment is optional and can be opted out of at any time.

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